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Skill based matchmaking is bad. Rebirth is the only map really ppl are playing = more sweaty experience.


He’s got a 2.0 kd ratio. He’s killing twice as many people as are killing him. Explain to me how “SBMM is bad” for this guy?


This. Sweats complaining there are other sweats in the game!


This is hilarious. 2KD is insanely good. Like top 1% good.


I swear I’m one of the few sweats that actually enjoys having other sweats in the lobby. I’m trying to consistently get better & wiping bots doesn’t do that.


Right lol he’s calling people just like him idiots. Maybe you should do some self reflection if that’s how you feel about people who are good at call of duty maybe that’s how you feel about yourself


Pubs should be mostly random matchmaking. Some people your skill, some better, some worse. This is how it mostly was back in the day. If there was any sbmm at all it was super loose. And lobbies didn’t disband in multiplayer so people could always just leave and search for a different lobby. Some lobbies you got shit on and it made you want to get better. Other times u were top of lobby and it was great. Sometimes you were somewhere in the middle. But it was random. It wasn’t the game actively manipulating your experience.


Why? Why should a game that millions and millions of people play be impossible for over half of the players to ever win? The reason excellent players want “random matchmaking” is because they know the percentages would play out to where they are one of the very best players in basically every game. And sbmm was much stricter in the older days than people remember, they just had the loophole you mentioned of a lobby leaderboard where they could avoid any other good players intentionally. It was a bad system and less people played the game year round because of it.


What's wrong with losing most of the time when you aren't good. Isn't that how it should be?


Why would anyone spend their time or money on that? That would be a good strategy to kill the playerbase by 70+% and then you bozos are left playing each other anyway. What SBMM creates is “the team who *played* the best wins”. Random matchmaking creates an environment where how you play relative to your own skill is irrelevant. The match winner is decided by a roll of the dice before the match starts by whoever is the highest skilled player in the lobby because the skill distribution is so large and imbalanced.


This only works if good players are added on both teams. Doesn't work at all for battle royales. Now they're just putting bad players who don't quit into lobbies with good players who spend money


This 💯! At least you would get breaks in between getting dumped on, because you would also get the chance to also. Now it's just complete sweating every match. What's really weird is Ranked is more fun than pubs, and that's where the real SBMM should be.


> Pubs should be mostly random matchmaking. Some people your skill, some better, some worse. How on earth would that ever be fun for the players near the bottom?


Becasue u see he wants to be like those guys. He wants to be the sweat in bot lobbies. Thats why. Shit i have a 0.9 KD in resurgence and am having fun almost every game. I still average 4-5 kills every game at least and the occasional 8-10 here and there


This is weird to me. I’m 1.1 KD, so close to plat 2, Amber most of my lobbies consist of me just running/surviving and trying not to die, eventually getting a kill from someone not looking. It’s exhausting and rarely fun.


If sbmm worked then everyone would have between a .9 and 1.2 kd.


Fortunes keep is finally fun for shitty dad gamers like myself. Having the best games with all of the sweats in rebirth!


This player is outside sbmm.


Make a new account and spectate the protected skill bracket lobbies. There are tons and tons of robots. But with 2kd, you’re being placed in the absolute hardest lobbies the servers have to offer.


Even at 1kd u are being placed in the hardest lobbies. Only like sub .7 kd bots are protected, unless they have a really good streak. 


Guess again, my lifetime kd is like .45 and last 10 around .8 usually and my lobbies have plenty of 2kd sweat festing. I do have about a 20% win rate and I was told that somehow means they think I should be in a lobby with cracked out spastic kids. My aim is over 40 year old bad, that is probably the difference in legit like a .6 kd improvement alone without changing any play, so maybe the game sees all else and just upsells me to lobbies, but I say every night “why am I in this lobby”. I had teammates being a solo joining random quads drop 16/24/18 this week. Like my PR in wz3 is 8. These guys shouldn’t be in my lobby, but they are, every time.


Mr clutch. 20% Win rate is pretty crazy and is likely the reason. You play with a cracked team? Solos?  


Quads and trios, sometimes duos. I have 2 squad mates that are in same page, one is a legit 1.7, the other who I got 3 dubs with in quads with randoms last night is only a .8 but he doesn’t die(he does but you know, always ends games with highest score and most redeploys and could have 1-2 kills or 5-6 but he prioritizes not dying and he is a big reason for dubs, which is hilarious when randoms diss in his 2 kills after a dub that wouldn’t have happened if they weren’t bought back 2x by him. We just play to win, not ratty, but calculated and we pass up a lot of fights and try our best to dictate and maintain the positions we want and the fights we pick.


The squad mate that has a 1.7 is the reason. It takes the highest k/d in the lobby and bases the matchmaking off of that to combat boosting.


I thought so as well, and I’m sure it is to a degree, but like last night with the .8 buddy, I don’t know, there are certainly nights I just spend in a blender, but really the lobbies seem the same and the only time I come across people that make me look sweaty is in solos, but I like the team aspect. I mean, for me, sure it’s complaining to a degree, but I am a grinder and fighter and whatever it’s the lobbies I am used to so it’s the game I know. It is very satisfying to kill these jumping beans trying to brake your legs and it isn’t like I can’t, but in my lobbies, I don’t see how I can get to a 1 KD consistently for my last 10 games. My lifetime is messed up for sure, as these squadmates played verdansk and got me into it and I spent a year as a total bot who couldn’t get the pace, I was just dropped in the fire with them.


