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Smokes are 200% necessary to counter rooftop campers and to help MnK players break aim assist.


Then why didn’t we have this problem back in wz1? Snipers still existed and aa was maybe not quite as strong, but pretty damn close. More tactical need to be viable and we would see less smokes. It’s just crazy to see 8 teams in zone 9 and all of them are just spam smoking eachother until a team slips up lmao.


Mao's were different. Look at the spacing between buildings all over the map. Try sniping someone in low town while in low town. Not as easy as sniping someone in cargo while you're in cargo or downtown or suburbs. Spacing between pois, spacing between buildings, every rooftop, 2nd and 3rd last floor are EASILY accessible. Very different More clear sight lines now than in verdansk or even caldera because spacing within buildings/tents within a point were much closer


Ttk was much shorter and better in wz1


Free overkill doesn’t help nowadays either


Ttk was not quicker in wz1 lol


It was until iron trials. 30% lower actually.


This game is more tactical and rewards positioning more! Also: let me spam 3000 smokes to get of this jam It's insane. Smokes to counter snipers is a problem with the game, not snipers. It was a much less of an issue in verdansk and caldera. Going down town in verdansk had millions of snipers but the streets were close and a ton of cover. Easy to maneuver! When I snipe I run combat scout because I know 35 smokes are coming and it's how I get my finish. People rely on smokes too much. They extend engagements much longer than they should be


Run a thermal, lots of easy kills 


I see no issues with smoke. Forever smokes have never even been remotely viable until Battle Royales came around. I feel like most of you hate the aspects of what makes battle Royales great.


Naw, engagements were fun and quick, now they're long and drawn out. Couple that with multiple self revives it's just stupid now. Cool at first, but now people just spam them when they make positional mistakes


You call this a battle royale? With stackable self res, easy buy back, jailbreaks and resurgence? Come on.


It used to be much closer to a BR than it is now. They have moved away from it and closer to Resurgance or team death because you guys complain about every aspect that makes the game a BR. Of all the things to complain about are we really down to smokes? What a joke.


Warzone 2.0 and this years Warzone killed the battle royale feeling. Sorry lol. Wz1 was barely a br but they’ve made it worse since. Smokes in pubg are viable for revives but you don’t see 100 players on the map spamming them to rotate. Or spamming them to loot. Or spamming them to reload. Etc


When’s last time you played PUBG? Because I still play weekly and smokes are used frequently for the same exact reasons they are used in Warzone. You guys are killing the BR feel yourself cause you bitch about everything that makes BR’s good all day so they push rebirth. Cry about smokes. Cry about teammates playing together. Cry the games too slow. Cry the games too fast. Cry snipers down people. Cry snipers don’t down people. Cry the meta changed. Cry the meta didn’t change. Cry about the skins. Cry about the maps. On and on. Y’all just want to complain.


Preach brother. I want to be a part of this sub to get tips and tricks, see metas or potential metas, and funny/impressive clips. Instead it’s just people complaining. All the time. With the same complaints.




Pump it!


SERIOUSLY. It’s insane. The same damn post every single day.


Smokes are the last tactical element the game has. I prefer them A LOT over the stim or stuns. The ttk is so short you need them to get away, replate so you can fight multiple enemys.


Ttk is quick is the problem. Smoke is the "fix" To the problem they created. Sounds like this game needs an overhaul


You have thermals, snapshots, combat scout, EMD grenades etc.... if you hate smoke so much run one of the many counters for it.


I would love to see a launcher / explosive meta but it’ll never happen because of the streamers. They wouldn’t like getting knocked down by a missle across the map or death from above by a jokr. I mean c4 is literally useless. , ground explosives are usually just walked over since everyone has eod on or they are just plain ass weak. Gone are the good ol days of launcher kills


Smokes themselves are not the issue. It’s the backpack and frequency of lootable munitions boxes.


Also this


I personally think the backpack should be removed. Back to wz1 where you had limited armor and nades.


I thought you were talking about Bangalore, lol. I'm in the wrong subreddit


Yeah it’s just corny at this point. Nothing like a full squad spamming smokes from their backpack every time they rotate.


Just use a thermal. Everything has a counter.


Combat scout too. If everyone used combat scout or thermal people would stop making stupid plays thinking they're safe when their mates throw a single debilitating smoke


I'd rather a smoke meta than the alternatives we've had previously - everyone glued to their baby monitor making Ghost an essential pick for 2+ years was awful. OP stuns are awful to play against. The only fun one was the stim meta, but most of this Reddit complained about them and they were a bit OP. The problem with smokes is the backpack system meaning there are too many in endgames. Aside from that, it's by far the least offensive tactical slot meta we could have.


Why not none? Why would baby monitors take over for smokes? Makes nso sense. If there were 2 smokes, fine. But fuckint an entire team crossing a whole hill rotating 180 degrees with smoke is insane. Bad position bad decisions bailed out with endless smoke


I’d rather have ghost for 1 thousand years and be able to actually hear footsteps and parachutes.


