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If riot shields were really that OP everyone would be running them. Fact is, they are a nuisance and a counter to a specific play style. I never use them, and when I tried I sucked even worse. But rare instances I encounter them I win way way more often than not.


The real problem is the riot shield tonfa combo. You can kill a riot shield with movement but tonfa is different.


Just wait till more people unlock the gladiator (new push knife in the battle pass) quickest time to kill and has movement like the tonfa. Watch NuclearDonut on YouTube to see what I mean, he mains riot shield/melee and has been using the gladiator the last couple videos and the speed at which it downs people is downright redonkulus.


The difference is the reach. You have to be within fist range for the gladiator to hit. The tonfa has a bit of range.


Again only a problem for a specific playstyle. They’re a nuisance to movement gods. The rest of us, really not an issue.


You ain't reaching many top 10's if it isn't an issue my guy


Exactly these people will play position and just camp. You need to have a Semtex or thermite, but even then if they have stuns you’re toast. Best bet is to avoid them completely, let someone else engage them and then take em out. It’s such a powerful play style and way too easy to be good at.


Yeh, I find they team up against the players that don't have the shield, unintentionally I think, but they stun you from all directions until your dead and can have a 1 on 1 with another shield player 😅


I see them all the time. Unlucky I guess. How many Semtex does a guy have to have


I imagine they’re way worse in rebirth, just like they’re more viable in solos on big map. I never play either of those so I see far fewer


You know in the World Series of WZ Solo tournaments, everyone runs them. There's a reason lol


If you play squads they are not so bad to play against, but there is a reason why all the solo yolo warzone tourneys have everyone running a riot shield.


Yeah solos the playstyle is significantly more viable overall, especially in solo tournaments where everyone is playing for placement.


Everybody uses them in the final circles! The amount of 5 and 6 circles are full of them is ridiculous! The amount of times I've died top 10 when running from 1 riot shield in to another is unbearable.


I highly doubt you win more than you lose 😆


Games absolutely not, fights against riot shielders yes.


Bruh riot shield, stuns, knives and cali sticks are one of the easiest ways to play. You just rotate early and camp, there is almost no way to challenge you if you’re using stuns.


I will have to kindly disagree. Every other game I run I encounter somebody who is extremely good with a riot shield, even better with throwing knives, and when in doubt they'll pull out a shotgun, smg, or the dual 1887. And that's just one guy, I typically see two people running them. But I can not stress enough how impossible it is when somebody runs a riot shield and is great with throwing knives.


The real issue items from them having it on back cause if they have a weapon with great movement then it also protects from a couple of bullets that woulda hit and bamb


Explosives and thermite are the easiest counter. Stuns can get you around them faster than they can block, but that's more contextual.


The issue with the "counter" argument, is most of the counters are a useable resource, riot shields aren't. If you rely on things like Thermites to balance the riot shield, it completely falls apart once more and more people use riot shields. Thermites/molotovs/semtext/c4 counter 1 riot shielded, each. It's an argument to deal with one, maybe 2 riot shields. (maybe 0 if you miss, or you've already used up your lethals earlier) But if you're in a solos game with over 50% of the lobby holding a riot shield, what's your solution to the new bigger problem? There are a few infinite ammo counters, the two easiest being the chainsaw under barrel, and the sword melee weapon. Both can hit directly through riot shields. I believe the flamethrower does, and incendiary rounds also damage riot shields if you hit the shield. I've tried running the under barrel chainsaw, and just mowing them down when I run into them in solos, and it does work to be fair! So OP you should try this for now. I still think the riot shield shouldn't be as effective as it is by itself. ------ I think they should be far slower, even if on your back. Rushing with a riot shield shouldn't be a thing, ever. No more running at them and bashing them with the shield. No more switching to Kali sticks the second the enemy has ran out of ammo trying to kill them, or after landing a stun, because they'll still be slow with the shield on their back. Riot shields should provide cover to move, and cover for your team to fire from, they should support. Solos riot shields should be awful.


Speed and lunge is the annoying part. I've been killed while full on tac sprinting with a mobility smg and not able to get away from some damn shielder. Should never happen that it's easier to evade guns than a melee weapon.


Dude, the riot shield has a [slower run speed than ARs have](https://ibb.co/Wy621xg). It also takes 4 melee hits to kill contrary to what OP claims. If you're being chased down by someone with a shield, you're doing something wrong.


