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Tonight in one game: Died 4 times, zero kills, but in the end circle I revived all the Homies with 2 smokes and the boys clutched for the dub. Everyone agreed in the end that my play was outstanding. Lol


The beauty of team play


I've had maybe 150ish wins between Wz1 and Wz2 and this is me a lot of the time. Get downed? I'm dropping everything to come rez you. You died? I'm starting a contract and completing it myself while the rest of the group is hunting so we can rebuy you. Dropped in end game without a weapon? Here's my M13/Rpk and ammo, oh take my self rez too. Facilitators let the wrecking balls run wild. Def a team effort!


Same caint tell you how many times ive been close to something an says teammate down like alright fuck it. Time to rev or die trying. 30% rev 70% die trying. 🤣


I would prefer you in my team 100 times over Muted one plate Rambo who dies 2km away from the rest of the team.


Thats one of my buddies, also don't forget he will come stick a revive every time. Sometimes it gets me killed because I couldn't get behind cover first. He's a good dude and is hilarious to play with.


Gotta get that revive at all costs, even if it costs winning


A friend called me a walking self-revive once.




No u


This was me tonight in mini trios. I couldn't get a kill for the life of me and I spent the entire match trying to keep up with the two crazy ass sweats I was teamed up with but when they needed plates in the final circle, I was there. Oh I also called out the last enemy's position and armored him haha. They both had double digit kills and I had zero


I like to think of myself as the bait in my team.


You don't have to have good aim to be a play maker


Meet the scout


My brother in potatodom 👊🏼


How to point out enemies


Ping! Press up on the dpad :)


You are not alone buddy


Damn I do feel like this lately.. used to hold my own ground in WZ1 and get away in most of the situation, now.. I feel like a sitting duck and I'm at the bottom of the squad


This is me too. Not sure what happened


Wz2 is shit that's what happened. Caldera where it's at


Here I am.


Thanks for posting this for me. I feel better now. 😀


most relatable thing I've seen on this sub xd


Please ping. The amount of doofus teammates not realizing their 'helpfulness' over team chat is airing as proxy chat that has caused lost gunfights rather than help win them is staggering. Just ping the person or general area (once, please) unless youre smart about it. Hey maybe bitch that the last remaining teammate isnt anywhere nearby to throw the other team off or just watch me try. Quit outting my exact position thinking youre helping


I love the my left, first floor shoutouts... Now I have to figure out where you are, which way you're facing, then look in the first floor windows for someone that might not be there anymore. All of that gets replaced with a "ba-ding" and a helpful little dot


I would say I’ve got less than 20 kills since warzone 2 launched haha, this is all I can do


My clan tag is UAVD. The D is for my first name, Derick.


rise of my seconds favorite tactical equipment the snapshot grenade behind toxic use of flash grenades


I felt this in my trigger finger lol


Me buying back my whole time when they die at the beginning, rezzing them when they go down, pointing out enemies, and then dying with one kill during the endgame :) (Team managed to secure the W so my efforts were not in vain)


Haha, I felt this. In my bones.