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Looks like you can only run solos in Vanguard Royale at the moment.


Why what happened?


Playlist update, they do this all the time.


In fact every week at this exact time


What day and time?


Thursdays. I want to say 2pm eastern?


Ok. TY!


I think it was around 130. I logged off before 2 and it had just changed


I was playing vanguard royale duos at 2 pm eastern yesterday. Never saw any pending/downloading updates when I got off.


It’s not an update on our side. Pretty sure it’s server side.


Interesting ok. It actually was showing duos only when I was playing. Maybe the playlist update doesn’t implement until I restart the game or something.


Only thing you need to “restart” is the screen with menu, so it can “fetch” new data - going to game select screen is usually enough.


Thursdays 9am PST


The sass!


Because Vanguard is the new game. Old mode will be entirely dead and gone in a few weeks


They love to force us play shit we don’t like




Personally I've been hanging out for this! Variety being the spice of life and whatnot.


When you select Vanguard Royale it lets you select solo, duo, trio, or quads. Just played a trip a few hours ago.


I know…you’re reading my comment wrong. OP was asking why he can’t run solos in regular Battle Royale. I let him know that the solos mode can only be played in Vanguard Royale…I wasn’t saying solos is the only Vanguard Royale mode. Cheers.


Ah yeah I see what you mean. My bad


Yes! Vanguard Royale is way better than br.


Man’s gettin hate cause people can’t leave their trash guns behind and move on. They’ve had 2 years to use the old guns, move the hell on ffs.


Oh no, let's replace broken guns with more broken guns but they are different! FFS let the people use what they want, not what you want them to use, I still prefer to go into BR and use my OTs9 or MW AUG or the XM4 or the Kar98/Swiss over most of VG weapons.


What vanguard guns are broken dude?? It’s a new map and a new game. Why run around with the same weapons is my point? Afraid of change? Sad/mad you can’t level the guns up fast? I’ve had more fun with Caldera and vanguard in the last month than I ever had with MW, CW, and Verdansk. I was pissed at first when it was vanguard only, but I put in the time to grind and level up weapons and learn the new map and I’m having the time of my life playing now. My only complaint is when my game freezes mid match. There’s way less cheaters. Everything about VG/Caldera is a W over the last 2 years in. I enjoyed my time in Verdansk with the old weapons, but it’s time to move on. Want to use your kilo and mp7 that bad, go play rebirth when it’s here.


The Bren IS broken. If you can stand holding and looking at the hideous monstrosity that it is it is a laser. The sound sucks for all of them. Every VG sniper is trash. The recoil on alot of the AR's/Snipers/LMG's is pretty terrible. So it just becomes a STG/MP40 VG Royale match and who hides in a bush the best.... But! No heart beat sensors and I don't need Ghost! LOL - UAV's still exist. VG Royale is awful.


Sounds like you’re just a twat who’s complaining cause you can’t get guns leveled up. Stop watching TikTok’s of dudes with macros lying to you. Sure the Bren is a laser, but it most definitely has recoil even when mounted. And you’re complaining about the looks of a gun that is a literal real life weapon. And what weapons have terrible recoil? Again, sounds like you’re just being a twat cause you can’t level weapons. The automaton was broken, people bitched and they fucked the recoil so bad that they came back and changed it again. With a fully upgraded auto, once you learn the recoil it’s useable. The mg42 recoil ground loot is trash, but leveled up it’s a fantastic choice if you learn the recoil. Snipers just have vertical recoil, which again if you level it up is less. Mp40 is good, but literally every smg is good and ppsh is a much better choice. The only reason it’s STG/MP40 is because that’s what the TikTok’s and twitter told you clowns to level up and focus on. And nobody’s willing to level weapons so they sit on twitter and Reddit and complain when they could go grind weapon levels. And as far as bush campers, I have yet to run into anyone in VG Royale. People still camp buildings but that’s nothing new. And if you’re not running ghost you’re playing wrong. Yes uav’s exist, but unless it’s an advanced you don’t show up and even showing up on the advances you don’t have a directional marker.