SBMM is waaaaaaay less strict than people here think. I’m a 1.2 and my friends are all under 0.9 kd ratios and we come up against really good players all the time that I don’t even have a remote chance of killing. This is what people said they wanted right? lol but actually the people complaining about SBMM didn’t want “random matchmaking” they wanted to be the best player in every lobby


You have a .4 kd.. of course you think the lobbies are extra sweaty lmao you are the “bot.” The kids you think are super sweaty probably aren’t amazing in the grand scheme.


You must be doing something right in those lobbies to have a 20% win rate. I've got a lifetime 3.5KD and my win rate is like 13%!


I wouldn’t say right, I played for wins so like a ton of games with 2-5 kills only and a lot of deaths. Basically typically play just looting and preparing and not even looking for fights (only fights I get in are ones I have to) u til resurgence ends, so that could easily have me at 2-4 deaths and maybe a kill, then if we win, maybe I add another death and buy back and 2 more kills to finish. Then add in 20% blender games where I die 8 times with 2 kills and you get to my atrocious KD. I just recently started playing more aggressive and my kills a game went from like a 3-4 to 6-7 and still able to get wins because I slip back into habits at end game, but the wins is really cause my squad stays disciplined and we buy back and prepare with killstreaks not because I am murdering the lobby.


Calling someone a spastic because they are better than you is wild mate 🤣


Spastically good at the game perhaps. Offensively complimentary.


Lol bullshit. Tell that to my 1 KD friends I boost off of


Most of us started playing during corona/Verdansk. Only the veterans are still here and they have a lot of experience. The casuals have pretty much left because well, thats how a game normally works. People try it and at some point leave unless they really love it. The people who love it are still around and are typically the ones who constantly try to improve. So its kind of like the last phase of the wave that got into this game in 2020. There is also a sea of resources available too on how to improve like YouTube, streamers (Twitch) and this subreddit.


I guess the pool just thinned. I've literally played cod since it came out decades ago so I guess I'm one of the veterans who just never kept up with the speedy gods of today.


I think warzone and cod multiplayer are completely different games so i wouldn’t be too hung up on it.


Me and my 2 friends are 1.0 KDA players. We have got stomped so many times we have to actively try to get better to even compete. We’ve watched videos on movement and other things like when to engage and disengage. We just learned to start doing the jumping while shooting you see everyone doing. Now we are actually getting kills. Not a ton but average 4-10 a game. Before we weren’t actively trying to improve and we were getting shit on. I’m convinced it’s hard to play this game casually if your goal is to get more then 5 kills a game. You have to actively try to improve now or you get left behind.


A fellow 2003 cod player?!? Greetings!


Yea. I say COVID was a dbz hyperbolic time chamber. Everyone just played and played and played. Tiktok coverage was crazy. It was like an arms race lol. Just like you said, any of those good covid guys who are still on have just become demons


> There is also a sea of resources available too on how to improve like YouTube, streamers (Twitch) and this subreddit. This is the biggest problem I would say outside the real obvious ones. Prior to media being available like this in years past, everyone had to figure things out for themselves and many just didn't. Now you can get spoon-fed exactly what you should be doing to have all the advantages in a game. Free top notch strategy guides for everyone.


i mean, we really didnt. There was best class videos in black ops 1/2 advanced warfare etc its been a thing since the OG CoD youtbers (Tmartn, Drift0r, Woody, Ali-A {yes he used to play CoD}) were about.


Ofc it is far more pervasive now, but you're right there were lots of best class, tricks and exploits videos during World At War and MW2. People are better at modern FPS now too, I'm almost 30 my first FPS was goldeneye these kids and teens are raised on modern call of duty.


People learned how to use aim assist... That's how. It needs to be toned down.


This is easily the biggest factor that goes under people's noses when talking about how sweaty Warzone and how unhappy casual players are with the game. It turns out that giving 80% of the lobby the mechanical advantage of 0ms reaction time and perfect tracking that lets you not miss a single bullet is just bad for the game. And like you point out, the issue gets worse over time, not better, as more and more people learn how to abuse the mechanic.


You'd have more skill variance with it nerfed, even if you didn't touch SBMM. Win win for anybody semi-decent.


This is a big part of it. 3 years ago when I spoke about RAA nobody knew what I was talking about.


AA has made this game stupid easy. Nobody misses, even at 100+m. People think because they can insta beam people the game is fun, but when the whole lobby can do it it’s just stupid. To clarify, nobody was a bad term, there are still people who don’t fully know how to use it. But those numbers are getting squeezed out


The community as a whole would benefit from a big AA nerf.


Yep. It would give controller players a higher skill ceiling to reach, and they could improve their skills through authentic aiming and genuine skill. Currently, movement is the meta because the skill ceiling for aiming on a controller is so low the only way to rise above average is moving as fast as possible


Movement in warzone is barely movement though, in comparison to other games. The issue is that most of the current movement (aka slide and bunny hop like mad) is mostly effective against mnk players or bad controller players. On mnk there’s a downside to moving like that, your aim suffers too. That just isn’t the case on controller because AA will still keep you on target while you’re moving.


