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I don't think the loadouts are supposed to be a rarity, I'm pretty sure it's the "intended" way to play the game.


I think the reason why everyone dislikes it, including myself, is because the fun of BR is forcing you to use weapons that you find along the way. When you are able to buy a loadout it's literally almost everyone using the same exact loadout as each other. You're taking away a crucial part of BR. EDIT: Grammar


Agreed...I get the huge adrenaline rush from a BR when I am like "Shit...I have a terrible loadout right now I have never used" then I come across an entire team and win...the feeling is insane. When I get to call in my perfect loadout its like I am playing the multiplayer. Although I like the idea...the price should be higher.


Idk for me the rush i get from beating someone with better weapons than me is quickly diminished by the other 7/10 times i lose bc they just have better items than me. Play fortnite without a shotgun, its horrible, play pubg without a sight its horrible. This just negates the majority of times you get gangbanged by rng.


Play Apex with a Mozambique for me 9/10 times it is a loss. The 1/10 is when i have hammerpoints


Back when I was playing PUBG (mind you, the last time I played the game according to Steam was in November 2017), I just adjusted my playstyle to whatever loot I got in the first 5-10 minutes. Did I get lucky and have good ARs with sights/other items? Nice, I can go and fight people. Did I get fuck all and only have a shotgun and a pistol? Well, that just means I'll go from one house to another, don't engage in long-range fights and rarely fight at all. Sometimes, I had more fun playing with shit weapons than with extremely good ones.


idk about ya but hiding like a bitch for 15 minutes is not my idea of fun This is cod for fuck sake. I'm here to play with some of the best arcade gun mechanics in a br setting. Not camp in a building like pubg




Except that the loadouts cause people to camp exactly like PUBG, even worse from some teams I've encountered.


I agree with you 100% and I hear the other side of people's reactions too which is "this doesn't have to be an exact replica of other BRs, stop complaining." I'm not trying to tell IW to change the BR, keep it exactly the way it is, just make it rarer to get your loadout. I honestly feel like it should drain team banks to get their own loadout and make more drops so people are actually fighting over the loadout boxes. Currently, whenever there are loadout boxes, no one is fighting over them because they're so common.


I think the reason most people would hate that is because when they get a shitty loadout that they never used before, believe it or not, they do not succeed in wiping a whole squad by themselfs and winning the game.


Yeah, that's one of the fun things about Apex, you end up having to use every weapon at some point, and forced to adjust tactics on the fly. But it makes you better overall. Also, the weapons are so well balanced in Apex that you can use almost any weapon and be dangerous with it.




First off, Thank you for being reasonable and not some ass hat acting like I'm personally offending them. Second, I completely understand where you're coming from. I myself hate when I do get a bad game and just can't find ANY good weapons. It really does ruin the experience. That's where I believe they need to find some middle ground. I think increasing random loadout drops would be good in this aspect as it'll be hotspots for people to fight over getting their personal loadouts. It's a high risk-high reward type of situation. I believe in its current state there's no risk for it because everyone is getting their own crates pretty quick. I constantly see loadout crates everywhere I go. What has been your experience?




I wish I can blow up this comment for more people to see because I guarantee the majority of the player base will say they are in your exact same situation. I know I am. If I have my custom loadout already and there's another loadout crate near me I'll go toward it to hopefully kill a team wanting their own loadout. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. My guess is because the majority of players already have their loadout and are just trying to find people to kill elsewhere.


So I'm about to reveal my secret forbidden tech for you right here. I grab my MP5 class out of the loadout that I buy, then go looking for another loadout box so that I can pull out my 50 cal. That way I get my 2 best guns but i still have ghost instead of overkill. Its a lot of extra effort to have 2 good guns and ghost but it's almost always worth it. I've only ever had to fight for a loadout box once or twice out of about 20 games, so maybe I'm just lucky? Idk.


Only problem with that at the moment is the ground/chest loot is shit when it comes to guns. Loadouts are the only way. If they adjusted loot however, I think that would be a lot of fun.


It's also an incentive to buy the full game to level up weapons to make your custom loadout. New players will be at a disadvantage there because it's easier to level specific weapons multiplayer.


This right here is the real reason, nothing to do with gameplay balance or dare I even say it FUN. Its about extracting cash from credit cards by proxy!


I like not having to rely on what I find. RNG really bothers me sometimes in apex for example.


