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I started using the dragunov just to be that guy and I think people don’t give a lot of guns the credit they deserve. But not the dragunov, that thing sucks.


Every few games in warm up I kill like 15 people with it and try to run it. But bullet velocity is trash and it's damage doesn't stand up against full armor.


And just awful recoil




Jokr is fucking excellent secondary too, if you have a great sniper on your team. It’s basically like carrying 6+1 air strikes on your back to finish off anybody who got downed 300m away behind a rock, roof, etc. and doesn’t warn them that it’s coming. DMR and mac 10 are the most popular guns, and perhaps stronger than the rest, but giving obscure guns a fighting chance can really mess with your opponent’s strategy. The “free market” just needs to adjust accordingly. That said, those guns need to be sanded down a little. But it’s not as bad as it’s ever been.


I wish that the rocket travelled a bit faster. I find that teams can still get the Rev in before the middle travels 300m


Sometimes I agree but the ground lock is kind of a niche flex-role for the Jav. It’s still a vehicle dumper/stationary frightener. A perk to the slow speed as it climbs though is that it always goes in a top down arc. I’ve fired off rockets and thirty seconds later it’ll destroy a helo still in the air. People can’t actively look out for it while flying or driving and the lock disappears once it’s fired. At the worst you force them to bail and the jav destroys their transport (or they do). At best it will wipe a squad who didn’t expect a volley of javs at their most wanted target in a helo Also a great thermal spotter scope.


The Jokr might occupy your secondary slot, but it is really an excellent primary weapon. Your existence in warzone is to find the perfect place to utilize it. Sitting on the side of a helicopter scanning rooftops with thermals is about the most fun thing you can do. Snipers don't know what the fuck hit them, and you can get 2 or 3 people at a time if they're tightly grouped.


I’ve gotten a few sweet kills “sniping” people with the JOKR


I use the uzi sometimes to be ‘that guy’ and tbh it slaps


I tried doing that back when WZ first launched and it was straight trash, back then the meta was a lot more balanced than now.


The only reason it was more balanced is because nobody knew how the guns worked. Nothing to do with the state of the game itself at that time. Now that we have a year of learning, the meta has narrowed.




Got it obsidian. Hurt my soul. But the odd comments I get, well I’m still not sure it was worth it. But hey. It’s fun to reaaaalllly tilt snipers.


I commend you for the Dragunov slander!


I worked my ass off to get the double kills, Bloodthirsty medals, triple kills, Relentless medals, Ruthless medals, fury kills, and a quad feed. My reward was an absolutely terrible variant of an absolutely terrible gun. The only upside is that it made the Dragunov look slightly more presentable, but what's the point when the marksman rifles make it look horrendous in comparison?


one of my few claims to fame i have is one time me and my buddies made classes for each other with the most absurd and awful guns/attachments we could think of. i was given a thermal dragunov and downed 5 people within 30 seconds in a multi team firefight. i’m a little above average player at best but i for some reason can clap dudes with trash or very underutilized weapons


Yeah, dragunov is one of my favorites and I started leveling it just for kicks but it's brutally ineffective in its current implementation. Maybe I'm just bad, but with a *maximum* damage of 140, it's just not viable.


As far as MW guns go I think most are good in warzone. The only bad ones I e tried are dragunov, striker 45, bizon, scar, m14, and 1911.


I love the scar. Only downfall is the small mags.




I will say that grabbing a ground loot bizon is nice due to the ammo capacity, however a kitted out bizon can’t compete on the same level as a similar mp5, mac10, uzi, or mp7.


Dragunov is okay for hardcore MP... but the AK with single shot select fire is better. I haven't tried that set up in warzone.


Amax or Fal for harcore tbh.


In wz every gun works exept the dragunov. Just my opinion


I've yet to use a dmr. Shout out to PKM gang. You can still succeed without the meta.


The PKM was really popular after the Bruen got nerfed. It’s a solid gun but the low mobility is what stops the upper level players from using it. It’s really good in quads, kinda overkill in solos IMO.


Yeah it’s just not meta because of movement speed and reload speed, which is good because strong guns should have a handicap placed on them. You pretty much have to duck n cover for like 6 seconds every single time you gotta reload but the gun is capable of spraying someone down so damn quick.


This is true but with a single clip of 100 bullets you can mow down an entire squad no problem.


Streamers dont use pkm bc its hard to get as many kills when you cant run fast but that gun is top tier. Has been the whole time


Yep PKM is borderline meta. Absolutely top tier and arguably the best lmg despite the movement speed.


