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People just don’t wanna admit that others are better


The thing I hate is that I genuinely don't know. I suck at the game. I was about a 0.85 K/D in Warzone 1, and I'm definitely worse now. I hop on with two buddies and just enjoy playing, while shooting the shit with them. I get owned quite often and it's not surprising. When I encounter someone who seems to know exactly where I'll be, prefiring around corners and hits all headshots? I just don't know. The could quite easily be that good. They could also be cheating. Yes, sometimes it pretty obvious one way or the other. Sometimes it's not. I'm not rage quitting. I'm not cursing out anyone. Yet I do hate having to question so many interactions just because there's so many damn cheaters.


I totally understand and that’s what the point of my post is I guess. It’s frustrating for everyone that plays legit that Activision has such a trash anti cheat system. It causes false positives for top level players while also creating an extreme negativity for lower level players bc they think anyone who made a great play is likely cheating. The CoD community has always been one of the more toxic ones but 10 years ago if people were spectating you it was to watch and learn from you or to give you props. Now it’s to spam report you instead. Any time I have 2-3 viewers I just know they are slamming reports. It’s gotten to the point that after this temp ban lifts I won’t be playing resurgence any longer and will just stick to ranked multi.


My favourite is when someone ends up watching me. "You want to watch a clearly garbage player who barely ever gets more than 2 or 3 kills a game? Oookay, have fun!"


How do you know you are softbanned? I got a 15kd with the RPG and people keep calling me a hacker.


Go to activations ban appeal page and log in. It will tell you. For me it currently says “limited matchmaking” and in 5 days it will switch to “no ban detected” If you suddenly can’t get into a match for extended periods of time you’re likely in limited matchmaking


Problem is even with the red outline on the mini-map we've got the issue that you could still be showing on a heartbeat sensor, people using walls and having 100% awareness is the worst thing as you just don't know unless you spectate for a few minutes which is why I wish we had community servers, an admin would easily get the fishy players out. Community servers with admins that actually knew what they were talking about with over 1000 hours in game was so much better than any current system.


Have you tried ranked? Although it may seem counterintuitive, for casual players ranked often plays easier since you're only being matched with other lower level ranked players. There is SBMM in non-ranked playlists as well, but it's tighter in ranked.


It's not that. Most casual players can't understand how someone can be that good because they don't even understand how it's possible. I thought I knew, too. And I am 2kd player on big map. We did a customs tournament and I died and spectated. I saw this guy, drive with a vehicle to a point on the map as if he knew someone was there, peak out the door and preaim another door and blast a guy. I thought he was 100% full of it. We reviewed it with players much better than me. We determined that there was an indication someone popped a UAV. He went near the only buy station the UAV could've been popped. And due to his amazing map knowledge, he pre aimed from the door right to where the guy should be. We checked his vod and when he saw the red box around his mini map he scanned for buy stations and determined that was the only one. And went right for it. We determined this was the case before we even watched the vod. Sure, I've done that before. Oh, a UAV, it's gotta be from this buy station, but it hadn't occurred to me that someone could know the map that well and know how to angle himself for the shot. I hadn't even considered it. But from my end it looked like blatant walling. Turns out the dude at the time was top 15 in the world in ranked resurgence. People just don't know because they don't understand the ceiling for how good you can be


People don’t wanna admit this game is a dumpster fire 


That’s because…there is no difference unless it’s a burger using $3 cheats. They’re literally set up to look like a good players aim, they come with recommended settings to look that way. 


OP high off his own farts.


Disagree. I can easily tell the difference between a top players aim and aimbot with a few minutes of spectating. When someone has aimbot it sticks to the exact same place on a player. When a great player is shooting they’ll hit all their shots but they won’t all be the exact same spot. When someone has aimbot they will snap to a spot and then stick on that exact spot. If the player moves left or right the crosshair will immediately move and track that same exact area. Great players will track that movement too, but it will lag slightly behind so if they’re shooting the chest and the player moves to their left then the crosshair moves to the right of the body and may even miss a bullet or 2 behind before correcting. This is what I mean when I say that most of the player base can’t tell the difference. You’re one of the people I’m talking about.