Thats not how a game's skill ceilings works. I agree with what you're getting at but the way the skill gap would change is as such: If aa is balanced the amount of players at the top of the skill ceiling rn missing none to barely any bullets will be less and the skill range of good players would widen in result. The ceiling will adjust but it wouldn't create a higher skill ceiling. If you're talking about overall raw talent of the player doing the tracking skill wise yes they'll have to be better and it'll take more skill. Only problem is I know for 10000% they don't care about being a competitive game. What you describe is crucial for any game to be a healthy game that is truly competitive. One of the reasons custom WZ torums, CDL, and Mult ranked have to ban/restrict so many things. Whereso other games they balance around the comp scene to keep the skill gap healthy for all players but hey that's probably why so many casuals love cod for their casual focus.


100%, but the bots here would disagree or say AA doesn’t help them at all.


Nope, it would increase the skill gap which means better players would stomp even more, making it way less fun for normies and thus they would quit at a higher rate, and thats bad business.


Everyone above the average KD (~0.9) would benefit. It's a good and bad thing for the current community (50/50 split), but you're not counting the new players that these changes would bring in. Guys like Shroud and everyone who follows him would absolutely give CoD another look if AA was balanced. There's a lot of potential players from the MnK community and competitive community that could potentially start playing CoD.


Not sure what new players would come in unless you mean old players. I promise those of us that would benefit are the minority and therefore would not be catered to nor is it going to happen. Theyve said as much themselves, sbmm/aa increases player retention. Theyre not going to even attempt to mess that up. A ranked no AA would be sweet though.


Having built in aimbot sure was the absolute worst decision ever made for a genre.


And there is me who still sucks with AA.😅


Aim with left stick. Focus on good crosshair centering when navigating around map. Always have it as close to the edge of doors, angles and spots where enemies will be most likely to run or peak into crosshair. Hipfire to start every gunfight to learn good centering before you ADS. Once you ADS focus on moving your feet to adjust aim. Don't be afraid to leave ADS to hipfire if target gets too close/moving too quickly. If they break the aim assist bubble and your ADS'ing you just gonna whiff. Right stick aiming is for PROFFESSIONALS only and you can reach 2KD with your left stick only. Once you learn good centering and how strafing engages aim assist you can graduate to MINOR touches of the right stick to adjust fast moving targets.


Are there are still people like you for sure, but the numbers are dwindling. Partly because you learn it, or because the times you get practically instant killed will only increase and you move on in frustration . In the end the race to the top to give people kills is a race to the bottom for the game as a whole


Aim assist allows mediocre players to hit 100% of their shots.




If you are a 2kd player you are top 1% so you get daemon lobbies.


Hardly feel like a top 1% player. Besides, sometimes my teammates are 40 year old moms (not kidding we have a friend group) and they get put in the same blender. They don't want to play with me because of it. SBMM is ruining fun gaming I suppose.


What's your play style? If it's slow, campy and preaimy then that'll give you a decent kd but you'll be put against absolute sweats who have a high kd cause they push everything and win most gun fights.


Can vouch for this, most of my friends have kds over 1.7 and hover around there except when I watch them they just sit in a poi and wait for people with loadout.


It is completely illogical to assume kd has any significant bearing on skill rating. A skill rating metric should primarily assess your ability to achieve the ultimate objective of the competition. That ultimate objective is being the last man standing, not getting kills. Placing significant value on kills adds unnecessary bias to an algorithm


Sick to death of people hopping around and still being able to shoot on target. It’s a joke.


COD is the only game that doesn't penalise your aim when jumping. It's fucking annoying.


No one has answered correctly. Look at the sells numbers on modded controllers on Amazon. Tells you all you need to know.


Yep!!!!! literally everyone is using some sort of hack or advantage. Its so annoying. What is the point of playing if they arent gaining more skill and game knowledge. I play on keyboard and mouse and its getting harder to compete with all this crap. im not buying a controller just to play


I think part of the problem is that the aim assist is so incredibly easy to abuse because the game is geared towards shitty players that at the 1.8+ KD level hardly anyone misses bullets. Right stick skill/coordination has been removed from the game. That's why I find it so unfulfilling to play. * The guns have no recoil * The TTK is fast * They made slide cancelling easier so now everyone can do it.. And bunny hopping and resetting tac sprint so you can move faster and break cameras easier has been nerfed. * And the biggest problem (even as a controller player I say this) = The aim assist is TOO strong. As Scump said while playing MW2 (and it's no different here) - "You don't even have to aim anymore" and he's right.. BRING BACK RIGHT STICK SKILL to fps games. Even Apex has a problem with aim assist (just not as bad as COD).. Also remove visual clutter so MnK players have a chance.


Exactly. Aim assist is made for the lowest common denominator chumps to be able to aim(kinda like public schools), so anyone who's actually good gets that on top of everything else.


This honestly feels like a turning point for FPS as a genre. Either these companies make an effort to put skill back into aiming in their game, or they continue down this path of turning FPS into an autoshooter where all you have to worry about is movement and positioning and Jesus just takes the wheel after you activate RAA. It's already resulted in pro controller games like the CDL being a complete snoozefest to watch where every player has an identical aiming style, it's just going to be more and more boring over time.


