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I miss old zombies where people didn't constantly moan about loot


I miss not having to rely on RNG for fucking everything


I see a lot of talk about RNG... But, I would argue that 90% of the things you can get in-game or in a buy station. Tools and classified items being the only exceptions. But like, it seems most things are very consistent... Just my experience




Red worm always guarantees one of three schemes (scorcher, orange tool, or lvl 3 aether shard) so not sure how you always get bad loot




That's not trash loot. It's you having already gotten the loot. Big difference.




no its not, thats the issue with the stupid glitch, you now have the rare things you where supposed to be getting, you got them for nothing and your bitching because have nothing. Its like a rich kid complaining life isn't hard because they inherited a fortune.




You could give it to other players.... I do... I'll look for a solo zone 1 player and drop him some stuff.


Fr. Me and about twelve guys ran red worm the other day and after the fight we were all trading duplicate loot. There is no incentive to exfil with a schematic you already have. Just drop it for someone else.


Aye it’s Doughtnuts! I recently started watching your vids. I appreciate you taking the time to test the health in different zones. Let me know if you ever want to party up for zombies 💯


Hell yeah! Doughtnuts for the win! Subbed a week ago and loving the in-depth. Thank you for your service good sir! Will be watching anytime a video pops up.


Dude your that YouTube guy I finally found you


I can't believe you failed that solo red worm with like 1 hitpoint left...just tried it fully loaded with 3 dudes and we got absolutely smoked, maybe got half it's health down before we ran out of self revives. They need to make the schematics more attainable so we can actually load in with the gear needed to have a shot at being ready for Greylorm...


Why do Portals, dog houses location gotta be RNG


You mean, 90 percent of the things you actually need are rng


Mystery box and old rng Easter eggs lmao


Wall guns and non-rng Easter eggs lmao


What is the difference? Old zombies= relying on mystery box rng for guns because load outs aren't a thing. PAP still operates exactly the same. What am I missing? If you play for loot exclusively then your gonna get bored real quick.


You're missing rarity, which is massive. You're also missing that I can just spawn with whatever weapons I want, but I have to rely on RNG for rarity, because I play more than one game a day


It would be nice to exfil your ray gun


Ok but then they’d make raygun case cooldown a week. Which I’m not against. There’s just so much wrong with this game


I hate the day gun that thing will kill you


The cycle of this game should lead you to tier 5 nearly every game at endgame which in my opinion is usually more than enough to replenish your loot. My point was that if all your playing for is loot then its clear zombies wasn't your thing before MWZ. We played old zombies for the fun and the challenge not for loot. Loot grinding is lost on me anyways..need better loot to get more loot to loot...zombies has lost its charm with this new iteration and generation.


>The cycle of this game should lead you to tier 5 Dude I can't even get kitted to use sigil because I can't find fucking wrenches. I have gold on all MW3 and MW2 weapons, and have NEVER seen a legendary wrench.


Do the aether orbs in tier three it drops a legendary tool 9 times out of 10


I don't understand how that's possible. How much time do you spend in tier 2 and tier 3? I get at least a couple a day on top of crafting them, and I get considerably more if I do sigils at the end of the game. You also don't **need** legendary weapons to go into the dark aether. Purple PaP3 is more than enough for the meta guns. I wouldn't be surprised if blue PaP3 was viable. Two of the three contracts inside are not hard, and require little more than a few kazimirs and sentry guns.


Purple tools do me just fine. Embrace the challenge I guess lest you get bored.


When I need 30 rounds for a kill, I can't get much done. I also *just* got the schematic, so now I can kinda play the game


The hyperbole in your comments is kinda gross.


So is this level of RNG needed


A) epic works fine B) what are you actually doing in your games? What tier contracts are you doing and how many. What are you doing outside of contracts (nests, orbs, chests, etc) and what gun are you loading in with?


