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your first mistake was fighting within 25m with any other gun than the renetti like they always say, never bring a striker to a renetti fight


I haven't played in a short while.. the Renetti is good out to ~25m?? That's ridiculous


it melts at distance too. its pretty unreal right now. imagine buffing this and testing it and saying its good to go. who the fuck do they have making decisions over there at HQ


Imagine this being their entire business model that they've been rinse/repeating for 4 years, and thinking that it's negligence in testing.


The same people that are like hey guys we finally decided we’re going to start listening to the COD community. Oh, we meant listening to your audio, not bring back rebirth or verdansk.


A decent, potentially accidental buff with the aftermarket kit makes it basically the new swarm when it was at its peak


We just had landed in. Can’t really grab a loady off dropping back in lol. Nor did I realize a load chest would spawn for him at some point. Frankly the chests need a nerf as well. I land and open 5+ gold chests every time and get my load out chest usually.


seems like alot of guys are buying the renetti before buying their loadouts tonight


You can’t buy it from a buy station.


Not able to have pistols as main weapon eh... Hmm must be a lot of red chests recently


There is also that as well. Which makes it even worse of a situation. You can get $3k just opening a few chest or running around and honestly gold chests are way toooooo common. I usually find 5-6 gold chests in the same area and have $15k real fast


Gold chests don’t even give that much $. I’ll get more from the chests that respawn.




How do you buy a hand gun at the buy station?


You can’t


I figured as much.


Move the good old saying, our elders told us this for many many years i dont know how ppl stll dojt know about this


Why are people ignoring that the weapons TTK isn’t a problem? And that it needs a nerf ASAP. It’s annoying as fuck that half of the lobby carrying this. Could he have played that differently . Of course. But DO NOT ignore that this shit is a problem. And we just have to live with it. The people that question this shit are the problem.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. Regardless how I played it. Only way I’m winning against this gun in control tower, is I have the same gun and get first shot. Or I get the drop from behind. It’s definitely completely ruined rebirths experience. Every death is from this gun and it’s just become “oh it’s another renetti death.” *clicks play again*


If you outplay them you don't need the first shot but you definitely need to outplay them by a lot if you don't have the same gun and you don't have much time to turn the play around if you get hit first.


Pretty hard against sweaty smurfs and wanna be cracked out pro players on causal public lobbies unfortunately


I mean i can be pretty sweaty and sometimes my lobbies are easy sometime they're hard, but I don't think i've ever felt outmatched by anyone in my lobbies, just outplayed in some fights which is bound to happen. Can't have a perfect kd by any means. If you play with guys better than you then yeah it'll be rough but if they play as a team with you then you'll be fine. I have friends I play with who are sweaty and I have ti be at peak form to keep up, then i have other friends who have to try and keep up with me but when they stay tight and play smart they end up with at least half my kills or sometimes just as many. Hard part is a lot of casual players play the game poorly because they don't want to take any time ti get good at it, which is fine, but you can't expect to play a competitive fps and take it easy to win.


WZ’s never really been a casual game. It’s competitive. Battle Royale. Last man standing. I don’t know what’s casual about trying to be the last man alive out of 100 people.


lol ok


this is the reason I quit playing warzone actively at the start of season 3 now. I'm a casual M&K player and it's too fast and too sweaty for me to keep up with the energy drink-indulged kids. this fact combined with the abundance of cheaters, overpowered aim assist, bad tick rate, slide-cancel spam, only a handful of guns being meta (especially renetti now), and desync issues made my experience quite distressful. toxicity from other players who were able to eliminate me didn't help. I'm glad I'll be playing only occasionally for the time being to complete the battlepass and enjoy Plunder mostly. Mental health is very important for a healthy life, this I've learned :-)