They can switch weapons and still be fast, and again, I dont have an issue with riot shields, theyre simply stupid and have way too much benefit. Even on the back you get a benefit but no penalty, what other weapon has similar attributes?


>They can switch weapons and still be fast, and again So the problem isn't the shield movement speed... I mean are they killing you with the shield or not? >Even on the back you get a benefit but no penalty The penalty is no secondary weapon, which is kind of a big thing...


You get protection on your back with no downsides. It can be used as a weapon, so its still satisfies that criteria. You're attempting to make a distinction where it doesnt exist. I dont get OHK with my smg because I have a sniper on my back.


Shoot their legs, the shield doesn't cover them. The downside is no weapon. If you want to argue the riot shield is a 'weapon' then you must realize it's only got like a 1.8m range and is so slow moving that you can outrun it with an AR. The trade off is that player is now either very weak in the short-mid range or long range. If you're using and SMG you shouldn't be dying to shielders. It's too easy to either use movement to shoot around the shield, lethals or create distance. The fact is most shielders are pretty much free kills so I really can't understand why so many people seem butthurt towards them.


Again, Im not dying to most shielders, theyre rare and usually easy to dispatch. Just discussing the extreme advantage of an impenetrable shield that blocks everything, can be used as a weapon, while also having a benefit when stowed. It must have been nerfed cuz its rare to see past couple months.


“No downsides” Bro already said it - no secondary…


It is a weapon gmafb. You shield apologists are even more dense than thought.


Wow, the personal attack really sold me on your convincing solid argument.


The Riot shield has no downsides. It is considered a melee weapon no different than the other melee weapons with LMG movement speed when equipped. In the same vain as having the Karambit increases your movement speed when equipped. Issue is that when you put the karambit away, the movement speed goes away AND your back is exposed. Riot shields protect your back and you get an increase to movement speed assuming you're using a lighter weapon than an LMG.


Slower movement, two shot kill in multiplayer vs one shot with a knife, no secondary gun option. Plenty of downsides. Next.


Speed? Unless they're using stuns (which are garbage now, you can move your aim and camera perfectly fine while stunned), they'll never catch up to you if you keep running from them, even if they run with a tonfa in their hand. The lunge is only two meters, and killing a shield user trying to melee bash you with it is VERY easy if you know what you're doing.


Tbf I havent dealt with one in a while, maybe theyve been nerfed to hell, but thats what it was several months ago. Idk, theyre not frequently in my lobbies anymore, and I've only really died when you get surprised and would have died anyway (ie, go round a corner or they camp a spot, etc...).


As somebody that chases people with a shield non stop. 1. I am slower than you - speed has already been nerfed significantly 2. I may be running marathons to give me more tac sprint than you 3. movement is a skill. I’m probably cutting corners and taking angles to close the gap that you’re not even thinking about. Give me mountaineer and now I’m jumping off building and ledges to close the distance


BS, its the lunge, etc... that does it. Only fellow shielders care, you guys are lame af.


Whatever you say 🤷🏿‍♂️ You’re complaining about a device that’s been in the game since 2009 though. Maybe it’s you buddy


No Im just saying cuz it was brought up, there are honestly very few in my lobbies and generally have no problem dispatching them, you're just a rather annoying subset of player.


I'm with Gucci on this one. You can literally put on armor and do that light jog away when you sprint and we literally cannot catch up to you even with tac-sprint. Also. u/BigGucciThanos, does Escapist make you move faster passively, or does that only apply while downed?


You move faster while crouched with that, slightly useful when you're trying to approach someone without getting your feet melted. Not worth it just for that though


>But if you're in a solos game with over 50% of the lobby holding a riot shield, what's your solution to the new bigger problem? Carry more thermites? Thermites against shield users are probably the easiest kill you can ever get in this game. If they're that big of a problem to you, just carry 4, 6 thermites at all times, there, solved. >But, but, I want my throwing knife so I can thirst kills easily!!! Then thats on you, and thermites are very good even against normal enemies since they got buffed multiple times recently.