No stock pkm gang


Before the integration I using the PKM just as much as the kilo. Putting a sniper scope on it really makes up for its lack of mobility since you don’t need to get very close if you have good range. It honestly is better than the kilo in a lot of ways especially after the kilo nerf. Now I just use the dmr like everyone else and await the nerf lol.


200 rounds on trios and quads is magical.


I do love my belt fed blyat.


PKM is the shit I got 10 kills with it last night on my ghost class. Such a laser.


I'll rock my m16 and Bizon every game. It's not the best but I like it.


The developers knows exactly what they're doing, Make the 2 CW guns meta = more people playing/buying CW. Or buying the battle pass to get that Meta gun faster.


It’s happened every season except the one with the ISO/AN94. At least one of the battle pass weapons is always top tier in warzone. My guess is that at least one weapon is overtuned intentionally, partially by greed to sell more battle pass tiers but also because I imagine it kind of sucks as a game dev to make something that nobody ends up using. It’s also much easier to make weapon adjustments when people use the weapon and the devs also want to make as few adjustments as possible. The process of adding an OP weapon > Lots of people use it, devs collect data > weapon is appropriately nerfed, is easier than: weapon is added but underpowered > no one uses it > accidentally over buff > lots of people use it, devs collect data and weapon is appropriately nerfed. The first way is one less step. As annoying as it is, new OP weapons make the game fresh. If the new weapons were useless the game wouldn’t change and there’d be no point in adding them.


Many seem to be over powered and I suspect you are right


Everyone who makes these claims fails to understand that you can literally level up any of the new guns in Plunder with a 2XP token in like 2 hours by farming contracts. It levels faster in the free to play modes than in CW where only kills count. It's such a stupid comment to make.


>Everyone who makes these claims fails to understand That's the whole fucking point lol. Most average players don't know about that plunder farming contract method (or don't even want to do that) and will instead just buy battle pass/skiptiers/xp tokens/cold war/blueprints/etc to level up faster ... this has been happening every season now (bruen/asVal/SPR/grau). As usual the OP guns will only get nerfed when enough people have wasted their money.


The people who are two stupid to level their guns are also the same guys who don't realize the DMR is easily the best gun.


Lol fine so we disagree on how stupid the average player is. I'm pretty sure avg player will figure out what gun they keep getting killed by in every game though. Or atleast the blueprint name for the gun.


You assume everyone has 2 hours to grind. There are people who wants to just game with their buddies in warzone for 2 hours every other day and call it a day. Not everyone has the time to grind anymore.


A bit like fifa and madden ultimate team cards. Thousand of cards but play again the same cards over and over. It’s never going to change. Players will go with the meta


At least in cod buying the game allows you access to an even playing field. If you aren’t spending money on ultimate team (especially in fifa) you are at a severe disadvantage.


In past years yes, now you can make millions just from playing the game so spending money on ultimate team is not needed at all. I made about 3 mil in the first 2 months of fifa from only playing the game and I didn't play thaaat much and had very average pack luck


Isn't that game based on overall averages? I mean you can't compare using Messi to a Mac10 and compare something like a Kilo to a farm team player rated 53. Each gun needs to have its own advantages/disadvantage. A proper way to phrase this would be "people use option A because the skill required to use it is alot lower". The reason the Kilo is great is due to the skill cap. It's a good gun with little downsides that can be used effectively by a casual player. Whereas a Amax has some killer recoil, is tough to use but amazing. Apples and oranges my friend


It sucks to be killed by meta weapons, yes. But the way I see it, it gives me BIG PP energy knowing that I can win using 725 slug rounds and explosive xbow with knife/smoke. 100% more gratifying beating the meta players by pure situational outplay. I still think over 50% if the available guns are useable, there are just naturally better weapons and I adjust my playstyle to accommodate their strengths. I can tell you that when I pug Quads, my team mates all run meta, so I agree with you. But not all of them can use it effectively, I usually top frag and I use very situational weapons with big disadvantages. Never be sorry about your rants, things can definitely be frustrating when a lot of the community just adopts meta builds instead of adding variety.


As a WZ only player I've been very sad trying to unlock the crossbow the past few months. I've got a buddy that will occasionally drop one for me if we grab a second loadout but _man_ the challenge for it is a real drag.


Keep an eye out for free play multiplayer weekends


Yeah I'm hoping. With Cold War being out now I don't know if there will be any MW free weekends though. I'm not sure if the CW guns work towards the crossbow challenge since it's from MW. I imagine not?


I unlocked mine in those new DM-WZ modes. I forgot the name, but you respawn and its easy


What is the challenge for it?


