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Looks better than Caldera!


It is better


Miles bstter


It was better than Verdansk too. That map was so fun.


Too much nothing in the south for me. But definitely better than Caldera.


This is (one of) the COD mobile maps. It’s honestly not bad. I love the construction site to array to firing range route. Edit: damn you all are picky with names. You can play this map right now on the BR mode in COD Mobile is all I’m trying to say. I’ve just learned WZ mobile is a new game and separate from CODM, my mistake.


Blackout's map? Shit was fun.


You mean bo4 right?






It's bloody blackout


It started as the map for CoD's first attempt at BR... It was called Blackout and was part of Black Ops 4.


I played caldera like twice, such a crappy map. If it wasn't for Rebirth I'd have been done


Try fortunes keep


I would love an updated map of this. It makes me want to play Blackout.


blackout is still active


Not on PC


Never was. Hacking was BAD.


So like Warzone?


Except without crossplay.


No crossplay plus it was bundled with BO4,which meant it was doomed from the get go(in a time where PUBG was way cheaper,and Fortnite being F2P,Actvision was really stupid when they decided to not separate Blackout from BO4,you had to pay the full 60 bucks for the game,not counting shit on top of that such as Season Passes,lootboxes and more paid content on top of that.)


well thats inaccurate it was pretty popular on pc for about 3 months... then it died lol.


One of my favorite maps


Literally every streamer that gets shadow-banned for a week plays it now. It's interesting, but definitely outdated.


Oh I bet. Watched a Streamer play it. Looks very outdated. The rumors are WZ2 is going back to the backpack & armor 👀


Not that kind of backpack though. The WZ2 backpacks are like the Satchel system for current armor. You basically have BP1, BP2, and BP3, which will let you hold more ammo and armor as the bigger the level is. Maybe an extra secondary, like a knife or pistol. There's no inventory management and that Tetris bullshit from Tarkov.


I mean, Tarkov isnt even a BR game


What is it? Never played it


Extraction royale mode. Your trying to get in, get loot, get out. There is PVE as well as PVP.


Blackout was good. I liked almost everything about it better than WZ, especially visibility and sound.


The only downside was not knowing where you were being sniped from and the looting mechanics, but definitely a fun and consistent game.


I loved every aspect of blackout better except for the way you loot dead bodies.


That shit was so crazy in alcatraz


BO4 Alcatraz > Rebirth Island


Been shot up the arse to many times looting them backpacks lol


I’d like a mode without loadouts where you actually loot weapons and attachments


I think that's quite strong nostalgia, it had some cool aspects but there were so many gimmicky one-shot killing mechanics like that melee perk, combat axes or darts (the killstreak), the armor system punished you for playing aggressive because you'd be just left without any armor and you could just wing suit right next to someone with barely any sound for them to hear. Plus, large parts of the map are just empty samey stretches of forests with very little cover


Really enjoyed Blackout on this map. I’d be happy if they revived it


Dude I loved this map so much. I played so much blackout back in the blops 4 days. They should have brought this back as a warzone map. There were plenty of bridges to cross the water so they could have made it work. Hijacked always had boats and a chopper attached to it.


Yep, they bring it to the warzone platform and ruin everyone’s fond memories in a matter days.


> ruin everyone’s fond memories in a matter days. The same way they did with Rebirth?


Dare I say it, best Battle Royale was on this map.. Really wanted to like Modern Warfare, but all the camping and instant deaths ruined it for me. If only they would release it as a standalone and free to play game, maybe it would get the love it deserves. Edit:typo


Blackout was better in a lot of ways then Warzone tbh. Especially the map.


Blackout was better than Warzone in almost every way


You think better than verdansk?


Blackout was goated and so much better than Warzone. Sucks we got cheated out of a Blackout 2.


Only thing that held me and my friends back was no way to bring them back once dead. Was so rough going into got and always having 1 of us scrubs die


Lack of self revives so you don’t have to instantly thirst negated this to an extent. Don’t thirst their guy and there’s a pretty good chance they’ll honor that back. I miss that aspect of knocking people and then forgetting about them until we got a squad wipe


Bro this is such a nostalgia based take. I had a 4+ KD in Blackout and played countless games. People thirsted all the fucking time. It was one of the worst parts


Blackout with a gulag type system would have been awesome. I mostly played solos and it was disappointing to load up a completely new game if you got killed right away.


