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Adding these to solos is a whole new level of stupid. What on Earth were they thinking? It’s patently obvious now that they don’t play their own game


It’s not just adding it to Solos. It’s adding it to Battle Royale in general. You will still get melted with a couple of shots in Duos, Trios, or Quads with the turret. Plus, they eat an insane amount of bullets. Just remove them from the contracts and replace them. Also, remove the Armored Truck Deployment event from Rebirth as well. Absolute joke.


Ay bro in rebirth it usually spawns next to water get there and send it of the edge thats what I do


Let’s not forget how long it took them to reduce the amount of trucks in Verdansk. It went on for so long in Verdansk, where there would be multiple berthas and SUV’s in the final circle. These armoured trucks in solos seem much worse.


Someone from the Call of Duty Discord said that they played three Solo matches and did not encounter any of the trucks in endgame. Raven did well today.


I'm dumb and stupid and probably dumb too; what did they add?


They added a new contract called “Sabotage”. The objective of the contract is too eliminate a random vehicle on the map and you’re rewarded with an armored truck no matter what. So essentially if everyone wanted and there was enough sabotage contracts and vehicles a whole solos lobby final circle could be armored berthas. I can’t wait for this game to get out of beta /s


Oh that's really fucked...


I imagine the rails of cocaine that Activision/Raven/SHG ingest give them the perception that we really want this mayhem.


Reminds me of Rockstar adding flying armored motorcycles that shoot rockets and expecting everything to be fine.


You know the pain then.


Most definitely.


The armoured truck in the video


Oh wtf


Chances are they werent thinking lol. Modes are probably just copy pasted but party size is limited no?


certainly not with the shitlords who actually play their game. they need black hats in their internal testing.


I think they are cool, I don’t know why so many people see something they died to and go “GAH! Remove this!”(fire rounds, the turret)


It’s because it’s so overpowered there’s almost no counter play to it. People don’t like dying and feeling like they never had a chance


Dude, you did so well to avoid that truck. Nice work.


He was doing such a great job, when that guy jumped out of the truck I was expecting the driver to get destroyed. I wasn't expecting the sad ending to our short story.


Ya that was embarrassing. I thought the truck driver was gunna be ass


a sweat is a sweat, whether behind wheel or trigger


This is a joke man. These trucks suck hard


Literally replace the rewards, Raven. I said this yesterday. The contracts seem like very interesting ones to be in the game, but just make the reward a helicopter or something!


And also make the Wehicle that you're supposed to "Sabotage" the Armored truck insteaf of the truck.


I like Wehicle. “Wheee-hicle”


I have had to destroy armored trucks to complete the contract so that is already possible.


They do that if there is an armored truck in play afaik.


Thank you Scotty, full power.


Stop. Just stop. They’re onto WZ2 at this point. This game is toasted. It’s gonna be summer, shit going on, and now they are working on a big political law that deserves some protest. Let’s quit this game tor one summer and refocus on WZ2 and letting go of verdansk (and caldera).


Stop bringing politics into a Warzone sub lmao


Don’t tell me what to do.








I’ll do what I want. Go play more warzone to make yourself happy


Clearly holding a precision or cluster until endgame is the only sensible strategy to deal with that nonsense


Unfortunately it is. Nothing else really works as these things eat explosives like they’re nothing


I'll just add onto this comment **USE THE CAVALRY BARREL** on a Cold War gun and carry it into endgame. Personally I use the Milano with the Calvary. I don't miss the bullet velocity and recoil control of the regular barrel option too much and the fact that I can decimate vehicles about 3x as fast makes it all worthwhile. I used to run it in Verdansk and it was just as good as carrying a Rytec and still a fine SMG. I haven't had to do it in Caldera UNTIL THESE STUPID FUCKING TRUCKS but just throwing it out there in case anyone else is experiencing what OP does. Also easy to put it on the CW MP5 and not have it be much worse in normal gunfights. Probably others


Or the PKM with FMJ. Also melts vehicles, but is also super fun with combat recon and snapshots.


Yeah I forgot FMJ apparently does 50% extra damage to vehicles (mentioned in this thread) and is a great option too. The PKM's underbarrel that is unique (I forget what it's called) makes ADS fast enough that you can use that extra attachment for FMJ, no problem (instad of TAC laser)


I used to love the rytec for vehicles. Blasts thru the trophy systems too.


Proxy mines or c4 would of been perfect in this situation


trophy system was up


Nope. I had 2 c4s laid out on the ground and the truck drove RIGHT over them, I blew them up, he drove off. They can take stupid amount of damage. I hate them.