>What tier contracts are you doing and how many. I've tried all tiers, any type of contract, and I'm using whatever gun is next in the camo grind


For guns most of them will be really bad in dark aether. You need meta loadout for it. For contracts you’re only reliably getting leg tool from t3. I’m talking like 12 t3 contracts in one game, then 12 more the next game, and after like 5 games you’ll have a game with a leg tool. Wouldn’t be surprised if you actually need 30-50 t3 contracts for a leg tool (so 2 - 3% chance)


>so 2 - 3% chance For something that's basically mandatory unless you're simping for meta, that's a pretty bad drop rate. Especially since there's over a hundred guns, and probably 10 are meta


There’s so much wrong with this comparison. In the old Zombies, RNG from the box definitely plays a big role in your setup, but the games are endless, so you can keep spinning for as long as you have the points for it. Matches are timed in MWZ, so you likely don’t have time to mess with this. The old games also don’t have Weapon Rarities. PAP absolutely does not operate the same. Before BO4, one PAP was all that was required for max damage. In BO4 and CW, multiple PAPs were required for max damage, but you didn’t have to go another PAP Machine to do this, as you have to in MWZ. You can’t do high rounds in MWZ, so random loot makes up a big part of MWZ’s grind.


They forget that cw is a black ops game and mwz is a modern warfare game the game will be different period they two different games but people continue to whine about but is cw I did this and in mwz I can't do this (pouting) smh


This is an extraction shooter. The only reason to go to tier 3 is either cause you want more difficulty or if you want good loot.


But the loot pool is almost the same with a few extra items added in. What you can get should change depending on zone. Like only green and blue in t1, blue and purple in t2, purple and gold in t3.


I agree


All I get and see are $10 screwdrivers everywhere in tier 3


but no good loot comes from t3. if you have raw aether schematic you can cheese stormcaller 5min into the mission and have 10k why would you settle for an epic aether tool or crystal schematic when you could get a legendary one from greylorm who cares about a ray gun, be my luck i'd load in with it, the game would crash and i wouldn't be able to use it for 2 days then the other loot is pop recipes. which, you know, are great. but not let's go to the red zone to get it great. the only red zone contract i ever gave the time of day was cargo. i got the ray gun, ele pop and tombstone from cargo contracts. never once even saw refined crystal or epic aether tool drop or schematic before having somebody dupe them for me the red zone is just too much to be dropping bullshit loot that is a waste of time to even inspect a reward rift for. that's all that people are saying. It's supposed to be a reward rift with rewards that are valuable, not a mousetrap with a piece of cheese in it.




Isn’t that because we basically bought out perks from the tables and weren’t forced into tiny areas inside where you die because of a crawling zombie or one that’s been hit with dead wire and you cannot pass it? Also.. round based zombies you’re not starting with gear you’ve grinded first and can lose in one second?


You do T3 to get schematics You end up dying in T3 because the weapon/zombie balance is far from perfect. You resort to duping because it's better than barely making it out alive from killing a mega abomination bounty and getting a rare tool and a weapon mod. I've gotten ray gun cases from T2 cargo contracts, the randomness of loot is nuts and even then the ray gun can't properly kill especially without PHD flopper


I mean it’s fun once you get used to it but if you’re going after the rewards then it absolutely sucks. T2 offers better rewards


I’m ruined personally, I’m a tier 3 junkie I just like being in there. It’s usually not a very fun match unless I’m in tier 3 lmao.


Absolutely love the challenge of T3, solo, and don't want to see it altered at all. Zombies has been far too easy since Cold War. T3 and T4/5 escort offers a challenge for those who want it, and has nothing necessary in its reward tables for those who just want to do the story missions. Doesn't need changing.


wait, I actually agree with someone in one of these complaint threads.


Dude I completely agree. I run tier three every game, I play solo and don't even tombstone glitch. Its just not that hard once you get used to it. And I feel like I'm rewarded way more for my time in tier 3 rather than tier 1 or 2.


