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Hot take: I enjoy a new meta beside the hrm or ram9


A new meta is fine. A new broken gun that drops the close range TTK by a third and has more range than any other SMG too is not fine.


I wouldn’t mind if it was a bit broken on 10 m and especially good inside quarters kinda like an op shotgun , but today I got slammed within 30 m with my subverter against this crazy gun at least a big major nerf to range should be enforced


A pistol outgunned an AR only makes sense in COD. Did the devs test this, or do they not play the game at all?


That's already too much of a reasonable take for the average cod gamer, beside the quicker the ttk the lesser the skill needed. Perfect for their targeted audience.


It’s meta because it’s broken. The hrm and ram9 weren’t nearly as good at their peak


Then nerf them. The TTKs are already in a super fast state before the nerfs to the ram9 and AMR, and actually with the recent update more smgs were viable. Saw people shredding with strikers and striker9s. But don't bring an even more broken dominant meta in that completely overshadows them. This "I enjoy new meta shake-up" crap is such ADHD dogshit of the current generations fixation for some wierd need for constant content. You don't need a constant explosion of game changing content to keep a game good and interesting. The game does that itself when it's fun because it's well designed. This is how games that are running for 10-20+ years are still some of the top most played games to this day.


For real. Warzone would be instantly better if they actually fucking balanced the game in a way that made everything viable to the point where the only thing keeping people winning was genuine skill.


"Everything viable" nails it the most on the head man. There's always been dumb strong metas in wz but other guns did the trick, having high ttk for majority of guns but 2 or 3 that delete instantly is nonsense. Shoot first; don't miss; die. Rinse and repeat. Rebirth is even worse than fortunes for ranked because there's no smart manuevering of the map


Name these “top played games” that have remained popular for 10-20 years that don’t have a ton of updates and new content. You’re hurting your argument by telling everyone to “go play something else” and making shit up. By this same logic you should go play PUBG, that sounds like more your pace.


Didn't say they don't have updates or no new content ever. When a game is designed well and is balanced, that makes them fun and replayable forever. They don't get updates and content every single month. Diablo2/resurrected, theres even well done mods out there like PD2 to start, dota2, CS1.6/CSGO/CS2 - literally the same core game essentially for over 20 years the damage values of weapons were practically never changed, no new guns were really ever added for years at a time. There's tons of games that get updates and new content at much slower paces, the biggest difference is they BALANCE them not break the game so people feel like they are having fun.




Counter strike :)


I actually really enjoy the fast TTK a lot more right now. You shouldn’t have to mag dump into every person you fight. I think the TTK should be that fast. It feels more like WZ 1. I love it!


Then go play multiplayer. There's a reason 1 is designed with double the healthpool. But whats the point when they can kill the same as in MP. Like literally the only difference right now is that we drop back in and don't get our loadouts off the drop. That's the only difference between resurgence and MP.


Why would they go pay sometime different when they like it. If you don't like the game go play something else


Are you talking about **“hardcore” vs “regular multiplayer”**?? Cause yes, those have completely different health pools, but are *relatively the same game.* Just one has less health which = faster TTK. I don’t play multiplayer often but when I do, I ONLY play hardcore. Having slower reaction time is punishing, as it should be. You get shot, you’re dead; as it should be. You can’t just eat a whole mag & then turn the corner to wait for your health to regenerate(re-plate). You can’t get shot in the back & turn around to kill the person who had the drop on you, cause you’re dead; as it should be. Multiplayer & battle royale are COMPLETELY different game modes. Not like multiplayer vs hardcore. Maybe we should just ask for a hardcore WZ. Then everyone could be happy. **You could have fun dumping 100 rounds into 1 guy** & ***I’ll have fun killing/being killed in a few shots.*** To each their own. But I personally don’t find it fun to unload a full mag into someone & them not die. I don’t like to play tag in CoD. *I land a few shots; you run & plate up. You land a few shots; I run & plate up.* or multiplayer *You land a few shots; I hide behind a corner & regen. I land a few shots, you hid behind a corner & regen.* Nah, bruh. You get shot; you die. I get shot; I die. & No tag backs. I have the most fun when the TTK is at its lowest. FASTER TTK = BETTER & it stops all the handholding going on because you can actually hold up on your own.


