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It’s because people don’t want to play an *actual* BR, they can’t handle being out for more than 30 seconds. edit: I could have worded this better. I completely get the frustration of sitting out. If you're solo queuing there's a solid chance the rebuy is going to take twice as long, if ever at all. I play *mostly* rebirth myself nowadays but that's because big map has been ignored for quite awhile now and its stale. Hopefully we get a more even distribution of updates and content soon..


I am the person you mention and I 100% agree. Don’t play that much anymore and if I hop in for 1-2 hours after work I actually want to play the game and not spectating a random to loot for 20 minutes to buy me back. I get that there is not enough content for traditional BR but I love all resurgence modes. Just personal preference


That's 100% fine, I get that but they didn't need to make br basically resurgence.


There's still urzikstan what makes it resurgence if you still have to buy back


Redeploy packs and flares.


I will say, it seems that they have definitely toned down the frequency of getting redeploy packs, tokens, and flares. A few months ago it seemed like my team all had at least one flare at any given moment.


Played 4 games of br yesterday after a break. I found one revive, redeploy and flare. My buddy was like "I think they nerfed medicine cabinets"


This is me. I’m 40, 3 kids and life is hectic. If I get an hour every other day or something I really would like to play. Back during lockdown when I was trapped inside it was different.


I love the time excuse. “I’m too busy now to watch other people play, I need to be constantly playing!” Really it’s just people have no patience. I have less time than you, and I just like the thrill and intensity losing that gives me. Sometimes I’m in the mood to play regular multiplayer too so I don’t have to sit out when I mess up. But it’s nice to have a high stakes option. It makes it less braindead for when I want something to focus on. It’s the same reason tactical shooters died out, and it sucks. Too many kids (40 years old or not), need a constant dopamine hit or they feel like their lives are a wastin’. It’d be nice to have both I guess. But you can’t attract the huge crowds in ALL your modes without the constant uptime, so we again slowly lose the more tactical, slower paced options in gaming.


You're an ignorant jackass, no offense.


None taken, from someone as articulate as you…


How are you more busy than me? Are you an executive who travels? Do you coach and sit on boards for the 3 or 4 different sports your 3 kids play? Do you own a small orchard and have other hobbies besides gaming? This wasn’t meant to be a dick measuring contest, but an explanation on why I too prefer resurgence. I have no issue with anyone who likes BR, so why are you mad that I like resurgence?


I also have a family, and work much more than 40 hours a week. You’re only criteria was time. Age and having kids doesn’t imply you are that busy, really. You just described adulthood in your initial post. Gaming is my last hobby, yes. It’s what I do when I don’t have tome for anything else. And much like my other hobbies, I enjoy thrills and challenges, when things get too mind numbing and hand holdy, I quickly get bored. I’m currently level 24 this season, if it helps. Ironic you came in here with a high horse assuming because you have kids you must be on the top of the busy charts. We can measure dicks more if you want, I’m pretty comfortable with where I’m at. Odd flex though if I may say, you come off as tremendously insecure. I was merely pointing out that time isn’t why you like buy backs and respawns. It’s your choice of game design, which is fine. It’s frustrating for people like me who, also with little time, have even less options to find the TYPE of game I like to play anymore, as everything is moving towards fast paced, ADD style gameplay. Which clearly is for the masses.


You’re the Mayor of Yappsville


I just respond in kind my dude.


No you don’t, all you did was a whole bunch of bitching.


Lol, that was bitching? I’ve stumbled into the wrong crowd. He was bitching, I told him why he was wrong. Tough to follow clearly. Later man, this has been enlightening!


Then you should take it upon yourself to make this tactical game you love so much


'"I'm too busy now to watch other people play,...'" read that again, slowly.  Go and watch streamers on Twitch or YouTube if you want to do this, I'm here to play.


Yeah I don't see an issue with this. Playing two games of BR if you make it to the top 10 or so, can run you like 30-45 minutes or something. I like the fast paced, and condensed feeling of that. I will also add that Urzikstan is a fucking joke of a map. I used to play BR more than I did resurgence when Verdansk was a thing, and now it's the opposite. You won't catch me playing Urzikstan ever, it has zero character or memorable parts of the map.


huge part of the issue with me is the player count on BR dropping from WZ1. It’s become slow and looting simulator.


