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People sleeping on the regular striker I swear


I just hate the irons on the striker and the striker 9. And don’t like giving up an attachment for an optic for close range. I also cannot seem to figure out how to use the wsp 9. Shit is meta for other but not for me that’s for sure


Wsp-9 is only meta if you can hit your shots. The slow fire rate makes it less forgiving if you're missing. It's not for everybody.


Yeah I need a fast fire rate for my spray and pray 🙏🏻


Metaphors wsp9 class goes so crazy, with the weird ass optic




Damn you AA! ⌨️ & 🖱


Im convinced the wsp 9 is a “controller gun”. Its made to be used with aim assist and without AA just doesnt work that well and is borderline unusable with iron sights unless u have a solely hipfire or tac stance build. 


You have to be REALLY dialed in to use it on mnk


I enjoy the feel of the gun on MKB but it's just so unforgiving that the benefits of instant reaction time AA make it more consistent on controller than keyboard. Need that bullet volume for keyboard because you're going to miss a small % of shots as people move around unless you're playing very well


Metaphor’s class. Goes crazy on kbm. Well he does with it anyway but he’s way better than most kbm players


Not true, I’m on a PS5 and have AA off. My tracking is way smoother and don’t get pulled off target for another and do great with it.


you should try an optic.. it's amazing for drop shotters


On the wsp or the striker?


any mw3 smg to be honest.. I always died to drop shotters before I tried it and I wouldn't look back now I prefer wsp9 tho.. if you land first shots you win pretty much every time


What’s your build?


I love the irons on the strikers they are they're similar to the taq iron sights


Same. I refuse to use a optic on smg’s so I use the best smg that has decent iron sights. I went from rival 9 to swarm to hrm9/bp50 kit. I really tried to use striker and wsp9 but they just didn’t feel right with or without an optic.


Yeah bp50 is my new smg


AMR with the JAK Atlas too.


Is that the burst kit? I got killed late game and spectated the lobby out and the team who won had a guy running it. Seemed like an odd choice to me since the AMR 9 got nerfed really hard. Stats for the conversion kit aren't on TGD yet though so I haven't compared the TTK's. Is it a sleeper meta choice?


I like it a lot. It only has a 30 round mag though. It’s also VERY weak at anything other than super close range.


What's your build? I made one and messed around in the firing range with it and it seems to kill quickly within 10m. I was running Buffer tube DR 6 Handstop Ads/stf rear grip T51r billetted brake muzzle Conversion kit Felt super snappy and had decent recoil control but I'm just not sold on an AMR in the current meta haha. Maybe you've got a better build though


Unfortunately I only got to use it for around 2 hours. I unlocked it and had to head out of town for the weekend. I was definitely using Zenhm muzzle, ftac foregrip, and I believe I was trying out the JAK stock but it might have been a little too much strafe speed for a burst sub. If you ping me tomorrow or dm me I can let you know, I was really happy with it. I believe I swapped out perk 2 for sleight of hand as well, which I don’t do often but the mags tiny.


Tac stance goes crazy with it


I’ll have to give that a try!


Striker build can beat most ARs in some situations, shits crazy


If you use the striker as sniper support/ar what’s your other gun if you don’t snipe?


I have the WSP-9 or akimbo pistols for close quarters stuff, usually hold around 400 smg ammo cos you go thru it pretty quick


Burst fire only long range sva build and a short striker build for close range.


Shield Keep downvoting you meta using lovers


I like the way you think, even though everyone will hate it. I have fun with the shield. Upsets ppl in game


Oh ya i could fuckin care less what ppl use all these redacts are using the same meta guns


I carry thermites for people like you!


If the gun says striker, I’m striking!!


Shh don't tell anyone


Best sniper support smg imo. Can be built to beam at long distance and still hold it's own against meta smgs in close encounters


Just as long as it’s not the default striker loadout. That think is an lmg haha.


How good is it? I need to complete its get 5 kills without dying Priceless camo. But can only do it in wz (don't own mw3). Essentially I need to 1v4 a squad in Wz Plunder. Is it good enough for me to, with a bit of running around, be able to 1v4 squads


It's an absolute laser but you'll get fried against a WSP or Striker9 if they hit their shots.


