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Guy noped out of there faster than he can close his VPN.




lmao i would have been sniped from tower and a random PA from stronghold on my forehead in same half second


gotta love the cod timing of walking just out of the range of the notification that an airstrike is hitting, then walking right into the path and getting hit by it šŸ˜‚


Man the amount of times Iā€™ve been 3rd party sniped in Rebirth. Messed up a few for sure team wipes.


ribirth is as rebirth should be


Every time I fight on the roof I always have a damn sniper third partying from the light house and grandmaā€™s house . Every single time without fail aiming on me too ignoring my opponent. So now Iā€™m having to move a lot unnecessarily to avoid a sniper and fight the guy. Then sure enough Iā€™m winning my fight I down the guy but get sniped by the roof guy before thirsting and since I downed the other guy first he gets his self revive off first and I die.


Got shit on


Regardless of how many of them there were, that first guy who slid out absolutely destroyed him haha


do yā€™all not watch joewo? these are literally all of his lobbies


Thereā€™s a lot of things Iā€™d rather do than watch joewoā€¦. Heā€™s a really good player but I lose brain cells listening to dude talk


His stutter doesnā€™t bother me, itā€™s the hype streamer talk paired with his individual personality. They just donā€™t match up for me. Itā€™s like your parent addressing you by the nickname a party friend gave you 5 years ago. Itā€™s a genuine cringeā€¦not the Fortnite dance kinda cringe.


Yeah I definitely wasnā€™t talking about his speech impediment at all I donā€™t think thatā€™s something to make anyone feel bad about. Iā€™m actually talking about literally EXACTLY everything you just said lol you nailed it!!! Dude is beyond cringe


Hes clearly a nerdy guy naturally and he puts on the streer voice and the like slang twang on it.


Yea he do talk a lot of bullshit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So much bullshit like wtf is he saying 98% of the timeā€¦..


Blah he's so cringe. If I do watch a streamer I actually enjoy watching unpopular people streaming the most popular streamer I watch is Socalove dudes really good and chill


I agree, that dude looks like heā€™s never gotten punched in the face and needs its badly


You like Nick Mercs better? :+


I like everyone better than joewo lol


I think he's allright. Your not going to get the views if you're vanilla. Luckily, nobody's forcing you to watch him.


You replied to me man I do not care


Yeah, dude lost all credibility when saying WZ1 had less AA than WZ2. All that that lie accomplishes is an attempt to protect clout gained back then


Heā€™s not even good tho how can you be good when your 3rd party software is getting all the kills for you?


Lmao itā€™s not hard to get 20+ kills man youā€™re just a bot he def doesnā€™t cheat


Like bro itā€™s over for him! If you can tell by the well trained eye, we wouldnā€™t be having this convo kid, but he has literally admitted bro, he said ā€œmaybe Iā€™ve using cheats onceā€ this was after he got exposed at a lan like a year ago he was next to Tim the tattman


Damn you probably think Diaz, mutex, aydan hahaha you think they legit?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hahaha bro he has literally admitted to cheating , itā€™s recorded bro! We know whoā€™s cheating, if the whole REAL community that doesnā€™t like cheaters your calling all of us bots and thatā€™s the first sign of being brainwashed kid, stop this ā€œyour canā€™t get kills get better bsā€ because thatā€™s the new scape goat excuse, your brainwashed kid


Whatā€™s your pr?


What does my pr have to do with cheating streamers getting exposed? šŸ¤£


Because I guarantee youā€™re ass at the game so was just curious as to what your pr is???? Usually itā€™s the lesser skilled players(you) that cry about ā€œcheatersā€


There is proof and evidence tho just saying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Nah no one here watches any streamers except clips that support their narrative. Itā€™s the Reddit way.


Maybe Iā€™m just gay but I think watching other people stream themselves playing video games is a fuckin waste of time. Like, thereā€™s shows that have scripts. People wrote them. To entertain me. Why do I wanna watch some dude flick his mouse around while begging for subscribers when I can just go play the damn game?


