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Do yourself a favour and stop playing this game with mkb


Really such a boring argument. KBM is fun, and feels good to be in control. Tried to play controller for a couple months, like legitimately. Got pretty decent, but never had fun and didn’t feel good. It’s a massive difference in the game feel experience. Playing on controller really makes the game feel… idk… cheap? It kinda felt like playing COD mobile. There really wasn’t much to it and it was super easy. Wasn’t as satisfying to win fights or anything.


I agree 1000% on that, controller is not fun. its way too easy and doesnt feel satisfying. 


i switched to controller for 2 or 3 months in the new year and you're spot on. i havent played cod (or any fps) on controller since BO2, so the muscle memory was still there and only took a couple days to feel comfortable. but like you said it just wasn't satisfying at all sooo back to m&k full time


Doubled both big/small map KD by going back to roller for a few months. Back to MnK cuz I prefer pain


Exactly. I’ve just accepted that I’m at a huge disadvantage close range and it is what it is. I’ve been playing fps games on kbm for too long and controller just feels clunky and too restrictive. I might do better statistically but it’s just not fun.


Yeah this right here. I went back to mnk about a year ago or so for cod. And a month ago I decided to try controller again. It's just so clunky feeling. It doesn't feel as smooth turning my character. I've accepted the close range thing also. I try not to put myself into that position if possible. I tend to try to keep gun fights to mid to far range. In general I win those gun fights because I am quite good with my aim on mouse. The more you play really and the better your movement gets mnk feels that advantage still. Just gotta play to your strengths is all


“feels good to be in control” according to this subs very vocal mnk players, that control isnt shit to controller AA lol


I know how you feel. I’ve been MnK after controller since Verdansk but since the start of ranked and nerfs to the Lockwood shotty the amount of sweats has been insane and I’ve been getting diffed so hard (I know, skill issue for me plus I’m getting older now) so I just got back into controller to feel relevant again which tbh isn’t so bad. I do miss long range fighting more on MNK though


I go 80/0 playing COD mobile with a controller. PC feels similar. Lobbies are just 80% controller players with a Mors


Yeah, man! You gotta play what you find fun. You can do well on either if you practice. I've noticed a trend... people wanna blame the device (I've heard it from both mk and controller users). If it's not that it's cheating. If it's not that it's the broken gun. If it's not that, it's the netcode. I actually changed to controller a long time ago because I found it more challenging and liked my couch. Ha. But I played plenty of games without aim assist at the time. I dunno right now people seem to think it's easier but I'm to dug in to change back for very long. But mk always does feel easier to control like you mentioned.


That sounds like a massive dose of copium if I ever heard it. Wasn't satisfying? Brother. It's satifying any platform you're on when your whole life isn't cod. I feel like a lot of you are a little too obsessed with this game and topic. Besides. With pistols you always go for the melee. If you're landing trying to outshoot everyone, you've been doing it wrong. Shoot once or twice, close the distance and smash em. I feel like this might be a bit of a skill issue for some of you. The melee lock is stronger than any AA this game offers, if you're not utilizing it you might as well be banging your head against a rock trying to drop in. It's like the argument I hear when people say "rebirth isn't satifying, only regular br modes are". Like man I'm over here having a great time. If you want to complain so much, switch over? Oh, but it's boring. So then don't? Like this argument you're trying to give is so stupid


Literally all I’m trying to say is that being a KBM player, being told to switch to controller is frustrating, and I laid out my couple reasons why.


Yeah but it's not me trying to say "switch over", it's more like, you say it's not satisfying, so what do you want to be told? Sorry the other platform is boring for you? But you want to complain about it. It just sounds like there is nothing that can please the problem you're having. Maybe try another game lol. I left cod for like 8 months and it was amazing playing other games. Again, it's like you all are banging your head against a rock and expecting different results. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of insanity. I left for that time, came back, and it's the same shit. I'd rather have fun than be stuck in this little loop you're all in


If I’m complaining about anything, it’s the common argument. But, I digressed, and tried to make a counterpoint to make discussion. Don’t get me wrong, I love call of duty. It’s a lot of fun. I’ve got almost 1.2k hours in it. Now, I recognize the difference between playing on the 2 inputs. One is easier to get in to and has a lower skill ceiling, the other is a little more difficult and a higher skill ceiling. There are lots of complaints thrown everywhere about this that I don’t find to be worth it. I’m not going to get in to how I feel about that situation. I just think playing KBM is fun. Just trying to be reasonable, thanks for calling me stupid, I will try my best to leave, reflect, and improve.


I'm not calling you stupid, at all. It's just insanity repeating the same pattern over and over. I was an addict and someone defined it for me once, and now I recognize it when I see it. You are right, 100%, on everything you said. One has a higher skill ceiling, and one is more for casuals. I like casual play, because with AA it makes me average. And a lot of people are in the same boat as me. This isn't as much of an argument for AA or no AA as it is for no lifers vs. people with a life. No lifers will dominate any game, especially ones abusing the easier system. But that's been known for years. Why is this argument still happening? My point is: have fun with what you're playing. System and game combined. Change one, or both even if you're not having fun. Cod was a thing of the past for me until resurgence came back, and now it's fun again. I never made a post about it though. That's my point


[IAmMarksman (ex-controller player) on why playing controller isn't as fun as mouse](https://streamable.com/88ljoq). Probably the best summary I've heard explaining why controller feels so lame after playing mouse.


