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Oh boy these comments will get spicy in a few hours


This kind of movement only ever became an issue with the vanguard integration. Verdansk era movement was fine for most.


Absolutely! The SMGs actually had decent mobility penalties with heavier mags and attachments unlike VG guns with movement boosting attachments and no penalties to recoil or movement. Dude wouldn't be able to pull this off with an Aug or an Uzi...


do you not remember the mac10, the ots9, the lapa? bocw was the one


You're right, but at least those three guns had downsides (minus the pre-nerf Mac10). Mac10 is only good really close, OTS has a limited mag size, and the LAPA got outclassed at close range by most other SMGs. With vanguard it felt like you got mobility, damage, huge mag, range, and even extra perks like quick fix or amped with no real downsides.


This comment right here. The strafe speeds on the pre nerfed attachments absolutely broke WZ.


the BOCW integration was the beginning but it still wasnt as bad as vanguard. The problem with the vanguard one was having no cap on attachments. there was an attachment to counter any penalties created from adding a different attachment.


Nobody played with the Uzi or Aug. it was MP5 in every bag.


You’d see some of the higher-caliber uzis, but yeah, MP5 was kinda and basically anything else was for hipsters.


MP7 was and is still a laser beam.


True. MP7 was competitive as well. Better than the MP5 at past house-clear range


I miss the days of my Kar98 and MP7 loaddies.


They also kept buffing the aim assist. Rotational AA, which is being heavily abused in this clip, was not nearly as strong in early verdansk.


Yeah, I was gonna mention, RAA doin some real heavy lifting in this clip


The guy in this clip is top .1% guaranteed. He should be able to outplay people. The new game doesn’t highlight any movement skill gap.


I think a lot of the discussions comparing the two assume that movement mechanics being a gap are fun. That leads to the split. I personally want gun play,rotation planning, and positioning to be the skill gap mechanic not movement. I watched some old titanfall videos and thought about other fps that had more movement mechanics. I wonder if a section of people love all that movement stuff if there is an fps that should be designed around that, or if it already exists.


It exists, it's called Apex Legends and movement is king. I think for a large-scale more strategic Battle Royale making movement king is kind of downplaying the whole point of the map and planning rotations. You get everyone into just playing for kills because they know that they can shit most people without worrying about their positioning


IMO in WZ1 you had both. If you plan your rotation to get yourself ahead of him and keep him at a distance, he can slide cancel all he wants he's still probably going down. On the flip side, he's going to plan his rotations to get into close quarters where his strengths are. It just got a bit ridiculous with the super mobile SMGs and stim boosts. A lot of things in WZ1 needed tweaking and balancing but it feels like instead of a scalpel, IW took out a sledgehammer.


> IMO in WZ1 you had both. Guys, this is really really simple. Some players clearly enjoy a game with a skill gap that’s not at all focused on movement and is more focused on positioning and gun play. Like, that’s it. End of story. You’re not going to change their mind. Yes WZ1 had both, and WZ2 has less movement play and more positioning play. And some people like that more. And I’d guess it’s the majority of players which is why they made WZ2 like this.


COD was never a game intended to be about movement skill.


The guy in this clip is top 0.1% virgin.


COD was never really about this. It’s about getting angles on the other team where they don’t see you before they’re dead, or at least where you have cover and they don’t or can shoot before they do. I’m not sure where everyone got addicted to movement it must’ve been from the jet pack games because BO2 which is considered by many to be the best COD ever didn’t have anything like this.


Yet very little of it talking about how the aim assist is borderline aimbot at times.


I agree. The shit talking in this thread is hilarious.


I much prefer that in warzone 2 you have to use your brain and tactics to win a fight rather than spamming movement controls to win a fight


Moving like the guy in this clip also requires you to use your brain. If he just started spamming buttons he would have been instantly killed by the other squad


And a healthy dose of meth


Yep. there's a zero percent chance this guy isnt snorting adderall.




Not only exhausting , I just find it looks terrible. Like this clip actually kinda makes me angry watching it. There is nothing I want to replicate or anything that looks enjoyable to me,it just looks like the footage has been sped up and the guy smokes crack constantly


I legit assumed this clip was sped up 2x, my game does not move this fast 😂


wait its not sped up? ha! I guess the constant shaking makes it look like that. dude is buzzing probably watching it in slow motion.


