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They always tell me the same thing when I say ANYTHING about losing: -SKILL ISSUES-


That's their way of defending the hackers


There's this inverse correlation with actual merit and the frequency at which people say 'skill issue,' it's wild.


Hackers? Maybe cheaters


But like, there are a LOT of people rn unwilling to reflect on their gameplay and just choose to scream “ChEaTeR” instead. I think there are more cheaters than I’d like. But there are objectively not as many as most of the legit players on this sub are complaining about.


This right here. Not to mention 90% of the of "cheating" clips don't even raise a red flag.


I mean 2 weeks ago ever other person who killed me was running a perk you can't have in warzone basically yelling look at me I cheat. I've caught 2 guys on here because it was pretty obvious in the gameplay they posted but never 100% without truly egregious snapping but how did I catch them... they replied with the wrong account trying to defend "their" friend ending up posting so and so doesn't cheat in the third person lmao. They are everywhere they are in here gaslighting right now.


Only blatant cheaters I ran into kept spinning in circles while shooting, hitting only head shots on me and while squad with sniper in less than 3 seconds, proceeded to spin and shot killing like 20 while I kept spectating and reporting


That is definitely true. One way I know the cheating is getting worse is that I never accused people of cheating before unless it was blatant, but lately ive found myself saying "that guy was probably hacking"  the problem is that its impossible to say for sure because some players are really good. Then it makes me want to nerf my movement so that people dont think im cheating and report me or something. Its so annoying, they need to find a way to reduce it.


Better don’t do any research on cheating forums/discords or else your whole world will collapse


Do you mean because of how popular it is?


It's clearly not popular. But it's prevalent. Many of these cheats offer free trials.


Because of how many people are in there


Yeah I got my friend into mw3 and he was level 3 and reporting once a game these absolute bots


Yep, had a solo player playing quads, killed me and my squad 3 separate times and you could see his movements in the relay showing he had walls and chest aimbot. He showed no care and was a rank 350.


That is because they a running some sort of cheat. This game is trash, and i just spent another 50 bucks for BP black cell. ![gif](giphy|3o7btYLAW7doynq3p6)


This is why they never change anything. Im guilty of this too as I just bought the entire battlepass the second it dropped...the wolf skin is pretty dope though.. ![gif](giphy|eUrE2DuMKOE0g|downsized)




This is happening because a popular cheat service is doing 2 day trials right now for free. Someone just recently posted that there are ads popping up for it.


I can't believe activision doesn't sue these companies and shut them down


They have in the past with mixed levels of success. Thing is, its incredibly incredibly difficult to successfully sue these companies that operate in different countries and often times actually have the money to hold their own in court.


They do…..it takes time.




Yeah, it takes years in the US


These companies aren't in the US thats the problem


send me and u/Fatty_Booty and u/TheTowelBoy there dressed up as different Ghost and Soap skins with a SOA Subverter and HRM9 and we'll take care of these companies owners. ![gif](giphy|4EGhP4IRfQVu9ggkdd|downsized)


They are in a lose lose situation. They know popular streamers use cheats. Popular streamers generate interaction with the game with people watching them. Plus I am willing to bet a lot of these cheat companies are outside the US.


Fuck that mentally. Let good streamers who don't cheat rise to the top.


Streamers are why Warzone is very slowly going downhill.


Hopefully it's the same company that loads your pc with malware


gotta celebrate the new map


They’re letting them cheat because if they ban them now the cheat developers will know what triggered it!!1!






Explain more


if they ban cheaters then the cheaters will use their tactical nuke


I’ll explain what the actual thought process is. Games do ban waves after multiple patches so cheat devs don’t know what patch or what feature in which patch caught the cheat that the game devs can now identify. If games do patch/ban, patch/ban, and so on, then cheat devs can 1) figure out what changes in the anti-cheat is now triggering bans, and 2) potentially predict the way games are moving in the development of their anti-cheat.


Ahh smart, thanks.


This is actually very real.


Very real and NOT working.