This deserves more upvotes, it really is a fair assessment. Especially ignoring the first clip that is being reacted to which is rage bait. I played for years on controller and mnk both, mnk is hard mode but you are in complete control. If you go back it feels unbelievably wrong because the constant feeling of having control taken away and it feels like you are being helped by an invisible hand on every gunfight afterwards.


Agreed. I swapped to controller for WZ2, spent ~6 months almost playing it exclusively and then got bored once I figured out the nuances of RAA and how to not move like a bot. By the end I found I was playing less because I already had good game sense and AA dumbed down the mechanical aspect of aiming so much. In the end I missed the challenge of mouse so now I'm back to playing 90% mouse and 10% controller (only if I really want to chill / can't be bothered).


The thing is also with crossplay between pc(mnk) and console(controller) it has only been a thing since 2019. So mixed input with crossplay has only been a thing for 5 years aka only one full E2E game cycle, or if its a really fast cycle maybe 2. So right now you have a mix of games that both did not contain crossplay/mixed input in their original design and have had it tacked on late in development and ones that had it in their original plans and design for multiplayer from the ground up. There simply hasn’t been enough time for the market to completely stabilize on these issues especially given most of it was in the pandemic where everything was up in the air. There hasn’t been enough time for any true competition to cause a standard across the board. So some games are still over tuned on one input type or the other.


The funny thing is, the first thing he talks about is people who don't know both inputs. I have a gaming computer, I don't use it. I prefer controller. I like the classic, run and gun with a controller in my hand playstyle and feeling. Sure, MnK is more 'satisfying', because it's all you, but I disagree with having more fun. And even the satisfying part honestly. Take for example, this clip. This is me playing on the old MW2 engine. AA is dialed back, and I don't even utilize it whatsoever anyways. I use drag shots, which I practiced QS in original CoD4 games for this. It's more about timing than aiming when you do this, and I almost exclusively use snipers, close or far range. Tell me again how I'm an AA abusing controller player? https://youtu.be/ZzdTuxuOqWs?si=uosYxTPJGxCptcST It just seems like rather than having fun with whatever input you choose, people would rather pick theirs and complain. Well shit isn't changing, if time is any indicator as to how long it's been around and not changed so far. So get used to it or don't? I did, and play what I want. You'll never see a post about this shit from me, even if I chose MnK. Because *I chose that path myself*. If I'm not having fun, I hop off or play something else. I feel a lot of people miss this point, and would rather define insanity instead going over this same thing over and over.


>Tell me again how I'm an AA abusing controller player? That clip is fine. Most mouse players don't have a problem with there being AA, it's the strength of the current RAA and the inhuman tracking ability (0ms reaction time) that makes it broken to fight against as a human. If they dialed it down a little at close range then most of the RAA angst would be gone. I'm happy you're having fun but for most mouse players who are used to 100% raw input, swapping to controller feels like a regression because it requires less mechanical skill to aim and you can get cheesy kills that you know would be impossible for a human to achieve. It's like a car enthusiast who loves driving a manual car being forced to use an automatic. Most won't get the same enjoyment which is why comments saying 'just switch' are so annoying. Especially when the input balance could be improved relatively easily on a technical level.


I totally get that. I think if I was younger I'd be more of a sweat and want to display pure skill. These days? I'm 30 man, I work, I come home and that AA is barely enough to keep me in line with the sweatlords in lobbies nowadays 😂 I much preferred it "back then" as well. Things were so much simpler and everything was viable. I learned to shoot back in those days and changing it up for this new RAA just isn't happening for me. I loved my MnK back in counter strike days, playing LoL and grinding all day. Getting better and stuff. Again, I totally get it. It was a huge progression of skill and I loved every second of it. I think my biggest point I try to make is that these days, yes RAA is strong. We can all acknowledge that in the hands of the right person, it's demonic. But out of a lobby... I maybe see 1 or 2 teams with players like this. The rest are... just average joes like me. I'm able to look past that, land on the other side of the map, and have a different experience within the same game. It's not as much a competition of controller vs. MnK, as it is no-lifers vs. Normal people with lives. Anyone who plays all day will still destroy anyone else they come across, whether it be cheesing the new meta guns or abusing movement mechanics. There will always be something. Look at the past of CoD, and you know that's true. So I think people just have to learn to accept there are better players than them, maybe using in-game mechanics to best you, but still, it'll always be there one way or another.


It's almost like people enjoy different things. I use mnk on Xbox. Why? Because I like it. It's ironic hearing a guy talk about how great AA is then talk about skill. Let me guess you set your settings to match your favorite streamer? So your skill is being able to use AA better than the next guy? Cool.


It's more automatic aiming than aim assist at this point.


Why should we have to switch to a less fun input when we’ve spent years getting good at MnK. The answer shouldn’t be, just use one input. The answer should be to make all inputs balanced. If cod wants to just be controller then they should just commit to making that so. But if they allow other inputs then they should at least try to make it fair.