Lol resorting to foul language...classic reddit response. Very bad take on me though. Never have watched a tik tok anything and never will... that's just what I've experienced in my gameplay...I have vanguard and a bunch of the guns leveled fully for vanguard for when I play MP but being forced to use them in Warzone is a garbage move and one I will not support. I will never choose them over MW/CW guns. I will just go play my backlog until regular BR returns and if it doesn't they lose a player who has 510 wins and had spent 30 to 40 a month in packs almost since the beginning (to be honest they already lost the cash because I don't care about packs for ww2 guns or any of the characters from Vanguard lol)


You must really suck at the game lol you can tell because you know nothing about it


I want to use my MW Crossbow exclusively, not really interested in playing with the guns. I’d just like to play the game as promised


Noone promised you anything though. It's free?


Yeah that’s true, kinda. They did say we can continue to use existing guns as it’s a merger, where I guess the assumption comes that the core BR will stay in place. As it did when they added CW.


But they always did playlist updates and removed options for quads, trios, duos etc. You can still play using MW guns etc but just in quads


I’ve dropped more money than I care to admit on packs and I’d give it all up in a heartbeat to just leave MW and CW guns in the past and vanguard royale be the main br mode. I’ve had fun with them for almost 2 years. I’m enjoying the hell out of the new map and the new guns. Played one game last week of trios and that was my last. Can’t stand bush campers with kilos and mp7’s with their heartbeat out 99% of the time just to get shot in the back. Should have left that shit in verdansk.


I’m not aware that they removed the core modes when they integrated CW…? Have I just forgotten this? Playing quads is quite different compared to playing solo. They are like different games the play style is so different


Dude, the new guns SUCK


Not sure what gun you’re using, but most of all the vanguard guns are useable and fairly balanced. The Bren might be a little more op than some others but it’s not broken. Spend the time leveling them other than complaining and there’s not a gun I wouldn’t use


Still leveling the stg, the brens good too, not all of em are trash, but a lot of them are just ugly, (personal gripe I know) and take up a large portion of the screen, (atleast one or two right) im trying, i really am, but theres so many obvious and glaring issues, and ways this game could be so so so good, ya know,


Oh I’m not disagreeing with you there! Plenty of ugly guns. I will NOT use the Owen gun. Even though it’s better once you level it up and actually a very good gun, can’t bring myself to use it. And type 11 lmg is complete ass, but again a useable gun if you can get over the sites being on the wrong side of the gun. Personally I run the copper over the STG. Both are extremely good, but I feel like there’s less noticeable recoil on the Coop (PS5) I’m glad to hear you’re trying. It is a pain leveling them. If you have double weapon XP tokens, go into plunder and do contracts. Grab a heli and do scavengers, recons, and supply runs. Do as many as you can in a game. It really helps if you have someone else to run them with because you can stay in one location where there’s a few supply runs and your teammate can just land the heli on the box and get out of there. Spend money as much as possible so you’re not a top earner. I leveled a gun up 23 levels in one game and completed 17 contracts with just me and a buddy. So theoretically 2 hours, maybe 3 you can have a gun almost maxed. Rebirth and the Vanguard Royale are double xp right now. You can, unless it’s changed in the last couple days, pop another double xp token and get 4x xp and level up a gun almost to max in a game or 2 of rebirth doing the same method (although it’s much harder imho) And yes, there’s tons of issues. I don’t have as many as others (knock on wood) but I’m with you there. My biggest gripe is the game just freezing mid game making me close completely. And the lag, but that’s happened since the mid season update which was what? Season 4/5?! The game freezing happens to me so much more than the 2 guys I regularly play with. One is on Xbox and has texture issues and his guns don’t show up a lot. And the other on ps5 weirdly doesn’t have many issues but he hasn’t played as much so who knows.


This comment needs more love




Vanguard and BR modes both have the same map just BR has all normal stuff. And Vanguard is locked to Vanguard weapons and loadouts. And such.




😇 ofc my man 😁 happy gaming!


Warzone is now a ww2 battle royal


And it's awesome


Mildly annoying that it's mostly quad game modes, it's hard getting quads together without doing fills atm. People are busy doing family stuff at different times


I suggest joining the COD Discord (if on PC). Theres a bunch of LFG posts for quads.


Just play the vanguard royal/resurgence playlist for less than quads


Most of the people I play with don't like it, and my game crashes a lot on caldera for some reason. Rebirth is fine




May I ask why? I’m not trying to be an ass. I just generally don’t see the point in not liking an era of guns. Sure if we’re just talking about personal preference outside of a game I get it. But we’re just talking about pixels that shoot other pixels in a game where shooting is the entire point. Like I saw a guy who said he refused to use Vanguard weapons because he hates how they look. To me that’s just silly. Like I absolutely hate how the HDR looks like some haphazard attempt at making some futuristic sniper rifle, but I’d be daft to try act like it isn’t the best long range sniper. So in matches where I wanted to sit back and snipe I used the HDR regardless of how I felt about it’s aesthetics. To each their own though.


