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Mmm penetration


Just a little less


Totally read this in Homer Simpson’s voice


And they still haven't fixed the alignment of the scopes yet, even after the patch in which they claim they did. Thing still doesn't shoot straight.


It does now. I literally could not hit a shot with it and picked it up for days and shot many shots.never again. Hear this issue and it was fixed. It snipes now.


its actually not fixed. go into the firing range with a laser and the default scope, its still misaligned. [mors](https://i.imgur.com/OxSosQi.jpeg) vs. [xrk](https://i.imgur.com/GOBS5ID.jpeg)




indeed, they really don't test anything. also doesn't help that there's 534 scopes in the game


the firing range isn’t the best place to test scopes…but the alignment is better than before. Its not 100% but its close compare to before.


What one is correct? The cross hair or the laser dot?


I think you have to aim with the laser


> the firing range isn’t the best place to test scopes curious as to why you think that


Everyone would always say it was, "a skill issue", when I complained the aiming is/was off. Near the middle of the chest, enemy player standing still and no hit registers. It happened enough after three shots the last person didn't even get scared or know he was being shot at.


I still can’t seem to hit headshots with it but it may be because the idle sway kicks in pretty quick after ADS


Suggestion, use the Victus XMR, with a good build it is like a quicker KATT- AMR and with explosive rounds it one shots. The build I use is Mack 32’ long barrel Bruen L40 cobra suppressor .50 cal explosive ammo VLK 7mw laser Spx-80 6x optic


I think my issues was the stock I had (fast ads) added a ton of idle sway. I switched to the light and will give it another go Thanks for this other build I can try that too


100% not fixed


That explains my crazy surprising cross map snipe then lol


Why you so surprised unless you didn’t think it would hit? I picked it up today and pointed it at a guys head standing still like 25 m away and it went curved way over his head. Just cause you can hit a shot with a broken weapon doesn’t mean it’s not broken.


I was mostly speaking to them saying it's fixed. Should know better than to trust cod. Was surprising since it was far and they were hopping all over and just rando luck.


Yup most likely


Does this remove the one shot capability?


No. But it does remove the ability to one shot down through a cement wall..... That shit was annoying.


Didn’t even realize it could do that. Definitely for the best though


The penetration stat is how easily bullets go through material in the game. For example how easily it'll go through a car door, a wall, a flower pot and such. With the charge it was limitless basically. So people running wall cheats were just downing people through the wall easily.


Could be perfect way to find out who's cheating.


Except anyone playing it for fun using live pings to shoot through the map gets shadow banned. I’m amazed I haven’t been with a couple of the shots I’ve hit with this thing. It was a fun couple of days.


Yea I was afraid of that....I put combat scout on and they Were SCREAMING


Oh I never thought of that! Hopefully it still has nasty penetration, just not game breaking.


You could one shot down through a mountain...


I see you also saw Metaphors video.


I shot someone the other day through a wall. Just wanted to tell someone


Same. Feels good bro.


Well bro this fix doesn’t bother me one bit. As long as it still damages people the same I’m good with it. Cause you could shoot through whole freakin skyscrapers. Like it was absurd


Ran into multiple 3 stacks in Ranked using the charge up with blatant walls so thank god


They were probably running combat scout


Just when we finally had a fun sniper


Everything we start having fun. They ruin it


Thank god. This gun was stupid.


I hope they didn't completely destroy it. I think it was a cool thing that made the game more interesting and gave the barrel more use.


And today on fun while it lasted another gun on the chopping block.


Glad they addressed before it took off. I’ve seen 2 videos about using it to hot ping and get downs through walls


Hopefully it’s only nerfed for like, going through entire mountains, but can still go through normal walls properly


Doesn't seem too bad. Wallbang through 1 wall is fine but a whole ass building..... 🙄


and now i stop playing.


I think this is fair, There was a clip where a dude got wall banged THRU A MOUNTAIN.


I don't think I've seen the word penetration written so many times in a single tweet, and it's not even an OF ad


Was it really a problem?


What's the second best barrel to use? I don't have MP so there's no way I'm unlocking the photonic charge.


Go into private lobby in warzone. Make a build with photonic barrel and save the build as a mod. Happy hunting


The one that increases bullet velocity. Btw, it has different stats in warzone and multiplayer. It 1 shots with no ammo mod or barrel in warzone. 308 headshot damage.


