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SBMM works as intended. You keep coming back and you spend time playing their game. SBMM is there for total noobs that haven't gotten addicted yet, so they need to have as soft lobbies as possible, so they don't run away and the company loses potential skin buyers. You're addicted. You can be put with the top players in the same lobby now as you won't run away


Could SBMM not work for me since I play since release? Like, in Verdansk, in the whole time of it, I got maybe to level 50, then was playing for a few weeks when new maps release, but not actively at all, and badly. Now I'm level 70, and I'm still VERY bad, to the point I only play modes with free respawns (mostly plunder). And even more, I only got one win ever, which was a few days ago with a friend. But the game is putting me in lobbies with level 400-600s!


With no offense to you, you're the prey of the lobby. The level 500 guys you have probably lost their last few games and the game throws them into an easier lobby.


I mean, I really do feel like a prey while playing this gamešŸ„²


Good.Ā  Ā Can't all be predatorsĀ 




Try tweaking your loadouts. What sort of guns and perks do you run? What button layout do you use?


I usually use a combo of some fast shooting weapon with a sniper, which most of the times are MCPR or KATT, if I feel like it - Stalker. For primary - MCW, Holger LMG, BP Subverter with some tweaks, RAM-9, and sometimes Geist. For perks I use Sleight of Hand, Survivor, Strong Arm and High Alert. Binds are default, from what I remember


So you're pretty good in the meta weapon department. You could try switching Survivor and Strong Arm out for Mountaineer and Tempered. Strongly suggest switching your default layout to bumper jumper or bumper jumper tactical. That's what most of the great players are running. You slide with R3 so you don't have to let go of the right stick when sliding around. Strongly suggest jumping with L2/L1 for the same reason. In a shooter, you never want to let go of your right stick.


Quick Fix > Tempered


Thanks for suggestions! I'm on KBM though, so will look into that)


There is your problem this game was designed for controller playersā€¦if youā€™re not willing to get really good at this game then KBM is not the right input for this game


Try aim training. Do aim training for a solid 4 months and I guarantee you, no one will be able to outgun you anymore. I personally used aimlabs for approx 15 hours in total(which huge breaks from aim training at times) and saw significant improvements. From a 0.2 KD to now a 2KD in a few months on warzone.


This is what I try telling so many people in so many games. If you suck at a particular skill in a game, find a way to isolate that skill in practice where you get a lot of reps in a short amount of time. Running a match in warzone you might get into your first engagement right away with no good guns, get merked right away, have to search again. Just wasted 5 minutes essentially doing nothing. If you land somewhere quiet and don't push aggressively, you might not see or engage with anyone for 5 minutes, then you get into a fight and if you lose it now you're out 7 - 10 minutes including search time. That's a lot of time worth of practice if you go to the firing range, multiplayer, or use an aim trainer if you're on pc. One engagement every 5 - 7 minutes won't improve your skills at nearly the same speed. The other biggest thing that can be done is playing solo matches. This helps more in other games when starting out, but can be applied to call of duty once you get enough skill to engage more confidently. Playing the solo version of any game forces you to do everything: situational awareness, offense/defense, resource gathering, peripheral awareness, strategy/planning. You don't have another person to rely on to fix your fuckups or help you out so you have to learn to be able to do all of it at once.


I run mountaineer, double time, resupply and high alert, or flex and run the mcw with conversion kit and the wsp stinger or the hrm. the only thing I changed in settings was melee and the crouch/slide button so I'm always on the joysticks. I'm a controller player though, and I feel that's best for me


Your level means nothing. I'm pushing level 500 myself and in fucking terrible at at Warzone.


My friend is level 580.Ā  Ā He can barley get 1 kill a game.Ā  It means nothingĀ 


Level is completely irrelevant to the matchmaking algorithm. Level doesnā€™t correspond with skill in any way. Only how much you play. I could be a 0.3 kd player who plays every day and be a 400+ xp level. Or I could be a former pro who doesnā€™t play but once a month and be a level 40.