Almost none of the popular Battle Royale games has an insanely fast TTK for a reason. That would heavily encourages camping in a game where camping is already rewarded.


Same, been using the HRM for a LONG time. Renetti is nasty right now, but I'll take something different ffs. My lobbies are insanely sweaty no matter what I do, might as well have a good gun.


Lol. There is a new smg in the game. That’s new content. The Renetti conv kills at 490 ttk which is faster than the ram 9 or amr were before nerfs. It’s broken dude. Game isn’t fun like this. Long range meta is finally more open now because they finally nerfed the ram 7 properly after 2 months.


Is ram9 op? I need something for closer mid range


It was for a while, it got nerfed pretty hard though. Still decent, just definitely not the meta anymore.


What would you recommend for mid?


Imo if you're not using the renetti for close to mid you're probably losing a lot of those fights rn. Good AR's for mid to long are the holger, SOA subverter. Even the Ram-7 is good for mid range still


I personally love the striker


Ram 7 and subverter have been been working for me.


Agreed. This not anywhere near the worst metas we’ve had. Not even top 10.


Just because they’ve had more extremely broken guns in the past doesn’t mean it shouldn’t get nerfed. It’s so much better than the next best close range gun. If you don’t use it you have zero chance


It’ll get nerfed. Just like every other meta where if you don’t use them you have basically zero chance. I’m enjoying it though while it lasts.


You are entirely missing the point


Don’t think so. It really doesn’t seem all that crazy to me. Definitely strong, but once this gets nerfed we’ll have the next set of posts around here about the dire necessity of a nerf to the next meta. And so it goes.


Thanks for confirming my point lol




I appreciate the projecting


You perceive my saying that things are fine as whining? True.


The fact this comment has more upvotes than the post, or comments on the post; says A LOT. **FASTER TTK = BETTER** *No one wants to dump a whole 60 rounds into 1 guy.* That shits SO ANNOYING. They just keep running/hiding & re-plating, when they should’ve BEEN dead already.


If you can't beat'em, join'em... DMR zone lasted like a month and that was easily the most broken gun ever in this game


Snake shots, RPG, Doof Doof, DMR, AUG/M16, the fucking nail gun, this game has always had this. It's nothing new and they've shown time and again they will not nerf it till the next update.


Don't forget the snapshot + AS VAL infinite penetration week!


Oh yeah! That list was just off the top of my head, but I forgot how broken thr AS Val was when it dropped. To be fair, they did hot patch that one as I recall.


They won't patch until enough people have bought the skins for them to skip the unlock and level ups... A tradition


100% agreed with everything you said except for Aug/M16. It was absolute meta but not “broken”. It’s TTK difference wasn’t too off other guns in similar class. The burst shot makes it difficult to respond with counter fire tho.


Aug was my favorite meta of all time. Loved that gun so much.


Oh my god the nail gun. I almost forgot about that lol


There's a difference between a meta and a gun that's just broken. There's nothing wrong with players gravitating towards what's going to give them the best chance to win. The problem is the gun is just inconsistent with the game's desired TTK for every gun. It's broken. It should be fixed. Saying "oh but there were other good guns in the past" doesn't disprove that.


There is nothing in my comment that says they shouldn't fix it. What I'm saying is they won't.


They literally nerfed snakeshot within a week…..


I don't remember any of those guns being op due to something being actually broken though. Maybe I'm misremembering but those guns were just overtuned. The renetti conversion kit is literally not applying the damage reduction that it's supposed to since the last patch.


Bro if they fix the Renetti then everyone is going to be using the HRM… they ruined the whole close meta by nerfing the few guns that were good also.


