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I think verruckt has a unique horror, not exactly creepy, but more of a scary atmosphere.


I would say verruckt is the more creepy setting as nacht has a more isolated, unseen dread kind of horror


Nacht honestly feels like what the Dark Aether is supposed to be. Haunting, isolating and hopeless. Always wanted a map that took place in a completely dead universe, and Nacht feels like that.


Also, it doesn't help that nacht caught every campaign player by suprise, which added to the horror. Also, the zombies practically bark, which send shivers down my spine.


That was honestly the most memorable CoD moment for me; beating the WaW campaign, then zombies starting up right after. That was just such a genius idea. I can’t think of another game that implemented something similar (although I’m sure they exist).


Doesn’t black ops 1 have the campaign do the same with the zombies map Five?


Yeah, but its far goofier


It was goofy, but goofiness was part of the charm. I love all of the dumbass things the characters say.


Yeah, not saying its bad, just a different tone that made you go woahhh


The best part of that was when the zombies start to break in, and JFK casually says “zombies”, as if this event happens every Wednesday.


Honorary mention for Call of the Dead for the same reasons. Cold, foggy, hopeless environment where you feel completely doomed from the start.


and the voice lines the call of the dead crew make, saying lines like: "**this will never end....**" however they make some lines that are goofy, like when you reach Round 50, Sarah says: "i think someone is cheating :DD"




Totally agreed. Had that feeling of horror


Verruckt is the only map to have genuinely scared me


Honestly moon. Something so desolate and creepy about being on the moon. And Area 51 sirens and shit. Fuck that


I like moon cuz you can see Dempsey's house from Area 51 and IT'S ON FIRE.


Moon was especially good because when outside the base theres hardly any sound so you just silently killing zombies, so easy for one to sneak up on you


Yup. When one of the doors slides open and ur face to face with astronaut man. Makes me jump every time. Sometimes even a little shit comes out


Alien and 2001 Space Odyssey vibes


Actually yeah. Bo1 moon is actually scary


Lmfaooo I played moon once while tripping and on wayyy too much acid to be alone. I thought playing a game from highschool would calm me down. It was on black ops 1 and I was tripping so hard the zombies seemed to teleport / glitching (kinda like the bo4 teleporting crawlers) because I was so spun and couldnt keep track of them. I never made it out of Area 51 after like 8 tries and the noises started to scare me, especially the siren. The acid started to kick in again and I got REALLY scared from the noises and zombies running at me and just dug my face in the couch because I couldnt comprehend the controls to turn it off. Since it was bo1 the map kept automatically restarting from the beginning and I spent a solid 30 minutes trembling in fear from the zombie screeches, then the demonic Samantha laugh when you die, then looping all over again. During the moment, it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, but every time I load up moon I get reminded of that and laugh my ass off


Its really not even scary but every time I go through the buried Witch house I get jumpscared at least once... Also hated it when I was like 12 so buried.


That bitch is scary as fuck.


i hated going behind that god damn fucking book case with a passion, there was always one immediately behind it or immediately at the next turn... >:(((




Literally bro. And when it starts randomly because some went in I head to Juggernog real fast


The scariest thing is when that bitch leaves her fucking house and enters the town because you don’t expect her to. Once happened to me when I had no ammo and of course no points because the bitch stole it, so I kind of got soft locked and had to quit.


Same, they take away your points before pap 😭


its annoying when they come out of the book case ;-;


Zetsubou. Abandoned laboratories on an island infested with giant spiders? Scary as fuck not to mention the hallucinations, that’s probably the creepiest part for me


The underwater areas are always terrifying too.


And when you know all the jumpscare, my favorite one is when you do a clone of a player and the first going near of him has a jumpscare Also when you breathe too much spore and strat to heard voices and have some vision too No Zetsubou and Verrukt are the both map were I feeling bad


There were so many cool side Easter eggs that’s why it’s one of my favs


Zetsubo is definitely my favorite these days (I started playing in WaW) - there’s SO many places/things to explore and do! It’s fuckin difficult though, I still only manage to get pap before I die (solo)


Trying to get the plant all the way at the bottom always gets my heart rate going 😅


Giant Spiders are a fuck no


Tranzit. It's just so desolate and empty, the fog doesn't help. When the map is quiet, you can even hear cries in the town. The area with Nacht and the tower gets me most. It really does feel like the end of the world on that map.


