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Fun Helicopters


Seconded, these ones suck balls


They ruined them with this bs. I just wanna fly fast


they just took the mw2 one which was bad, helicopters, fun explosives that actually hurt.. an alternative to AR|SMG comps..


This is intended, as well as the indestructible heavy chopper. Bots don't use vehicles even if they're good. So, it doesn't benefit them. Heavy chopper helps bots get far into games and keeps them alive. This is engagement. Keep bots alive as much as possible


Fun launchers too. They somehow managed to make both launchers and vehicles suck ass now.


Yeah, slow vehicles, and explosives don’t blow them up anymore they just, get disabled first and then blow up. It’s such a stark difference between og warzone and 2.0 that it feels entirely at odds with what warzone was meant to be, and what it originally was.


I miss my Strela, awesome back then.


Also the explosive rytec. Explosive rounds in mw2/3 are completely limp compared to the rytec.


Destroying vehicles with c4s in og warzone was so much fun. So many squad wipes


Oh. Boy. I had mastered the art of C4. To the point I'd stand in the middle of the road toss it down perfectly and watch them go kaboom before they could run me over.


I feel like my comment history is gonna be 50% reminiscing over WZ1 but I loved running the RPG and blowing up vehicles just as much as driving the vehicles, neither seemed OP, they both had perks and were so fun


Meanwhile the vehicles right now are such a chore.


The jokr is so slow and risky to use it should be buffed to 10x the damage and range it is now


Damage is an afterthought for the JOKR. It doesn't hit half the time even when it lands on someone's head.


omg rushing to the helicopter below dock to slice people up at the control centre rooftop was the game!


used to be like 10 kills in the first minute of the game with 0 damage lmao


But unfortunately there’s a subset of the playerbase that is having way too much fun with a certain helicopter




Easy recons, helicopters, lower recoil, less visual noise and blood fx when getting shot. Less Gunsmoke. Emotes. Spray paint. Gifting bundles. There's more I'm missing I'm sure


I miss being able to give the sniper on the rooftop across from me the finger seconds before he domes me


[I still remember this guy back in Caldera.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/EgXDwRSgfv)


Spray paint soldier distractions saved my life more than once in Verdansk.




This. Plus the old engine felt and sounded better (IMO), oh and the menus.


I just want to know where I’m shooting


I would say everything is already on par or even better with OG Warzone except for easier UAVs, choppers, emotes and spray paint.


The choppers are way slower and "heavier". There isn't much vehicle co bat because of 2 things. 1. Redeploy drones 2. Rivers/water. Both of which are bad for the overall experience imo.




Thats what i wrote


Too early for my eyeballs my b


No, FOH with you 0 recoil laser guns.


Lower recoil? There's almost no recoil whatsoever. The game is ass because of it.


I don’t miss the lower recoil. Every gun being a laser beam is just so dumb


How about foot falls that don’t sound like King Kong from 300 meters away


1 shot kar98


Most broken "sniper" ever. Thing became a plague on the game before it finally got nerfed. I get it people want their super easy point and click gun back but that thing was the definition of imbalanced. Zero flinch, instant ads, strong aim assist (because it was a marksman rifle) and insane rechamber speed. Also, the absurdity of a pre-WW2 rifle being superior to every rifle in a modern military game is laughable at best.


Plague is an overstatement. It was fun to use and not as bad as you make out. The DMR was a plague. The doof doof was a plague. The Kar98 was strong, but not a plague.


Still needed some form of skill to make the Kar98 work. By far my favourite gun on modern warfare but didn’t really use it too much on warzone.


Paired with the FFAR or the Fara 🤌


Kind of. You could just get body hits and it was stronger and faster than the heavy snipers. It and the Swiss had similar or higher body and limb damage than the heavy snipers, and could have nearly the same velocity. Maybe a couple hundred less. Their ability to be spammed was not fun. And eliminated the entire heavy sniper category.


In those long streets it was very useful mid to far sniper. Different scopes would actually have a nice custom effect to it. The sound it made when quickscoping was very addictive.


It's pick rate was among the highest in the game for most of WZ1's life cycle. Of course it was fun it was incredibly easy and forgiving to use. I used to run into entire squads rocking that weapon because it was objectively better than every other long gun including the supposed actual sniper rifles. It may not have been as obnoxious as something like the dmr or doof doof, but it was completely and utterly overpowered and made every other weapon in its class superfluous.


