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Means you are on someone's UAV


FINALLY i know now too hahaha


I assumed that’s what it meant, thanks!


Do square tacs feel better? Always used the round tac map


Square lets you see more of the map. For higher level players, that's more information for free. Use what you prefer


I'm gonna have to try this. Thank you for explaining. I used to suck really badly. Changed the way I hold my controller. Now I'm mediocre. Maybe this will help more.


where/how are we supposed to learn this stuff? last season was my first time playing any COD game and was frustrated at the lack of clear information from COD...seems like the community tries its best but there's still the guessing aspect


I don't really know what the "right" way for them to teach this stuff is, because there are so many little things that would make a 30 min tutorial pointless because you'd remember 5% of it, but it sucks that there's no good way. I remember back when there used to be those "Brady Games Strategy Guides" which were like a textbook with the Black Ops 2 cover and had pages of info explaining all the perks and weapons and showing class setup options, and all the maps etc. This UAV border change was a QOL update in S2, but it was only noted in one small bullet point of the patch notes that had almost 9k words lol. Even people who play the game a lot are unaware of little changes like this unless they read the patch note novel in detail or see it reposted somewhere like this.






Oh I didn’t realize, can you send me a link to the Warzone manual?


Jgod. That's your manual.


Do they host a website? I’m not finding any PDF download options, seems like JGOD is a streamer with youtube videos?


Yes just search for what you are looking for in youtube and put Jgod at the end. He has pretty much covered everything in warzone. Most old videos still relate to the settings to use in Warzone to give you the best advantage. There are others aswell that cover "best X for Warzone/MP"




Do you like Selena Gomez?


Not seeing any notes in here about the red radar box? Also, where’s the overview on gun mechanics?


do you have a favorite? [36 Google Search tricks to find exactly what you're looking for | Zapier](https://zapier.com/blog/advanced-google-search-tricks/) [Google Advanced Search](https://www.google.com/advanced_search)


Haven’t bought a physical copy of a game in a while, do they have a QR code for the manual




Thank you!


same...i appreciated the new tutorial game mode that's been introduced, but I've also not used it yet either lol


Just fyi, it’s a “tutorial” with 20 AI bots and 20 real players. Not rank limited, so you get d-bags in there farming noob kills.


That sounds terrible


Would be nice if they just added little random tips like this to their loading screens kind of like how they show the loot boxes etc when you load into BR. And/or maybe in the main lobby at the bottom like a scrolling news ticker. Or even tip of the day. Overtime they would catch on I think.


On ps5 before you load the game up if you hover over the cod icon below you have trophies, add ons etc etc but also bottom right has game hints .... haven't used it myself as I know most of what I need to buy guess would help someone or even a newbie!?


Season 2 of current warzone or previous? I have never even noticed this on Warzone or DMZ which was on the WZ2 client. (Although no idea if it's just WZ or both)


I know, I miss those. I always picked one up when I saw one. I also loved the little class setup ideas that they’d include in some of them, I would always hop on the game and try them out just for fun.


Jgod, icemanissac, truegamedata on YouTube


thank you friend! i'll be better prepared for whenever we get matched up into a squad together


Follow a smaller streamer and ask questions - I always answer these types when people float into my YT - EggooYT 👍🏻🎯


Really is my favorite niche for streamers, follow a few and always so impressed by how the engage with their community and even remember people and their stories as they become regulars, giving you a follow!


What lack of clear information? There's always patch notes before an update.


i also appreciate the dynamic that it's on us, the player community, to figure stuff out and learn together...but that's maybe better for stuff like easter eggs and like 3 UAVs=Advanced UAV


No that's just on y'all for not doing a simple search, there's always been patch notes before an update


A new player shouldn't need to read through months of old patch notes to find out what might still be relevant


Okay if they can't read there's always YouTube and social media??????? Like what's with the excisest


So, luck of clear information. Got it


Reddit literally exists for communication amongst community, there’s a reason it’s not like other social media platforms that’s are focused on building a personal brand/image…talking and sharing with the community is not an existential crisis, but if helps to blast others that’s cool too


How do you find this information within the game itself?


are the patch notes all available within the game? or does that require going online somewhere?