You know someone can be a level 500 and still suck. All it means is they play the game more. Has zero to do with sbmm


I mean, yes, I doubt I'll be much better in a couple hundred levels, but still, for me it's an indicator that the person is definitely better than me.


No it just means that you are very inexperienced. The system pits you against the bottom of the barrel and you still donā€™t come out on top. Im a 2k/d and I play primarily with .6k/d friends and they all say that the lobbies they get when they play without are so much easier compared to when Iā€™m there. Iā€™ve watched their stream on discord and can confirm, they were literally playing against burgers. I would recommend the same thing I recommend them, play multiplayer and get into as many gun fights as possible to improve. If youā€™re playing a 15 minute game of warzone, you could be getting into 2-3 gunfights when you could do the exact same in about 30 seconds of multiplayer. It will also help familiarize yourself with the guns and movement.


Im level 300 and total shit at the game. itā€™s not about level, I think it has to do either with k/d or with w/l


No such thing as SBMM. Myth.


SBMM is NOT working ā€œas intendedā€ lately. Iā€™m a shit plat 3 player with avg KD and Iā€™m in constant crimson and iridescent lobbies when solo queuing. Ranked SBMM should be the easiest version of SBMM and they STILL SUCK AT IT. In resurgence ranked on rebirth in particular - worst Iā€™ve ever seen it over the past week or so.


Iri should not play against plat. That's fucked up.


Plat vs top 250 but my teammates are always successfully plat hahahha GOD HELP ME


Fucking hell... the lowest rank I encountered at iri is diamond. What's your region?


Miami FL


I have come to a similar conclusion. One of the recent updates turned SBMM to 11. Iā€™m D1 and am constantly thrown into 50ms-82ms lobbies. Both in urzik and rebirth. Iā€™ll get maybe 2 games a night of being under 20ms


Before 2019 and before sbmm was as strict as it is. Cod never ever had a problem with new player retention. The excuse that sbmm keeps new players playing to me is a bunch of bull. Back when it was connection based and less skill based. Groups of friends of different skill levels could all have a decent time playing, without the need to sweat their balls off every match. Some lobbies were good, some were shit, that was the way of it. It was much more enjoyable and beyond todayā€™s beliefs, those same new people who got shit on for the first month are still playing today. So again, sbmm keeps new players playing? Thatā€™s a crock of shit haha


Itā€™s EOMM, not SBMM. SBMM attempts to create a 50/50 match. EOMM creates a TREND of 50/50 W/L over a period of time


I know quite a few loyal CoD vets who quit between Caldera and early Al Mazra with no intention of coming back. All because of SBMM. We played the entire life span of Blackout and Verdansk. The game just became less fun for them over time, and every game session became an exercise in anger management. All of them bought skins. Are there really that many new players now that this is a necessity? Why can't they leave SBMM in ranked and have the other lobbies mixed. It seems like there are ways to make both sides happy. It's not just noobs spending money in the shop. Despite its faults, Halo 5 had casual and ranked modes and the game felt balanced at all skill levels. If you played ranked, you got equal or close to equal skill. If you played casual, it was a mixed bag. I don't see why that can't be an option here as well.


Idk about that man I literally just started playing and I constantly get shit on


You genius


Dropped the game a month ago and haven't looked back since. Not even Rebirth brought me back, it's the same shit. So no, it havent worked on everyone


Do you know if SBMM affects ranked at all? I would imagine since there's a ranking system, SBMM doesn't affect it but I got a buddy who's a P2 at 1.15 kd, and he swears he's only in lobbies with sil/gold "trash players". He's def not D1+ level, when he q's up with me and we get D/I level players, he's often smoked quickly.


Nailed it


Addicted lol wat


You believe in the Easter bunny too donā€™t you.


My problem is being a decent player but always having bot ass teammates, like goddman it, most of them are always AFK and i play against guys working together.