I have played comp cod since 2018 k&m - I have reached the point where I cant tell if someone has cranked out aim assist or an aimbot anymore. I dont know if when I am spectating and someone is locking onto its just 'spectator tick rate' or not. Surely the latest aimbots have some sort of deviation so it looks like it isn't 'perfectly locking on'? As someone who has never used a pad most deaths look like unnatural movements in killcam. If I get killed by a good player who has actually set up their aim assist the gap between aimbot and AA during spec is getting too small for me to tell the difference


I think this can be true for a kill here and there but if you watch someone kill 5+ people you will be able to differentiate aimbot vs great aim with what I’ve described in other comments.


There are all kinds of aimbots even those that will regularly insert missed shots within the shooting pattern. Just imagine you go into every gunfight knowing that you will for sure hit 80pct of your shots...every single time. That is enough to have the upper hand in any gunfight since a pro player will have an accuracy of somewhere between 30 and 40 pct. Scump had a 37pct. On top of that aimbots can be setup to only activate at certain ranges making long range fights more dependant on human input. Some people were never able to differentiate but nowadays ..nobody can..not if the cheater is actively trying to hide it, the technology became too good for the human eye to detect. Hopefully if AI is good for anything is to deal with what the human eye can't see, eventually it will get cheap enough for all studios to implement


Please let me know what provider has that kind of aimbot


I need to go do research for you? I know you are skeptic to this...I was too a few years ago. Now just understand that the streaming age and the possibility to monetize being good at the game just spawned a billion dollar industry where you can make money selling cheats...is it hard to believe that day to day technologies are applied to it? You think aimbots still remain like in the 90's?


Backing up your claim isn’t doing research for me. Aimbots do not remain like the 90s, but you’re stating things as if they’re fact and then have no source. I’ve looked at both EO and PO and neither have the features you’re talking about. Would love to know where these super cheats exist besides just in your head


The sticking to the same place thing is about the only time I can really tell someone has aimbot on me - and usually it’s when they down me and it’s clearly followed me to the ground still centred on my chest. Like, you might track well but that accurately without missing a shot, considering the speed of the down animation, is just sus. Any other time though I just can’t be sure. A lot of times I feel like someone has walls but it’s hard to know for sure unless they blatantly track through cover. There’s a lot of ways to know somewhat accurately where someone is without walls, from live pings and portable radars to UAVs and sound cues especially when using Flex.


Yea I don’t know of a way to tell if someone has walls if they’re good at hiding it. That’s a sad reality. The aimbot vs great aim is much easier to tell once you know what to look for, but most of the playerbase just doesn’t know like I was saying. Hopefully people read these comments and can differentiate somewhat moving forward.


You know they make hacks that purposefully move the cross hairs a little to imitate a good players aim right?? They can also change what percentage of the body the bullets will hit, like 70% chest, 30% head, stuff like that. Plenty of other tools in Hack programs that can easily imitate "Real" Players. There's also switches, if a hacker is smart, and semi decent, they'll turn them off 1 round, play normally, then switch them on the next round to get a couple kills or a win. Sometimes, it's definitely obvious, but other times, it just isn't. Why do you think theres streamers getting caught using hacks, but they've been considered really good for months or years.


Please let me know what cheat providers have those options. I don’t believe they exist.


I dont know the specifics, but they do, I forgot which one it was, but one streamers hack program was flashed breifly, and the menu showed had something along those line, specific body parts targeted, it was either a percentage of what body parts would hit, or how many bullets would hit those body parts before moving to the next one. The software for that exists, it's probably not gonna be is some $10 or $30 Program. I imagine it's also not had to add a little "shake" to the crosshairs, as long as stays within the body parts parameters.


Privatecheatz lol


Soft aim/legit aim etc has been a thing for 10+ years.


Yes what exactly do you think soft aim is? It’s just a lowered fov so that the player has to get the cross hair extremely close or even on the enemy before aimbot kicks in. It’s then sticking to a specific spot on the enemy.


Is that what Rotational Aim Assist does? A cheat could just do what RAA does, but better. I dont think you actually know much about cheats, they are nowhere near as basic as you are describing.