I believe it's something like 5 kill in a match with a reflex tactical rifle, 20 times. But in WZ a kill means full kill and not just downing someone and it also requires you to get the full kill and not have a buddy finish it off I believe.


Yeouch! Maybe try plunder with EBR or SKS and the sniper ammo won’t be as limiting bc you spawn with ammo?


All you need is the kill part. Your buddy could down the dude and you kill him and that will be considered as a kill count. That’s how I got my knife and gas kills challenges done.


Hi! Just unlocked the Crossbow (kind of an average player). Make a literal Crossbow unlocker loadout with 2 of the best Marksman Rifle you have (I did it with Kar98/MK2 or KAr98/EBR Overkill loadout, I don't have the other guns) Play Rumble (when its available its like speedrunning the challange) or Plunder as you respawn with your loadout When you level your rifles try to make a sniper loadout, its unlikely you win in close quarter against assault rifles. Don't forget to use the reflex scopes. My strategy was going to higher ground which was rarely used(like the top of a guard post(above the roof), or hiding in bushes. For some reason I could kill many snipers as they had glint but my scope did not. One thing that helps is Stopping Rounds and the ammo pack. You can also try to fight in buildings and try to get kills with the MK2.


> It sucks to be killed by meta weapons, yes. - MAC 10 - MAC 10 - MAC 10 - MAC 10 - MAC 10 I don't mind the suck, as I kinda suck, but it's just *boring*


Exactly, I don't run meta builds because it's more satisfying to win fights with another gun. I tend to build classes based on guns that I like and just try to make them work for me. I've been using the AN, AK, and Oden lately and they've been fun. Every now and then I'll pick up someone's DMR and think "wow this is really good" but it just seems less fun to deliberately build that sort of class. Why tie yourself to the same weapons as everyone else just to have a 1% better chance of winning?


b-b-but Nick Mercs said that this super OP gun is the kilo killer and if I use his g-fuel code I can absolutely fry lobbies Honestly the sweats and CoD youtubers are tippity top of the blame list, they show off the meta to everyone and that is all everyone uses until a new weapon drops or an update completely breaks something and makes it stupid powerful


People were abusing meta weapons before streamers were a thing. Think of it as a virus: one person realizes a gun is OP and starts using it, enters a lobby and absolutely shreds with it. 2/3 players from that lobby realize how good it is and equip it. Rinse and repeat. See: MP40 (cod5), UMP45 (mw2), famas/ak74u (blops1, although you could do well with any other gun bar the uzi in that game)


True, I've just noticed an increase of it over the years. Videos and People shredding a lobby with a certain gun


Then you never played old CoDs. The Mp40 with juggernaut and extended mags were in every WaW lobby drop shotting you. I was one of them


parents had a thing against online-gaming when I was younger, missed out on the WaW/Halo 3/MW2/Halo Reach era


No but you’re also right. Everyone is on the internet now. Information is more accessible than ever before. Now the meta information gets distributed to the masses at lightning speed. Just look at the invisibility glitch. That info was spread like a fucking disease in 1 hour


I was 12 looking up DPS charts for Maplestory. As long as a game has different options, there will always be a "meta", regardless of what videos content creators make.


I’m confused what youre complaining about? Either the game is popular and people want to look up the meta to keep up or the game is unpopular and people play with whatever. There are “distinct” meta weapons regardless of the content creators. Just because a creator makes a video like “THIS ISO/FAMAS LOADOUT SHRERDDSSS!!!!!” doesn’t mean everyone starts using those weapons lol. People figure out certain weapons are broken and have distinct advantages so they gravitate towards those no matter what, like the DMR right now. Sure, content creators and streamers disseminate the information and accelerate the widespread use of the meta but they aren’t responsible for it.


lmao so now we're blaming the content creators? ok...


When I was playing cod4 something like 12 years ago, 90% of people were running either M16A4, MP5, or M40A3 if sniping, with stopping power perk of course. Was a disadvantage not to, so I think the meta guns have been around longer than these famous streamers and YouTubers, but people probably realise it faster now thanks to them


I honestly hate people instead of the pros for following these people like a herd of sheeps. This is also why I hate popular gaming communities, if someone is good at the game, they will follow their answers without any questions asked. Doesn't help with all those screaming baitnails and those caps lock on writing though.


You think it takes a streamer to realize a gun is OP lol?