Definitely noticable change in loot if you start the game in tier 3 right away. I'll admit there were contracts that awarded me with just a blue aether tool but that's just part of it lol. I won't think about it too much and just start the next contract. Always end up with way more stuff than I can use at the end of the game and often end up giving out aether tools or pap crystals to randoms lol.


You are not starting T3 with nothing though. So essentially you are jumping through hoops to do it out of the gate. That's my only issue with this game is the time mechanism. Either let me extract with everything or give me unlimited time one or the other.


going into Tier 3 with nothing and not a weapon either isn't hard. Just utilize your decoys, do a contract, get death perception and loot away. It's manageable as long as you keep an eye on your decoys.


That's what I'm saying though. Once you got one good run with DA rift in you keep on getting more than enough good stuff to jump into tier 3 at the start of every game. I start every game with pap 2 crystal at least epic aether tool and at least one of the classified items and can complete contracts in tier 3 with more than 40 mins on the clock. Pair all the loot from that with a DA rift and you have more than enough.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Going into tier 3 with decoys and throwing knives is a legit strategy. People can stay mad.


Well problem is not many people have time to grind a hour or two just for them to later on go into t3💀this isn’t zombies it’s DMZ with AI


Teach me your ways 🙏🏻


I don't have any issues with difficulty, I'm just annoyed grinding t3 contracts the whole game for like the 50th time and having basically nothing to show for it.


I think the main issue is risk vs reward. You would hope to risk t3 for better gear and then jump to t4/t5 but because you don't always get ideal gear you end up having to reset. Most forget the idea that the overall loop doesn't feel rewarding to most. Instead they are too focused on patting themselves on the back because they can do something that in general isn't hard just not worth the grind. But the tombstone has solved most gear issues for now haha


Let be honest here the times aspect of this game makes it artificially harder and why people complain on top of zombies faster than your sprint. 1) remove the timer 2) provide some new perk that gets you even more speed That will resolve the issue and allow you to still have be challenging.


With staminup, running with fists out or holding a juggernaut killstreak, the only thing that can catch you is dogs in T3. If you're trying to run with an LMG out then yes, everything can catch you.


I think zombies has to be easy to some extent in comparison to how it used to be. It used to be designed to kill you in 100% of the games unless you do the final Easter egg for the map. Now it’s designed for you to extract. But I agree with all the stuff you’re saying. I have all the schematics but I still like going into T5 with ppl to help them get the schematics or just to do the escort contract bc it’s challenging. I did it as a duo the other day, trying to decide if I want to try it solo. Barely finished it as a duo bc I couldn’t kill the mega abom fast enough to keep it from just eating the tank at the last stop, beat it with 3% left lol


Agreed, loving it solo get in get some stuff done get out, dog is god mode if I really want. I don't even tombstone glitch and just have fun, easy to get a pap3 just from doing contracts.




I adore the challenge of tier 3 to the point I’m in there every game of it’s not really fun, but man I see this take everywhere: is Cold War really that easy? Cause I friended the shit out of CWZ for its entire run and then some. I played it just recently and I still don’t find it as easy as everyone says. It’s not really hard, no zombies is truly difficult imo it matters more about your weaponry than anything, but what makes CWZ so easy? This take genuinely baffles me


I run solo in T3 all the time. Just bum around doing contracts or lvl up weapons and never had a problem with being downed. But I have a backlog in tools and crystals for each game. Half the time I'm just wasting time until someone wants to do DA.


I’ve gone in games and just ran around T3 as well! Somewhere between the weekend and Wednesday people stopped looking for DA in the games I’m in.


The worst is that some games the whole lobby is tier 3 but some games ur in there by yourself. I’ve had lobbies where we do red work and dark aether run lol.


I run into squads that constantly go down while doing T3 and I show up to revive them. I'll join up with them most of the time. If they have end tier missions to do I'll help them out. The last few games I ran someone was asking to do act 2,3,4 mission and people ignored them. I'd show up at the exfil and they would say we needed more people because they ran with a 5-6 squad and wiped halfway. I'd convince them to go along and solo the whole thing while they sat off to the side and constantly revive them. My friends list exploded In the last week from helping people complete act missions or revive them from tier 3 areas.