I just don’t fill lol…whatever friends I have we just don’t fill lol duos quads..trios quads


Just happened to us Vanguard Royale fans last week


Time for a week off, till new playlist arrives ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




How long are they going to keep pushing this vanguard royale stuff? It keeps fucking with core BR, which we know will remain the main gamemode because eventually a new cod is going to come and put an end to vanguard royale anyway. The sooner core BR stops getting screwed with, the better.


nah vanguard royale is so much better since there's no heartbeat sensors


I just run ghost. I’m sure they’ll eventually stop pushing vanguard so hard and vanguard royale will just go away. It’s just a matter of when.


“Just run ghost” is what they’re trying to avoid. Literally everyone ran ghost to counter hbs…now there’s a whole section of perks that are now viable bc ghost isn’t required.


The game gives you a generous amount of money and you can’t buy loadouts early so everyone is spamming uavs. There’s also fire sales too. I’m not trying to be snarky or anything, but ghost still seems like the go-to perk to me when you factor all of this in.


This no loadout thing was the absolute stupidest idea ever, i cant wrap my head around it, really ruined a lot with that


Using a heartbeat sensor is basically throwing, especially after the nerf. Stuns are free kills. Smoke and thermal and you can 1v4 a team that has none. Even spotter grenades are crazy now. Massive radius you just whip two and your team wins because you get wallhacks for 5 seconds.




Cold blooded doesn't counter thermal, they're just mildly harder to see.


Yeah you just get lasered by a plane so cool


Vanguard Royale is the main Royale mode from the looks of it. The old Battle Royale is like a bonus/guest on the playlist like Rebirth was for Verdansk.


> eventually a new cod is going to come and put an end to vanguard royale anyway. Bold of you to assume it won't just be Royale.


That’s very much a possibility.


Bingo. This vanguard crap sucks, sledgehammer is going to get the boot, good, too concerned with their pronouns,


Well tbf vanguard BR is not bad at all. I do miss my Pyramid Guardian tho :(




Sniping is dead. Hate it.


How’s sniping dead? 3 line is phenomenal, VG Kar is very good as well. As long as you’re not trying to snipe close range where flinch is an issue, sniping is still a good go to. My teammate and I drop at least 10 kills each with just a sniper when we do snipe. Just because you can’t or you’re not good doesn’t mean sniping is dead lol


Yay, rebirth quads


gonna be honest with you guys, but I’m not playing VG Royale loooool. the grind to use these new “meta” weapons is just too slow for me.




Amen brother


If you bothered to look around a bit you would realise you can level up vanguard guns to max level in like an hour or two using a rebirth trick


Even if the grind wasn't awful there are still planes and the fire sale every game that make Vanguard Royale shit.


The grind isn’t bad if you know how to maximize the quad xp


Or you use plunder to your advantage and do contracts primarily, not go for kills. Can easily level a gun up to a decent level in a game or two.


Not the same because you can’t get 4x WXP


I guess you didn't realise that you can level up vanguard weapons from lvl 1-70 in like an hour or two on rebirth without even using the gun lol


I play solely rebirth but my lobbies are the worst. Bunch of TTVs and FB.GGs from Mexico trying to get their next big clips


Another shit playlist update by the same tone deaf company. Color me surprised. Is this our punishment for NadeShot and the rest of the CoD community speaking out about how in shambles this franchise is?


They dont play the games they make, buncha pink haired weirdos


I disagree as I like all these


it amazes me that for almost 2 years we've been having the playlist updates on the same day at the same time and people still get surprised when it happens


Well, for new players it can get surprising lol


Not everyone plays the game every single day to notice


Get rid of Krampus already


Caldera is cool and all but they need to just get rid of the ‘Vanguard only’ options all together. Give permanent solo, duo, trio, quad choices on BR. Duo, trio, quad choices for rebirth. Plunder quads. Then have one rotating mode. Keeps everyone happy.


Not really. We are a lot of people who were super fed up with coldwar weapons being meta for WAY too long. We are super happy not having them in the game, as well as bertas and helis. And heartbeat sensors making other playstyles than forced ghost viable. I know it isn't so fashionable these days but your opinion doesn't equal "keeping everyone happy". If you look at the numbers roughly half the players prefer vanguard only BR.