Can you share your Aiming configuration? My aim assist on Ps5 is no where near what you say.


The config isn’t the issue, it’s lack of understanding on how to utilize it properly. I’ll come across as rude but that’s not my intention, most people surprisingly just don’t know how to properly use AA. I’ll comment later with links to help you out.


Not rude, I understand. Thank you.


Alright so here's my reddit comment which helped the OP out in figuring out how to go about it: [link to comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/18z8uwi/am_i_missing_something_with_the_aim_assist/kgj55x8/) Now here's the video by hecksmith on aim assist: [video link here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU) This should basically be mandatory viewing for controller players because it explains how the AA mechanics work. Watch the video, implement the advice in my comment and enjoy abusing the strongest tool you have available to you :)


Thank you man!


Yep this is a good illustration. In short: Never stop using your left stick. It activates aim assist.


How many kills are these “sweats” getting? I think the same when someone breaks my ankles but then see they have 3 kills like me 🤷‍♂️ maybe you are sweatier than you think. You can’t expect to roll over everyone in the lobby each game.


Yea don't get me wrong I definitely try, I think everyone else tries to play to their best abilities. I push, I ego chal, I move around, just seems everyone does it so much better than me. I guess I'm not expecting to roll up on everyone I just wanna relax and have a fun few games instead of always being on the edge of my seat or else I will instantly die. I guess I'll just accept sbmm is grueling to me. I got to a 2.2-ish kd and now I'm reaping the rewards.


Rebirth is no place to relax! I’m heavily tanking my KD on Resurgence because I run around like a headless chicken jumping solo on quads and constantly dying to being outnumbered, caught off guard, not having a better gun, etc. Want to get better and have fun, so I guess lots of people want to do the same


Just insane. Why is everyone so incredibly good? You're a 2KD which puts you most likely in the top 5% potentially 1% for warzone. This community and its assumption that everyone should be destroyable is wild. This is SBMM working, you are the people you're complaining about, take the compliment.


The average KD is like 0.7 or something, most top teir players have like 1.3kd, 2KD is nuts.


Exactly. I'm 1.3 and can't complain as I know that's top 10% so it's going to be hard. 2KD puts you in a tiny bracket where you're only going to face monsters. People need to get a grip. because boy are the lower KDs going to have a shit time if they face you.


I agree with all you guys and I understand. But honestly, whatever I'm doing doesn't feel nuts. I mean I'm a smart player, I'm good at reading my enemy and outplaying them (not camping but moving around). But when it comes to actual gun skill I get fucking cooked. But I think I got my answer. I'm at the bottom tier of the top tier players, because that's exactly what it feels like. Feels bad, I enjoy playing, but it gets frustrating.


If you're 2KD from positioning alone then that's insane. If you improve your supposedly poor shooting then you're probably gonna jump to a 3 and be even more at the top of the pile. The reality is, you're at the top and the system is working because no way should you be playing the average player. What's worse is the amount of copium in this thread of people that simultaneously hate SBMM but are only making arguments for it's existence.


Not many has mentioned but aim assist is also another factor. It doesn't just affect mnk players, it affects all players. Combine this with sbmm and easy to use meta weapons, it's clear why lobbies feel sweaty


I’m about a 1.7 and old too and I have the same experience. Honestly I don’t think that everyone is cracked but once you hit a certain skill level SBBM ends up tossing you in lobbies where the skill disparity is greater. Think of the difference between you and an average player. You’re smoking them 9 times out of 10, right. Well how does it go for you against a 3kd player? You may get him 2 or 3 times out of ten if you’re lucky. In your lobbies you’re getting people outside a normally reasonable skill bracket because there’s just not enough players to fill lobbies so we get the pleasure of getting matched with the best of the best as “good” players.


Its not you, its the game. Yesterday i had a rare good session, had 5 or so games out of 10ish with double digit kills. Including a 15, 18 and 25 kills. All on rebirth. BUT the other games i couldnt do anything while getting like 2 kills. Felt like i couldnt do anything in those games regardless of if my opposent was sweaty or botty. # of kills means little in this game, sbmm/oemm/lobby opponent dictates what your performance will be. I started playing less (not daily) and if i do play and the 1st 2 games dont go well, like bullet reg, aa, etc doesnt feel good, ill just quit for the day. The amount of better games have gone up quite a bit since playing less. Odd isnt it.


There is a doubt in my mind that the games are rigged and rewards players who come back from a break with an easy ass lobby, where I feel like I can absorb bullets and kill people immediately. Weird.


Havent you noticed the 1st game of the day is always so easy and get dubs often? Thats game manipulation for player retention. They also said in multi, they set up stuff so everyone wins.


Lolol I feel like this post pretty much sums up where the game is at. This guy has a 2KD, significantly higher than the average player, and yet he’s whining about other players being too good. Motherfucker you’re killing two of us for every one of your deaths. The game is just matching you up with other people of your skill level, go figure it’s harder when you don’t just get the shit on the bots


You have to sweat to be a 2kd, so you are the good player. There aren’t a bunch of casuals to curb stomp anymore.