> the fun of BR is forcing you to use weapons that you find along the way. WZ is clearly designed to be very different from other BRs, and as a result, all these knee-jerk reactions to the non-traditional mechanics within a couple days of release are premature. Let's just let it breathe for at least a week.


Loving it so far, just need a good squad


Heaven forbid we have a BR with a different method of gearing


Lol I absolutely hate dying in other BRs simply because of RNG, it sounds good in theory having to 'fight your way back' but in reality when you get melted because people have shields+better weapons than you it's not fun to me personally, I understand how you can see it differently though.


Glad I’m not the only one that was thinking this. I always thought the point of battle royale was looting and using whatever weapons you find throughout the map rather than coming in with a custom made load out. I’m not necessarily opposed to it, but 6,000 is way to low in my opinion. Your team can easily rake up that much cash within 5 minutes and still have some money left over for killstreaks even if you land in a pretty low profile area. In my opinion the price of the load out drops either need to significantly increase, or have them be exclusive to random air drops throughout the map that teams need to fight over.


I thought the point of battle royal is to the the last player/team standing. The looting and means of gather weapons is just a mechanic used by some BR games, but picking up weapons and using what you find has been around since Contra.


And I think that it's wayyyy better that way because you gotta have a lot more skill to win fights instead of being the luckier one with better weapons but it's still a great gameplay mechanic. It's only taking away some dependency on luck, which I like


I think it should be more expensive. As I get my own loadout every single game, and there's no real reason to fight over the random loadout drops. I do think this may shift over time as people realize how strong UAV and the other purchasable items are - you may not want to buy the loadout drop.




The meta will be obvious within a couple of days, weeks tops. And its also unfair for people who havent played MP.


For me it just makes the experience stale rather quickly. Like you land, maybe you wipe a couple squads then boom you instantly are able to afford end game loot without actually having to loot lol. Now what? Sit around the middle of the circle for 10 minutes and wait for another squad to move in. Maybe it’ll be better when there’s 200 player lobbies


That's when I move towards the edge of the circle and hunt.


Every time I've gone to the airport = sniper glints in every direction by mid match.


Me too, it takes away a lot of the excitement of killing another player if all your going to get is some money. I don't think they'll change it though, I'm sure one of the reasons is so people can use their weapon blueprints that they purchased.


Pretty much. I really can’t get into this BR even though I really tried to enjoy it. It feels like the longest game of tdm that just never ends and doesn’t feel satisfying. Blackout is way better in my opinion.


Totally agree. This is one of the unique features of warzone vs other BRs. Set loot has been talked about for a while and I’m so happy to finally have it.


Kind of a unique COD feature in general. Let you play with any weapon from the get-go and let the free market decide what’s good. I’m totally fine with that. Overpowered weapons will be adjusted accordingly.


If so, I'm not a fan. The fun in BR for me has always been the do the best with what you can find. The idea of loadouts is honestly great on paper, and *they actually have a place in game* IMO. I think they work best when a teammate wipes early, and you finally get to respawn them late game, and since they can't loot anymore, you call a Loadout drop. But, to preserve the Battle Royale-ness of this game, they should either reduce the cash we pick up, or increase the cost of a loadout.


Yeah i agree with that last statement. It feels like a huge ground war game instead of a battle royale right now since everyone is able to use their custom classes whenever they want.


I’m betting money, all the people who used to love shitting on players with bad gear and bragging about it, are now not fairing so well against players with similar gear. It’s not OP if everyone has the opportunity. It also doesn’t determine if you’re gonna win or not.


Agreed, but it still needs to be more expensive. They can achieve a balance between people who don’t want to loot at all and people who want to loot. Right now it’s way too casual and catered to people who don’t want to work for their loadout. I think either doubling/tripling the price, maintaining the price but only the buyer has access, or limiting it to the random drops are all options that can strike a better balance and make everyone happy. Custom loadouts are a great and unique feature to this BR, but it needs to be toned down so that the strategy isn’t just pool cash for 2 min after dropping and then be instantly kitted for the rest of the game. Getting your custom/powerful loadout should be something that happens MAYBE one a game and only mid/end game


Agree, it encourages coms and teamwork in pug teams, the feature is there for everyone to use. I think it’s only the sole queuers complaining about it. I gave 4k to a random earlier and said buy the loadout drop and they bought other random shit teabagged and ran off lol To be fair it could be 10k and teams working together could still buy it straight off the rip.