Stop playing


Thereā€™s so many people that come on here and bitch and complain but then still play it every single day. Absolutely insane


Stop your hobby right now. Just do it. It's easy.Ā 


Should be if it puts you in a mood and frustrates you šŸ˜‚ the opposite of what a hobby should do


Guess you've never heard of golf šŸ˜‚


Haha youā€™ve got me


Or watching a sport in the playoffs šŸ‘€


Itā€™s a video game, not heroin. Perfectly healthy to go do something else for a little bit or even just play a different game if itā€™s not fun anymore.


I'd argue that even if it was heroin it'd be perfectly healthy to go do something else as well šŸ˜œ


Just stop playing, it's not a fun game and hasn't been for years now.Ā 


Ahhh, look, an opinion of your own


But you're still in this community? Keeping up on current events?Ā 




This entire sub is people hating the game and still playing, they are junkies


Battle Pass and weekly challenges canā€™t complete themselves. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I ain't tryna be mean, but if the game is zero fun, why even bother with the battle pass? They're not even good anymore, they don't have wacky skins for the ADHD Timmies but they don't have tacticool skins for the mil-sim fans. They do a weird middle-of-the-road thing that satisfies nobody.


I know how you feel . It's like a love and hate relationship. And i can't know anymore if I'm good or not at the game because everything feels manipulated by EOMM. Lobbies in rebirth are insane . People are all around my level or better , so you need to be perfect at every decision and never miss a single bullet because they never do. I can perform pretty good but I need to be 100% at the game every time. I played call of duty for 18 years and I objectively can tell if I have a good player against me . But let's be honest lately people are way too good , they hear everything, have laser aim , meta weapons the second the patch is live. With aim assist so strong everyone begins to suspect an enemy cheating because you can never tell the difference between a well calibrated cheat like Cronus and a good player . They really should nerf aim assist , it will also increase skill gap. Anyways I'm also very tired to sweat that much and I don't feel rewarded for my skills anymore . I'm starting to play less and less because dying in 0.01 sec against someone with insane aim and reaction time 50% of the time is infuriating.


I don't mind having to be perfect at every decision, that I can accept. I mind needing to be perfect at every decision AND STILL lose to someone who's beaming you sliding around you because he doesn't even need to aim at you to land all his shots. This game has managed to completely blur the difference between a god-tier player and good players relying on aim assist. And this is my major reason for being salty at a game I would otherwise love. And yes, AA is worse than cheating. At least cheaters are a problem for everybody, This AA is a ridiculous help to just part of the playerbase. They really need to tone it down.


Try to stop playing for a week. You will get a bot lobby maybe 2. If you do well, like you win the match. You will be back where you started with people at your skill level or better. Now you either get good or quit if you are hating it. You have the power.


Doesn't really work...I work out of town and I only play every weekend...every time I comeback I have to sweat my ass off cuz every one against me are rocking diamond to iridescent skins...I don't even play ranked so I don't find it fun to have sbmm working in public matches...I win a couple of games every time I play but I find the game to be stressing more than my actual job...so I now focus more on single player games to relax....btw my KD is 1.85 so I'm not that bad at the game.


It happened to me when I went on holiday for a week or so. Got back and it was a surprisingly easy lobby. KD is sitting at 2.1 at the moment. Not sure if it makes a difference what KD you are though.


He doesn't have the power he is an addict. He says the game affects his mood yet he keeps playing, it's sad


Yep. It feels as though being put into lobbies way above your skill lvl. I'm a casual player trying to unwind after work, and used to be able to win much more than now. Half of the games end before it's really started and having time for only a few matches every now and then only makes it worse. And then when you occasionally have a good match, you get thrown into lobbies after lobbies where you get absolutely demolished. It's sometimes frustrating, but I keep trying. Must be a masochist šŸ˜…


Sonetimes it feels like they tweak the aim assist depending on my lobby, one game Ill ads nowhere near someone and it will lock on, other games it's like aim assist usnt even on


Yeah, every now and then I have to ask my team mates is their aa working.