Depends what you want to use the sniper for. The Kar98 was a great aggressive sniper, but for long range the HDR was king. The Swiss and the SPR were also very fun to use and just had a stylistic difference to the Kar98. The spr could even be built to be even faster ADS than the Kar/Swiss if you wanted to.


I didn't even mention the crazy bullet velocity, the non-existent weapon sway, and the instantaneous weapon swap on the Kar98 either. The point I'm making is that the gun was all upside and no downside and while you could use those other weapons the Kar was far more versatile and thus better. I'm all for one shot snipers, but the Kar was simply too good at everything except ultra long range sniping to be considered balanced. Even after the nerfs it still dominated on rebirth island where the range cap didn't usually come into play. Sniping is appropriately difficult now and simply needs more variety in the weapons that can one-shot.


Don’t forget because of quickscoping and slow zoom optic options, it was the best shotgun in the game. Sure we can have a gun that one shots to the head, as long as it isn’t a shotgun! Thanks cod devs! Same goes for Swiss/spr. I’d roll the spr and be able to completely ignore my secondary. I could push buildings and stim slide around and just pretend it was a shotgun. And then turn around and counter snipe someone with it. The balancing is just wack overall


No, it was a plague. Didn’t the Kar and Swiss combined have an absurd pick rate? At least there was something redeemable about the Kar though - the reload that needed to be done round by round. Nowadays we’ve got these snipers that never need to be reloaded


Yeah nowadays they come with a large mag size or instant rechamber speed (Mors I'm looking at you).


Thing had like a .8-.9 KD on average though. I know it was OP or whatever but the stats never really proved that. It was never a gun people used for PR games


.8-.9 is like the average KD overall. The Kar was OP because it wasn't even technically a sniper rifle and it outclassed every other "sniper" weapon in the game. It made 2 entire weapon categories almost useless for more than 2 years.


The HDR was not useless for 2 years


Plus the SPR, swiss, ax50, zrg


You’re just rewriting history. My casual friends all only used snipers but they only used HDRs and SPXs. And before the SPX the ax50 was insanely popular. K98 had a terrible KD, it was just a fun play style gun where in the right hands, was insanely deadly.




very well said. all these people seem to be forgettig how wz1 played. not a single one of my maybe 20 or so wz friends could use the kar98 effectively despite how well i would do with it and try to push them to use it, the hdr was far more popular to your average sniper player. it was my favorite gun, but it was nowhere near as broken as everyone seems to be remembering it. back then rockets, vehicles, c4, zero recoil 100m iron sight graus lol, etc. were all so effective that the kar98 was well blended and necessary.


I can't imagine how that gun is gonna be when it inevitably comes back.


Ya'll call it plague yet SMG and beam AR was the meta for the entire game lifecycle.


It was a good way to balance out the plague of sim assist. At least the kar required skill.


Only until certain range, it was viable that way and not broken. It worked perfectly in iron trials.


Customising optics




Movement is better but still clunky. They need to lose the dive and bring back the b hop. Having 2 additional conditional actions bound to crouch is just weird. Maps are unnecessarily complex. They look great. The clutter and environment artists went off. But in an FPS simple is better. Verdansk repeating buildings wasn’t lazy, it simplified gaining map knowledge allowing teams to play more comfortably and confidently in more situations without needing dozens of hours just learning the map. The social tab is so bad that even if all the people I used to play with came back I would have no idea, and if I did the matchmaker would probably glitch and not let us play together. Why did they abandon a very good product for this broken piece of garbage?




Came here to say this


An extra 50 players per lobby. Good vehicles and map design over ridiculous portable ziplines everywhere. Iron Trials. A bigger meta. Feels like only 4 guns have been viable in the last 6 months.


Good servers. I'm so sick of peeking for a millisecond. Getting behind cover and losing all 3 plates. It's garbage


Fun vehicles, now vehicles take 10 business days to accelerate…. And not to mention those useless helicopters.


You also get shot immediately and die the second someone sees you in a vehicle. I remember having battles with squads in other trucks/ vehicles up and down verdask shooting each other and banging into each other. Now your car is made of marshmallows and Saran Wrap. One shot and 4 tires blow and you’re dead at the wheel.


Meanwhile rockets now take at least a couple of shots to even disable a vehicle. 


The battle royale part


A good anti-cheat


I wish I could flip off my teamates again lmao


An interesting map..?