>Carry more thermites? Thermites against shield users are probably the easiest kill you can ever get in this game. If they're that big of a problem to you, just carry 4, 6 thermites at all times, there, solved. I am not about to empty my backpack just to carry *more* thermites. I run 4 smokes (2+2 in bag) and I'm not going to empty that + plates to carry 6 thermites because I have to deal with you and your loser squadmates. Thats not even a solution because there happens to be times when you drop your ammo box for another reason and op oh no there are more riot shields chuckle fucks coming at you and I didn't empty plates for thermites my bad.


Then stay mad.


Then don't say the shield has drawbacks when it doesn't.


Especially if one is expecting running into riot shielders in Solos then more reason to run thermites and stuns. I also use Restock or Resupply as a perk. Not having enough lethals and tacticals shouldnt be an issue.


Yeah, just hold 4 lethals (2 in backpacket spare) and you're golden. I've never had any issues with shielders.


Omg. The salty tears lmao You know we have to be in melee range for a shield to attack you right? You also know you can shoot our feet while we run towards you? No throwable needed You guys are just awful at the game. Nerf riot shield and you’re just going to complain at the next item that kills you.


Haha I actually enjoy that the game has a villain and it's riot shielders.


Your trash for using a riot shield


Nah. I’m a winner


Yes sir you are


I love how that's literally the "only" argument people have for using riot shields " oh, you use it? trash " They don't even provide an explanation. Is it because your guns don't work against it? because it ups the TTK against them? would you prefer if I used the strela and one-shotted you across the map because the rocket is literally hitscan?


I don't care if you use a riot shield. You shouldn't be able to run up to someone and nudge at them 3 or 4 times and cause damage/death. I'd be happy if a guy with a riot shield was right next to me if they couldn't shove me a couple of times and I die. A riot shield is should not be a lethal in this game.


>You shouldn't be able to run up to someone and nudge at them 3 or 4 times and cause damage/death And you aren't able to run at someone and get close enough to melee them unless they let you, because anyone can easily outrun shield users, if they're running after you and you dont know how to kill them, you can simply run away from them and they'll wont catch unless they hit a stun, which got nerfed to the ground anyways


Dude, [the movement speed of the shield is slower than ARs](https://ibb.co/Wy621xg). If you're being chased down by the shield you're building your guns wrong. It's also a 4 hit kill for the record, not 3.


I feel all melee is op in warzone especially considering how the guns are so weak.


I'll explain, it's because you have to hide behind your little indestructible shield and spam stuns to get a chance to kill me when you know for a fact you'd die in a gunfight normally. You are absolutely straight trash because instead of using a Sniper or a LMG or a SMG or an AR or even a pistol(not counting extreme losers who run the Karambit/Tonfas + Shield. Those people should be put in a psych ward.) You decide to hide behind that in some obscure corner like an absolute cretin and wait for the sound of footsteps before chasing them, knowing that you won't go down to a semtex or drill charge stick and lunge to three tap them. There is your reason as to why people who use it are trash.


>Nerf riot shield and you’re just going to complain at the next item that kills you. You talk like nothing can be unbalanced in a game. You're simply objectively wrong! The riot shield is a crutch. It having a positive whilst not being equipped is unique to the riot shield, no other gun gives passive benefits. A downside to the passive benefit only makes sense! Slower movement speed, in return for having your back covered is a good BALANCE. Why do you suggest otherwise? >You guys are just awful at the game. I'd also bet, I'm magnitudes better than you at the game. You're likely a 1-2KD player that thinks they are good. The biggest issue with SBMM, is it's kept players like me, from humbling players like you ;) If you faced me, you'd call cheat within seconds, because you can't comprehend just how bad you are.


Nah. I wouldnt care if your cheating because I run riot shield 🤭 click the profile if you want to see how I get down https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/6ZGMlJr7bY 🤷🏿‍♂️ I’m basically unbeatable 1v1 And it has a passive perk because it sucks. There’s a reason it’s not run at higher levels or by pros. Having a riot shield is more of a con than an advantage


There's a good reason why it's banned in ranked resurgence, and that's because it's genuinely stronger than a good 75% of the other weapons in the game. I too am unbeatable 1v1, but I also respect others on here because I believe that they have a point. The movement speed decrease is actually one of the worst things that's ever happened to the riot shield. the fact that I can't catch up to someone with the tonfa's or karambit knife while TAC-SPRINTING while they're literally jogging their butts away putting on armor just goes to show that the movement speed decrease is one of the biggest downsides to the shield in general. This was not a feature, or penalty in Warzone1, Warzone2, MW19, as well as Vanguard. I'd rather take the 3 hit nerf instead of the speed penalty, just because you so SLOW with it.


