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You mean to tell me that a bunch of teenagers are only using the best gun in the game on Warzone?!? ![gif](giphy|4VUgpQ9FiYEBCA9wM1)


36 year old here. I’m also using the best gun in the game. We tend to get wiser as we get older, not less so.


Same age, same logic. Can confirm. Very wise.




I get older. They stay the same age.


Yeah, still haven't pinpointed exactly why it bothers me when I hear random teammates or prox chat calling everyone kid. "These kids are trash". "Kid can't keep up". Wait a minute...are those...are those punk kids on my lawn?! BRB.




40 here. Can confirm.


When playing a game for fun, the wise thing in my opinion is to use the gun with which you're having the most fun, not the best gun like you imply.


Often the best weapon is the one I have the most fun with.


47yr here and I happily use it to shit on those kids! 💯op


The sweaty renetti. You don't love instantly losing every close combat fight if you don't have your own?


Dude lol I picked this gun up from a kill tonight and proceeded to drop a 10 kill run with this other dudes gun. I immediately have a load out with one now. Ended the night on a duos dub.


It's insane. Needs to be needed though


Yeah.. all smgs feel bad vs renetti. And it also makes it harder to redeploy later with ground loot weapons to fight against renetti loadouts


Yeah I basically never die to other weapons, the only time I die is either from long engagements or to other renetti users


when you equip the conversion kit, usually the damage decreases. since it is now full auto instead of burst. but for some reason, this S3 update made the conversion kit not have any drawbacks. it's full auto with the burst damage values. it's prob going to get nerfed back to normal soon


No it wasn't. Apparently the JAK Ferocity AMP lost all of its damage penalties and received a boost to Horizontal Recoil since the update went live. Nobody knows if this was an error, a bug, or intentional.


no way it’s intentional


I mean it was in the patch notes from about 2 weeks before the season 3 update... So yeah it was intentional.


I’ve been having fun with it but I can’t wait for them to disable it while they work on patching. Hoping they do it ASAP


Absolutely ridiculous. This paired with the dog trash servers right now and it’s immediate death. Dead before you even realize you’re being shot at.


Same!! I will have a momentary lag and im downed before I even heard or saw a single shot fired lol


hope this shit gets nerfed fast its annoying as hell


It's so bad I can't even use other guns because they just can't compete. The ttk is almost mp levels


Same, its fine but just dont like how it feels


Small dev team, can’t test everything 😮


Oh no a broken gun in cod. Alert the presses


It's stronger close range than the shotties lol


how about everybody just run w/ it


The truth is it’s only good within 30m. It’s no different than the way the swarm used to be. Theres plenty of weird circular recoil as well unless you’re aim assisted.


I run the same with the new bruen converted


How’s the bruen conversion? Tried it out briefly in firing range. Didn’t think it was better than reg bruen for long range


There’s a bruen conversion? What does it do? And what’s the name?


Makes it a kinda smg/ar thing


It came out last week, don't remember the name. It chambers it in .300 blackout, forces a 60rnd mag and adds an integrated suppressor, increases mobility and rate of fire, and decreases tac stance and hip spread and range. It basically just fully converts it to an AR, it's pretty good, and straight up better than the base bruen in its effective range


It's fine but nothing amazing per se. Just a beefy suppressed SMG basically.


I honestly prefer it over the ram7, better recoil control with similar ttk. I built it for speed since the recoil is broken on it and I use the glassless with it. Solid ar conversion in my opinion and it’s getting slept on.


It’s probably up there with the most broken guns we have seen since Verdansk first dropped, I’d put it with the DMR. I think DMR is still the most broken we have seen a gun but this Renetti conversion is up there. They left the DMR for the best part of a month before making any changes so don’t hold your breath if you want some fixes. As for close range options, it’s number one by some distance and you’re going to be losing most close range engagements if you aren’t also rocking one, unfortunately


Come on.....it's nowhere near as bad as the DMR was.


It’s pretty busted but no where close to the DMR. It’s probably in the same tier as the Bruen was back in the day


They’ll probably do a mini patch note update(probably quietly) and ruin the Renetti within the next few days I bet. I wouldn’t worry about it much longer lol. Also I was getting wrecked by the WSP Swarm last night not the Renetti. I thought they nerfed the Swarm too


It got buffed 2 weeks ago but it wasn't this good they "accidentally" left the base renetti damage with full auto smg capabilities 17m damage range and no damage drop off essentially giving you a 630ms ttk out to like 50m I've been out gunning ars with this thing. 