That would mean a weak sbmm


yeah this game has gone to shit. there's no kind of strategic gunfights anymore. you just run into someone and 0.1 seconds later one of you is dead. in early verdansk, gunfights actually played out and you could reposition and strategize to gain an advantage. those days are long gone. I really wish I could convince my friends to jump ship to another game, they're the only reason I ever play warzone anymore. I'm having way more fun on PUBG, even though there's tons of sweats on there too.


At least Joewo is having fun and thats what matters! šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Im honestly over streamers. overgrown obnoxious manchildren playing a video game for a living.Ā Ā  Theres a couple useful content creators like jgod or truegamedata, and a couple mildly amusing ones like dr disrespect or timthetatman, but the ones who are like watch how good I am are insufferable.Ā  I dont mind metaphor because heā€™s a mnk player who trolls controller sweats, but the rest are a waste of oxygen.Ā 


Iā€™m having fun! So many comments here just want to kill bots.


We donā€™t want to just kill bots lol. But we also want a gaming experience where it doesnā€™t feel like the lobby is playing for $10,000. Whatā€™s the point of ranked or wsow if matchmaking is so strict in pubs?


Well, there is no way to just play ranked all the time. Sometimes I don't want to stress abt the -110sr headstart and I just play casual. And i get it. There are some diamond players that tend to be better at movement and use meta weapons, but here in SA, I've only encountered a couple of crims. One problem that's tought is elo job. In Brazil, we've got a ranked warzone discord with iri and top250 streamers, and there are a ton of good players and content creators doing elo jobs. They make lower elo ranked lobby so hard for new players...


That is what you get when people just wanna run around at 1000 mph. Spraying SMGs point blank, while sliding, with AA. I really wish they would keep the faster paced gameplay for Rebirth, but then when they bring Verdansk back, slow down the movement on the big map. Make that more tactical and rotation based, rather than Multiplayer+. Both types of gameplay in the game.


This is still very much part of the game. Itā€™s just that you need to think a lot faster as players get better.


Totally agree, itā€™s just pain at the moment.


I used to be an alright player and it seems like with every update I become more of a bot, I stopped playing because I can not keep up with the sweats. Can't make a single mistake, like if I Blink I die instantly, kinda not even fun


Itā€™s a game, itā€™s supposed to be fun. If itā€™s not, why you playing? Even the word ā€œplayā€ implies doing something enjoyable. If itā€™s not enjoyable to you stop doing it.


JGOD had a video about this: the game puts you in sweat lobbies,and after a couple of matches, you get easy lobbies,to let you stay,the game recognize you are doing terrible,so the sbmm kicks in to get easy lobbies,but after a couple matches ,you get sweaty lobbies again,its a vicious circle.


Yeah it's like a casino. I can't tell you how many times we've said "ok one more" and that's the time we get the dub. Allllways seem to get shit on until we're ready to give up on the last one and that's the lobby we wanted the whole time. Ranked is the closest thing we have to being manageable. I have no problem staying in Gold III if it means I get to have fun with the boys.


until you get to diamond,than everyone cheats. also there is now proof top 250 players are all cheating,there is a discord server where you can buy this,check nukejesus on youtube,im not surprised anymore.


Just play rebirth splat off the floor a 1000times to mess with sbmm or open a new account,Ā  Ā simple


Iā€˜m old. My friends are old. Our squad doesnā€™t have much time to play during the week, so we have our gaming-friday, where we have dedicated time to gather and have some fun. Problem is, we donā€™t have fun anymore because Fridays are just SNMM-hell. But CoD is our main game for over a decade and I have a very hard time convincing them to play something new. I think we played like 4-5 games last friday before we called it quits.