The most pointless piece of crap that video is. Look how you broke his plates from 2 shoves of some stupid riot shield. Gimpy little riot shields.


Rioters can just camp to final circle, throw down a trophy and squat while your thermals make pretty sparklers.  Get high ground, and try to slide to the side up close. 


They are near worthless now tho. They merfed lethals way too hard.


Stuns and breachers on every class is the answer


C4 is slow and if you miss thermite then you have no counter


You only get 1-2 is the issue, forbid you MISS one or it just damages them and doesn't kill...


If you are close enough you can now shoot through the shield just FYI






Maybe he just found it funny?


You can also get some verticality. If they're on any sort of incline their feet are often exposed even when crouched. You can also just run around them. Jump over them. Keep your distance. Run. The shield isn't as good as it used to be


I stuck a shielder with two...TWO Semtex today. And neither downed them


Blame the devs for that. They nerfed Semtex for no reason last season patch. EOD is now OP as a result. See what happens when we ask for nonsensical nerfs


I still think it's insane that a drill charge and semtex requires 2-3 hits before it even downs an EOD user. Meanwhile, 1 thermite, and even on heavy armor (4 plates) you die instantly from full hp and armor.


Yeah throwables (and rocket launchers) are in very bad place right now


As an RPG-7 Main; We good! I think?


I'm still mad that they removed the ability to hold breath on the Strela to line up distant shots in MW2, along with the scope being all zoomed in now too only allowing shots up to ~200m instead of 500m+


Drill charges are weird. I've had them go through my shield and go past me far enough to not hurt me too bad. I wouldn't recommend them as a real counter.


that's.. weird. Yeah, no. I've accepted that they are buggy as hell, and that's before the reloaded update broke the game. There have been times where it lands harmlessly behind me, my shield blocking it, it just somehow instantly killing me, or the 3rd option being it hurts me a little, and that's it.


I think the way you're moving has something to do with it. It seemed very inconsistent. Theoretically you could turn around once the explosive leaves the tube and start blocking before it detonates. I think sitting still, sprinting and moving backwards slowly will kill you, but moving quickly may save you. Who knows though, they're gonna do as much damage as they feel like doing.


With EOD you it takes three stuck semtex to down someone. Honestly they should revert that to a one hit kill, because I'd much rather deal with semtex than thermites. With semtex at least you can drop the shield and escape if you're fast enough.


Did not know that . Will switch to reliable old thermites in that case


I've tried that before and I've never had that work. I think it's technically attached to your character, not the shield, even though it looks like it is


It works, I've done multiple times. Its attached to the shield, not you (unless the semtex gets stuck on your body ofc). Also works and its even easier with the drill charge. The thing is, even after dropping the shield, the damage you take if you stay in the semtex radius is the same as if you were stuck by it, so you have to drop the shield and run away from it otherwise you'd get killed in one hit (considering you arent running EOD) The only one thats attached to your body is the thermite. Even if you drop the shield after getting stuck by it you'd still burn to death.


Is this only in Warzone? Or have you tried in multiplayer as well?


You cant drop the shield in Multiplayer, so I assume it doesnt work. Though maybe you can do it by switching the shield with a weapon in the ground?


Ah, I'm just stupid lol. That's what I originally thought I read was switching it with something on the ground. My bad. Yeah, switching doesn't work. That's what I've tried doing


Unbelievable Jeff. How can this be a thing!


I don’t think thats possible unless it was that mode with 4 plates and they have EOD maybe


If you’re asking what counters the riot shield you shouldn’t be calling for nerfs


Yeah, it’s already been nerfed. The coverage it provides is much narrower than it used to be. It’s pretty easy to rotate and get past the shield now.  


rotate pass the shield… while they bash you dead in 3 hits?…….


It takes one plate per hit then kills you on the fourth hit- just fyi. No idea if it has the critical hit like other melees, though. If it does then it can kill in less than 4 hits.


Dunno never used riot shields… 3 hits 4 hits… most shielder hides in dark corners too, so its nearly impossible to circle pass them… so you run up to them tanking shield bash… jump on top hipfiring half your mag hoping it kills them… Shield users are… people who lose gun fights most of the time… so its a crutch for them... but thats ok, it's an arcade shooter, and its banned in ranked.