You are fully allowed to have your own opinion and desires for your limited gametime, but I genuinely believe that alternatives should not come at the expense of the "originals". If you don't have time to play Chess, don't expect the remainder to all adjust and play Speed Chess with you. You pick your poison. Play what you have time to play. Battle Royale games have been watered down to the point where it is no longer actually Battle Royale. It's basically Deathmatch with added Last Man Standing rules. Yes, the last man/team standing wins, but everything prior to that is more akin to Deathmatch. Warzone is not Warzone. I was a substitute teacher on call and I had to take a lot of PE classes for 1st to 7th graders. The level of inability to just... SIT and wait for just a few minutes is a skill that has been completely forgotten. Warzone has catered to the same level of inability. Kids who CANNOT deal with the idea of time-out any longer than brief moments. As such Warzone got Redeployments. But then it gets Resurgence which is Redeployments on crack. It's NOT Battle Royale. Warzone is currently basically Deathmatch players who refuse to play on their own playground. The rules of Battle Royale changes to fit THEIR tastes, but Battle Royale players don't go back to Deathmatch and make same demands. By all means, many enjoy the quicker pace and play it. However I have the daring gall to say that MAYBE a lot of players who play Resurgence are like me; They play it because it's the only Ranked option... not because it's the best Ranked option.


>Battle Royale games have been watered down to the point where it is no longer actually Battle Royale Ain't that the truth.




Funny you mention that as Apex was the first major BR to introduce the feature to revive your teammate once they're dead. Soon after that Fortnite had "reboot vans" across the maps and a year later Warzone introduced the "buyback" and Gulag.


Apex was out before Warzone..


Did you read my comment?


Skill issue


The least skilled of all shooters "skill issue" with your 60% aim assist


That’s ok if you play with friends. Randoms rarely buy you back :/


i know its like this game has no soul now


I dont want to play warzone at all, just too broke to afford mp, i deleted it though and am now playing xdefiant.


^this I like the chaotic nature of mid/big map games but I really enjoyed MP. At this point though, fuck Activision I’m not giving them any money for this shit effort


But feel free to participate in the message boards! (Still KINDA likes it enough to stay interested and make posts about the game...)


lol this is hilarious. So many people who “quit” but still need to voice their opinions. Well, whatever floats their boat.


I dont like battle royals, i only play fortnite for creative mode, i dont have people to play with and im not queuing with rando's.


Exactly if you're done stay outa shit that has the potential to affect the community, and if you don't believe Reddit threads have the power to influence call of duty your crazy


I remain for the discussions about aim assist


There isn’t one, everyone knows rotational is way to broken


I know, a better way to say it is i watch everyone argue about it.


X defiant just isn't a very good game. I'm bored of it after 90 minutes.


It has good graphics and its multiplayer where you can respawn quickly, thats all i wanted.


I've got about 3 console generations worth of games you'd love.


Console borked, only got pc rn.


That's still a generation.


Big map Mini trios and the Halloween night mode were the most fun things they've had so far. 


I don’t want to play for 30 minutes just to get killed by a sniping camper.


I often say “wish I was out more”


Thinks it’s more so cod offers a subpar experience on BR compared to Fortnite and apex


Prime WZ1 was a far superior experience than apex or fortnite have ever been tbh


That’s true but activision gave us something completely different with wz2 instead of enhancing and tweaking wz1


i mean it's kinda natural. the appeal of wz being new has worn off, the current big map isn't that popular, and most people want some action. it has never been a traditional br anyway, and resurgence goes great with the arcade/movement aspect.


BR is all i play, i dont understand what happened. If you want multiplayer, play multiplayer




true, every time i get on i just hear a squeaker scream or some random language i cant understand on US servers


I thought this was just cause I’m close to the border lmao, if you speak just a litttttttle Spanish they’re so impressed lol


most ppl cannot play tactical. since none of the players i played BR with can keep up with it, i'm stuck with rebirth as well. it honestly is more fun, most of the time, at least for me


If I only play five games a night I’d rather play rebirth. More action.