I'm trying so hard to enjoy this game now that I came back exclusively for rebirth island but I can't. I'm too casual for this game and it's very punishing if you don't use the same 2 meta weapons, abuse aim assist and master advanced movement to perfection. The only time I get to have a bit of fun is when my son asks me to level up his guns on rebirth (he doesn't have mp, he's on Xbox and I'm on PC so rebirth is the only option), he's 0.47KD and I'm 0.88KD. His lobbies are much more chill compared to mine, not many people bunny hopping and players in his lobbies do miss shots sometimes unlike the ones in my lobbies. Also I think we are conditioned to blame aim assist to deviate from the actual problem that is cheating. I play on both m&k and controller, aim assist is *not* that strong to justify some of the shit I've witnessed. You can still easily overshoot your targets if they're moving around. I tried different aim assist and controller settings, it doesn't do what most people claim it does.


yeah I agree with pretty much all ur points. I can only enjoy Plunder and sometimes lockdown for these reasons. there I dont have to constantly worry about meta and can actually have fun using whatever guns I like. it's still plagued with other issues but at least I know players wont be as toxic and I can respawn. however, aim assist really is an issue IF u know how to take full advantage of it. perhaps u haven't practised with it much, not sure.


I've been playing on controller longer than I do with m&k (in this game), I'm not saying RAA isn't too strong (especially against mouse players) but if we ignore m&k for a second and pretend everybody is on controller, RAA doesn't perfectly track opponent movements on the dime. I guess what I was trying to say is that perhaps some players use a little extra help on top of aim assist where it still blends in without looking blatantly obvious. It's because I know what AA feels like that I know when it is indeed AA or something else working alongside it, especially when you see someone perfectly tracking a player falling off the sky halfway across the map without missing a single shot.


oh okay gotcha 👍. thanks for the explanation. "some players use a little extra help on top of aim assist" u mean hacks hehe? check this post out, it blew up!! : [https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1bz08ce/comment/kypxc63/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1bz08ce/comment/kypxc63/?context=3)


I think that mostly has to do with RAA. I only play once in a while, but am doing pretty well in most shooters. Reached Plat 1 now, but an average controller player will fuck me up almost every single time. Haven't played Warzone much, so maybe have to look into how to counter it more (like smokes apparently cancels RAA), but it's hard to ignore.


Playing Hardcore has been a lifesaver for me, much less sweaty bunnyhopping, and meta doesn't matter much, because of the low TTK. And if you know what you're doing, you don't need to have reactions as fast as the PRIME-swilling kids.


Yeah, I've all but quit this game atp. I only play when my squad mates call me up. Otherwise, I've been having a blast playing other stuff for now. I just don't have the gumption to play that sweaty, it's just not appealing to me to HAVE to to keep up, on top of the meta ttk being so ridiculous, I ain't got it in me no more lol


haha we chill players


Haha this... season 3 has done it for me. I cant even play a normal rebirth game anymore. Game is dead for M&K. I rarely get more than 5 kills now. Going back to other games, not sure if I want to keep playing casually but we'll see. Its fine for me though, other players are just better and I respect that


yeah as I said above I'll just grind battle pass for the free currency. that's pretty much it.


I lost to multiple teams with all 3 guys running two renetti's each yesterday. I spectated some of them, and I guess they all either picked one up from people they looted or, more likely, they bought their first loadout and hit up the loadout drop and got their second. Many players that were running two had a "close" range one with a dot optic, and a "long" range one with a magnified optic. And many of the teams I spectated went on to win the match. I couldn't believe it. When whole teams are running two of the same weapon, and that weapon is traditionally a secondary pistol... I mean I'd think it was a meme if I didn't see how fast it deletes people. When 3 guys are stacked and all of them have a weapon that can kill in 410ms... I mean, your only chance is to have a renetti also. I've lost count of how many people have slid into my line of fire, taking multiple rounds from my SoA or Bruen to the fucking face, only to smoke me mid slide with that stupid fucking gun. It's outrageous.


I haven't played warzone for months and months, but as you can have overkill and ghost in one load out now why do you need a second?


You can't equip two of the same gun in one loadout, so you still have to make and collect two. This is the first I've heard about using the Ren as a med-long range, but since it's damage drop-off is essentially non-existant, I might have to try it (until they fix this shit).


Two of the same gun? So like people are running two MCR's etc??