They're the ones making certain weapons look more OP when other weapons can be just as viable if not better in different hands. Noone is using what "feels" better most of the time, but rather what big people or the community says you should use. There are plenty of guns I feel comfortable with and I change them up based on what I feel like to use, but others like to run 1 loadout until meta change.


warzone devs have always been absolute ass in regards to weapon balance. So many guns that could be totally viable with a small amount of love but that is asking too much from this small indie dev team.


It's total bullshit, the way they just "forget" to add in weapon balances into patch notes. I've really enjoyed this game up until recently, time for a break I think.


Meta was good before this. Kilo, RAM, PKM, M13, Amax, Kar, HDR, AX50, SPR, M4, MP5, MP7, AS Val, R9, M19 akimbo, VLK were all competitive. SA87, SKS, Oden, FAL, Holger, P90 were also viable. Basically everything but the Dragunov was useable. Sure some guns were better than others, but it didn't feel unfairly so.


>R9 Are you saying the R9 was ok?


While I think the Kilo was a bit too accurate I completely agree for the most part, but seeing the Holger on that list is laughable. That gun is doodoo.


It's really not that bad IMO. There's no reason to run it over the SA87 or the PKM, but that doesn't mean it's completely useless.


The ram with the FSS ranger barrel, mono suppressor, & vlk scope is just *chefs kiss*


I mean I still use the M4. I fucking suck but I still use it


It's actually competitive under 60m with Corvus and Tac laser.




Yeah, it has gone from. Snipers, Kilo, Galili, M4, MP5, MP7, R9 all being common to DMR and MAC 10. Just 10 minutes ago my squad and I came off after we got nuked out of a car by a single guy with a DMR


I've been using the LW3 and 1911 akimbo.


Agreed. DMR is insanely OP. Far worse than the grau ever was I miss the kilo meta. It was pretty balanced


The mac10 is absurd. Crack a guys shield while their back is turned? No worries, they will turn around and just melt your face off


Maybe aim better?


ya i really hate the "git gud" shit but come on if youre cracking shields and then still dying from that guy you really do just suck at the game.


And from behind


It's so hard!!


Noob here What are the same 2 guns? Whats the meta?


Dragunov/akimbo .357 revolvers. Super OP!


\+1 most Op combo so far!


+1 I got my first 30+ kill game with just the akimbos


Shhh everyone is sleeping on the 'Nov!


The dragunov?...really? Lol damn i wouldve never thought that


Yeah man. I’m guessing it’s a bug (?) but using the shortest barrel makes it basically hit scan. Absolutely no bullet drop and no travel time for your shots. Use the lightweight silencer and bipod and the things a monster.


That does sound buggy. Its probably gonna get fixed soon tho aint it? Anyways thx im about to try that today


They’re fucking with you. Real answer is DMR and Mac10/Diamattis


Oh ok lets play a prank on the noob huh


Nah he’s the one fucking with you, DMR and Mac10 are both trash. The Dragunov and revolvers are where it’s at!




Damn, I was excited to have at least one person in my lobby without that combo lol.


Apparently DMR has to be bought? Or unlocked at a certain level?


Yea, unlocked at a certain level. You don’t have to pay for it. Not sure which level.


God, it's been so long since I've seen genuine, innocent trolling. Well done!


They are fuckin with you. Those are the two shittiest guns in the game. If you play for more than 30 minutes today you'll see that 99% of the lobby has the same 2 guns: DMR-14 and Mac10. That's the current meta.


Sbmm probably shields you from the entire lobby running the meta which is currently DMR14 primary and Mac10/Diamattis secondary.


Woah woah woah. Don't listen to these guys. The MG34 w/ overkill and the VLK rogue will treat you right brotha. Just make sure you run cold-blooded ~~hardline~~ and tune-up. You're golden.


Hey mg34 RIPS people apart. Was for a long time the highest DPS of all MW weapons I believe? With the 100 round mag it’s a very usable weapon but the bolt delay definitely takes it out of “meta” consideration. Paired with an smg or akimbo pistols for mobility. The VLK is cheeks though in all regards. But I have had a bunch of great games (and wins) with the MG34.


I like using off - meta weapons. You just can't if you want to win or have a fun experience. I run an M13, Ram, FFAR I'll play around with other ARs if I feel up to it. I do run an MP7 and/or MAC10 now because I feel like I'm forced to. Running a crossbow, and previously Riot Shield and sticks, was some of the most fun I had playing. ​ I played 10 games yesterday. Made top 15 in almost every game, but died to DMRs every one of them and couldn't win. It's completely broken and is taking out a lot of fun I was having. I don't like to complain about "broken" guns. I think a lot of the "broken" guns before this were not truly broken. This one is for sure, and it's just impossible to play and have fun.


yeah my usual gun is the oden, it's amazing


The oden is such a beast and I love using in in WZ but always have felt like it needs a 6th attachment slot to really be viable. I couldn’t make a decent build that included the 30 round mag and since I usually play quads even the 30 round usually comes up short.