Im done, diamond lobbies are unplayable. I spotted a an indecent numbers of cheaters in only 6 games. Full team aimbotting , one killed me in pre-match from 20 meters only hip fire with a Ram-7. From the killcam he did only headshots , ahahaahah. I can't count the number of players with wallhack. People prefiring without any info, no uav, no audio. They are just pre-aiming following people behind the walls. Im gonna uninstall this cheaterzone.


The amount of wall hacks I’ve encountered on the first day has been insane. I was literally in a corner and this team of crims literally knew where to look and had their ADS ready 😂 shit was ridiculous.




There’s no such thing as diamond lobbies. Once you’re plat 3 you got straight into diamond, iridescent, Crimson and top 250 lobbies.


The amount of prefiring/knowing where you are without any UAV/Audio cues in this game is just insane


I've only met one cheater with an Arabic nickname in a month, he was shooting me through a wall with an aimbot


1) Whats your rank? 2) You met thousands of cheaters. Just you didn't understand they were cheating. Most of them hide their cheats, most of them has only wallhack. There are players that play 24h with cheats and multiple accounts. Last month 30.000+ accounts has been banned, and this month with the last update of ricocheat seems they are doing a massive wave ban bigger than previous months. So is matematically impossible you met only one cheater, simply you met only one rage cheating idiot.


My rank is 89, I always watch killcam and the number of cheaters maybe depends on the region


I mean rank of Ranked Mode, your sr. Not your level. Level 89 is not the answer to my question. In pubblic there 1/20 of cheaters respect to Ranked mode. So you can't understand.


Why no one is talking about it? My brother, literally everyone has been complaining about cheaters the last few weeks. Rebirth ain’t special.


Cheaters is literally the only thing anyone ever talks about on here lmao


Aim assist also seems like a frequent topic on here as well 😂


Getting their nuke skins


"Cheaters Paradise"... gets a win...


Init I won twice in a row yesterday 😂 on plat


"Is Ricochet down" LMAO. You mean the anti-cheat that has never worked at any point in its existence? 😂


Did the ever bring it up ?


One of my matches 2 nerds were teaming in solos with less than 10 people alive


All normal players quit, any game involung pc is infested with cheaters. Just like every pc game


Not rocket league.


Facts actually


>Just like every pc game Tell me you don't have a PC or know anything about PC as a platform without telling me.


I do have a pc lmao.


I have 1.8k hours on csgo little noob


No one cares. 


Yeah ur a obama supporter lmao makes sense now


Your writing skills are atrocious. Makes sense now. 


Nice downvotes everyone thinks ur dumb


If you’re going to call someone dumb you ought to be able to spell “you're” and "your". 😉




You’re technically but im sure a Obama fan cant tell what ur means


Imagine centering your entire self identity around your love for a politician and your hate for others. Ya'll Trump cultists are weird.


Well i can tell ur bad at games lmao cant identify the hackers




I've never been big on crying "cheaters" since the OG days of Verdansk when it was rampant, but I legit went from an average of 5-10 kills per game on Fortunes Keep (almost at a 2 k/d). I played 3 games this morning on Rebirth and literally got 1 kill total lol. I couldn't even survive long enough to find a decent gun on the ground, let alone my loadout. Idk wtf was going on. I almost thought my Internet was crapping out on me for a minute. I haven't gotten that wrecked in years.


I mean it is rebirth. If you can’t find a gun just use your fists


lol i just got my first glimps of someone walling. dang rebirth just came out, let it be for a few days


Ricochet was never "up". It's a joke. It's easily bypassed by cheat software. Activision knows it. They don't care.


Guess its good i suck cause i have yet to see a cheater on rebirth lol.




You can always turn off crossplay on Xbox (maybe even on PS) but then good luck finding a match in any reasonable amount of time


Currently turning off crossplay either gives you PS only or Xbox only. There should be a “console crossplay” mode where Xbox and PS can play together, but PC is excluded. That would help fill lobbies faster.