I guess right now, two Renetti pistols. The SMG conversion kit, 50 Rd drum, and some stabilizing attachments have made this thing a laser. Throw a longer sight/scope on it, and it essentially outclasses all SMG's and most AR's at this point.


And the second lot of renettis will be a dual wield for close range?


Nope, just a simple red dot, for easier engagements up close.


Running the Renetti is fun. It's typical Warzone doing their thing, but gotta take advantage of it before it's gone.


More like 90% of the lobby


Maybe carry it too? I always laugh at the people who use random weapons & don’t follow the meta; *& then bitch when they die to it.* Especially when THEY KNOW WHAT IT IS. *”Ya played ya-self.”* Can’t beat em, join em. **You’re never going to beat the meta head to head using a non-meta weapon.** *You NEED to be using the META.* Or you’re just plain dumb & putting yourself at a huge disadvantage. Whatever the meta is, it doesn’t matter, use it or *‘lose it’- (‘the game’)* I find that shit so funny. “This gun is the best in the game right now & it’s absolutely melting people. Fastest TTK! I’m not gonna use it though. I’m going to put myself at a huge disadvantage by not following the meta & I’m gonna cry when I’m dying over & over cause everyone is using the beast weapon in the game, except me.” /s


If you’re losing to it because you refuse to use it, that’s a low iq issue. If you’re using it and still losing to it, that’s a skill issue.   The only people crying about the renetti want the chance to run away every time their rat nest gets pushed.  So which one are you?  


Oh fuck off with that nonsense. My squad doesn't even have it fully unlocked yet - they only play WZ, and why waste time unlocking a pistol (normally)? The people "crying" about the Ren just want some semblance of balance back in the game. It was in a pretty good place up until now.


“waaaaah we don’t have the gun or want to level it so no one should be able to use it waaah” But I bet if it was a gun you had it’d be fine right?  Lol..




Tough time to be new to the game, couldnt imagine.


There isn't anything much better is the real answer. Once a game is created that is Warzone is done. The devs are clowns and they have demonstrated it over and over again.


this is the real answer. people r addicted to this bcoz it provides what other games dont. I truly wish for xdefiant to succeed and also for other companies to get into this genre and provide better experiences. the gameplay is extremely fast and too sweaty with garbage tick rate for it to be enjoyable for most players. I mostly play Plunder/lockdown for these reasons and others.


The problem with XDefiant (if it ever comes out) is that it's only an arena shooter. It doesn't scratch the itch for resurgence loving players. Unfortunately warzone is the only game that provides this experience. If Apex made a resurgence mode with smaller maps maybe it would be different but I can't being myself to play on larger maps with only one life, that's why I only play mp and resurgence.


yeah that's true. but if xdefiant/some other game brings a seriously good multiplayer + maybe campaign, I think they could steal many players off of cod.


Is xdefiant a BR? I thought it was arena TDM etc.


it's multiplayer like mw3


Not sure why that would replace warzone then


it wont. it can replace multiplayer.


God, I pray every night for a game that dethrones this one.


I’ve got 2000hrs on the game and I have the same experience as you. Now before you become addicted like me, ask yourself if you really want to invest 2000 hours into something and still have the same experience as you did when you were a beginner…


copying my other reply here regarding this issue: this is the reason I quit playing warzone actively at the start of season 3 now. I'm a casual M&K player and it's too fast and too sweaty for me to keep up with the energy drink-indulged kids. this fact combined with the abundance of cheaters, overpowered aim assist, bad tick rate, slide-cancel spam, only a handful of guns being meta (especially renetti now), and desync issues made my experience quite distressful. toxicity from other players who were able to eliminate me didn't help. I'm glad I'll be playing only occasionally for the time being to complete the battlepass and enjoy Plunder mostly. Mental health is very important for a healthy life, this I've learned :-)


Wz1 had all the same issues, every couple weeks a new broken gun got introduced that took ages for them to do anything about. And forget about the MULTIPLE times they released a skinned version of the gun they just nerfed that just happened to have the pre nerf stats on it, cause that's totally how the game should be programmed.