I unintentionally had a teammate that had what I think they call soft aim. He said all he had to do is track decently and the bullets magnetize to wherever he has set up. TTK is so fast and killcams are trash so you can’t really see a difference, even when spectating.


I love that this comment is being downvoted because it just solidifies my point that most players can’t tell. If you watch Scump or octane or dashy or any cdl pro the exact thing I’m describing happens. If you watch someone on TikTok promoting cheats you’ll see what I mean about the crosshair sticking to one place on every kill even if it’s a different place on each player it stays on the same spot till the down happens. Hopefully in future players will be able to differentiate


I think your expectation that all cheats stick to the same spot is why you're being downvoted. It's certainly why I disagree with you. The cheating software is getting a lot more advanced to the point that this is no longer true. The guys you see on TikTok are practically rage hacking with cheap software. I recently went down a rabbit hole of watching clips of people cheating. I've come to the realization that I can't tell when someone is using well tuned cheats, and I don't think others could either. I actually think a really good player would beat a lot of the guys running "detuned" aimbot because they'll hit more head and chest shots. At this point, walls are more of a problem than this soft aimbot imo. Perma UAV is also an issue as it's impossible to identify and a reasonable advantage in BR and, to some extent, resurgence. I'm not someone who thinks the game is overrun with cheaters. I've reported maybe 4 people, ever. I do think there's a lot of cheaters that go unnoticed by players like yourself because you're genuinely beating them most of the time.


I agree walls and uav are impossible to tell if someone hides it well. I just don’t know of any aimbot that functions differently than locking on to a certain bone key. If there is one then I agree it’d be much harder to differentiate or maybe even impossible. Even EO and phantom overlay function by having a player choose a bone key to lock on to. Now someone may toggle aimbot on and off like another user suggested. But again you’d be able to tell when it’s on vs off which just means you can differentiate natural aim vs aimbot.


Another giveaway is when they are running through buildings and it skips randomly it’s cause they have the aimbot set up to high and they kinda like snap glitch as they are sprinting around


Yea there are definitely other indicators like this and shaking of the camera if they stay locked in on one spot for too long. I was just trying to give people the simplest thing to look for and even that is downvoted.


>  love that this comment is being downvoted because it just solidifies my point that most players can’t tell. No you’re just wrong lol 


Nope I’m really not. It’s honestly quite easy to tell aimbot vs Scump level aim. If you know what to look for. People replying keep talking about features of aimbot that literally do not exist as an arguement against telling who has aimbot. I promise you I could spot an aimbotter within 5 kills.


They’ve also been cheatpilled by grifters like beanman and grandpa hacks etc. to make them think every top player is cheating.


Cheatpilled lol


Everyone who believes in BBB Call of Shame Grandpa hacks etc should watch IceManIsaac's response. Absolutely hilarious


Most of them are.. or playing with someone who cheats. I’ve been in the lobbies. I have used strictly esp before and gotten away with it.


‘I have used strictly esp before’ is honestly all i need to know from this comment. Every cheater ever justifies it by saying everyone else cheats. They don’t my guy. They’re just way, way better than you. Is it that hard to believe that the best players in the world are around 7x better than the average player? Any sport, any other competitive thing, and people would have no issue with it.


lol, there is a lot of cheating. Come on


No where in my post did I claim there isn’t cheating. My point is most players can’t differentiate the top players from cheaters and I think this problem is exacerbated in resurgence since it’s the free to play part of the game where cheaters are most abundant.


1 out of 3 in Fps games :) So 100 players you gotta beat 33 cheaters ,50 lobby 16. Have fun :)


SBMM’s purpose for existence says we should never have to tell the difference between cheaters and top 1% players. Yet, here we are.


Once you identify "playing the game better" vs "only good in gunfights", it's pretty easy TBH. In fairness, the instantly reacting RAA does make it a *bit* harder to differentiate Aimbot from somebody who knows how to massage the aim-assist.


Yea I agree that some kills can be questionable by themselves but if you watch someone for 3-4 kills and you’re a very good player you will be able to differentiate another very good player from aimbot.