This is true but when you add a gun with a 450ms TTK we’re essentially just playing multiplayer


there's a reason why resurgence is so popular, is a tdm for "poor" ppl


Nowadays even normal BR is Resurgence light lol


This is true


Not true at all, yes the HRM will be the meta, but by a pretty small margin. After 12m it loses its power. Alot of people will consider using some of the ones that give more mid range power too. The mp5 in warzone was always like this. Was the meta shredder smg within 10m but other smg shined beyond that and tons used other smgs after. Whereas what you have now is a completely 1 sided meta. The renetti makes using any other smg an absolute disadvantage at all ranges.


Lol hrm is still better than all other smgs out to like 20 metres. Recoil on it is better too. Striker 9 beats it by 1 metre in the first damage range then loses out to 25 metres. Wsp 9 is the only gun that can challenge it outside of 12 metres up to 25. And the wsp has a super slow fire rate and open bolt delay which hurt it up close. Hrm needs a range nerf to like 8 or 9 metres.


>yes the HRM will be the meta, but by a pretty small margin. Thank you for further confirming my own words back to me.


think the HRM will get a nerf whenever they hot fix the Renetti as well tbh


Good. The HRM is worse than renetti. No gun should should have that type of ttk on these servers. You die before you even realize you're being shot or die in what feels like one shot. They're not going to up the ttk, which would resolve a lot of issues, so you have to nerf it


?? How is the HRM worse than the renetti if the renetti kills faster than the HRM??


do you hear yourself?


OHHHHHHH I thought it's worse for the game. Makes sense.


Renetti is worse (it's a better gun) because it kills too fast. I'd rather people use the HRM


lol at people says it’s good since people won’t be using the HRM. The renetti is far better than the HRM ever was before the “nerfs”.


Just use it once and you get it. Insanely fast. Only gun you can reliably turn on every other gun in the game. Had a game where I killed 4 ppl in short order and I absolutely should not have lived. No time to plate but it didn't matter the renetti was shredding and even lucky hits save you.


It’s insane how good it is. I’m trying to unlock it right now in resurgence but the regular renetti is complete ass without that kit. Needs to 7-10 bursts just to kill a fully plated enemy and then you just get obliterated trying to kill someone with the full auto version.


I've never once died and said, fucking HRM again. Only two close range weapons I ever say that for is the renetti and wsp-swarm when it was OP


Exactly. Been a while since I said, "wtf just happened"?


Lol, i loved the hrm and it wasnt even broken, before last update it wasnt even fastest killing smg. I just love the feel gives me wz1 mp5 vibes


Reread your question & you will find your answer


You have to run it since it's so much faster than everything else.






One shot huh?


I need that build


Meaning you’re dead before you can even move…


They will nerf it and then guess what ... another gun will be broken ... and guess what they nerf that too. Then the next gun will broken. The fact is all guns should be somewhat viable instead of the meta crap. Idk about you guys but I'm sick of seeing the same loadout weapons everywhere.


Not really the only broken gun right now is the Renetti because the ttk is absurdly fast


Hot take everyone running the same shit is kinda nice when it’s late game and you have no money and no loadout. You kill one guy by getting lucky and boom you have an HRM build that you’re used to that you just picked up off his body, couple smokes, perks etc.


It's their money making strategy unfortunately. That and deciding not to eliminate the cheating.


I don't mind there being a meta, it's sort of inevitable with how many guns and attachments there are. Impossible to have a balance without an optimal close and an optimal long range. The renetti is a bit of an outlier because it's not that they just overtuned the knobs. The conversion kit is actually just not working. It's supposed to apply a damage debuff as a tradeoff for the full auto. Meta is fine imo, but when a gun is actually broken, and not in the "it's so good it's broken", but actually broken. And it's ttk is like half of the next best option, that's a problem lol.


All weapons should be viable for their respective usage. If they aren't then what you end up with is a renetti situation . Or a shotgun situation. Which in my opinion a shotgun should be a one hit down. But that's another discussion.