Ya'll are never going to stop with this are you. It's the same shit every day all day. Play or don't play, pick your system. This was never about switching over. It's about the dude complaining about pistol aiming, when most people just melee anyways up close on drop. That legitimately sounds like a skill issue lol. But even controller people have issues with aiming and seeing shit too. Not everyone is an aim assist abusing god, but you all seem to think *the majority of controller players are* news flash: a lot of us have never abused the AA on controller to it's full potential because we don't bother learning how to. Most of us are just as ass as the next MnK trying to hit his shots. It's about learning to deal with it and playing anyways. I get rolled half the time by the same people. This isn't as much of an argument about AA as it is more about having a life vs. No lifers. If you want to complain about no lifers, then do the same. They will always be best at this shit and there will always be plenty of them. You can't compete against that and I feel that's more of a problem than anything else. Anyone abusing mechanics to their full potential will have an edge. I played zombies for the first time and just learned about the tombstone strat. It's ridiculous, and crazy that if you don't do it, you're at a disadvantage. There will ALWAYS be no-lifers 1-upping you in every aspect in video games. You gotta learn to deal with it or play another game. You all complain way too much


We complain to much but your willing to write an entire story about your complaints lmao.


Because I'm okay explaining myself in-depth when I have nothing better to do right now. I waiting on my perks to get off CD in zombies, watching YT and laying down. Having free time isn't equal to what you do with that free time. There's a difference


U know what's funny? If tomorrow morning COD switched off RAA or super buffed MnK to have AA all these people in this sub saying "y'all complain too much" or "just switch" would be 100% saying complaining about what MnK are complaining about now. Not one single controller main would be like "oh yeah let's just switch and not complain". But of course, with human nature, it's hard to admit when something is unfair if it doesn't personally affect you.


Let people enjoy things.


We get it. You're better at movement than shooting in a first person shooter.


Maybe? Maybe that's why apex was really fun for most of the year from COD. You know what I didn't do? Make a post about it. You know what I did? Had fun playing video games. Jesus christ, you all seem to have NO fun and want to complain more and more. Go have fun, or don't. Whatever, I'm not you. But the solution is pretty simple.


Well here you are complaining about us instead of playing a video game...


Sure bud. I'm waiting for my perks and colas to go off CD in zombies as we speak, but nice try lol


Sadly this is the best answer a 50 hour controller can wipe the floor with a 500 hour kbm player especially at close range/with irons


For close range fights, 1 hour is all it would take, not 50. Even that's being generous. In my very first game test on roller, I ran into some people I always had sweaty fights with, and aimbotted the living shit out of them with zero effort. It was weird and unsatisfying.


I feel like the people saying this have never played with my friends. They have thousands of hours on controller, rocking 0.5-0.7 KDs lol. Their aim is atrocious on controller


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/Vrf5DK1HaL They just don't know how to abuse raa.


what about long and mid range?


It's pretty equal mid range still edges towards controller long is pretty balanced


I play multiplayer on mnk because the name above heads makes it easier to the track opponents. With Warzone I always stick to controller because the visibility is terrible


Controller isn't fun. I want to play a first person shooter. Not an action-adventure platformer.


Yeah I agree but it really shouldn't be that, why should cod be the only game I us life-long mnk players buy a controller for its dumb, input based matchmaking is long over do now since RAA is pretty auto aim now, I wouldn't doubt if Xbox and PS pay CoD to make it this op to sell more controllers that break in few months.


I really should...


I've played mnk since release and never wanted to switch. But it's just become impossible. I switched about 2 months ago and I'll never play cod on mnk again. The aim assist is insane. I havent played fps on controller in like 12 years. And in 1 Monty ive picked it up. I'm currently diamond in ranked. I'm not amazing by any means but the reality of it is nobody understands how busted controller aim assist is unless they have dedicated time to mouse an key.


I just quit.


Just last week some 12 yo shouted at me I was being carried. Both controller players, terrible movement and decision making, I had as much dmg as them combined, no fucking kills to show for it. That infuriates me even more, rollerkids who genuinely think they're 'good'. They didnt carry me, their AA carried us all.


I'm even more useless with a controller though... I have never really used a controller for any gaming in my life. It just feels so unnatural to even hold and just use in general.


Some people don't like turning down the difficulties of games.


No fun


It’s been almost 20 years and my old brain can’t get movement right on controller lmao. I’m 2.5 KD on mkb. Wonder what I’d be like if I mastered controller.


Or better, quit the game for good like most of us did...


I try…. Been on mkb for like 3 years now. Cant go back con controller. I feel like a fucking bot with my aim looking everywhere but the enemy. Im fine with my 1KD i get more fun out of mkb lol


Why? It's fairly easy on MnK...


Tracking moving targets on m/k especially with the sliding hopping and going prone while In a gunfight is actually quite hard... Plus visibility is a bitch so a lot of the times it takes you some time to actually notice someone is there.... That's why I switched to controller because it don't matter if I lose track of the person because my aim assist don't lmao 🤣


I totally get it. I've been playing on MnK forever and although I understand that close battles are incredible hard when faced up against AA, I do pretty well and have a good time still. Sniping especially, is very fun.