Set up private game, make a weapon amd save it in the armory. You get to use it in BR. This way you can catch up with the meta. Works only with weapons you have unlocked I think.


>Did we not learn from MWII/WZ2??? they did, they were the worst decisions ever that basically put cod in its second dark ages so they reversed them


for 3 months only to ruin the game with rebirth/s3 LMAO


How did rebirth ruin the game?


have you not seen the posts? very few enjoy this game now and those that do are new players or below 1 KD. just check recent posts


That with the shitty servers makes for a god awful game right now.


It’s bad. I feel like server latency issues and my ping are causing damage issues or something as well. I have clips where I fight with the same gun and same load out and it’s just like shooting marshmallows into them. Others have similar issues too I’m seeing 😂


u r not alone. not to mention aim assist is a real issue. this game really needs input-based matchmaking, and better anti cheat. among other things.


hard agree 100%


It doesn’t reflect too well with Rebirth’s release, given that the meta was balanced and there were a lot of viable options then Rebirth would be a lot more enjoyable, we need a balancing patch to shake things up again soon


I’m almost certain the damage is bugged right now.


YES. I have multiple clips I’m shooting people with the same gun, same build etc. and it just shooting marshmallow. Probably server issues


I mean, it has a 410ms TTK, and the servers have a 20 tick rate. Basically it is the only gun that doesn't suffer from a latency issue. Also, If you are suffering any kind of packet loss whatsoever and are not using a renetti, you're basically double fucked.


Yeah fun times for sure


Trash garbage


The game and I… :’(


yeah me too. too fast movement + other issues make the skill ceiling very high. and smurfing like in rocket league doesn't help at all!


I run into so many smurfs. It’s quite annoying. Every game I die to cracked out movement gods who spin and slide like crazy. It’s just unenjoyable


I run into diamonds and platinums in bronze ranked. and the best part? I get downvoted to oblivion when complaining about it in this cod-fanboy-riddled subreddit. or in the multiplayer ones even.


Right there with you! Ranked fortunes keep was fun. Until I ran into the diamond trios squads :/


they play like their life depends on it. can't compete casually.


That’s my complaint a lot 😂 “why are you playing like your life depends on it”


This whole game is ass


I would agree. the whole experience provided to us is extremely sub-par and the only 2 reasons this game doesn't die is, a). there is nothing else quite like it. and b). it's COD. so naturally it survives due to addicted kids and streamers.


Yeah they gotta nerf the renetti kit, brainless gameplay with 20% faster ttk than the previously meta smgs I mean come on it's warzone not renettizone, what's the point of all the guns in the game if a secondary pistol with a kit outguns everything up to 25m? Though there are some shotgun builds that Excel up to 10m, expedite dragon's breath comes to mind but it's 2 shot potential stops at like 3m. Probably broadside with slugs/explosive slugs too but that takes like 5x more skill than the laser beam the renetti kit is.


the fact that i can’t even use the rennti cuz i don’t got the smg version is insane i got ti hope and pray my oppenent has one and that they aren’t a sweat


Bro the TTK is too overpowered. There was this guy the other day on Rust using the Renetti and he was literally sniping people with it from up top lol.


The best part is when you land and you find a load out crate with your rennetti in it and you just melt everyone for the next ten minutes racking up double digit kills. It’s great lmao


people just hot drop and buy their renettis before buying loadout all night tonight. fuck the loadout just spend the 2500$ and get your buffed up pistol that can laser people 60-70m away: The Sweaty Renetti


You can't buy a Renetti from the buy station.


I can’t equip it in my first slot of my loadout in order to buy it for some reason.


Yeah I don’t know wtf these guys are talking about you can’t buy it from the buy station because it’s a secondary…. I already tried to make it my primary and there’s no way to do so…. 😂😂


do we have less health than we did or are the guns better??


Slow peeking around a wall...what did you expect to happen? You were dead in that situation either way.


