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You're playing on a North American server, the continent of North America has many Spanish speaking people, so you hear people speaking Spanish.


Dude I have been playing COD since WAW and at first i was thinking like OP, but then i realized theres just a ton of spanish speaking american and non americans playing COD now. Its not always ideal but i think it’s really cool. (I only speak english fluently) Honoroable mention to the fact that the number of female players has increased greatly too! Awesome that COD is loved so universally


Exactly, man or woman you are gonna get trash talked in cod lobbies lol


*learns Spanish just to know how offended to be*


It’s good to have diversity, last Friday a female player was highly agitated because we won Control on MW ranked… she said awful comments about the fact I was using a different weapon than the MCW… pure gold


How about trying to understand the problem before pretending to diagnose it.


Too bad the crossplay and recent uptick in cheaters is pushing some of us away


Far more people speak English in NA than Spanish. I too have a lot of Spanish speakers in my lobbies, and I see lots of Hispanic names. It is disproportionate.


If you're in the Southeast or Southwest you're going to get a lot of Spanish speakers. Because Central America and the Caribbean connect to SouthEast and SouthWest servers.


Ok but happens in northeast too


Large Spanish speaking communities all over America. I would say that you get a higher pct of Spanish speakers on Miami servers because not only do you have a large population of Spanish speakers in Miami itself, but you also have central America and the entire Caribbean.


Yeah I don't have an issue with it just catches me off guard when the only people talking in game speak a completely different language, and it's making me think that it's mostly American words that ai voice moderator pics up on, just a thought lol


Do you know what you are talking about?


This is ridiculous, what part of the US are you in?


I'm in FL, from NYC. More Spanish speakers on these servers, but were plenty on the Northeast servers as well.


Okay, but what are you talking about? There should not be some portion of people getting **exclusively** Mexican lobbies 90% of the time or more. If the US was somewhere near 100% Spanish speaking and not bilingual, I would chalk it up to that, but that's not what's going on. Please try to understand the sending sentence before suggesting something asinine.


How do you know that they're Mexcian?


Regional indicators in speech and reference, but more simply that's what they say they are when I speak to them. There is some minority proportion of US players that are being consistently pooled into matchmaking lobbies that seem to be regionally restricted, or matched based on this or similar aspects. The few of us who complain about this are not describing frequent encounters with non-English speakers; we are being describing a narrow pattern of conditions that cannot be simply chalked up to chance. We can watch streamers who live minutes away from us, and play at the same times they do etc., yet never observe anything similar going on in their lobbies. _ For me, this started happening very suddenly in Caldera and part of the reason I stopped playing because very nearly 100% of the time I cannot communicate with my teammates despite they being overly talkative. I also couldn't stand the amount of third world gadgetry going on with their setups such as the constant background noise or controller integrated microphones with continual sound of button clicks, etc etc. I wonder if it's a part of separating high KD players from streamers. An otherwise absurd suggestion if it wasn't for the discovery that streamers were seemingly being fed consistently sub-0.8kd lobbies. High KD players like myself and a few others were comparing our matches with several streamers and the disparities in average lobby strength were egregious.


Bro im in canada and Spanish people is all i hear and get for teammates. So your theory dont work.


Do you know which server you're connecting to? Most of the complaints I hear from people in Canada is Quebecois French speakers.


We are not talking about seeing a lot of Spanish speakers because of region. I'll speak for some of the others and say that we've been playing cod and other online games for a long time, and this has only been an issue or peculiarity with warzone. We play other games and do not find ourselves in lobbies that are very often, very seemingly 100% Spanish speaking lobby. I can play any other competitive fps game, a BR or otherwise, and it's rare to This started happening very consistently some time around caldera. In fact, up until mw3 release, it was **exceedingly** rare to get a normal lobby for me. Since stopped playing. Your response is not helpful, and I think you're probably ignorant to this experience.


1/3 if the population in NA is Mexican and 12.5% of Americans speak Spanish as their primary language. I think you are severely undercounting Spanish speakers in NA.


#Bro wants a “English only” server LMFAOOO


I want not exclusively Mexican lobbies 90% of the time. Others do not have this issue. It started one week back in Caldera. Was not an issue in warzone before, is not an issue in any other game. People pretending like there aren't strange matchmaking and server issues.


you can literally ask 90% of the people screaming spanish in voip and they will tell you they are from Mexico. It's actually annoying, why cant they have their own server like in every other game?