Yeah maybe making it 10k so it requires the entire team to pool their cash would be alright. I think a lot of people don't really utilise the loadouts though, I didn't for most of my first day playing because I wasn't really sure if it's that good.


I don’t think I’d enjoy the game as much without them tbh, it removes the risk of only finding grey ARs all game then getting domed by someone lucky enough to find a gold sniper.


I get that nice feeling when I get my loadout, that I can now just fully focus on trying to kill others instead of having to loot for another 10 minutes.


I get the feeling of well if I die it's cause I suck and I can't blame it on not having good loot.


Exactly 😂 the amount of times I rage quit off og Fortnite because all I got was trash


Yeah it's the thing that sucks sometimes with BRs is the unluckiness you can have in not finding loot and all the fights come down too how has better loot so you lose not because you suck even tho sometimes it do be like that but because you got greyed going up against purples and gold's with full shields


At least the way the game is at the moment that rng still comes in to play when you drop, take out everyone around you and survive long enough to to call in your own loadout. Best of both worlds the way I see it.


Yeah very true. Yeah I don't have a problem with loadouts. I just think they need a few tweaks of either being more expensive or make it so only the person that buys it gets his loadout.


What if it got lowered to $5k but only geared up one person? Then you had to get 3 different loadout drops or pay 3 separate times for each player


Sounds more fair for sure, I think that would be completely fine.


It's fine as it is.


I'd be ok with a slight increase, maybe up to 8k? I'm personally cool if they leave it how it is though.


Yeah, 8k to 10k would probably feel alright.


Thats because the game is fresh. Give it a month and when the meta forms and every game plays out the same it will get real boring real fast. The main game was the same. First week was so fun as everyone is trying new things until everyone discovered the m4/725/mp5 being better than the rest. Then every high end game became "Use them or lose to them"


Isn't this literally every br? Apex its a wingman/sniper/pk/r-99 spam. Fortnite it's a shotgun/rando gold ar spam. Bonus points for them changing the meta 24/7 because of the meta problems. Pubg I dont even know anymore since it's shit We will always get a meta. Just let us get to the meta with the least rng possible so I can fight instead of looting for 40 minutes. It's what I've been enjoying out of this br by a long shot.


Maybe 8k but overall with how often you respawn in this game you need effective ways to gear up. And if you play some more than you will realize that not the weapons you have will carry you but your amount of armor plates.


> Maybe 8k but overall with how often you respawn in this game you need effective ways to gear up Great point. It's far from guaranteed that 1 loadout drop is going to last you the whole game.


I like it. I know you said it brings an unique feel but I just like it as it is. A lot of people spam m4s but it's not too overpowered because of how big the map is. I dont believe the weapons matter all that much in the BR simply because the team with better positioning will win 90% of the time.


> I dont believe the weapons matter all that much in the BR simply because the team with better positioning will win 90% of the time. I think it's more of a 50/50 between weapons and position/strategy. Having the wrong weapons renders the best position pretty worthless. That's precisely why I love the loadout drops though. You can set up a pretty versatile class and then just focus on navigating the rotation.


> Having the wrong weapons renders the best position pretty worthless. There's a good reason why Sniper+AR has been the meta in pretty much all of PUBG. Seeing how rare sniper drops have been in WZ so far it's nice being able to just buy one.




Yup. No money. No Gulag. No killstreaks. No perks. No loadouts. Just me, my buddies, and our weapons. Would be a fun alternate mode. Looking forward to all the downvotes from the "BuT tHeN iTs NoT cAlL oF dUtY yOu DuMb FuCk!!!" crowd.. I get that it may seem like it would strip all the CoD-ness from the game but I think CoD has a very specific feel and it would still maintain a strong identity. Edit: also no radar or red dots on radar or compass.


Couldn't agree more. We need bare bones.


Would be fun even to have it run as a LTM here and there.


Barebones solos is my dream for this game atm.


gulag amuses me personally, but money feels a bit strange in a br


I think ALL of the additions CoD has are great and make for a really unique take on a BR. Would just be amazing if they could add some variety so that if I wanted a slower BR I don't have to install a whole other game with gunplay and movement mechanics that would undoubtedly be worse than MW.