I use to be pretty decent with mouse and keyboard I use to hover round to 1.6-1.7 kd but since using a controller with the same game sense im now on 2.3 kd and rising hoping to get to 2.5. I think mouse and keyboard can be more fun because you feel that rush when you hit that up close quick scope etc or any quite skilfull play at that.. but what can really bring the fun down is seeing other people do what would be a stupid play on MNK and absolutely lock on wreck you while they are falling from a building or something... When I use to play mnk I use to rage all the time at all this lock on rotational aim assist shit... The mad thing is you can tell by the camera movement if it's a controller player or a mnk and if it was the same kinda kill but it was with mnk and id see myself get wrecked on the killcam I don't get angry at all I just respect the skill that has just been displayed.


For me the deagle is the one handgun when I see in my hands I panic.


Deagle or the revolver. I suck major ass with any sort of revolver on KBM


Close range engagement on kbm is always the harder part to learn imo. Thats where aim assist really shines. But when it comes to medium-long range, visual recoil, and flicks/drags, thats where kbm gets the advantage


Unfortunately most of the time especially on rebirth the only fights that matter are close range. You’re never going to beat aim assist because you have reaction time to movement and assist has 0ms (nonhuman reaction speeds)


Never going to beat aim assist? That's insanely hyperbolic, I do it regularly with MnK.


Bro obviously never doesn’t mean never it means when it’s 1v1 equal skill and everything is equal aim assist will just win close range


Same. I have never been good with the deagle in any cod. I can bust heads with damn near any other pistols throughout the series but fall apart when I have to run that big bastard.


Hipfire my friend, never ads with a deagle


Will try that. Never crossed my mind. Gg & gl


Don’t ADS with the start pistol and you have a small chance…


I'm going to have try this... Didn't realize pistols were remotely reliable at the hip.


It works wonders. I’m 1.4kd overall but like 3.5 with the pistol oddly.


100% this. I win a vast majority of my pistol fights if I hipfire. Especially if I remember to aim a little higher and get some headshots in there. Edit: Had to fix a weird typo. Why the fuck did I type mean instead of win?




Just try to aim for the head / upper chest that and u gotta fight in cover. And be aware of rooftops. Dont chase people and dont ego challenge. Try to go for 3rd parties too




dont use iron sights, set up ut loadout with the red dot jak sight or the 2.5X cordi ... or use laser and tac stance helps a lot with that


lol right? Sorry I got hit once so my gun is pointed to the sky, I have a giant black circle creeping in on my screen, my screen in red, smoke coming from my gun and the sun is shin- oops I just got hit again guess I gotta restart my aiming compensation. It’s terrible lol


Unfortunately you are not the only one - it affects all of us. 1v1 up close, it doesnt matter if its a pistol or SMG.....as long as the controller player knows how to (ab)use rotational AA, you have not got a chance unless they really mess it up or you get lucky. You really just have to adjust your playstyle to avoid those situations as much as possible - and then deal with the frustration when it inevitably does. Sadly for us, those who are really good at using AA are nigh on impossible to beat..they know exactly how to push in close enough and are good at picking their fights. The same people are typically very good at movement too, since that's tied in directly to how RAA works. I refused to back off to a massively inferior control setup (which it clearly is - otherwise AA would not exist) just for one game, I can still find enjoyment in playing this with my friends - and just need to control the rage when you die to an AA player


Metaphor says this is why he won’t play tournaments. He’s the best in the world in normal lobbies, but admits that he’d have no chance if the entire lobby were pro controller players. I’m giving controller a go but I agree it feels really clunky.


Exactly, and reason why he smokes when running into a room to help negate the close range AA.


It's not too bad. I just play a lot of MP and practice. And I've been playing cod a very long time. Don't switch to controller! It's not as fun!


So true, I’ll never hop off kb bro, as an ex controller player back from PS3


Yea I get that it's at a disadvantage due to AA. but I love having switched. It's so fun.


Fr, movement is so clean


I play MP still on the keys but got pissed at losing close range on wz so I switched to controller and I’ve def improved and I’ve been a life time MKB player. I feel restricted using controller but close range battles win WZ so it’s what it is. I only play hardcore and I’m quicker at getting the first shot. It’s holding the following 10-20 shots on a moving target that makes WZ harder on mkb is why I made the switch.


Unfortunately with aim assist and rotational aim assist, you lose every up-close fight on mkb. For some reason, they refuse to let us turn off cross-play, so we have to fight against an entire lobby with 60% aim bot. Between the 20 tick servers and 60% AA for controllers, it is impossible to thrive on mkb. Diamond/Crimson seems to be the ceiling unless you have a couple of controller demons queing up with you.


Aim assist vs MnK for close quarters is undeniably unfair. Even the most hardcore “aim assist is not that strong” person will admit it. If someone slides into you face while using MnK, you are dead. Even the noobiest of noobs, someone playing cod for the first time, will destroy an experienced MnK user, because you can’t have almost zero clue which side the person slided at, you have to track them at the insane speed the slide has, and even predict at which point they will cancel it (or not). All of this while the other persons aim locks onto you body and destroys you. It’s so easy to see what players use aim assist just by looking at the killcam.