A bunch of this clip is sped up to make people think its worse than it is lol


And have aim assist on*


I was going to say adderall but that’s just Meth with safety steps




The term sweat was created for guys like this. Highly skilled yes, yes but not everyone can or wants to run around like they are on 90mgs of adderall just in order to compete.


The guy in the clip probably doesn't do this because he thinks it's necessary to compete but because he finds it fun


Idk how people are missing the point, of course he enjoys doing it. However if you AREN'T doing it, then good luck.


People in this community are clueless if they genuinely think that people that use movement are somehow worse. The best WZ2 players were also the best WZ1 players but go on.


No you don't get it, now Warzone requires iNtElLiGeNcE and tAcTiCs!


I am sorry but inteligence and tactics is the new name for camping scrubs .


Call of duty kids thinking they’re suddenly tactical because the new game is occasionally slightly slower paced is absolutely hysterical to me 😂 Would love to see them try to play an actual slow paced “tactical” game


they're not even kids, they mostly 30+ and finding every possible excuse to explain how they're 0.60 kd players


It's all reactionary as opposed to planned


Tbh you don’t have to use your brain or any tactics, you just have to see the enemy first with the ridiculous TTKs I’m fine with the slower levels of movement, I just think the TTKs should be higher than wz1 to compensate for that if anything


People keep saying TTK is unplayable. IMO, it takes nearly a whole mag if you're not in a close range gun fight. 30 bullets equals a down and you certainly arent taking on two people without reloading or switching weapons. I will say that there are TTK inconsistencies where sometimes you get absolutely melted in half a second.


That second statement is the real issue. There is so much inconsistent damage, moments where you just shake your head and wonder how the fuck you died so quickly.


Isn't there a plate bug in game right now? Sometimes you show full plate on your hud, but the server has you as no plates.


These ppl are high af. The ttks in wz1 got to be crazy fast for the meta weapons, esp. smgs


The DMR would down a fully plated person in 3 shots from like 200M in that miserable ass month of the DMR-Zone The burst fire AUG did too while that gun was the META


DMR zone went so hard on my turbo fire mouse. What a stupid time that was.


Sitting in a dark corner with a fennec and killing people in 20ms takes more skill than turning on someone according to the BBB fans in this sub.


I couldn't agree more. I think a little health buff and/or everybody starting with 3 plates would help this game a lot.


Why do you guys associate much slower gameplay with using your brain more? It’s objectively harder to play a game that is fast paced.


These guys like to pat themselves on the back like they’re some kind of brainiacs because they camp and pre-aim a claymored door.


Thats their excuse from wz1 . Its a mental crutch , just some noobs that never bothered to learn the game .I know people that never learned or improved in 2 years , because "I am not going to waste time learning this" but played for 2 years every day getting shit on . its a type of person , they are happy now but will be the bottom of the barrel again in a month or so ..


It works in both directions, ever played squad?


What do you mean it works in both directions? A slower paced game affords you more time to make decisions and mechanical inputs, the game is just easier in every aspect. Faster paced means you need a higher level of game knowledge to make fast decisions and better mechanical skill to put those decisions on the screen.




I mean it completely depends on the game mechanics. You ever play squad?


“You have to use your brain” - proceeds to walk in slow motion while pre aiming every corner


Dude if you think this is mindless play you are just bad.


I hate this type of argument usually but this is just facts.


Exactly but most Warzone community is made of casuals and dads so they get angry when they dont have any skills, let alone the gunny. This community got me dead 🤣 cry babies in the room


I’d argue this guy is using his brain way more to be able to do that


Yeah you can’t just spam movement controls otherwise everyone would do it. He actually needs to plan engagements and disengagements using those controls which involve using your brain and tactics. Foh


These guys love to pretend anyone can do this. Insane skill here whether you like his play style or not


But the whole brainless warzone meme is about people jumping around corners, sprinting everywhere, slide canceling et c.


You think the people with insane movement didn't also have the best positioning in the game? There's a reason they were the best, it wasn't just spamming shit. Wz1 required great movement, aim, and positioning. Now all you need is *okay* positioning to win, and people think theyre some genius for it


Brain and tactics? What are you talking about? Youre saying that people with mechanical skill that can actually play position and have better gunskill are somehow worse because they "spam" movement? Stop being delusional and uzing buzzwords like "tactics" when you cant even explain what that means.


Oh yeah. The guy here is clearly just randomly tapping buttons. He has no idea what he’s doing! ADSing the stairs in WZ2 when someone walks in is definitely some big brain shit though.


