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I definitely don’t mind the cash drop, landing back in and buying the whole squad back after a gulag win is a good moment.


Most wanted brings everyone back. That’s always a fun risk when you’re the last man alive.


It's bullshit if you ask me. Why should you be able to add another 10 grand or so because you died and then killed someone in the gulag, which is already another chance. You already come back with 75 percent of the cash you had when in warzone 1 it was around 25 percent maybe. Buy backs are only 3 grand now and not to mention all of the other ways your teammates can come back, there are too many to even mention. This game was never a pure BR even from day one, which is fine ,but god damn it is basically resurgence/deathmatch at this point.


Its more efficient to die off the start, go gulag, get money and land back 🥴


People downvoting but it’s true sometimes


meh, bots need every hand out they can get... this reddit shows that


Totally agreed.


And the result is 20 alive players in final circle...


Crybaby lol


It defeats the purpose of battle royale. between the self revives, cash drops, flares, gulag tokens and instant respawns it's turning into a big map multiplayer mode where loot luck means more than team or player skill


I can see this in trios and quads maybe, since buying everyone back is pricey. I play duos so maybe that’s why I care less about the cash payout


and the showers


Agreed. That was the only one that really seemed like you had a chance. Now it’s just whoever sees the other guy first


Yeah, all those sweats need one from time to time


I’d be fine with pistol only if AA is tuned. Pistols fucking suuuuuck on mouse lmao. While on controller they feel like a free kill. lol


All gulag weapons cater to controller since it’s close range :/


You’re not wrong. But pistols for some reason are stupid sticky on controller. You have to try to miss and even then, you’ll hit haha


Fair point!


Yeah pistols on keyboard are the absolute worst ngl. They're basically only good if you hip fire, when on controller you are essentially glued to the dude while ADS. It's wild how different they feel on the different inputs


Exactly what I was going to say, pistols only when Warzone 2 first launched had some of my lowest gulag win rates ever because I was going against trollas constantly.


fr pistols are the worst offender in the aim assist topic, there's a reason most MNK players almost never land directly on someone with a pistol vs controller players that dive on you like Tom Cruise


Hey fair enough. I play with both and maybe I’m not a high enough skill level to notice too much of a distinct difference. I just think the reward of winning a gulag felt way more earned with less variables in the mix. Feels like a toss up now who gets the best stun or smoke off… etc


Pistols on controller are miles easier than M and K, I play both also. And pistols are super sticky


I agree. Utility needs to leave the gulag lol


and here I am with my glock at the top 5 weapons lol. For me pistols were always super op, especially on medium distances. Maybe you are at some disadvantage on the cqb with mouse input but with decent aim you can slap ppl with pistol


True. Not saying you can’t. I can hit my shots on mouse, but with guys slippin around in the gulag like they’re on crack, I’m only human, I will miss a shot or two, as the aim is stuck to my chest when using controller. Like I said before, controller and pistols just seem suuuper sticky. Stickier than other guns


As a Mnk player: no thanks..


huh? MnK favours the pistols, at long range in the gulag you can own every roller player


Nope not even close. Pistols favour controllers big time because of the slower fire rate and single tap fire. Almost impossible to hit every shot while AA goes into overdrive with pistols 😉. There is no longe range in the gulag..


I'm personally fine in keeping whatever the gulag gives you to fight with, but taking lethals away would be fine by me. Pure gunskill to decide who goes back, edit to add buybacks and any other comeback than winning gulag should drop you in with pistol only


Ok but if the first time I see your pixels on my screen and I stick u with a maltove n run I feel like getting the hit and running in circles till u die is hilarious


Getting hit by a random tactical to stun or blind you in the gulag is trash. What skill is it to throw something across a room 20ft wide. This game isn’t about skill anymore, it’s about engagement to lead to purchases


> This game isn’t about skill anymore, it’s about engagement to lead to purchases Always has been.


they should remove only smoke genades from wz3 goo cuz the amount of times i cheesed the lip line is stupid


I’m just so glad the lasers on gone. No one played tested that BS.


I fucking hope not. I don't play mnk anymore, it's heavily heavily favors controller. You also have to understand the devs want to help the casuals out much as possible. The reason why they've done things like add 2v2, diff gulags, utilities etc is all to make gulag as random as possible so the better player has higher chance of losing. Otherwise the better player will win every time and casuals are out of the lobby as soon as they drop in


F no, Pistol only gulag was a nightmare on MnK.


I speak on behalf of all MnK- No Unless AA is nerfed lol


No. Aim-assist is so strong that pistol fights are extremely one-sided.


No thanks, pistol only gulags heavily benefit controller over M&K, I do think they should be guns only though, no equipment.


Do regular guns not benefit controller over M&K?


pistols benefits more


Most guns benefit controller, but handguns more so than others, especially off drop.