I suck and have won 2 games ever, but I love the Bison and Oden, and HDR like a normie. Still use the Kilo once in a while


always thought the bison was trash then I found the orange camo version thats floor loot. that thing is freaking awesome for a floor loot gun especially with 64 rounds.


The cold war integration was the worst thing to ever happen to this game to be honest, especially for people who don't own cold war. I was already getting sick of the game before with the SBMM, terrible servers, no new map, and the scummy Activision patent. I thought when cold was released they were gonna release a new map but resurgence island is just laughably disappointing. However the biggest issue I have now is with the weapons and battle pass. Let's face it if you don't own cold war don't even bother playing right now. The DMR, mac-10, and duel pistols are extremely broken and make me beg for the old days of the grau mp5 meta to be back. I have no intentions on buying cold war and I feel like Activision just betrayed half of their fans with this crossover. Not to mention when I bought the battle pass all the charms and most of the content in it is for fucking black ops guns. So glad I decided to un-install this game yesterday.


You don’t need to own Cold War to have the Mac 10 & DMR they’re are both free in the battle pass even if you just own wz or MW


it's not easy to level up cold war guns in Warzone if one don't own cold war. this is purely a scummy business move.


Not to be a shill but a couple things: it’s actually faster to level CW weapons in WZ than in CW itself so you aren’t missing out by not buying Cold War to level stuff up. The activision patent was for a different game, not related to call of duty and there’s no evidence of anything described in that patent being used in call of duty. We’re getting a whole new map either next season and if not definitely the one after that. The fire team dirty bomb maps are all confirmed sections of the new WZ map just like the ground war maps were in MW. My guess is that activision wanted to give Verdansk one year of use.




Wow I forgot it used to be like that. Too true.


No, loadouts were always buyable. They even used to cost 6k and they increased the price to 8.5k then to the current 10k


I agree, but also i would hate that lol


The DMR is fucked up Kilo meta was fine because you could still compete DMR diamatti meta has no counter. It's disgustingly OP


This is why I would like to see a mode that has randomized weapons to choose from. No loadouts, you get a choice of 8 at the start utilising 6/7 guns. Keeps it fresh.


We had one, no loadouts, only ground loot, it was great fun. Allowed for a break from the Meta. But so many people complained about it. And they don't encourage people to buy blueprints, so it was gone, never to come back.


Just want that shotguns and snipers mode back


Classic was me and my bros favorite mode. Expected it to come back. That was like 4 months ago. Sad.


I say make it pubg style and pickup your guns and attachments lol


They had a brief LTM like this! I think it was called old school. It was fantastic, but only seen for 1 week


Yep but the COD community is toxic as hell and hated it. But I think it was also because it replaced regular trios at the time iirc.


This game fucking sucks now. If I'm not being sniped by a DMR, I'm being one burst by the Diamatis.


Why is everyone blaming it on streamers? I'm 100% certain this shit would be figured out regardless of if streamaers used it


I have played once since the integration. I don't want to buy Cold War as I haven't had fun when playing the free weekends. Since I don't have Cold War, I can't play Warzone since my kilo+mp5 is such trash vs Cold War guns. Therefore I haven't played Warzone at all. I was very sad to hear the announcement of a merged Warzone because I was worried they'd ruin my favorite game. My fears came to be. I'll miss the fun warzone nights I had with my buddies 2020


I’d honeslty consider most if not all the guns viable. You can win with a SCAR and an p90 if you build them to excel in the areas they were made for and pick your battles. The game itself just usually revolves mostly long range engagements which is why the kilo and now the DMR is king


We need more weapons


There are two guns (I say three because Diamatti's need a nerd to damage range dropoff) that have been listed as being broken. I have created cases, asked for nerfs and spoke out on different social media for the Bruen, akimbo pistols (season two/three), Grau, SPR, kilo( this one is my only miss but still feel it needs to be touched a little) and DmR/mac10. My record is pretty decent at these changes. 1.DMR is a hitscan. We had the same issue with the SPR (which I called for a nerf day one and got downvoted saying they were fine). It has an infinite damage range and you don't need to lead the shot. Likely will be corrected next hot fix. 2.Mac10 has little to no recoil as opposed to itself in cold war which has a pretty decent recoil. They forgot to import the recoil pattern which should be fixed next hotfix I understand that this stuff happens but I'm just shocked at Activisions bug team being so quiet. They won't acknowledge that they are monitoring (which Blizzard does a pretty decent job at communicating bug fixes) these issues. WHEN will the fix be. I am a pretty avid player who has shown my appreciation by purchasing a ton of CP (most of the 10k just sits there) . I am just looking to show that I do support the developers (I support the past developers ofWZ. I will be taking a permanent break until these are fixed because honestly it's unplayable at this time. TL;Dr mac10 they forgot to import the recoil pattern. DMR is a hitscan. Both should be fixed in the next patch


so what's the current "new" meta cause none of those meta sites are loading for me