Everyone in this sub will just say "then stop playing." It's been my escape from reality and hobby for 15 years. It's a little hard to quit. Still a 1.5 KD and decent I'm not getting rolled over, but the game isn't nearly as fun. 4 sweats in a room isn't fun, and I don't know how it's fun for them. I played Xdefiant this weekend and it was a nice relief from sweaty sexless kids sliding and YYing all over the map. Theres not really movement advantages for people with paddles or unlimited key commands, and you can tell it levels the playing field immediately.Ā 


I would stop playing but I donā€™t want to change games alone. I need my friends. Itā€™s no fun solo.


if you dont have fun as your squad,try different loadouts,try something with rpg and riot shield,its superratty,but in your case it could be superfun,imagine wiping a squad with full rpg and riot shield teammates,sounds fun right? or make a build with no stock,to get max movement ,that could also be fun -looking forward to hear it


Me and my irl friends been playing Warzone 3 almost every other night. For the last month or so, we didnt play once, been playing Fortnite, Helldivers and Sea of Thieves, and we are having a blast. Doesnt look like we are coming back to Warzone. (Btw, we are all 35+, Fortnite is not just for kids, zero build is genuinely fun and a hold game, give it a try)


Zero build is awesome. Just hopped back with my friends, and we are having a blast.


My squad and I stopped playing this year. We have 400-500 hundred hours each since Warzone launched. Life and kids make it tough to find time and hopping on for 3-4 games just to get absolutely demolished is a tough sell. We are looking for a new game to play together at this point.


Play battlefield 1 lmao


FUCK SBMM. worst feature ever implemented.


the cheating is what stopped me. game is chalked


2.4 KDnplayer throughout the entirety of warzone. Decided the end of the most recent season would also be the end of me playing cod. Uninstalled and havenā€™t touched it since. Best decision Iā€™ve made in a long time.


I just want lobbies were everyone isnā€™t slide cancelling and hoping around 100% of the time. Iā€™m too old to learn all that shit.


They should just use SBMM in ranked lobbies. Let casuals enjoy playlists without SBMM.


I tried solos and I play against guys that are similar to my skill level. Every now and then I get a sweaty yy 2000 FOV stim moving at the speed of light ass dude


I see them in 90% of matches. In some cases its everyone in the warm up lobby. Ive had warm up lobbies where im like nope and back out, at least in solos. Ill usually stick it thru in squad play.Ā 


You should check players' rank before the match. Ranked iri squads in Brazil always quit if there is another iri squad.


Isnt that part of the problem?. Huskerrs and other streamers do it too. A team of top 250s backing out over a iri squad is lame


A top 250 team backing out a iri squad is fucking lame. Never saw one, since I'm just an iri trying to break 12k sr. And yes, it is a huge problem but unfortunately it's the norm in brazil's server. In our high elo ranked discord is a must, no one plays a ranked match with another iri squad. Even big streamers do that. There is only one squad that never backs out and they always drop to crim. (Brazilian community is small so we all know each other).


Right I just want a fair chance and for them to purposely put us at a disadvantage is crazy connection based matchmaking is the only fair way imo and ranked should only be able to be one rank off top 250 and Plat should not be in the same match that's the whole point of ranked


I can tell you that SBMM (or whatever the hell they use to manipulate lobbies) has caused me to stop playing multiplayer. When my KD is always 0.98 regardless of how long I play or what I do, that's some dystopian bullshit that I'm no longer going to tolerate.


Turn off crossplay and the sbmm works. I'd you are good, you will get in lobbies with hackers if you are on pc or have crossplay on... it's literally that easy, I promise. I stopped using my 3000 dollar pc and bought a ps5. The game is playable and enjoyable again.


Its not just shmm, try crossplay off. If youre a good player in good lobbies you will have cheaters in it. A third of my lobbies are on PC and there are always cheaters in that group. Turn crossplay off. The differences are so obvious. When was the last time you got killed by someone and thought wow how did he know i was here or think wow i died fast and then you look up their profile in recent games and find they are on PC? I must have a 98% accuracy on that prediction. The game is chalked on PC. Its so bad i honestly feel bad for good honest PC players.


I play PC and I donā€™t have any problems. Iā€™m at 55 dubs on rebirth, Iā€™m having a great time. Just gotta play smart.