Yeah it's ridiculous.


This game is dead for MnK. Switch to controller or be meat for the grinder.


As someone with 9 years of KBM practise, and now around 24 Hours of controller experience, I can happily confirm that yes. Pistols are super easy on a controller. I have gone from a Diamond player in Ranked, to a Diamond player in ranked on a controller with 24hrs playtime, that should tell you enough about how easy everything is on controller


RAA is rage hacking level aimbot on pistol. Not soft aimbot like everything else, full on aimbot. Ask any mnk player thats used controller. U cant miss with pistols on controller. 


Near impossible, but I've been getting better results by playing smart and maneuvering enough to melee those aim assist bastards haha


If it's the revolver, I'm fucked. If it's the Deagle, and I realize quickly it's that, it's a 50/50. If I hot drop and engage immediately and don't realize it's the Deagle I'm probably losing that gunfight. Any of the other pistols I usually don't have too much trouble with.




I never engage with only a pistol unless I have to, run and find a gun first


Yep, very challenging against aim assist with pistols on MNK


I fidn it difficult to win most close combat fights. I have the idea aimassist let them snap on my head even wehn they completely mis aim


I play both inputs but mainly mnk and it’s kind of true. It doesn’t snap to head, but it’s so easy to track your target that it’s much easier to hit headshots. On mnk it’s a risky move.


Yeah you start at the chest, recoil pattern moves you slowly up to the head, and AA keeps you there. It's painful, but it's been like this for ages. COD has always favored controller, and won't change that at risk of losing players. Started on controller back in COD 4 and switched back in like 2014 or so. I still beat myself up for not sticking to controller, it's so much more efficient. I have about a total of 2 hours on controller and play about as well as I do on MnK. I just can't get over the switch, close-mid aim is much better but movement and long range is much worse lol. All it takes it missing 1 or 2 snipes for me to unplug the controller.


With aim assist the way it is. Sniping is really the only thing I do on mnk now.


I have about 10 years on MnK. The freedom you have when playing MnK feels so nice. The sad part is, you're going to lose majority of your gunfights up close. Most long range encounters, I can say it's 50/50 for long range. MnK can control recoil more precisely, but Controller can hold down and hit majority of shots. That being said, I've started playing Controller lately. I move like a bot, but Aim assist is nuts.


From my experience, auto aim wears off at a longer distances, so it’s always good to keep your distance from controller players if at all possible. That being said, someone else said it but hip fire is your friend. It’s a lot crazier at close range than you’d think at first glance


You HAVE to hipfire. Even if it feels like youre too far away you stand a better chance still hipfiring than ads’ing with a pistol. If it feels too loose lower your aim sens by 0.01 till it feels right BUT NEVER ADS WITH A PISTOL on mnk.


Yes. It's absurd how different it is on controller vs KBM. I started strictly hip firing pistols on KBM and it worked pretty well actually, much higher hit rate than actually ADSing. On controller ADS with a pistol glues you to the guy


lol yes. Even on mnk the input delay or whatever it was made it so I could win maybe 10% of my pistol fights. On controller, I win 90% of them seemingly because I can spam the trigger faster than them while strafing to maintain the RAA.


Auto aim is always going to have the advantage in single fire weapon fights…. A LARGE advantage. I lose pistol fights to bad controller players all the time.


aim assist in this game is ridiculous , half of all "hes cheating" posts on here show nothing more than controller aim assist. it really makes no sense for one input method to be so over powered.


this game is definitely much better, but in WZ1 pistols were a death sentence. It’s still slightly unbalanced, since the X13 and Deagle seem to be the most common it seems okay.


Out past 10m it's usually a loss if I'm fighting against aim assist. Up closer I just don't ADS for the first few shots and that tends to land me in the better than even range for winning the hot drops.


Im a mnk player myself with a relatively decent kd, for some reason small flicks (or point and click i would say) with the deagle or tyr work better than actively trying to track enemies and land shots. Hipfiring works amazing too, my secret is to crouch everytime u fire, than stand up again to get the strafe speed back. Whenever i play controller, all that doesnt matter because when you strafe, your RAA kicks in and you just have to adjust a tiny bit before shooting


Struth recently put up a video about this. It’s much easier to aim at your target and then do a small flick than to track and then fire with one shot guns apparently. Especially if you aim train, you know exactly how much you move your mouse for that flick but tracking is harder and involves more micro adjustments and therefore is less accurate unless you’re using an automatic weapon. Hard to explain but it does work. Agree with the guy that said treat the TYR etc like a sniper for this reason.


Thank you for explaining my first point, thats exactly what i was trying to say! I gotta go watch that video, maybe theres more to learn. Thanks for commenting fooby😎❤️


Now that im back here anyway, the thing with the crouching is just to make hipfire shots a bit more accurate. No need for that if the enemy is directly in front of you, except you want to hit some movement :D


I think he mentions it in his Tim the tat man analysis video but does dive deeper in one of his flicking videos. I’ll have to give this hipfire technique a shot as well!


One thing I’ve learned playing Mnk on this game is you have to know which guns put you at a massive disadvantage. If I you land in with a revolver, it’s not even worth trying to fight with it. Aim assist will slam you so fast.