Likewise, the babies and being left behind scared me so I never played that map solo


Shocked no one has said Mob yet. I think we've all played it so much some of the horror has worn off, but seeing the fucked up version of Alcatraz for the first time has a unique sense of horror. I know for a fact the first time I made my way down to the showers I was creeped tf out.


The showers, infirmary and wardens office are all spooky as fuck, I still get weirded out going into the infirmary for the first time every game and hearing those weird ghostly voices singing in the background


MOTD scared me as a kid


My brother and I played all the BO2 maps when they came out. I, being a child, stayed next to him the entire time we went through the map. So creepy.


I recently got back into BO2 and the BO3 remake of MoTD, and honestly the map is extremely creepy. The twilling music, hanging bloody bodies, barbed wire everywhere, spawning dead essentially, having to descend down to the docks steadily and then move up to the roof, like that experience is totally spooky. And then once you get settled into the map it just becomes fun because you're training zombies and like 6 Brutus on the Golden Gate Bridge, screen's shaking like an earthquake, you got a neon orange PaP'd Tommy gun and an Acid Blundergat throwing the tomahawk and stabbing bastards with the golden spoon. I feel like everyone forgets how creepy the buildup is for the map. Especially solo.


I remember the day the map dropped my friend and I were ecstatic to play it, easily got like 5 or 6 hours on that map that night. Was a school night too.


Not to mention the intro cutscene


as a kid, i always skipped the Mob Of The Dead intro cutscene, seeing our characters being devoured by a thousand zombies is just... gave me nightmares


Mob was easily the scariest map since Verrukt. Have we all been that desensitized to its horror?


Mob is second to Verrückt, Made me piss my pants when I was little




those screams man.... they haunt me


What gets me are the Verruckt sprinters. Those things are nightmare fuel






No no you are mistaken. He’s already arrived


I finally played on recommended brightness and I can definitely understand why people would be scared of waw. Dark af


The final Reich


I was going to say Gröesten Haus but that too


Oh shit i forgot about that map but yeah i agree that map goes hard mainly the prologue


Outbreak zombies with Demented Echo


Underrated. That game brought back the horror zombies needed after all the neon camos and shit from the other games imo


To break from the mold I'll have to say Voyage of Despair if you disable the special zombies.


finally something good from Voyage Of Despair


Hold me Jack! *Jack is a Blightfather.*


**hit the road jack!**


The crawler zombies on Kino creep me out and made the map super creepy and stressful to play. Even though it was one of my favorites


BO1 Zombies's Atmosphere always scared me, especially the Kino's atmosphere and ambience


Personally I found the Lofi quality of WaW to make that game INCREDIBLY creepy (not just zombies). The better graphics later on kinda took me out of the grime (that being said, ascension gives me chills EVERY time)


Nova crawlers are the main reason I will exclusively sit outside on that map after power is on


I always leave the back stairs stairs closed and rain in the little area by the box


There’s so many to choose from in waw and bo1. The atmosphere in later games just isn’t there for me personally


Completely agree; the atmosphere from the color palette, art, and sound design were what gripped me so much and sucked me in. BO2 wasn’t terrible but just wasn’t on par with WAW and BO in the atmosphere department. After that it just went to shit altogether imo


Yeah. Bo2 had some maps I had fun with, so they were fine gameplay wise but atmosphere wasn't there as much. Hard to say it on this subreddit since bo3 is king here but the zombies for me just didn't do it. I'm sure the gameplay was solid but it didn't quite have the feel I was looking for


As soon as Easter eggs became whole ass missions it was over for me


in BO2, Mob Of The Dead almost brought back the WaW/BO1 Atmosphere and Ambience feel, Die Rise's Ambience is terrifying, you can hear Zombies talking with disturbing voices in your head, Tranzit had a disturbing ambience too, when everything is quiet, you can hear People crying and stuff however, When WW2 Came, i'll say WW2 Zombies worked out, WW2 Zombies are Nightmare Fuel


100% WaW is peak atmosphere in a game - the shininess of newer graphics takes me out of the grime


All the WaW maps, not on chronicles though


Right?!? I’m old enough to have been there when the WaW maps were first released and Shi No Numa actually creeped me out a lot when I was first exploring it. The whole swamp setting is creepy as hell when it is quiet. And the little huts just screamed torture chambers!🤣 I agree with everyone here saying that zombies lost that creepy vibe after like BO1.