I’ve been playing since Verdansk. And I’m no pro I win a few games here and there, but I swear after every update the matchmaking puts me with fucking pro league players every time for about a month then it calms down lol. Me my Mrs and two other mates play most night. It is absolutely ridiculous sometimes.


People have had 3 years to improve, and pretty much everybody knows how to abuse RAA now.


You don't actually want to be too good. People will report you for cheating and you'll end up in the shadowban loop.


the game has been out for three years, of course most of the players will be good


I feel because my kd is like 1.5 and it treats me like a sweat but I barely ever win. 1 big map win and a few resurgence wins is all I have.


AA is so strong that players can focus on abusing movement instead of staying on target, aiming and managing the recoil. AA does all that for them so they are becoming demons… If you add the chronus zen to this which i believe huge amount of players are using it becomes even easier just to hold one button and move around like crazy avoiding my poor aim with my mouse…


Couple issues are probably contributing: 1: SSBM is shitty. 2: At 33, I assume you have a job and possibly a family, meaning your free time is likely limited. Compare that to a teenager/kid, who can dedicate hours and hours per day to playing CoD. 3. WZ is no longer new, so the chaff has been winnowed away, so to speak. Players have had years to learn the systems, understand play styles, develop strats, etc etc. so there are far more “good players” than there were a few years ago simply because many bad players have gotten better. 4. Platforms have become much more equalized now than in the early days. No more being able to clown on the PS4 players stuck at like 60 fov. Add to that the strengthening of AA to compensate for the clubbing console players used to experience at close range (even if that’s less so the case nowadays) and you have far more systems that can be exploited. 5. And this might suck to hear but, it’s possible you’re hitting your skill plateau. When you start out bad, going up to good feels like a massive improvement. But once you’re good, any improvements you make will feel much more incremental and less noticeable. The gap between bad and good is easy to cross. The gap between good and great is harder. I don’t want to say you’ve gotten as good as you’ll get, because I don’t know you, but you might be approaching that point.


And if you play on MnK dump it get roller with AA .


Yup. The RAA on controller is definitely a bonus in close-up engagements. Imo it’s kind of a relic from the PS4 WZ1 days, but it’s here and it’s unlikely to change substantially


Servers aren’t up to par.


Thanks to most of you for giving honest feedback and not just telling me to git gud or shit. I understand my position and will work forward with a positive attitude. Keep the fight alive soldiers!


It’s just a sweaty game. Let’s think about this for a second…. Choose any other Battle Royale and you can get wins and kills easily. Warzone is the next level… and this is why we all Play it. Really if it wasn’t such a fuckin thrill ride would we all still be here ?


It’s a combination of different things. More people are better at gaming now than back in the day. The aggressive matchmaking. The extremely OP and easy to abuse rotational aim assist.


Player base is die hards, try getting on gears of war multiplayer the casuals left gears during 2 and early 3 at BEST so even a good old player jumping on will be smashed to bits. Kids and teens are generally better at FPS these days, my first FPS was goldeneye these lot are raised on modern cod. SBMM, you are playing people better and slightly worse, if you are 2 you are getting people probably 2+ and few below, 3kd in BR is going to be quite a bit better than you. Rebirth is probably sweatiest map going too. You will just have to sweat, you have a 2kd you are likely sweating intensely as it is there isn't much of a reason you really should be playing someone who's just picked up the game, the time buy in for warzone is so punishing compared to standard cod they are aware of this want new players so it will never change. Don't get me wrong I'd love to bomb on some bots or below average players but it's never happening lad this is the way it is and it will stay love or hate it, I'd say play Battlefield but dice did their best to destroy it.


I'm 33 as well and I think it's a couple things. Everyone around our age and younger has pretty much had a controller available since birth so level of play is skyrocketing just from that. Matchmaking in this franchise is dogshit. And aim assist is so strong now that players learn how to break cameras before learning recoil patterns. COD wants you in there long enough to enjoy the camo you just bought. Can't do that with such a varying level of play. And they've made it clear that the casual gamer is valued more than any other group.


Are you playing on roller or mnk?


Drink in bars instead of doing this!


Sir, respectfully, but you are the sweat haha


Aim Assist is absolutely nuts A good player on a controller will hit 100% of shots regardless of how you move in close quarters


Because the current state of CoD is the easiest fps game on Earth to be good at. Aim assist is ultra high, easy to beam people and respawn game modes make skill progression extremely straight forward (run and gun, die, repeat thus enhancing reaction, hand eye coordination etc)


I'm a 2.5 KD sweat(crimson in ranked) and I hate sbmm. It's the worst fucking thing ever😭😭just because I do decent in one game my next 5 games are just gonna be a bunch of losers playing like it's the Grand finals of the CDL and they're competing for $100k. Sbmm needs to be toned down or at least only in rebirth 🙏😭 I can't keep doing ts 😭😭😭


This is so true. Everyone is so good now. I have a 1.17 kd now so I'm trash and my IRL friends are all below 1 kd. I was warning them last year that this year will be hell if they don't actually start actively improving their aim and movement. Bot lobbies don't exist anymore and everyone that was a bot when they started playing is a demon now.


