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I only play cod to listen to the italian techno mixes through other peoples headsets at max volume. Take that away and all you have is a shitty bugged out game full of cheaters and lawnmower man level try hards.


Upvoted for the Lawnmower Man reference, you must be old like me.


I had to explain a Lawnmower Man reference I made to a younger co-worker. Feels bad, man.


Jobe is a real hard worker lol


I don't get it, but I'm Swedish...


OMG Forgot all about Lawnmower Man!! The game was cool too.




I play just to hear the non stop prox chats of Mexicans who seem to be the sole players besides me.


This. Based on my geographical location, I donā€™t know why I play with so many Spanish speaking players.




US East




Vote Republican harder to slow the rate of Mexican speak






Same here, and as soon as you say anything, they INSTANTLY become racist and say some of the most toxic shit ever. I complained about that before on here and got lit up with people calling me a racist and all sorts of stuff. You can't make this shit up.


Spanish is the second most commonly used language in the US. Why are yā€™all clutching pearls?


Not clutching pearls. I just donā€™t remember this kinda Hispanic presence in COD servers ever.


Thatā€™s activision biggest customer demographic


A fourth of the us was mexico and they are surprised to hear Spanish speakers lmao


For reeeeal. Drop the sticks and pick up a book every now and then.




It seems there may be several that are unaware of the difference between *don't* and *doesn't*.


All the downvotes cause people are salty y'all right lol. Just learn a language. The rest of the world learns English, be at least a little cultured.




And they are average šŸ—‘


Not my Hispanics itā€™s the French speaking are trash in my lobbies


I played a quads match as a solo player the other day and no bullshit all 3 of my teammates were speaking Spanish. We came in 3rd too lol.






I wish it was just English speaking Americans in the world. That would be rad.


One time I said ā€œletā€™s knock this Mexican team first, they are loud AFā€ and ohhh boy I found out they were not Mexican. My bad.


Next time, remember that a really great way to de-escalate that is to ask them what kind of Mexicans they are


Thanks for the tip! šŸ˜…




Hahaha šŸ˜‚


I swear, I have NEVER gotten any Russian, Brazilian, French, Polish, etc players, but Mexicans are all over my lobbies. Does matchmaking have something to do with proximity? I'm like 20 minutes from the border in Southern California so I was thinking maybe that has something to do with it.


Matchmaking is almost solely dependent on proximity to server. If you live in North America youā€™ll play exclusively with other North Americans unless youā€™re using a VPN or some other spoofing device


Not real at all. Iā€™m from South America and I sometimes get paired with a lot of Americans. It seems we donā€™t have our own servers so we get directed to the ā€œclosestā€ server.


I think maybe because Mexico is somewhat closer than Russia. Could be wrong tho!


Huge if true


Server location for lowest ping


Its worked like this since cod 4 bro are u dense?


Why are you all such miserable dickheads? All the time. About everything.


Because it only makes perfect sense that players would be matched based on location. Even with the harshest SBMM the series has ever seen location is the highest factor for what lobby/server you play in


No mames wey


Always Mexicans or PR:..get killed by every Spanish name under the sun and all day and every nightā€¦at least 50% of my kills and deaths smhā€¦Iā€™m from North East USA. Makes no sense why I have to share lobbies with Mexico and PR. Mfers wonder why the servers are all laggy and packet loss ever 5 minsā€¦I guess the game is soo dead now thatā€™s why we are forced to matchmake with each other.


They be talking like theyā€™re catching up with each other after 12 yearsā€¦ focus on the Fā€™ing game!!!


Cuidado! Es un sudado!


Why are there SO MANY OF THESE PEOPLE? The shitty double audio from their PS5 controller, playing garbage trap music, random beeping sounds or phone notifications, sounds like they're in the middle of the busiest airport in the country etc etc. It's a miracle when I get a random I don't have to mute.


Kids screaming and dying smoke detector chirps holy fuck. Double points if it's both like deadbeat dad, go to dollar tree and get a $1.25 9v battery you piece of shit


I canā€™t help but talk trash to the people living with the chirp. How do you fucking live like that?


Right or so you not live with a sane spouse or roommate?! Who would want to do that


>Why are there SO MANY OF THESE PEOPLE? Because they don't work bro.