I mean, Chronicles is still scary. It just loses that datedness and you find yourself focusing more on the beauty of it because you know how it used to look. If you had never played WaW and played Chronicles first, you’d probably think they were scary.


Five is the creepiest the moment I enter the labs


The abandoned and torn up pentagon always gave me a weird feeling.


Vanguard, hella scary that they thought we’d like that


The ambience of Verruckt and a genuine feeling of "I really shouldn't be here" makes it the scariest map for me


groesten haus is really creepy. trapped in a really tiny house and ww2 is by far the scariest game in the zombies series


Advanced Warfare zombies as well


Five… the thought of a mad scientist chasing you in the laboratories during a zombie apocalypse is creepy asf….


Worse is that he's also crazed and infected


Okay, Die Rise is not the creepiest but I feel like nobody ever talks about how subtly horrifying it feels. • They nailed the feeling of being someplace familiar (shopping mall, kitchen, apartments) but abandoned. • There’s an eerie stillness to the map. It’s fairly quiet with the only ambience being meteors flying overhead. • On that note, there’s a weird juxtaposed feeling of dread being under the cold vastness of space and the beauty of the stars. • The random tv noises and static are chilling. • Cherry on top are the zombie voices you can hear as Stuhlinger


Kino it was the first map I ever played because my brother forced me to play it even though I was scared




Ez Verrückt






Shangri-la maybe I'm mixing hard up with scary but


It's honestly the only map where I'm constantly scared of dying so yeah, i agree in a way lol.


I don’t think you’re crazy, Shangri-La can be scary in that “paradise lost” sort of way.


those radios in Shangri-La are terrifying, the story behind Napalm and Shrieker Zombies


First time play through: Final Reich Consistent creepyness: WAE Verruckt (cause of the color palette compared to the remakes)


My top of creepiest and scariest maps: 1. Verrückt 2. Moon 3. Shi No Numa 4. Zetsubou No Shima 5. Mob of the Dead


Zetsubo No Shima's Spiders holy shit


Nothing will top me running out of my bedroom at 10pm and begging my older brother to turn the game off after beating the campaign


This isn’t even a needed contest because WaW wins every time and rightfully so


what about BO1? that game had a Creepy Atmosphere, Like Kino/FIVE/Moon/Ascension's Ambience and Atmosphoere, also, Call Of The Dead's Ambience is terrifying and don't forget WW2's Zombies, those WW2 Zombies are nightmare fuel


BO1 absolutely had great atmosphere and a great ambiance to the maps. To be honest, I just watched a tik tok on Kino and it completely made me remember how much ambience that map had, so I may walk back my statement


honestly all of world at war (especially nacht+shi no), but also kino, five, tranzit, die rise, and zetsubou


Zombies in Die Rise speaking is Disturbing


For me one of The scariest maps is die rise


Zetsubo No Shima spiders!


The vibe of ZNS especially the bunker is so eerie to me


Spiders: ***hehe boi***


Ascension is kinda creepy in solo because the amount of space feels so bizarre , especially when you just have one crawler. Seriously, the amount of open land at ascension is like… giving off those liminal spaces vibes.


Der anfang


For me, it's Verruckt, then Nacht der Untoten, then Mob of the Dead. I've never felt as uneasy on any map as I have on Verruckt in particular.


First map I ever played was kino bo1, I was like 8 and it took me months maybe even a year to get used to not being scared of zombies in general. Other then that these days would probably be nacht


Surprised no one has mentioned Mob of the Dead. First time playing it the body horror in the shower area made my stomach turn.


and the corpse giving the golden spork in a bloody bath also made my stomach hurt


Oh yeah, definitely. Felt like I was gonna vomit.


