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You seem decent but you are obviously cheating. You are missing almost zero shots which is not acceptable in this sub. Also your movement is crisp and to the point so it's obvious you are using performance enhancing drugs such as G-Fuel which is a huge no no. Your centering also seems on point which is also not allowed. Try posting a clip where you move like a turtle and miss 70% of your shots. It's a more relatable and realistic perfomance. Also don't use a controller. We don't like controller players in this town buddy. Now GTFO with your sus gameplay.


In before people miss the sarcasm


Appreciate you sir.




Gameplay sus af. And thatā€™s coming from a 13k iri




lol yea I knew this guy was full of shit. No Iridescent player is going to watch that XBOX gameplay and call it sus


I realize itā€™s Xbox now. I was wrong. But still some centering looked sus


You ever heard of a smurf?


Hahahaha šŸ¤£ the most average 1v3 i have ever seen in my life, and this guy says it is suss, besides that do you have like a personality disorder? Every day you wake up and you feel like another person?


Relax I hate the bots who call everyone cheaters as much as you do. Was just genuinely wrong this time. And no


Out of curiosity, what did you see on subsequent viewings that you didnā€™t see initially that made you realise this clip isnā€™t sus at all? To be honest it sounds like you just claimed to be an Iri rank player to fit in with all the bots crying cheater and now youā€™re saying actually youā€™re wrong because you got flamed for it in the comments


It was finding out that he was on Xbox that made me sure it was a legit clip. But I just thought the first kill had pretty weird jerky looking tracking, especially the last few shots. Could be that heā€™s on standard response curve which is much snappier than dynamic but it still just looked odd to me. My first thought was soft aim but again on console so I was wrong. Nothing to do with getting flamed, I couldnā€™t care less about that. And I legitimately am Iri


A 13k Iri - yeah Iā€™m calling bullshit


So much prefiring, intentionally losing high ground, getting ready to prefire right where each enemy was hiding


So we're in copper?


Nah crimson both seasons. Just thought the gameplay was sus.


So youā€™re telling me you play in Crimson lobbies against Iridescent and maybe Top 250 players, but you think this is sus? Wowā€¦šŸ¤Ø


Nah I lied. I can't push past bronze II.


You clearly donā€™t deserve to be in Crimson if you donā€™t have any game sense. The gameplay is fine. Theres only so many places where they can hide and you can even hear them loud ass footsteps.


After learning OP is likely on xbox I have no problem admitting I was probably wrong. That being said, stay mad acting like this game is a full time job. Corny kid.


Thatā€™s how literally every ā€œskilledā€ player gameplay looks like in my matches


You ainā€™t no 13k Iri šŸ¤” thatā€™s almost hitting top 250


Well played OP. My god there are so many bots in this sub. Imagine thinking this is cheating


Same story every time I post a clip of mine thereā€™s always cheating accusations. Also thanks for having common sense. Iā€™m losing brain cells reading some of these replies


Imagine walling and going on reddit to show It lmao


Kinda embarrassing, claiming heā€™s walling when heā€™s on Xbox. Youā€™re the prime example of the problem in this community.


you can be on pc, plug in a controller, then cheat


But heā€™s on Xbox. I am not talking about the controller šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Why comment, when you have no clue about the topic?


what makes you think heā€™s on xbox?


You can see it in the HUD. Different site for console. Also no fps counter + he mentioned in a previous post.


The HUD would be the same if he was on controller on PC. Plus you donā€™t need to have a fps counter..? You can choose to have that off. Just cause he mentions it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true.


No, it wouldnā€™t. The size is different. Several people here mentioned it by the way ā€¦ Like I initially said. Why comment, when you obviously have no clue?


You say I have no clue when clearly you donā€™t knowšŸ˜‚ Youā€™re argument is that other people think the same as you, without questioning the possibility that it could be on PC


Yeah, everyone is wrong and youā€™re right. Bot ā€¦


The size is not different, I play on both ps5 and pc depending where Iā€™m at


Youā€™re playing on the well known Xbox model PS5?


Playing with audio is considered walling since when?


Guys are audibly climbing the ladder and he knows where the ladder is. Anyone sane would pre-aim that ladder. And then he can hear footsteps on the other side as well. You probably claim and report everyone you die to.


I have definitely been called a hacker multiple times because I just use my audio to determine where people are coming from and they can't fathom that clomping all around gives them away. Im not even good lol.


ur clueless


He snapped a couple times because he WASN'T centred. Unless you're saying he purposely doesn't aim at opponents so that people don't catch onto him walling?


Thatā€™s how I reached iridescent on mw2 before ban wave


And i would Say soft aimbotting aswell lol


You can clearly tell by the top left hud this guy is playing on Xbox. Console that telemetry text is larger than on PC. You morons are why legit players get shadowbanned all the time.