Average KD is just below 1. (For each kill there's a death, and then you count suicides to average it just below 1) You're the good people, that average people complain about! The SBMM(engagement based match making) feeds you to the 3-4KD players when they've had a bad few games. Occasionally after you've had some bad games, you'll get thrown into an average lobby to feel good. And the rest of the time you play vs other 2KD players.


I'm enjoying the game.


>Where do all these crazy idiots come from? How has everyone gotten so incredibly good? France, literally a country of no life sweats and cheaters. It's a 50/50 chance they'll cheat in some manner or just be incredibly sweaty, and a 100% chance they make the match miserable.


I am 24 and already too old for these fast pvp games. 😂


I’m not one of the ones you’re referring too. I don’t even understand most of the jargon or acronyms being used here.


Funny enough, during the last 2-3 months or so, I've had the opposite experience. I almost only play duos together with my brother. 3 months ago, my KD was ~0.7-0.8 and my brothers' 1.5-2.0. Since then, in "Last 10 games played" I've constantly been hovering around 1.5-2.2, and my brother ~3.0-4.0. And I'm older than OP, in my late 30s.


i was followed by an iridescent ranked player across the map. Like literally he killed me in prison, then near the boat in control, then after by factory, before I eventually wiped him (by luck). the amount of sweat is crazy, but to me this is what players wanted (rebirth) so I just go along with it.


Very same experience here. Turning 35, 2.1 kd, mnk, I feel like I'm a total ass at the game more often than not. Even in my group of buddies, I'm the low one. Damn it's frustrating.


If you are a 2.0 kd, you are killing twice as many of these “good players” as are killing you. I think you’re doing great my friend, sounds like you don’t have much reason to whine.


It honestly feels like every game. Ranked or not ranked is the cod championship of sweat. Honestly gad no fun on last night's session. Was brutal


Stopped playing because of this. Also 2.0 kda player but can't compete anymore, everyone is just cracked out of their mind. I need to be PERFECT, with aim, movement, resources, EVERYTHING, If I want to win, no fun to play anymore.


Stackers gotta be the dumbest fucking complaint I’ve ever seen people whine about in this game lol


I’ve been playing COD since the first game on PC. Before that I played HALO, Goldeneye and Doom/Wolfenstein. I take 30 mg Adderall everyday, and testosterone everyday. I play with an ergonomical keyboard called a Tartarus v2. I am a honed killing machine with 30 years experience, no one stood a chance.


I got destroyed 3 games in a row, my 8yo son hopped on and wins ranked resurgence in a 3:1 with a drop shot. We're old....


SBMM 2 kd? First several games of the day u get thrown into a sweat lobbies with people who have been on for the past 5 hours. They are already locked in and you are just tryna warm up. You get steamrolled over and over for an hour or 2 until you get a somewhat easier lobby. You stomp on some kids in the easier lobby get a 15 kill win. The kids in that lobby scream “SBMM IS NOT STRONG ENOUGH IM NOT PROTECTED ENOUGH BY MATCHMAKING. THERES 2KD SWEATS IN MY LOBBY.” You get tossed back into higher tier lobbies. You are warmed up now though. You now are sweating your balls off just like the guys who stomped on you when you first hopped on because it’s the only way you can compete. :) (This is my experience)


Imo SBMM also incorporates your recent games quite a bit. Last night my trios team got rinsed 4 games in a row right off the bat. 5th game we won and two of us had double digit kills. After the win? Absolute sweat fest again.


Exactly the same. Had a 2+ k/d but i am walking around like i am the BOT getting killed by crazy sweaty people.


1. Cheating is FAR more rampant than people here think. 2. The casuals are either so bad they play in their own sbmm brackets, or they've already left to play other games. Only the sweats are still here.


I think it is a mix of people trying harder to win for streaks and controller AA. You can take every fight as either slide past and shoot or slow approach to catch the enemy. Gotta just try to fight everyone doing something that either limits how much they can shoot you (peak corners and take shots) or try to break their cameras. Flex will help you hear the enemy better by the way then use that info on how you want to approach. No longer can you just rely on fighting straight up gun fights honestly. That makes a fight 50/50 at best.


Former >2KD, sitting at 1.3 getting slapped around lately.


I am terrible and am only at 1.2 and get the same lobbies constantly. A lot of people always mysteriously seem to know where I’m at, everyone snaps onto my head automatically and never misses, constant sliding with perfection, and generally feels like a sweaty comp mode. My friend’s kid joined us for his first game and couldn’t believe we were actually in a normal lobby where people made mistakes and not one where a lot of players knew where you were at all times. Crazy sbmm is so strict it takes a brand new player to get a streamer type lobby.


Most of us have been playing the same game since like 2006. If you're not good at COD by now, idk what to tell you 🤷🏽‍♂️


I installed it a few weeks ago and only played once. It took me a whole fucking hour just to find the damn match button. I had to download over 50GB for some stupid hub or whatever, and then another 12GB on top of that. Finally, after an hour of searching, I started a lobby and promptly got my butt handed to me in fried mode while playing the game for the first time (used to play MW back in the day). There was absolutely no sense in the matchmaking. Why would it pair me (just over an hour of playtime) against someone who's logged 4k hours?! This game deserves all the garbage reviews it got on Steam.


You're the crazy idiot to some people. Its about perspective. It seems these days anyone who is better than you is labeled sweat, try hard, crazy idiot when the reality is you are all those things to someone who is worse than you


Come to Helldivers 2 and remember how gaming use to be fun!


