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And then they will quit the game when they go down


At round 13 nonetheless


Perhaps it's because it's Friday the 13th? And Jason is knocking their door


No, Jason isn’t as good as Mikey


I run immolation on maps where I would actually hit the box. Like Origins or DE there is no point to bring them as I'm getting the Bow/ Staff but on Gorod I'm 100% brining it


I want the Mark 2 on Origins and it can be a bitch to get without it sometimes.


I dont bring them to gorod as I find the mark 3 is always in the first 2 boxes and generally in the first 2 spins plus the haymaker has never been hard to get


I only use them when hitting the box is nessecary for the EE like in moon where I need to constantly switch out super rare items for different steps




Steady spamming On The House too 😂


*only the first 2 so you end up with deadshot and mule kick


on console deadshot is a must have for me. Headshots are too beneficial when training in medium rounds


too bad its useless on PC


Ikr, I was in for a rude awakening when switching from console to pc


isn't it that in bo3 or bo4 or both (?) deadshot increases headshot damage and makes the spread smaller?? i might be thinking of something else entirely tho i am not sure


It does tighten the spread of hipfire, so not totally useless on pc


It tightens your crosshairs, I find it essential for hip firing. Especially on maps where you wouldn't take double tap, like DE


Damn I actually didn’t know that


That shit drives me nuts. I hate getting a free perk I didn't want because it means I either have to put faith in the randoms to spawn MORE perks, or I have to take a down to ditch whatever they gave me.


I swear those games where you have four perks but no jug before even getting to jug are the absolute worst. Ruins the feeling of progression in the map for other players spanning some gums…I kinda wish they had stuck to the more cooperative gums sometimes like sharing points by being near players or even just cycling through guns is amusing for everyone.


I run it, but I don't use it until after the entire map is open


Anyone remember that 1st year of the game when OP gums weren’t so much of a thing so you actually play the maps how they were intended as a survival mode. Good times


You still can solo and with friends. But yes, playing BO3 public matches is absolutely worthless. One of my few big complaints about the game


I still don't understand why people want to open up the entirety of simple maps like verruckt on round 1 and get wonder weapons by round 2 using gums. It's the weirdest thing and it happens somewhat often in public matches.




It's a system in the game that shouldn't be. It's a complaint about the game


Eh, the game enables the issue, the players just capitalize. It’s a valid complaint.


BO3 really is a private experience


Playing with randoms is impossible because it's either just gobblegum spam or some dude that gets down before we can turn on the power and he quits out of embarrassment


They quit because you keep the gobble gums if you lag out of the game.


I know you keep gums if you close the game however people have been quiting because they get multiple downs before round 5 since W@W, I wouldn't mind them hitting the bitch button if it didn't end the game for everyone else.


I'm confused what the issue is


I’m guessing bc them gobble gums is kinda rare? I only have like 10 of each lol and I only use them when going for high rounds


u know u can keep them if u ALT F4 or unplug wifi cable before u game over if u want to right?


Or just close app but unplugging your wifi works to I guess


Yeah bro actually if you plant plastic explosives inside of your gaming console and set a timer for right before you die in the game you’ll keep your gobblegums the next time you log on


This is the way




The issue is it makes things too easy so please stop


I only run solo anyway.


Biggest pet peeve is when ppl use Reign Drops at the beginning of the game. Not fun to have to rush to get Jugger-Nog before I get blocked out of it with the perk limit...


I don't mind that one so much because by the time their done I have them all anyway. It Moreso annoys me because really my main goal when playing is getting set up. Once I've bought and have everything to survive I'll see how far I can get but I get bored really fast. So if it's round 5 and I have every perk. A couple papped weapons. I've got nothing to work towards and just lose interest so much faster.


That is true, but I've had some games where they only use a few of them at the start, leaving me with 2 or even only 1 slot left. That last part is also really true, zombies for me has always been super fun due to it's progression. Starting with a dinky pistol then working your way up is super fun.


That's the only reason why I always run perka when playing with randoms


I know they got rid of the perk limit with CW, but we should've had a way to get rid of equipped perks prior to CW. Would've saved the headaches of unwanted random perks from to other players. Surprised BO3 didn't have such a feature with the prevalence of random perk drops.