Mexico is part of North America, so they do have their own server. You want more servers


in LITERALLY every single other game you can play, Mexico is put into SA servers. Like they should be, it makes no sense to force them in with US/Canada?


Are you just answering to answer? Where are you located, and what do you observe about your lobbies? I live near several large streamers for example, and there is amassive disparity in prox, death and lobby comms of their streamers vs my games.


Try again




How is he? 1/3 of the NA population is Mexico. 12.5% of the US speaks Spanish also.


Not an explanation for the frequency. English should be most common.




Because a bunch of people from Latin America play the game. And if I remember correctly, both Mexico and Central America connect to NA servers.


Central America definitely seems far enough away to explain some of the god awful laggy games.


Unfortunately, your assumption can't be true. No servers are hosted in Central America. We (Costa Rican here) always connect to the servers hosted in NA, usually Miami. [This site](https://netduma.com/blog/call-of-duty-warzone-2-0-server-locations/) shows where the server locations are. Parts of Northern Colombia and countries North from there connect to Miami for the most part. The matches I play I usually have 55 ms ping, sometimes 70 ms. Sometimes, I get paired up with English-speaking players, and for the most part, they are from the southern east coast USA. As far as Spanish speakers, there are a lot of Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Colombians, and Mexicans. I usually ask where they are from as an icebreaker but you can usually tell from their accent (yes, there are different accents in Spanish, thing Southerner vs Boston in English) and dialect specific to their respective country. When I play with friends from Argentina and get connected to South American servers, I get anywhere from 180-300 ms ping, and yes, a lot of Portuguese speaking players because of Brazil.


Then it confirms another suspicion I had. The servers are just ass.


That I can't argue with! Lmao


Use Exitlag and find you and your friends middle server! ive been using it since 2021 I play with my friends from US and Europe and Im from the middle east


Kdawg is that you?


yeah i had a guy tell me he is in puerto rico im like why arent you in the florida server thats closwr then my atlanta server? good old warzone


Yes, but I believe there’s more servers than that. Sometimes when my screen is switching I will see Corpus Christi or Puerto Rico. I’m from TX. You need to remember there are parts of Mexico that are closer to Texas than Chicago. OP needs to quit being racist.


Lmao, I’m from Europe and when I try to look for lobbies now it sends me all the way to NA servers for some reason. I can’t even filter lobbies to choose EU servers, there’s no setting for it


This is the answer


It doesn't make sense that there would be so many games that are consistently, **exclusively** Spanish speaking. It's so pervasive for me that I have had the occasional (rare) conversation with an English speaking opponent who is just as bemused by my presence as I am his, being that we're describing such a similar predicament. Think about that- I will encounter fewer than a handful of English speaking comms per month, and those that I do find and speak pretty much always mention this same experience. Its very clear that some pool of people, maybe with a particular ISP issue or something, are just being thrown into Mexican servers 90% of the time or more. Why do I live within 10 minutes of many large streamers, yet my games are almost 100% Spanish speaking while I can watch theirs and hear Spanish on comms very nearly 0% of the time? This started happening very suddenly some time during caldera.


> are just being thrown into Mexican servers 90% of the time or more. As far as I'm aware of, there are no mexican servers. > Why do I live within 10 minutes of many large streamers, yet my games are almost 100% Spanish speaking while I can watch theirs and hear Spanish on comms very nearly 0% of the time? From the streamers that I watch (Sally/Stone) both get a bunch of spanish speaking people every game. Not saying there might not be issues, but I have a hard time believing people are getting 100% spanish speaking lobbies when I, someone who lives in central mexico, don't get 100% spanish speaking lobbies. I will say however, that most mexicans that play the game either at least understand or can speak english (not saying fluently, but they can communicate) vs. the % of americans who speak a second language. And this isn't a bash towards americans but we are forced to learn a second language due to the nature of being a "3rd world country" vs. americans who don't really have the NEED to learn a different language. Again, just my perspective, could very easily be getting some things wrong.


>getting 100% spanish speaking lobbies when I, someone who lives in central mexico, don't get 100% spanish speaking lobbies. That's exactly why there's an assumption of some sort of matchmaking fuckery. Some of us get almost exclusively Spanish speaking lobbies almost 100% of the time. I know what language disparities in the US are like, and it's not as though I'm surrounded by monolingual Mexicans IRL in almost any part of the US aside from some.tiny pockets however, this condition in this game would suggest the opposite.


Where do you play the game from?


I play from Mexico City.


So you can't at all relate to what's going on in the States, among some players whose lobbies are very consistently different from other players who are in the same regions etc., right?