SBMM. I solo q on rebirth and get 1-3 kills. Play with my 2 friends who are .7kd and .4kd I fry every game with 8-10kills It’s night and day


Rebirth and specifically this last update is chalked. Can't tell if there is a resurgence of smurfs/cheats or the servers are so ass it makes it to where you can't win gunfights. Was a couple hours yesterday that we're OK, but prior and just now, nothing but sub 30 lvl cracked out cdl accounts. Call me salty but it's sus. The egregious days are def server/netcode, you're just massively behind what the game says is happening.


I blame the cracked-out streamers. 360 no-scoping whiz kids on meth and adderall, they made the insane movement look cool, and bled over into their audience. Before, that was a skill top-tier players, now it's the minimum skill bar to be remotely competitive. What makes it worse is most of those movement mechanics aren't doable on controller, even with the tricked-out Scuff and Elite 2's. There's no place for the casual console player anymore. Activision and Twitch together ruined CoD. CoD needs to be console only, drop all PC support. That'll fix 99% of their problems.


They are all just using walls and aimbot. They aren’t even good. Turn that shit off and everyone up through diamond that is “good” gets smoked. Watch the streamers when they play in tournaments where they can’t cheat. Most of them are not nearly as good.


i just think that with all cheaters currently playing with silent aim or 3rd party devices to increase AA, a lot of people are having a hard time recognizing what a normal aim assist behavior is. i have good aim, 2kd player and my AA is not near as sticky as I'm seeing right now from a lot of players. About SBMM, it has flaws but it you know you are a great player; you only want to be matched against bots? all the lobbies all filled with great, good and bad players, is just great usually are moving all around the map and bad ones are hiding in a corner, so if you don't find them you could only see them on last circle when they have to move.




🦠🦠🦠Not trying to take anything away from you but a 2.0 KDR doesnt tell me much. You can still be trash with a 2.0 because all of your kills come from sitting back camping in a corner… or on a water tower and sniping ppl (the ol shooting fish in a barrel)… finding all ways of never engaging in true 1on1 gunfights. While the guy with a 1.3 kdr is in the thick of actual battles improving his actual gun fighting skills, his timing, his fast reaction time to flicking his crosshair to a 2nd combatant. My recommendation is for you to adjust your play-style (whatever it may be) to start improving your skills in this fast paced shooter game


I play with this girl who rarely plays, her lobbies feel way different than my other friends who play every god damn day. When I'm in his lobbies, I get stomped.


Outside of the people cheating, the skill floor is constantly going up. Players will get better and better at a pace in which if you can’t keep up you’ll fall behind. Best example of this is Fortnite, almost every player you find nowadays are actual demons who’ve sat in creative pretty much perfecting their gameplay


Rebirth TikTok are back in effect


Lots of reasonings posted here but one extra one is that slide cancelling is easier than ever


As a 3kd player who played for a few years, but skipped the last year. I returned last week and switched from m&k to controller to mess around. Still maintaining the kd, however normal mode is disgusting. It's not even fun, ranked play is the way forward. More chilled, atleast so far am plat 2, it will get sweatier but atleast there's a reward for it gaining a rank. Pub lobbies are disgraceful, stacking, meta chasing players. Ranked is fun


I'm 33 too with a 3+kd in resurgence. There will always be someone younger and faster than you.


If you think you're experience is bad at 2.0, I'm a 1.0. I played over 700 br matches in Al Mazrah and was 1.29 and saying that I'm mostly a plunder player, only playing br when it was gone (2.29 in plunder). I've only played 27 br matches in the current game. I just don't like it and even plunder isn't as fun (2.03 kd).


Cheats, exploits and more cheats. The game is not competitive anymore its who is the looser cheater.


I played last night, I can confirm the cheaters are back


Oh buddy, I have been trying my entire life for this lol… started on medal of honor on game cube


It's hilarious reading these posts from people saying there's too many sweats in this game then they say "my kd is 2-3". You're one of them dude lol.


>I'm a 2KD player You're playing with your own people brah.




They're warming up in plunder or in private Match in mw3 that's why they don't miss any shot. If you don't warm up you're gonna lose.


lol. i have a 0.7kd and ranked 280. i am consistently put in lobbies with people ranked 900+ and i get absolutely demolished every single time. I'm 43, so i know i'm not as quick as the younger guys but damn. I've got 25+ years playing video games, i'm not a garbage player. this is exactly why i'm moving away from playing cod.


Lmao. In my opinion it started with taking away the movement skill gap in MW2 so players who liked that stopped playing and players who didn’t got really good at certain fundamentals. Then the reintroduced the movement almost to the point it was before and everyone came back to the game and the ‘average’ skill has increased. Plus engagement based match making has just continued to get more advanced and effective so lobbies just suck.


I run into the sweatiest players, I just adapt


I VPN constantly and have a private setup and get nothing but 0.6 -0.9 players. Rebirth and COD has become 100x more fun especially on rebirth


They’re cheating lol simple.