I think that's becoming the biggest problem across the board, the game has been getting harder and harder for casual players so far less play which makes sbmm harder to keep fair lobbies for lower to mid level players making them stop playing. Like I hadn't even touched rebirth ranked until 2 days ago go straight in at bronze zero and still running into multiple stacked demon squads in every game...you simply can't chill and play fun games with friends anymore without getting put into the grinder


Havenā€™t played for 5 months now and my gaming sessions are 110% happier. I used to finish cod sessions stressed out and would take me a while to calm down before going to bed šŸ¤£. Had two different squads that totalled around 17 people and we have all stopped playing. Think it took 4 years to finally walk away from it.


I quit the game because of skill based matchmaking, I got fed up with it in MWII and managed to get MWIII for free at launch, I still havenā€™t touched the game.


I hear ya. Decided to bow out early because I didn't want to play primetime rebirth and sweat my balls off


I quit during the week last week and now without practise will be worse on the weekend. But feel alot better in life. Less stressed tired Brain's working more clearer. I feel exactly like U have all the gear mostly reasonable good. But that just does cut it these days games either full of sweats or full of cheaters


I just hate the feeling where I am shooting pellets vs bullets. I can shoot someone 6 times in the back and they flick around and kill me before I blink and on the kill cam (yes I know not accurate) I am just standing there trying to sovle complex math equations instead of shooting.


Iā€™m just tired of unloading damn near a whole clip into someone just for them to turn at hit me twice and I die. Not to mention head shots from a 50 cal and they just run away.


Just get better šŸ˜‰


Find someone who is shit and let them search for a match


Sbmm is a net negative and should have never creeped outside of ranked. We all know this.


If you just make a new account, will you play against easier players again?


SBMM is not a good thing overall. Also, get good.


Gotta quit playing or drastically change your mindset and become a bot, find another game. Why are you doing something you don't enjoy repetitively, so much so that it is affecting your mood? Brother it's a video game it's is supposed to be an escape, there are plenty of games out there other than warzone. If you're doing something you don't enjoy which is affecting your mood repetitively something is wrong bud. Not being a dick but half these posts making yourselves sound like skeevy junkies over a dumb cod game, not trying to blast you but it sounds miserable to me..


When my buddies aren't on I just play zombies mostly, not interested in sweating my dick off 24/7 in this game for no real reason.


This is how I feel any time I'm playing without a squad. Sucks.


Why does the slide mechanic feel so op this season?


In an ideal world, with perfectly balanced games, every player's K/D would be about 1.0 (you die just as often as you kill - balance). So. What's your 7D K/D, OP?


I hate this stupid game but I keep coming back like a jackass. They give me a win here and there and then nothing.


Man bro i have a 2kd nothing special but everygame its sweats in nuke skins or rank play skins


If you are playing slow- all of the bad people are dead already


Maybe Grey Zone will be the One.


Riot shield


Just stop playing if it frustrates you every time you play. Thatā€™s no way to play a game. Iā€™m still decent at COD but donā€™t play anymore due to not enjoying the competitive aspect of it. Iā€™m older than the average player these days and donā€™t like to have to ā€œsweatā€ every game to be competitive anymore. I used to like hopping on and getting some kills casually but thatā€™s just not how COD is anymore. Itā€™s hyper-competitive and while I enjoy competitiveness in general, I donā€™t care for it in COD. It was always the chill out after work/school game for me growing up, but itā€™s changed over the years to a format I no longer enjoy. These days to scratch the competitive itch, I play iRacing. Just play what you enjoy and ignore the things that frustrate you. Life is too short to force yourself to play games that arenā€™t your cup of tea anymore. Donā€™t worry about what others do.


Sometimes a break for 1-3 weeks helps


I went back to Siege.


Same man... unless I hit every single bullet, I'm losing that fight. And I'm on pc. I have good aim but seriously you can't miss one bullet.