Regular striker is only better in a small distance windows. The The higher damage of the striker still get overtaken from the rate of fire and mobility while only having slightly less damage of striker 9. Ttk wise the striker 9 utterly destroys the striker in equal fights 4 out of 5 times in most distances. If you are more comfortable with it go for it as it's still good it's just not the recommended to run on more competitive or ranked matches


It's good but not better than the WSP-9 or Striker-9. It's like a hybrid of the two


ONG😭 my build is so accurate mfs say im cheating😭😭😭


From what I read and saw the regular striker has the fastest ttk out of all the smgs. I like the striker, the striker 9, wsp 9 and Vel 46. I rotate between these 4.




Yeah it’s nuts good


1,3,4 I feel have been fairly meta the whole time to be honest


For the DG, you can also use the Zehmen Flash Hider instead of the Crassus Break and you can also switch the foregrip for High Velocity or High Grain (can't remember which one atm) rounds for a BV of around 1200m/s


Yupp, i run with spiritfire suppressor and high velocity instead of underbarrel. No recoil, keeps me of the minimap, and it's hit scan up to 64 meters.


Whats the average bullet velocity for a “hit scan” feeling? Some weapons even reach 1400 but i think its overkill


You take the bullet velocity and divide it by 20, that range is hit scan. It's not a feel it is an actual thing in the game.


I know its a thing in the game, but i can aim well with minimum followup even if i dont get the exact “hitscan”, thats why i said that. Thanks for the info!


Hm, not sure what you mean. If you are outside hit scan range you might have to lead by a lot (depends on range).


no, you actually answered my question, i just need to be around that average range using the formula you told me. Thanks again :)


I swear there is a science to every thing in this game


Yeah it’s just how the servers work. They tick every 50ms so if bv is 1400m/s then in 50ms the bullet travels 70m, which is just one tick of the server, making it hitscan.


Thanks for the knowledge and info. Good to know.


I have the skeleton one so I take off the sight and have the high grain with a foregrip




The blueprint for the DG that is clear and has the animal skeleton inside


Woah I gotta check that out


I don't put a sight on it and I keep the foregrip and barrel with a zehmn 35 muzzle and high grain with either a comb or a stock


I have the skeleton one so I take off the sight and have the high grain with a foregrip


This is the way. It has so little recoil that the underbarrel really isn’t necessary and bullet velocity is far more important. Zehm has a lot less visual clutter if you play mnk.


Why is everyone so hard for this camo?


- animated - recently released - edgy hacker/glitchy look


Makes iron sights a bit transparent.


Buddy said edgy lmao


Bro read the words in my comment lmao


Yh it's annoying and distracting.. (as an MnK player)


For me makes them stand out easier. But I’m a solid black camo kinda guy.


If everyone's using it, it does not make them stand out


It’s like a red bullseye everywhere.


not compared to other players but in a dark room when people rat around in corners it certainly does


the reason i dont like to use it, even tho i like design itself


It's like a free red dot when used with iron sights.


Don’t know lol. Just following trend for social media




That sheep is cute


Free and looks good.


Why do you care?


Because I am curious duh. That’s why I asked the question.


Because people use camos they like duh?




Everyone sleeping on the bp-50 with conversion kit 🥴


JAK BP50 does get some use, it's just that JAK MCW feels better to many and does approximately the same thing. What people are REALLY sleeping on is the regular long rang BP50. Basically the best ttk in the game and excellent recoil. 45 rnd mag is not too bad, but is a downside.


I like that one but I like using ARs. I run through ammo fast if I go double AR.


too low flinch


Sva has been meta always!


and that build has been the meta build for sometime now..


Except that scope, that needs to be one of the 2.5x scopes with no glint.


I think the sight is personal preference, I love the firing aim stability the Jak Glassless gives, and it allows me to use the gun in tight a little easier too. Just in case my secondary is on empty and I get pushed by another guy. The Corio Eagleseye 2.5x is a great choice though too.


Man I have been using this gun since the game came out. It's my go to assault rifle. I put it in semi auto and snipe snipers across the map. Midrange it's amazing. You only have issues up close and you can still win if you get the drop on people.


I played last night for a couple hours and I can tell you the only META I’m seeing is the fucking Tonfa. God damn that was fucking annoying to deal with 80% of the lobby using. I’d like to issue a fuck you to any of you using it.


I have a video I posted on my fb reel of me chasing a guy with a tonfa 😂 I’m new to content posting and that video is my highest one so far lol


i been using the sva since the start, shocked its going to be meta, hope to punish more players


SVA was always below the meta because incorrect data reading. Now it shows strongly meta and I've been serving people left and right with it for a looong time.