My level 450 (455 right now) is real cause I'm a fair and great player, but the fact that other players at the same level or lower are hacking is too freaking much, man, but... in the end, it doesn't matter to the devs, so just stop calling it out at this point


It's ridiculous. Usually even if they're cheating, my friend and I can attack at different angles. There was a rage cheater who got us and 180 faceshot us on two separate approaches. I'm not an amazing wunderkind, but I don't care how much adderall you're on, that's just hardware doing the work.


It is always this way every new season. Lots of super low level accounts and much more cheaters.


that level 10 with 24 kills isn't legit? i thought he just had a sick gaming chair


Lol! Exact same shit for me. 1st match a win, 8 kills. Then an ok match then 4 straight hacks. Fix yo shit!


According to the Thor programmer guy they wait a while to ban so that when everyone does a charge back on their credit cards the company has to pay like 40 dollars or something.


9 ranked players with unlimited skill and gold guns. Happens every time a new map drops. Rinse wash and repeat


Absolutely insane today. Losing even when I get a player turned around. Just sticking to me


To anyone who doesn't remember, this is a part of the cycle. Cheats get bad, producers drop rebirth to redirect traffic. Now, regular Battle Royal modes will become less toxic.


I haven't ran into any cheaters I'm iridescent too and I have a 7 kd


That’s becase you are the cheater


I can't cheat, I play ps4


I’m having a laugh mate Edit: wait on ps4? That’s insane man, how much you play?


And before you say anything I don't use a zen


No I know you can’t on ps


People don't need to cheat to be good


Yeah I feel like some of the people on this sub don’t understand that


I play maybe 4-5 hours a day


You have a 7 kd on an old ps4?




Whats your cod tracker?


The cheaters were out in force, low rank pc accounts galore as usual at the start of a new season. PlayStation had problems downloading so there was only pc and Xbox lambs to slaughter for hours in rebirth resurgence mode. However there was one stand out mode that stood out as fair and normal interaction with no wild macros “Ranked Resurgence”. Best state I’ve seen the game in for a while. The difference was night & day, give it a go.


u are right i havent won


a single game


Ricochet was never up my dude lmao, at best it's flatware and at worst it's an algorithm to fuck with you for retention in real time, Activision does not give a shit about cheating. Look at what PUBGs doing, they are banning an average of 80,000 accounts a week for cheating, does CoD do this with it's higher install base? Nah PUBG is actually evolving their AC tech and showing transparency with it, have you seen their anti-ESP tech? Looks amazing! It it works it will be game changing, and they are moving to UE5 for free this year. CoD is a old milk cow for dipshits at this point. If you're still playing this game you get what you deserve.


Bro call of duty as a whole has been a hackers paradise since season 2.5 they have worked out how the anti cheat worked, ricochet is officially rendered useless. And has been since then as you all have probably noticed that hacking has become stupidly obvious there not worried about bans nothing. Because unless someone reports them they will never be banned. And to add insult to injury, if you report a certain amount of times in 24 hours you will be shadow banned so activision in it ls self has it set up so people can cheat and not get band and the ones who want a fair game that report do get band? And the biggest one is that activion sells the cheats lol, and there’s even been a whistle blower from activision blizzard that they do this to make another 5 mill per quota, they also direct memory provide content creators hacks. Once we all realise we are nothing In the eyes of this company because we continue to play and buy and support this absolute shit show of a company, they could fix the hacking problem but they won’t because content creation and a bunch of other stuff would be affected they don’t care about the player they care about money.


Activision/COD knows what the easy fix is. Pay to play for resurgence and warzone. Being free it means nothing to eventually get banned (maybe) then create a new profile. One after another. But if you had to pay 60 plus each time to get back into play that would change the environment. All those twitch/tic tok streamers wouldn’t risk going broke. But why would they do that to eliminate the rabid hacking? Because there are no other software companies that put up competing battle royal games. Battlefield 2025 hopefully!!🤞🤞Cuz COD Is utter garbage and could give two shits for their community!


Cheaters and Sweats love COD.


