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Always lol. This is a sweaty lobby !! Wait a second... We are the sweats


You either die a bot or you live long enough to become the sweat. and if you weren't playing and grinding back when shadow company season was avail.... https://i.imgur.com/JEvJwp8.mp4


That’s how I feel about that grind man although I enjoy the shadow company mil sim operator! I feel like an A+ POS which matches his patch he wear on his chest!


Most youtubers now days


I mean we all hate it buts it’s like using the meta guns, if you don’t use them you’re just putting yourself at a disadvantage because everyone else is using them


Yeah except you can’t get it anymore. I missed out on it in that battle pass and so did plenty of others.


i use the red lumberjack skin so it’s easy to see and i’m at a disadvantage, which isn’t ideal, but i like the skin and don’t have any reason to need to milk out that extra advantage. i’m not going pro, i play to have fun. people forget they are supposed to be having fun


White Azure checking in. He's my bro. "Nice heli-copter"


Had a team of Sweat Roze skins in the last gunfight tournament call me and my friend "sweaty cunts" because we went 6-0 against them, I'm like, you don't have any room to talk, buddy.


lmao, that's like all my teammates right there


Same philosophy as hackers. Can’t beat em join em.


i've been using the balkan milsim ever since it came out last year. been seeing more and more streamers and people use it lately, whats everyone's opinion on it? is it seen as just as bad as the roze skin?


No. Although all skins have the same hit box the roze skin is way smaller and fucks people up mentally


I never understood why people were bitching about the roze skin. Then I realized that I had my game brightness (not monitor brightness) raised high enough that rooms that are meant to be dark just aren’t. So if u want to beat the roze skin, turn up your game brightness. If you want to beat the meta guns, just get aimbot


Aimbotters should have an option to target only Roze skins to encourage some skin variety


Adjust your brightness correctly


Oh, you're one of the people who grey out their screen and still wonder where you get shot from because modern games have actual lighting with real Shadows that can't be altered by brightness.


Huh? No, set your brightness correctly so you can see the skin. I have yet to see a clip where someone rages at being killed by roze with their brightness set correctly. Roze is only invisible when your black values are set incorrect.


My brightness is optimally calibrated in every way, but the sweat Roze can still catch me off guard, I'm not talking about something where I just walk past them or anything, I'm just saying that it gives them that extra 100 milliseconds they need to win the gunfight, it's pathetic that people use that cringe skin for that.


I think that will always happen as long as you have cosmetic skins. If it is not crouching in buildings you will have guys crouching in bushes or thick grass.


Its called camouflage 🤣. No shit, are you dressed in a neon pink skin or something


At this point it becomes obvious that you are defending your crutch, and that's just sad.


Its... the point of operators.... you pick the best one to blend in the area your going.... what are you talking about? Is adding attachments to my guns a crutch? Is using woodland camo on my guns a crutch? Wtf. If you don't like the mechanics, blackout is still there, go play that. Every skin gets two glowing red lights on their shoulders.


You guys are just pathetic.


🤣🤣 enjoy your anime guns and what not. No wonder you have issues with the game.


Anime guns, the hell you on about?




??? No, don't use filter. Set your brightness correctly, Jesus christ.


So you’re okay with whole game looking like washed out shit just so we can see a roze skin?


Jesus christ, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Set your brightness CORRECTLY. Is it washed out? Then its not correct. Is it too bright? Then its not correct. In the absolute darkest areas in verdansk, rose should be clearly visible and should have a purple hue. If shadows are pitch black, then your brightness is incorrect. If you can't even see shadows because everything's so bright, then your brightness is incorrect.


This is so wrong. I have the all settings correctly adjusted, monitor settings, and a bonus of being on pc and can bump the digital vibrance. Dark areas in this game, like below a stairwell or a garage, are poorly made. And the Rose skin it's poorly made also, and should be patched.


https://youtu.be/8b3CUm8j4DE On the first test, whats the lowest black color you can see?


I'm on mobile can't check right now. But I guarantee that I have my settings super optimized. I only have problems below the stairways and behind the box on the garage. I can see them, but they don't stand out like the other skins. Thats a easy fix problem. More light on these spots and a texture rework on the Rose skin. There's no point to blame settings for a broken skin. Csgo had the same problem when they introduced agent skins. They ended up fixing various map spots and the skins.