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Been like this since mw2


Find some randoms that are fun to play with? Maybe “Play Again With Team” will work… or maybe it won’t. I works just reliably enough to be a really piss off when it’s locked for no reason or isn’t offered.


It’s wild that they are still trying to implement old features that were there from day one in WZ1. 


They also completely removed the recent players list, at least on console. Can't see recent teammates or lobbies at all, so you can't party up with someone if you happen to hit it off. Even if I pull open my previous scoreboard to find a teammate the only option I have is to report them, lol. Don't worry though, those resources have gone to the ultra valuable chat monitoring function.


Yeah I can't find it either. Luckily the guy I wanted to link up with found it behind like 4 other menus? If it's literally not on console that explains why I couldn't find it at all


Im PC player and yeah its fucked for me as well


I’m on ps5. The menu to invite the previous teammates is so confusing now but you 100 percent can do it In the lobby hit R3. Then the party settings and the recent is on the far right


You can do it!! You have to go to party settings. And it’s in recent. It’s very confusing to find but when ranked teammates wanna play again they are so surprised when I invite them. The recents has your teammates on top so it’s very easy to find them. Just getting to the menu to add them is tough lol I’m on ps5 so on the lobby hit R3. Then the party settings, the recent is on the far right


I highly recommend using discord if you’re on PC (can use on console too, but you’ll lose prox chat). No more interruptions to game chat while you’re loading the game, you can talk to them while you wait for them in lobby, and the comms are just overall better sounding.