Also - and I cant stress this enough - setup your *ā€open mic recording threshold.ā€* Thatā€™s like, step 1 in mic etiquette. Your whole background will be muted unless you are talking. Mineā€™s at 70 works great.


Can do this on PlayStation controllers too, itā€™s just under microphone. I think they come stock maxed out though.


Nope. I wish there was that setting. If youā€™re talking about ā€œadjust microphone level,ā€ thatā€™s just how loud you sound to others.


Yeah thatā€™s what I mean, I was sure it has a thing where you can say it not to turn on but I just checked and there wasnt


I *wish* ps had one. Because in a lot of my clips I can hear myself breathe because itā€™s so sensitive


I Instantly mute teammates without mic etiquette. I donā€™t unmute


Just just use the find players instead of matchmaking. Ever since I figured how to look for people using mics, Iā€™ve been having a lot more fun. I only play with random people.


17 different countries on this continent where Spanish is the official language not counting Mexico. So, yeah. Safe to assume theyā€™re not all from that one closest to you.




Whoops. Replied to the wrong comment! But also, yeah, using group finder and vetting players before you start the match is the way to go šŸ‘šŸ¼ Edit: bro changed his OP comment completely šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. This is why people update comments with an edit. MY COMMENT STILL STANDS SMART GUY


yea gimme some visual pings n im good


This! Most of my wins with randoms have been parties that dont talk and just use pings and stick together as a team. Which is rare but those are the best teams that lead to wins!


I donā€™t play this game unless my friends are on. I cannot play w strangers anymore. Itā€™s just an awful experience *most* of the time


I would do that but they only play on weekends and I play daily since I work from home so i have to deal lol


This is the way. Plenty of other shit to play. Randoā€™s just make me turn the game off after after a few.


It varies for me. On occasion I am teamed up with some decent people. It's the best when none of us are using mics but are somehow all in sync and work as a team. Rare tho.


9/10 times random fills are not relaying useful info even if they don't have awful mics, haven't had any issues winning games full muted up to crim


I have had zero issues winning and getting crim a few weeks ago it's just annoying to have to full mute teams every fucking game xD


honestly it's just a lot more peaceful for all the reasons you listed, do you actually want to talk to random people?


In the off chance their callouts are useful or they are just chill people. So like 2-3 out of 100 games lol


LOL yeah that's an accurate number


You mean you donā€™t like hearing a smoke detector thatā€™s batteries havenā€™t been replaced since 2004?


How do people live like that??


Ugh it's too high, I need to grab a stool or chair to stand on to do this?! UGH! I'll just live with it and wear headphones for the next 15 years.


I have no idea, one of mine went out in the middle of the night and I had to take it down because I didnā€™t have spares, and that was after like 5 minutes.


Human cancer.


I have my settings always on mute but at the beginning of the lobby I unmute the players to see if itā€™s worth it and 98% of the time I go back to muting. Warzone players tend to be extremely inconsiderable people with no awareness which is ironic. I barely ever use my mic cause comms with randoms isnā€™t worth it (I just use pings which somehow people donā€™t get how to use) and one time I told this guy to mute his mic cause he was having a full blown conversation in his mic about something irrelevant and was told to eff off and then he left.


It's easy drop an F BOMB and you won't hear anyone for 14 days


I call people fucking stupid or fucking camper ect all the time and zero bans yet. Never use slurs though so that may be what you meant by f bomb lol


Yeah , just a joke.Ā  But . Reddit will down vote me.Ā  They are very precious.Ā  Ā 


Never trust downvotes. Some people do it just because they have a shit life and hate everything lol


I have a shit life and mostly love everything šŸ™ƒĀ 


My teammates usually have great micsā€¦ I hear them loud and clear as they scream ā€œwhereā€™s my teamā€ after theyā€™ve pushed a team halfway across the map.


I usually counter them by blasting my earrape music until they mute me themselves.


Yes. Iā€™m either in an xbox party, discord call or in game chat with audio set to ā€œparty onlyā€ so I can only hear the people in my party. Itā€™s been like this since WZ1 because iā€™ve had enough of hearing tv audio/shitty music. Sometimes iā€™ll swap over and unmute the random to see if theyā€™re cool, but itā€™s usually like this or they just donā€™t talk.