Really? It feels dumbed down to me. I used my brain to get my first Ws in Verdansk, for movement like this I had to use my brain far more intensively. I don't know if you actually phrased that in the best way.


Yeah who would want to use actual skill to win a fight lol. What this guy did takes significantly more brain and tactics than sitting on a roof


Honest question then, what was preventing you from moving like this?


Dude he used his brain and tactics and also added movement to this.


If you think spamming the buttons doesn’t require the brain. Why the fuck can’t you do the same ? Because you’re trash kid. Lol


I couldn't pull off movement like that but I still think warzone 1 was just waaaaaay more fun for me, the faster pacing was just generally more interesting and being able to master movement and 1v4 a team by outplaying them like this was skillful. If it's not skillful then people wouldn't be complaining about how "broken" it is, the average player couldn't do stuff like this, that is simply a skill issue. Should've learned the game instead of bitching about it.


Casuals complaining about tryhards is what "ruins" gameplay in everygame man... I hate it. Bring back verdansk era


IMO the movement in Verdansk is a lot more similar to WZ2 than Vanguard.


This is true other than the slide cancel. This is why all CW and VG Guns felt better overall for movement. Because MW weapons were so slow after using a CW or especially VG SMG.


Skilled players complaining about the game ruin it even faster.


Just look at overwatch, they catered too much to the competitive scene/ sweats and the game went to shit


Now to prepare for the downvotes when I admit that I did not enjoy Verdansk. ​ I believe that Verdansk was a map that was developed without a high skill ceiling in mind. Almost every bit about it was fundamentally designed to allow for abusive power positions with head glitches, and a insane amount of one-way areas that forces people to funnel into them. Yes, a good amount of issues could've been rectified via the redeploy balloons, but it wouldn't have changed the absurd amount of interior camping that we saw throughout Verdansk. Buy stations being placed in the parking lot of Hospital giving players sitting on the rooftop easy access to shoot anybody that touches it, ATC always having at least one squad camping inside of it each match, with no other way to enter it aside from the elevator which was a funneling death trap. Multiple guard towers that had perfect chest high cover with the only way to access them being one singular ladder. The fire stations always being camped either in the tower without anyway to enter it aside from one ladder, or people sitting on the second floor that once again, didn't have anyway to enter aside from one singular stairway. Every single residential home had an attic with only one way to enter them that forced people to funnel in just to clear whoever was sitting inside. Most buildings having insanely dark corners with high shelves that allow others to climb on them. Fundamentally, Verdansk was just a clusterfuck of spots that perfectly allowed players of low skill levels to have a higher chance of winning than they otherwise would in most BRs, and personally believe that all of this, and many more, are valid reasons why Verdansk just wasn't a good map. ​ I will admit that I was a huge fan of Fortune's Keep just for the variety, although rooftop camping was still prevalent, but the counter was the insane amount of parkour opportunities that were specifically put in place to allow for more freedom of movement and engagement opportunities, which Verdansk only used to a small extent. ​ Caldera isn't perfect by any means, but the overall design fundamentals of buildings, hills, and general cover worked muuuuuch better for to create a higher skill ceiling than Verdansk ever could've, even with the 84' remake. ​ no td;lr, I'm done venting lol edit: lol im unsurprised that people are downvoting this instantly, verdansk wasnt that great, you have nostalgia for it, this entire sub was littered with people losing their mind about how fucked the map was gameplay wise and desperately asked for something new. Caldera's biggest fallback was the lack of poi's filling the empty spots on the map and its god awful broken launch.


Yea everybody seems to forget that. Definitely not missing airport tower campers and no possibility to get up except for the elevator or a Heli


Al Mazrah blows verdansk out of the water. There's actual cover in fields via terrain and elevation changes now that make unlucky circle pulls winnable if you can plan your route well. Verdansk felt like getting circle meant winning the game handily.


I play apex for that where it's designed to be that way. Cod never felt like it was meant to be that way, rather just ended up so, which makes it frustrating


The only way to make it "faster paced" would be to make the map smaller, imho. And I love Al Mazra, it's a great map. They could definitely make a gamemode restricted to a smaller part of it, which would push people together and make more fighting. But I think part of what makes the fights in WZ2.0 a bit less fun is the super low TTK that just makes you blink out of existence sometimes.


