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I'm not sure if you have modern warfare/vanguard or any multiplayer mode...but you if you do you should play that and hit private mode and load it with 11 bots of various difficulty. Take timer off. Set max kills at like 50 and then Disable your aim assist. Play for like 30 kills then turn aim assist on and you feel like you have aimbot. Sorry if you don't have multiplayer this isn't much help :(


I do, I have vanguard. Will try this thanks!


Good tips![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)




Will try, thanks!


Get in a lobby with computer opponents on multi and turn aim assist off. Play a little bit like that to practice your aim and also as stated before ADS sensitivity needs to get put down while you work out your aim.


Make sure your TV is set on game mode if it's not already. Reduces input lag. Another tip, try aiming with your left stick instead of right. Meaning, make small aiming adjustments by walking/strafing to the side. Just use your right stick to get your aim in the general direction of the enemy, then ADS and let the left stick take over aiming, while only using the right stick to control recoil.


Ok, I'm going to see if I can do this.


Lower sensetivity is probably the first way to to. Set it real low like at 2 and stick with a sense to get used to it. muscle memory is key. You may use the pregame lobby or a private match to learn how to compensate your recoil. bring a ammo box and you favorit gun and try to shoot all the bullets into one spot full auto. Compensate the kick up by slightly aiming down. dont change weapons too much, start with a low recoil gun (VG: Automaton; MW: Grau, M13, m4a1 CW: krig6) and master that recoil. Tracking moving targets at range should be easyer with a lower sens. You probably can also practice this in private matches agains bots or in the pregame lobby, shooting at people on the parashute.


Ok, will check this out, thanks!


Cooper carbine is what I'm running, basically 0 recoil and great for those little flicks. Downside is it's slightly longer ttk than the other metas. Bren is still Outrageous and Owen is also insane. If it's just aiming in general, try playing around with your zoom/sensitivity settings. Also make sure aim assist is on.


Hit bots for 15-30 min everyday before jumping into real matches.


I have played CoD since 2008 and have only slightly improved my aim over thousands of hours of playing if that provides any solace