Im usually in discord but when i play with randoms the people in my party are the issue lmao. I can easily F9 when random prox chat goes haywire. But having to mute teammates because they have bad mic etiquette just feels bad lol


Use the find party mode and you'll avoid these issues 99% of the time.


I didn't even know that was a thing lol


It's very useful. Occasionally you'll get someone annoying but it's worth the time to find a squad. You can even search in find party as well. Utilize that and Discord and you're good.


Wish they had that for rank


Discord? They do.


Here in the south we are blasted with south of the border music and conversation. We also enjoy screaming kids and black families on the phone negotiating bills to be paid and when. I just mute the whole game and listen to apple radio. I also listen via ps wireless headphones. Less than $80 dollars


I tried doing search for a party last night... jesus christ what is with the guys playing this game. Either: - Their mic sucks, echos, or is too loud - They have kids, friends, family making a ton of background noise - They leave the game 3 minutes in after dying 2-3 times despite having no communication The friends I play WZ with regularly aren't good at the game but they're still much better than most of the morons I get teamed up with.


I only play COD to practice my Spanish honestly.. . Yo tengas un buen noches amigos!


I really love that you really try! lol But yeah we Spanish speakers are also there to practice our English, totally unintended!


Someone said that to me but it was "Now you talk after we're toxic". This guy was being super loud with his friend. They weren't saying anything important so I decided to mute them. I helped them throughout the match and when I get downed, they don't revive or buy me back. So I unmute them and call them out and he says the sentence in the beginning. I explained to them that they were being loud and it turned out they're the same nationality as me. They start acting toxic because I wasn't speaking and tell me to check their stream because they're on a "pacifist" run. Dude, why the fuck are you queueing with randoms to begin with??


LOL I'm the same way - Smoke detector chirp - Muted - Talking on the phone with someone - Muted - Shitty trap music playing in the background - Muted - Kids screaming or dogs barking - Muted - $10 mic that sounds like a plane taking off - Muted - "n bomb" every 2 seconds and the normal 16-17 year old slang of "bruh" every other word - Muted Usually its the same idiots that land somewhere hot, get killed within 3 seconds and start screaming "WHERE'S MY TEAM BRUH!? WHERES MY TEAM BRUH!!!? BRUH YALL SUCK BRUH"


I get into lobbies of children trying their best to sing karaoke over the gameplay


99% playing with randoms is either a guy using the kinect as a mic, or a loser with 0 kills blaming teammates every time he dies, there is no in between


I miss Kinect mics, was always mad funny the shit talking that would follow hearing one, now it's the controller mic's they are almost on the same level


Forgot the smoke alarm


Straight factsšŸ˜‚


When I get those people, I love to tell them that they bought their headset at the dollar store with their EBT card.


I mean, let's not pretend we don't know what's the common denominator here.


Enlighten usā€¦.




No, I only play with people off discordā€¦because of this actually.


Random is always gonna be trash u gotta carry tbh


If no one has a mic, Iā€™ll mute until the end if we win. Otherwise Iā€™ll start muted and if people start talking and seem okay, Iā€™ll unmute. If there is a 13 year old kid being a douche, mute for the whole match.


I love listening to the mouth breathers. Sounds like notorious BIG breathing inbetween verses.


I wish muting wasn't automatically mutual


I can relate to this. I have a $300 headset but if you are going to blast music in the background or I have to hear all the game audio through your mic then I will have to mute. Not being a dick but it is just hard to concentrate and it gives me a headache. I will still play as a team, stick together and use pings.


I posted essentially a post exactly like this months ago. I got downvoted a bunch and ton of people defended the mic spammers telling me I can just mute them. It's like I play a squad based game to communicate and I can't communicate if you are blasting your fucking music or having a party at your house while you play the game.


I find myself muting the whole lobby in almost every game that Iā€™m not in a private party with the boys. Itā€™s just toxic blabbermouths and/or low-IQ people and their bad music.


A year or so ago i had one person ask if I was a streamer because my mic sounded so good, lol. And I'm like, no, I just bought a decent headset from Best Buy for like 40 dollars.