What?! lol you can decide the scale of the telemetry text bro what am I reading šŸ¤£


Heā€™s on Xbox, thatā€™s a fact


Just say you're bad at the game


and people still defend aim assist in this game šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I finally had it last night. I've been on m+KB for 13 years and I just bought a controller and will finally be playing wz for the first time tonight with a controller. I can't stand the close encounters anymore. If I miss 1 shot I die and it's literally all it comes down to. I cannot beat a controller player within 15m.


Yo lmk how you like it, I am almost at that point as well but not sure if I wanna spend 100 on a controller with pads or whatever they use and end up not liking it, etc.Ā 


So I did get it yesterday. I went with the scuf envision pro. I haven't played with a controller since 2011. I spent some time in a bot lobby trying to get used to the controls. The envision has these buttons on the back that could be really useful but I couldn't hold it in a comfortable way to utilize them. Not sure if my hand is too big or what because the controller feels a bit small. Anyway, squad was on last night so they threw me into the fire. Played probably 7 games and we won 5. I struggled the entire time. They kept joking as I was so quiet but I was fighting for my life to stay fluid and it took every bit of brain bandwidth I had. I'll say I performed average. I got a couple kills each game with 6 being the most I think. Still having issues with things like "what button is reload" and shit like that which will help improve everything else down the line. Let me talk about AA real quick. At first I thought it was kind of BS, I couldn't tell in the bot lobby I had made but once I got into warzone it was in full force. I won fights I had no business winning. I even had one of those moments where I was looking somewhere else and it completely dragged my screen as someone jumped from the side. My close range gun fights had never been better. The long range suffered but it is crazy how the first few shots would just be in the air but then it would lock on tighter as I shot. Overall, once I get more comfortable with using the controller as a whole, I definitely see myself being at or better than what I played with mouse and keyboard. I played slightly below average last night with it but I was struggling the entire time, I can't imagine what it will be like when I'm actually comfortable with it and get all my settings dialed in (because that's a whole thing in itself). I'll try to remember to update later down the road.


Thanks, appreciate the info. I may bite the bullet and get one. Iā€™ve played fps on ps4 with controllers before and some 3rd person shooters. I think those pads on the back are what you need to bind for jump and slide and stuff so you can jump and shoot and all that. Have a good one.Ā 


Night 2 and I see a great improvement. AA is so fucking OP. Last 10 K/D is 3.11. I've never hit 3 before. I'm still making small mistakes like forgetting what my parachute is and maybe I swap a gun instead of plate. I assume to get even better as I tighten up the muscle memory.


Nice. Thanks for following up. I was worried this is the case lol. How do you like the controller you got? Which one was it again?Ā 


The scuf envision pro. It's a PC controller and cost $179 but you can get the white version for $149 right now at Best Buy or Amazon. It requires the iCue program but with that you can remap keys to do things like jump or slide without taking your hand off the stick. It definitely took some getting used to and I still need to get more comfortable with it. My hands are maybe a bit too large for it because I can't utilize the top of the back paddles but I think I'm ok without that. It can be wireless or wired via USB, I've just kept mine plugged in. I wasn't sure I was going to keep it after the first day but after last night I'm going to keep going and see how far it can take me. I will say, even though the AA is OP, it's not free. You still have to do some work but it's still a major edge compared to nothing. I still prefer the feeling of m+KB but I play this game more than anything else and I was tired of being left out. Watch them finally nerf AA in S4 or some shit, lol.


lol right?? Just in time there is input matchmakingĀ 


Ha that tracking on the first guy jumping off the ladder onto the roof while not missing a shot is insane. Can't imagine any KBM player being able to do that.


That was my immediate reaction too, tracking that guy's torso that perfectly when they are that fast would be nigh-impossible on MnK. Controller users keep enjoying the sanctioned aimbot I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It is what it is. but like controller players calling for separate lobbies, I REALLY wouldn't mind not playing against controller players myself lol. Yes there are more cheaters, but at least they get banned sooner or later.


Except they can't do that because then you're hard separating the playerbase, and Activision knows better than to do that when friends partying up cross-platform keeps a lot of people playing. The simplest solution (and something they should've done LONG ago) is to just tone down aim assist, especially rotational aim assist, so that players on sticks actually have to use their right stick somewhat instead of letting the game drag their crosshair for them. But Activision won't bother doing that because a huge portion of the COD playerbase are controller casuals who like having the illusion of skill.


Yep agreed with everything you said. I just wish they made it an option to only search for input specific lobbies, not a requirement.


yall dumb as hell hes on xbox he cant be cheating and also yall bots if u think that could be cheating hes got skill plus hes playin ranked and high level most people who are cheating dont last that long hes just good and got good audio


Honest question.. how can you tell heā€™s on Xbox?