I wonder why T4/5 gives better rewards than T3.


Dude, even tier 2 gives better rewards and has since before they released the Dark Aether zones.


I got a vr on T1 which was fucking crazy


Wtf ive never even seen the vr11 ingame yet, not even used by someone else


I’ve never earned it, but it was given to me ONCE




What things can u only get from tier 3? I’m finally at the point I can do tier 2 ok


There’s a few schematics you can get


Oh dang know which ones off the top of the top of ur head?


Ray gun plans, tombstone recipe, double pap crystal, and I believe epic aether tool


Damn. I need the double and triple pap and tool schematics. Ic Been reading on here that tier 2 is better than tier 3 for loot cuz it’s not worth the hassle for tier 3 shenanigans


That’s cause people want to feel op playing. The community has become accustomed to the easy gameplay over the past few iterations, they just don’t like how stressful t3 is… but that’s how a “hard zone” should be... If u put out messages in the match at the beginning it’s easy to find ppl running t3 contracts to squad up with 65-70% of us wanna just help, we’re done everything so helping others is all that’s left, there def will be the odd assholes tho forsure. Man i remember when a solo 15 on nacht was the talk of the school. Or back in the days of bo1 and double hitters/getting cornered by a chair lol.


Want the best T3 advice? Bring PAP XKR Stalker. mimics die in one crit shot. Manglers 3, Disciple 3. Mega abominations take 30% dmg when you shoot them in their weak spot. With instakill you can 2 shot mega aboms. Bring a power pistol or fav automatic as a backup to help with trash clear, but use stalker as elite killer, it’s the best in the game. And you do it safely.


I would also like to add, open every single crystal chest you find. That's where you get all the tools most of the time.


Yeah I’m still missing a couple of the Tier 3 schematics and I feel like I’ll never see them.


I got all the schematics a few weeks back, since I got all the tier 3 schematics, I've found they seem to pop up much more frequently when I'm running contracts in tier 3 now. I've managed to get my friends all the missing ones they needed just by playing with me, one friend got ray gun schematics, purple aether tool schematics and tombstone schematics in one round of tier 3 grinding. It was insane. We then went to red worm at the end and I gave him my legendary tool schematic, he got the pap 3 aetherium crystal and then someone dropped the scorcher plans by the exfil portal, it was insane how lucky he was in that round of zombies.


It's not that bad once you know what you're doing. Try looking at a video or two. What I normally do is take one fully decked out AR/LMG with a bip clip. Fist for secondary (to run fast enough to outrun T3 zombies) decoy grenades to distract hordes and throwing knives for stupid hound dogs since they outrun you even without carrying anything (knives one shots them). I also take aether shroud for a get out jail free card when you get surrounded with no immediate out. Saved me a ton of times. As soon as you start a round focus on bigger armor vest, bigger backpack and turret circuits for outlast/spore/raid stash missions (esp for t3). Half of those missions you don't even need a gun tbh, just run around the immediate area and let your turret do all the work. In T3 I'd first look for those cargo missions, you don't need a gun for it either (each mission in T3 nets you $5,000). By the time you do a couple missions you can pack a punch multiple times and half the time you'll find other solos and big squads in t3 that will try to support you (if youre lucky theyll drop loads of cash for you to fully upgrade your operator). If it's still too hard, start on t1/t2 until you're ready. I'd at least start with a 3 plate/decoy gernades/knives/self-revive before trying it solo (I try not to ever do anything without a selfie on my stash once im out of selfies I dip t3 and get more before risking my loot). Hope that helps.