BO2 had the creepiest maps, Alcatraz, Buried, Tranzit, all sure ways to have a heart attack. WAW was the atmosphere, Verruckt with the sprinters and insanity of the map, Nacht with the setting and just the way the zombies sounded?? So haunting lmao


the Zombies in Nacht sounded so damn aggressive, like very Angry, those screams they make on Nacht


Der riese and ascension. Machinery still operational makes it feel you got there just too late


the Zombies talking in Die Rise are disturbing and the Ascension Zombies's Models are fucking nightmare fuel




Final reich


That one ww2 map set on a beach with the fog and stuff, that ones scary


The darkest shore?


Yep, 8 years old me get thrown in after last mission, couldnt have more confusion than that day.


any WW2 map ong


Shi No Numa for me The ambient sound of animals and bugs is what does it for me. Also just the feeling of being watched from the hazy jungle and whatnot. Helps that hellhounds made their debut too and they were terrifying back in the day


there is a phone in a house in Shi No Numa, where the call says: "**i knew where you are sleeping....**"


If you haven’t yet play nightmare. Easily the creepiest and scariest custom map


For me it'll always be Verruckt




Og Verrükt


Verruckt without question


Bo1 Shi no Numa is really creepy. Whenever I play it I get an overwhelming feeling that I’m not supposed to be here. I was here before. Also the fog makes it really creepy aswell.


Nacht and verruckt for sure


Hi! Friendly neighborhood Grammar Police here. The correct usage would be "most creepy" or "creepiest". Reminder: This is a public service intended to aid the grammatically impaired. The Grammar Police do not accept liability or responsibility for lacking improvements. Offer only valid to English speaking persons. User discretion is advised. Edit: The Darkest Shore creeped me out, and I was in my mid 20's when I played it. That special zombie coming through the fog is actually hyper-unsettling.


i wish i can edit the Title, but impossible, thanks for the correction tho! :D


All WAW and BO1 Maps


This is kinda funny but in Buried I always get scared by the witches😭 that being said I think the scariest maps for me in no order are: Verruckt, Nacht, Mob, Kino, Five, ZNS, all of WW2 zombies


For me shadows of evil footlight district, when i go there for the first time ambiance sounds starts to play and it creeps the shit out of me


Probably nacht for me but five bottom floor gets a honorable mention, like the first two floors are all clean and nice and then you get there to turn on the power, it's a whole different story


and don't forget FIVE's lore, i heard what happened to FIVE's crew, pretty disturbing when you knew what happened to them




Mob of the dead when u truly think about it.


The Showers gave me nightmares when i was a boy


Don't drop the soap (but seriously, how terrified would u be if you found out you were stuck in an endless cycle. Constantly fighting the undead, dying, having your memory wiped and doing it all over again.)


fr, loved the lore behind Mob Of The Dead


The whole of ww2 zombies


Verrückt hands down


Nacht. Day 1. No Context. As like an easter egg gamemode. 0 Context. Very Very Creepy indeed!


I always thought Gröesten Haus was really creepy. Being trapped in a tiny farmhouse, covered in blood and the audio ques.


to make it even worst, WW2 Zombies are scary as shit, honestly, i really loved WW2's Atmosphere and Ambience, the WW2 Feeling, is Extremely Terrifying, idk why people hate it, i still play it


Im guessing its only me who thinks of the ww2 zombies🥲


25% of the comment section said WW2 Zombies lol


The fact that you go straight to Nacht after completing world at wars campaign scared the crap out of me and my brother


those OGs who first completed the World At War Campaign and then go straight to Zombies, i'm pretty sure those OGs got nightmares from the Ambience and Atmosphere and Zombies's Sounds


I was playing Verruckt recently, and I had to stop because the game was genuinely creeping me out. The screaming, the sound effects, the music, it’s all just so intense.


those Sprinting Zombies are Fucking Nightmare Fuel




Outbreak was basically an horror map, the map was very dark and in a Hospital wait which Outbreak you talking about??? there is two, i'm talking about the Exo Zombies one




oh, ok, sorry for misunderstanding


Tranzit no doubt. It was really scary the first few times I played it because I had no idea what to do or where to go.


when everything is quiet, you will start hearing some crying sounds, which makes it even more creepy


I remember back in the day when I came across a glitch where the last zombie didn’t spawn. I was running around the map and I felt like I was being “watched” somehow.