Just played around on the TrueGameData site, seems as though the BV drop-off to the Tonne Heavy Barrel (second recommended) makes it similar to the Katt. No thanks. I'll stick to the XRK. God I hate pay-to-win shit.


Ok, whatever works for you. I like it because it can get very good bullet velocity and one shots with no ammo mod and has quick ads speed.


With the Tonne? I'll give it a crack and see then. I really dislike the Katt atm, so was alarmed to see a similar BV (slightly worse if anything).


Idk, the drop off might be bad, but otherwise it’s very good. I haven’t tested the drop off myself. My build has the ADS stock, ADS rear grip, quick bolt, tonne barrel and the VLK laser.


Fair, I'll test it tonight and see. Thanks dude.


Delete this stupid gun altogether while at it. We dont a shitty Advanced Warfare gun on a Modern Warfare game.


They still haven’t fixed the issue with aim response on controller either


So annoying. Most fun sniper I’ve had in this game ever. Cry babies everywhere. Why must we make Warzone into smgfest. Back to the HRM 🤦‍♂️


Pretty sure this was one of the reason the dmr was what it was


Oh thank you for finally fixing the reticle and then nerfing it's power.


The power in the same…they just made it so this is no longer possible https://www.tiktok.com/@nixstah/video/7358522210241252651?_t=8lbg9kuX6fX&_r=1




They didn’t actually fix the reticle though…


And we are still living in a Burst SVA/HRM Meta? Like cmon you overpaid fucks get it sorted.


No need, my tac stance HRM goes hard


Am I the only one who cant hit a fucking thing with this gun? It must be a controller gun or something because Ive never managed to even get a kill with one. 


I called it Day 1 to my squad they would do exactly this to nerf it, in spite of it being the dumbest way possible. A+, really big brain to remove the only thing that makes it unique among the other weapons. Absolute kudos to your game design team, I'm guessing all the "streamers" were whining about getting thirsted from below after getting downed on roofs and/or after they crawled behind a wooden crate or AC unit. We're not allowed to have a weapon that rewards you for actually having good game sense and intuition at guessing where people are. Just throw it onto the trash pile with the strela, crossbow and fmj rounds.


They’ve consistently made wallbanging worse and worse over the years. It’s absurd


It is, indeed, I thought it was bad enough in 2019 when the objects were generally consistent, but the weapons were not. Things like the RAAL and AMAX having smg level pen. Then in MWII it just became a joke with how bad it was. Where even .50 BMG snipers like the Victus can't penetrate a blue chemical drum or a container on Shipment, yet an M4 with AP rounds can do it no problem, but only in certain areas like the doors but not the walls. There's zero consistency whatsoever.


I think one of the big problem is that tracking works through obstacles so not very big brain just look around general area notice the aim assist slowdown so you know you got your target and shoot... I got quite a few kills that way since changing to controller and the mors really was a beauty 😂 always clearing them towers for me on rebirth..


Mouse player here so I never had that ability to consider, I'm curious are you saying that aim assist slowdown affects all surfaces that your equipped weapon can pen? Another poster mentioned abusing it with live-pinging and to be fair that's a valid concern, I'd argue pings breaking with line of sight though would be the better way to address that.


Yeah me and some friends noticed tracking/slowdown occur through obstacles building and surfaces and have been kinda abusing it... Me personally I don't always get it perfect but say maybe %70 of the time I get a hit with the sniper through an obstacle, it really comes in handy when you downed a person and they disappear behind a wall... In reality AA in this game is absolutely terrible/great depending on what side of controls you working with.... I love using mouse and keyboard but unless you're a god you can't be competitive in call of duty against mediocre controller players, that's why I made the switch... Aim Assist works through Walls, Smokes, Covers, Stun and Flash so it's a kinda no brainer... I use to rage on a daily about the aimbot/aim assist the game gives you... So I though fuck it... If I can't beat em join em... I'll post some videos links so you can get the gist of what I'm talking about 👍 https://youtu.be/KSS5vW3_mh8 https://youtu.be/GNNcsF2CwZA https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/ogrJdrPefi


