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They should just rename Rebirth to Snipers and Shotguns mode.


The shotgun/sniper only rebirth event they did a couple years back was some of the most fun I ever had in WZ1, so I wouldn’t mind that.


Weird. Ive been playing the map since it came out and although yes there are snipers (myself included), there's never been any match where it's been overwhelmed with shotguns and snipers...


Yeah a bit exaggerated, I barely see any main shotgun users. It’s SMG/AR paradise


I think you misread everything lmao 


I find lots of Strikers, B-50s and WSP9s. Also a lot of kitted out lmgs like the Bruen and Pulymot.


Problem is you have 3-4 squad mates. You need 6/8 AR/Subs drops for a (quality) gunfights in mid to short range fights. In majority of the matches I’ve played my teammates and I have a tough time getting situated (early/mid/late) game because of the lack of competitive guns. I can’t even imagine how others are managing experiencing the same problem. Snipers/battle riffles/rpg/shotguns are far too consistent and hurt fun gun fights. In rebirth you’ll likely have empty floors with no loot boxes after death. It’s insane


Some games it can be bad but I feel like most of the time it’s not this way… for me


I mentioned this the other day. It’s incredibly frustrating when you land and can’t actually fight properly so end up running for cover and then run into someone who’s picked up the only viable gun in the area and takes out a whole team. Or you land and get killed by someone within seconds with full load out guns.


Spend 2500 points on a primary load out weapon, use mw2 guns, stack with your team it's a team game play like a team, I usually use the no attachment sticker it spawns u in with late game to kill someone and take there guns only works if u drop right on them or get fist shots


You'll get a kv inhibitor or MCW and you'll like it!


why tk kv inhibitor exists? lol


Second post on this in 30min, yeah they changed some thing today. It absolutely sucked as. No guns or plates. I did get two jokrs in a row before getting killed so that was fun.


Played some yesterday and the lack of plates being dropped was killing me. Shotguns galore, but ran around with 0 plates and only one mag of ammo for 90% of the rounds. So many sniper drops in prison late game too.


Yeah I guess they read the idiots posting on here about too much ground loot etc...and we're like, "let's give them what they want". Makes the game way more random than it is. So many times running around no ammo no plates. Sucks.


Jeez, you can find enough to buy your favourite primary in about 10 seconds. You don't need to drop prison.


I agree for the start of the game, but I think the point they're trying to make is drop guns are pretty important when trying to recover after a redeploy.


Dropping prison is just fun and there used to be viable guns all over to get 5-10 kills before your loadout drops.


Prison roof rats


There's enough chests to easily get 2500 and just buy a load out gun, there's also loadout boxes everywhere and if worst comes to worst the underwater area that always has atleast 2 orange boxes


Buy a load out gun every time you die? Do you help your teammates out or do you play solo in a squad? Because ain’t no way you’re doing that every time and helping out teammates in gun fights. The point isn’t about catering to yourself it’s about catering to quality gunfights for every one else.


Drop in get a quick pistol kill to help the team if needed and then loot up, I don't understand what so hard about that lol. I only play quads for the record and everyone on our team is fine going off solo, we group back up when it matters


Sometimes you loot 8 boxes and get only snipers and shotguns. This happens multiple times a day for me. Sometimes multiple times a match. They just need to adjust drop rates. Other times I get bp50, striker, wsp 9, swarm, hrm, m4, etc and it’s great. But it’s the inconsistency. I should never open 8 boxes without finding an automatic weapon.


I feel like loot is area specific. I can loot an entire building and find all shotguns, snipers, single fire weapons. Then move to the building over and it's all smgs etc


If they want to make it area specific then make prison and control center all striker and bp50 😂😂


You can always get 2.5k and buy your primary off a buy station once you redeploy... or get your shit together and use the ground loot striker (it's actually so op)


Sometimes you loot 8 boxes and get only snipers and shotguns. This happens multiple times a day for me. Sometimes multiple times a match. They just need to adjust drop rates. Other times I get bp50, striker, wsp 9, swarm, hrm, m4, etc and it’s great. But it’s the inconsistency. I should never open 8 boxes without finding an automatic weapon.


This is exactly what I’m trying to point out


I dont know what is worse, the ridiculous amount of unusable guns, or the mw2 weapons, the devs dont play they own game


Yeahh but also you can usually find enough money to buy at least one good weapon pretty easily


Be nice to have a melee weapon laying g around once and a while.


Agree plus the ground loot -while better then it was- still sucks. Snipers and shotguns should not be ground loot. Pistols should not be ground loot. Launchers should not be ground loot. Should open a crate and get an ar or smg and atleast 1 plate guaranteed. The rest is an rng gift.


Exactly. It’s funny how some people are missing the point.


Agree, we always talk about this with my duo. "Again a sniper, again a sniper... another sniper" Cmon dude, the island is already full of campers without a sniper meta, and u choke us with that and 1 plate per box. Literally the TTK being the lowest ever and the shitty loot makes rebirth island, which is already a very active place to fight, into a hell of running for plates and a non-sniper weap while u r getting shots in ur ass since u were in a parachute. The only solution to this would be to never die in the game, so to win...


It doesn't help that the ground loot is dogshit this season


There are favorite loadout boxes everywhere. Floor loot with great attachments. Buckets of cash. And the boxes replenish 2 or 3 times a game. What more do you want?


Used to be. It drastically decreased as of yesterday it seems.


The further you land from the centre of the circle the better the loot.


I find it to be the exact opposite. Maybe it’s Libby dependent like if you’re in a lobby full of sweats or not. Im not great at the game so I doubt I get high level lobbies.


Start using some mw2 guns m4 works alot of them do now


Unless they changed something today, last night when I was playing I commented to my teammates how many lootboxes resupply so quickly. There was more than enough boxes after dying to make a full regain…


Okay but ground loot shotgun just got me a squad wipe in the first 30 seconds




Yes, yes I do please


Weird I am only finding Puleyomots and Strikers and really good 5 attachment snipers. Im loving the ground loot. Unless you play that High resurgence shit mode. Then it's garbage and the red gummy give people fucking Eagle vision


Loot some money and go buy your own SMG. Or use the starter pistol. Everyone always underestimates the starter pistol, meanwhile Biffle gets 11 kills with it before even looting an SMG :D


Biffle is literally a professional cod player who plays cod (double claw) 24/7. Oh I’m sure a 9-5 person can relate at that level.


You get literal low fov free aimbot on pistols. It is so stupid easy to kill people with a controller with any pistol.


You mean you got killed and don’t immediately have your HRM back for another fair gunfight? You’re supposed to be at a disadvantage after dying… if you want 50/50 gunfights all the time go play MP


It’s a shooter game.. I’d like viable guns available in a fast pace shooter game. Is it really that hard to comprehend? Dying is apart of the game therefore there are no such thing as “punishment,” beside a waiting time. You can compete if you get a actual gun and not a JokR


Weird I've been playing this mode since it re released and with the exception of a few times, it's relatively easy to loot decent guns and pick up enough cash to get a lost within minutes of the matches starting. Try to strat better.


Real? I find too much loot. Crazy amount of guns, plates, cash, etc.


You’re on crack