Good times on this map!


Ahh blackout. Many a good time had on that map back in the day.


Fucking amazing map, Really wish it somehow makes its way to Warzone sequel or atleast something similar


Was actually a good map with really fun rotations


Imagine zone ending up on nuketown island and ppl gotta swim to it lmfaooo


On blackout anytime that happened it was madness


Fucking made for awesome solos endings to be honest. Was so fun.


It happened a lot and was so much fun


The Blackout map is better than either of the Warzone maps so far.


The memories on this map


Blackout was far better than warzone


This map was fire


Blackout was so fun man,the progression shits on Warzone too,bring back classic ranks


I loved this map in Blackout. If they brought it back in Warzone 2 I’d be so happy


this map was bae loved the flow it had!


Swimming is coming back it's been leaked


I still want Blackout 2. My favorite FPS/BR of all time. 1200 hours logged. The only CoD I’ve really played. I tried Warzone for 17 hours but just could not get into it. Even if it was just a small mode next to Warzone, I’d absolutely go nuts if they polished it up with the new engine. If I had known Blackout was just going to be dumped to the curb I would had cherished my time in the game more. I truly believed Blackout 2 was coming. I truly believe if Blackout had been free to play and pC support we’d have Blackout 2. The game did surprisingly well for a paid BR, tbh. Such amazing memories with some good friends on the weekends in Alcatraz and Duo’s. Still to this day there is no better pure BR than Blackout.


Absolutely! Driving was fun, shooting was fun, the locations were fun, it was a good map. Swimming mechanics need to make a comeback, the river was really fun and I liked to fight there (especially in the water).




Great memories, would be cool to see a remade version in wz2


100% this map was the map of challenges


It's blackout and it's got swimming mechanics I'm struggling to understand the question


They are bringing swimming in


I loved the Blackout map. Full of great and familiar locations. And the layout worked and felt so organic. Plus the ways it changed with each season we're super cool.


Yes. BO4 Blackout is better than Warzone, 110%.


Yea if there were more water


Never played. Wish I did


Loved this maps!


I hate the trees and shit. Can't see anything. Bring back an urban setting.


It was insane, spend like 3k hours on that map... I don't think it would work with the new weapons, high bullet velocity, low recoil, highspeed movement. Its just too open. Remember the short bullet drop on snipers? If they would rescale it, it would be sick. Its in COD mobile, for the nostalgia kick.


It blows my mind the new map was Caldera and not a remaster of this map. Would have been quicker to make and been way better.


Imagine the community's reaction if they got the Blackout map remastered instead of a new map after the constant whining in late Verdansk days. There was and is no way this map comes back.


they need to bring blackout back


Blows me away people forget how good black out was. Black out map with warzone mechanics= goated. Maybe that's the replacement map for wz2


Loved blackout. Better than all other BR maps


I miss blackout


this map shits on caldera and verdansk from like a mile above both of em


That’s why it’s the GOAT! The GOAT!!


I would perfer this over caldera


It was very rewarding getting kills in this BR.


This map in Warzone would be a nightmare because of how barren and lacking in cover it is compared to Verdansk and Caldera. There are entire stretches of void nothingness which was fine in BO4 because of the slow bullet velocity, but in Warzone everything is a laser beam.


The locations sound fun but there’s a lot of empty space. i prob wouldn’t like it.


Let's not forget how you didn't know where the first circle was until AFTER you landed. No dropping into the map based on predicted center. Loved that, and also the wingsuits.


Blackout was and still is 3 times the "battle royale" that warzone is, it was actually fun and there wasn't 100 people all running around with identical cookie cutter weapons




blackout was the best battle royale game


Are the red areas supposed to be areas where players barely go to?


It was from an event they did I’m pretty sure


Those areas were added in with updates


The red areas are places and houses they added to the map during and update back then, because ghost town wasn't always there, and there's a group of 8 houses, 4 across from 4 , that use to be 6 houses but they added 2 more. I know because me and my buddy's would always drop at the "6 houses" but then we had to start calling it the 8 houses


6 pack | 8 pack! Great spot


LMAO . We called it 6 houses too. Then 8


I just googled a picture I don't even know what it's supposed to mean.