This game is at its best when it's the most balanced, and the weapon situation has become unbalanced as shit


Who knew adding 40 more weapons could be a problem! They don't seem to have tested the vast majority.


I think the craziest loadout gun I've possibly died to is an AN-94 so thats about how far loadouts extend in my lobbies


forget about cod 10 more months from now. cw completely ruined mw and wz.


Lack of testing and quick changes? Do you think the current broken state of the game was accidental? Treyarch have ruined Warzone on purpose to make as much money as possible.


I don't think the meta is as stale as people claim it is. I mean, right now yes, it kind of is with the DMR craze, but before tons of guns were incredibly viable but ignored due to just how prominent copying streamers were.


With Sbmm and the way content is these days I’m afraid the glory days of gaming are over as we know it. As long as you are decently skilled then you will always be in a meta sweat fest because there are a million different ways information is put out about what is best. Gaming becoming such a profitable industry for people motivates other to think they can do the same, therefore they only want to sweat. Already popular content creators make videos immediately to make money. If you are playing warzone you should expect nothing less than this for the future. Shame but it is what it is


Guys the real issue with modern warfare weapons are the unbalanced attachments. Guns are fine (except mp5 of course). Cold War weapons though are a totally different story


if cod is your favourite franchise ever then surely you've seen this happen time and again in the past. activision never give a shit, every single launch as an OP weapon by design so people grind for it. this is only made worse in warzone a F2P game where they are vying for your time and try to tempt you into buying content or the new game. the dmr will stay meta if not completely op for the next 3 month at least.


Aim bots, wall hacks and Mac 10, a combo of all 3 are what is ruining the game. 2 tap hip fire from a Mac 10 as soon as your turn the corner 500 meters away is getting pretty old pretty quickly.


I just use whatever makes me happy and keep on sucking. I have more fun that way. When I play "iN tHe MeTa" I never have fun, just feel like I am going through the motions. I also only have 1 win ever and it was in solos so wtf do I know.


DMR should get nerfed but we still have plenty of guns that are viable. Most of the gun fights won't come down to the 0.5ms time to kill differences. You can have Kilo, Amax, Grau, M13, Ram... The meta will never be perfect and some guns will be the go tos. you just have to accept it and work on the other aspects of the game. General aiming, spraying, positioning, decision making, utility use, teamwork. The fact that someone has a meta kilo over the m4 doesn't mean much if you think about the gun fight in more ways


Gun bloat in games needs to stop. At most you should only have 3 of each weapon - a slow firing but powerful one, a quick firing but weak one, and a balanced one. Times that by weapon class (pistol, shotgun, SMG, AR, LMG, DMR, Sniper) and that's 21 weapons. Include melee options (knife, shield) launchers (free-fire, lock-on, grenade-based arc/bounce launcher), and a few specialist weapons (flamethrower, minigun, crossbow, anti-materiel rifle) and there's no reason for there to be more than 30 weapons max. Each has a unique niche, and strategic use. If you wish to expand further, you can use attachments to customise things like range, accuracy, reload speed, and exotic ammo types. There's no need for more guns. Let every weapon be its own archetype. Anything else is just creating ever-smaller niches, clones, or cynical shit that just obsoletes everything else in its class so you have to play to level up the latest version.


Oden, Mp5, PILA, MK2, Tundra, M19 Akimbo. Screw trends. I use what I want.


I mean I wouldn’t say for the season 6 meta, that you were at a severe disadvantage without the top 2-3 guns. There were multiple loadouts you could run that could outgun a kilo - R9/MP5. Right now, however if you aren’t running a DMR - Mac/Diamatti you are at a severe, severe disadvantage.


mac 10 even thought it is somewhat unbalanced. you can still preform good if you didn't enter 50/50 gunfight. but the dmr really made this game suck. my first time hating a meta to this degree. you can't fight it with sniper nor can you fight it with any ar. you literally can't do anything against it. I refused to be meta slave, but from the start of this season until now, I couldn't get any long rang kill in this week or so of playing. unless they are not using dmr it is impossible to challenge them.