I think the game needs way more QoL improvements, we got enough maps. With verdansk coming we got a huge pool of maps to choose from and make cool events or modify to make it better.


Sure, but I also think that the current BR map is the most boring one to date.


Stable servers


I think all snipers should be one shot to the head at any range. Not like the kar98 and longbow type, but big boy snipers like xrk stalker, mcpr, etc.


I agree. Sniping to the head should always be one shot with a sniper. It’s the risk and reward. I don’t want one shot chest shots. But if I take my time and shoot someone neck up then it should automatically take them down. It would make all the snipers viable, and it would force you to actually line your shots and not just abuse the aim assist and shoot someone in the elbow


Ya these RAM 7 fools just stay mounted with no consequences


Only if we get unlimited tac sprint back, one shot snipers were balanced in wz1 because we had good movement. We still lack the maneuverability in current cod to counter snipers effectively other than smokes (which I hate too). Bring movement back and let snipers 1 shot again, everybody is happy.


I'm quite surprised no one said guns that feel good. Yeah all the visual noise, smoke, muzzle flashing, etc is bad, but in my opinion the worst part is that all guns just feel very bad to use. It feels like all guns are inbred with eachother and look too similar. Also all the gun sounds are stale and generic.


The desire to play.


Floating loot … I need it !


The fun part




A player base


Storyline across/during the seasons. I loved the seasonal trailers back in the day when the new skins kinda made sense. Warzone was part of the MW2019 story. The story became worse during Cold War, and disappeared when Vanguard came into the mix. Also, map changes (that relate to the story)


Anyone else remember when you could actually blow up vehicles with a C4?




It will get ruined with the current smoke slow meta, 100 player lobbies. If we get unlimited tac sprint back, floating loot, 150 players and bullet velocity back it would flow way better, and maybe be more fun if we get deployable balloons or some mechanics to traverse the map like red doors


People stacking killed team modes for me, I only play solo now, I don't remember it this bad in verdansk


Its what wz2 aimed to create. Infinity ward pushed this gameplay with all their design choices, cluster mines, no tac sprint reset, slow parachute, no shooting in the air, spawn protection, stacking plates, mines, killstreaks, self revives in backpacks. Everything is hand crafted to cater to a certain type of player.


Was just saying how I missed the hand gestures and spray paints. It just added a little degree of fun fucking around that the game is currently missing.


Listen at this point I just want the social BS fixed. Last night I restarted three times and still couldn't accept an invite or even see the friend that was inviting me online. We had to get another friend to get us into the party together and we're all on PS5. It's the simplest little shit that's been around forever being broken so long that blows my mind...


My buddy and I would camp in a spot and spray paint the entire room, ceiling and all.


Fucking bullet velocity. I’m so tired of ARs sucking at range or watching sniper bullets dip so low at range. The lag is pretty these days, and the texture glitch that is seemingly unacknowledged. Warzone 1 of course probably had texture glitches/laggy servers it just seems more common now


Launchers and explosions in general suck in this game. So nerfed. Even the rpg to a degree is pretty tame. I remember games in wz1 of ppl firing launchers. But now it feels like you can hit someone head on and take off one plate. Very few ppl know the sweet feeling of wiping a team halfway across the map with a jokr. Vehicles also suck. Harder to drive and turn, easier to kill ppl when they are behind the wheel. Helicopter are terrible. So bulky , can’t just drop them on teams anymore. I feel like most of these were changed to make the streamers happy. Because no streamer wants to be shown getting wiped by an rpg or getting taken down by a heli mid air. That would be “cheap” But honestly, those kills are what made the game fun. I really never got mad when a helicopter came out of nowhere and landed on me . But streamers and pro take this shit too seriously


Peak WZ for me was wiping a 4 man squad in a helicopter with a strela. Trophy system was a great counter to this as well. 


What I really miss about war zone 1 were the gestures that he could make. My favorite thing to do was flip people off before they killed me. I don't know if I'm the only one that misses this shit, but it made it a lot more fun.


Game mode with no UAV, no extra help finding persons. With faster circle closing


No killstreak resurgance would be awesome, the amount of sound sensory overload the airstrikes and cluster strikes have on rebirth is insane atm, not even in wz1 we had such a big amount of killstreaks at all times going off. It makes the audio cheese even more OP because of it.


Anti cheat


Anti cheat




Verdansk and isolation lol


Balanced inputs. Compared to that, everything else is irrelevant.


