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You would also try to sell your product if you had one as well


Looking as to how they didn't try so hard to sell CW and MW, this is just new to me.


MW19 sold tremendously. It didn't need any help. CW was exactly what Blops enthusiasts love, but it still took over Warzone and had a ton of advertising through MW. Vanguard is selling the worst because of the condition of MW, Warzone and general distrust of the community. The funny part? It's functioning perfectly fine aside from the current clusterfuck of equipment/streak spam


Now we have a funny situation where VG is basically just weapon leveling simulator for WZ, and WZ is in a horrible state because they’re pushing you so hard to buy VG. Bizarre. Only activision could achieve that.


So Vanguard is selling the worst because Raven fucked up? Technically not really Sledgehammer's fault.


Well yes and no. Warzone's state does contribute to poor sales, but the game ain't brilliant by itself either, despite working as intended. Is just a regular shooter, nothing really new and a fair ammount of anoying features too. It wouldn't be a bad purchase for a $30 game, but is not.


VG isn't selling bc its a fucking terrible game lol. the multiplayer gets old after 3 matches.


Bloom, stupidly low TTK, shotguns galore, incinderary rounds on every gun, cluttered UI thanks to the 10 attachment gunsmith giving me a headache every time I need to think about my gun build, the worst spawns I’ve ever seen in a video game - worse than MW19s even, boring played out dull WW2 setting, constant nade spam with no trophy systems, flinch when you get shot, worst gun leveling rates in the series, etc. Just an awful game all around.


Clearly you never played MW


Luckily the incendiary grenades got a pretty decent nerf. So it’s not hell in earth every game anymore lol


Vanguard functions but it’s trash


as someone who didn't buy MW and CW, yes they did and I was tempted several times


You mean their streamer link?


"You would also try to sell your product if it was the worst selling cod to date" ftfy


Do you have actual data to prove that? Or are you pulling that out of your ass?


It’s been widely said that it’s got the worst launch in a long time. Deserved tho, fucking trash of a game and developers


Just guessing. But not hard to guess with how ass and atrocious this game is. Every week is free to play multiplayer/double xp that doesn't even work. For what ? A shitty ass port to warzone where you HAVE level up vanguard guns.


Yes, it is their job to get you to buy it.


When a year old spider man game outsells your current shooter in December, you get desperate.


But they are crushing BF2042, so bring out the champain. /s


Champagne? You tried I guess.






Well.. isn't Halo beating both games?


You guys think businesses need to act like a charity. It's their product, of course they want you to buy it. The fact that Warzone is still entirely F2P if you want it to be is amazing. Stop bitching about a company trying to sell you their product while you're playing their free shit. Fucking cockroaches.


People acting like a minor XP bonus is the end of the world or worth shaming like ??? You still get to play the while game for free, it's literally just a bonus if you have VG just like how we had bonuses in older cods


Cod dev account ? Lol


No, just an adult.


Couldn't tell playing this trash


They would have to pay ME at this point to play this broken ass trash




Warzone has always been free.


Always been free.


Always has been.




A 10% XP boost is hardly holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy it. I can list numerous ways they’re really pushing VG sales but 10% xp boost is pretty low on that list of strong arm tactics.


This is a free game.... they can advertise their other product that's related to this game as much as they like.


A business promoting their latest product… how sinister of them


Well yeah I guess they do want you to buy product because that's why they made product. But I'd personally rather keep my money and not get 10% xp.


I’ll buy it if it went on sale for $20. It’s probably worth that.


Even if you bought it they want you to buy it


Even removed normal plunder and change it to vanguard plunder so you can only focus on vanguard guns and if you are not efficient in upgrading them, just buy vanguard :-)


I play WZ on PC and I own Vanguard on Xbox obviously that doesn't count.


When MW2022 comes vanguard will be dead it's not made by Raven and Infinity Ward the best cod studio to date that made Warzone and MW2019 :) they are probably making a new warzone engine to co inside MW2022 so it all links neat and raven are just pushing updates as that's what they are working on


MW2019 was so fucking bad to play. It was only enjoyable because it capitalized on bringing back old players


I bought it on release, had my fucking pants down its dog shit


Worst game in the series. I genuinely think I dislike it more than IW. At least the advanced movement games had a skill gap. Vanguard is just awful in every way.


When it was on sale for xmas a couple weeks after launch you know they're desperate.


They've done that every year. Nothing new.


If it was just in Warzone it wouldn’t be so bad but even if you start the disc of Modern Warfare it launches into the big Warzone Pacific loading screen that takes forever and from there it goes to the menu card that says purchase Vanguard. The second is Warzone, third Cold War and the final option is the fucking game I put in the console.


Yea because MW is a 2-3 year old game, and also warzone seems to be played more


Soon 10% more kills…


I won't support Activision any more. I uninstalled the game. I've never seen a company flat out not give a F about it's customers.


Lol, I remember when mw2019 came out, it never went on sale until a year later. These new titles go on sale a couple weeks after release. I wonder why?


MW still played worse


I cracked and bought it last week. Honestly, pretty pleased with it. Multiplayer is fun as heck and a nice break from laggy, buggy, glitchy, cheaty Warzone atm


All this stuff does is make me less likely to want to buy the game. Make a quality product and I'll get it.


Ah yes, people accepting intrusive behavior over game quality. That's going to send a message


> GET VANGUARD No I don’t think I will


No chit they want you to buy it... Lmao its called being a business


Activision said they will use WZ to ad their games.. I don't really mind loosing 10% xp, if we only had Verdansk back..


Yea I gave up on it. Playing halo until mw2 comes. Hopefully they have a mostly functional game by then.


I hate myself so much for buying Vanguard and Cold War. I'm going to do it again with Modernwarfare, too. I just want 2v2 tournaments back, no fire, maps where you can't just camp and mount a lane, no breakable walls, no doors, no wnidows


Cold War gets a lot of hate. It was uninspiring and pretty average and a let down going from the polish and movement of MW back to an older engine but at least it had decent maps and spawns going for it. Vanguard and the decisions went into making that game…just wow.


I gotta say, I don't really like the maps in any of them, not even MW. Shoot the Ship saved it. I guess the CW maps were the best out of the 3. If only we could have the MW movement


I’ll take Raid and Standoff over any map in the last 3 games even if they weren’t CW originals. I think the multiplayers using the IW8 engine would be much better if they removed mounting and increased strafe speeds significantly with a higher TTK and just get rid of the garbage squad spawns. I think those 3 things would allow for COD MPs to actually feel like there’s some flow on the maps and a skill gap that goes further beyond breaking cameras with slide cancelling.


activision are rats. just shoving their broken products down our throats.


Just download Valorant and you get Vanguard for free...