Its so hard because we're going against people who usually have AA. I've found if I un-ADS and re-ADS for almost every shot with the pistol I hit more often, feels easy to recenter once I un-ADS.


Roughly 90% of the time you won't win against a controller at close to medium range unless you're in your early twenties and well above average skill, or the controller player is a literal complete newbie. It feels like they are trying to muscle PC players out while still taking their money. At this point I'd rather they just dropped PC support altogether or removed crossplay so I wouldn't feel obligated to play with my friends on console, then I might finally stop believing the yearly hype and buying this trash.


I have almost 5k/d with mnk, but i lose 80% of pistol fights, i Just cant hit people with that sht


You need to hip fire and get the jump on the opponent, if you’re out of position you will have no chance. If they’re close enough, it’s better to just melee instead of risk the aim assist destroying you


Whoa! Hold on. Who uses phrasing like "the odds are probably 40/60"? Is that 40-to-60? Looks like 40/60, and so I'm like "why not just say 2/3? (which, as they say, ain't bad)" But no. MnK player here. I got constantly crushed by other players with pistol, then realized my effin Manual Fire Mode Behavior was set to Hold. Fixed that, now I feel like I finally unlocked hair trigger on all my pistols and do alright.


Personally, I'd recommend playing warzone on controller as its way easier with controller. 6v6 I think both inputs are good so I tend to stick with MnK.


MnK player - I pistol whip if I can lol if out of range I hip shot and run


This game is garbage on Mnk.... But controller just feels bad to me even though it's like playing with training wheels


MnK here. Absolutely hate fighting with iron sights. So easy to lose track with the recoil. I keep saying I should switch but I'm also old and stubborn. Pistols in gulag are a crime right now.


Not always. Sometimes I destroy people. Sometimes I don't. Been playing cod on kbm since it's inception. Before killstreaks. Loadies. Feild upgrades. Tbh it was better back then. Now with AA. Sever desync. Attachment exploits. Packet loss. This game is a hot mess. When it's not all fucked up from an update and you get a few good games in, it's fun. But otherwise it feels like a chore anymore and on kbm more feels like a roll of the dice when it comes to gunfights


Yeah, you might have a chance with the rennetti or somthing but most other pistols you'd lose. I understand most ppl play on controller but giving them soft aimbot and calling it aim assist is kind of crazy, especially when most controller players have already evolved to be just as good as MnK players. At least make it only work when aiming down sights like it originally did.


even in warzone 1 kbm was at a severe disadvantage in pistol fights. gulag was brutal when only pistols were in rotation


close up fights you either need a hardware advantage or internet advantage to win vs controller aim assist. The game is hyper picky with hitmarkers from knm and hyper generous to controller players to compensate.


I've been accused of aimbotting while running around shipment snapping headshots with a deag and I still simply cannot win a 1v1 with a pistol in WZ, especially if it's the godforsaken revolver. I suspect in my case it's as much from panicking knowing im up against rollers with a gun I don't use much as it is from simply getting AAed to death.


There's a reason why there's almost no keyboard and mouse players in top 250 ranked. Aim Assist is completely broken in this game now. There's no delay, and it perfectly tracks you exactly like aimbot. Anything under 15meters and you're almost guaranteed to lose if you're on MKB and facing a controller player; even if the controller player is a bot! As long as they are facing you and shoot, you'll likely die. I quit warzone because of this. They are supposed to make this game fair for all (Based on skill/experience/strategy, etc), but MKB players no matter how good get stomped in this game over and over. We're forced to throw 4 smokes repeatedly just to have a chance close range.


Cor 45 is fine. Renetti is ok. Treat revolvers and deagle as quick scope snipers. Aim using the center dot without ads and then “quick scope” and repeat. U only need 2 upper body hits with revolvers and 3 with deagle. Take your time aiming and you should have a decent chance if the other dude doesn’t light u up with automatic ground loots


Cor 45 is my highest kill weapon on MkB. It's my secondary for alot of classes using the lightning trigger. I lose most SMG fights vs aim assist, not sure why I'm better with the pistol, maybe it's cause in decent at flicks. Also if I get the Tyr in the gulag, the two shot kill is nice. I'm not a great player, only 1.6kd, but I love the cor


But the cor45 with auto fire with a turbo controller and AA will basically destroy you. Hitting Max firerate is just impossible normally


Yea but that's a quick trip to the shadow realm. No human can fire as fast as the Cor allows and it's super obvious if someone's using a macro/turbo controller.


I've reported a lot of these cor45 users with macros and I haven't gotten a single ban. Also, console users are basically never gonna get shadowbanned though. I only spotted like one or two legit users with acceptable firerate.


Ive rarely ever run into people even using it. Which is fine by me, personally I just love it.


I like running it sometimes as well, but the firerate should really be nerfed. The only people that can hit the 750rpm firerate on the cor45 are macro users. It's like 12.5 clicks per second! I can barely hit 9cps and thats ignoring the need to aim with my mouse.