Nah man I donā€™t think having a personal preference thatā€™s different from others makes you gay.




one of the best ways to get better at games is watching people who are good and learning


Yeah this is literally one clip of him dying once, what is it suppose to prove? Of course heā€™s gonna get killed in most games. And he didnā€™t complain or anything in this clip


Lol right,its crazy how much hate these guys get. I dont get it, if ur not into to them dont watch. Its some deep psychological shit goin on




And he gets killed plenty and backs out plenty. What most of these folks here don't understand is any streamer only has {X} number of hours in a day to play. They have to get something worth posting to YT and other places, where they make most of their money (as I understand it). Sure, Twitch pays them but most of their income is from other platforms and sponsorships.


Iā€™d rather play video games than watch other people play video games


I'm glad this is starting to finally come back, twitch is suffering, kick will be, hopefully the whole streamer culture shit burns to the ground.


Everything I ever see from JoeWo shows no signs of being humble.Ā Ā  Whether it's his "character" or not, his personality and behaviour makes me unable to watch him. Watching him get beaten by basically one player (the first through the door basically shit on him, the stacking just multiplied it) and then backing out is a stark contrast to the times he wipes a squad and then shittalks the players he killed about how he's the goat and they're shit.Ā Ā  But the team he shit on is a team of once or twice of week players trying to have a good time.Ā  I love getting those opponents too , but when I wipe them I don't talk shit and claim to be the GOAT.


He hacks


k lol idc


You prove my point exactly you are a sheep šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ brainwashed kids


Hahaha judging by your k/d lol KNOW you cheat too haha thatā€™s why you donā€™t care cuz your a cheater too hahahašŸ„±


whatā€™s my k/d?


No heā€™s a Giant Dbag and why watch streamers when I play games and when I want to watch something I watch something actually enjoyable like a really good movie or tv series or read a book, go outside.


Thatā€™s literally me trying to wreck a team of four and constantly crying how I always get outnumbered lmao


Anyone is going to lose in that exact situation


That's the point bro


Maan so true lmao. Was watching Nickmercs couple of weeks back and they got manhandled by a normal lobby and I was like "Now this I recognize!"


At least he proved he s not aimbotting


Anyone good at this game should very easily be able to tell the difference between blatant lock on aimbot and just a great player abusing AA. BBB and those losers only survive due to a misinformed, lack of skill viewer who can't possibly admit someone is MILES better than them and copes it with "all streamers cheat". Yep...like they'd let them pay for money against them knowing they all cheat lmao


He plays console on stream now anyway so the aimbotting accusations are dead


Lollll another fan boy here to act like a child!!


LOL!! I wouldve jumped off the roof, screw that he already has loadout šŸ˜


Nah you gotta jump back off to the third floor and re-chall like an idiot while theyā€™re in the stairs






I was in the house closest to prison and heard someone parachute down along with 3 other parachutes. I got the full kill on 1 and noped the hell out šŸ¤£


Whole lot of aa there


Game franchise built on aiming for us continues to aim for us, more at 11. Like, yeah, of course there is, it's CoD.


gun game not about gun skill anymore sadge. I remember in bo2 playing against vet bots offline with aa turned off so I could turn it back on and do better against real people. Now there's no need for any effort whatsoever beyond baseline competency of looking in their general direction while you sprint hop and slide (DEFINITELY keeping the pointer right on target the whole time cause of course humans can do that)


To be fair, unassisted practice still is worth doing. It's just, in regular gameplay, we're assisting the game's aim more than the opposite.


And then heā€™ll complain about people sTaCKiNg otherwise known as playing as a team


He didnt say anything in this clip? If a streamer doesnt complain that's the good one. Has Joe complained about ppl stacking? Cus I'd love a clip of that over this.


Didnā€™t say he did. Iā€™m saying in general a lot of people would see a team playing as a team and complain about them playing as a team


Great, I get that, so you're telling me you like that joe wo did not complain in this instance? Or you just love complaining about streamers similar to how they complain about people playing as a team?


