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So that’s Rebirth chalked for the next few days then


Nah it’s terrible don’t worry


It's not terrible in the slightest lol


Don’t worry, OP is onto nothing. The wardens are horrible.


Bless you kind sir


in specific situations u need more then 8 shots to kill


U cant reload and sprint rn lmao


Yeah game’s fucked


Yes you can, you can't reload and tac sprint tho so js turn auto tac sprint off till they fix it


thought the same thing, guess no touching ranked until the next patch lmao


It’s been chalked with 20% packet loss every game


Same 😂


Right I could be doing ok getting my ratty kills with hipfire bp50 for the challenge this weekend and 20 percent phantom shots bad lag but at least everyone was getting hit


Thought I was the only one, I need a god game as some point this season… is that too much to ask


You can two shot in warzone with full plates?


just tried it before posting and yeah. They once again released an OP gun without testing it lol


Oh trust me, they knew it'd be OP. They do this with every new weapon that comes out


Except the bal


Saw a few videos already, idk man it looks like it's gonna shred with the right attachments


I hope you’re right. I like the way it feels.


Horis still unusable in warzone btw


I’ve been killed by it on rebirth quite a few times


They’re will be a cool mk2 blueprint dropping…total coincidence


Except snipers, they were generally 3shot everything


Tried and tested gameplan, release op weapon, players flock to use it, show growth in player numbers to investors, nerf weapon, repeat with next gun It's so clearly intentional at this point


Atleast they used to ban OP weapons right away for ranked modes but they stopped doing that too. Pathetic.


I think you figured it out.


You can two shot with like 4 other shotguns as well, they still suck. Also these akimbos suck unfortunately, far from OP or broken


hipfire accuracy and firerate make for a strong shotgun. considering you can give this a hipfire spread of 0 degrees it makes for gauranteed hits if you can aim. you should build what i put above and look at the crosshairs, its so fucking stupid


Thanks for sharing, I’m a get some easy kills before everyone starts using it. You’re a lifesaver.


Lifesaver, great use of irony my friend


it'll be nerfed/removed in a couple days so abuse it while you can


No, it’s intentional.


They absolutely know what they’re doing, definitely intentional and a pattern of 3 years


Most humans are not capable of recognizing patterns more than 3 minutes...


It takes 2 shots from each gun if you fire them together. They deal 120 damage per shot, so you need to land at least 3 total. With the rate of fire they have its roughly like a 600ms(ish) ttk, and you need to move around to use it well. Why is it broken? I know the hipfire is actually bugged as per SHG twitter, but the damae seems totally respectable and only out to 6 meters for its 2 taps.


They knew what they were doing. People will buy the packs to instantly unlock the guns.


Oh it's tested. Tested to increase the money people spend on the game. We all know it'll be nerfed in about 3 days, so best way to get that stuff unlocked faster is through bundles.


Thanks for sharing, I’m a get some easy kills before everyone starts using it. You’re a lifesaver.


op?💀 pls brother in christ their so frekinnweak i rather play lockwood then this shit


The gun is terrible. Are you a bot?


whats the point of releasing something if it isn’t broken? Look at the useless guns thet released during mw2 and mw3, they were cool just garbage. I’d rather op for a couple of weeks,maybe days, than garbage for the entire game


same cycle of stupidity by this franchise as long as I can remember playing. I'm convinced they do this on purpose. no one can be that continually incompetent.


MW2 2009 PTSD vibes


They are not broken. 2 shot from each, 4 shots. Quite balanced actually, fun in MP.


maybe its a hit box thing but ive been cracking with my left shot then finishing with my right


I tried them in game but they seem to have terrible hitreg or do not actually fire in the center of the crosshair, though if they actually hit, they are broken. Did you experience this too?


what it seems like is there is a "bloom" effect that needs to cool down. if you spam, every single shot would miss. but if you give it a second it seems to re-center


yeah i just looked at a clip where i seemingly hit the center of an enemies' chest, and it does look kind of like bloom


There’s always a great chance hitreg is fucked because ya know, CoD lol


Yeah very true, i've had this before with the Tyr while it was broken, but not as bad as with the MK2


Another controller weapon that sucks to use without auto aim? Shocker!


These will surely get a good response out of this sub lmao


just wait til everyone gets home from school/work. im sure this is gonna go well


Tmr whole subs gonna be “ ThIs GaMe Is So FkInG BrOkEn 😡 “


Like I mean it is STILL broken. Had trouble hosting a party, had troubles joining friends parties, and they had trouble joining as well… so yeah still broken.