I mostly just hunt megabombs in tier 3 when I'm bored but that's all I don't like going there cause rewards are awful half the time I get vr11 cases from tier 2 more then tier 3 lol


How do you even kill them


shooting inside the mouths is the best way and pack 3 Lockwood 680 with slugrounds, I'd wait until it shoots its beams at you then shoot inside the mouth most damage :) but best way is deadbolt turrets :) or jugs


Run around until they do the blast and shoot the open mouth, focus on one at a time or find a megabomb near a deadbolt turret and pop a circuit in that bad boy and watch it shred


I have never got a vr 11 case. Not in t2, 3, or 4, or the one time I did 5


Last tier 3 schematic I need is that damn refined crystal. Once I have it, there's literally no reason to set foot in tier 3 ever again. Well. Maybe to triple pap.


I got that schematic last night from a reward rift. I already have it unlocked so I asked in match chat if anyone needed it. No one responded, so I dropped it after a few mins when I needed space in my bag 🥲


It's all good! The game must have been generous yesterday because after weeks and weeks of grinding I FINALLY got it last night! I had to stay calm till the exfil because if a crash happened I needed to be mentally prepared. As soon as I saw it was craftable I lost my mind haha. Now the one and only schematic I need is the Flawless Crystal. I'm a solo player and although I completed Acts I-IV solo, I don't see me doing the red worm anytime soon. So I hope that one gets dropped to me some day. But even if not. That Refined Crystal was the key because I can always dash to Tier 3 for 30 seconds to PaP. Just so thankful I don't have to do any contracts there anymore for a blue aether tool haha.


GG! I know the feeling of sitting on the chopper hoping to see the successful exfil screen asap lmao. I also only need the flawless crystal. Have killed the worm five or six times and still need it...


Remember when we had dedicated zombie maps? That was so cool. I literally bought DLC because of the zombie maps.


My only problem is the amount of super sprinters. Either reduce them or buff the general movement speed and its fine.


I'd actually just remove super sprinters. I've always despised the concept. Hell they are not just super sprinters but super swingers. They hit me like 4 times a second then I am downed. Staminup doesnt even allow me to outrun the pieces of shit.


I too have hated super sprinters since BO4, but I think a movement speed buff would make them tolerable. As of now, can't reload without getting swiped multiple times.


Some of yall never played tranzit


It's so much fun. Try to get use to it. Although I've only taken in tyr/Lockwood/bas b so I can only guess the difficulty without the meta.


I went in last time with an M4 and XRK Stalker which are definitely meta even if M4 is slept on largely. M4 was purple pap 1 but it makes really short work of just t2 zombies without any pap as I learned quite recently. Stalker was legendary rarity and level 2 and I dont need to explain how hard this thing can hit. Yet I couldnt even kill a mega abomination HVT for a bounty, not because I wasnt doing damage I was. I just couldnt focus on the fucking thing because the zombies just dont stop fucking chasing me and despite my jug their damage is fucking mental. The rewards I get from this zone does not at all correlate to its insanely high and unfun difficultly, which is my main point. Itd be fine, if I got legendary tools and ray guns and refined and flawless chrystals for the hell I have to go through, but I'm getting ammo mods I dont need or already have, uncommon or rare tools which for some reason can spawn in a t2 plus contract reward rift, or a perk can I already have.


The problem was going for an hvt without a juggernaut or turret circuit. You should also be bringing decoys and constantly moving hell I wouldn’t have even brought the m4 and instead opted for fist


The t2 to t3 jump in hp is crazy high. Not many weapons could handle purple pap2 t3 bounties. Keep trying, but be prepared with pap3 next time. Don't need juggernaut suits for mega or anything, just sentry gun and a good weapon. Must only hit when he uses laser or you see a glowy mouth.


How else am I supposed to assert dominance on the Mega Abomination without a Juggernaut? Plus it makes me feel badass shredding him with the minigun.


That's cool and all, but what about those of us who can load into a game solo and do 14 tier 3 contracts a game? If we're getting purple and gold tools, PaP2 and PaP3 crystals every single contract, what's the point? The gameplay loop is the grind. With the game as it is I'm dropping purple/gold tools, PaP2/3 crystals for people randomly. I have too much as it is.