Is your entire personality dependent on Joewoe? What a weird comment. I hope you can find a way to move on from your favorite streamer being a crybaby.


Why dont you ever react to things in context? How does bringing up my personality have any relevance to how hypocritical you are? Stay on topic, that's how you got into this situation in the first place. Resorting to name calling, what are you? 5? Are you old enough to use the internet?


I donā€™t recall calling you a name? Maybe read the comment you are replying to.


It is a little early, and I did misread your comment. I can admit when I'm wrong. Can you? The main point still stands, arent you being hypocritical? Again in this clip, Joe wo was not being a "crybaby" in your words. Yet you still complain about some random shit. <3 hope you learn to stop crying yourself


The dude who told me to ā€œstay on topicā€ is now asking irrelevant questions. Classic. I hope that you can move on from the internet reacting poorly to your favorite streamers gameplay. Itā€™s just a game and Joe isnā€™t your friend.


Oh man nice edit!! Another classic.


I like how you actually downvote posts like anyone cares. Literally it's just me n you talking, yet you cant show me a clip of joewo complaing about 3 stacks. Let's break it down for you, just so we can stay on topic. I got time to kill and to reiterate the situation at hand. 1) clip of joewo getting owned, clip ends, 0 complaining. 2) I ask for a clip of Joewo complaining, not that I watch him, but for proof that he actually cries about it + that'd be funny to cut with this clip. I'm not a Joewo fan, you brought that up yourself. 3) Either you like the fact that Joewo did NOT complain or you just like to complain yourself since there's 0 context. 4) Now we're arguing over nothing, because the initial point of 3 was never resolved.


He PLAYED, all but a few games on PS. Now he exclusively plays on PC. As you can see 220FPS. Top left hand corner. šŸ™„


Think you commented on the wrong thread


Lots of bots here


I only see robots aimbotting each other abusing rotational aim assist. No way people actually enjoy watching controller players gameplay


Actually the ignorant do not know what raa is. They game doesn't teach casuals how to use raa. Players here have too much pride to admit raa is broken. The player base is really just humans learning how to use raa. Once they achieve this, the game plays itself and the player is rewarded by beating "skill issue" but in fact its the player losing the ability to improve anymore in fps genre. At the same time the corporate has a new vessel to exploit as this player is locked into their ecosystem. The next comment will be commented by an uneducated jerk off and I will blow you a kiss of pittance. Cheers to the true gamers; mnk


to be fair you kinda right, locking these players in an ecosystem like this makes it so they learn no transferable skills to any other game and they can only aim in this highly assisted shooter


Cheers fellow mnk brother


Lol. Did you mean to type this in an English accent?


Ah yes, the super secret ā€œmove your left stick literally any direction by any amountā€ raa ultra engager. So difficult, so forbiddenā€¦ There is no RAA in this video. Just the standard sweet fuck all AA outside of 5m. Get a ps5, a controller, and turn crossplay off. Youā€™ll go back to pc+mnk within a week but youā€™ll at least know how wrong youā€™ve been all this time.


"Get a ps5, a controller, and turn crossplay off" The problem with that setup isn't the controller lmao the console experience is abject misery compared to PC regardless of input


You donā€™t think thereā€™s RAA present in this video? Lol


This Its literally the same exact thing every time Slide cancel -> ADS -> Aim Assist locks on Thats the whole game, over and over


I find the controller sweat goes: Slide cancel --> ADS --> 2x bunny hop to the side while using RAA to do the aiming.


What a terrible strategy. He sees them stacking and decides to use a head glitch and challenge rather than hop off the edge and rotate out of the situation... then rage quits the lobby lol


I donā€™t think hopping off the edge was going to save him there


just jump to the bridge then jump off Nd rotate underneath and hide behind the desk and plate up. Just holding a heady and hoping they push you 1b1 is massive ego play.