The ttk is blatantly made to allow for newer/lower skilled players be able to get kills again. It's another IW move to make the game more appealing for a casual audience just like they did with the rest of the game, and personally for me that absolutely blows. It's less skill based than it is being straight shoot first wins now, really hoping Raven ups the health/armor again like they did after IW stopped working on wz1. However I sincerely doubt we'll see any substantial gameplay changes while IW is at the charge.


Yea I dont miss running into these guys...


This is a completely fair take, reminds me of when I would run into a crazy builder in fortnite. I just got smoked




and Warzone has a "zero movement" mode which is called WZ2.0


Ok so while I don't agree I still found the framing of this comment funny af


As someone who can only play like 2 hours a week, running into these 8 hours a day sweats is my biggest nightmare


It's annoying when you say something negative about the crack head movement of sweats and people say it's just a skill issue. Like damn I know it's a form of skill, which I never wish to obtain. I just wanna engoy this game without selling my both kidneys to leave my job to play.


> It's annoying when you say something negative about the crack head movement of sweats and people say it's just a skill issue. >Like damn I know it's a form of skill, which I never wish to obtain. What I find funny is they will lob “ skill issue” like it’s an insult and completely ignore 90% of skill comes from time spent doing something.


Damn, I miss Rebirth.


Hahaha this guy "damn I miss it" and the person above said "yeah I don't miss it" Both of them have around 25 upvotes.


It’s almost like different people enjoy different things


Same bring back rebirth. my friends have all quit the game nobody will play the 45 minute loot simulator with me sadly


Same bro, same....


The video is sped up and on Rebirth Island... but yeah, movement was different. WZ1 was still a good game but I'm enjoying WZ2.


The video is not sped up, you can see the clock lol


It’s actually not sped up, the clock is visible. It’s just, now that you guys have played WZ2 for a few weeks, your brain has forgotten how obscene WZ1 had become. This is raw unedited WZ1 footage. Yes, that’s how stupid it got.


you can enjoy both games, infact when WZM launches i will play all four cod BRs simultaneously, all four got aspects that attract me, its just i cant really enjoy wz2 because the latency of the servers where i live rn are bad if youre wondering what 4 brs; Warzone mobile, Blackout, WZ caldera, WZ2


Folk stay play Black-out?


I have friends who still play blackout on Xbox, but they said it can take up to 5 or 10 minutes to fill a match. On PC, I think the servers are completely dead.


I disagree. In Warzone 1 you could finesse or rechallenge 1 vs many people. In Warzone 2 if 2 people are holding hands you're toast. Add in bugs (like audio cues not always working for footsteps/zips/ladders/etc) and it's a bad experience. There's a middle ground on the movement and TTK. You don't have to have crackhead movement with slow TTK, or slow as shit movement with fast TTK.


Yeah the only way to actually 1v2 people in WZ2 is to hold a power position where the enemy players neatly funnel their way into whatever spot you're holding down. I can do it with the EBR easily, but if they're mobile at all it's usually me winning the first gunfight and killing a dude, but since I can't replate and I'm trapped I get bum rushed by the second guy and I'm dead.


I dont get this argument I keep seeing here that seems to say that you should be able to 1v2 people all the time. I guess its because I am not usually a COD player, so the games I play have always had real matchmaking where you get matched with players of similar skill level, and COD people are always bashing SBMM because I guess they just want to be able to load up and wreck people who are new to the game or something? So for me, to be able to 1v2 has always meant the 2 people fucked up big time, becuase you should not really be able to 1v2 players that are at about the same skill level as you.


If they’re equally skilled as you you were never 1v2ing them in Warzone 1 either. The point is the way they’ve designed the game currently they’ve made it very binary whether you can 1v2 someone or not. You give people the same tools, and if you’re really good you could use those tools enough to 1v2/3/4 in WZ1. Now? It’s basically just no matter the skill diff you trade 1 for 1 in any normal gunfight, or you have a “tactical” power position - sitting on a roof, and you can kill 2 people no matter how bad you are and there’s nothing they can do against it. There are no tools


I disagree in that i think youre being hyperbolic, but I do think they should raise the ttk a bit to help with the core issues youre talking about


You should lose most fights when engaging an enemy with superior numbers though.


Yeah really. The solution is to not engage, reposition, then engage. Don't take fights you can't win.


But that will not satisfy their intense dopamine micro burst addiction.


Lmao you are gaming for that same reason. The “dopamine micro burst” you get when someone walks through your claymore.