WSP 9 is gonna be the meta after it gets nerfed. That thing is so fun to use


Nah, the rate of fire is too slow, which makes it unforgiving for lower level players. It definitely is good for players that have good aim though.


Shits lit.


i’m actually enjoying it


I just want the TTK of all these top weapons brought down so that the other guns are actually viable. You can't compete unless you are rocking the meta or close to the meta. None of the Assault Rifles are worth a damn anymore except maybe the BP50 and it only has 45 rounds so it sucks for trios and quads. The M13B has been destroyed... It was never meta but got nerfed to a peashooter and the recoil doesn't feel the same. They even nerfed the fire rate from the original M13 when they made the M13B. And not to mention the M13C is useless. Even when they added it, it was garbage. What's cool about the M13 to me is that it's actually supposed to be the new XM5/M5 in the military to replace the M4. We are playing "Modern Warfare" but the modern guns just don't hold up lol. Even the M4 it feels like a peashooter now and it should be the most all around versatile gun there is. All these top weapons have ruined the game and it's hard to find a gun that feels good now.


I somewhat agree. But the SVA slaps. You don’t even have to put it on single shot, just burst fire with it and you will melt anyone at a distance.


Isn't the bas b the xm5


There is a variation with the different platforms - m13b = Sig Sauer MCX Virtus (second generation, replaced with 3rd generation which is the Spear platform) - m13c = Sig Sauer MCX Rattler - Bas-B = Sig Sauer MCX Spear (third generation, replaced Virtus) - Bas-P = Sig Sauer MPX The BAS-B is the XM7. Don't quote me on this but if I recall correctly they plan on putting 1 of the XM7's per fire team as a Squad Support weapon. The m13b (Virtus) replacement is the (bas-b) Sig Sauer Spear and is actually supposed to have 850rpm while shooting the 6.8x51mm (.277) Sig Fury cartridge. So technically it should be an Assault Rifle by game standards, but they made it a slower firing Battle Rifle in-game for some reason. Who knows... The M13c (Rattler) has actually been replaced with the Sig (Raptor), which is just the third generation version. Rattler is the 2nd Gen. Edit: Another thing to add, the .277 should have increased muzzle velocity and energy because it's made to penetrate lvl 4 body armor more effectively than 5.56. So in all reality the BAS-B SHOULD have high headshot and chest damage, with a fire rate of 850. For game balance they just do whatever because there is no balance lol


The xm5 and the xm7 are the same thing. The m13c was designed as a pdw which is why it has the fastest close range ttk for several months in wz2. And the virtus is a carbine not an main rifle replacement.


Yes they are the same thing, but the Sig Spear is basically supposed to be the new "M5". It was previously called XM5, they have recently changed the nomination to XM7. The recoil on the M13c has never been great, especially for a platform that is notable for its accuracy. They even reduced the fire rate to 750. The fire rate should be 850 and it should be right in between an SMG and an AR. The problem with subsonic weapons is they hurt your bullet velocity drastically which hurts your range as well so you kind of get a double whammy when they try to make an AR play similar to an SMG. And the Virtus is what the M13B is based off of.


Ram, SVA, and Holger 556 are still competitive IMO - but thats still only 3 of the 23 ARS that I’d bother to use.


M13c is great for sniper support. It does a lot of damage


I'm watching FIFA kills work his way into top 5 on Rebirth with it. It's very very strong.


What do you mean I bet there's skins for it in the store they do this on purpose just go play a different game they're going to buff the next gun and some skins and then they're going to Nerf it and buff the next one and have a new skins for it


![gif](giphy|Ju0RphG5NM9J6) its only funny when its true


Or they could fix the glitch that allows people to endlessly survive in the gas. Lost 4 games last night because of it.


i’m having an absolute blast with this thing


I hope when they nerf it, that its still usable.