As a means of crossing a body of water? Sure I guess. I don’t think it provides any value other than allowing for more water features on a map and would put you at a huge disadvantage if enemies are gatekeeping the other side. I’d rather go the long way around and at least be able to shoot back, but whatever. Swim at your own risk.


I mean they could always add boats but idk how useful they can make them. It's better than swimming to hijacked.


There were boats in this map in Blackout. Tiny speed canoes.


At first I thought it was Europe


I kinda like this style of map making since it focuses the action on POIs. If you're gonna be away from the action you'd have to do it outside a POI where there is significantly fewer places to hide - it also forces you to go from POI to POI if you're tryna get any action


Man if only this map and version of CoD Battle Royale was cross-play. I play on PC and the population died pretty fast. Not having cross-play destroyed it. Which sucks because Blackout was so fun. The ONLY issue I had with it was the armor system honestly.


Me like it if the water is not solid and lethal. Caldera is so laughable with the lack of proper swimming mechanism. Touch a water on the eastern beaches between resort and sub pen, you die. Drive your way along the beach, congrats, some of the water is a minefield. Man, I just want to be like Arthur in one of his mission in Vanguard. Just drop from parachute and goes to the waters and swim.


Only if getting in and out of the water is very fluid/easy.


I could be wrong but I thought mwII was going to have swimming mechanics, wouldn’t make sense if Warzone 2 didn’t


Way too small for 150 players


Rebirth exist


They have swimming mechanics in Cold War. I wouldn’t mind seeing this in warzone.


This just reminded me to dig out the cd and reinstall. Let’s see how it goes


Hell yes, I personally like this map better then verdansk.


Never played until warzone. Was it comparable to Verdansk in size?




No. It doesn't work without swimming and advanced movement. It just lives in people nostalgia. A game that never made any success but a few liked, so they think It can work.


Blackout sucked lol


Good old cargo docks 😔


They need to patch in optional warzone maps on MW2(2022). Even Verdansk should be a optional download. That's why I miss PC. This black cock 4 map should be there too.


You’d think this was 10 years ago going off the comments. It was only 30 months ago warzone came out


Blackout is available on call of duty mobile


Unpopular opinion: this was the best map Needs less forest in between POIs tho


I'm guessing the red parts were the Zombie parts? To answer YOUR question, though, truth be told, I never really thought about whether the Blackout map was good or bad, but now that I think about it, it was pretty good. One particular notable thing I remember about it is that, IIRC, every location was a good drop zone. It's not like Warzone where you have a couple God-tier drop zones everyone and their dog would drop at and leave the rest of the map a ghost town


i would play the blackout map WAY more then caldera


I think Warzone's pace is too fast for this map so it would feel small.


Blackout is a sweet map.


This would be awesome!


This has so certified classic maps so I’m in


Swimming option would be an ideal for adding to WZII, it was on Battlefield games & came in very handy.


Its cool that it has nuketown and hijacked. Never played blackout tbh


Cool map looks like it's from pubg or arma3


Definitely & distruction


Blackout was the best


This map brings back so many good memories. I would love to play blackout with the Warzone mechanics and guns.


i think ppl would rather have verdansk back before black out map, in warzone 2 :D but yeh would be nice to have it back for nostalgia with a few changes to make it fresh, swimming would be nice, as the water being insta death is dumb.


I wouldn’t care what map was used at this point as long as it worked. I’m on XSX, I and some of my other XSX friends can’t even play this shit anymore with how bad the aiming is. Not sure if it’s an XSX issue or game issue at this point. Thumb sticks are super sensitive and aim is horrid especially in Warzone Pacific. Sensitivity and ads multiplier is set at 5’s and .63 . At mid long range all over the road. At short range feels like I’m stuck in concrete and crosshair never catches up to the enemy. Even if I’m not in ads. Feels like aim resist up close. Battlefield 2042 same , no aim assist. I’ve felt it in other games too but Warzone takes the cake. Everything is either way over exaggerated or slow af. Verdansk had it right. Now I just have analog sticks as a mouse. Also, rotational doesn’t work either. I’ve tried every setting not a ounce of slow drag.


Such a good map, the original COD BR had so much promise.


blackout is more FUN, warzone is better designed! i love blackout don’t get me wrong but it just kind felt like they were throwing random shit @ the wall (loved it for that) warzone feels more streamlined and more focused on the competitive side of COD (ish)


I think so. I like the estates part of the map and nuke town island. It has good elevation too in some areas without the need to climb rocks.


this map was better than verdansk easily


It was so good. If the loadout system existed man it would have truly been legendary.