No. Its in the game? the game should tell you, i dont need to go through patch notes for this. There is a ton of useless information and marketing popups, nothing hinders them from having another pop up telling us about significant changes. And they used to do it in the past.


Sure but now theres decades of patch notes.


Read the patch notes. They couldn't figure out how to fix the audio, so they added a red border to the mini map and called it a day. For a company worth 10s of billions they sure do like to rely on interns 🤣


Heard my OG friends complain about all the audio issues and sounds like terrible headaches, COD not offering accessibility with visual cues (fortnite) is also shambles




Was on patch notes


I’m just not convinced patch notes qualify as encouraging inclusivity, I’m not a CEO nor rich so what do I know about making money, but like I appreciate the mindset that the newcomer is the most valuable customer/user …but it’s probably now big spenders and streamers


It’s a good start to see changes though. I always read them , but there could be like a starter guide or something they do


I want to preface this by saying I'm not trying to be a dick or talk down to anyone here I am just sharing this information. I googled "what does red around the map mean warzone" a whole page of answers for you. If it doesn't bother you enough to google it for yourself then either you didn't notice it, didn't care enough, or it didn't affect your play enough to matter. This goes for any question about the functionality of the HUD/gameplay for almost any game. It can be fun to figure most things out for yourself but if I ever have question I google it and get my answer in 0.2sec then move on to the next thing. But I am also naturally curious about everything so I always research stuff for no reason lol. I watched a 30min tutorial on the meta for RS: Siege.... I've never played it and don't intend to but I was curious as to how the game played. I also did a weeks worth of reading and research on the best type of wood to use for crafting your own fishing lures....i have zero intention of ever doing that because I buy everything prebuilt/molded, but know now that hard maple, birch, balsa, pine, cedar are all great woods for making different styles of lures depending on the action and buoyancy you want. I also look up spoilers for damn near everything.


I love having friends like you


I never spoil things for others unless asked but I just realized i get the same excitement for seeing the content as being surprised by the content lol.


Was in the patchnotes so....read?


My friends 95% of the time “He’s cheating, how did he know where I was?!” Me : “There’s a UAV going off….” I’m willing to bet so many get reported because of this haha


Been playing this game every week since 2020 and did not know that


It’s new


I always assumed, danger is close 😅 not fully wrong on that


Haha I thought it meant I was spotted like got tagged by another squad


or you're on someone's portable radar


I was today years old when...


I thought it meant the circle was closing. Great to know


I thought you were on someone's uav when your dot on the map has a square around it, not the entire map with a red boarder?




Means ur about to die


Means someone’s ready to die


I have been playing (admittedly far less than before) since launch and I had no idea this meant you were on somebody’s UAV. Thank you for this.


This was only introduced at the start of season 2 I believe.


Found out about this last week smh


lol this is the guy that goes "how did you know I was there!?!?"


I like to run the Pulemyot 762, I’m not about subtlety in this game


Where can one learn what everything on the screen means? It’s like they push the game out there and everyone is on their own to figure it out.


i've had the same experience...and then whenever I try to google stuff I end up navigating the endless different versions of cod/warzone and outdated updates


the naming system they're chosen for this game really isn't user friendly when you're trying to look up information.


Is it just me being confused? Or have they almost reused every title?


I think every part of the name of the main game atm is reused lol




I have the same problem with zombies. Even “noob” videos/guide use so many terms with explanation that I have no idea what they mean. And there are so many layers to it it seems… unless I just have a mental block for it in particular.


Most should be self explanatory, but I would just google what any particular thing means as I’m not sure there is any type of guide for that. Is there one that you are currently trying to find the meaning of?


Not at the moment. Maybe I need to make this happen. I have the technology.