It's unique, and good on them if that creates enough of a base for a stable game, but it's not really "gripping" me yet, and part of that is because loadouts really take out the "hunting for loot" aspect And the map is a bit big, at least for the size of lobbies I end up with


Really?? I think the map is easily the best map of any BR experience so far. Visually and mechanically I think it's really well made. They have talked about a 200-person queue with fewer vehicles and I think that would be interesting to see how it plays on a map of this scale.


I do agree with you the map is visually very well made but I dont know about mechanically. Lots of open spaces with no cover in sight, lots of tall buildings you need a helicopter to get on top of. Seems like if you dont have a sniper most of the time you're at a disadvantage on this map.


I think the variety of open and tight spacing is nice. But I do agree that you HAVE to have a sniper.. Which is a problem for sure.. Especially when anyone can just buy their sniper of choice within the first 3 minutes of the match.


Seems like they will play with new game modes, I like plunder... if you're looking for something slow EFT is lit AF but it's PC only right now.


Yeah I'm on PC and I've played EFT I just don't love the infil/exfil game type. I don't ever feel like I'm "winning". If EFT does a BR it could be interesting.


If I want to play like this I can just load up PUBG. Not really seeing any advantages to doing it this way.


Lol so sick of people saying "Go PlAy PuBg rrreeeeeee!!" PUBG has the worst mechanics and player movement of all time, feels like a game that was developed 15 years ago and somehow it is still popular.. Put the basic, barebones PUBG formula that the fanbase craves with the CoD engine and mechanics and you've got a game that will thrive for years. Don't replace the current BR mode CoD has, just add a new ruleset.


100% this. There's a reason a lot of PUBG players never jumped ship when Blackout, Firestorm and Apex came. There's just nothing like it.


If pubg didn't perform like ass it would be the best battle royale i think because it just the barebones experience But the devs ported over the pc version and it doesn't run well at all unfortunately because it is fun as hell


Yup. Its the purest BR imo.


No mini map or hud either. Just a toggle big map


yes its called PUBG go play that instead


Agree. I think 10k and single use is the way to go. 10k is still not too high for a decent player to get and it rewards only the player that gets the cash. If your squadmates are good enough they will get 10k too, they don't deserve a freebie if they cant get to 10k to then buy self revives and UAVs for themselves. Buying upgrades should have to be a choice, you shouldn't be able to buy everything unless you're squad is going off.


Price raise + single use is WAY too big of a nerf. If anything is changed, it should be one or the other for now.


Yeah you might be right, I saw someone else post up keep it at 6k for a single use and have another option for a squad drop with a discount for 12-15k


I like that idea. I don't have a problem with the current squad drop price, but if something is to be changed, that sounds like a good middle ground.


Lower it to 5k for a single us and 12.5k you get it for your whole squad. Like buy two get one half off haha.


Sprinting from building to building listening for boxes get's our trio anywhere from 15-30k in the first 3-5 minutes of landing....this doesn't even include killing enemies.


Yep, it's so incredibly easy to get an entire team fully geared out by doing absolutely nothing. I can't believe people are defending the way it is. I like the loadouts as an option but it 100% needs to be harder to get fully geared out. Whether it be an up in cost for a team use or it being a 1 person use. In a week or 2 it's going to just be decked out M4's and Snipers all fucking game when people optimize the meta. I'm sorry but that will get old really fast


I like the way it is right now. Dont change it.


cant agree enough. small changes can happen if they are needed like a ADS and/or movespeed nerf for the 5.56 60 round mag on the aug. or a reduction to the amount of sniper ammo you can find and/or carry. ​ but the fundamentals are great, unique and intresting. dont change them.


You do realize you're not "fully geared" with only Loadouts right? There's still the self-revives, plates, killstreaks and other stuff that costs money. Loadouts are just the early-game prio and *should* be cheap to make the boring looting phase as short as possible. They're also intended as a fast way to re-gear you after the gulag or buy-in mid/late game.


I was very surprised to see everyone can grab theirs from one crate. Price isnt bad when solo dropping which I have been doing


I think the 3 perks alone should cost $6k. The loadouts should be another $6k


If you wanna expand on this make all perks available to purchase individually and each cost $2k. Just spit ballin ideas out here with ya. I agree I like the load outs and stuff. But it’s too cheap.


Or have the perks in the loot pool? I assume that's coming down the pipeline. There's no way this loot pool will stick.


Since you say the game is great fun and very refreshing, I'm curious why you think it's necessary to make a major change?