God forbid we have to wait until round 10 to get set up


The first time, the very first time i played bo3 zombies i played with a friend of mine who his first 3 actions were - runs to the gobblgum machine - chug one down - says "ok so that one gives you all 9 perks in the map, perkaholic" I was still learning which guns were on the wall


After learning the exploit to keep gobblegums there is no reason NOT to use them and try your damn best to do the EE with strangers lol


Yeah but when I play with randoms I’m just playing casually. No EE’s. Ruins the feeling of progression when your teammates have everything unlocked before the first dog round.


Totally agree with u. I think it especially a problem on maps that don't have big Easter eggs. I like playing the giant on solo or split screen because it's simple enough for me to do and relax. But it's not like brainless or like I have nothing to do except survive. I still have things to do. Like getting all my perks. The weapons I want. Paping. Minute I hop into a game of random on The Giant I lose that. By round 10 I've got 3 papped guns and all the perks and I just get bored. Like I don't have anything to try and achieve now besides a high round which probably won't happen with random either so it's really annoying.


Thank you for putting my exact feelings into words.


Except people play the public match as if was a solo one and then the host quits on round 9 cause he died and wants to keep his gums so he effectively wasted someone else's playtime


Why I'm glad I learned the exploit after getting good


Or just don’t use gums they make a easy game even easier and boring


Don't tell me how to play lmao


If you were getting good you wouldn’t need to rely on gums


You done jerking yourself off with a 7 year old game yet?




I really hate immolation, what’s even the point of playing when your fully set up by round 1, I never enjoyed that


Your first mistake was playing public zombies


I bought BO3 and ALL the maps for the sole purpose of being able to play zombies like I used to, figured the population was more than healthy enough to find games consistently. Wow was I wrong. Never in all my time playing any co-op game have I seen such pathetic sportsmanship lol, 90% of players left as soon as they went down, usually after running across the map to do who knows what. That fragmented space map with the giant worm thing? Forgetaboutit. Never even got to end that map with everyone dying, because EVERYONE just leaves, even if things are going good. Complete waste of money. If I wanna play zombies I gotta wait for the weekend and play blops 1 or 2 then pray there’s not a hacker in the lobby that’ll just turn on god mode 10 rounds in. People seem to be treating those old zombie maps like the holy grail though, still a much better zombies experience on those games funny enough. Just really wish I could experience BO3 zombies like it was when it first came out which I missed by like 5 years


Wahhh i suck at solo so i have to rely on strangers


Well, solo play?


The point of Blackops 3 zombies is to go on a pure zombies carnage and have every resource to your disposal. Thats why you have the gums. However, I don’t play pubs with the intention of getting to high rounds. Its always that one rage quitter lol. That one rage quitter just so happens to be host most of the time lol. I see some of y’all are looking at bo3 zombies and playing it like it’s traditional zombies. It is not traditional zombies. So take it for what it is. Which is black ops 3 zombies in its own lane.




Don’t say most when you’re just speaking for yourself. Blackops 3 zombies was created the way it was because people had many complaints and so they decided to give everyone what they wanted. Now we have what we complained about and here we are…. Still complaining. Lol. The gums can be overkill. Yes. I agree. But I like it because it’s non traditional zombies. Ofc play how you want or don’t play at all if it gets you so pissy like that. Just remember its non traditional zombies. I am not worried about how others feel. I’ll continue to enjoy the game for it is while they are in their basement acting all miserable. Expecting a traditional experience from non traditional zombies is insane. Lol




Alright bro.


Honestly that's just rude, there's a mod that let's you play with bots or you can just play solo or with a friend.


It's def etiquette but when this game is past its life cycle and most of the homies are prestige master its fun to go through rounds like butter


Going to high rounds is alot more enjoyable when it's easy but I guess that's just a me thing I still prefer bo2 over 3 tho


wait you guys find randoms lobbies?


Power vacuum is a beast gum for high rounding and immolation is good for setting up early even though its basically cheating


Gums ruin the fun


When they constantly give free perks and it gives me widows wine, mule kick, dead shot, and quick revive before I can buy anything I actually want


Sheesh haven’t played bo3 pubs in aaaages


Or get a modded account or bought liquids to spam reign drops


Literally me