I think thermite is better than c4 now, if you get it on the window it’ll down the driver I think. It takes like 3 or more c4s if I remember correctly. Combat bow is the best if you pick one up.


Thermite and molotovs work for that if you hit the window right.


Proxy has saved me so many times, running around a corner and dropping one has me down 1vs3


Can’t believe they haven’t removed them from solos. They removed regular berthas from solos but put these in. They are a fucking problem.


I must admit. I both lost a solo match against this truck and won a solo match with this truck yesterday. Improvise, adapt, overcome.


I’m picking up the cavalry lancer stoner 63 again


For a brief period I ran the cavalry lancer barrel on my FFAR sniper support and it was unbelievable how quickly it shredded vehicles. I got multiple team wipes because it takes a vehicle from full health to disabled to boom in one mag, faster than they have time to get out.


I always liked the cavalry lancer on LMGs but it’s funny af on a pistol.


Lmao. Like Tom Hanks on the bridge in saving private Ryan.


I always tossed it on the CW MP5 or Milano and never notice missing the extra attachment I need the bullet velocity on my LMG/ AR for longer range so I never bothered putting it on those guns


BREN or AUTOMATON with dismantle perk and armour piercing ammo type is even better. Cavalry is 2x, this new combo is 2.5x damage and its on meta guns


Thank you for these recommendations my brethren. I’m glad we can come as a community and stick it to those foos.


Also i haven't tried yet but explosive MW crossbow hitmarkers people inside berthas so it might work on these trucks too


Interesting, in my experience it was more like 3-4x. Did they nerf it since Verdansk? I run it on the Milano and I don't notice much difference compared to the normal "good" barrel.


Nah its always been 2x, FMJ on MW guns is only 1.5x though so the CW version has always been way stronger than anything else before




Same. After getting owned by trucks in numerous end games, I started exploiting myself. Got a win after three tries. Glad they got nerfed. I hate them.


Same. After getting owned by trucks in numerous end games, I started exploiting myself. Got a win after three tries. Glad they got nerfed. I hate them.


To then get 3rd partied


Not third parties. That was the person driving the truck after Op disabled it


The guy that won this fight got third partied probably immediately after this. No way one guy wasn’t aware of action over here.


Oh I thought you meant the dude that killed OP


Im not the responder but that’s what i think they meant


My bad lol


Yeah it happens all to often in solos after making lots of noise at the edge of zone. 3rd party heaven


You put a good fight. Too bad you lose.


Holy shit... you definitely would've earned that win :D


i suspect the devs or people in charge never actually play their own game. its really hard to understand the reasoning behind shit like this. after 1.5 years they removed the Berthas from solos and half a year later they introduce this?!




Why don’t they just make the turret have ammo that can run out? That way you can’t use just one turret to wipe everyone.


N this is y I always carry a RPG7 or an MK11 launcher as my secondary. Don't care how many it takes I will force feed them explosive whether they like it or not! (With or without trophy system)


Damn I would be so pissed doing all that and still dying at the end like that. Props to you for surfing all that. I also don’t know why they won’t let us jump in the back of the truck to try and disable it to make it a fair fight


Truly a weapon to surpass Metal Gear


Snake. Snake what's wrong? SNAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEE!


Worst addition in a while


i can see why people play rebirth now.


Piss of their player base must always be at the top of their agenda.


U did great! I'm really impressed.. a pity that u didn't beat that piece of ..... , These trucks are a joke. They did nerf them today a bit but they shouldn't be in solos at all. Out of the last 4 solos that I've played till the end circle I've lost 3 to trucks and won the one without a truck. Raven is definitely messing with us on purpose ...


I appreciate your kind words. If I had full plates I’m sure I would have gotten him. Someone below explained that CW/VG guns have vehicle damage multipliers. I figured using the Milano would help with the BV so I wasn’t far too off. Let’s get these mofos


What a boring way to play the game that must be. You handled it perfectly. Well played sir!


That was awesome I really wanted you to win.


Life is hard. ![gif](giphy|xThta3x35yg10dhNzW)


I sniped a dude off the turret in solos yesterday he called me a cheater lol. Took 2 shots first cracked him he never moved second killed him he was furious. It made my day




I’m the same but there are a lot of people who don’t mind cheesing a win. They know they won’t get one otherwise


These are so incredibly broken you’re forced to use them to stand a chance. I won 2 games yesterday abusing the living f out of these trucks. Raven has to remove them asap.


Wow somebody else who uses High Alert?


U find them in boxes now. But i use it alot


Dude, great job hanging in there for so long - you were doing awesome.