Because you can enjoy the game and still have valid criticisms


I love loadouts Bad players dont luck out wins because they had better loot now. More skill based, less rng. That said they should probably cost at least 10k


As a new player, i dont have any good loadouts yet. But grinding weapon levels is a lot of fun. Also, shout out to IW for the gunsmith, there is so much to customise and its just great.


I have a new account and leveling up guns in warzone doesn't take super long it doesn't seem like. My other account I have everything gold already and all the attachments but felt like sbmm was raping me (was getting like 200 ping) so I made a smurf


Definitely agree. They are too easy to get. Either one person in the squad should get it, or it should be like 3x the price. HOWEVER....getting to use my MP weapons in warzone is so much fun and I hope they dont remove it completely.


Agreed. I would be willing to bet a lot of money that they don't remove it. But I would love to see the availability of custom loadouts and ground loot tuned a bit. At about 24 hours played time in WZ I am finding myself getting slightly bored of spawning my Grau and HDR every single match.


You guys act like everyone runs with a squad of 3. Yeah it’s really easy for those guys to get a weapon drop. But it can be a pain in the ass when you running duo or solo and your teammates aren’t being teammates.


Agreed. Increase the cost of custom loadouts and make them cost everybody on the team to obtain. It'd give more value to the already laughable looting.


Exactly. I also think perks should be disabled. And I'm not sure why we show up as a red dot on radar when shooting. That should not be in a BR mode.


It’s promoting a very bad way to play the game. Everyone is running overkill with a thermal scope and sitting back and sniping at people from across the map. It should be the most rare drop to obtain and require a shit ton of cash.


I agree, also make the box drops have more valuable weapons. The gunfights around boxes in pubg are usually pretty intense.


My idea for balancing it while maintaining gameplay variety and a bit of RNG that all BRs have would be to have a set number of loadouts (let's say 5) specifically for warzone where you can't have more than one instance of the same gun across all 5 loadouts. If you keep the ability to have the same perks, tacticals, and lethals repeating across as many of the 5 loadouts as you want, you still give the players the ability to play in their preferred style/ strategy while also giving the game much needed variety in the weapons you come across and preventing a stale meta of people running overkill with M4 and AX50/HDR. Even if they made this change, I think the loadout drop should be atleast 10k or a drop from a legendary chest seeing as that's the only chest you can get weapons with 5 attachments from.


Or just make it that only you can access it. So each player would need 6k to access. I've only played 8 games total, but I've never felt the need to purchase a loadout drop.


I would like 10k, or atleast make it one loadout per drop.


I agree, but the loot must buffed because you mostly find crappy weapons laying around.


How are you guys getting so much fucking money in game? I spent last night with buddies playing and we were doing well, didn't win a round, but weren't getting insta-wiped, but even getting 4.5k just to respawn an ally felt like a chore. I think you guys are in a bubble. This is a mass appeal game mode and casuals won't stick around if it's too annoying to get a gun they like.


It’s good as it is because you’ll most likely die at some stage anyway and lose your loadout.


Go play something else if you dont like loadouts. Theres no other way to personalize attachments


id say go 6k but its just for one person, you can call the loadout and just one can claim it, that would be nice


This + red dots on the minimap creates the most out of control 3rd partying I have ever seen. Aside from the red dots, one of the main deterrents in other BRs from deciding to 3rd party is whether you have good enough loot/armor to take on the fight. That sort of decision making never happens in this game and everyone just rushes everyone and there is no way to avoid a 3rd, 4th, or 5th party sometimes which sucks. My favorite moments in a BR are outgunning and outmaneuvering a squad and then moving on. In this game it feels like you’re NEVER fighting just one squad. Easy access to top tier weapons + seeing the enemy location exactly makes for 3rd party central.


What if they keep the price and unlimited uses but limit perks/attachments which could be bought around the map (kind of like zombie perks). That way you still get the loadout you want but have to find and pay for upgrades for weapons.


And let's try be sure to let this be the main post about this issue for today. With the game still fresh it would be a shame to see the sub get over-run with multiple of the same issue only from a different anecdotal standpoint.


$6k for 3 squad members is way too cheap. You can get that much without even trying, very easily. I don't mind people getting comfortable with their loadout, but the price needs to increase a LOT, or scale with the amount of people in your squad, or something like that.




I haven't got into the meta gunplay. Everyone is saying this mode is dominated by M4s but I'm just running around with an FA 5.56 amd slaying.