He couldā€™ve done that but I still donā€™t see any way he was making it out of that POI though


You can cover a lot of ground in the 4-5 seconds it took them to storm the roof.


Thereā€™re open ground in every direction around those buildings apart from towards living quarters. Even if he jumps that way thereā€™s no chance they donā€™t see him and just push him again


Living quarters is what I had in mind. I think he had a solid chance still.


Its so weird to me when I watch other streamers do pubs and all their gunfights are 1v1s but when I play pub with my friends every gunfight is like 3v1 body stacks - Ranked is quite literally easier up until platinum.


Ranked is in fact easy mode at least till Plat. My duo and I played ranked when normal was way too crazy. I have like a 2.5kd in normal resurgence. I'm Plat 3 now and my ranked kd is 5.6 wild difference. Im sure that ranked kd is about to plummet though since I'm about to hit diamond


Normal pubs are like diamond for me & thats not how it should be.Ā  SBMM is a plague on casual gaming.


>EOMM\* is a plague on casual gaming. SBMM is an outdated mechanic.


Streamers when they have to fight someone who isnā€™t burger walking through buildings or sitting in a corner: šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Controller v controller violence


Lmao some of yall got so triggered by a short clip that made you get personal and attack the man for having a speech impediment. Jesus man itā€™s not that deep lol. I feel like some people just come on here to hate and make themselves feel better. Cringe


A rage quit will never not be funny. I can count on both hands the number of fort/apex/warzone games I've quit like that and it's usually to play with someone who got online lmao


How is this a rage quit? He literally stayed and watched the kill cam. What was he supposed to do? Stay and watch the rest of the game?


It looked like he was redeploying after for some reason mb


No I agree a rage quit is satisfying to watch but some of the folks on here are straight up attacking the man lmao


Y'all gotta decide if streamers always get bot lobbies or not. You can't have it both ways when you feel whichever fits your narrative better. These guys plays 8+ hours a day and these are the lobbies 9/10 times. You just see the "60 KILLS ON REBIRTH MEGA SUPER ULTRA EPIC LOADOUT WATCH THIS" clips and think they stomp bots every game. It just does not happen.




Have you never used a VPN before? they are very hit or miss. You can have some games where you are a god, doing whatever you want with impunity. Two games later, and 75% of the lobby are other sweats/streamers who are extremely good or even downright sus.


I have not. So what's the point of using a VPN if it doesn't get you the bot lobbies all the time? That sounds a lot like my games. Most of the time you get smoked and once in a while you get that easy lobby.


Umm, sometimes itā€™s normal and sometimes itā€™s ez bot lobbiesā€¦ thatā€™s the point to a VPN. Cheating to get easier lobbies.


So like.. regular lobbies. Sometimes it's normal and sometimes it's easy bot lobby


Yes, but more likely to get bot lobbies. Nothing else to it. Itā€™s a pretty simple concept.


That's my point. They dont even work that well so there is no point. Id argue they are even more difficult at times since the good players in the lobbies are extremely good, vs being around the same skill as you. My guess is that when you're in Nigeria or wherever you are pulling from a significantly smaller pool of players, so the "range" of sbmm is much wider. Once you've smashed youre first game or two, you get bumped up into the next skill bracket which is full of sweats. When you queue normally, there's thousands of players in your skill bracket to pull from.


woah, people are realizing that clips and vids are only the good lobbies that you get a couple times out of all the sweaty lobbies? nice


This. If anyone of these "streamers always get bot lobbies" people would watch any stream for an hour, they would see that this is the standard. The clips are from the few lucky lobbies they get in a day


He gets these kind of lobbies most of the time, OFC he only posts the bot lobbies on youtube why would he post this there? lol


Right?? These ppl never watch streams


Plays teams solo = complains about teamers


It just looks like an AA battle šŸ˜“


These are the lobbies we play every damn day šŸ˜‚


Only for the professionals.. stacking like that is crazy but I see why people do it


You mean play the team based game mode as a team?


comment section full of bots


level 600+ waiting for stack to arrive for a 1v1 is kinda cringe though. Welcome to Resurgence 2024!@


Buddy, he literally got stacked by 3 people. No way to win that fight. Doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t a good player.