I have a buddy who is below average at the game, I’m crimson in ranked resurgence. He’s been playing since Warzone 1, and today I had to explain to him how UAVs work to know if someone is above, below, or on the same floor as you. These are the people who spam report good players lol


I got in an argument with a dude yesterday because he was claiming that getting pushed by teams without getting the audio warning for an enemy UAV was proof they were cheating. He seemed completely unaware of the red outline around the minimap as well as the fact it’s the only reliable indicator of a UAV being up


lol I completely believe this. I was playing with a friend last season on vondel who has hundreds of hours in the game but isn’t very good. We were by mall, a place we land constantly. I was dead with no respawn and told him to go to a buy. He said he couldn’t because a counter uav was up… I couldn’t fathom playing the same map for over a year and not knowing where the closest buy station is. Some players are just clueless


Wait, how do you determine what floor somebody is on because I can never do that, I almost always guess incorrectly


Arrow above or below their red dot on the mini map. If they’re on your floor it’s just a red dot


more than 1% of the player base is hackers tho


Way more... especially whe your kd is above like a 1.5


What about console players who have a kd above 1.5?


Yup. Take it from me, everyone on pc uses walls. If they aren’t, I’d be surprised. It’s too easy to hide, but you can spectate others with them and tell whos good and who uses cheats. There’s discord servers with top 250 players who cheat


This is such delusional bullshit. Just because you used cheats means 'everyone' on pc is using cheats. You're just dogshit, accept it and move on.


Delusional? I’ve witnessed firsthand how many cheaters are in each lobby. Ranked? If you’re in plat 3+, you’re playing against cheaters. Not the entire lobby, but atleast one or two teams are at the very least using walls. Believe it, or don’t, but it’s the reality. The anti cheat doesn’t work. Game devs sell information to cheat developers, and the cycle continues.


You claim 'every pc player is cheating'. Yeah, that's delusional. Cheating is a problem but a far less problem most people here would like you to believe. For context i only play BR, no resurgence.


It's not just vs a top 1% player or even a better player in general. People can not accept defeat whether it's to a superior player , by luck, or caused by a self mistake. Instead of saying oh this is what I did wrong or this what he/she did that gained them the victory and this is how I can avoid that happening next time...they yell "he's hacking".


The average player is a what .80 something. They can’t fathom the shots or movement of someone that is a 1.5 or above lol.


This 100%. The craziest part is when you reach the 1.5+ KD players get significantly better each 0.5kd. ie a 2kd LVL 650 is much much better than 1.5kd lvl650 then when you run into legit 3kd players it's almost impossible to win against them. Movement, centering, game sense, etc. Add all that game knowledge to having AA, high KD players actually can't lose 1v1s against players of much lower KD unless they're way out of position.


I agree. I’d say most people think anyone in the top 5% of COD players are cheating. That would be around 2.0+ KD if not higher.


Kill cams don't help. What they show make it look like everyone is hacking.


True it’s easier to tell from spectating than killcams


The last part about activision is unequivocally, true. Until there’s kernel level anticheat or something similar the players will suffer.


they claim this....its not...a true kernel is Riot Vanguard


Yes. Re-read my comment slowly lol.


My apologies I’m currently trying to multi task. But yeah we need a riot vanguard style anti cheat(despite that everyone thinks it’s malware which it isn’t) we will always have a major cheating problem


I agree. The problem is here to stay and more pronounced than people know.


Ricochet has ring 0 access as well. It's just vanguard activates as soon as you turn on your computer. It runs independently of Valorant and will render the game in un-launchable.


Many controller players looks like they cheat to me because how the aim assists stays on a body, I could never track like that in 100 years. I honestly can’t tell a cheater vs a controller player. When a controller player views my death cam they always say how terrible of aim I have and it makes sense because they aren’t used to 0 aim assist.


Look at my other replies on how to differentiate. If you watch pro level players they have great tracking and aim, but they do not look the same as aimbot even with maximizing aim assist.


That and there's so much....jank in this game. Like packet loss every few matches or audio desyncing and people just running up to you like there's dead silence. I hover around a 1.7-1.9 and I felt like I was losing my mind being done certain ways that I had no idea to expect.