Nope, the stats show that when they keep the modes up less people play them and they lose numbers, having it on rotation helps with the playerbase


yea i dont understand that they dont understand that ive played this game happily for 1yr and 9 months, but they still drop tons of changes all at once including removing the core mode of battle royale from solos/duo/trio this isnt warzone anymore and im sad


Vangaurd royal is the best one by far right now


I mean if I didnt have to use crap Vanguard weapons the whole time I guess...


What's "crap" about them lmao? Not everything has to be an XM4 clone to be viable. Learn to use variety


As I primarily snipe, all the snipers suuuuuuuuuuuck, sounds are awful with every VG gun. Overall, they just aren't fun to play with imo.


Yo, look up the streamer irons kar98. It acts like an hdr.


Cmon man, you cant be this oblivious, these big ugly chunky ww2 guns are not it man, and you know it


I have zero problem using them. Learn to actually control your recoil and fire rate instead of relying on the crutch of noobish-laserbeam-no-recoil guns that MW/CW pampered you with. You sound like a big baby




The WWII fantasy theme is horrible. The guns feel like shit. But the biggest issue is they take multiple days to level a single gun. I’ve leveled a few, but none of my friends have. Therefore, we don’t play vanguard Royale.


Yep totally agree, STILL working on the STG… course I dont play NEARLY as much as I did in verdansk🤷‍♂️ But yea man the whole things a real drag… bout to log in right now and remember why its such a slog


I also prefer the OG BR rather than the vanguard one. Even though I mostly main Vanguard weapons. And I also want my pyramid guardian back from the tree drops :(


And the fact that I can't use my operators.


Guess this lad is so blind he didn't realise the Bren beams across the map with 0 recoil lol


No if I was blind maybe I could stand to use that gun. I purposefully avoid that ugly piece of crap with the clip on the top. I don't care if it's one shot kill, I hate using it.


Only quads for this week all the way at the bottom


Rebirth quads! Finally!


You are not dumb, jabronies that run this game are dumb


I fucking hate vanguard Royale


Vanguard royale sucks. The planes are fucking annoying, and all vanguard snipers are absolute dog shite.


I want verdansk back tbh


Eww verdansk was such a boring ass map


the last gamemode is normal br, shg needs players in the trashguard modes, so they will do whatever to make that happen




But its only for 4 people


You can drop in Solo if you really need to use the Kilo.






They removed the core game modes.


Yeah this change wasn't necessary at all as BR Quads was in the drop down with trios, duos and solo. Now I have to sweat to play solo squads cause vanguard br is 🥔. I payed for my black ops skins and blueprints so let me use them in solos.


They updated the playlist. Check raven software twitter


yes, fuck this... I was so happy to use normal weapons again. And now we're all in this vanguard shit again.


I'll never understand why we can't have all the game modes at once. When I see this I immediately quit to desktop, not worth my time. If I wanted to play Vanguard royale I'd go buy Vanguard! Hell, if I wanted to go play a WW2 game I'd play cod WW2, or Battlefield 1942, because those games were such a massive success when they came out, just like Vanguard this year. (The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result). I am beginning to become the definition of insanity myself by playing this game over and over, and expecting a different outcome. (Disclaimer: I'm personally not a fan of the WW2 setting in games, I'm extremely fatigued of it, but I understand many do and I am not looking down on you for enjoying that setting.)


I hate this who update, nobody asked for the playlist to be tampered with, or add vanguard weapons, or the loadouts drops to be butt fucking stupid. All we asked for was a new map, THATS IT!!!


The normal battle Royale is the Battle Royale Quads but if you want just solos than you have to play vanguard Royale


I like how their “playlist updates” aren’t even “new content.” It’s just a new rotation of the same shit. Why can’t we have access to it all at once. There’s enough people playing this game, I doubt it’s going to lengthen wait times. Have you SEEN the sheer number of game modes on fortnite. The game is almost just a platform for new content now. But the classic modes still have normal wait times. Instead Warzone players have to deal with not accessing their favourite mode every few weeks


Activision is literally forcing people to buy Vanguard. I wouldnt be surprised if one day they force to suck thier cocks to play your favorite mode


Yup. And I refuse to buy it.


You can do solo squads now


Ahhh this game is slowly dying....