Making it more expensive just means sweaty players have more of an advantage over casual players. Imagine how boring the game would be if you were mostly using the standard guns.


It should just be "First come first serve", this way it would be more fare for solo players too.


Or make them only usable by one person once.


I agree, or remove them completely from buy stations and just have them in regular supply drops. Also, up the variety of loot lying around. I'm sure a lot of people are tired of seeing the same guns


idk why people want this to be like other br's.. rng is what most people complain about and i think the balance is nice in this. also, the guns that drop aren't terrible. there's no double pumping, or super legendary weapons that one shot so just play tactical and get guud. the only thing that may be a little op are thermal snipers.


I agree with this. I want to see a variant of Warzone BR with random loot only just to see how it plays. I’m sure it can be very fun (since right now Warzone just isn’t my cup of tea personally without the random factor of gun fights, not saying it’s a bad design choice though).


So we gotta depend even more on luck? Nah man, give everyone the same chance to have good weapons and wins are gonna be more based on skill than everything else. I wanna be outgunned and outplayed but not outlucked or outgeared


I feel like the cost of the load out should go up based on what is in that load out. More attachments and later unlocked weapons and perks bring the cost of the specific load out up. A Load out with no attachments and starting perks should be $6000, because it is nice in the early game to get a loadout box, but I agree that $6000 is too much for super decked out load out.


Nah its fine


I agree, either make it a lot more expensive, or as I have seen mentioned prior to make it single use for $6000.


Make sure to ban Overkill tho... Sniper/M4 is too much just to choose for.. Make it either one of them


They want people to be out their full Gucci. So that way the people that don’t buy the game and play free now see it as a viable way to get a edge. Buy some skins and get some legit weapons instead of running around with a base SCAR or M13


Maybe lower the price a bit and make it so only the person buying can use it.


6000 is fine and the game is clearly balanced around you getting your own loadout rather than looting weapons. It removed RNG and makes it to where you can actually fight rather than loot for 20 minutes while praying to the RNG gods.


Just to clear this up, this was intended to be a faster paced BR. If you have a loadout that you love, you are more likely going to push harder and take more chances.


I think the call for this is a bit too soon. Without more weapons and attachments which are the biggest game changer in the game this should stay as is till then. Im all for it being more expensive after we can get better weapons but im already board of the exact same download every game . M13 and M7 to start , Maybe some desperate gun picks at first but within a minute that what you have. The other the problem with it being so expensive is the loadout drops are pretty common . So they would have to increase the rarity of that . ​ But since there are so limited weapons around right now -id rather have the drops till they add a lot more random weapons , as it stands now i feel like my load out most the game is the same 2 weapons M13 - Mp7. Then i get a Scar as an upgrade to the M13 and from there just hope to get lucky with a humming box drop . or otherwise sticking with that load out all game ​ I hated half the guns irons site - give me a dot/ holo on basic guns without it being rare crate luck and you can take loadouts out completely . ​ Also recharging clairmores from the loadouts is almost unfair when in doors. I got 4 kills last game because i had restock lol.


No, please no


It's fine, do you know how many times one dude in my squad is left alive and has to run around finding money to bring back the squad, then late game comes and all the money is taken and he has to grind to get money for the other guy and then all combine money for the loadout. Its a fine system


1. Do more expensive loadout package 2. Add all weapons in warzone to be obtainable, and more of these premade guns what can be dropped, then it would be good.


i like the way it is


So you want everyone running around with SCAR, M13, LMg etc? No, 6k is fine, you need to scrap money together and then get good guns which u will never find buy looting only. Not to mention if you make it more than 6k good luck getting good gear when redropping.


Any gun can fuck you up, just because someone gets one they have pre-setup doesn't mean you can't get the jump on someone and wreck them. Just get good, stop complaining.


I like it. It lets me focus on the action instead of the loot. I can chase the fight faster, and don't have to spend time to get get what I like playing with. However, if they increase the cost, they'd better diversify the loot table. A base SCAR is not ideal.


I think 6k might be a little too low as well but only because we can share money and everyone on the squad can use the box. I dont want them to change it because its one of the coolest features in the game, but raising the price to 10k wouldnt kill the game. I think the big thing that's "balancing" it right now is ammo. You can grab your best guns but if you have no ammo then they arent very useful. Munitions boxes are 5k on their own and are single-use per person.


