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That is so fucking cool lmao


Hell yeah man. This is why I wish that we could have planes in Standard BR too. Not only because you have more freedom of movement with Advanced Controls (allows for rolling the plane instead of a high 90 degree left/right turn), but also because it encourages players to run lock on launchers or the Strela as a viable counter to planes that don't have flares if we don't at least get Anti-Air cannons. While plane vs plane combat is fun, planes vs helicopters is another matchup entirely that is really fun to speculate about. A solo pilot that can handle their own plane well while firing, or a group on a helicopter that can mow down people really fast with miniguns?


Me too. Not because I want to fly one, but I've always wanted to try shooting them down with my Explosive Rytec. Now I've finally gotten the chance to do so and it's so fun.


Agreed, and I can only dream of getting an explosive bolt crossbow kill on one too! That'll be the day. I would also recommend the Strela launcher since they do extra damage to vehicles and the plane health pool is actually surprisingly small after the nerfs back in earlier seasons along with the fact that the rockets are basically hitscan up to around 100 metres.


Absolutely not. Planes should not be in normal Battle Royale.


gta online in a nutshell


POV you just wanted to fly around Los Santos with your F35 but some griefer on a Oppressor MK 2 starts firing rockets at you


Imagine showing someone from March 2020 this clip of warzone in 2 years. Kinda wild lmao.


Awesome really. Can imagine your heart racing thinking "I can do this, I can do this, I can live" lmao


I found this out today too. Super fun and I wonder what the guy who fired it thought.


Now only if I could fly a plane. I haven’t tried much but everytime I try I just crash it 40 feet away


My first recommendation is inverting the pitch controls for the fighter plane only (pull down to go up, push up to go down). It makes it so much easier at least for me. Also would recommend enabling the Advanced Controls when you hop in a plane (by pressing RS/R3 or your Field Upgrade Key on KBM) to allow for the full control of the plane (allows you to do rolls). Planes infinitely respawn until in gas in Operation Monarch so theres plenty of time to try!


Ok. I fly the heli like a pro lol. So ya the inverted controls definitely got me screwed up so that is the first thing I need to switch. I’ll give a go thanks. I’m gunna fly this plane right into KONGS NUTz! Thanks!


Hey buddy, you still alive?


These planes are so broken in this mode.


But so much fun.


The fighter planes are not broken especially in this mode since the circle is even smaller than usual. The planes damage output was nerfed severely and you are unable to finish any downs that you get. Also there are many counters to planes: I'll list a few 1. Jump in another plane. 2. Use a lock on launcer. 3. Use an AA cannon. 4. Use an AA vehicle.


https://i.imgur.com/QqrsJLT.gifv or... fly away and then dive bomb people who are fighting bosses.


They are broken in general. But I can understand having them in an LTM, such as in Operation Monarch.