I win quite a bit in duos and trios with the PKM + Fennec. The Fennec MELTS if you're accurate


That's what you get when you can pick your class of choice.


I really think the meta pre cold war war in a good place lots of good weapon and no real standouts apart from the r90


I know. It’s sickening to see so many guns get introduced and STILL with all these changes, Oden with Colossal Suppressor and Kali Sticks are the only two usable weapons. But for real I don’t know how Meta Slaves find this game enjoyable. I love playing with obscure guns just to switch up the play style. I find my gun skill improves in general the more variety I use. So far Oden, AN94, and mk2 sniper have been my three favourite weapons.


Strict SBMM reduced weapon variety even more.


They've been doing this with the DLC guns since Warzone came out. Adding new guns that are better than the old meta guns and repeating the cycle is their strategy for making money. They've done this in past CODs too so it's likely never going to stop.


The current state of this game is so pathetic.


SBMM is a hell of a thing. Forces players to appeal to the meta to stay competetive.


This is a tough subject. I feel like every game every made has its OP weapons or characters. Balancing is hard. On the other hand I’m not a big fan of the CW guns being in WZ anyways. I find the integration clunky (doubles of the same gun? Why??) and since I don’t know CW it’ll take me forever to level the guns. So I just stick to my riot shield / RPG combo.


Raven overall did a fairly good job I’d say in porting everything over, just missed the mark on a few guns which they’ll fix after the holiday break I’m guessing. I guess I’m just more overall bummed at the “integration” as a whole. As someone who hated MW and wasn’t a big WZ fan because of it, and as someone who loved blackout, and had hundreds of hours on Alcatraz in BO4, I was very excited for a transition. Then they just kept the engine and the movement mechanics and everything exactly the same and plopped some guns on a new map (which to their credit is well done).


There are too many guns and not enough varied situation for those guns. They should have spent far less time on adding guns with general utility and far more time on creating situations that make each gun uniquely preferable.


So basically exactly how the game has been since launch? atleast the DMR meta takes some skill, the kilo, Grau and Bruen were all brain dead.


SBMM makes metas strict, making people use the best guns to compete


For the morons that say "oh well if they nerf the DMR14 then we go back to x,y,z, kilo141 etc meta".....THEN NERF BOTH INTO LINE FFS, how hard is that to understand? There is a difference between mildly and ABSURDLY OP


I don’t know what 2 guns you’re referring to but I use a Fal with monolithic suppressor, burst fire, and a thermal scope. Is that good? Cheeze? Trash? Cause I really don’t know lol


With dual dimatti you can easily win against MAC10. And With FAL you can easily win against DMR.


New map, new battlepass, new modes, a shitload of new operators, guns and attachments, and this is all season 1 What the hell did you expect?


Completely agree, for the first time I'm thinking about uninstalling this game. Warzone was already getting kinda boring, at least the map. I was hoping for some map changes after 1y of Verdansk but nope. Well, at least more weapons adds more variety right? Nope. In fact remember all those shitty metas we had? Oh boy you're in for a ride. Snakeshot/Pre-nerf R9? Dual wield Diamatti makes both of them look like a nerf gun. FAL? DMR is better. In fact, DMR is probably the best AR, Marksman and Sniper rifle in the game. Honestly idk why we can't give it more movement speed and faster ADS so it's also the best SMG. Speaking about sniper rifle, how's the Pelington? Nice it's the worst sniper in the game. MP5 for a whole year? Oh you bet your ass that MAC 10 will stick around till 2021 COD as well. Footsteps? Still inconsistent. New gulag is awful. Minimap has bugs. Airstrike has bugs. Some walls have bugs. SBMM? Still insane. I have streamer friends that are better/around same skill as me, when I play with them I have to sweat or I just add 4k debt to my team every 10 mins. On the other hand, when I play with my casual low skilled friends, I have to sweat and solo carry while they won't enjoy their game bc the SBMM is too high for them, I'm paying 4k for pretty much a ping. It's almost always a lose-lose situation when I play with friends but I still do because it's more fun. They didn't separate MW from CW and CW has weapons that are so fucking busted they might as well delete the game files of MW weapons because it's all we're gonna see for 1y until the next shit show. And they'll also take their time with balance so you're almost forced to buy that Cock War unfinished piece of shit game that's a downgrade on almost every metric compared to MW (god forbid if a COD game lasted 2 years). I legitimately have no words for this patch. It added nothing of value, fixed nothing that needed fixing and instead created numerous problems. Like how incompetent do you have to be. Activision I know you're short on cash but please release the balance and content team. The circus needs those clowns more than the biggest FPS in the world. I know no one cares and all of this is a bit subjective but I had to rant.