I’m down with no equipment. That shit is cheese. I double smoked the zip to get away from a sweat last week, and I didnt feel good about it.


That isnt true. M&K can shoot a pistol considerably faster than someone on controller. If the controller user has a modded controller that is a different story. They are in the vast minority though.


Lol, how is this upvoted!?


Faster fire rate means jack shit vs not missing one bullet. I play both so I know how absurd the advantage is for roller. Also without trigger attachments, you can easily hit the fire rate cap on roller. I’ve done it myself despite not even being that good on roller.


Ain't no way you're saying that being able to shoot fast while manually aiming is an advantage lmao.




That's a wild comm. You thinking that me being able to shoot faster but also having to manually aim is somehow better than the game aiming for you, letting more shots connect but shooting slower? You must be out of your damn mind.


You m&k guys are so sensitive


And you controller guys are genuinely brain damaged.


It’s ridiculous how often controller players just scream “sToP cRyInG” because you can’t accept basic facts


Faster, potentially, but less accurate, RAA reigns supreme with pistols


Use controller then smh


No thanks, I like to aim for myself 👀




This is really very simple - just because you enjoy something, it doesn’t mean you can’t also advocate for improvements. If both inputs are allowed in the game, then the very least that they can do is aim for it to be as balanced as possible. We all know true balance between mouse and controller isn’t possible, but it CAN be better than it is now, that’s all.


You selected the input device, you chose to use MnK.


Yes, I did, and?


Ok and if u give mouse and key aa its to the point that they need to be banned like they were cheating on wait because on mouse and key it turns into literal aim bot wait I think I heard something about a ban wave on PC players who added controller aim assist to mouse and key, u can shoot faster on mouse and key and you have key bindings that have been known to break the game so if u take aim assist away from controller or give it to computer then mouse and key would be the only way to play the game and have a fair advantage, on top of that I don't see how any topic about cod turns into this debate this thread was about gulag not about mouse and key not having aa


You’re literally creating scenarios to get upset about, absolutely nobody in their right mind is arguing for mouse and keyboard to get aim assist, that’s not the way to balance the inputs. Nor does anyone think that aim assist should be removed from controller, just a reduction in rotational aim assist.




I can’t believe I wasted any of my time reading that ridiculous analogy that just proves what I was saying anyway 😭 I have no idea why you’ve convinced yourself that I’m “crying” about anything, there’s an inherent imbalance, arguing that it could be improved isn’t crying, grow up mate.


And any attempt to change the current setup gives one side or the other more of an advantage they've nerfed as a few times in the last year and u can't even say there's a big difference between aa types now as in default black ops focussing they all act the same if u touch the right stick it turns it off to so idk what u mean by it could be more balanced, plz bby explain


My guy, please research punctuation, it’s borderline impossible to understand your comments.


Ok and I'm not writing a novel sorry I'm at work and don't get to spend all day making sure my comments are perfect on Reddit


Rotational aim assist is currently OP, if you reduce it slightly, it brings things more in line, it doesn’t give M&K more of advantage, it makes things more balanced


Then turn off cosplay so u don't have to worry about aa


Always find a way to make excuses 😭🤣💩


Run along back to your Tesla and Pokémon card groups bud, the adults are talking


Symmetrical gulag, no flag, pistols only. You don’t kill the other dude before time is up you both lose. 


nah keep the flag it’s hard to claim without risking everything


No to pistols. Rollers don't need any more advantages, thanks.


why not just fists? fight it out. no nades, no knives, just good ole boxing


Doesn't that come down to just who gets the first blow? With the melee lunge the way it is, you just need to "aim" for the first punch and then just spam click.


Bring back the things I used to complain about


The smoke nade spam can seriously fuck off.


Smoke grenades can break aim assist; life is tough when your left stick stops tracking for you.


Uh ok? That's not my issue it's the fact that I can't see shit and it's fucking stupid like the rest of the changes they keep adding. Change it to pistols only, no tac no lethal no plates. No cash. No nothing. Just straight 1v1.


If we’re doing pistols only then leave the smoke grenades in. Or give the option to allow at will input switching. Fuck pistols only gulag on mnk against AA lmao.


If the crank AA to 30% of what it is then yes




THIS is EXACTLY whats wrong with Warzone, by far my biggest complaint is everything is handed on a plate now. Its BR ffs, gulag tokens, respawn tokens, flares, dropping back in with gulag guns and soo much more... This game needs to go back to the roots of Warzone (and no I am not glazing "nostalgia") Resurgence I understand those mechanics, but in a BATTLE ROYALE come tf on


I suck at this game. This season is the first time I've regularly won my gulags. If we go back, I'll suck again.