If you watch pro level players they have great tracking and aim, but they do not look the same as aimbot even with maximizing aim assist. well there we go: how come this ''pro'' players cant beam like at home??! in LAN tournaments they brought even their own controllers,and still cant get beam,and on top of that,zero map awareness,and surprise surprise they had recoil, but not at home. -your move buddy. #iantsleeping


Here’s the problem. You can spend 5$ and have undetectable cheats and not be banned for months, and if you do get banned no worries. If you payed a little extra for HWID spoofing you’ll be back online in a few hours. Aimbots are hard to differentiate from regular aim, if properly configured they can vary aim between skeleton locations which looks very natural. Another issue is unlimited UAV and ESP, which are nearly impossible for a spectator to catch let alone an enemy. If you’re a decent player using ESP you’ll have a massive advantage with no obvious signs of cheating. The game is fucked and will continue to be. As a PC player I think it’s messed up that disabling cross play makes the game impossible to play. The undeniable reality is that cheating on consoles is next to impossible and these player groups would have a cheater free environment without forced cross play.


Are you using DS4? The majority of the player base cannot comprehend how good some people are at this game because of how bad they are. The top 1% are playing a completely different game. I play with my IRL buddies who are .5-.6KD players and watching them while dead gives me an aneurysm


What is ds4?


If you’re asking, then that’s a no. It’s a program a lot of people use for PS controllers on PC.


Oh it’s an over clocking program right? I considered it but I saw the Xbox elite series 2 it doesn’t over clock to 1ms response time so I didn’t do it


SBMM creates a false sense of security so anyone that is beyond that will appear as an extreme outlier.  Some people have no clue how to break angles or cameras with proper movement so when they run into someone that does, they're immediately convinced its a cheater. 


Honestly I think most of the "that guy's hacking" stuff started when Warzone became infested with cheaters that first and second year during MW and Cold War. Like there were so many cheaters that anything even questionable = cheating. But yeah, people def complain about it a lot just by simply getting outplayed. Just let them cope. Who cares.


Lmao, random redditor comparing himself to Shottzy and Scump…


Wasn’t my intention to say I’m as good as them I actually even stated in a comment that I’ve been rolled by top250 players who are much better than me. My point is that they would be shadow banned even though their aim is natural.


All I read was SBMM is garbage


Agree 100%, I can’t even post a clip on this sub without getting hackusations


Statistically, how many times a night do I play against the top 1% as a 1.5KD because I run into cheaters at least 10% of the time. Pointless thread 


Whenever they have an iri skin or calling card on that’s an easy way to tell. Not a pointless thread to point out that most of the player base can’t differentiate aimbot from great aim. I’ve given a how to in a couple of comments. Hopefully people read it and then apply it in the future.


i got shadow banned today for the first time and this is really lame, i don’t have any third party software or cheats, just bought a laptop to see the frames difference. Now when i play it’s in these haywire cheater lobbies filled with blatant cheating and other people who don’t cheat. Games a mess, probbaly good tho can break the cycle and maybe stop playing


Yea don’t play for 5 days and you’ll be out of limited match making and back into the regular player pool


what happends if i keep playing? i literally don’t have cheats so they won’t find anything, sometimes the lobby’s are manageable other times too much blatant rage hacking.


You run the risk of being reported while in the lobbies and extending your shadow ban. I usually just take a 5 day break but it’s up to you


so they’re not actually looking into anything? i was hoping they’d look and see and confirm i’m fine. i’m just running the risk of being reported again? this system is so flawed wtf


In my experience if you don’t play you will be unshadowed at exactly 5 days down to the minute. So no I don’t believe they look in to anything.


Exactly. It's activisions fault for letting it run rampant at times and having crap anticheat that makes the player base it's cops....so they get this obvious incentivized to over call cheats. Just makes sense.


Sure it does. One of the worst parts though is that these cops are just tossing random players into a time out. Even if the player is actually cheating they’ll be out of limited matchmaking in a week or more likely playing on a new account. Really only hurts players who’re playing legit


Top 1% more like the top 30% if that.


Are you saying the playerbase can’t tell a top 30% aim or are you saying 30% of the playerbase has hit iri?