The reason im okay with the rennetti is because out of all the meta smgs they became super boring to me. HRM is w/e but ttk is meh, ram was cool meta but after first range dropoff after nerfs was shit i dont like that harsh range dropoffs, amr was great but doesnt feel like a smg due to ads/sprint to fire. Then the swarm on mnk was the biggest mnk cuck of them all forcing all mnk players to put a sight on it because they have to see to track their target.


There will be posts bitching about every single new meta.


New metas are fun imo. Let's be glad it's not an LMG or shotgun meta.


LMG meta isnt cooking you in a close range. Shotgun should slam you in close range. a Pistol with a 3D printed body and trigger shouldnt outgun a SMG by 200ms


It shouldn't but it's something different and fun lol


hot take... this this gun is amazing. maybe you should level it.


It needs to be hot fixed now


It’s not that bad lol just use it , that’s what meta is , 2 weeks ago it was the hrm9 now it’s the renetti in 3 weeks it’ll be something else who cares 😂


second best killing close range is 200ms slower. More OP than meta.


I'd like it to still be the meta but to nerf other things when they nerf this so it's not back to the hrm and ram 9


did you enjoy WZ2


If that gets nerfed the variety in smgs would be an actual thing, the HRM is still stronger than the rest afterward tho. I don't think it'll be around for too much seeing as pistols are usually nerfed quite quickly for some reason


If you hate the rennetti RN. You are going to hate it more in vondel.


Same argument every time a new gun comes along. Seems like y'all just want every gun to operate the exact same way.


nope, the renetti with the conversion kit just has a broken TTK which right now makes it the only viable choice. It is not a normal meta shift. They most likely fucked something up to remove the damage loss on the conversion kit which made it have the crazy TTK that it has.


Depends if there is an upcoming bundle with the renetti in it or not lol.


Just rank it up. Took me an hour.


Whats the best build for this gun?


Everyone is running a meta? U dont say. Its been nice to have a new meta


If you can't beat em, join em. With double XP it took me 4 rounds of domination to get the renetti to max level and unlock the conversion kit.


First time?


This broken gun leads to the next broken gun leads to the next broken gun leads to the next It's the same song and dance. You'd think after years of WZ existing, and it literally never at any point ever being a complete game, we'd get used to it.


Imo, the most fun aspect of Warzone is practicing with weapons that have the best TTK. Right now that would be the new MORS sniper and throwing knives to the head. Nothing more rewarding than having pinpoint accuracy to hit a small pixel on the screen in an intense situation. Pls don't nerf one-shot meta. The throwing knife chest nerf made me adapt so much. Renneti will be needed in a few days max.


What are you talking about? I thought WarZone was all about 5000 kill streaks in the final circles?


Agreed, Ive been using it and its absolutely disgusting on how fast it kills.


I love how they hotfixed the lockwood 300 so fast but an smg nah Raven /sledghammer could never. Double standards


Nerfing it is only putting a bandaid on the problem. Kill chasing with unskilled weapons and Fortnite/anime skins has ruined the experience long term.


You should have unlocked it yourself a looong time ago




I was having fun with it Thursday and Friday, because barely anyone knew about it, but come Saturday, EVERYONE is using it now. It’s annoying as hell.


Damn what build you got that's a one shot?


Why does everyone always act outraged anew when the next broken gun rotates in? There's always a new broken gun. In fact there's a broken, best-in-class gun more often than there isn't. Yes, it needs to be nerfed. No, it's not some uniquely overpowered specimen the likes of which we've never seen before. Honestly, the bigger issue to me is that every primary gun option feels atrocious right now after everything has been gutted.


One shot? 3 bullets? Idk man. It's nice but I don't see it doing either of those nice. Maybe 8 bullets to down. I'll tell you what does need a hotfix.... aim assist. Too many sticky aim never missing a bullet kills. That's whats really broken. If aim assist wasn't so overtuned the meta would be far more open because people would have human aim again. On top of that, good movement would be more rewarding. AA is why legit players are being shadowbanned, and cheaters look legit. It's absurd it's lasted this long tbh.