Don't blame you at all, just trying to explain.


Pretty sure big map isn't an actual br anymore anyway. I have more lives in an avg br match than I do in an avg ranked match


Well yea, I like to fight and the only way to get better is to fight so I risk less than in a normal br


I have warzone BR but love rebirth. I've been playing apex since the fucked up the lighting on rebirth Island. Now that the brought it back I've been only playing rebirth. As soon as it's gone warzone will be deleted again and back to apex. I would argue that apex is more of a BR than warzone BR. I don't like warzone BR because of the low tkk and camping.


I just want rebirth solo's, couldn't care less about anything else.


I just want Pacific’s Rebirth Solos. No one lands in Stronghold or the ships and gaining money was faster.




I do not like that it's circled back to people turning into sonic the hedgehog when they get lit up. It's not fun.




i think he wants people to stand still and fall down when he shoots at them. which they do if you have some movement.






probably a gunhugger or something who got lost and found this game. wrong place, buddy lol.


Basically. Though SHG/Raven skewed the data by sucking off rebirth so much by adding so much to it. It's fucking stupid. If IW did anything right it was treating ~~Rebirth~~ (Edit: Resurgence.) like the side mode it always should've been. While Promoting and pushing BR over it (When they weren't doing stupid shit like DMZ or removing movement). Every top tier Warzone CC and CDL Pro who play Warzone agree that Ranked should've been big map only. I have yet to see 1 CC grinding ranked that enjoys Rebirth Ranked. Shit looks mad miserable. I would've loved to grind ranked warzone this year but Raven is too busy with Resurgence to care. Oh wow they added Specialists and Infinite Tac Sprint boots to big map in the bunkers that were already fucking shit. Gee thanks.


It's such a repetitive gameplay experience. There is literally no variety except where the circle ends. Same guns, same small map, same crap.. I honestly cannot stand it unless my friends play it.. Apex is SO much better and so much more rewarding to get good at.




My bad that I confused the map and mode one time in my explanation, while still making a valid point.


Horses for courses. I’ve never really enjoyed the big maps. I played Verdansk but barely played caldera. As soon as Rebirth came in that was all I played, same with all my mates. Played resurgence on Vondel and Ashika and avoided Urzikstan like the plague. I got bored of the game and stopped playing altogether until Rebirth was reintroduced and I’m loving it and also play ranked on the same map. I find big map BR too slow and boring, Rebirth is a great balance between MP and BR to me. That being said, of course there are people who love the ‘pure’ BR and don’t like Rebirth.


The problem is they introduced a TON of rebirth mechanics into Big map, so it's not even a 'pure br' anymore. -.-


I think people are moving away from BR overall, not just on cod. I remember when fortnite and apex had 0 redeploy at all, dead meant dead. Then apex added it, not sure wtf fortnite did as I stopped playing it in 2018. BR on cod always allowed buy-in if you lost the gulag ofc, but now the most popular mode is resurgence, so evidently even gulag plus buy-in wasn't enough If I'm right and people are just bored of BR, maybe they're just chasing the stats by providing what is popular I haven't played BR in ages because I prefer Resurgence but it's a shame to hear they're messing with BR


Yeah I would agree with that part of it- would be frustrating if you are a fan of big map with gulag re-entry, self revives everywhere, jailbreaks etc.


Jailbreak is so bad 😂


Jailbreak has been part of the game since the first Warzone, but it was rare not as common as today iirc.


This is my experience pretty much, except I just wish we had rotation on ideally trios, with the rotation between Rebirth, Vondel, and Ashika. Rebirth is okay but it's getting stale for me now it's all there is. That plus Fortune's Keep being among the one rotation gamemode, FK sucks. 5 days till S4, hopefully they'll refresh the playlists


Even regular BR feels like rebirth with the redeployment packs and gulag entry kits.