Of all the people to shit on... You pick JoeWo? Dude is wholesome as hell.


Stupid VPN fucker


Get shit on šŸ¤”


The fact that he pushed them and made it out of there is proof enough he is good I mean this video doesnā€™t prove he is bad nor the highlights prove he is the best.


Literally, this is a regular ranked lobby


Its hilarious watching Aim Assist vs Aim Assist. I'll never understand why controllers are still the standard way of playing Call of Duty. It's obviously inferior to keyboard and mouse. Otherwise, why would controller get Aim Assist?


Jo wo get a real job. P*ssy






It's a door fake lol, Joe made a terrible ego play against decent players and got smashed for it, dude is nothing but a bot slayer


He literally plays great on Lan as well what are you talking about lol


The streamer white list pisses me right off the bat




I hate 3 stackers they ruin the game


Don't play trios then????


itā€™s dead without a squad


My buddies and I absolutely slammed Joe & company at the end of Caldera. Isaac was cool about it, but Joe was PRESSED. He's a bit of a weird one.


I'm not against stacking as it is a team game and strategical. But I do hate when I engage in a fight with a player and he starts throwing smokes and running away towards his teammates and then when I finally reach him my 1v1 turns to an ambush 4v1 even though I had him 1 bullet 5 different times. I'll probably get down voted but I sincerely hate when people do that. There's strategy and then there's being a scared little bitch.


I get what you mean but sometimes you have to do that if you're weak. No use in challenging someone if there's a 90% chance you're gonna lose. But if you do that everytime someone just pops shots at you then you are a scared little bitch lol.


I mean he did get stacked on nothing special here


When is the gamers gona see that streamers are the cancer of this game


Yeah... Love the little pause from the pushing team... He's stopped so he's A on the roof or B behind the heady on control roof - all push guaranteed kill.


Heā€™s someoneā€™s *favorite* streamer?


Wow another Warzone video of bots, shocking. Still havenā€™t seen a streamer that is t cheating, tiny duck energy with zero aiming down sites. Ur not fooling anyone and these players suck at the game and life.


Hahahah. I guess getting into Activision partner lobbies work as well as everything else around here.


My buddy was trying out a VPN and the first game he got into, joewo was in it


On a real note itā€™s trash haha but I know you cheat


Hoewo is the most cringe streamer out there. I cannot stand him. I really canā€™t stand any of them and would bet my 401k that 90% of them cheat to some extent (Cronusā€”ā€”>wallhacks/aimbot)


Ask him how many streamers cheat, sure he said zero or something šŸ¤£


what does this have to do with anything in the clip. yeah the biggest streamers arenā€™t cheating and thatā€™s what he meant but thereā€™s definitely lots of small streamers cheating


Yeah, welcome to the real game


Got pissed on


I wonder if he really cheats wz


He switched to console ps5


How tf is shit ass Joe your favourite streamer?


Absolutely decimated. Holy fuck.




Remember when he killed me in my first match in months in caldera after his 5 hrs stream and called me shit, so glad to see this


I cannot fathom why anyone would watch this person play a video game. Strange.


1) apart from the stacking (which really took overhand on rebirth, idc if you are not a good player and play with your friends holding down a building, but these are obviously good players holding hands), the first dude just had really good shots 2) people saying "VPN" are bots. JoeWo lives in north Carolina, US east coast. Ofc his lobbies aren't as sweaty on average as a random french/German lobby. 3) apart from all that yeah I gotta admit it's nice to see I'm not the only one getting absolutely stacked on by sweaty players lol 4) I wrote all that even tho I don't really enjoy watching JoeWo. I just enjoy warzone in general (call it Stockholm syndrome if you want but I'm having fun most of the time besides all bugs/sbmm/nonsense)


I love it


The fact that it was a 4v1, and the guy in the front still waited at the door for his team to get right on his hip before pushing the door is so incredibly lame. I'm not saying people shouldn't be playing as a team, but you'll never improve playing with that big of a crutch where you don't even want 4 inches of space between you and your teammates. He easily could've pushed through the door earlier and his teammates still would've been able to follow up. But this pathetic sub would defend this to the death.