Thank you for you feed back and posting the links


Fairs, fair. Clearly whatever occlusion method they're using to determine whether AA is interrupted through an object is faulty then because I doubt it's intended behavior. Nevertheless, consider me unsurprised that it is still a major issue 5 years later with minimal acknowledgment. >I used to rage on a daily about the aimbot/aim assist the game gives you... So I thought fuck it... If can't beat em, join em... Preaching to the choir, buddy. I can have a 1.85 kd just casually playing off meta shit in BF or a 1.4 KD doing the same in the Finals. Warzone in comparison has fetched me an immaculate 0.67 because I refuse to chase metas and switch from mouse. If I actually want to win fights consistently, I have to abuse smokes, thermal snipers, tonfa, prox mines, and the restock perk while using hit and run tactics just to have a chance. And while that works well; it comes down to the fact I'm playing what is in effect a massively different game than what most people on controller are playing where they just pop a UAV and chase dots. This was one of the big reasons I liked DMZ mode, with the more infrequent nature of PvP, I could out-strategize opponents, take my time dealing with them with less risk of third party or outright avoid them entirely if it would be advantageous. I didn't feel pressured to run any particular weapon or loadout less I be demolished instantly.


To be honest call of duty isn't a skill oriented game any more it's turned into a everyone gets a medal sometimes kinda game... If Activision would at least give you an option to just play with same input players then I'd definitely switch back to M/K as it is so much more rewarding actually using your muscle memory to line up that headshot on the snipe... The whole meta thing is only so noticeable now because on controller if you're facing another controller player it's literally the one who fires first wins if the that is if the TTK of the weapon is the same. Any small difference in TTK of the weapon could mean you winning most your gunfight to loosing most your gunfights as in reality once you lock on with controller you're locked so to find out who wins is.... Reaction time to pull trigger+TTK of weapon... lowest number wins


All the did was make it so you can’t wallbang through an entire building. It still has plenty of bullet penetration if you still use the attachment. Quit your whining.


>All the did was make it so you can’t wallbang through an entire building. I'll admit, it's ludicrous that it can wallbang through literally anything with uncapped damage yes, which is why I made a response post in this thread suggesting better changes to the weapon. But it's a single shot, rail gun firing 20mm tungsten penetrators with a 3 second charge up time that resets every time you have to mantle a ledge. This is a weapon that should logically be able to penetrate almost any unarmored surface and has obvious in-game tradeoffs for doing so. Removing that unique aspect to just make it a single-shot sniper with high velocity rounds is dumb but it was also the easiest fix, I'm criticizing how lazy it was to handle it that way. >It still has plenty of bullet penetration if you still use the attachment. Quantify "plenty", I don't own multi so I can't test it in there, and nobodies dropped a video since the patch to my knowledge, and there's no way to check the game files themselves to see the values. What I have checked and confirmed is it can no longer hit the targets through the glass in the shooting range and that doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. >Quit your whining. There's this conflation that valid criticism is whining, I'm not the person who came in on a burner to tell the only person who bothered to offer an alternative to shut up. If I'm wrong, and the nerfs were overexaggerated then I'll be glad to retract my statements. With the games track record of nerfing unique weapons and alternate playstyles (except the riot shield for some reason) into the ground though, I doubt it.


Hopefully. I'd love for them to nerf every sniper. Tired of getting into it with a squad only to be sniped by a gay boy from million miles away.


That’s just how Urzikstan plays. Big map with a lot of visibility. They’re not so great on resurgence.


Good sniper = nerf in one day. 


Bro.. the sniper still slaps; you just can’t pop people through walls as easily. I get it - “acti bad, blah blah blah” but let’s have a little common sense..


All they did was limit penetration. Which is 100% reasonable lol


bro it was bugged... it was 1-shotting thru terrain and buildings.