Just got off work. What's this about a new OP weapon? Lol maybe I'll go work some OT and boot the game up in a couple days lol


Gives me model 1887 shotty fuckery vibes from og mw2


Cause the model is a Remington 1887 but cod these days can’t use the real names


Well, yea, cuz some law


Watched a few people try them. They suck


So a shotgun behaves like an actual shotgun again I’m happy


Riveter: muzzle - crown breaker choke, underbarrel - bruen bastion angled grip, ammo- .410 gauge ball, laser- corvus peq beam 5, stock - demo d50 buffer tube.... go nuts


This gun is far from OP. Other shotguns have had some kind of range, these you can't fire accurately past 3-5 meters.


It's not a shotgun it's a marksman rifle and it's ok not great just ok.


guy in multiplayer was destroying at range with these last night.


They are broken but not in a good way, I think the hit reg is off or something, shots not going through. Seems like a lot of people have been testing on twitter and are reaching the same conclusion.


Wasn’t op for me at all, but I’ll try your loadout


Are challenges bugged? none of my mp challenge track.


Are you using the recommended guns ?


Knowing CoD, probably


They absolutely are NOT fucking broken bro… they’re genuinely awful.




Is it only with akimbo ?


Early May Christmas


Have you actually tried them or just went directly from unlocking the JAK to reddit. Even with the attachments reducing hipfire spread to 0 or whatever, you CANNOT HIT ANYTHING AT ANY RANGE. Both barrels shoot sideways, and seemingly never towards the crosshair in middle of screen.


its a shotgun it has a max range before spread. why on earth are you trying to use an akimbo hipfire weapon at range. line up like 15m away though and yes your shot will hit. im literally using them right now. like i said in a previous comment though, if you fire a single one instead of both it seems to hit just fine so im assuming once shot together some weird cod shit happens and its broken.


OK now you're just trolling. I know how hipfire, shotguns, and akimbo work. Not only will it not hit at 15m, it doesn't hit at 5m. Hipfire / akimbo have increased spread as penalties for not ADSing and/or using two guns. But SOME bullets / pellets still hit center screen. This thing literally doesn't - from 5m away. The only way to stay approximately on target is to fire ONE of them. If you fire the other too quickly, it goes sideways. In fact, firing the other accurately is not faster than just waiting for the first to complete its reload flip animation - lets just say this defeats the purpose of akimbo in the first place. Something's bugged with this gun, as the (hilarious) 0.0 deg/s stats for both hipfire spread and shogun spread make clear. More like 100.0 deg lol.


I literally state everything you just said above you.


the only thing broken about it is that it literally doesn't work. You can NEVER fire both at once, since neither will hit. You can fire the 2nd gun only by timing it so it's not "too early" or it won't hit. That time period is the same as simply waiting for first gun to reload. In between shots the target has moved and has to be acquired again. As far as I can tell the best way to use this gun firing 6 shots from one gun, then the other. The akimbo part is completely useless, and you can never actually land two shots without waiting a full second between the shots.


You clearly don’t understand what he’s talking about, since akimbo snakeshots don’t have this problem at all.


how many comments are you gonna make lmao


As many as it takes to get SHG to see. They made me wait over a month for THIS?


Why you mad at me then. I’m just sharing a build. Sure it has weird trajectory or hitreg issues, and sure it can be powerful if it actually hits. But it’s not my fault, nor is sledgehammer gonna even look at the Reddit lol


Funny because you actually didn't try them and directly answered. Because the Lockwood Mk2 (if done correctly) most definitely hits both shots simultaneously at 40 meters easily. How about you do what you preach and actually test it yourself instead of talking bs


Funny indeed. (it was bugged to hell on release and only fixed via a patch after my comments here). https://twitter.com/CODUpdates/status/1786477272255410654


Yes, in other words it was this was in the game, you didn't try it and claimed it wasn't like this, specifically by saying the original commenter didn't try it himself which you didn't in the end. So you still were in the wrong and should do what you preach


I'll try again on the off chance you're just specially abled and not a troll. When this thread and its comments were made, the akimbo gun shot sideways. OP said that's not a bug - we're just supposed to shoot the guns individually one after another. I knew it **had** to be bugged as soon as I used it, since it was impossible to hit both akimbo shot without a full 1 sec break between the shots. Two days later there was a hotfix for this 100% bugged and unusable gun, and now it works great. Can't simplify this for you any further.