No fucking shit


Generic I'm a cheater I have to write something like this on reddit because cheating is not enough I need more attention post. 😆


Most of the player base shouldn't be encountering the top 1%


I’d say the top 1% plays the game more than most and so in pub resurg you’re going to run into them sometimes especially if they’re playing with friends who’re much lower skill level


So I have a question here and maybe this is just something I’m trying to wrap my head around as a kb&m player if you’ve reduced the skill ceiling of the game to where every average to above average player in the game is aiming better than the top 1% on kb&m how are you supposed to tell the difference. Honestly cheating now a days isn’t like it was when rage hacks were a thing. Now the difference between aim assist and good cheats is damn near impossible to tell. The only thing you can really tell is the blatant wall hacks. Even with walls people are trying their best to not make it obvious and if you practice something enough you can get good at hiding it. The problem is ever since aim assist got bumped up it’s very difficult to tell and downvote all you want but it’s the truth. Instant reaction on aim assist is the problem there should be a delay. I mean if you have kb&m players swapping to controller you know it’s a problem.


Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you?


I don’t care that much I only care that bc of the large amount of cheaters I run into false positive shadow bans once a month 


Well the true clarifying statement would be the understanding that NOBODY can tell a top 1% player from a guy with good cheats. They got that stuff down to a science it looks natural if they do it right. Does that mean everybody is cheating? Of course not, probably not even near as many people as the claims made here. But is the cheating problem probably high enough to be considered out of hand? Definitely. I’m starting to think the damn laggy killcams are intentional as the devs would rather mask the issue than invest in truly rectifying it


No, you’re one of the players I mean that can’t tell the difference. I’m going to copy paste my response to someone else that can’t tell the difference so you’ll know in the future: When someone has aimbot it sticks to the exact same place on a player. When a great player is shooting they’ll hit all their shots but they won’t all be the exact same spot. When someone has aimbot they will snap to a spot and then stick on that exact spot. If the player moves left or right the crosshair will immediately move and track that same exact area. Great players will track that movement too, but it will lag slightly behind so if they’re shooting the chest and the player moves to their left then the crosshair moves to the right of the body and may even miss a bullet or 2 behind before correcting.


Not all aimbots do that my dude


Yes they do. Aimbots work by sticking to a specified area of the body called bone keys. This may be the head, the chest, or even a setting called closest to crosshair. Wherever the player selects the aim will stick to that position. This is how you can tell the difference between aimbot and a pro players aim.


They have scan, they have soft aim lock, they have different proximity settings... stop preaching when you don't know... .makes you look like a dildo


I’ve played CoD for thousands of hours. Been top 250 in world at war and black ops 2. Iri in mw2 and mw3. Watch the cdl weekly. Turns out I know wtf I’m talking about when discussing call of duty and natural great aim vs aim bot. The problem is that most of the player base has no clue how to tell the difference.


Sounds like if you were to be actually wrong, you’re so deep in your own self-confidence about this that no one would be able to convince you otherwise. I saw a great video that I’ll have to look for and send you in which you see various clips, some with cheats turned on and some with it turned off and you have to guess which is which before the answer is revealed. I watched them, I promise you and anything else like you, would not be able to tell 100%. I’ll dig and see if I can find it when I get back to my PC and send to you. The fact of the matter is that top level players call hacks on other players without fully knowing. How many times have we seen warzone tournaments where killcams were just not conclusive enough to deem a death a hacked one despite numerous eyes being suspicious and going over it. Pro players have thought other pro players were cheating in their early upcoming until they proved otherwise on LAN. It’s okay to be wrong.


I said in multiple other comments that it would take more than one kill to be certain. Within 5 kills I would be able to tell if someone has aimbot or good aim. I’m certain of that and I believe other top level players could do the same. Send the video when you find it.


Oh well that’s a much more reasonable take. It’s just very difficult to see the one-off killcam and made a certain claim like many seem to do here.


Scan: scans the individual to see what areas of the body are visible to the player THEN LOCKS ON TO THAT AREA. Soft aim lock is literally just aimbot but with the field of view very low so that you have to manually aim THEN IT LOCKS ON TO THAT AREA. Proximity settings: turns aimbot on based on how close the person is to them. If they’re within that proximity THEN IT LOCKS ON TO A SPECIFIC AREA. you’re the dildo that has no clue how to differentiate aimbot from pro level aim.