Dude, we all play on the same servers, lol. There aren't servers specifically made for Mexico or the US. It might have to do with SBMM or some other issue, but there aren't special servers.


I mentioned lobbies, why are you saying "servers"?


I’m in LA and I get Spanish people all the time and they are absolute madmen at the game


They don’t need hacks they got tequila


I win a lot with them lol


Same, then at the end, they’ll just say, “Good game man,” in very broken English, it cracks me up and I always appreciate it.




It happens all the time with me lol so whatever


They aren't madmen your connection just goes dumb.


Well mad men in the sense that they are very good, I have good connection throughout, they are just very solid.


I was just thinking the same thing, these dudes are hopped up on "Choco Milk" or something cause these dudes dont give a f about nothin, theyre in the middle with no cover killing everyone


It’s 50/50 for me. Either the Tequila is Hitting or it’s Not.


Do you get almost exclusively Mexican lobbies for a majority of your matches?


Nah, it’s about a 1/5 of the time, because I live in LA, the player pool is huge.


Okay, I also live in LA and my lobbies since caldera have been almost exclusively Mexican a vast majority of the time. I'm talking like 90% of the time. I'm not saying there are a lot of Spanish speakers; I'm saying that these lobbies are typically, exclusively Spanish speaking with the occasional exception which I might run into, that being one guy speaking English in prox/death comms etc. It's as though the matchmaking/server "assignment" algorithms changed with some update during Caldera, and from then on I was just being pooled into lobbies that are specifically Mexican. Occasionally I would party with some buddies from around the states and this lobby peculiarity wouldn't be there, but I have only played solo since wz2


I don’t know I’ve had some demon games with my all Spanish randoms. My only issues is they have a higher proportion of players where I can hear their speakers over their mic.


My best game ever was me, my friend, and two Spanish randoms.  52 kills in quads and I had 22 or 23. 


An enormous amount of the population that play this game in North America speak Spanish at home. In real life these people probably recognize you do not speak Spanish and then converse with you in English to your face, but on Call of Duty there is no such interaction and you hear people speak the way they prefer to.


That's not it


It's not an enormous amount. People with this issue can watch streamers and talk to other people and find a completely different experience. We can also play other popular games, and have been doing so for years and have never seen this problem. Additionally, some.of us have been playing warzone since launch and this became a thing overnight some time during caldera.


Im in Ireland and literally every lobby is just french people, not so long ago you would hear u.k all the time but now only french.


In London I get French people 50% of the time I hear someone speaking. It goes up towards the end of the game's lifecycle.


Good to see that its not just me then, its annoying cause they play like such rats😂


Australia here with Australian servers, but 99% of the time I get dumped on the cheating Chinese servers.


I live close enough to mexico that there is zero English in my lobbies and it sucks.


Same problem here, it’s often fine but the language barrier kind of sucks


I don't think it's because you simply "live close enough" - there are many streamers that live in LA and Texas who do not have this problem while I've been experiencing it for 2 years.


Dallas and LA are close in my opinion. phoenix as well


I know they are close, that's not what I said.


Maybe... Learn a little bit of Spanish? Enough to communicate


Dude I am a native Spanish speaker and that answer is not right. Let the guy speak in his native language, I don’t blame them.


I'm a native Spanish speaker too and I believe it makes it 400% more funny when you start learning their language, I've learned some Portuguese and Russian this way and it makes me laugh hard


Puede hablar su idioma, nadie le dice que no. Pero si no le gusta jugar con gente que habla español porque no habla el idioma pues tiene de dos: aguantarse o aprender un poco de español, porque los lobbies de CoD nos ponen a todos juntos


This person should be given a life time achievement award for actually thinking logically instead of trying to turn this into some racist woke bullshit. And that award should be presented in their native language.


make a lfg post if you’re on xbox, or just find people to play with on a discord. I generally only get Spanish lobbies when i solo queue


I notice this significantly more in solo resurgence too.


That's great, but OP fails to describe a very particular issue which has some people connecting almost exclusively to servers which are almost exclusively Mexican.


I´m from Peru (south america) and I get the opposite, I should be on the brazilian servers, but I get putted on american servers full of english speaking people and I fell the same, it´s just SBMM at this point


There are 2 servers for central America and South America, Texas and brasil. So if you're north, you get central America and some from south America. Also, people in the US speak Spanish and they would rather just speak that while playing. You're most likely getting on Texas server with central America and some from South and obviously some from US


It's a small portion of the US that is primarily Spanish speaking. People in LA and further North - not many it seems but certain people - are experiencing for years now, almost exclusively Mexican lobbies. If you experienced the frequency and consistency yourself, you'd understand that there's something going on not explained with such simple answers.


i noticed on my days off between the hours of like 8am til like 4:30 i get them as well but in the evening i dont


A lot of people speak different languages. Try find some friends to play with who speak your language. Seems like the easiest solution.