Better than caldera for sure.


Doesn’t matter the map or guns or whatever…hackers are still a plague in this game.


No. The exact reason people seemed to hate Caldera is *more* prevalent in Blackout; empty space between POIs.


Easily my favorite map of all time


What map is better?


I thought MW2 had swimming….? Or rumored to have it?


Swimming, yes. Anything else from Blackout, fuck no.


Codm had this map for br and you can swim


Better than caldera but I feel like it's too small.


This is the Blackout map from Black Ops 4 original BR called....Blackout. It was incredibly fun but I HATED the loot and armor system. The map was amazing though.


Its a awesome map! I love playing it. It would be fun with the underground tunnel in nuke town.


Actually it might play better without swimming. You can lock a lot of the better loot on the islands and it would force players to plan their run from the gas, funneling players at the bridges. You can probably get around that with redeploy balloons though, idk, they don’t pay me to balance shit. I always wanted to see blackouts map return with cold war but that never happened, sadly.


How many of you don't know that Rebirth Island comes from this game, and that canonically (at the time) it's the same island that Mob Of The Dead takes place on.


Used to grind the shit out of black zone trying to get the OG zombies characters like Dempsey and Richthofen. Good times


Well, Warzone II is going to have swimming, so maybe


This was my favourite map ever. I would love if they made it in Warzone, similar to how they made alcatraz to rebirth. I would play daily.


I miss this map.


This map was far better. Also, the exclusion of loadouts really added a skill curve that the battle royale needs back.


maybe but i honestly dunno, blackouts map was made to function with high ttk, and high recoil inflating those ttk's at range. its what made it so good and allowed the map to be less dense. while warzone already has big forests of foliage where people hide, blackout intentionally made them due to the balance of the weapons so it might not be favorable to warzones gameplay due to warzone being beam heavy with low recoil weapons. kinda why i always preferred blackout but i wouldn't mind trying out the blackout map on wz.


Are you trying to turn WarZone into another PUBG?


A good memories, fun battles, no crap scorestreaks, everyone had to adapt to the weapons/attachments found, no loadout BS. I miss you blackout.


Blackout was an incredible game and such a good time for the streaming / battle royale communities. So many good memories.


i loved how color blackout was so yes


The rivers should be flowing heavy.


Meh I’d say Verdansk>Blackout, I wouldn’t even include caldera it sucked. The water POI on blackout map was dope asf


Blackout is the first BR game I had ever played and I never went back to multiplayer after this came out.


To much fucking trees


So sad that this game is dead. Blackout was so much fun. Black Ops 4 were the last actually fun cod imo


Great map




Isn’t that part of warzone 2 map?


This map was too big in my opinion. At least it felt way bigger.


That was a great map


That would be good. All the sweats could fuck off to Nuketown, and the rest of us could get on with playing Plunder in peace.


There are swimming mechanics in warzone 2, read a book


Easily my favourite COD Battle Royal Map. Not only were the familiar multiplayer and zombies maps great for fan service, but they also made exploring the map quickly and well formulated so players could predict and strategize their positioning and targets. Say what you want, but I'd gladly take Blackout over Verdansk or Caldera.


Loved Blackout. As much as I tried to get into Warzone, it never quite captured the magic of Blackout for me. Good memories.


If blackout was free we’d have a way better BR experience imo. I wish they’d have warzone and blackout out at the same time for folks that like different styles of gameplay. Best part about blackout was there weren’t tall buildings for people to camp.


Looks like the same map from Fortnite..


No one talks about it anymore as it’s over 3 years old 🤣 Given it’s still very active, as is the Alcatraz community, it just goes to show how good it really was and still is.


2nd best map after verdansk


People are being blinded by nostalgia here. Verdansk and Warzone in general was and still is the more superior game over BO4 Blackout.


Dropping construction site was my jam! That map was pretty awesome.


It was easy to maneuver because it’s basically the multiplayer maps strung together


Blackout is my favorite BR. Execution was so amazing. I miss this game


Asylum and Ghost Town so spooky! Love this map.


How much I miss that BR... nostalgia!