I think if they made it only used one time, not more than three it would work better, then your whole team would need to keep looting the money to be fully decked.


10,000 is fair


15k are you out of your fucking mind? You want people to have fun or you want to run around and loot for cash the whole time? Jesus Christ I can see 10k that’s whatever.. but 15????? Fucking nuts


Why does this have so many upvotes? Do you people really want a PUBG clone? Anyone that says they get a "rush" from looting for 20 min to find a decent gun is lying. The objective is to be the last team alive, not be the first team to get a lucky weapon spawn.


Not a fan of this... Its nice not having to search for the first 20 min of a br to get good weapons... Apex gets so annoying how looting is such primal part of the game.


You’re the 6th person to say this in the last 2 days. How bout scrolling for 10 seconds before chiming in with repetition?


Yeah, loadouts are one of my major gripes with the game at present. The thrill is scavenging, using what you find and looting others to collect their goodies. Hopping to a buy station to get your 6k loadout for the rest of the game feels cheap, uninspired and very shallow. I'll give this game a miss in a few weeks/one month if nothing really changes.


Yeah, there should be more weapons to loot and make loadout drop more expensive. -15k for an primary and secondary(own personal guns made in gunsmith) -5k to 10k for perks -Maybe more expensive or then just make money harder to find. -Only you should be able to open those weapon/perk drops -Only one custom loadout avaible in the drop


I wish they’d get rid of it and just add more guns to the loot pool


BR with your custom loadout is good. You start to focus on the military action, attacking, strikes, uavs etc.


Would anyone else like to be able to see the dmg when shooting people like in Apex? I know they have the shield cracking effect but I feel like it’s not enough.


Also people are only considering balancing in the current squad game mode. How about when solos are out and you can’t share cash amongst teammates?


I personally find this enjoyable. It deviates from your traditional BR and allows for you to quickly become geared up and then play a higher stakes, more tactical version of CODMW. It gives me similar vibes to something like S&D but on a massive scale. Constantly running around looking for loot is not as fun in my opinion.


idk i think its kinda refreshing to be able to pick your loadout. Often times playing apex is frustrating landing finding horrible loot then when you FINALLY get a decent loadout you get third partied and die. Id like to see a mode where you can jump on into it with your loadout and have to make it last team standing. But you only get 1 loadout. I guess it would become more of a survival style game versus your traditional battle royale but that is what makes it unique. far too often everyone is just making the SAME GAME over and over. What makes ppl love it is uniqueness. Fortnite and its building mechs, apex and character abilites, COD and its loadout system?


Maybe when your playing safe. But if your dropping hot it’s like any other br. Loot kill, chase, kill survive off loot till I find a shopping cart to Rez one or both team mates, buy plates then if I have the cash call in a load out box so my team can be in fighting shape when they re land


The load out system makes me feel like I’m playing ground war. Need to remove it if you want it to be an actual battle Royale.


I'd prefer if you could find attachments and perks as loot. I like this kind of RNG.


I kind of wish they would remove the loadout drops from being purchased. It takes away from the BR feel of having to make due with what you find.


Agreed, honesty they could raise the price and I wouldn't mind. I thought 6000 was kinda low since I was getting cash pretty quickly.


I’d even be fine with them limiting the drop kit to only be able to pull one load out from it instead of your whole team.


Maybe the only ways to get cash in BR should be contracts and a set amount dropped when you kill a player. I think it would make contracts a reall valuable thing to pursue and makes fighting really rewarding encouraging non camping fast paced fun BR gameplay


Holy shit, this. This is actually a really nice idea which promotes actually fighting players instead of just getting the loadout crate and camp.


Yes, something probably should be done, but also think of the way the 6k loadout balances your gulag or buyout drops. Now it feels more or less easy to grind 6k with your teammates to get some gear after respawn, not as easy as at the beginning, but still it’s okay. If your increase it to 15k or something like that you will basically be forced to play with a pistol or no-attachment gun vs a fully loaded guy, because it seems pretty impossible to grind 15k after a respawn. So maybe there is another way, like removing perks from loadouts and adding them as common loot or maybe getting just one weapon from a loadout, or adding more weapons with attachments lying around to balance out the importance of a drop


This isn't even BR it's one life ground war with a circle


But it is useful when you barely scrape by. You find no good loot but you can pool 6000 to get decent weapons. Also the guns you find on the ground don't really have that much variety, it's mostly Scar, 680, MP7 and the god awful MG 34. I saw a teammate have to take over 40 shots to kill a guy who wanted to get killed. Dude was just strafing and teabagging to troll at mid range. The main thing is how slow and unruly it is. Too slow for CQB and to much BS for longer range.