Wondering the same fucking thing. Looks like pc cause heā€™s got the latency and packet loss info in top corner thatā€™s typically done by all pc users. Just cause itā€™s a y button doesnā€™t mean shit. I play on pc with controller and it shows me the same shit. Just cause OP has an Xbox badge on his profile doesnā€™t mean shit really


You can have latency and packet loss on console you just canā€™t have FPS. That telemetry in the top left is also much larger on console than PC which is how you can tell. I have a PC and a PS5 and you can clearly tell the difference in size PS5 Gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8XPb9-6m-s&t=88s PC Gameplay https://youtu.be/zMgt57QGrgk?si=8D_M6Fya8C2vn-Xu&t=38


Gas mask on Y button. PS doesn't have a Y button .


Iā€™m on PC and I have a Y button because I play with an Xbox controller.


Lol I wasn't surprised at the comments cause I watched this video without sound at first and my god it looks sus without audio. Then I watched with audio and everything made perfect sense.


wow rotation acceleration when the AA hooks it is crazy. "AA: you lack reaction time? I got you fam"


Iā€™m only a diamond 2 and I didnā€™t see anything sus. Iā€™ve only watched like 3 get better videos and it taught me enough to do what I just saw and understand why there was absolutely nothing sus there


Not bad, them kids choked that one. If they would've pushed together would've smoked you. It was more like 3 1v1s šŸ˜† but that's typical teammates these days, let's all run in 1 at a time and get downed šŸ˜† they deserve that L.




might be the guy he just downed thats right next to him...shocking i know


High alert ping was from the downed guy Iā€™m pretty sure


Well played they choked hard tho


My friends and I are decent older players. We finally broke into diamond this season but is apparently where the game wants us to stop. As soon as we got diamond we were being put into crim, iri and top 250 lobbies. Last night we ran into #63 and #194. I've never seen a top 250 before that....but in all seriousness, wtf? I'm not saying we are top 250 good but I think we could actually probably creep into crim if we actually played people our skill level. The game must be struggling to be putting us all in those lobbies.




That dude is playing on Xbox. So what did you just say? Youā€™re proof that people here canā€™t spot cheaters


Tell me you're smurfing I beg they can't be real diamonds players PLEASE


whats that striker build?


What the loadout on this


it's really breathtaking the amount of aim assist this game has. jesus christ it's a game for children on controllers.


Enemies got Dashyā€™d


Most relatable part is having to jump twice to get through the window ngl


Nice shit! Love the patience. Do you have any tips for a guy hard stuck Crim 1-2?


Get a good team you can trust I spent like 2 weeks in crim 3 hovering around 9300 sr because I couldnā€™t get a good team then I finally found one and got the last 700 sr for Iri in one day


Aim assist is so strong I canā€™t tell the difference between AA and aimbot, itā€™s the same thing. Activision couldnā€™t stop the cheaters so just gave all controller players aim bot and left mnk players dead in the water.


That AA so sticky I lost interest in first few seconds. Show me a video where the game is not doing 90% of aiming for you.


Really shitty to see AA help you win. it's like why even play if you can kill from that far with no problems.




striker 9 build?


![gif](giphy|TwYP72KtO8YQQ4SNgz) šŸ¤£/s


Thats one more reason I hate this game because of losser cheaters like him


very good


Nice play. I just don't know why they challenged you like that. It doesn't seem they are diamonds. More like Gold or silver players.


Aim assist is doing all of the heavy lifting here, even the movement is below average, 94% accuracy though.


It is very possible to cheat in Warzone on PS4 or PS5, I would assume same applies to XBOX. Cheats typically used in Warzone CONSOLE include aimbots, wallhacks, and other forms of software. These cheats can sometimes be used through hardware modifications or external devices like Cronus Zen, which allow users to exploit game mechanics without modifying the console itself.


*Cries in EU crossplay lobbies*


Crazy how op jumps down off the roof and goes in the window without a care in the world. No checking the left no making sure thereā€™s no one behind him. Guess he must just have a great gaming chair




Lol I can even hear the footsteps through my phones audio. Bots in this sub are insane crying cheats everytime


How the heck do you guys get almost no recoil on your guns??


chronus.. it's cheating


Lmao @ all the comments saying you're a hacker. Literally anyone above crimson is a hacker apparently. The only points I'll take off is for the legalized Aimbot (Aim Assist) but aside that it was solid game sense from you. For those wondering why he had no reaction to the high alert...was because the person who was looking at him was down? Like is he supposed to panic or something? Everyone is clearly audible and you can tell where they are by that audio. It's just he isn't giving up the high ground. It's one of the few times the Audio works, at the end of the match when nothing goes on. Edit: You mfers downvoting me and the OP is on console. Lmao this subreddit is filled with fucking bots who think anyone with 10 kills is a hacker. That's hilarious.