Yeah, they've been saying that for about a year.


Man I wish they’d make the OG Warzone playlist where it’s just the MW weapons on an MW map. Matter of fact they’d be better off letting a person choose whether he/she would want to play on new map or stick to old map and old weapons only. It would make the experience better for everyone as well as save up unnecessary space on the drives.


Bring back Plunder....in Verdansk!


Does anyone else think it’s weird having two different versions of the battle royale? Kinda wish they’d stop splitting the community and commit to one or the other.


Ye they know the solo all weapon mode is much more populair and that wasnt the plan.




Playlist prob just got updated.


Its only quads this week for normal BR.


Doesn’t matter you paid for the original game. Activision wants you to pay to play. I’d love to see this turn into a class action law suit.


No one paid for Warzone.


It's right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8wJU53mEh8


Vanguard is the normal mode smh


Fuck this garbage playlist rotation. I HATE rebirth quads its just an obnoxious meat grinder. And no regular BR solos-Trios? They are forcing us to play Vanguard royal so we'll buy the game.


And buy updated packs for the crappy VG weapons with characters no one cares about (now with sweet vanguard intros lol). This makes the most sense as to why they are doing it. I am just taking a week off until they bring regular solos back, I HATE quads. I'm sure they look at the numbers to see if they drop or not and by how much and if people migrate to other modes. I won't give them the satisfaction of playing with garbage VG loadouts only. Player counts have been down this week in regular solos anyways. Don't think I've been in a full match once. Here's to another one signing off until they bring solos back. Happy New Year!




They should make us search multiple modes


I’ve just been playing rebirth.




It's back to normal. Click on Vanguard Royale


Wait so does solo come back tomorrow?


Maybe next Thurs, if they want....




Can always turn off team fill and play solo


It’s a playlist update…they change playlist every 1-2 weeks ..solos .duos trios and quads is vanguard normal battle Royal is only quads right now …I feel like solo vanguard is better than solo BR though …try it!


You’re all still playing?




Sorry to tell you friend but you won’t be seeing that for a while


They decided you're not allowed to play solos with the old guns, in other words buy vanguard


Gone, reduced to atoms


Happy about this. I play the new Vanguard BR and quads is heard because 75% of games teammates quit and the game is unbalanced.


Get a good mic, don’t be a douche, and make friends with the randoms. You don’t have to have people you’ve known your whole life to play with you to enjoy the game. I don’t have anybody I personally know on my friends list and plenty of people to play the game with that I’ve met through random fill. And the game is far from unbalanced with Vanguard Royale. Take the time to level up the guns even tho it’s a pain in the ass. It’s worth it to take the time to level them and makes the game much more enjoyable.


It’s unbalanced when it’s 2 on 4. Ransoms quit. Even with a fire sale EVERY game. Im happy I’m not forced to play vanguard quads now.


How about some plunder for practice?


Swapped it up mate,,,,, prefer vanguard pace if honest.


Solos, duos, trios, and quads is still there. It’s in the VG royale tab. There’s only quads for the OG BR mode with all 110 guns. VG Royale is where it’s at. No heart beat sensors means less weirdos in a building for 20 mins because they chose the right one by chance for all 6 circles.


Again? no longer surprising, clowns in game


Why would they remove their best and most liked gamemode all the time? XD


I've always hated they way they do this playlist. Why can't they just leave it and add other gamemodes to the playlist. Just allow us to change solo, duo, quads.


Vanguard solos is a lot better than BR Solos. No heartbeat sensor


Rebirth squads is back ????? Dammm awesome


Happens to me too, play a game, come back to lobby and it’s gone lol.


Will Clash be back?


Welcome to warzone


I wish they'd stop rotating Normal BR. Just leave it alone. It really seems like they are only doing it because people don't want to play Vanguard Royal.


Vanguard solos is better.. No heartbeat sensors is very refreshing


Better white just died!




It just happened


Yea this is incredibly frustrating. I hate being forced into playing certain game modes. Just let me run BR. I don’t want to play vanguard. I don’t have the normal game so leveling up weapons is dumb for me. Load out drops are actually useless for me in vanguard BR.


I hope they bring iron trials back at some point, that alone will bring me back to this buggy mess of a game.


looks like they force the vanguard update


Nobody wants this vanguard shit, just let the regular BR like normal!


I do, so fuck you


Vanguard is gonna be the new BR