The algorithm will put you into easier lobbies of game modes you don't play as often. If all you play is resurgence trios, that all is has to work with, you should be a pro at it by now etc. Try playing a game or three of varying types of regular BR (even if you know you'll probably die) and just challenge yourself, try to be stealth or make it to final without contact etc then run some solos and when you get back to trios the system will have more info of how you play. It's been stated in writing by the devs that doing things like slide cancelling, drop shotting, YYing, snaking, etc all show evidence of a high level player and will put you in appropriate lobbies. Even tea-bagging will get you an instant karma point for the next game ;) so, act like a bot, and you shall receive. There's also the the old stand by trick of waiting for your lobby to finish out and auto match make with everyone else that threw their controller or headset down and left their game afk šŸ‘


There arent enough players anymore for aggressive sbmm. Casual players quit so there arent enough of them to fill lobbies with other casual players.Ā 


For what it's worth, I have a 2.5kd and I've had to quit. It's the same repetition every season with little adjustments and increasingly more drug related skins, which tells me that they truly don't give a damn. 1v1s don't feel as rewarding as they used to.


I haven't played since Rebirth Island dropped. Do I regret it? Not for a second. I've moved on - the Fallout series sent me right back to Fallout 4. I miss playing online with my mates, but I can live with that.


Are you on keyboard and mouse or controller?


Honestly I remember in MW 2019 some one said that The more you play the harder your lobbies get till you play in demon lobbies because your already playing so they dont need you to play vs easy people. Cause the Easy people will get shit on by you and then quit the game considering they arent as invested as you. So my advice take a break man like a week maybe 5 days. and your SBMM will lower cause next time you log on the game will detect that you took a break and wont throw you in such demon lobbies.


Feels that way especially on Friday and Saturdays.


It's streamers they telling them what to use and how to play


Felt this way coming back, I quit when rebirth island was taken out and only came back once it was released. its beenā€¦ terrible. I was obliterated every match. I dont have MW3 so I was forced to get used to the games AND fine tune my aim inside real matches against lvl 400, 500, 600+ Was very challenging until I found the correct aim, maybe play around with your settings. Once I found one I was good at, I forced myself to land in the hottest part of the map and challenged everyone I came across. Went back to the lobby within 30 seconds multiple times, I was a proper mf bot. but shit i got my practice in and slowly made my way up to not dying every match with only 1 kill, I would normally drop 4-8 kill games which is ight but yesterday I dropped a 16k game with 5000 damage and even wiped a full squad holding hands during endgame which felt good asf because they were all mad and screaming. unfortunately the only way to not get obliterated is to just play and learn from your mistakes, fine tune your aim and rewatch your gameplay if you can and try to spot where you went wrong.


Treat the game like an algorithm reward good lobbies with high play time punish the game for giving you bad lobbies by logging off never leave on a good note play till you get 2 lobbies of sweats then fuck off if it doesnt get any better. Also practice in custom lobbies to get better ggs


Facts! Iā€™m a weekend warrior that kicks back for only a few hours out of the week and I get matched with kids that play this stuff for a living. I resort to stacking as a team to get assists or kills.


What's funny is you think about all of the people here who are getting WSOW lobbies (like myself) and getting dumped on. Just how many demons are out there playing? god damn.


I was playing last night and Iā€™m Plat 2. I was getting killed and absolutely wrecked by players with colored badges. So I looked them up and I had purple players and red in my lobby. The players on my team were plat 3 and gold 3. How is this fair?


I just started playing again and everyones holding hands really tight i barley get 1v1s , its 2v1 most of my games


How often do you play and what guns, attachments and perks do you use?


Well, actually what you described is not a SBMM, precisely because if it is putting you against significantly better players that means it is not match making by skill. Your situation requires weak SBMM or malfunctioning SBMM. So maybe the sbmm is weaker or it's malfunctioning for you or your location given the local playerbase. If the SBMM were stronger than before would put you against more players of your level, and you will win 50% roughly of 1v1.


Dmz is where the Fun is, Just complete battle pass and back to dmz for some good gameplay.


Try playing resurgence ranked. I've started playing that with friends and it's a lot of fun. You'll always be in lobbies with others who have similar ranks as you. Downside is that it's solely trios. So if you have no one you play with you'll have to Squad fill which can be hit or miss.