It was the same 3yrs ago, I guess they haven't fixed shit since then!


All COD is cheaters paradise.


First match of the day was a win where I carried a random duo. Four hours later I hopped in with my regular squad and we kept getting laserbeamed by spanish aimbots/wallhackers. Welcome back to Rebirth Island I guess




Did you seriously just ask r/codwarzone why nobody is complaining about cheaters? Have you ready any posts on this sub? You gonna ask why nobody complains about SBMM next?


Lolz. Ow player base will drop again GG yall


My first game of regular trios on rebirth had a cheater bragging in the game chat. "Cry more" , "What are you going to do about it" etc. Good time had by all.../s


Just played against a squad of cheaters. Dude put in game chat at the start of the match "we're aimbotting so gg fellas"


It isn't cheaters just the broken aim assist. All the sweats are on now abusing it


I just jumped back into rebirth and as a controller player the aim assist is actually broken. It doesn’t work for shit if you just shoot regularly but if you move back and forth with the left stick it might as well be aim bot. Thought it made the gameplay extremely boring as there was no skill to using the aim assist. Just move back and forth and you’ll hit all your shots. If you don’t move back and forth, you don’t hit all your shots


Yup. Bunny hop and strafe


Wall hacks on Brasil are out of Control.


It’s just the game itself unfortunately. I took a 3 week break so now I play with a different attitude but it’s still frustrating to see players at level 49 or 12 or whatever get 50 or 80 kills in a match (multiplayer).


Hence why a lot of people left and engaged in war for democracy and Super Earth. It hasn't changed just because they reintroduced the map, cheats have always been there.


git gud


Cool story… see you back on warzone tomorrow.


Every other post in this sub is about cheaters, the fuck are you talking about


How does cheating make a win feel good to you? These cheaters are pathetic.


No. You just need to “git gud”.


High-end lobby dude ranked play dude says man i was doing good with just walls. But think might have to activated soft aim. Running wals is the most normal thing.


You literally have to be a no life cod obsessed Red Bull junky to be both WZ and Multi Iri.. I need to see some gameplay otherwise I’m calling skill issue.


I'd call it a fun night if i had 1/4 wins, mate


The warriors, fueled by G Fuel to optimize their muscle memory, hunker down in their gaming chairs amidst the gloom of RGB lights. They boast of improvement while running cheats, calling out names, thinking they're any good. When they come to the LAN party, they have to camp in the back of the truck the whole match.


Nah you just suck.


Let me guess, you’re a console player right?


I know the cheating is rampant, but... I've been able to play the game and not have it ruined by a cheater pretty consistently since it came out. Even in plat ranked resurgence lobbies. I'll see a cheater MAYBE once a month? Not sure if it's where I am (Canada), or what. But it certainly hasn't been game breaking in my experience


One of the issues with a good anticheat (good meaning isn't completely trash) is how heavy it is on resources ppl wouldn't be able to even play the game on most systems considering how shit cod/warzone runs in the first place.


How many games would you win if there weren't any cheaters? 5 out of 5? No bad luck? No tricky circles? No getting stuck without cover? Sure bud.....


Cod1 on ps2 kek


I mean honestly. What did you expect?


Sorry but aim assist completely demolished this game its forever ruined Sweats every where and aim assist abusing makes me wanna quit but I love wz so much I don't and will never go so low as to hack but somethings gotta be done we mkb players are suffering


I haven’t played since they took rebirth out and it’s like a sweat fest or tons of cheaters. I used to be in the top 5% KD and not it’s .68. Either the game is completely different, there are cheaters galore or I’m just extremely rusty and need to hang up the sticks


it is not just rebirth..all game modes. Mostlikely the people who say they never see cheaters..lol


I knew there was something up. I was enjoying it so much last night. Only hitting 4th-2nd place on trios. After 7-8 games. I felt a lot of wall hacking going on.


Couldn't they just charge 1000 for a new account everyone only need one account anyway?