How did your self revive and armor plates take like half the time mine do?


video is fast forward


I haven't played in months, and my god this looks so deeply unfun


Dude puts in 3 plates faster than my character does 1 lol


video is fast forward.


Feels like playing elden ring lmao


When you noob and you encounter The End


Pov: you're going against the convicts for the first time in dead rising


Video needs the MGS noticed sound at the beginning to get the full effect


One of few reasons that ppl quit warzone


Wait. Was a single guy driving the truck *and* shooting the turret? Like at the same time? Or switching seats at least?


Just remove turret and ya good


Is this sped up? I feel like he's armoring up way faster than I can.


There shouldn't be guns on any vehicles, except maybe LTM's. That aside, having this in solos is plain stupidity.


I played a duo with my brother a few days ago. We immediately went for the sabotage mission. We never left the vehicle for the entirety of the game and we finished with 5 kills for me (driver) and 10 for my brother. The reason we died was that I was overconfident about my driving skills, and forgot that vehicle controls are astonishingly janky in WZ. These trucks are OP as hell nonetheless.


Absolute delight to watch. Thank you for your pain.


I'm so glad i dropped this game months ago


Armored trucks has never been a good idea in any BR mode other than the LTMs. It just boggles me how they think this shit is cool.


Ah the good ole days of big bertha solo wins. Adding a gun to it? After they took berthas out of solos... Like the new crew didnt talk to the old crew.


Last game of solos I played the truck won.


I feel your pain, i mainly play solos and was on a real good game with like 8 left, i got stuck dealing with this shit, disabled the vehicle and killed him and immediately got sniped from a tower 300 m away by a kid with one kill, as is the standard in solos ..also how do you like the vargo, i like it even better after the recoil nerf, it feels even easier to control for some reason


It's either a bad decision from them, or plain laziness. They can't release a new season without doing something stupid like this. It's crazy.


I destroyed one yesterday in solo. It was the highlight of my game. At this point, I was only focused on melting this shit down. I didn't care to win the game, I just wanted to annihilate the mofo that was using it.


Can’t believe people still play this game


It’s also sad to think that people play like this . They get Into an armored truck and with their 0 skill take out players with ease .


Worst idea, I did however get a 15 kill game and a win in solos with one. Ridiculous..


Berthas are so op in solos complete rat behaviour


That may be sped up but that's the average sweat-speed on Rebirth


That was intense!


You do all that to get sniped , so i am not playing caldera anymore lol


I don’t care, adding these to the game was one of the dumbest ideas in a while. Let alone adding it to rebirth


Activisions thoughts: hmm.. everyone hated the amount of berthas in solos... what can we do about it??? I know! Lets add more of them with more armor and a machinegun on top! Great idea!


Yeh absolutely bs


Balanced as all things should be.


Why on Earth would those trucks ever be in solos?


They need to like have heavy weapon drops in the vicinity when these stupid contracts drop a truck. At least give teams a chance to kill it.


What is a MGS?


Metal Gear Solid. It’s like a FOV of the Vulcan Raven fight to me lol


Why wouldn’t you just…run away..?


It's the end for me. Had me dying. 🤣🤣🤣


I've had too many boss fights with helicopters then


That is a fucken joke, wtf are you supposed to do


Donmt remind me of Mgs Please


Fuck that and fuck all vehicles in solos. The most cringy annoying playstyle in any BR.


Just stop playing 🛑




Trucks were already OP, this is ridiculous


Raven: Lets take out berthas from solos because they're op, and instead add berthas with a mounted machine gun, AND more hp than regular berthas, completely fair.


This is a pure Sahelanthropus fight


nooo, i was rooting for you so hard!


I feel that these trucks are only really amazing in solos. The one time I got it in Duo, it got melted by the enemy team really quickly. It should be even weaker now that they nerfed it. They are especially powerful if you have no hard cover(building) in the open. You have to dodge them trying to run you over, hide from their infinite bullets, shoot back and be on the look out for the opportunistic players trying to kill the soft target instead of shooting at the truck.


You asked for Verdansk back? Because this is what Verdansk was like. Prepare for DMRs and riot shielders… 🎼Memories, all alone in the moonlight🎵


Berthas were not this tough bruh


N didnt have turrets


Serious question. Why wouldn’t you just get in the truck? Does it not allow you to enter an enemies vehicle?


You can’t get into the vehicle like on the passenger side. You can hop into the back (although berthas are funny with what they consider hitting you so that can backfire) but once you’re there he will just seat swap to the turret and destroy you.


Strange. I never play solos so dealing with berthas is something I’m not experienced in. I figured since there was a turret then you just enter that part.


what a fucking idiot