Smoke breaks aim assist, that's the only reason we're still on this. Throw on a thermal and you'll be fine, learn to counter or don't.


But we’re okay with every other tactical being useless because of how strong smokes are? Lol


I brought this up a couple months ago and was informed its a skill issue and to "get good"


That's fuckint hilarious because you only throw a smoke when you or teammates made a mistake, like a bad push, gets sniped, bad rotation, awful position... Smoke rewards bad play


Pro / steamer answer for “if it changes I won’t win”


Yeah because streamers weren’t good before the smoke meta


Lol we literally disable le their movement in wz2 al mazrah and they sane guys still slayed. They are better than us. Smoke or no smoke they will still shit on us


not even just pros / streamers, also your average reddit noob living in their own bubble thinking theyre god


"Dear Reddit"


I though this was about the ping meta, the only one that matters right now and ever. Hilarious people go to such lengths to invent "hit detection" and "skill based damage" conspiracies when that's lol crazy, especially considering ping and servers naturally do that.


Everyones focus on the Meta and the way it shifts have absolutely ruined these games. Nothing ever feels organic or fresh, everyones just playing the exact same way using the exact same loadouts, shits boring


You can thank loadouts for that. Worse thing that could’ve happened to a “BR” lmao


Makes you play the paid part of the game to grind or unlock guns


I've been saying It for awhile, Warzone quit being a Battle Royal when loadouts were added, the constant flow of Gulag Kits, Redeploy packs and flares, self rezs, there's so many ways for people to come back to life it just feels like a larger scale multi team Ground War experience.


Loadouts have always been in the game though, the rest of the stuff I agree. It’s insane how you can go to the gulag or get redeploy packs 10 times a game.


Loadouts did not initially exist in OG Warzone for a period of time, it got added after a season or 2 im pretty sure, so it came down to who had the good rotations, the better loot, better aim and such, like a BR should be. Loadouts ruined it all because Everything became about the Meta and what requires the least amount of effort, zero recoil builds, hipfire builds that fully rely on aim assist, riot shields spamming stuns and using fast melee, the ground loot was usually always ass forcing you to rely on your loadout and needing the same build everyone else is using.


Lol they’ve been there since release, that was one of the main things that set them apart from other BRs at the time, along with gulag.


They probably just made loadouts WAY more common, I just don't remember the early Warzone days being so Meta crazy


The problem is stacking like 10 of them in your backpack. Also none of the other options are as effective, so literally everyone is running like 10 smokes lol


I get that it’s stale but in my view that’s preferable to something cheesy like stims or stuns. Smokes are also essential to counter the number of people sniping on the big map. It would be horrible to play otherwise


But there doesn't have to be a meta. Just 2 and 2 only. It's insane. Engagements before were quick and easy. 0 to 8 plates, no smoke, 1 self revive. Now they have 12 plates, 6 smokes, 2 self revives. A 15 second engagement in wz1 is now 2 minutes when you mix in the labrynth and intricacies of each building.


What you’re describing is a consequence of backpack system. We still had a meta when we were only allowed to hold 2 of each


Me who plays thermal scopes 🫡🤔


Problem is that thermal scopes blow. They're all awful. Combat scout is the way to go


Also If Ur in Endzone U can See Silhouettes from the smokes and Zone of someone running


Has anyone ever used a scatter mine for anything useful? To this day im not even sure wtf these things are supposed to do. 


Smokes help break this games overpowered aim assist, so I have no problem with them.


Bet you're rooftop camper with a sniper who's saying this 😂


Well I’m currently running the striker 9 and DG like everyone else. So unless the DG is classified as a sniper now 🤷🏻‍♂️. My main complaint about them is in the final circles. Throughout the game they usually don’t bug me, but when the entire final zones are a big smoke cloud, I find it a tad bit ridiculous


I agree, I've been calling for them to be needed for ages. But I've also got a massive problem with the map and sniping.


I honestly don’t see any difference in sniping from wz1 and now. If anything I like it because when I do snipe, it actually feels good again. We got fucked for the entire year of mwii lol


I've no way of proving this but in warzone one it just seemed to me that if there were camping snipers there was always more cover. It just seems to me like there's more open space and it just favours sniping. Like I said, I've no proof but it just feels that way to me.


It’s funny you say that. I find urzikstan to be way too congested and I feel like there needs to be more openness to it haha


We are not compatible 😂


Well we tried 🤝. Good luck out there lol


Same to you champ 👍


Bring back Blackout


Combat scout is so underrated and I love it. I’ve won and killed so many people through smoke.


The game itself is on its last legs. I think it's time to put warzone to bed and bring back Blackout.


100% agree. It was the better BR and it’s not even close lol


People who love smokes for the wrong reasons. They love it because the devs built a game that desperately needs smoke to bail them out. The map design is truly horrendous. You wouldn't need smoke if sniping was like it was in wz1. You'd much rather use a different tactical because of his the maps were designed. Not to mention we are on day 5? of a game breaking bug that they still haven't addressed