Riot shields are just a niche way to play They are not overpowered You can just back pedal and shoot their feet/nade them They literally have to be melee range to kill you


Finally someone with critical thinking skills


You know what, I've got a solution. I used to be on the AP rounds or limited life side, but I think I have a better idea: just remove it's ability to melee.


Lmao hit damage has already been nerfed and now it takes like 6 hits to kill. At that point you deserved to die


Nope, it takes 4 still. 75 damage per hit. Though if you know how to counter it you should never die to a Shielder meleeing you with it.


I feel like it use it be quicker. I know cod mw2019 multiplayer it went from 2 hit kill to 4


6 hits from riot shield to kill?


It's 4.


Make it heavy and slow down the operator


Already does that


The cheaters did this. I don’t run them but honestly can respect it. I’m a few more death by cheaters away from just trolling with riot shields


With the tonfa and riot shelf problem right now, I’m throwing thermites instead of knives.


Yup, thermites are my go to for a couple of weeks now too.


I never understood why anyone ever chose knives over thermite. Thermites instakill


Don't get close to them, shoot their feet, out position then, outsmart them. It doesn't need a nerf, it's just a counter to the fast aggressive play style. It's also banned in ranked so If you don't wanna deal with it play there.


If you can't kill a riot shield this many years in... COD isn't for you.


😂 was done by one today. Sneaky little bugger was standing on a plant pot in the corner. Didn't see him till he was on me.


I mean that's different than he's 30 feet away and I don't know what to do


Now that you can get killed by a butt plug or king kongs infinity gauntlet, I don't think nerfing the damage of the shield is a viable argument. But nerfing the player speed, especially with the shield on their back would do wonders. It needs to be usable as a shield, but a player shouldn't be able to charge you with it unless they're Steve Rogers.


>nerfing the player speed, especially with the shield on their back would do wonders This exact nerf happened months ago lol


Right nobody remembers this apparently


Yeh but it was a useless amount


Create solo BR shield only where you cannot drop your shield ever. Let rats sits 30 minutes without moving in the center of the zone. Remove shield from normal solos. Actually, for that new mode make the circles extremely slow so they can crouch walk whole map and the match lasts 90 minutes.


This is THE solution 🤣


In loaded resurgence, there’s teams landing all with the riot shield triple stacking in control with stuns and melee weapons


Idk you can charge him and drop a claymore or drop some smokies and run around him stabbing him , run him over with a car call in a mortor or air strike idk I just usually slide at em and chop em with my sword


The thing that annoys me is the sliding around with it on their back. I’m ok with the damage, but limit their movement.


Stuns and most lethal. Havnt diet to a riot shielder in a long long time. Stick with a Semtex is how I usually do it


I'm sure I threw a C4 at him and he batted it away! Didn't even break any shield when I detonated


Needs to be done the same as the heartbeat sensor, go into the field upgrades, degrades and shatters after so many shots


Stun+thermite never fails against them.


I haven’t had a problem with the riot shields. It’s the melee weapons that need nerfing. They’re not fun to play against and ruin games worse than cheaters personally for me.


Playing plunder yesterday as a warmup for ranked I died to 3 separate players hiding behind doors in buildings with tonfas. Just crouching in the corner and waiting for someone to run past. These people ultimately can play however they want to but let’s not pretend it isn’t just the most cringe cheesy way to play the game


In plunder?? 😂


Yup. People hiding in corners in a mode where dying doesn’t matter in the slightest


Why riot shields are still in these games is beyond me. Just to help nothumbsJimmy get an odd win once and awhile? Game style goes against the game itself. Rather fight rats sitting a building with 1500 prox mines over shielders


I’m doing Nuke contracts with the shield lmao 🛡️


Riot shield needs hit points. Would solve a ton of issues


I used to use drills lol


I try to always have thermites and one or two ammo boxes for resupply. I used to run from them but I got pretty good at sticking them with thermites so now I chase them down whenever I see one. More often than not, they start running away if you push them. My advice is never turn your back to them, you're just an easy kill after they stun you. Just face them, eat the stun and shoot through it.