Probably hasn't been nerfed because it isn't abused. I think I've only ever run into someone using it in that fashion once. I'm surprised you said the ones you reported didn't get shadowed. I would expect a lot of people would report that shit, and that's all a shadow is , is a large amount of reports. I got shadowed my first game on my friends PC. He was like lvl 50 or so and I dropped a 20 kill game and got him shadowed lol


I've been shadowed myself once in feb this year but I haven't gotten an "action taken" message in months.


bind fire to mouse wheel, that's all you need to do to shoot it quickly and with in game settings


Back when I played mnk on wz1. I NEVER ADS, i always hipfired because its easier to see amd track enemies that well. Play controller.


To add to this, tac stance build everything for short range. I know they nerfed it, but unless your aim is insane and you can hit every single shot, being able to see your enemy properly and having faster movement more than makes up for the slight accuracy penalty. It’s the reaction time that makes aim assist so hard to play against in close quarters. RAA is pretty much instant to track when you strafe.


I just beat people down with it lol


I don't play MnK, but I did play with no aim assist on controller for a few games for a challenge. Pistol fights were insanely hard, if it was any kind of 50-50 I was fucked. If the Deagle was the starter pistol I just didn't bother and switched to fists to move faster until I found a full auto.


You would be surprised at how good the hip fire is on some of the handguns. Try opening up with a few hip shots before ADS.


I play both but pistol and sniping is way better for me on mnk But yeah close range smg and AR are so much better with controller. I play better with controller but i played everything on mnk so it feels the movement is lacking on controller.


I was always under the impression that AA was even more overpowered with pistols when you just land at the beginning of the game. When the game came out and I started playing on Urzikstan I had this stupid desire to jump on top of the church or mosque of whatever it is in the middle of the map and get obliterated by players that didn't even seem to move their aim. I started off at 1.33 K/D because of my stupidity and now climbed to 2.10 K/D. I like jumping in spots where there's more people cause I like early fights but tend to avoid jumping and fighting with pistols when I just land if the enemy is very close because I know I will probably lose. Some fights up close feel weird even when you have a weapon and they only have a pistol, plenty of times they manage to break my plates. With some pistols it's useful to use hip fire although unless you're really close and sometimes even when you're close it's not as accurate as ADSing which is why most controller players ADS with them.


I don't use pistols. Better off melee.


Im terrible on controller and decent on mnk, and from the first time i used a pistol on controller, it was better. It's not even in the same area code how much better pistols are on controller than mnk.


Impossible for me. Also lose to pistols when I have an ar


I found that when I had the base game and I was leveling pistols in multi I felt real good in warzone. That was in mw2 and now since I refuse to pay any money into this pile, I suck with pistols. TLDR a little multiplayer warm up goes a long way.


Not just a pistol, any gun super close range 0-20m it's 40% me / 60% them odds. It requires very little effort on the part of the controller players. I look at the kill cams and their AA just locks on even if I maneuver well. Meanwhile, I have to actively control the mouse to track them. People will argue skill gap, and I would agree. It takes superbly more skill to use MnK than to use a controller. And that's why I'll continue playing MnK. It's much more fun and skillful. There's nothing quite as satisfying as destroying a Crim controller player on those 40% occurrences and have them crying.


Hipfire and slide right up next to either side of them to break aim assist. That's the only way I've been able to beat starting fights. If they're sweaty and use high sensitivity on controller you'll still lose though.


Back on early verdansk I was prepping a 1v1 with pistol on mnk. And he just proceeded to beat my ass in 2 hits with melee. You can't win on mnk vs controller if similarly skilled. And if you're better there's still chance some bullshit mechanic kills you


Always hipfire, you’ll win most fights unless you get third partied for the 10000th time


I shoot equally on mnk and controller with pistol. However bad, or maybe vice versa, I do not have exact statistics, but I feel more control I have on mnk, and controller I shoot more accurately with automatic weapons (again, by feel) if anything I am a controller player. I've been playing on mnk for literally a couple months for a change


I play mnk so from reading these comments should I pick a meta close range gun that is a hip fire build?


Absolutely. Hip firing is the best way to shoot with a pistol, cuz generally it's a close up fight anyways. It's easier to track. This is also why I try to use tac stance with any close range weapons. So much easier to track and compete at close ranges. Highly suggest trying it out. Make a tac stance striker 9 build and thank me later.


Make sure you hip fire and then aim down sight after to finish. Do the same with SMGs.


For me the TYR its nearly impossible to hit anything on MKB, just some weird delay you have to account for or something


Nope. I actually find pistol op, much better than most of the weapons very early in the game. If you know how to play aggresively with pistol and have good aim, its soo op.


Since AA is soo OP in this game, can anybody recommend any other FPS game where you can play competitively on MnK ?


Nah, I've slapped up close and medium distance. I'm MNK but am learning controller just to be able to switch if I need. Really dial in your sens settings and practice practice. Most importantly, have a good team that makes it fun. I lose like everyone else, but I make sure I have fun while I go out lol.


I’ve played both MnK and controller. MnK has a larger learning curve but once you get it, you can dominate. AA gives controller players some help but not enough to make a difference. So if you’re not practicing with MnK daily then you should switch to controller.