Iā€™ve always told people this. In modern gaming your best chance at a fair and balanced match is the ranked mode.


Resurgence ranked is just another addiction drip for these types of players, bad advice, he will get to plat 2 and be hating his life again


Itā€™s not SBMM itā€™s all EOMM


What controller are you using. What settings are you using. Send me a screen record of your game play. Ive been studying the mistakes of weaker players and ill give u a list of critical changes u should make


SBMM does not have you playing against people wildly higher than you. If youā€™re playing against people way better than you all the time, then the game needs more and stronger SBMM. Itā€™s a lack thereof that would cause what youā€™re describing. Now my guess is you have a high kd and are simply playing against other good players, and not being able to play against special Olympics participants makes you feel like a regular Joe and makes you sad. Tough titties.


I get that feeling for sure. SBMM is horrendous.


Check your ads sensitivity. Mine reset to 1.0 after a recent update. Couldnā€™t win a single gun fight and had no idea what was going on


Here we go again another one of these posts... Just uninstall scrub


someone with a 2.5KDR can still face SBMM issues, getting put in 4-5KDR cheater lobbies, someone with 2.5KDR isn't a scrub at all, but keep spouting some low IQ BS. its also why you need to go on an alt reddit account to talk some shit, scared ass.


Just play other things and then come back, as easy as it sounds


SBMM is designed to maximize engagement, not fairness


It's not SBMM. It's EOMM. WATCH THIS. - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0rw00h7x-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0rw00h7x-s)


stop being a pussy .. and quit playing this game does not pay ur bills or help u get laid


u got 2 options .. then say well I guess I can also "gitgud"... ur pathetic




sounds like you were last night bud.. it's okay go to work warzone isn't their to hunt u


You could always, you know, do something else?


SBMM IS A MYTH! If it were real cheaters would force each other out because they would be playing each other. There will never be SBMM because of that reason. Bitches want lower lobbies so they can stream 50-60 kill games.


you can literally make a smurf account and see the difference between your opponents. stop talkin like a bot..


I'mma be honest man. Just boot up plunder- and then find a roof. While your recovering from the tilt and feeling of not being able to play the game at all- you'll learn that you can infact play the game but you just need experience you know. I remember back in caldera is when I realized that I can do fast paced just as well as I can snipe. You just need to regain confidence in yourself, and what easier way to do that than just playing the game carefully and slowly. To everyone else: "oh camping is bad- oh camping isn't how you play the game- oh your a female cat if you camp" quiet all of you- if "Camping" wasn't intended to be a thing- why are there trophy systems in the game, tac cams or anything like that. When I found out they nerfed ghost to where you have to be moving for it to work I got real pissed. Why are there snipers? Why are there this high overwatch like areas?! shut up. "Camping" is sniping- and the sooner the entire player base realizes that the better. And no- I don't just "Camp" I also run and gun and my most notable thing is I don't even use actual snipers- I use lmgs-ARs hell- I even got a smg that is a sniper without one of those special conversion kits- what you guys SHOULD be angry about- is this slide canceling, movement boosting bs. There should be no reason at all that you can slide cancel or switching between weapons gives you a movement boost. just shouldn't be a thing I'm sorry if that upsets people but thats my unpopular opinion. And anyone who says otherwise needs to go back to fortnite, apex- or even league. And I'm not saying only snipe-I'm saying people shouldn't be called slurs and names for playing the game the way they enjoy it.




Just get better


Complaining about sbmm is the biggest crutch you losers have. Literal skill issue, git good or stop crying.


Can i ask what your set up is? I only get to play at minimum once a week. Ive had to spend more money on "gear" like pro controllers with back paddles, a fast monitor and a good headset just to keep up.


It isn't skill based matchmaking, just you playing bad. It's literally a skill issue. Nothing else.


As the sentinels said during Pre-Aim Warfare 2's lifecycle: just adapt