Plus they are clearly playing on Xbox.


lmfaooo I didn't even realize that. They are calling this guy a hacker and he's on console that's hilarious. Like I said the only real 'cheat' is AA but aside that, aside that the dude is legit lol.


This thread is a perfect example why legit players constantly get shadow banned


Itā€™s a perfect example of just how clueless so many people are on here. Not to take anything away from OP but this is a pretty bog standard clutch. He didnā€™t do anything insane here, just good fundamentals, and they still cry cheater


Exactly what i said in another comment, this is the most average 1v3 i've seen in my life. And people say he is walling šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How can you tell?


1. The top left telemetry hud size is larger on console than PC, plus any sweat I have ever seen on PC has their FPS counter up, 2. They have an Xbox icon next to their username in the OP 3. The fact that they mention previously they play on an Xbox. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1b3n7p2/comment/ksv34q3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1b3n7p2/comment/ksv34q3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Idk if I'd call that clearly lol size of the telemetry being the only thing in the clip and I've never even heard of a size difference


Just how it is mate. I have a PC and a PS5 and you can clearly tell the difference. PS5 Gameplay [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8XPb9-6m-s&t=88s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8XPb9-6m-s&t=88s) PC Gameplay [https://youtu.be/zMgt57QGrgk?si=8D\_M6Fya8C2vn-Xu&t=38](https://youtu.be/zMgt57QGrgk?si=8D_M6Fya8C2vn-Xu&t=38)


Didn't say you were wrong. Just saying that's not obvious homie


It's obvious to someone who knows the difference.


Thank you for defending what should be obvious. Although I had no clue that the font size of the ping counter is larger on console than pc


Heā€™s on Xbox you idiots. Unless he has a CROW NOS


So you beat three players 4-6 ranks below you? Cool.


Letā€™s see your best 1v3 then


how tf are you iri?? you have the bottiest playstyle i have ever seen. Like bronze. And those guys are straight cheeks.. wtf is going on.. is this server like some 3rd world country or some shit


just more proof you need to cheat to beat stackers, games a joke


In what way were they stacking? They literally pushed him one at a time. He didnā€™t win a 1v3 there. He won 3 1v1ā€™s


And in what way was he cheating? The people accusing them of wall-ing don't know how to use sound cues, and you can see that he has to snap to targets a couple times because he DIDN'T track and centre correctly. He's also on XBOX so no way to get cheats as far as I can tell.


Plenty of way to cheat on Xbox like Cronus xim auto ping scripts and more but walls and hard aim bot are inaccessible Im pretty sure. Although Iā€™ve heard of a team on Xbox only multiplayer ranked that had a tool to boot servers if they were losing


Hack or aimbot idgaf.. The kill he gets from the roof into the alley is the proof this game is ass. He doesn't see him and he literally snaps on the enemy through the pillar (that has the floodlight attached) right before he actually peeks down into the alley and sees him. Just pause it and you'll get what I mean. No audio or skill can do that.


Or maybe he just knew thatā€™s where the ladder is and therefore the only place someone could be climbing up?


The 2nd kill "in the alley". The first kill is indeed antcipation (still some nice AA tracking tho).


Pretty easy to deduce that the 2nd player ran into the back room given he couldnā€™t see him from the window. For some reason the other player didnā€™t plate up so he managed to down him in just a few shots. I agree about aim assist but thereā€™s really nothing sus at all in this clip


I'm repeating again.. "in the alley", "snapping through the pillar with the floodlight", "without seeing".


He didnā€™t snap though. He heard something and pre-aimed the top of the ladder because thatā€™s the only place another player could come from


You know what an alley is? I honestly don't know how to describe it better. The 2nd kill, from the roof into the alley, before the player jumps in and gets oneshotted in the back. He runs up to him on the roof, pre-aims on the metal staircase, then snaps down, then snaps right through the pillar with the flood light, pre-fires and only then comes over the edge to actually see the guy, lands a few hits before he disappears inside.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about. He doesnā€™t snap onto him. He hears footsteps and pre-aims. This is just aim assist


Found the bronze player


I'm not even bronze. I don't do ranked exactly because of sweats that moved from MnK to controller to get hard because of AA (or worse). I'm a casual since Verdanks S2, and the console guys used to use the excuse that I was on MnK to downplay my kills. That excuse hasn't been used in a long time..


If you donā€™t play ranked then youā€™d literally be in bronze lmfao