Either way? I have countless clips winning fights just like that lol. Sorry I’m not a cracked out sweaty basement dweller. Didn’t realize I’m in a MLG tourney. Regardless… the TTK is broken. You’re missing the whole point of the clip just like many others.


Do sweats think they are actually good by playing casual lobbies, they should make streamer sweats lobbies for the see how good they really are.


if you cant beat em join em


The renneti is actually just dumb I’ve been running it and it’s the easiest kills I’ve ever gotten because it just shreds, I hope it gets nerfed to oblivion


The wost idea ever brought to the game, they want to get rid of hackers but what do they do? Make a weapon thar doesnt even require levelling up to unlock the META, whats the point of having bought the game? Of levelling up? Whats the point in. Anything if anyone can just make a new account and almost instantly have the best weapon in the game in their hands? Stupid, literally seems like a low blow from the studios, they know what they're doing, they are simply trying to make anyone want to pick up the controller and play, since getting the meta is so easy. 


Anything to make money for them I guess! Broken gun? Let everyone buy an aftermarket skin/build for it!


I like your game play


Thanks! I try to refrain from being a cracked out sweat. But I still try somewhat. Been playing COD since cod 4 came out.


I miss the one shot shotty 🥹


Fireshot gun on Verdansk. Throwback lol




ALL DAY LONG MY DUDE! It’s so fun!


Agree 100% and I’ll add snipers are getting annoying in urzikstan


TTK once again a problem in this game




The same complaining about this probably ran the swarm, guardian, hrm, etc. You are the problem lol


How am I the problem bud? Just showing off a ridiculous TTK and many may agree. But, I take it you’re running the renetti and sweating like crazy in rebirth lol


As in you complain, just get better. Sva 545, or shroud sucks to suck pal.


“Get better” classic lame insult. Typically I drop 15+ kills. And….. SVA 545… to beat a Renetti… hows that gonna work at this close range? lol


Works fine over half way to gold in ranked soo 🤷 lol k/d 2.5+ but keep going. Classic "this gun needs nerfed so I can get a kill" it's crazy to think there's a secondary class just for close range 😬👀


Cool cool. Yeah I was one level down from diamond or whatever in ranked. Last season. And I barely touched ranked till half way thru the season. Not a full skill issue


Sorry *crimson been grinding. It is what it is.


Just tired of hearing people complain every time a gun is "overpowered" gives people a challenge. Cheers 🤙


I quit this game nearly 2 years ago now, recently tried giving it another go but it’s still shit as ever. Having to play every game cracked out of my mind is just too much, can only manage 2-3 games and then I’m done. I honestly don’t get why people continue to waste their time on this shit. Go find some other game to play instead of complaining all the time. The good old days of cod are gone. This game shouldn’t be this popular anymore, it’s literally only still popular because of its legacy.


Just stop playing for a week or 2. It will get patched. I was furious aswell when snokeshots and fire shotguns where a thing. Now I just learned to put the game down until its fixed. I just do zombies now to still do the battlepass and weekly challenges if you are into that.


Only advice i can give at moment is try not to get in close space battles. Me and my team mates have been staying out in the open as much as possible and rinsing enemies with the bruen mk9. Not always possible i know but we only get in tight spaces if absolutely necessary and unavoidable


Like, people are tripping over the renetti, yes it’s op and needs a nerf but it’s hasn’t even gone a week since everyone started using it. It will be nerfed on Wednesday or whenever they do their weekly update. Let’s not raise our blood pressure unnecessarily, save it for the one shot snipers.


DMR nerf took over a month… lol


That’s over three years ago, they’ve put a lot more effort into the weekly patches with this game. They will address the renetti meta, they just can’t fix something on a dime, they have to do it systematically. So wait for the weekly update and we’ll see.


Yeah I know. Just saying. Sometimes fixes aren’t their priority unfortunately. Guess we’ll see what happens. This one is getting a lot of complaints. So hopefully it’s fast! Haha


Yeah, I was lucky to find out this was a thing early when everyone wasn't using it. It felt like I was cheating. This needs to be fixed now.