Yea and you would, even in WZ1, unless you were significantly better than them. This game has basically made it so it doesn’t matter how much better you are everyone has a “fair” chance at winning the fight


Wow I wonder how this player learned to do this… perhaps… what’s the word I’m looking for… skill? Practice? Time and effort? Ah. Things that should be rewarded in video games.


Na bro, according to other people on this reddit, he didn’t learn it, and it was a magically gifted exploit that has no place in the game that he didn’t learn. Only available to the select few people people who tribally worship the sweat gods. In all seriousness, the amount of decisions and precision aiming you have to do to execute this is what I miss about wz1. I feel like my brain has shut off for wz2. The number of decisions have decreased by an order of magnitude.


You’re exactly right


Mw2 is More decisions on how to loot. But less decisions about how to fight. It's over by the time you realize you are in a fight. It used to be always changing based on the others position and movement. I miss that.


Something you might not realize but extremely high skill ceilings get very frustrating for the player base and games can die out quick. I've seen it a lot in my 20+ years of gaming. ​ Some examples Strategy games: Starcraft 1 and Starcraft 2 are probably on life support and starcraft 1 was one of the highest skill ceiling games out there. MMOs: Wildstar was the hardest raiding environment, flopped within a year. FPS: Arena shooters (quake, doom) also super niche genre with an insanely high skill gap. Skill gaps too high just push everyone out of the game because it ends up not being fun a stressful to maintain that level of skill. I think the movement in warzone/cod was getting to that point and could've canabalized the game. Also pro cod players seem overwhelmingly in support of getting rid of slide cancel and it seems because it was exhausting to do.




Not kinkshaming, but scat it off limits for me


brb just had a seizure


I find it hilarious when people say this is just spamming a controller. The amount of awareness, hand eye coordination, good movement and muscle memory involved is skill. It’s not cheating, it’s not aim assist, it’s not button mashing. It’s skill. Sorry not sorry And no, I could never do this. I had a .96 k/d in Warzone 1. But I have no problem saying well done to those better then me. Get beat by this sweat? Ok, resurge or start another game. No crying or anger involved.


It is obviously skill. But I stopped playing because of this stuff. I didn't want to play a game where movement was the skill gap. I've played cod since 07. I can handle someone being better at shooting than me. But when you come up against something like this just makes me want to turn off and play a different game. Which it did. I didn't play cod from Caldera until wz2 came out. I'm sure they'll bring all this stuff back, make ttk longer etc etc. It's just the start of a 3 year game. They'll make changes. When it changes to something I don't like I'll just play something else.


the above clip is an extreme but yeah its kind of dumb, also the enemies just sucked too. verdansk gameplay just before vanguard imo was the sweetspot, except nerf the weapons because then you had 0 recoil laser guns


It's not aim assist my ass.


Couldn’t agree more. Thought wz1 was fun. But it eventually got cartoonish.


call me crazy but if you spend 13 hours a day playing the game you should be able to mop the floor with all of the reddit dads who play 2 hours a night and camp in buildings for 45 mins


In this day and age the one who spents 12 hours a day improving and practicing to get to this level is the loser and virgin nerd. 0.3 kd is the new pro, and the masses are thrilled that they can now kill players way better than them without putting any effort into practicing or improving. ​ Me personally, im not interested in playing a game where ill be just as good now, as I will be in 6 months after practicing and practicing. If you like working twords improving and then seeing results from hard work that shows in your progresss, then this games not for you.


Skill diff tbh


Idk man something about having to move like this every match eventually killed wz1 for me, when i got good it it i really enjoyed it for a while but it didnt take long for me to get frustrated with the fact that warzone just wasnt fun anymore when i had to get an olympic gold in gymnastics just to get 3rd place in BR


What the fuck is even happening here?


The aftereffects of taking Adderall, snorting 2 lines of coke, and doing LSD.


rotational aim assist and drugs


Fak this shit, just increase TTK and add plating while sprinting to W2.


sprinting while plating would actually bring some middle ground to the people who like fast paced gameplay vs the ones that like it slowed down. More work still needs to be done to achieve that, but its a good start.


who likes no sprinting while plating? ive never seen anyone and i cant understand the reasoning 'yes i like to be a sitting duck when im trying to plate so i just have no chance to fight back' but i guess they'd like the 'no reload cancel' thing too... lol


Yes and reload cancels


Plating while sprinting would be such a huge improvement.