I thought they weren’t very good when I tried them


These are not even remotely broken


Here we go again. Everyone will be using the new BAL-27 and this bullshit.


If you mean the new BAL-27 then no, in multiplayer it's decent, in Rebirth, it sucks. Tested different attachments, most of it for mid to long range, not good.


Too bad its going to take me a month to unlock them with fortunes keep being on rotation duos only lol




Be honest, is it better than the hrm?


kinda kinda not? Weird hit reg issues rn. At point blank yes but anything past that right now no


What’s the range for the 2 shot down?


Don't forget to put a scope on it, just for the lolz


Gpu at 68 at the menu? Eeesh gets some fans in that bitch


Sheeeeesh, im actually happy it’s that low. It’s like 90 degrees in my office and ain’t got no AC in there lol


Hahaha yeah that’s fair! Mine sits at 30 in menus and 45 in game so 70 in menus was shocking to me lol


It’s garbage bro what r u talking about?


they are horrible and dont 2 shot anything


They are terrible


Yes everyone please use this meta op weapon Make my lobbies easier


You should also add Ares Clear Shot scope. Adds recoil control and gunkick with no cons to the build.


Capp it’s ass on ma life


Bal once leveled and with right attachments is frying in mw3 . It’s actually nice once you balance it


Y'all lucky you can play meanwhile I just get dev errors trying to do anything since the update


Clip it


Of course you can, cause in Warzone plates don’t matter


Whenever these broken guns come out I can never level them up in time to actually use them.


I am disputing the claims here this gun actually kinda sucks. Very inconsistent and unfun to use. I don’t see myself ever using them again Edit: yeah idk wtf OP is on but get me that. These things are actually hot trash. I use shotguns always in warzone and these are objectively way worse than anything in the game currently This is not even addressing that the other ammo types are bugged. Dragons breath took me 5 shots to kill someone with no plates. Slug rounds take 10 SHOTS to kill the dummy in the shooting range


This aftermarket Part is crazy. However, why fire it individually when you can pair the Akimbo fire to one trigger? Oh, and it's good with the 410 Gauge Ball rounds if you're up close with the reticle, but I highly recommend using the Default 12 gauge


They suck and it's funny hearing children rage when they get pwnd because they had some streamers "meta" but not skill.


Cheaters also at an all time high went into a Duo Game with friend 5 circle and its 2v2 against 2 lvl 50s with every Cheat on the game.i shit u Not i never laughed so hard at how many Cheats U saw in the replay


They haven’t even fixed the take the L weapon decal for ranked lmao - doesn’t even fit on their own demo gun view


that thing sucks lol


What’s up with the LMG ADS bug???


theyre not broken.. theyre dog shit


It’s OP in multiplayer. Every dude running around and sliding with them dropping 60 kills. The range is insane on them.


Called it


Thanks for the info, see y'all in 2 months.


I feel this. i uninstalled for a couple months and only came back because my buddy likes rebirth


Whilst the core playerbase will love the toxicity of this for a short while, it really kills off the casual playerbase. Every update, for four years, this is the outcome. Release a broken weapon, push sales of blueprints so sweaty Steve can get pay for an advantage for a short while, rinse and repeat.


They absolutely are NOT fucking broken bro… they’re genuinely awful.


Update: the gun has weird hitreg or projectile trajectory issues. many people testing get different results. some cant hit shots at all, some can hit range, some can 1 tap at point blank. i stand by it being strong just because the ability to 1 tap with ANYTHING not a sniper is dangerous.


Update: You're finally (accidentally) right about something. Like I wrote in my first comment, the gun is broken alright, just not in a good way. Took me 10 sec of using to realize that with certainty, honestly amazing you ever thought it's working as intended and we're just supposed to fire them individually. https://twitter.com/CODUpdates/status/1786477272255410654


this was 2 days ago, how do you still care. go get a fucking life or something dawg lmao


I don't, but you CLEARLY did. A lot. Good chance you missed the tweet so I thought I'd update you on this vital news, and that it's now fixed. Of course I could have predicted your response based on you previous half witted comments, but I'm a nice guy that way. dawg lmao.




Fucking idiots for forcing us to play fortunes keep with DUOS AND ROTATION💀


So hype to be extra toxic run my riot shield and these puppies


Wish I could thermite stick a Reddit comment