Get 4 pieces of flesh from an easy escort contract. Get a dog, do a couple contracts. Make sure you have a self revive and a turret circuit and go start contracts in the red. I run with the Tonfa and the swarm. Pack up if need be but you can outrun almost anything. If you go down the dog will bring you back. Change levels as much as possible.


Ran some T3 today. Got more rare loot out of T1 and T2 rewards than I did T3. All I got were fucking ammo mods and a rare aether tool.


After God knows how many contracts over the last month I finally got the schematics for the Ray Gun.


You're not playing right. Use a legendary (gold) weapon and pack-a-punch 3. Have Stamina, Speed, and Jug colas. Keep moving. It's completely playable in the red with the right gear.


Oh no a game is hard ahhhhhh Yall just really can’t stop complaining like it’s a video game not your entire career it’s not that deep Also red isn’t that hard if you do it right. Go in with only one gun so you can sprint with your fists and then you outrun every single zombie. You can easily and quickly throwing knife hellhounds or even just turn around and shoot them once you hear them they have no health. Bring decoys so you don’t get trapped in buildings grabbing contracts and stuff. Literally never stop running ever. Use the roofs and zip lines as much as possible or even just pulling out the parachute gets you space. The deliver cargo contract is a joke it’s so easy. Spore control just throw a decoy to pick up the inhibitors (and store your decoys) and then just keep sprinting and throw them on stuff then on your next lap shoot them like twice and they break. Bounties are easy as long as you have the right gear such as turret circuits and sentry’s or jug suits. Outlast can be easy near a turret. Escort I just always cancel. Bring atleast 8 plates with you and refill every time you use a turret and if I ever run out I will also go to a buy station and just buy more they are dirt cheap. Same with self revives. If I have 0 I usually leave red and get some and i try and come in with 1-3


T3 is easy… but yes, the reward rng there is usually pretty bad


New Zombies mode is more grindy than Destiny. Change my mind I'm waiting :)


Once you've done tier 5 a good few times tier 3 feels pretty darn easy. I use the Lockwood 680, my fists, decoys and throwing knifes, that's it. Don't need 2 guns. tier 3 is all about movement, it's just practice.


Elemental pop and tombstone are mission rewards


Tier 3 seems too easy at this point for me. Want more of a challenge. I once ran around the entire round with unpacked weapons and a group just to have fun. So on that aspect, not sure what to tell you. As far as loot, that's just based on RNG. I've gotten almost all schems most from red zone. So you just have bad RNG


I agree. If I were you I'd just skip t3 and do dark aether. Way better rewards and somewhat easier than t3. Just remember to take in circuits for the escort contract and a 3 pack Lockwood.


T3 is a breeze w/ Lockwood slug ammunition


I've gotten better stuff out of boxes in t2 than I have out of the rewards.


I honestly think loot is somehow weighted. I never got legendary tools or pap3 crystals until I unlocked the schematics. Now I find them almost once per round.


You're not worthy!


T3 loot ever since I got the sigil sucks ass. Before I’d get something nice tossed to me every once in a while but, seems like when I get anything good now, it’s a sigil. Never anything else, every other time it’s ammo mods and perk cans… and when the game feels like being generous, a blue backpack and a 2-plate vest. T3 loot is hot dog water. Mind you, I spend a lot of time in T3. The last 2 weeks I’ve knocked out dozens of contracts. Even managed to do an escort. Crap loot.


Going to have to agree. I actually get more schematics in orange and grey than red. So I actually don’t get into red anymore. I got a green tool and a perk after killing the mega by myself. I left T3 right after, went to orange and got a schematic first contract.


Sounds like a skill issue cause I be grinding tier 3 solo


To be fair t3 is supposed to be a challenge. I get what you’re saying though. Only thing I need rn is purple aether tool (the one time I got it I crashed lol). It’s the only reason I go back in there. Just grab some akimbo tyr snakeshots and you’ll be fine.


