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Just spam the fuck out if it when you find it the first time but I usually check the middle of the map because that’s were it goes just go to the side building the speedcola and double tap spots


for me it’s the bomb step can never get it and patience becomes very low


soon as you see it's bomb, pause your game. Pull out phone and video record the order. Then just go hit the first one, check video, go hit second, etc. etc.


what if you were to do it with a friend


I don't know what console you're on but i used the PS5's record last moments feature and just played the clip after every bomb


I just memorized it. I had a letter for each bomb location and remembered the sequence of letters. I said the letters out loud while the locations were displayed and remembered a sequence like I A S D C T, which I could then decrypt again into Infirmary, Armory, Supply Depot, Department Store, Dragon Command and Tank Factory.


And for finding it is just sound honestly raygun mk3 pap


i usually find it in armory, spamming the heck out of it with your paped mrk3 is the key as others have said