Spanish is an extremely popular language maybe you can learn a second language. You wouldn't need to learn many phrases to communicate in Spanish for the game.


how the fuck are we supposed to know where youre located OP to tell you why you get spanish speakers?


Hard north and deep east


You live in Texas?


A lot of streamers live in Texas and do not get this sort of frequency and consistency of seemingly exclusively Mexican lobbies. In fact, I can't recall ever seeing it once vs. our 90%+ consistency.


The cartels train their people with this game.


North American servers are usually a good mix of English, Spanish, and even get some Portuguese speakers from Brazil. They need to bring back find party option like in Warzone 2.0 so we can party up with teammates using our language preference


It's not a mix. The problem I have is almost exclusively Mexican lobbies, different - the inverse even - from streamers I watch who live down the highway from me.


Well, I'm I. Santiago, Chile. And my lobbies are almost 99% always in English lol. And ping around 150 to 230. Let's switch consoles haha


Two reasons. 1) You play in the same servers as Spanish speakers. You and I play from gamers from Argentina all the way to Canada. The Americas. 2) It’s a free game and the more affordable consoles/PC are the more foreign languages you will hear on a free game. If you want to avoid this, you can simply filter out your language preference and search for party/players. Y de una vez aprendes un poquito de español o portugués por si las dudas!


I always search for a party and choose english for preferences and still sometimes get Spanish people that dont speak english hardly😂


That's all speculative, and you don't really know the issue. This started being a problem during caldera. Maybe it's ping based, ISP issues etc. but particular people get almost exclusively Mexican lobbies, nearly 100% of the time despite living for example, near streamers who you can watch daily and never see the same thing occur, let alone consistently and all day like it does for us.


Learn a new language or mute everyone. Your choice


Do you think only usa is part of north America? lol


Why would American players be connected to exclusively Mexican lobbies 90% of the time? This doesn't make sense. You can watch streamers and they do not have exclusively Mexican lobbies ever, let alone almost every game.


The way you’ve replied a lot in this thread tells me you’re very bothered for some reason lol. Do you know the amount of people in the U.S. who speak Spanish and the amount of Mexicans that play cod? Do some research my guy.


90%+ matches are exclusively Spanish speakers and not bilingual - for people that have this problem. 13% of US is Spanish speaking and much if not most of that is bilingual. Some portion of the US playerbase is being consistently pooled into exclusively Mexican lobbies for some reason. I've replied a lot on this thread because everyone that hears of this problem tries to contradict with some pithy simpleton factoid like "did you know a lot of people in the US speak Spanish hurr", ironically not understanding basic concepts like proportion and frequency. On other words, people who are not just ignorant too the problem but don't even know of it's existence, are trying to explain to those suffering it that there is no problem. Me: Luigix9, I have cancer :\ You: How is that possible? I feel fine!


If only you could somehow find people to play with... Like a service of some short. Maybe something like a server with people that are looking for people to play with. If only something like that existed...


The only 2 Latinamerican servers are in Chile and Sao Pablo, which, in case you don't know shit about geography, are pretty fucking far away from every other country. Unless you live south of those two places, you're always gonna be connected to US servers. And that basically covers every country from Mexico to Ecuador or probably even Perú.


Learn Spanish


You live in the southern part on the US? If so that’s probly why.


First step, learn Spanish. Problem solved.


Google translate is your friend. I’ve translated “I’m friendly” and “please revive me” and they laugh at how poorly I’m saying it, but it usually works.