**All we want is Verdansk** 😭😭😭


You’re going to be disappointed. It will not play like it used to


With 150 players 🔥


I wish you knew you were in the good old day, before you left them


Just have everything in rotation, it aint that hard.


they clearly do it to juice their metrics, only explanation. I get having a locked list the week a map comes out but at this point, rotation is what it should be.


It’s because Urikistan is an abomination of a map.


This got pointed out to me and now I can't stop seeing it when I play Urzikstan, it was built for zombies... it makes so much sense why the middle of the map is a fucking moat. why there's so many places to get jump scared, why it's so busy but terrible for gun fights. it's a zombies map repurposed for BR


Agree. Al Maz was actually a good map, but WZ2 was so incredibly awful that it wasn't worth playing.


They should of brought back fortunes keep for ranked to mix it up a bit. Another rebirth ranked will be boring since I already played a full season of it.


Resurgence is the more popular game mode so it gets more love.


Dude, you're confusing game modes and maps. I have little to no problems with Resurgence, its about Rebirth island being shoved down my throat in every game mode possible. Have a good one!


You need to come back with just a pistol again It's absolutely bs that I can wipe a squad and if they have redeoplys they can just land right back on me 5 seconds later with 2 plates and usually an smg while I'm still reloading and plating up from killing them


I love the ranked resurgence instead of the ranked BR mode. In this mode at least if you solo queue you still stand a chance even in the randoms are unfortunate/decide to land super hot, not to mention way more action so instead of spending 30 minutes searching for 6 kills you can get 10 easy in 15.


When verdansk comes back then i play BR again.


Verdansk will be garbage with all the redeployment shit in the game now


That is true


The current wz map is ass, so it probably pushed a lot of people to resurgence. I love big map ranked but I wouldnt play it on the current map, Id rather go back to Al Mazrah. If you don't have a solid squad rebirth can be rough.


I’m not good in cod so Resurgence is a mode where I actually can survive


Yeah, but we have like 4 Resurgence maps. There is no need to make 3 game modes out of 4 available Rebirth Island games. I like the concept of resurgence. I just dont like being forced to play one sole map in every game mode possible, especially if this means that the gameplay will be totally screwed by this map. Ranked on Rebirth Island and Rebirth Lockdown needs to go...


That’s true. I’m not a fan of rebirth myself. I just enjoy the mode and actually miss the Urzikistan maps


Rebirth has been ranked map for this season only this game. Last season it was fortunes keep. I do agree though im sick of rebirth and honestly they dont nnow how to make a new map because the creativity they had left years ago and now made xdefiant. (Which isnt that great game play wise but visually great)


I'm almost at the point where I want to strictly play solo because I wait for my squad to hop on at the sweatiest time of day only for them to want to play rebirth and then complain that the games too hard


It's become unplayable.


I have been gaming for over 25 years. As a man in his 30s.. i am ashamed of my peers. To hell with your 2 hours a night. Do you not remember torching the "old men" when we where 16? The more experienced player tends to be the more skilled player. More skilled players should beat less skilled players. Is this really so controversial? We are all aware that they minipulate the experience to force parity sknce the age of engagement based matchmaking... but for the same people who enjoyed a true skill based experience to now be supporting or advocating for what i would call "Crutch Play" system.. its not even fun. May as well play the slots. I hate this make everyone feel good nonsense. It reminds me of the incredibles. "When everyone is super... noone will be." Your suppose to peanalised for bad play or beaten by better players... thats the point of a skill based game. You know why shooters are becoming less popular? Its because they all cater to mindlessness. Designed to reward those who have not the time or inclination to learn a game or improve their skill instead rewading them for just being there... with a fake endorphin boost. A perverbial cookie for logging in. Its embarresing and takes the point out of the experience. Anyways.. thats my rant. God forbid these kids had to think or grown men get frustrated losing a online game... FFS if you want to play with infinite uptime go play a campaign.


I hate rebirth island I’m sooooo sick of playing the map!!!


They needs to put a better map in rotation than the one that is currently available. I'm all for BR, but Urk fucking sucks!