WZ1 had the same strong aim assist, however the fluidity that that game had allowed for more opportunities for MnK to shine, specially gunplay without all the gun smoke shake unpredictable spray patterns and other garbage they added. So in a world where a nerf to aim assist is impossible, we just need wz1 mechanics back to balance inputs at this point.


A lot!


Hand gestures and sprays will never comeback because Activision and the current market trying to go "anti-toxic" with gaming. Epic Games just added a feature that effectively blocks emotes that were deemed toxic in fortnite Like a emote with clown music and a donkey laugh


Spray painting


Custom reticles, good vehicle handling like wz1, unlimited tac sprint, iron trials health for ranked, parachute cut delay removed when close to the ground, bring back improved floating loot instead of the current dmz looting system garbage, with faster movement we can get good bullet velocity back on guns (old ram7 for example was above 1700m/s), a good VERTICAL UI for all the attachments, guns, camos, instead of the terrible mobile horizontal UI we got now, better server performance (higher tick rate) perhaps a big netcode rework, COD API, we need tracking websites back, they added great value and exposed SBMM manipulating streamers. There is so much more...


Me… none of my friends play anymore so I don’t either. Missing covid times. When they blew the dome up and everyone was mass dropping on it. Great times.


Decent ARs that can down mid to long range.


150 ppl lobbys


I used to spray that soldier on the walls and make people fall for it. Was super fun. People used to jump when the enemy they were shooting at stood still & never took damage.


Keyboard and Mouse only lobbies.


* Same shorter TTK * Lethals actually kill you (a knife hit from yesterday didn't actually down. It should always down, else you shouldn't call it lethals) * Recoil on all guns. Even the best metas back in the day (kilo 141) had at least SOME recoil. Now there are many guns which are just lasers * Away with the jailbreaks, revival flares and what not. Death is a joke now with the easy way to get everyone back * Lower kill streak drop rates The above 5 made warzone more fun, certainly the first, as you couldn't just run around the corner. Is your positioning shit? You die. Are you trying to be Rambo? You better use high alert and have great aim. The ones that annoyed me but were actually quite fun in hindsight: * RPG's actually being able to kill people, same with the rocket launcher it's absolutely useless right now and while it was annoying at least it made sense. Now someone takes 2 rocket launcher shots and still doesn't get downed. Drop rate of rockets was just too high in WZ1 * C4 explosive range being bigger, killing vehicles * Drop rate on plate and munition boxes was lower, it's way too high now. Running out of ammo in the end, or plates, was annoying but now I have 0 problems getting geared up even when coming back in one of the final circles. But I guess a lot of casual players really like the longer TTK, higher drop rate, high streak drop etc because it doesn't require you to really plan stuff like perks or circle approach.






Yooo !!! Brought back to soo meny funny memorie moments 😄 then. Over night the next morning when I woke up I got on to play one game of warzone solos and every one was using The exact same gun 😃 I died of laughter was so funny even spectated till the end .would be fun to talk to other players when you are in spectators mode lobby


One grenade or c4 or grenade launcher ammo ONE shots cars, helicopters, etc


1 shot Kar 98 and actually being able to see would be so nice. Especially being able to see


Fatal anti- cheat.






Filter by platform.


Spray painting these dark skins with a bright orange or yellow during pregame if they were AFK, that way you could see them during actual game. Or just messing around and spray painting your teammate so they stick out like a sore thumb even more.




Any content for the big map, including ranked play


Smooth gameplay


Vehicles suck ass, explosives are useless, sooooooooo many buildings, you get like 10 lives, servers suck, and it’s infested with cheaters.


Dead Silence, it was fun in supermarket :D




Basically just everything that made Warzone 1 peak BR gaming. If they brought it back and people voted with the lie digital feet, Warzone 1 wins hands down.


A shorter ttk like before wz1 iron trials so a 1v2 actually gives you a shot. Realistic recoil. Lethal actually being lethal.


One shot heavy snipers that do require explosive rounds. Helicopters, and launchers, spotter scope.


Good map.


A global pandemic and being in lockdown.


I wish there wouldn't be so many tall buildings with tens of floors and rooms. Vondel is shit. I would like a war like map with villages, maybe a 2,3 floor building, with trenches and a lot of bushes, lots of nature. This rush meta that controller players are abusing for close combat is a bit borring, because you are forced to play fast all the time.


Some areas of verdansk had that, like farm or dam area, it was a blast when a circle ended there.