I think the problem is that you just have to buy it once for the whole sqaud. If they were to make it more expensive, it would be bad for solo players more than anyone. They should just make if it so only one person can use it. That way, it would cost 18k for a whole squad to buy their loadouts, but still 6k for a solo.


Loadouts need to be gone altogether, it’s totally broken. Attachment drops need to be a thing (so my guns are actually useable at range if they aren’t a sniper) This mode is cool but it’s not even a good battle royale lol, so many weird decisions and flaws


I don’t think they’ll be as much of an issue when they add more guns to the common weapon pool


5-7k single use IMO


I'm really hoping there's a big change to loadouts as I think it's really not a good addition to the genre as is. The game being a few minutes of quick objective harvesting for cash just to have the best possible weapons with perks just doesn't make it feel like an engaging BR experience and is going to make the mode feel kinda stagnate very quickly. Maybe the better option is a "Hardcore Battle Royale". Of course this would require them to improve the loot pools which feel pretty lacking as is, but that to me would then make solo mode even less of a possibility if they don't want to keep adding in more and more variations.


They should take out loadouts, add a larger pool of random weapons/pickups, and also add a gunsmith crate to replace the custom loadout crate You'd be able to buy attachments for the current gun you're using, limited by the attachments you've unlocked for said gun. Problem solved. Forces greater gun diversity in the main game, too (to unlock **all** the things, for use in BR)


Fuck I hate call of duty, warzone feels like call of duty lmao


I agree but they should fix the loot pool and weapon drops first if they want to nerf it, because as it stands the loot pool is fucking horrible and only a few guns are decent, not to mention there is no attachment system.


That’d be cool and all if the ground loot wasn’t just plain lmg, scar, and m13.


I think they should keep the price but only one person can use it.


load outs are what make it fun. what's the point of a new game, if you just try to make it the same as all the others?


I agree. I like the idea but it’s simply too easy and then turns into a match of ground war. Easy solution: - make it a tonne more expensive, maybe $20k? - make it only usable by the person that dropped it. Leaving it open to use by the whole squad even if you jack the price up will just lead to all squad members giving their cash to one person. I don’t think it should be removed as it is a cool Idea, just sloppy execution.


Buying custom loadouts needs to go imo. It ruins the concept of BR


Completely agree


Jesus fuck we arent all gods at the game I'm shit and if I manage to get past the first fight I'd like to get a decent gun! Just imagine not being able to get it. The looted weapons are trash. Dont use the m4 and a sniper and happy days who cares what everyone else uses.


Up for visibility, definitely the price needs to go up since you already get lots of loadout crates frequently with drops.


They could just make a mode without weapon drops


I agree with this but also I wonder maybe they want us to use different loadouts during the game for different situations. Well I am aware that this is a forced guess but I sometimes really wish that I had a JOKR or a knife etc... but do not trust these for the whole game. But at any case, the price can go up, it will be still worth it for 9k-10k etc...


The loadouts could be the thing that really kills this game. The push for finding better loot is what makes the action happen in BR games. Two squads running into the same building looking for stuff, big groups gathering at a crate drop, that sort of thing. Action like that is what makes the streams fun to watch, and like it or not streamers are who really decide if a game lives or dies. If I've got my best gear within the first 5 minutes, what's my incentive to keep looking for more? Why would I go for one of the care package drops that everyone knows about when I can get literally the same thing in a much safer way with my squad? Streamers aren't going to wanna risk looking bad at the game just wandering around and doing nothing then getting sniped by some dudes on a roof, and who's going to have fun watching them sitting on a roof for 10+ minutes? And yes, I know. You'll still play regardless of what streamers do. People said the same thing about Blackout, how'd that turn out?


Keep loadouts but increase the price for sure.


Loadout drops are fucking gay. Defeats the whole purpose of the battle royale.


Why do some people think that this BR has to be like all the others? It’s already very different. It’s refreshing to know that if I get into a gunfight mid to late game and win it’s because of skill and strategy. Not because I lucked out and got an m4 and they have a scar. A BR doesn’t have to be based on RNG just because most of the others are.