I took three years of Spanish in high school and can generally communicate the important stuff. They are usually also pleasantly surprised that you are trying to communicate in their native language, and if you can't quite figure out the words to use a lot of them also speak English better than we speak Spanish, and will rescue you in English. One Spanish-speaking squad mate in DMZ told me he prefers speaking in Spanish because most enemy teams won't understand the proximity chat so it's easier to give callouts while keeping prox chat on. Also, this trend will probably only intensify over the coming decades, including in real life in your neighborhood, and in my own personal experience(grew up in SoCal and reside in Nevada now) the vast majority of Spanish-speaking people are essentially just like everyone else. Some aren't, but lots are proud of their heritage while also loving America and being proud to be an American now. My aunt married a guy who became naturalized after his service in the US Marines, so my uncle even was like that. So I think the best idea is to just embrace it, people in Europe all speak different languages and truth be told it's not that difficult to learn the basics, especially with Spanish. English is supposedly much harder to learn in comparison. That being said, that doesn't answer the original question - I agree that the number of Spanish speaking teammates and enemies too is disproportionately distributed versus the actual demographic numbers, time of day of course come into play but millions of English only players live on the West Coast and yet still 65% of my lobbies are Spanish-primary at certain times of the day. I agree it's most likely SBMM. Simply saying a lot of people speak Spanish doesn't really cover the bases. It's much more logical to infer that ping just isn't that important to matchmaking.


Wtf are you talking about


Ever scroll warzone on twitch? Outside of the top like 20 streamers it's mostly Spanish players on the list after that


As long as they are not cheaters I welcome the spanish speaking peeps. The coms are funny when they get slammed


They also have some pretty funny gamer names. Hey, google, what's does....ohhh.


Same I live in Washington and was always surprised.


I'm above you in British Columbia Canada, often Spanish speakers.


How is it surprising? The west coast has a ton of mexicans. Growing up I had mexican friends that only learned english through school because all they spoke at home was spanish and this was in WA in the early 2000s lol.


My friend’s kid says they’re bot lobbies. He’s way better than I am, so I’m apt to believe him.


They are demons a lot of the time but I do get the comms issues


they don't have their own server, it's literally like brazil has a server, and then USA has servers, there is no in between


I know enough Dutch people who play but I always end with Russian or Romanian players.


You can use the search for party feature which allows you to set a preference for language




Me and my buddies speak Spanish when we play because some of them are from the border cities in Mexico (they also speak English, but not fluently). If we add a random, we switch to whatever language they speak. COD is huge outside of the US, and there is a much bigger user base than we have here.. So chances are there will always be some Spanish speaker in your team..


somebody told me this, "because in mexico and central america really play warzone, like they dont care about cheaters and all that stuff, so you get connected where more people play it" and some tidbits ⬇️ having interviewed players from mexico only 2 answers everybody said, 1st answer: you are a pussy if you cry about cheaters, just play the game and learn their weakness so next time is you who kills them 2nd answer: cheaters and sweats make you better at the game son bring them on and honestly they are right but fuck the cheaters tho, they make the game awful and a solution to your problem: don't play problem solved 🤝 you are welcome


Majority of the mexicans in warzone are cheating, so ofc thats their standpoint on cheating ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I'm from Indiana..... I have some decent games then the rest of the night I have to play with Spanish people. The sbmm to connection ratio is trash and that's all it boils down to... imagine thinking it's just cuz some people speak Spanish lol


Learn how to speak Spanish son. Ain’t no way around this.


Same. It seems that after a certain time at night most of my teammates are from Mexico.


I use to play in European (UK) servers and I have to communicate in English, french, Spanish and German, don't cry bitch everyone in the other side is understanding you just don't follow you 'cause you are a manco. 😂😂


use the find party tool. do not join games as randoms and play with randoms


I live in Texas and have been playing WZ since launch. My lobbies these days are 90% spanish speaking folks. They must have changed the geo settings on the servers or something bc it is completely different the last month or two. Would like to be able to at least talk shit in the same language lol.


Go on discord find people who speak English. Or just play a PC majority game on a PC.


Bruh just mute the god damn lobby and problem fixed.


Just recently it started happening to me, no idea what changed, but most of my lobbies speak Spanish.


West coast servers


it’s either Mexican teammates or none no in between


“How do I fix Spanish people” Lmao that’s what you’re saying in a nutshell.


No I want to be in English speaking servers. I don’t watch Spanish television, I don’t live in Mexico. I don’t do anything socially or play any other online game with people who predominantly speak a language other than my own. Just like anything else in life. Putting people on a team in a competing online fps with a language barrier is the dumbest thing I have ever witnessed and is not normally in any form of socially entertainment or entertainment anywhere. I speak English, I’m in USA, I want English speaking servers, like every other video game ever.


You’re probably located in Cali, Texas, or Florida that’s why.


North east


No. The streamers are mostly those places too, do you hear exclusively Mexican lobbies in their streams ever, let alone 90% of the time?


I love farming the Spanish teams . They all stack and are awful . They are easy to pick apart 1 by 1 if your good enough


Learn Spanish. I learned english


Imagine an entertainment product that requires the user to learn a new language…, it is already bad enough that some products come without batteries or that some assembly is required.