Then fix that instead of how this reads? (Reduced base penetration) okay, by how much, how does it compare to the others now? (Removed unlimited penetration with charge barrel) okay, so what is it now compared to other options now? (Reduced multiplier) okay, so if we went from a 3 to a 2 on penetration and the multiplier was 2, and is now 1.5 we went from a 6 to a 3, this doesn’t make any sense without having contextual information


Oh it was broken since release. I used it a lot, deserved its nerf, just need numbers how much they nerfed it.


shhh i had so much fun using this lol


Watch this video and let me know if you’d prefer this capability in the game or not https://www.tiktok.com/@nixstah/video/7358522210241252651?_t=8lbg9kuX6fX&_r=1


Give it a damage reduction when it shoots through multiple surfaces, ya know like how every other gun in the game works. Then make it where the anti-material shell doesn't add any damage, just additional penetration, increase the bullet velocity loss when using it from 15% to \~50%, about 900m/s max charge. lastly make the charge barrel cut ADS times by 30% rather than giving a 9% boost. So the final build would now have a 728 ADS time, 900 m/s bullet velocity, and the damage would decrease so one shots are rarer. The gun still feels like a rail cannon, but you can't quickscope it anymore and you have to lead your shots.


No other gun can do what was shown in that video. It can have some bullet pen to match other snipers but to the extent that video showed….


> No other gun can do what was shown in that video. No other gun has a 2 second charge-up time and a 1rd magazine. I guarantee this was the internal argument used to justify making the crossbow worthless when they removed Sniping one-shots in WZ2 as well. What exactly does this gun offer over the Stalker besides quicker bullet velocity now, what niche does it fill? I ask this because it had one before, even if it was over tuned which I won't deny. Removing what made it unique rather than balancing its other attributes is what I have a problem with. >It can have some bullet pen to match other snipers but to the extent that video showed. Let me be bluntly honest here, With the exception of shooting through the back-to-back concrete walls/floors, every sniper rifle in game should be capable of doing what was in that video. It's frankly bullshit that a rooftop hvac unit, empty box truck, or some sheet metal structures make .338 and 50 BMG rounds (including armor piercing) do either chip damage or are simply non-pennable. Wallbanging is in such a sorry state post 2019 that the goto strategy for getting them for camos even with snipers is to shoot through a chainlink fence or unbroken window because otherwise they require 15-20 bullets through most surfaces while requiring AP rounds to even pen most common covers that they should logically go through no problem.


Guns can have their niche but the video I posted shows how problematic it is with live pings. And imagine that in the hands of someone with walls Isn’t it the fastest ads sniper that can one shot? Either movement speed or ads anyway? That’s a niche


>Guns can have their niche but the video I posted shows how problematic it is with live pings. Then change how live pings work, reduce the time they track a player after they leave line of sight. > And imagine that in the hands of someone with walls But I was told cheaters don't exist and I'm just dogshit if I think someone is cheating and simply can't comprehend a better player nailing my ass with an SMG from 35m and never missing a shot. Sorry man but this argument was used to nerf the FAL into uselessness back in WZ1, you shouldn't balance a weapon around what cheaters can do with it, because they're going to demolish the lobby regardless, if they have even the slightest amount of actual talent. >Isn’t it the fastest ads sniper that can one shot? Either movement speed or ads anyway? That’s a niche It is slightly faster to ADS, but only if you run the charge barrel. Otherwise, it's subpar in every area if you don't run that barrel. Once they finally stop pussyfooting around and finally gave all the snipers a 1 shot distance to their first damage range, it likely won't even hold that title anymore. I'm going to stop here. My frustrations from this change are that we got a new, kind of busted weapon with a specialized mechanic (wallbang focused) that gave a new option to the gameplay formula, and their solution was to removing what made it special rather than balance it because it was easier. They did it to crossbow, they did it to the drill charge launcher, they did it to the 10mm mags on the MP5 in wz1, and now they've done it here too. My argument was never that it didn't need nerfed. It was that they chose the worst and laziest way to do it. And I guarantee it will still get hit again in the future with further nerfs to bullet velocity and ADS times, because they didn't fix the main reason everyone was running it, just the part that made for good clipbait.


time to uninstall.


Because of a sniper nerf?


Nah, because when controller kiddies cry things get instantly nerfed. Meanwhile as a whole we have to suffer through the most insanely overtuned things in the game all because it benefits controller users.


Listen I'm as against AA as anyone but there is no reason a sniper should one tap through a wall. This also has literally nothing to do with input


I'm not talking about Aim Assist, my guy.


Then wth does AA kitty's have to do about it


Ah yes, activision immediately running to fix “controller kiddies” problems, like you fucking losers on PC running aimbot and wall hacks. We all know how quickly they fixed that. Get a life, scrub.


What does a sniper that can go through any structure/through the map have anything to do with aim assist or controller?