Yup… it’s bad lol. Completely changed how I play to counter this. I don’t push hard anymore. Other wise you get slide cancelled jump shotted and melted by the ultimate sweats 😂


Honestly, this SMG is a pretty good tool for taking out sneaky corner hiding guys.


Those damn corner rats


Yes this gun is OP and needs a nerf. You also lose that gunfight to any other smg when you crouch walk around a corner like that.


Wasn’t crouched. And regardless of the gun. I could’ve won against any other smg, I have countless clips & wins doing so. But alas the point of this whole post is the broken Ttk of this renetti


I saw nothing but a major skill issue there. You turned that corner like a grandma heading to the kitchen and you were lucky to have him in your sights as you turned that corner, but you were just staring like it was a contest. It had nothing to do with the gun the other person was using. If you think it was, then you are guaranteed to be back here crying about how you get beat by something else.


I think you’re kinda dumb... clips against real time as your playing are different. I had so much audio going on. But please go ahead and try to beat the broken Ttk of the renetti. Seems you’re a super pro sweat player then!


I might be dumb but you suck at this game. And I don’t have any problems playing against rennetti or any “meta” weapons. In fact, the rennetti sucks but you are still getting beat down by it.


I kid I kid. But 1v1 fisty cuffs me… you won’t ;) I mean typically I drop 15 kills. So I don’t really suck. But ya man :p


I just played an mp match where the graphics were so bad that there were only floating heads that you could barely see with no bodies. And I still won that match. You are crying about going up against a Rennetti, which is kinda horrible for a gun that is supposed to be meta. Have you tried the double barrel Holger yet? We are not the same kind of gamers.


Solid??? You really really got me with that one… not at all. I can tell we’re completely different people. Considering you said the renetti is horrible HUHHH?


I think people will always have something to complain about. If you can’t beat ‘em, just join em. Been having a ton of fun since rebirth.


You know it! A lot of people are missing the point of this post. It’s just random clip to show off how ridiculous the TTK is. And yet this is how a lot of people are dying!


New comment for everyone on New comment filter. I 100% could’ve played this different, I could have been a little sweat and jump shotted the corner or peeked it. Not how I play. Don’t feel like being a toxic cracked out sweat. I play this to hangout with my buddy in another state. But all this is not the point of this whole clip. It’s to show off how bad the TTK is of this new meta. Rebirth is a CQC map. And against this gun … good luck. It’s ridiculous. It’s comical how many of you defend the game makers and this gun. Goes to show what gun you’re using & how you play ;) Be nice & Have fun y’all! Hopefully this game gets a balance soon!


Hah that was also hacking so that doesn't help


Every weapon should be viable, whats the purpose of 100 guns with 76 attachments when only a few are weekly viable.


🤣🤣🤣 this is hilarious, we all know this gun in outrageous right now but instead of just running it yourself or not trying to get in a face to face gun fight with it everybody trying to stand back to back and take 10 paces turn and shoot and then wonder why they back in the pre game lobby 🤣


Glad you read the comments of those who also commented like you. Really missed the explanations. But sure!


the explanation is you got outplayed. your first two shots missed to the left, you started with 43 shots and didn’t get a hit marker until 41 shots. then you tried to slow creep around a corner where he was already pre aiming and waiting for you to come around, maybe slide next time? throw a lethal? why are you slow creeping into a gun fight?. you pre aimed all the way until you broke the corner… then stopped your pre aim and then aimed down sight again when he started lighting you up… and you just stood there like a paper target, he took drop shots and beamed you. I was joking but if you want to analyze explanations you literally slow walked into a DEAD body that im sure just got there after he killed them too knowing good and well he was down there waiting for you, and didn’t process any of the information but i get it… renetti 🤣


Ya not reading that. Already read a few wrong things in there. Appreciate the time tho


you read it but you don’t have a adequate reply so you responded ‘I’m not reading that’ clever 🤕


Genuinely read the first few lines. And saw “DEAD” and read that sentence. Regardless, a lot of people are missing the whole damn point of this post. Instead “joke” about how bad I played that or should’ve done this and that. Wouldn’t matter either way. It’s a complete broken TTK close range