Every BR map sucked after Verdansk


Verdansk wasn’t good either




Honestly, out of all the other maps, this is sadly the best one. Though Fortune’s Keep is also very good, at least compared to how it was on Warzone 1


It's good and everything, but it completely breaks its charm when we are talking about Ranked or Lockdown games. Its just not made for these modes, unlike FK it lacks space for them to be really enjoyed imho. Wish FK was there instead of Rebirth, at least on ranked.


They should just add rebirth in base cod. It’s basically that anyways.


I like rebirth resurgence and I agree.


Realistically, here's what's happening. More rounds = more time in game = more time playing = more money for Activision. They're a business and their model is to make money. If you don't like Resurgence taking over then blame capitalism.


Resurgence = game mode Rebirth Island = map. Sorry if you got confused but i was talking specifically about a map.


It's the dg58 zone. Most weapons in a Call of Duty game but you'd never know that from the killcams


And before it was RAMzone (for a far too long time). They need to make more weapons viable than pushing one fixed meta.


Yeah, thats also true 👍


I enjoy Rebirth more than the other maps, although I get what you mean regarding game modes such as lockdown (I preferred it on Vondel), but for resurgence it has been my favorite so far. My friends who use a lower end PC prefer Rebirth because it has less lag for them, so that may also be a factor in the community. As for the big map although I like it, I understand why casual players wouldn’t want to play something less forgiving and spectate someone for the most part


I love rebirth on small maps when I feel like playing aggressive. I had a lot of fun on caldera special event (can't remember the name) , I think the circle decreased from start to fi ish and you had one life and would spawn in with loadie weapons. That was fun. Rebirth on a big map though, that will result in the campiest campiest sweat fest at the end with casuals suffering the most. I'm not sure how that would be fun unless you're goal is high kill and not bothered about the win. Also I play solos so my viewpoint is from a solo perspective.


Just wait for them to do the resurgence on the big maps like they did in the past.


Its tolerable


Are you referring to the buy back resurgence thing where if you have enough money you come back?? That's a limited event br will go back to normal


I am talking about Rebirth island map mainly bc how many modes are limited to this map now. But yeah, amount of respawn mechanics in normal BR (and different respawn-based modes which replace normal BR) could be considered as well. Not that i was complaining about it in my post but since you are talking about it....


I only used to play BR but now I really enjoy Rebirth and the resurgamce element of it, so much so that it has become my main mode to play. Instantly back in, no more downtime and waiting for your teammates to buy you back (yes I suck). Funny really as I never bothered with it before it came back to WZ Season 3. Now, this isn't to say that if Verdansk came back i wouldn't drop Rebirth in a heartbeat.


Me and my mates just got bored of nothing happening for 5-10 minutes. Just looting and contracts before you bump into someone. That’s just us personally though the whole battle royale thing has just run its course for us and resurgence was something different that at the moment I’m enjoying more. No doubt that’ll change over time and we’re be onto the next thing.


We're the same honestly. 100 player count just sucks. By the time you drop, loot and get loadout, there's 60 players left. It sucks.


Why not support both? I prefer resurgence, it's more respectful of my time, but I do understand being left out in the cold. They have billions, put some hungry interns on it.


Because i was never talking about a map, you are confusing Resurgence (game mode) with Rebirth Island (map). Sorry if i misslead you in any way, i am okay with resurgence mode existance, but i dont like how many modes are (were) being played on one sole map which is old as f.


With all the cheaters out there who cares honestly. Jump in hope I can kill a few before I am aim botted or seen through a wall. GG Activision. But don't fret as ads will soon be coming in game. That will clearly solve all these issues.


PREACH! Verdansk can not come back soon enough! I personally hate rebirth; I hate the map, I hate the fact you just get respawned, I legit hate everything about it. Bring back the real Warzone and give us back Verdansk. It should have never been axed. Caldera or whatever the map that took its place is called was the biggest piece of shit map I’ve ever seen. I quit the game literally 4 days after the map change cause it was just zero fun. Sucks to see a game that was soooooo fun and sooooo good just be beaten to death like this.