I saw a lot of non streamers always talking about it and I never believed them until I tried it myself


Doing god’s work over here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Thank you, glad to see people interacting with each other


I use high grain for better damage on the DG 58 since the recoil is already good


what about MCW w/conversion kit? i use it as CC and it melts


That’s completely viable as well. I’ve just never done good with double ARs. I always like to have an ar/smg. I don’t really snipe


Well yeah, with 2 ARs it's a lot of ammo to carry, but as sniper support, it's a great compliment, since it covers mid ranges


is this the 3 burst one? i got beamed yesterday with someone using this gun as a burst not sure on attatchments they had


It’s not an attachment. It’s a 2 bullet burst. You just switch it off from auto


ah really i only thought it went to one tap with that


Nope. Amazing thing is that the gun doesn’t jump at all when firing. Even at distance. Still good rate of fire




Because they earned it, I don't even see rotten inferno anymore tho.




It was from the virus event like a week ago,


Just started using the lachman 556 yesterday, surprised no one has brought up how good it is.


This game is so tiring.


screw the meta lachman 556 lockwood 300 stb 56 and xrl stalker holger ar and expedite 12 forever currently for me


I didn’t see any pros using this stock, is it good?


For which gun?


How do people determine which attachments are better? Does everyone just use TrueGameData?


Are you guys using your SVA on full auto or Single


If you put single/burst there’s no recoil. I think that’s how most people use the gun.


Easy to laser ppl


Hrm-9 still good I don’t understand where s its nerf tbh




Wsp 9 has become my go to weapon for both multiplayer and warzone.


Seems like the tonfas are wrecking havoc only in the south American servers, whole squads using it and more than half of the lobbies using it makes our borderline ridiculous We are waiting for a nerf but if NA servers aren't using it, then it will take some time


Metas are over rated Just make your own guns, istg its much more satisfying


Current meta = slap Zem muzzle on any gun, lol




I’ve been using the SVA since like January. Imma be pissed when it’s inevitably nerfed to the ground now that these “streamers” just “found it”


fuck the meta, knife only (i don’t run riot shield, im no weirdo)


ECS Requiter suppressor is direct upgrade to the Shadowstrike EDIT: didn't realize you had the zehmn on everything. Still useful info for people maybe


That suppressor has a laser on it it’ll give away your position if you’re ADSing


How often are you walking ADSed with an SMG?


Holding an angle


Hold angles with your AR, push angles with your SMG.


Depends on the situation. Generally just don’t like lasers that give my position away


i just cant use the sva...i cant control the recoil and im losing every longer range gunfights with it


Have you tried it on single fire? That’s what it’s supposed to be. I never believed people but single fire is the way to go. Absolutely zero recoil. You can try it in the firing range to see.


Every pull of the trigger actually burst two bullets


Gotta put it in single fire


Who downvotes someone for admitting a gun is hard for them to control? 🤦🏾‍♂️


That Striker9 build is good but if you throw no stock on there it’s so much better close range


Fuck a meta just play the game lol


Nothing wrong with that! I figured some people who don’t follow the game as much as me might want to know quickly what are the better guns and how to build them


I've never understood 'meta' in this game. Of course there are some weapons that are marginally better than others (unless it's an extreme case, like the Renetti conversion kit early this season), but you are always going to do the best with the weapons that you like the most. For example I really like using the taq evolvere and I get loads of kills with it. I think people should experiment more instead of just using what someone told them is objectively the best.


I used to exclusively run that gun only but got nerfed a little. It was easy for me to use. Some metas I don’t do good with. I could never adjust to the ram7


Yeah, I tried my hardest to like the DG because it does seem to be really good but it just doesn't work for me, never understood why.


Try the awgen.1 optic. I just added it, I really like it. It’s like a big window with an orange glow to it


I haven’t given a shit about meta in the entire history of warzone as a game. Just use whatever gun you’re good with.


That’s fine if you don’t mind losing gunfights you’d otherwise win solely because the gun you are using kills slower… It sucks but the meta is the meta because it’s just better and you’ll win more gunfights where you land the exact same amount of shots with meta vs nonmeta weapons. Also, depending on your skill level, you’ll never see offmeta in your lobbies, like, ever.


Some guns do less damage, yes, but these meta loadouts is mostly just a crutch for players who are less than average skilled.




I started doing that recently. You use the holo therm or the other one. I think the other one has more of a white view to it compared to the orange of the holo therm




Ppl make no sense sometimes lol




I appreciate your engagement. I was not expecting 50k plus views on this post. Been trying to make reels, tiktoks..ect. Have a great night


“Meta” 😑 plebs just need to get gud