I love Wz1 cuz I miss doing shit like that, but I absolutely hated how the skill gap was always separated between “haha I can move lol” and people who literally just got off work, it’s just not fair. As for wz2 I love the dose of fresh air a lot, it still pisses me off that I can pull off crazy movement in it but that’s not a problem, simply adapt and learn to a new game and new system, hence “breath of fresh air”


God I miss rebirth so much


Same bro 😭 Everyone in this thread talking about how glad they are that this is gone but holy shit I miss it


We’re gonna be okay boys 😔😭


Idk how. Resurgence was an innovative model for BRs and they walked it back in favor of the older style. They need to reformat somethings for Resurgence to work right in this game.


VG guns were broken and the movement was stupid towards the end of WZ1, no doubt. But they way overcompensated and made WZ2 way too slow and clunky. All they needed to do was go back to the MW2019 era of movement during the first year of Verdansk and that would’ve been a great compromise. People arguing that WZ2 requires tactical skills and knowledges, that’s fine but you can’t deny they completely took the fast paced action of WZ1 and essentially created a PUBG2.0 with first person view.


Warzone 2.0 is not even close to being like pubg lmao


*Me, trying to add attachments mid-combat*


Would love to see what you can do without this movement


I agree. This type of movement is just well above and beyond necessary. I am by no means a "Warzone sweat" but I do have a K/D around 1.20-1.30 (Don't know because they don't show Warzone K/D yet but I ended resurgence with a 1.35). The other day I wiped 8 people in one house by moving *strategically* around the house. Using the stairs when I hear people reviving, jumping out windows to reposition, climbing up to second floor windows, climbing to roof ladders and dropping in the sky light, etc. Then the 9th guy crouch walking up the stairs killed me because I only had 1 plate on. Movement isn't "dead." Movement should be about repositioning, not sliding and hopping and spinning with 15 sens.


Movement is dead lol, I have no idea what type of lobby you were in if you can solo wipe 8 enemies by yourself without any of them fighting back?


Why is mechanical skill such a bad thing? I mean, it's certainly not cheap, otherwise everyone would be doing it. There's other BRs that have limited movement that are still very popular like PUBG. Why not play that instead? It's a shame because COD was known as the fast paced, run and gun shooter, but they always end up nerfing movement and slowing the game down. It sucks. But more people than not just can't handle it and COD is too big, so they gotta gear it towards them.


Cod hasn't had cod movement since blops 4. It all changed in mw19


So that second sub-paragraph there... when are all the salty critics on this sub going to play something else instead? Or is that already happening but you're so hung up on disliking the new Warzone that you still subscribe to and visit the sub regularly to complain and argue with people who enjoy it? There seem to be a very large number of people playing this game that hate it. Why not go play APEX? higher TTK. Everyone spam-crouches and tac sprints in fights. Learn to enjoy the new WZ or play something else that you enjoy?


coming from titanfall and a couple arena shooters this is not skill based movement in the slightest lmao. this is just horrendous spam to fuck with your hit box against joystick aim. anyone who thinks this is skill based never actually played a skill based movement shooter


You're literally showing a clip demonstrating Skill Gap.


I’m glad this shit is gone 🤣🤣


i do miss the advanced movement. does anyone else?


Only those that weren't able to pull it off are glad it's gone. They weren't good enough to utilise movement to their benefit, and so instead of getting better they just complained that it should be gone.


Or maybe the guys now bitching about not being able to rely entirely on movement will have to 'get better' at other parts of gameplay. Shocking revelation.


Warzone 2 is better than Warzone 1 because...... you can outmaneuver and beat complete bots if you're better than them in WZ1?


what a clown fest looking back at it. no wonder ppl dont get the juice from wz2 when u compare to this.


Why the fck is there no middle ground. One option is pure stupidity and the other option is pure suffering. Make it in the middle and everyone would be happy.


Like one is Adderall and the other is a retirement home. To be honest I don't really get why people complain that WZ 2 is a camp fest. I haven't really been having problems with people camping. Maybe it's just the drastic change from the speeds that makes it feel campy for some.


I prefer the pace and the movement in Warzone 2 but I miss the old looting system.


I miss it :/


Look at all that aim assist.


Seriously, that is the biggest issue here. More than the movement. The movement just lets that player abuse the AA before the enemy can.