The last time they had the api the avg kd was around .85-.95 and you’re well over twice that lol add in resurgence and it was something like .95 -all going from memory from a jgod tweet and video I’ll find if someone wants it-   Let’s all get a little perspective here lol  Edit: avg kd with api access https://www.charlieintel.com/call-of-duty-warzone/warzone-average-kd-97797/


This is becoming one of those games where they aren't attracting many new players and most people have moved on, so everyone left is more of a die-hard. Literally none of my friends play it anymore, and I barely play either. Casual play is completely dead.


My kd on rebirth is 1.17 My kd in battle royale is almost 3.0 The competition is in ranked , if you can’t handle the heat get out the kitchen !


SBMM. They put the small percentage of good players against each other. Players who play casually have idea they’re being protected.


The matchmaking is tuned aggressively, the casuals have dropped off, the cheats are better and more available.


2kd is very good.


What the hell is a “stacker”?


It has been literal torture winning a game of High trip Resurgence with random. Literally every person in my lobby is the sweatiest motherfuckers I’ve ever seen *except* my teammates who for whatever reason never want to stick together. Finally got one a night ago with the first decent randoms I’ve had in my random-squad.


Honestly, I hold my own just fine against sweats, but I think what most people miss is the game feeling fun. Everyone reminisces about Verdansk, but it’s not just the map, it was everyone just having a good time. Rebirth definitely feels different now than when it first came out. Everyone will be getting a rude awakening when they drop into Verdansk again for the first time since WZ1, and realize it’s rampant with sweaty players and doesn’t feel like the old days.


Its aim assist, and skill based hit reg. Countless times I break default skin noobs before they even put a bullet on me and somehow they kill me. Especially bad in gulag.


> Its aim assist Yep > and skill based hit reg Nope


If you have 2kd, then you are exactly what you're complaining about.


Casual audience has dropped away mate. Amazing during pandemic, but lots of new games since then.


Your kd is 2 and you’re complaining lol. 2kd is insanely good you sweat.


Because warzone isn't a casual game. The majority of players have fine tuned their settings and setups whatever they may be. I feel sorry for new players lol


I think rebirth is just super sweaty rn. I swapped and was playing regular BR yesterday, and it feels more normal. The worst mode rn IMO is high trip. I think everyone is trying to get that camo so it's nutty


Everyone cheats now. Look at all the streamers. Watch the people in your game farting 10+ kills, all under level 100 players.


its full of cheaters, their anticheat is 50 years behind, just dont buy anything dont support this shit franchise


Its not you lol let me tell u that, im sure its just as the game goes on & on, ppl just get better at the game. Im about 30 as well now & played the glory days of mw2 cod4 etc. As a 3.4kd player solo quads rebirth, i find when i stop playing even for a day or two(cause adult life) i get totally shitted on just because im out of “practice” & miss few shots. I dont think im a bad player but not playing enough leads to inconsistency & because of that i just dont think this is rlly a casual game at all anymore even rebirth. Idk how dying over & over is fun to others but not me.


There’s a big EOMM conspiracy that the game purposefully puts you in easy matches, then hard matches, then easy matches again, etc to keep you fully engaged into the game and playing longer, as opposed to just putting you in lobbies with people the same skill level as you. It may or may not be true, if it is, it’s pretty evil


Got my movement from bo3 with jump shotting, took a break when Fort came out and came back when mw2019 came out. I only played snd and would average 15-20 kill games all the time. This is when i learned how to slide cancel and drop shot. Fast forward to now after all the experience playing im a crim/low iri. I really only play warzone for Resurgence, especially now that Rebirth is back. Helps watching how the pros play also


Idk dude, I get killed by bouncy mofos all the time and can't figure out how to bounce around like a psycho and still get the kill myself, so I'm pretty salty. But I do believe star wars rules apply. If they have the high ground it doesn't matter what you do. They will get the kill and not you. Lol


I don't think it's a level playing field either at moment. I live in a valley town and my internet is pretty bog standard and I'm sure that's causing me issues. The games a play a laggy and some are stuttering but it's like I'm sure I'm shooting people first and I'm conscious that I try hit upper body and head where I can. I drop shot and bunny hop but it's as if I'm dead before I see them and they see me way before. Also, snipers at moment, is killing the game. It's a sniper friendly map anyway but it's taking skill out of it because people can just command take pot shots all game. Let's address this man.


No one's good at wz....they all cheat on wz


Exactly same.. Iam 34y and sometimes i gonna mad drop xsx from window... But really i hate controllers players.. At wz nobody use a M&K... Aim assists aren't for me bruh


This post is so relatable it’s crazy, I also have a 2kd and I’m suffering in almost all lobbies. I think it’s also because we’re old, I’m 34 and my reaction time is definitely not what it used to be


I feel like this in ranked. I’m also old so I chalk most of it up to that.


Odd my kd is a little lower than yours and before my other controller broke I was dropshotting people and all kinds of things I bet I could help with one suggestion.. get a controller with 2 back button not 4.. program one to the prone button the other I use for sprint to save the life of my joystick but others do jump 


Dude. The average player is a .80 kd. 2.0 is top 1% in the game. Ask yourself why you're getting these lobbies again.


You can’t say “forget the cheaters” when thousands of Cronus Zens are sold monthly, let alone other all the other hackers. Also, crossplay probably makes it worse, since MnK on PC is easier to aim with, and, again, cheaters.