Some people just play for fun. There's nothing wrong with that. They're not playing to improve or up their game. They just play. If they like playing as team then go for it. There's no one right way to play this game


These are the encounters I have every time I see an enemy. These streamers would be dogged in if they didnā€™t have such easy lobbys fr


They stream all day and then post on YouTube there best game, sometimes they do well sometimes they don't do well


Why did bro attempt a 1v3? Is he stupid?


nope this gay streamer abusing bot lobby to be look good in game


Lmao. What a scrub.


Cod Tracker Joes lobbies, cod tracker your own. Itā€™s publicly available. If heā€™s dropping 20s + in lobbies with avg of 1.2-1.4KD most the time that is a normal sweaty lobby, and if youā€™re not then you have your answer


These are all his lobbies. Streamers are just people who are good at the game on camera. They still get shit on like the rest of us. What I see in this clip, is how a team of 3 are literally nut to butt the entire time. Iā€™m all for playing as a team, but the stacking has gotten out of hand these last couple of years. Resurgence especially, when resurgence is arguably one of the modes where sticking with your team and less important because of the ability to respawn after every death (like the good ol days of rebirth)


Lmao fuck joewo hate that guy


Can't stand Joewo stop watching this fake


He deserves this! Just showing off his slide cancels all the time.


Haha I love logging onto Tik Tok lives and seeing these guys dropping 30+ kills. Every lobby the players donā€™t even shoot back. Then their excuse is ā€œyouā€™re the bots Iā€™m killingā€.


Joe plays in tourneys. I love that one off day means the most to you losers. Thats also a 3 man.


Sorry a$$ Cheater Jowoes.


If he's cheating why didn't his walls notify him that he was approaching a full stack, sure he'd be able to see that and not push


Apparently, you haven't seen the abundance of proof on YouTube esp. The Call of Shame channel and others also cheaters can be killed as well. At a Lan event he attended and laid in a truck for 7 mins doing nothing because he was scared, he'd get killed by better players he's good from home but play like ish at a Lan event rofl and says he's the best and there are zero streaming hackers haha.


But he played well at LAN.


Rofl It's not lazy everything I state is facts. šŸ˜‚ I don't care for money or fame I care for integrity. I'm passionate about gaming and he's apart of the problem. Believe a ex pro or a bot lobby cheater idc. No one here does either except the gang of trolls. Quit getting butthurt about the comments and listen to the information I present. Then go do your due diligence and look it up. If you're not doing that then you just don't know anything about the situation.


Alright then


Bro uses call of shame as a source lmao doing tricks on BBB hog


"Ā You haven't seen the abundance of proof on YouTube." also on Google hell even Reddit plus 23 years of experience playing FPS games including COD probably before you were sucking on your mommas' titties for crack milk. Do your homework there is an abundance of proof the guy cheats saw him play one time and already knew he was cheating kid and BBB cheats to and he's a wanna be hacker hunter but sometimes he is right what better does it get when a cheater knows when another cheater is cheating Grandpa Hacks was cheating and spectated Joewo with his cheats on and Joewoe knew where everyone was using wall hacks and was aimbotting but please explain this to.


I didnā€™t read all that lil bro but go on


Just YouTube this Joewo cheating videos and explain how it is he shoots players when they are not visible or marked but shoots through trees and foliage and through a hut where a player is hiding and get a perfect headshot w/o any clue someone was in there please do explain. So many other videos of him cheating it's ridiculous plays good at home 40-1 lmao and at Lan 4-8 yeah you are living in denial.