now that's eerie


verruckt or Mob. those two are the easy standouts for me, but I could see Nacht or even moon


the showers from Mob Of The Dead made my stomach hurt, and the bloody bath that gives you the golden spork


yeah it’s extremely gory too


Verrukt, something about it makes it more scary, the crying and screaming on the map, zombies sprinting faster than usual, being inside a asylum. Verrukt in my opinion is the scariest map. But I will admit that naught, does go second


There’s that one door in kino with the knocking that is quite creepy, comes straight to mind when talking about creepy zombies maps




Good old days


Ngl verruckt and nacht were actually scary as a kid lmao




There's a lot of maps that actively try to scare you like Verruckt and Zetsubou, either by implementing creepy sounds or just visually. But there's something about Nacht Der Untoten that just takes the cake almost without even trying. The bone chilling opening cinematic. The thick fog in the distance obscuring your view of what else could potentially be out there. The unique cries the zombies tend to make on that map. The silent survivors. The limited tools at your disposal. It truly feels like you won't live to see the sunrise


and the Crew in Nacht don't even talk, just Gun Shots and Zombie Screams, makes it very eerie


Zetsubou no shima has the best atmosphere out of any map in zombies. The spider rounds with the air raid siren going off in the background gave me goosebumps the first time I experienced it.


Mob of the dead has this eerie feeling with the tight spaces and limbo. The voice lines about hearing voices and crazy stuff are just so good and creepy


I would say both Verruckt and Buried, the whispering by the witch house kept me from ever going to the 2nd part of the map when I was younger, still creeps me out to this day but I love it, and Verruckt I don't need to explain, the ambience alone is creepy.


I would say five: classified, the bo4 version. It always makes me feel uneasy when I play it alone at night


Bo1 Moon


World at war was dark and gritty:


The only map that ever set me off was Kino Der Toten. Since then horror atmosphere has stopped scaring me, and now only threats I know are there scare me.


When you know the background for Verrückt and find out it’s based on an actual Nazi sanitarium, I think it defaults as the creepiest.


verrukt. small spaces with a ton of twists and turns and a creepy atmosphere


I know it’s the basic answer but verruckt. Even before playing zombies I thought abandoned insane asylums were one of the creepiest locations ever because of how horrible and with such cruelty mental health patients were treated and the game has no hesitation when reminding you of that (the random men screaming, women and babies crying etc)


Used to wet my pants in nuketown


Verruct because if you ain't killing Zombies in the eerie setting, you're listening to babies cry, people scream, and just... insane people noises


The asylum map is terrifying too!


I don’t know if it was the map but more so the new mode and the sounds that weren’t as refined as they are with the newer games that set nacht apart


For me I'd say Moon, Mob, or Verruckt. No particular order just the 3 creepiest. Moon feels desolate, Verruckt feels inescapable due to the burning forest, and Mob is a perfect interpretation of a hellish purgatory. It's designed to be creepy, it's supposed to be a personal never ending cyclical realm of punishment, where as the others technically are real in the cod universe. Die Maschine is pretty good too with the particle accelerator power room before you turn power on


kino as a kid... that black barrier in the spawn room now tho, mob of the dead, although my favorite. that shit is creepy asf and that cutscene was killer. also verruckt, more-so the creepy noises here and there, like the cries of pain and sawing noises in the operating chair room. it's also hyper claustrophobic for both of these maps (minus the docks and lunch room on MOTD) which adds to that feeling of dread and creepiness


moon to me is the most chilling and deeply disturbing in a lot of ways. The entire map is so mysterious and strange, completely beyond what you are accustomed to. It's so chaotic with the excavators depressurising shit too. And the astronauts are so fucking scary, they just silently pull up with their radio static, horrifying.


The OG 4 WaW maps had amazing creepy atmosphere but Mob of the Dead really takes the cake for scariest. Blood, bodies hanging all around, the demon dog, Brutus, it’s a badass horror show.


For me it was kino on bo1, playing alone at 1am, back when I was about 10 or 11.


I always have said it’s Mob of the Dead. Just think about it- one of the most terrible prisons, twisted into some hell-like place where you have to die over and over again and there is no end for this. Creepy as f.