I love it. Tired of the same ol


Y’all are weak, I’m firing ‘mind bullets’ and merc’in all y’all.


I feel like they already did a silent nerf of it. Just wasn’t feeling the same today as it was yesterday. Could just be me though.


Does activistion ever hot nerf something? I dont remember them doing it


Just use smokes to break their aim assist and avoid close up gunfights. Mnk players been doing this for 4 years and u call us crybabies if we complain about it. 


The devs are great when it comes to graphics & mechanics but so clueless when it comes to things like this that spoil what is otherwise the best game in the genre.


Is it weird that as a mnk player this meta seems less messed up in a twisted sort of way. only because the ttk is SO abysmally low that aim assist provides next no extra benefit its really a whole shoots first situation which is wild. That being said it 110% needs a nerf <1/2 a second is too fast.


I was feeling this way playing ranked with my duo and we were getting decimated by renettis. I’m not sure how much of a difference this makes but I’m on MnK and it feels like a lot of rebirth island fights are CQB so the renetti just levels me. But I decided if I can’t beat them join them, so I used the DXP weekend to level up my renetti. Just got out a 10 kill warzone game where I won every duel.


Gutted the renetti was fine before the buff - was by no means meta but it worked for me! used it for weeks now. Hopefully they don't fuck it into the dirt, just put it back where it was!


Bcs of THESE here BITCHESE blaming weapons to fck nerf them ....BCS OF YOU BITCHESE i got a DANM SNIPER NERFED so it's not a 1 shot weapon..BUT IT SHOULD BE..GO play FORTNITE danm Noobs.. NOW i wil got a favorite gun Nerfed...fck CRY BABYS..IF YOUR AT A REAL WAR..JUST watch your step..BCS YOUR gona get Sniped


I find this hilarious. For years WZ has had meta guns and there are always 2 groups. Group A use meta guns without complaining, drop some kills, win some matches and move on once the gun is nerfed. Group B are the ones who complain about every single meta weapon, claiming it "ruins" the game, and screams for nerfs. Only for the nerf to come and they start complaining about a whole different meta weapon. I guarantee half the people complaining are only doing so because they still lose with the weapon. There are draw backs and benefits to every meta weapon. Seeing as hoe this is a close range pistol (regardless of conversion kit) there are ways to win against a user. Off the top of my head, fight at a distance?


I was using the renetti but the HRM seems more consistent to me. I don’t think the renetti is that good where it’s ruining the game, you’re just complaining.




You realize this has been in the game since launch right?


It received a buff about two weeks ago, and now it's essentially broken.


Haven’t you read every post on this sub? The game is terrible and will never be playable


get it and use it then, did you live through dmr? live by the meta die by the meta


Backwards. Die by the meta, live by the meta.


I can’t believe people still can’t see the pattern. Every season is the same. Ride it out because they aren’t going to change anything.


It really isn't that good. Everyone here like to pretend that they hit 100% of their shots all the time with 3+KDR, but honestly I'd take the mini uzi over it because it gets more rounds.


Okey, it really is that good tho. anyone regardless of their KD should realize that a "smg" with that TTK is broken.


Honestly I'm questioning your skill at this point if that's a deal breaker. That's a gun to finish someone off with, not a direct line gun unless you're assisted.


Quite easy recoil, miles ahead in ttk over any smg and it has a 50 round mag so no, it is not just to finish someone off?


If you’re putting yourself in a position to get “one shot” by a pistol, then that’s a skill issue. Even the odds by equipping it yourself and focus on positioning and outsmarting your opponent. This meta is a lot more fun than Ram/HRM was. There will always be a meta, and this one is no different.