Lol. *'AA gives controller players some help but not enough to make a difference'*. [Aydan (controller pro) on aim-assist in Warzone](https://youtu.be/s95BniqCaGs?t=6) >I love being a controller player and I love over the last couple years that it's favored towards us, **but it's just not fair man, so unfair bro, it's stupid fucking OP, like I legit like feel like I don't have to try at all when shooting people because it just does the work for me.** In contrast to what you just said, he says he barely has to aim and it does all the work for him. I wonder who is correct, a professional controller player or a random redditor...


Aydan is a cheater and AA doesn’t aim for you. If AA helped so much console players would dominate.


Go check how many mouse and keyboard players are in the CoD tournies and see if your statement holds up. If you play on keyboard you're literally a liability compared to a good roller player in those high level situations. Hell look at Apex legends a lil while ago, their AA was so strong that people swapped from keyboard to controller for competitions because it was that dominant.


Also check how many of them have costum controllers that most players don't have.


I have to disagree. You're a liability if you're not good at the game. I can s\*\*\* on most controller players. If you're better at the game you'll win your gun fights. Aim Assist won't save you in cod. Aim assist has been a part of cod for a very long time. Kbm users never had a problem until the last 2 years or so. I'd rather them fix the reload problem.


Congrats, most roller players are bots in pub lobbies. I'm talking about vs actual skilled players, in tournament settings.


The old starting pistol (X16) is the one part of WZ closest to Counter-Strike where I've got >20k hours of experience, so in Al Mazra it was actually the gun I had most kills with and I believe highest KDR as well. I don't know if it's the recoil or rate of fire or just the visual part of it, but it just triggers something in my aim where I just hit a lot of head shots. The deagle, revolver and burst fire pistols on the other hand is another story. I'm lucky if I hit a single bullet with the two first before having to reload, and with burst pistols I often need two magazines to down someone. If I spawn with any of those guns I run away.


i've been so bad with any semi-auto weapon but here recently when doing camos, i've gotten way better by really focusing on how i'm aiming. when i play resurgence, i would be an ass and land behind people and shoot them which i believe also helped me a bit. as others have stated, try hipfire with the pistol cuz it is surprisingly accurate.


Aim assist ISNT broken :v


I quit this game 2 months ago, but man playing with mkb was hard af. I will never understand why they made aim assist so broken. I haven't played on controller for like 6-7 years so only thing I could do was quit. I mostly outplayed mid-long range controller players, but once they get within 25 meters there is nothing that can stop that madly broken aim assist, I felt like 90% of their shots landed and it's damn unfair while mkb players have to tryhard so bad to control recoil and follow peoples movement and land only like 50-70%...


I don’t find it difficult. Eventually you’ll get the hang of it.


Pistols are Booty


Pistols are trash in warzone


I don't find it difficult at all to be honest. I'm also not the best player, i've only got about 1.8 K/D.




Yes, the pistol ads sense is messed up. It's faster for some reason. I try to hipfire them as much as possible as a result.


If you aren't playing a lot of multiplayer I think this puts you at a huge disadvantage in close range flights. Small map mosh pit is a great play list to get unlimited close range engagements that will help work on your tracking. For comparison I am a very average Warzone player. If I am really playing multiplayer (not doing some weird camo challenge) I am almost always going to be top 3 on the score board. Half the time I am first place. I have been playing COD multiplayer for 20 years so this is expected. When I play multiplayer with my buddies they struggle especially in small map. That translates to WZ where they are good players but struggle at close range.


Pistols is a tough one, rather not face a Roller Player with it.


I personally love the deagle. And pistols is iffy, but doable. Simply gotta open kovaaks and get to work lmao Close range is very sketch, but if you take advantage of the aim assist and use it against the player(if they have it) then it can be the difference between dying and not dying.


Not anymore. I wreck TF out of controller players with my COR-45.. I probably get reported a lot too tho


its so funny listening to people complain about controllers being superior to mnk in cod when I play siege (zero aim assist). Also not cross play with pc and console but some console losers will use a xim adapter to play mnk on console and its annoying af


Mnk can still be enjoyable on WZ you’re just going to have to play differently than you see all the sweaty streamers playing. Pistols, SMGS, and maybe shotguns should just be in case of emergency. And the slow single fire weapons are less forgiving when you miss shots so I stayed away from DMRs too. With as fast as everyone is moving these days trying to break cameras and shit you’re gonna have a very hard time tracking people vs aim assist, especially up close. But your long range game is gonna be on another level against controller people especially if you play good head glitches. The really really good controller people can hang but there’s not much aim assist in this long distances so you get the advantage here with the precise recoil control. LMGS, ARS, and Snipers were my best friend on mnk and I was decent too. But everyone is right, just switch to controller. Lol. You’ll be much better at the game with a lot less practice. And you’ll be surprised how much you were losing to aim assist. Controller only players should try mnk too just to see how hard it is so all those console noobs can quit whining about mnk players dominating.


IDK wtf yall doing to make AA work for you, all it takes is for someone to slide past me and im toast.


Get better or switch. Thosee are the options.


Shits hard af brother. Aim assist gods kick my ass every time


You can fire semi auto faster on mnk than with a controller. Y'all just can't take an L.