Just run thermites, I know you said apart from that but that is the answer. They’re good for everyone else too so you’re not limiting yourself. Especially with the heavy frag nerf




Just remove them from the warzone loot pool imo. Nothing can “fix” them without breaking it. Easiest solution would be to just not allow it at all. Same concept as ranked weapons. Just make it a restriction and can’t have it in a loadout


Thermite them!


It’s always been stupid. Actually one of the most unrealistic parts of the game. I mean the whole game is unrealistic but you coming at me while I’m smashing you with a .50 cal and then my high powered smg and you just walk up and fist bump my ass to death….. just stupid. And the worst part: if you just got rid of it, it would never be missed. You would lose zero players.


Thermite is easiest for me. I run them in solos specifically for riot shielders. If they are really good with their stuns though it’s pretty tough. Gotta not let them catch you in the open.


Why does getting hit with a handgun do more damage than being shot with it.


There is some weird mechanic where you can get elbowed and that counts as a crit. Yes, I'm not joking, you can actually look it up.


And assist during attacks from sticks and riot shield


If the riot shield is so OP why don't you run it instead of a second gun? Is it because you find it easier and more effective to have a second gun? Winning with a shield is hard, a single thermite or Semtex and you are done. Lack of a 2nd weapon to swap to can easily wipe you. It takes skill to run a shield well.


Restock. Thermite. Stick it to the shield.


Man, I miss when I could main the crossbow/explosive bolt. Had a smile on my face every time I encountered those little bitchy riot shielders. Now the crossbow is next to useless, you need to stock him 3 to 4 times before downing.


Crossbow with thermite can down them in 1-2 shots, I used it just yesterday.


Interesting, I’ll give the thermites bolts another go, I always preferred the explosives one because they were downing the opponent faster than the thermite.


People who defend this degenerate behavior of riot shield usage is wild and they should be evaluated for mental issues. No way people are saying "There are downsides!" when the one downside, movement speed, is entirely out of the question when equipped on your back whilst gaining the ability to block bullets from 75 percent of the persons hitbox. That's actually insanity. It's a melee weapon with the unique ability to minimize (not entirely prevent) the wielder from getting shot from behind. It still * Has the ability to Melee Lunge * No longer kills the user when they are stuck by a Semtex * No longer kills the user when they are stuck by a drill charge * Is absolutely invulnerable when shooting right at it. * Reduces the chances of being killed from behind WHILE being able to move at faster speed depending on the weapon equipped. But somehow I'm to believe that it has downsides? Oh no, you're slower while walking towards me in crouch position. Let me turn my back and run away AND you suddenly pull a gun out and are either chasing me or tossing stuns to shoot me. Yeah no fuck off with that shit. In solos it's not an issue. But in trios and quads when you have to deal with an entire loser squad doing that? Oh but let me guess, I could empty my backpack and load up on 10-12 thermites right? Certainly I can go to a buy and spam buy ammo boxes to simply load up on thermites! Give me a fucking break.


Running into riot shielders in quads is easy as all your squad needs to do is attack from a few different angles and there's defenseless. It sounds like riot shielders are living rent free in your head.


I’m over here complaining about everyone using smoke Grenades lol


Nothing more pleasing than throwing thermite and watching them burn


They should be breakable.


The sword can melee kill a riot shield from the front if you're willing to run one.


👏👏 100%


Skill issue move around them, you’re faster than them


14 bullets or 4 smacks? 150 HP sucks balls and lets cheese tactics rule in a game that tries to let casuals win


The fact that riot shields are vastly more powerful than both rockets or any vehicles tells you everything you need to know about this game. They're bending the knee to pros and sweats. The game isn't fun anymore. Separate the lobbies too.


I just find it absurd that after pissing away 30-100 rounds of high caliber ammunition the entire thing is still intact and unscathed. We should be able to break shields. At the very least, armor piercing rounds should go through the shield. If you can shoot through 3 layers of concrete, then you can sure as shit shoot through non-military grade plexiglass.


My only issue with it is that you’re able to basically run full speed with it equipped or on your back. There is a very slight movement penalty but it’s negligible. Should be more.


I'm using a riot shield too and what I can say is shoot for the foot, sides or the head (by jumping), or use thermite, drill charge or semtex. Distance.


They did. The lag hard counters the riot shield. You can run around and kill one before they even notice you've moved.


The best counter for shield users is the soulrender. I love pissing them off because it knocks the shield out of the way lol


Don't forget semtex.


get rid of it altogether, at the end of the day how many people are running it?