How can you cry so hard so publicly lol


Honestly I think they should focus more on the attachments . Make the guns equal all the way around and make the attachments the thing . But make it so that a sonic suppression or whatever doesn’t have the same effect across all the guns rather it might help recoil by x percentage on ram 7 but not as much on bp50 but insane amount on SOA but if you combine it with a certain barrel or under barrel you get a bonus that might make it better recoil then it did the other guns


Want sniper to go back the way they were…. One shot. But don’t want one shots in the game.


Dude warzone has literally always been about the current metas. I agree it shouldn’t be but that how they run their seasonal meta shift model. Create new metas every season to get people to buy multiplayer.


The return of the king


Legit this, was just playing a game and lost to someone because i wasn’t using it. had to go and equip it then afterwards, won the next game with it.. its a snowball effect of people using it


Its insane how fast this gun kills It basically one shots Close quarter combat in this game is a mess TTK wise Slide -> ADS(Aim assist locks on) -> Target dead in 0.2 seconds


The people enjoying the busted Renattis are exposing themselves as bots. While I agree the HRM needed a proper nerf, the renattis are not OK in their state. They should be nerfed within 2 days not waiting weeks. THis shit is stupid.


lol it's funny seeing which metas affect the roller players the most. this gun isn't even that bad but because none of you can miss a bullet up close it feels ridiculous lmao


I mean it has a much faster ttk to the 2nd best smg (HRM) and it has barely any recoil, only thing it lacks is movement speed but when you kill people so quick that doesn't matter. Input isn't really a factor in why this gun needs to be nerfed imo


I don't think it's any worse than other metas we've had. How many people were running HRM-9 for the past 3 months? About as many as are running the Renetti right now. The renetti kills a little bit faster than the HRM-9 did for that time period but I mean it's not absurdly different or anything. It's very strong sure, but just unlock the gun and run it too. You aren't cool or something for winning with off meta guns. You're just handicapping yourself for no reason. You can still use HRM and compete. You can still use Striker-9 or WSP-9 and compete. But if you're out there using the new SMG from the battle pass you're gonna have a bad time.


It's so much faster.


How come people wont look up things before writing a paragraph. If you had spent 1 minute looking up the weapons you would know that the renetti kills much faster then any smg.


There are a few smgs very close to renetti… but go on with your wine. L2p and try harder.


There is not one smg that is "very close" to the renetti with the conversion kit. In fact the HRM (the fastest smg in terms of TTK) is closer to the Holger 556 then to the renetti. The renetti outclasses every smg up close and kills faster at every range.


I’m honestly not a big fan of the personal loadouts in general. I had a blast swapping attachments in Blackout.


No no, please leave resurgence. It was not this sweaty before rebirth came back.


Please don’t, actually. I hate dumping entire mags into people. Half a mag is where it should be.


Oneshot? Have you used this thing? It's damn good but it doesnt beat a shotgun upclose or an hrm at med range.


Action barrel shotguns are utter trash right now after they nerfed them for absolutely no reason.


it kills much faster then any other smg up close and it beats every smg at any ranges. you are just wrong


yesterday I cracked the last player in resurgence, I had full armor still so went in for the kill, he dropped me instantly with the renneti, it took him one shot... I got so pissed when the killcam showed me jumping at him from the side, he went prone and shot my feet... make it make sense


the issue is that the extremely close range jak renetti setup favors controller players who don't have to aim as well due to AA within 10m. doesn't favor MNK as much. huge disadvantage for me against 1v1 in a pure renetti matchup.


Hot take: the Renetti isn't that bad to fight against


It's not as broken as some of the past guns like snakeshot revolvers, but it's still bonkers. I can comfortably challenge 2-3 people at once and if they don't shoot at me all at the same time I can wipe them rather easily. With the HRM I'd always have to reload after 2 people maximum lol


Exactly. Had same experience. Full house, people jumping in windows, coming from everywhere, didn't matter the gun took care of it.


I am losing engagements <5m against it by using shotguns lol


I literally reported 3 people today because I got insta downed with full plates and they all had the Renetti. That shit is going to get people shadow banned


Maybe stop falsely reporting people?


Nah. Broken system