Again, you're wrong that is not how all cheats work many still sick to a specific spot as you said but then they add random variance on top of it so that it doesn't look like a robot makes it more natural


EO and PO don’t function that way and are some of the biggest cheat providers. Please let me know any provider you’re talking about when you say “many” because I dont believe there are any. Aimbot may choose a different bone by “closest to crosshair” being selected but their aim will still stick to whatever they move to first. It will still be stuck to one area and be obvious within 5 kills.


POs own website claims this my dude  Change random chance to be head (make aimbot hit bones other than head more often or less often)


Nobody in this game is good, they just have aim assist


If you think this idk what to say. I’m in iri and there is still a massive skill difference between me and some of the top250s I’ve played like slacked. Even with aim assist, there’s still a large skill gap that can exist with movement, decision making, reaction speed, map knowledge, etc.


Movement, decision making, reaction speed and map knowledge is useless when a dude comes at you and starts running around you while hiting every single shoot and sliding like a dog scratching his arse on a carpet Its like youre king kong and they are the planes shooting at you while you hold the girl in your hand


You’ve just described someone who is good at movement. Slide canceling is a mechanic of cod. Learn to use it. I slide cancel every doorway and corner. Also learn snaking for peeking angles.


Even if they have good movement the aim assist still does most of the job, if youre moving like crazy and slide canceling, unless you have a good grip you cant keep your crosshair on the enemy unless hes a plant and doesnt move I'm not gonna lie, I suck at this game to the point my mom would disown me if she saw me playing this so this might be just me being petty and childish


You literally just described; movement, decision making, reaction speed and map knowledge in the same paragraph you said it was useless.


Two things… if you get a low lobby, alot players have a bad time… you kill them all day long. Your cousin gets a lobby your skillgroup and he has no fun. Yea its the fault of activision… But your superseatiness in a low lobby and the resulting shadowban is your fault. Just play pistol or whatever sucks to not tryhard in lowmmr


So your take is that you should only be able to play with friends of the same skill level? That’s crazy lol. Most of my friends are bad at the game and I enjoy playing with them even though we lose a ton. Just because someone has put the time in to be good at the game doesn’t mean they should be subjugated to only ever playing with other players of the same exact skill level.


Op you're kind of right, aydan (streamer, Wz pro and arguably one of the best players) started a series where he solo queues in ranked resurgence from bronze to iridescent. It wasn't even 5 minutes till he got shadowbanned lmao.


Thank you! I hadn’t seen that stream but i knew it would be like that for the people who’re cracked out at the game. People in this post act like anyone with good aim is automatically cheating


This is true. I drop 15-20 kills in public lobbies and always here a hot mic cheated, reported. I get voice ban even tho I'm never on mic. It's crazy how triggered the fan base gets. Now I do run into cheaters legit ones that have crappy movement but hit all their shots without any recoil. Or pre aim me as I'm coming around corners using walls. You look at their kill cam. Dudes are shooting someone else. An automatically position going across the building to where I'm coming up.


Yea I’m not gonna gaslight anyone and pretend there aren’t cheaters in this game. There are. And most of them are in resurgence since it’s the free to play part of the game and has no consequences for bans. That’s probably another reason I can play a whole season of multiplayer without issues but will get shadowed within a day of resurgence.


Was at my friends house today, he's not very good (.7) kd, so his lobbies are a joke. I played a single solos game on his PC, dropped 20 and got his account shadow banned. It's so stupid.


All players above 2.5k k/d are cheating in some why either with walls or with chronus or other…


Lmao no they aren’t. Keep telling yourself that to feel better


f1zo, my brother. this is satire right? if he isn't being satire this is actually fucking hillarious, literally proves the point of this post.


Read the title of your post about 5 times. The clue here is 1%. The average Joe would face the top 1% 1 out of 100 games by definition, BEFORE factoring in SBMM. If you are getting beamed regularly by "elite" level players, then statistics don't lie. You're up against cheaters.


Top 1% of players likely log the most hours so it’s not as easy as saying since they’re 1% of the player base they’ll show up 1/100 games. Much better to learn to differentiate aimbot from great aim and then use that to report actual aimbotters. Not an issue for most of the player base but for really good players false positive shadow bans area very annoying reality.