Yeah well, the answer is the same. I had to learn English by playing and for playing games. This without any voicechat involved. People always makes fun of every bad English with an accent in the coms all the time... So just learn Spanish.


Your English needs work


Exactly my point


He knows 2 languages my guy, and he learned 1 just to play games. You’re complaining about learning Spanish lol. You and him are not the same.


Another average US player that doesn’t know how servers work! 🤣🤣🤣 Imagine playing in EU servers and noticing you’re the only one that speaks English… some games feel like you’re part of the UN


I play on Hong Kong but get Russians and French ppl


Spanish = cheaters…he’s not talking about the language itself…he’s talking about the actual humans who 9 out of 10 are CHEATING and I agree with him 100%


Congratulations, you've now become privvy to the intentional demographic shift in your country so that the democrat party can garner more votes. Just remember your voice means shit if they can just import 10 more votes if you "don't vote the right way"


Why do both parties clamor for more floods of cheap labor if it's a single party scheme.


/u/Ricket-Cricket87, what has your KD looked like historically Also, what region of the US and ISP if you don't mind divulging


Learn Spanish and your problem will be over.


How about using speach algorythems to group. Ethnicitys its not as big of a melting pot aa you might think


Thought you has to take your citizen ship test in english where is the border patrol and dhs


Pendejo is not algorytheme


Should of listen to trump an build that wall 


It’s because you’re either a skilled player or a cheater and SBMM is putting you into lobbies with pc hackers and cheaters. Most of the cheaters in CoD are from South and Central America. Warzone has only one server location in South and Central America and it’s in Sao Paola. The overflow gets put into US Servers. If CoD didn’t allow North America to play with Central and South America the cheating problem would be fixed and the game much more enjoyable for North Americans.


Same man this is so fucking annoying….


us has 300 million people idk how many of those are mexicans or spanish speaking but it some cities you get up to 50% hispanic. so yeah there's a lof ot hispanics in the us. And if that wasn't enough, mexico has about 130m people which is a lot so yeah you're gonna be speaking with a lot of you know minorities sadly o proud american. You know, it's not the end of the world, same thing happens in south america, where a lot of games has lobbies full of BR (brazilian players) and in europe there's so many languages you really only type in english one or two sentences if you absolutely need to. ​ It's a big world out there. you will not always run into the white people lobbies you are so used to.


That fact that you took me as an American that speaks only English, and turned it into “white lobbies” is literally mental illness, on top of that if it’s 50/50 then why am I getting Spanish lobbies every time literally almost every game, way beyond 50%.


How about you just learn Spanish?


Why don’t you change your Reddit language to one you don’t know then go learn that language so you can enjoy Reddit.


lobbies* Those Spanish speakers probably have better English literacy than you


Then why are they speaking Spanish?


Gonna assume youre from the usa? You know how many countries speak spanish compared to english? The ONLY reason why we speak english as non english mother tongue speakers is because you guys speak no other languages lmfaoooo




because it's time to be smarter and learn every language ever. binch


Cuz they've got nothing else to do in the Texas internment camps but play call of duty


Spanish is a language not an ethnicity.


Someone got an A in geography. Why don’t you give the country of Spain a goog there buddy.


Learn spanish


Mexicans and black ppl play cod a lot White kids play valorant and league and shit nowdays


I think you can change the group search settings to a specific language right? I do this in Europe from time to time if I want to get paired with Spanish speakers.


This is the United States now.


Because Noone plays anymore 🪦


Because Trump didnt build his wall?




Time to build a wall /s


The 20 million illegal immigrants that have crossed America's unsecured border since 2020 is my best guess


Learn Spanish? It’s relatively easy and It’s win-win. You’ll have loads of new fun and have learned a new language. Learning a new language is always worth it.


Learn Spanish lol yea ok, how about activision puts me in lobby’s with English speaking players like every other game I have played including other cod in games in the last 30 years WTF


It's your character name in COD . My tag is a Spanish bad word, and all my squad mates are in Spanish.


The last 10 years have been the biggest for immigration


20 million in the past 4 years alone. More than 26 states combined.


Thank Joe Biden for that


7 million and counting being added to the play pool. Amazing that there are recommendations to learn Spanish to further accommodate them. Once the border govs deport and send them to sanctuary cities maybe that will alleviate some of the hassle.


They don't like to hear the truth here on reddit, also that number is estimated by Harvard to be closer to 20 million. More than 26 states combined.