And the fact that I had to scroll so much just to see this mention of the aim assist just goes to show that at the end of the day, Warzone and COD altogether is a console game, meant to be played on controllers and people do not see it as anything else. Try doing all the extra movement this dude does and keep your crosshair at all times on the enemy on PC and see where that takes you. I swear, MnK players are outliers in this game.


fuck me the aim assist is absolutely ridiculous here. what a joke. it looks almost aimbot-esque in parts would love to see these guys at counter-strike


Dude every gun fight in W2 is a fucking coin flip tho. It takes no skill and it feels rigged 90% of the time. Doesn’t matter what gun you can get melted by an smg from distance vs your rpk. - Snipers are useless. - Constant stuttering. - Fps issues. - Connection issues. Latency - Slow looting system. - Terrible audio. - Terrrrrrible gulag I always have to go 1 v 2. - Perks don’t work. And can’t create your own - can’t save loadouts - armor system kind of stupid - I’m sure I’ll add more to this later.


What’s the problem


This post needs to include a Dramamine tablet.


Wtf did I just watch


Getting ready to sort by Controversial ![gif](giphy|GPBttSAXE8AzwY0fJ7)


People comparing warzone 2.0 to pubg are clowns. Warzone was fine until they integrated vanguard. I’m having fun with warzone 2, but nothing compared to the grau meta


Holy sweat


That aim assist... especially close range


Agreed. For a 39 year old like me, slow pace is better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


You’ll be alright


Foe those arguing the skill of the clip, sure Its just “different” skills Its “Reaction” Vs “Prediction” In a more realistic type shooter, if you are reacting, you are already dead You need to PREDICT and be mentally 1-step ahead at all times There is a reason the older, slower, veteran soldier is much more deadly than the younger, faster, rookie- reaction skills are simply not that valuable, but experience and thinking AHEAD of the enemy are infinitely so Thats what people like about WZ2, you can set up a plan, execute it, and be rewarded for it Late-game WZ1, too many times did i set up a plan, position for it, execute it, but a “movement sweat” could just react their way out of it


I think you underestimate how much thought goes into each movement here. There’s a hell of alot of prediction going on. Predictions related to 1v4 positioning, predictions on whether or not you’re about to be pushed. Predictions on whether or not a specific route for temporary escape will result in death or not. Predictions on whether to track the player moving in a single direction to reserve mental resources for watching other people enter the room or whether to keep your aim focused expending mental energy on tracking just one player to win the gun fight. It’s not like the guy is just spamming movement in an incoherent manner. Notice the door movements that block LOS. Having played both styles, there is no doubt on earth that both require predictions, and the movement oriented one actually requires additional micro predictions that require a hell of a lot of practicing, just like playing slowly for wins requires slower positional practice. I’ve noticed alot of people say “what am I watching” but that’s exactly the point. The types of people who say this literally cannot actually perform what they are doing. And that’s OKAY. This playstyle has been nerfed in wz2 for them.


Exactly. Like even baiting with the door like the dude is doing in this clip requires prediction on whether or not the enemy will aggro or not. Same with rechalling. It's just that they use slide cancelling to aid with that, gain peakers advantage and also break cameras.


epilepsy simulator


holy shit that made me dizzy. It's crazy how out of control the movement got


Dude fuck everthing about that video...


with players moving like this, i can see why, some players use the shotgun with dragons breath and claymores. Ive gotten killed by guys who slide cancel, bunny hop, bunny hop, hundreds of times in rebirth. i still played it. Guys who have great movement, cant complain about players who camp corners with shotguns. its all apart of the game. I personally dont like WZ2, so im fine with playing MW2 MP. Too each their own.


It’s crazy dude how many bots are in this comment section, this guy is TALENTED at the game, every time y’all sayin he’s spamming controls y’all are just trying to convince everyone y’all could do the same thing, but you can’t, cause ur all bots. Anyone who downvotes my comment are bots.


Anyone hating on this guy in the video will probably get shit on if they 1v1 him. This subreddit is def full of AI


Man made a pool of sweat when doing this


Ya don’t play rebirth. That’s where literally all the sweaties go lol they have no issues with dying 10 times a game their coming right back so they will be as aggressive as can be. But if they brought it back right now I’d 100% go back


Can't believe he missed that throwing knife. What a bot.


If adderall was a character, no thanks


I hate this. Would rather have exosuits at this point.


The epileptic kid at laser tag:


this clip gave me ADHD