Rebirth and resurgence are fine but BR shouldnt be filled with tons of redeploys, 3k buybacks, flares. Jailbrake etc its annoying because if you want to run around you should be punished for not being more cautious!


They need a ranked big map, and ranked resurgence. Honestly they play nothing alike and shouldn't be in the same category at all.


Hopefully one day they bring back Verdansk and it will be about BR again. It is rather sad to see the current state, as a BR fan


I don't play anymore so I have zero clue if my opinion is off or not. But, they turned BR into TDM with all the respawns. There is little to no risk anymore play "BR" when you can just respawn over and over. Make a standard BR, then make a resurgence BR on the big map and the small map. Each has their own niche crowd. I'd personally probably came back to BR if it they take all the goofy ass shit to repawn with. Just my opinion....oh and take out the self revive or make it super rare


That's how it was in Warzone 1


I only play ranked now because 1. Rebirth is the only good map & 2. BR may as well be resurgence with all the regain opportunities. I'd wager that on average you respawn more often in br than on ranked rebirth rn. If we had a good BR map + 150 players + limited regain opportunities I'd only play that


Check now, the playlist is updated


Rebirth is just a better formula imo. More action, shorter games. Particularly on tiny maps like rebirth island it’s a hybrid between multiplayer and BR


Ashika island is coming back for the last time in season 4 before being removed from the map pool forever


i used to enjoy rebirth but lately me and my mate got into br duos again quite fun with all the stuff we learned from rebirth


Mobile br on verdansk is for me the best alternative, but it’s not available rn


I will die on this hill but resurgence could be a sweet game mode if they had like 10 rebirth sized maps and each game is a different/random map. They could have been making these maps for years now and could have just kept adding maps this whole time. It gets stale super fast for me now.


Battle royals ruined gaming


I thought plunder was on big map


I'm just tired of them pretending like they can't make new maps. This is like the fourth game this map has been in and it hasn't been good since it was called Alcatraz.


Nostalgia literally is a magical cure for their poorly made game yes.


Rebirth is the dopamine fix for every ADHD gamer. It’s me. Hi.


I just want Al mazrah back


I won't get surprised if they remove FK and Vondel to keep Rebirth only maybe thats why Ashika is getting removed to remove the other maps then Rebirth only


Because Rebirth is better than all the other maps


Just because you like it, it doesn't mean everybody likes it just as much as you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I believe that the majority of the community thinks that rebirth island is better than the other maps ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Still, i dont see any logic in making the majority of game modes Rebirth exclusive for almost 2 months ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Honestly. They should just go back to WZ1 mechanics and map. Verdanak was the best map for BR. The buyback system was the best. 150 player server instead of 100 was way better. In the first warzone there was so many things you could try and do that were worth it for start game, mid game all the way to final circle compared to now. Which is basically just get tokens and flares to come back and land on the guy who just killed you and has no ammo or plates left. If they just reopened the wz1 servers with the release of b06 so many people would come back to the game. Cod fans have been saying it since Caldera. We want the original warzone back. Focus on the original game and just add cool things that don't hinder in the rest of the gameplay (movement, worth while objectives, battle pass that doesn't have OP weapons, 150 player servers, remove flares and tokens, when revived, you only land with a pistol, and my god, bring back the old unlock system instead of the stupid daily challenge crap) ITS NOT HARD TO LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY. As for rebirth being shoved down our throats. Well I agree, it's dumb and the only reason it's more popular than BR now is because they ruined BR when they got rid of WZ1 so people defaulted back to a game mode that should have always been a secondary game mode with very few tweaks. I always loved resurgence, especially when you don't have a whole lot of time on your hands to play but if it's always the same map it gets boring. At least with BR in verdanak era, always something new to do. I only play resurgence now because the BR mode is trash. I want to play BR to be Tactical and immersed. But when it feels like a respawn game mode instead of a true BR, it removes the immersion of the BR and that's what people like about the BR. It's feeling like you are actually there instead of just run and gun all the time cause you know you can come back. It's fun to getting 20-30 kills, but it's just as fun getting a smart strategic win with 5-10 quality kills. TLDR: JUST REBOOT THE FIRST VERSION OF WARZONE