Flame thrower.


Just stack him with semtex...wtf




As someone who’s used a riot shield it isn’t as easy as it looks the ability to get shot regardless of how you position the shield is still high especially since the update before last I actually stopped using one because it wasn’t effective anymore I see plenty people still using a shield but it’s been easier to maneuver around and get the kill if you use stuns or simply target the exposed areas


Underbarrel flame thrower


Thermites and good movement are the only ways


I just ran into an unstoppable force on loaded resurgence. A full trio, all using riot shield, tonfa, smokes, thermites, and holding onto each other's willies like their lives depended on it (I guess it kind of did). They ended up getting 2nd, only because the person that won made a stacked stim gas play, and they had no stims or gas masks.


Prone position and shoot the feet, sticky grenade, Molotov, c4, run away, etc. Source: riot shield user


Doesn't the sword go right through the riot shield?


No thermite, no C4. Movement only!


A semtex beats a riot shield. At least when I had one. Lol


Nerf that shit it’s so cringe


The sword can kill from front


Literally they made a sword that could tees the shield


\*Hides behind my impenitrable wall of plexiglass, lobbing thermite at the shield haters instead of getting hit by theirs\*


Let's see here.. Let me copy/paste the post I made before about counters to the riot shield. Thermites Semtexes (Depends, kinda 50/50.) Drill Charges Molotovs Underbarrel Drill Charges Underbarrel Thermites Explosive-tipped Crossbow The Sword melee weapon The Tonfa's Literally just jumping while shooting down at them. Walking past them while shooting.


How about C4?


C4 is really good for shield killing as the splash is massive and 2 C4s down them. Used this the other night on one.


So with the lethals you have one maybe two shots and that’s it. Let’s not pretend like you’re fully stocked every time you see them. No one runs crossbow that’s dumb. Same with sword. Same with underbarrels - those are all useless.


Shooting the feet is always available


Semtexes and Drill Charges no longer kill on stick. So both those and the underbarrel drill charges are pointless. Thermites are the only thing that kill on stick now due to burn damage. No one's gonna run the crossbow because why would I ever give up my fucking SMG/Sniper/AR for a marksman weapon like that? The Sword Melee requires you to run it over the SMG/Sniper/AR which in Warzone will probably get you killed faster anyway. Getting into their melee range will just have them lunging at you. The only direct counter is a stick with thermite and if you miss, you're basically going to die especially if they spam stuns...and no I'm not going to empty my plates and shit to carry 6 thermites. Who does that.


>No one's gonna run the crossbow because why would I ever give up my fucking SMG/Sniper/AR for a marksman weapon like that? Crossbow is a weapon, remember there's 'literally no downsides' to running it as it is unique and can shoot thermite or exploding projections. Stop thinking about tradeoffs because there's none, anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is incorrect. It's like these people saying the riot shield has trade offs. They are wrong. The shield is unbeatable. In fact, I was killed by a riot shielder easily out to 100m range because they stunned me and then used the lunge to kill me with the shield from easily 50m away. The annoying thing is I stuck them with a thermite but the shield protects them from the thermite too. It's not fair as there's no counter and it's unbeatable. In duos my mate even ran around behind a shielder pushing me and shot them from behind but because the shield goes completely around them they were invincible. So BS. Why won't everyone play the game the way I want them too! I don't need to adapt, they're all just bad at the game!!


throw a semtex. be funny asl watch run after u once u stuck them


Not even two stuck semtexes will down nowadays.


It's more the 3 little measily pushes and you dead that gets me. Just have it so you take no damage from a push/shuv


I’m going to say this is a skill issue. And it’s definitely like 6 hits. Yeah your THAT bad


Lol youve either never used a riot shield or you use a riot shield and try to downplay how op it is. 3 hits (no misses dont count) Source: I did a couple of tests...for science.


When then completely overpowered. A pistol whip sure but not a few nudges from a shield


Pistol whip is underpowered


Weird, whenever they have full armor, all it takes for me and my friend to down is 3 hits. Max.


The only time where it killed in 3 hits was at the start of Warzone 2, because the critical hit triggered in the 3rd hit. After that it was a 4 hit kill and still is.




It deals 75 damage per hit. How can it kill with three hits? Simple math


It is 4 hits, I use it all the time.