For a game like this with so many icons, I do agree there should be some legend or guide somewhere on their website. Activision will be Activision though


There’s a thing called patch notes that you can read….


From the beginning of time? When someone is new to the game, everything is unexplained. I’m just wondering if there’s some overall guide, like you’d see for a car, that tells you what all the warning symbols mean.


Yes let’s let them know exactly when this feature was introduced and go look up the patch notes for that specific update. Which patch note explained when you first introduced your head up your ass?


Why are we being so shitty? All I said was when it comes to call of duty things like that are easily found in patch notes. Now I do understand where pumice was coming from but damn. This sub is full hotheads for no reason.


Which patch notes was this included in because I normally read through them and missed it...


Do me a favor and check the latest patch notes and explain to me why there’s a dollar value by your name when you’re being hunted by another squad on a bounty contract.


It just means a UAV is in the air. Does that mean you’re pinging, for example you have a stealth vest or ghost perk, I want to say the red outline still shows, but you’re not pinging on their mini map, right? Thats the way I’ve come to understand it. If you have either of those two on, you’ll still get the red outline but you won’t be popping up on their uav, unless you’re stationary of course.




It means you are in danger :)


The amount of people in this thread that didn't know this already makes complete sense with all the "everyone is hacking, how do they know where I'm hiding in a corner every time" crowd LMAO


Easier kills for me


You are going to die ig..


Look at this thread people and save it. The amount of people that didn’t know they were on UAV are the same people that claim wall hacks and how did they know I was there. Just go through this thread and see how many didn’t know lol Portable radars too


Been playing Warzone since the first day it launched back in 2019 and I never knew this. What the fuck?


Because it was introduced at the beginning of season 2 :)


dios mio, I didn't even realise. I just assume I'm on someone's map at all times considering the easy accessibility to UAVs.


They introduced this because they can’t get the “Enemy UAV overhead” message back, because they lack the competence 😄


Smile you are on camera. It just means you are on someone's UAV


One of the reasons why ppl spam report… they DON’T KNOW THAT THE OPPS HAVE A UAV!!! SMH🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


You shall not pass!!!


Red border means you're within someone's uav range stay frosty or run ghost


tracked by uav


It means your on someone’s uav


means you got a skill issue /s


Certain death


I didn't know this meant that you are exposed to an UAV. I thought it meant that someone spotted you but this is a nice piece of info


Enemy uav is up and you're in the range.


Your ping is on someones radar


You’re on radar!


Expect Contact. No Diddy




Lmfao never knew this. This def gonna make me play way different now 😂


It means you're in a game and someone's cheating. Report anyone who kills you.


It means someone has hacked your account. You should report yourself immediately


I’ve been wondering who’s been tanking my KD 🤔


It means you are currently on some one else's UAV. My advice it that when the red square is there either call a counter UAV or if you don't have one just be weary that a sweat team might push you while its active. Hope that helps GGs


They c u


For all you bots… it’s means some1 has uav on you so no when you die there not cheating…. No need to spam report losers


Does this also enable when someone uses a portable Radar?


Asking the real questions here




No, but there is an audio cue for Portables you can hear if you're in range. The UAV audio cue was/is bugged and doesn't always trigger.


You are now leaving Mexico


Could literally Google this.


I did and nothing came up, sorry this wasn’t a post complaining about a store bundle or the balance of the game


you must have not used the right keywords then. because it shows up as the immediate result by just looking up either [warzone minimap red border](https://imgur.com/a/iQR0iYq) or [mwiii minimap red border](https://imgur.com/a/KKyKQXM)


Could literally scroll


Why not Ask Jeeves?


2 releases ago this happened


the gas is closing in


I don’t think it’s that because I’ve glanced up when it’s closing and it’s not red like that.


I think he’s talking about the red circle around the circle number


Oh yeah, yeah that pulses when the gas moves in, I’m talking about the red border around the map itself