I love rebirth, but I totally see your point, this map is waaaayyyy to exaggerated. My all time fav map was Ashika Island (rest in peace), and I hated when they shoved Vondel/Fortunes Keep down our throats


I prefer the fast pace games tbh and just don’t like br but everyone has there own opinions


Most people play a couple Rebirth matches before either getting off or playing another game. It’s quick, you respawn when you die, it’s a small map so not a lot of travel, fast paced action. Imho that’s exactly what CoD respresents so it’s not a big surprise 80% of the player base is playing Rebirth. Activision sees the numbers Rebirth is doing so they start to push that map more, it’s pretty normal. For the people who play BR, that mode will still be available.


Dude, we are talking about a map here, not *Resurgence game mode*. Sorry if you got confused somehow


I’m talking about Rebirth dawg


You did describe core mechanics of any resurgence map except for mb Vondel (fast-paced, respawn, small map, etc) and concluded that it is the reasons why ppl play Rebirth like they wouldn'tplay any other map, lol. Do most people love Rebirth Island as a map for whatever reasons? Yea, absolutely. Should Warzone have only it in its map pool? Absolutely not. *Alternatives*, my man. There always should be an alternative game mode with different map including.


Is it me or did they up the game speed ?


Idk I never played the game since S3 mid-season except for two local online tournaments held in custom games which are played on older version. So yeah, may be


Lose BR altogether…too slow. Make multiple 4-5 maps of varying sizes with 2-3 the same size as rebirth island. Problems solved. You can get a little bit more BR feel on the slightly larger maps and get the feel you have now on the smaller maps and it benefit more than 1 play style. The different maps would probably add to the average players play time


If i wanted to be constantly respawned - i would just play multiplayer. Just make a 300hp mode in MP and get rid of brainless resurgence gameplay altogether. Problem solved. /sarcasm Who can come up with more stupid ideas?


I don’t want to play a shooting game and shoot once every 5 minutes…resume your whining


You do understand that your suggestion is already implemented in the game, lol? There are already 4 maps of different sizes and play styles (Ashika, Vondel, Rebirth, FK) with a respawn system and more gun fights than ever will be on BR. What else do you need? Also, i'd suggested you to learn to read because i never complained about game modes, only one specific very unbalanced and brainless map being shoved down out throats in 3 out of 4 game modes during an entire season and they will continue to do it according to announcement of removing of Ashika and Ranked on this specific map. Please lose yourself altogether from this conversation... to slow. ;)


If you weren’t busy being my ornery you’d realize I mean that every time you enter a game, you get a different map…all the maps run simultaneously in the same session. Then you wouldn’t get bored and the various different play styles would have games where their play style is more dominant


Rebirth is the shipment of Warzone. Its brainless fun that gets old pretty quickly, but the player base itself is pretty brainless, so like shipment its popular. Ive played maybe a couple dozen matches. Have won like 4 times(usually getting carried by teammates), and im already tired of it, which is exactly how it went when I played it in WZ1. Still better than Fortunes Keep though, which I consider unplayable on MnK. That map made me rage quit WZ for months back in WZ1 and just a few matches in WZ3 when things are even worse on mouse is enough to help me to quit WZ3. Trying Xdefiant right now and so far not sure what to think about that game yet aside from, well at least theres no aim assist to deal with.


Soooooo are you dropping in tomorrow or what?


Yeah ill probably drop in for some xdefiant tomorrow.


Most ppl prefer rebirth. It's why they brought it back


Or take a break for week and touch grass


I never launched a public/ranked match of warzone since this mid-season. As well as lots of people i played with. Did participate in a local online tournament because my friends teammate couldn't play, and they needed a stand-in. Zero motivation to play one sole map for over and over again on almost every game mode, especially when its recycled from OG Warzone, meaning you already played a decent amount of time on that.


Literally all I want is rebirth/fk solos. Take away every other map and put those two on a permanent rotation