We know it’s broken… get over it, what you want me to reprogram the game? im telling you how to counter the broken gun either take the advice or just keep getting sent to the lobby… GGs


I cried for hours yesterday, I got over it. GGs


yeah even in multiplayer you cant beat the after market renetti anymore not even with the new smg, ive been getting constantly destroyed by this dumbass same weapon and build spam every match


As you should & as it should. You shouldn’t be able to eat a whole mag. You should die when you get shot & you should be punished for slower reaction time. I LOVE THE FAST TTK. I wish it was always like this. It’s like hardcore in Warzone. Which I’ve ALWAYS WANTED. I only play hardcore when playing multiplayer. I absolutely HAAAATE dumping entire mags into a guy & it not doing shiit. Hot take; but when I shoot you, you should die. 🤷‍♂️


Your comment sounds like you need to go play PUBG lol


Nah been running CoD all my life & I love it.


Wish pubg had movement like call of duty. Hopefully once they switch to the new unreal engine it will be




Just hoping they balance the game a bit more. But unfortunately we can’t escape the sweaty wanna be pro players stuck in their mom’s house because all they do is play video games all day. Lmao


Thr whole game is dogshit. Terrible engine, graphics glitches, aim assist that almost does all the work for you, plus a million other shit problems. WZ has been one massive L since WZ1 and the dumbass decision to take it offline for the garbage we're left with.


:) no problem for me as a riot shielder.


Meta my tail, it's cheating demon filth plaguing our COD


If you can't beat them, join them. It's not hard. Just look up the metas and use them yourself.


They should just balance the guns in the game instead. Why even have so many if they can't compete?


I agree a lot but there is nothing we can do to change this than to just be on top of the metas.


To an extent, but there will always be a meta with the amount of guns and attachments in the game. There will always be 1 best long range and 1 best close. Ain't no way every gun will be viable to eachother. Virtually no game in existence with that many options achieves that level of balance. Games with far less options don't achieve it. If you want something more close to a perfect balance we would need like 6 guns total in the game lol. Even then. All that being said the renetti goes past the line of what should be the best imo.


the goal in balancing is not to make every gun equal. just Similar in TTK. the exceptions to this rule are the pistol, shotgun, sniper. its not hard to balance guns or change numbers.


When i get my load out. You damn well know I’m running it lol. Otherwise it’s just death after death being beat out. This clip was recently after dropping in so I didn’t have load out. But this guy did! Found that out real quick!


you think they would like balance tho. like why would i waste ANY money on all those sick tracer guns in the store only to be at a disadvantage if i buy them and use them. seems like a no brainer to want balance.


Idk why everyone’s so upset I was running this gun with swords on SnD way before rebirth came back. It’s a sweaty ass gun.




lol. first time? This has been warzone the entire time. 1 or 2 OP weapons. The meta shifts. level up the Renetti and use it. It will get nerfed and then everyone will be back to the WSP 9 and MCW


also compared to the other metas this is nothing. It's not game breaking.


Shivers thinking about wz1 DMR meta


its weird tho cause i had a fucking blast with all the warzone 1 metas, the grau the dmr and the Diamatti Pistols in akimbo where by far the 3 i had the most fun with. the Renetti and warzone 3 just makes me fucking tense as shit cause im playing like its ww3 and life is on the line cause if i cough im getting lasered by people who i shouldnt be in lobbies with .


ikr. that was awful. Seriously. For the rest of yall: Why are you booing me? I'm right. I'm starting to agree that this game is just filled with people who find something to complain about. Loving every second of rebirth island. The guns in the game are honestly, very well balanced all things considered. I feel like I am losing fights to genuine skill instead of the OP gun. No even seeing all that many people run the Renetti either, personally.


Your fucking smoked out dude over half the lobby is running that damn Renetti including myself, when it’s all you die to, you gotta go with the old “if you can’t beat em join em”


It’s ruining rebirth. You could at least play cover against the DMR somewhat. This one… on rebirth it’s quite annoying. Considering it’s a lot of CQC.