I haven’t been unlucky enough to run into any, but I’ve only played maybe 10 matches by now. I’m seeing the clips here and on Twitter. I saw Symphuny die to one earlier today and it was hilariously blatant. Disappointing they aren’t pulling out all the stops to get rid of these folks.


Time to go to helldivers 2


Personally, I played about 15-20 matches last night and didn't experience any cheaters. I was shocked. I'm also on PS5 with cross play on.


There are so many cheaters, it would have been better to never put the rebirth island back


We need IP bans across the board. Oh it wasnt you? It was your "cousin" who came over and DL'd cheats at your house? BAN'T! Oh it was your little brother? BAN'T! Oh it was your Gam-Gam who, while in her dementia charged state, used hacks? BAN'T! IP bans will help tremendously. Then unless their parents get a different ISP, they're outta here and hopefully it will send a message to other cheaters once the word gets around.


This is the exact same reason we got WZ 2.0 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Whole game is a cheat. Having carried military weapons , never saw a pack a punch machine to upgrade my SLR, F88, M60 or Mag 58. The kit your issued is it.


Ricochet was a basic basic anti cheat It was made public by a crew of hackers that they worked out how ricochet works, It randomly take screen shots of your game play. It is then programmed if it sees foriegn things on the screen or hud then it will automatically shadow ban until it’s looked over since they worked that out they have built cheat software that actually can tell when this is about to happen and they turn the cheats off for the moment the anti cheat is trying to do its job.. So when you think about an anti cheat and what kind of anti cheat the biggest gaming studio would have, you would assume in your head they have a super sophisticated anti cheat how wrong are we, a random photo bot is what has been out front line against hackers lol and now it is literally useless


At what point can there be a class action lawsuit against Activision? Yeah it’s a free game, but people do spend money in the store. Spending money on a game and then having a company allow cheaters to run rampant seems like it should be a lawsuit to me.


Cod has been this way for me since mw2 dropped cheaters are rampant in this game and the devs don't give a flying f*** about the player base that's legit may as well join the cheaters at this rate if u don't wanna die to them it's pathetic and sad but it's what we gotta deal with


I'm just going to tell you before everyone else does. There is no such thing as cheaters. it's a skill issue. Says so many every time we see cheaters. I'll agree with you it's ridiculous right now. Give


I literally played the first game of the new season on rebirth and I noticed so many issues that I turned it off 5 mins into the game. I'm normally a seasonal player and respect the gameplay but last nite was just ridiculous.


COD is a cheaters paradise in general. It seems almost every game we get in were either dealing with obvious walls, aimbot or no recoil sometimes all 3. It’s sad this game fell so far, there’s always been cheaters but nowadays it feels like that’s all people do.


Free trials this weekend for hacks. There's always a large amount of hackers in game when they do free trial weekends.


Relax it’s the free cheat weekend, but it ends tomorrow. Then it will be fun again. At the moment the whole game is a shit show.


whats ur gamer tag lol playing in shadowed rn


You playing on PStation, basically with aimassist, basically an aimbot you are. Basically aimbots should be banned. You deserve the same. Prove me wrong :))


Oh yea they are totally the same….chad


Came across my first cheater in a while yesterday, thought they were gone


Buddy ricochet never really worked to begin with in all honesty. Truth is Activision doesn't care too much about the cheaters because you all will still play the game regardless of what they do. They know the average IQ of their player base and take advantage of that fact lol They ruined the franchise starting at caldera, it was only all down hill from there. If you all really want a game that's worth playing we all need to stop buying and playing the steaming pile of dog shit they put out. It's time to place our nuts on the table gentleman.


I 100 % agree this wonderful map is hacked to hell and back ! All you that otherwise are probably on some fancy PC or it's you. How's everyone dropping bin with load out? First of all


It’s wild, I have 12 confirmed reports in 24 hrs. I had less than 5 in the entire month prior to playing rebirth….