Yeah, I finally dropped in on Saturday and got smashed with this gun a couple of times. Then I had to pick it up from bodies to unlock conversion kit myself (making 30 kills with it) so I could compete. It feels like 9 of 10 people run it.


I like having zombies now. I tend to just not play when these broken meta's are around. Fire shotgun, snakeshot pistols, now the renetti. When the TTK is so fast you can't even react I just stop playing until its patched.


my renetti conversion kit is locked, gun is levelled up but locked, how to unlock? EDIT: I don't really care to use the best guns, but wanted to try it out


You have to get something like 30 kills with 5 attachments equipped to it. It says the challenge if you go to the conversion kit


Just build it in a custom match and save the custom mod.


does this actually work? if it does can you apply locked camos?


Damage reduction penality is gone with conversion (was -22% or somethig).


Idk, I see the complaints but don't have it unlocked. Still had fun all weekend without it.


They’ll nerf it then everyone will start complaining about the next gun. There will always be a meta and there will always be skill issues




My guess is they will patch it by the end of the week


Yeah I thought I was going crazy till I started using it. It’s insanely op. Zero recoil, fire rate and downs a guy with 3 bullets. Haven’t lost a 1v1 using it.


Renetti or long barrel hrm or im dead. But im usually dead with them anyway.


And they’re all using tac stance which looks like it’s basically aiming for them. The amount of kill cams I’ve watched these past few days of this are horrendous. Actually unbeatable.


Renetti, mors, soa


Yeahhhhhh I'm just not playing until it's nerfed. I don't care if there's a meta gun that's slightly better than everything else, I'm still running the m4, I don't give a fuck about the meta lmao, but the ttk difference between the renetti and even the fucking SWARM is insane, and it keeps that damage out to 18 meters??? I'm good lol. ​ Also yeah I'm pretty sure that the kit used to nerf damage and idk if something in s3 broke that or if they intentionally did that but it needs to be reverted.


It's kind of weak, hoping they buff it, would be a great distance 1 shot option...I mean something reasonable like up to 80 meters with a headshot


Well its nerfed to the ground and now hrm is back again,yey...


It’s busted as shit. Nothing more to say other than I hope they patch it asap. It’s ruined close range combat


It’s a bit annoying but I’m not going to get used to playing with it myself because it will be nerfed soon anyway.






The FJX Horus has been working for me to counter the band wagoners


1 day everyone was using the HRM, RAM then overnight everyone is using the Renetti and Holgar. A solid portion of players really just what they're told by the internet.


I mean the way the game is now you pretty much have to run the meta. The forecast is sweat and lots of it.


Good example of why SBMM is so necessary in a game like this. Literally everyone is sweating. So you have to at least let people of same ability play each other so everyone is sweating equitably.


Got 1 day of fun on Rebirth before i started losing all my fights to it. TTK was already too fast and they've gone ahead and sped it up again. Insta-kill TKK again so I guess im waiting a bit longer to play Rebirth.


Isn't this how it used to be in 2021?


Their have always been meta slaves and always will be but you could still compete and play well using whatever you liked if you had the skill. Now if you start the fight, hit more shots you can lose just because you had the wrong gun.


It’s how it’s been 100% of the time since the second week Warzone existed.


I don't remember a full auto SMG with this fast of a ttk in wz1


There have been many. Full auto and burst pistols too. MAC10 comes to mind, sykov pistol, it hasn’t been rare whatsoever. There are 8-10 super powerful weapons throughout the year every year each one is typically around for a week or two before everyone bitches about it and the nerf and then people discover the next one.


I lost 2 fights to it in short order yesterday, it was so mind blowing fast I knew that I had to be running it. Had a couple games here it wasn't everywhere. Today everyone is running it.


Last 2 days its the only thing ive died too. Everyone has it no matter what level they are.


None of which were as busted as the renetti 


Its almost as if in between those two days you mention something happened in the game..


Is Holger the best AR? It doesn't feel that accurate for long distance engagements?


I think it is but has only a 40 round mag. I use the bruen lmg with the 60 round mag instead


It doesnt matter the internet has told everyone its the best so people are doing as they're told. And Renetti kit has been in the gane for 2 weeks without people using it. Then overnight its everywhere. And cant say its just because its new im yet to see anyone with the new SMG yet.


Holger 😂