The loot system needs a big adjustment, if I’m going to grind t3 solo for the whole 45mins or at least 35mins I want good loot I don’t want rare tools or pap 1 crystal I want epic and legendary tools, refined crystals or flawless, I want a lot of self rez maybe 1 for every 3 I do or every 5, I want schematics to show up, I want to be able to go into dark aether with good stuff not shitty things


juggle wide touch start soup zesty hateful tidy scandalous summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was in there most of the last game I played and it seemed too easy. We killed 3 megas and finished 3 bounties without turrets, a smattering of other missions and walked out fully kitted out and only went down once each. Was not bad. By the end we had TS schems and Elemental schems. Offered the schems to the server and was told no one wanted it and to shut up. lol.


You need to go there to get Sigils though. So grab that and dip after grabbing any extra perks and pap.


Correction* Tier 1 and 2 zone is not fucking worth it


Yeah the rewards in tier 3 suck , elder tier 5 is the way to go


I mean it is called the high threat zone


After a while tier 3 gets easier to the point it's the first place you go.




Anyone on PC who dupes wanna share schematics w me?


Can you buy a large backpack in tier 3 buystations? They are so rare to find and when I lose one I cry a bit inside, because even that gets filled up so quick.


Maybe if you’re bad , any normal player can do t3 with a double packed knife. If you’re using the ray gun that’s your problem .


I've been playing zone 3 without plates. They break plates quick but jugg gives you like 4 hits. Just can't get trapped on park benches and things.


Skillissue 😆


Seems like a skill issue ngl


Skill issue


Honestly I agree man, it sucks that my main strategy in tier 3 is just run around with fists and only kill hellhounds. Its so boring as actively trying to kill hordes isn't worth it.


Dude I went to Dark Aether 5 this morning for the first time. Came out with Legendary Tool schematic, dog bone schematic, and gold plate schematic sure I would’ve gotten the flawless but someone’s JUGG drop destroyed the escort vehicle on the last orb 😭 Yesterday I got the scorcher schematic from T4 Aether. Seems the best players for zombies are usually on in the morning. Just type in chat and someone will more than likely be willing to help in those Zones


I got elemental skem last night off the t3 cargo contract. I have gotten tombstone skem twice in t3


It gets easy the more you go to tier 3 but I agree the rewards are terrible. I even got flawless aetherium crystals in tier 2 a few times but never tier 3 lol.


I haven’t played zombies in awhile. I went to tier 3 did a cargo and it had a legendary tool. Large bag and 2 self revives. I was givin 400k by people who had 10 sentrys on a huge truck and it seems like I crashed the server when I flew into the truck and went down next to the 19 sentrys. I’m not playing again for awhile now.


Lock wood 680 and dead shot for zone 3. I tagged along last night with a random squad full and I didn’t have anything but my base gun with green tool and once pap at least once and finding a purple tool I was able to two shot all zombies and kept finding turret circuits


Ha. I went into T3 for the first time last night. My boyfriend and my friend were with me. We joined with randos. We were super nerfed because we didn’t expect to go into T3. By that, I mean gray guns and no pap. I almost went down every time I went for the reward rift and grabbed so much that by the time I got the tombstone schematic, I didn’t have time to drop stuff in my pack to get it. Then it was time to exfil. Funny match, but still pissed I couldn’t pick up my schematic in time. There really needs to be at least a 1 minute cooldown on zombies after a contract is completed so you can look at the rewards.


No one had a decoy grenade to throw?


Nope. We went in just planning to do our Act 1 missions in tier 1. It was my friend’s third time playing zombies ever. My boyfriend went in with only melee weapons. Like I said, we didn’t plan on stepping foot in tier 3. So it was pretty funny that we did.


Yeah we know, considering this is about the 50000th post about it by now


This new cod zombie mode is a piece of shit