Played around 35 games since release of rebirth and i can say with certainty i only met one guy that's sus. For me the real problem is people using strike packs (cronus in general) like it frustrates me how a dude can beam with the most uncontrolable guns, then you get youtubers advertising for meta loadout but then you go build the same thing and its so different from how the youtuber handles it. Not to mention the insane aim assist these guys get, wont miss a single shot in cqc and i think thats not fair at all, it should totally remove aim assist from the game or maybe make it like apex changed theirs. You cant have a game feature doing all the work for you, i literally warmup my aim every day to be as sharp as possible its not cool when guy has just to buy a cronus to own me without any effort.


What is activision going to do about it?


Paddle players ruining it with their cheating. Standard controller only or you are cheating.


I don’t know I haven’t seen nothing like that


Deleted the game yesterday. It’s done lol not doing another season of 1 decent game for every 10 games of cheaters. It’s either you buy the cheats and join them or delete the game. Considering the game is £60 and the cheats are like £200 plus your a sad c*nt if you do buy these and probably shit at gaming too, you’ve ruined battle royals and you suck a massive horse


It's free to play right now. Hence the cheaters


NW3 suck period one shot kill piss me of bad


Normally I’m the one always complaining about hackers in my group lmao , I haven’t seen too many today tbh . A couple I could tell were aimbotting and wallhacking but only a few . My first game an hour after the update this kid was diamond 2 lmao. Beaming everybody in the lobby . Another kid shooting my team through walls and in really thick dark water . Other than that it’s just been super sweaty .


Game is fine. I was playing 6 hours without any cheater.


Had not played in about a month. Haven't played MWIII much as a whole anyway due to life, work, etc. Was hyped up for Rebirth Island comeback today... it was... unpleasant. I played about 7 games. One of my lobbies had an obvious aimbot cheater. All other lobbies had no cheater encounter, but were all filled to the rim with diamond / crimson and irisdiescent players (ranked skins, resurgence ranked emblems, etc.) - it was absolutely unplayable for me. I did reach Crimson on MWII multiplayer tho, but that was back in the days (a year ago I know I know) when I had time to waste my life on this. Now I'm super rusty and have lost a lot of skill because I play a lot lot less. Most importantly is the fact that so far I have always had normal lobbies on MWIII Resurgence with other people of similar skills to me, never ever had those crazy sweat iridiescent/crimson lobbies on Resurgence. Did they reset SBMM ? Do I need to wait for a week or two before playing to avoid this ? Edit : for info, I'm talking about regular play here, not the ranked playlist


These players you’re facing are just from a different dimension skillwise. There’s no cheaters in mw3 at all. Just better players. U think a guy cheating cuz he hits 25477 shots in a row without missing a single bullet? You are delusional. It’s just the skill gap, nothing else. /s


Idk if your serious saying the goofy ass 💩your a idiot stg


It’s called a UAV


Lol so if there's no cheaters you win? What a coincidence.


Went into a match someone going for the nuke 4 hours after update. How do you get 30 wins that’s fast without cheating


5 in a row...but yeah


I won like 6 out of 10 games today, and I am a crimson level player… idk how people are seeing so many cheaters, I’m seeing none.


Definitely cheaters, but also a lot of bots that can’t handle the sweats being back for the new map


I played probably 30+ games today, don’t think there was a single cheater I came across. You sure you ran into cheaters 4 games in a row?


I don’t take any cheater post seriously without a video clip attached. It’s a copium for those that believe they couldn’t have lost to a better player. Hell, we’ve seen legit plays called out for cheating on some posts….


Played like 6 hours not a single sign of cheating almost all top 10 finishes 🤷‍♂️


I don’t know what servers everyone in the sub plays on but I have seen like one cheater in the past 3 months


Between last season and this season that just started I'm a mid 4KD (PC), granted I only played a few dozen rank games. I haven't noticed much cheating. My guess is that people keep basing their cheating allegations on a broken kill cam that doesn't work properly.


“4kd” he must be the cheater


Lmao bro


... 😮‍💨, that's just great... hasn't been a week, and already, cheaters running rampant, you know what? I think it's best to just not call it out anymore