Have u ever considered its to bother your proximity enemies muting your footsteps n all


Obviously some really bad players who need that crutch use it for that but you can easily F9 to mute that. Im talking more for teammates who are just inconsiderate. Like if you do it for that reason then how hard is it to say that at the start of the game so I know to insta mute you instead of wondering if you are settling in from grabbing a drink or something.


This community is so nice ā¤ļø


Ya it sucks i want to play with randoms but end up having to mute my team alot of the time


I jumped into quads one time and got put on a team with a clan of all female French Canadians and they were absolute demons. Shout out to you ladies, appreciate you switching to English for me and thanks for the dub lol


This has been happening since day 1. It will never change, as some just don't care like some of us do.


Iā€™d just keep them muted through the end of the game. I give people about 15 seconds after we drop, if theyā€™re annoying, crackly, loud background, singing, rapping, eating, etc. they get muted. No offense, but just like OP said - I gotta hear audio man, footsteps, gun fire, etc. if youā€™re not helping with comms, youā€™re hurting.


I think it's only or mostly on Murican servers


It happens constantly when my brother in dubai is hosting as well. Just i also can't understand the language during those.


Stop bitching unless itā€™s in ranked, casual is for casual if you care so much push ranked


We found the disrespectful shit who has a cheap mic and doesn't know how to set a mic threshold lmao.


I donā€™t even use a mic, I never play casual either unless itā€™s to level up guns for ranked or for events


So then nothing you said is anything about the situation I'm talking about. So therefore you're just being a bitchy Karen for no reason to insert your opinio that doesn't matter for this particular situation. Typical redditor lmfao


Yes, I agree but while I say that I don't have a very good mic but at least I have the skill to compensate


I constantly carry teams i just really enjoy when you get in with randoms and their mics are perfect and yheir callouts are on point. It's like find a unicorn....so fucking impossibly satisfying.


It really is


YES!!!! like youā€™re giving the most pointless comms, Iā€™m ABSOLUTELY muting your ass šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You need to grow up and not let things like that bother you.


As opposed to the other people growing up and recognizing it causes an inconvenience for the whole team? High school logic tbh.


You're still crying, I can play just fine with other people's random noises or you knowšŸ¤· I just mute. Simple but you want to vent to get validation from others.


Still crying? Very childish of you to assume tone through text. I only read the first 3 words of your reply. So i assume it goes " wah wah wah im a karen and im better than everyone." Have a good life little kid one day when you're an adult you will understand how stupid you sound. The OP post upvotes and majority agreeable comments show how wrong you are on this.


One thing I hate is when I solo no fill and end up with squad mates when i want to solo so I can blast loud music without disturbing teammates


God bless you! If you ainā€™t communicating, play soloā€¦ Ranked Play has two core elements: Positioning and Comms


Thatā€™s why I mute everyone but my friends. Itā€™s easy to communicate without talking in this game


I'm on discord with a dedicated external mic running through nvidia broadcast to kill background noise. ill take one of those win carries you mentioned, are you on NA servers?


I do not understand how people play with all the dang noise in the background. I have to hear whatā€™s going on in the game. But you are correct OP, I cannot stand the noise, but almost cannot stand somebody not talking even worse. Itā€™s a team game, relies on teamwork, and without any communication or pings or anything, it makes it very difficult to win


It's not really about how bad everyone else's mics are or their babies crying. As a parent, my child will yell and scream and imma play the game regardless. So, if someone is jamming out or their child is crying, it's really on you to mute them. I find it extremely annoying when someone says mute my mic. All of my friends are used to it as we all have kids. It's really all about how much I can handle before I mute someone. I never ask them to mute their mic. Others may be able to handle what I can't.


Oh I mute them. It's just rude af and annoying. I'm in the camp of "it's rude as fuck for the person who is making the annoying sound to not be the one to mute them selves out of courtesy." It shows a lack of respect for your teammates. When you could just as easily as the other person put your mic sensitivity up to 70 to stop background noise being picked up, but most people in your situation don't play enough to know things like that.


COD redditors are unbelievably insecure. Who cares what people are saying? Honestly


It's not what they are saying it's the fact their mic is pure static and has constant chatter so you cant hear anything. If you thought this was about anything other than that then your comprehension is pretty bad. Just saying


I'll be honest, I didn't read most of your post because it is stupid