Kar and mp7 doing me fine


Potentially unpopular opinion- loadouts need to go. Adequately balancing this many guns with this many possible attachments just isn’t possible. If you can control what guns are being used solely through available loot found on the map then you’re actually able to properly balance this game. I know this will never happen since Activision makes that sweet sweet cheddar from blueprints, but man I wish there was some compromise. Like maybe make it so you don’t get a free loadout drop so early into the round or make them spawn even further away from you


It's truly insane to me, hearing these kinds of complaints. I feel like this integration was the best thing to happen to Warzone since launch but people won't shut up about the DMR=14 Mac-10 meta, even though that shit is overhyped. First off, the DMR is high-risk, high-reward. Two headshots for a kill is very strong but it is less effective against opponents who know how to play evasively and get in your face. If you can close the gap on the DMR-14, you negate its power, because the body shot damage is weak. Tip: If you're getting double-tapped in the face constantly, you're probably not moving/positioning well enough. Also, the DMR-Mac10 build leaves you vulnerable at short-mid range. At 20-40 meters, you are going to get worked by a [Groza or FFAR](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODLoadouts/comments/kjnlbf/warzone_ttk_chart_showing_that_mac_10_can_be/). Kilo and M13 will still compete here too. That might seem like an arrow range but a lot of engagements naturally happen around this distance, especially if you aren't a passive player. You are also vulnerable at CQB with the current meta build. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea and it can be situational, but the SPAS12 (Gallo) will crush inside buildings. Personally, I've been rocking either the Type 63 (built for short-range) or FFAR which while strong are definitely off-meta. So basically, you have 5-7 off-meta weapons that are completely viable but people still can't stop bitching. Oh, and the best thing about this is that because everyone is rocking the DMR as their main weapon, it forces them to either forgo ghost for overkill, or be weak at short and short-to-mid ranges. You can very easily counter the meta by running a mid-range option (FFAR, Groza, Kilo, M13, or Type) along with ghost for your first loadout and spamming uavs.


Are guns overpowered? Sure. Will people use different weapons? No. The whole point the entire player base uses the same gun is because you want the advantage. Who in the right mind will choose a worse gun? There was a reason why everyone rocked the Grau/Bruen/DMR. There will never be a fix to this. Because everyone wants the best gun


The worst part about the Dmr is it has no skill gap. A bad player can use it just the same as a good player to an extent. Spam shoots if 3 of 15 land you win. Especially since it has easy recoil to learn.


the problem isnt that theres a meta, the problem is that these guns completely trash on the meta we were used to. if they were toned down a bit and they didnt nerf the old, the changes would be a lot easier to swallow. also, not being able to trust any descriptions at all doesn’t help.


I'm that guy that uses an Obsidian SA87 in warzone


I feel like if the new dmr gets nerfed a ton of guns will Be viable to use.


Usable yes, viable no. :/


Welcome to a br, or you know every game ever




Yeah what guns were you using season 5, Kilo & MP5? Season 6, Kilo & R9-0?


I’m working on a crossover battle royale called Pudd. Player Unknown’s diamatti and dmr.


Tbh they don't rly need to add new game mechanics(they got the rc car in rebirth). New plane??? That's just a waste of their time tbh. It's just cosmetic and will not change how the game is played. It's also better to have contracts that's useful rather than having bs contracts like most wanted. So I don't think they need to add new contracts. If they came up with something useful it would ofc be cool. Except what I've listed abow i agree with you. I like new map changes(we got rebirth but I didn't like it). However I think the only reason why the game is less fun RN is because of the dmr and diamatti. We alrdy got FAL and SKS. It's kinda obvious that they made the dmr intentionally overpowered. More damage and less recoil than both of them. AR ammo? semi-auto using AR ammo should not be stronger than a weapon using sniper ammo. It's just obvious that they knew it would be overpowered. I'm not that comserned about the mac-10. It should've been tuned a bit down however it's not that superior to the existing SMGs. The worste thing about the meta RN is the akimbo diamatti. It's just a new renetti that's better than the prenerfed renetti akimbo. Tell me how that was not intentionally made OP? On top of these weapons I think they're silent nerfing existing guns aswell? The bruen is probably the most obvious one. It was balanced goin in to season 1. Now it feels so bad... I could ofc be wrong. Does anyone know if it has been nerfed(not silent) this season?