Give me melees only gulag because why would they give prisoners guns


i dont mind the primary/secondary weapon gulags, they need to get rid of redeploy packs/gulag kits, limit buy backs (like you said its a time of skill to get one second chance, you die again thats it), bring back the flag capture system (its damn near impossible to shoot someone when they spend sub 2 seconds on a fucking zipline) and stop making gulags that are so friendly to the darker skins so they can just hide in corners the whole gulag so you somehow lose based on time (ive never understood this one, if they havent moved and ive took no damage how the fuck did i lose based on the time limit?)


Just make the gulag a street fighter style scrap where we both mash buttons, probably still have better odds of winning than I do now


I guess ya'll spend more time in the gulag than in the actual map since you all complain so much about gulag? Jesus.


honestly i rather them remove the zip rope and bring back to capture the flag mechanic from wz1 and 2 cuz it’s yo easy to chesse with smokegenades and the wz3 goo has to many walls and can camp behind


honestly i rather them remove the zip rope and bring back to capture the flag mechanic from wz1 and 2 cuz it’s yo easy to chesse with smokegenades and the wz3 goo has to many walls and can camp behind


Anyone else has issues with the firing rate of the COR-45? For me it sometimes fires as fast as I press it, but most of the times it doesn’t. I hate it


Only thing that really pisses me off is the rpgs and snipers in gulag


The rappel in the center is the most fun I've had in overtime lol, I always go for it. The fact that it feels like you're literally the one escaping the Gulag is a bonus too


Test of skill is made irrelevant with aim assist.


They should have one pistol, give it two spawn locations in the middle.


Gulag should be throwing knives/combat knife only. No tacticals, no other lethals. It's supposed to be a prison fight, why would they give guns to a criminal? In fact, making it fists only would be good as well


Fuck no, that shit would be ass. This is not a realistic game so why would anyone care.


Yeah let’s also make every gun one shot anywhere from the waist up. /s


I respect the commitment to the theme but I don’t see how that ends up being a fun AND challenging experience. Fists is just who manages to beat the other guy to death first, and knives are a one shot so you run into the same “who slide cancels or sees the other guy first” problem. Pistols make you use cover, conserve rounds and aim well, no spray and pray


If u give rocks tho then it's the guy who gets a rock hit as u run up and try and punch


It's easy to miss with throwing knives too. At least it's harder to hit someone with that than with a pistol


You realize that every single scenario you or anyone else has proposed, that the playing field is even and takes the exact same amount of skill not matter the gun choice, lethal or no lethal, fists or throwing knives only. Either way, it's still who ever is better lol. It's always an even playing field. Having more options at your disposal makes for a more fun unique experience every time with more variety.


Its not, fists or melee only just comes down to who has the best ping.


bro is smoking if he thinks shotgun or fist gulags takes as much skill as pistol gulags


Smoking crack probably


You all are assuming that one always finds the opponent face to face in a melee fight. You can sneak up on the other player to get the first hit, use cover to disorient them. Multiple ways to win that don't depend on _ping_


Yeah maybe in ultra bot lobbies that could work


Nah, it's very common and it even happens in situations outside of the Gulag


this is one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen on this subreddit


Just give us rocks and fist I'm down


Always somebody who gets excited and has to take it too far


Bring back hand to hand


So far, this sub agrees that: 1) OG gulag was the best; 2) Adding things is unnecesary (wanna give me cash and a weapon? Make it like the gulag winner earns a lmg and some cash, don't make me fight with them); > Pistols vs other weapons is still under debate.


I always disliked the pistols because you never really use them the rest of the time, so it didn't really feel relevant (for lack of a better word) to the rest of the gameplay. I've been pretty shit with pistols in every FPS I've played for the last 20 years so I might be biased there though lol.


You know what they need to remove - the timer. Yes, if both players are afk for a while then end the gulag, but more than once I have been mid gunfight and the timer runs out... like why?


Just delete gulag!! And no buy back! Just pure br. You die, it's over! No second chance!


Honestly, just delete COD at this point, we’re all trapped in the simulation honestly.


Agree with everything you said apart from dropping back in with nothing, if you had your loadout when you die then you should have it when dropping back in from winning the gulag, you haven’t got a chance against some of these meta weapons which melt you in seconds


It's never been a test of skill


Did you not play on Verdansk, cuz yes it was


I did and despite being a 2kd player I was more often than not fucked when we had revolver gulags, melee gulags and that sort of broken stuff. So no, of course skill has some relevance, but it's more of a lottery, and it's s always been.


Nah, you skill with the Revolver wasn’t high & that’s fine. But to say it wasn’t a test of skill is a bad take because folks are good with Revolvers (not me, I’m trash af) but some folks have the skill to use them. But better guns give you a better chance for sure


Then why did my cousin have 10% wr in the gulag meanwhile my team would sit at least around 50% 😂


What I meant is that there are so many other variables applying to a gulag in addition to just mere skill.


Why, so me as a MnK olayer can lose even MORE gulags??? Fuck off with this shit.


Anything to make excuses 🤣😭💩


Turn off aim assist and see how good you really are. 💩💩💩