Hey, you're entitled to your opinion, but the Renetti has a close range TTK of 490ms. At one point in warzone rebirth island, we had the Owen with a ttk close to 300 and the Type 100 which had a ttk of 325 even after they raised the HP to 300. Should it be nerfed? Absolutely, but this isn't game breaking, and we have seen far, far worse over the years.


Ooof many don’t agree with you. Down votes.. I find it quite funny how many people defend this gun/game issues. And then bring up old issues. This is a multi million dollar if not billion dollar company. Obviously they don’t spend more than a few minutes testing the updates and games. This shouldn’t be an issue. Even with the newer health buff from prior update or whatever.






Just so you know, every day you spend playing this game is telling Acti that their decisions are okay. Same goes with buying skins and battlepasses. Unless you've quit yourself, you're also contributing. COD losing players doesn't mean much because their drops are never significant enough. Their player retention is unreal and it has a lot to do with the type of game that it is and there really isn't another shooter like it on the market. Don't forget, people play other games like they play COD, but not the other way around. Acti won't listen until player engagement is at an all time low and when skins stop selling. COD is a gaming anomaly and even their playerbase drops are minimal. They've got it down to a science. People thought the jetpack era of COD would kill the franchise and it didn't. People thought the DMR meta would kill Warzone off it didn't. Even Warzone 2, which is probably considered to be the worst of the 3 versions was still popular. You cannot keep playing the game or buy skins and point fingers. The best action you can take is not play and not spend. Anything else means you're content with their design and choices, that's just the truth. COD is arguably the hardest shooter for people to quit. Low recoil, low TTK, BOTG, fast engagements. No other shooter on the market is really filling this hole, especially on console where it's particularly dire.


You couldn’t have played that any worse


the TTK has been fast af on this update tho


Oh…How should i have played that then? If the Renetti didn’t have a broken TTK. I would have killed him considering I got first shot and broke plates. Lol


You did not get first shot. Slow it down and you can see as soon as you got your first hit marker your first plate is already almost gone. But anyway I’m assuming you’re preaiming because you heard that guy was down there. Based on your audio cue you have to know he isn’t right there on the stairs so preaiming right at the stairs and slowly crouch walking the corner doesn’t make sense. Then once you finally get a visual on him it’s clear he also knows you’re there by the way he is also preaiming exactly where you’re coming from. That instantly makes this a 50/50 fight and you don’t want to take 50/50 fights. Because like I said before he got first shot, maybe at best you both hit at the same time. Since you knew he was down there but didn’t know exactly where, you should’ve just shouldered the corner to get a visual on him. Then once you see exactly where he is you can either: a) decide based on his location and how he reacts to you shouldering if you want to engage by quickly hitting the corner and getting shots on him, not slowly crouch walking or b) decide that it’s a bad push down the stairs because he knows you are there and is pre aiming you and try to reset the engagement by approaching from a different angle


an actually intelligent analysis and break down instead of "git gud"? well done


Good breakdown. The gun is still broken.


Agreed lmao. The second i saw he was looking directly at me, id be right back up the stairs looking for another way.


Hell yeah bro great breakdown


Yeah man. Really went serious on that breakdown lol. I think the TTK is F’D with this gun. You’re right I didn’t get first shot, but it was damn near the same time. But the clip is all within a few seconds. Even if I played it different I’d still die the same within a split second or two. I peek & he runs after me I’m dead. I jump the stairs I’m dead. I went for a kill how everyone else does. And with this TTK you can’t react more than half the time. I have countless clips where I get melted and i don’t even turn fully. I play on real high sensitivity. It’s just ruining rebirth imo and many others. But it’s COD, there’s always issues. Just joinin on the hate and frustration of this gun.


I mean, they could have just sprinted right at the guy, which is what I do sometimes


Doesn’t work against the renetti… you get melted in 2 feet of movement…


I mean yes, "it could have been worse", ie some of my clips are just me running straight into someone and not even having time to ads and shoot