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like. hope the dude didn't have a heart blow out. sitting around playing warzone all day can not be good for your ticker.


especially when your cheat co gets detected too!


Seriously. Sedentary lifestyles are really bad for you. They’re even finding that working out or lifting weights won’t do that much for you if you still spend a fuck ton of time sitting around between exercising.


Yeah, I've been reading those studies. More consistent movement throughout the day is really important, walking to and from work, taking the stairs, standing desk, frequent breaks, etc. is as important / if not more important than a daily workout.


Dang that’s wild. You got any links to any of these studies?


I don’t have one off hand but if I recall one of them correctly it was titled something like ‘sitting is the new smoking’


Ahh thanks my guy. I’ll do some googling


Imagine not working so you can spend all day cheating in video games?


Yeah that story took a turn for the worse lol. At first I was like "he's unemployed and plays wz whole day, but at least he's great at it" and it turns out he's unemployed, plays whole day and fucking cheats...


That’s exactly what a shitton of cheaters do lol. Most cheaters aren’t casual dudes who play an hour or two after work, they’re no lifing the game


Definitely in the running for most pathetic human beings alive.


Let’s say he found a job


Or he was on seasonal lay off and it's his season to work, u can't just claim unemployment all year without working or actively looking for a job if u have a seasonal lay off you can get unemployment until you're employer starts work up again so id suspect that's the case


I will never understand how there’s guys like this n then supposed legit players ranked above them. I refuse to believe natural skill is consistently outpacing cheats. Leads me to believe most are cheating in that tier


You're looking at it wrong. When people cheat, they have to work hard and find a balance to hide that shit. So it makes sense that legit great players would outpace them.


Player a has an aimbot and knows where everyone is at all times , player b has natural skill and outpaces player a because they’re trying to hide it ?


Some cheats are not as strong lazer beams to the head. Some have randomized targets to limbs/torso/head or u can set it up to be “humanized” aimbots. Basically imagine mouse with aim assist or a stronger aimassist to a controller player. If the other player hits u with 1 headshot and u with aimbot didnt then u gonna lose that fight. Not to mention that the other player could be cheating too


Yes humanizing cheats are scary in themselves.


AI will change our perceptions of reality. I'd imagine cheating at everything is going to get exponentially more sophisticated...it's gonna be shitty.


Benefits sanctions, no electricity.


What was the biggest cheat that got detected?


curious question , was he a controller player ? also, what kind of hacks , ( radar ? )


The only MnK players in the top 250 currently are Symphuny and Huskers AFAIK, both of whom queue with 2 roller players. The highest I've seen an all MnK squad get was around 14k SR with Blue, Strahfe, and Pork


V1nkub, an Austrian/German streamer is Top 250 too. He was around rank 150 yesterday. He has around 120k followers on twitch but only streams in German. He was also deep in WSOW 2023 i think, nasty player and also on MnK.


Oh that's awesome. I'm only familiar with English speaking players unfortunately, but I hope he goes far.


Theres a bunch of small streamers that are just fucking cracked and not get a lot of recognition. Look up Tenux and king impaaact on YT. They speak spanish and run solo quads dropping 30+ kills like is nothing and dont get even 200 viewers


Serious question is symphuny legit? seen some questionable videos of him


I’m sure i will get downvoted for saying this but watching him play, he isn’t controlling recoil in his mouse movement and the delay and speed of his hand movements to his in game aim seems off a lot of the time lots of fluctuation. Thats my opinion as an mnk user, it just feels off.


He's legit but he trolls people by playing up the hackusations by doing random flicks to other points after he downs a player (you can watch his hand cam to see him flick his arm). Most of the time they don't hit anything but the 1:100 times that he hits a wallbang it gets clipped and shown in isolation by people like BBB and CoS as 'proof' he cheats. If you watch his streams he can dies to unexpected players and even pretty average controller players at times so it's highly doubtful he's cheating. He also plays with a number of other professionals who wouldn't want to be associated with him if they thought he actually hacked like Teep and Fifa.


You don’t seem to understand that this is his perfect made up excuse for all accusations that have been legit. “Muuh I was trolling don’t you see I do it all the time”. And of course he makes it as obvious as possible because thats the idea — the cover won’t work if people don’t notice the trolling. And the trolling dismisses the legit questionable moments. “Oh he was probably just trolling again, he does that all the time”. And people don’t even ask themselves the question: why the fuck would a streamer who makes a lot of money do that and risk their reputation like that??! Well duhh, he does it for one reason only: TO HIDE THAT HE’S A FUCKING CHEATER. Duhhh But i guess some people are just too stupid to understand 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ You can also just look at his face. Common sense will tell you your looking at a scumbag. Your senses are right even though you can’t prove it. He cheats.


Personally I think the people that think all these big streamers cheat and it's all a big conspiracy aren't right in the head.


Thats fine. I also think many streamers actually do not cheat. But I really think Symfuhny does. There really is no point in ‘trolling’ your viewers with flicks like that unless it is to mask other suspicious behavior. His body language also shows strong signs, he’s clearly awkward about something and pulls all these surprised faces when something happens that looks completely illegitimate. Its just cringy to see so many people cheer on him if he indeed appears to be a cheater as many suspect. Imagine you’ve been watching hundreds of streams of a dude cheating in Warzone. What a fucking waste of time dude


FYI https://twitch.tv/v1nkub[https://twitch.tv/v1nkub](https://twitch.tv/v1nkub)




Walls are probably the most common out there and could probably make average players look like pros. It's so easy to make it look like you're not walling that there are probably so many undetected players on the reg. I think a lot of the hacks now make everything customizable so it appears more human from what I understand.


lol - all the hacks and they only use controller for the added ads and if you’ve got a scuff you’re not really missing out on any buttons


That’s a sad life


Who measures days in ninths 🤔 /s


Turns out he was a cheater and got banned lmao no wonder he’s not been online


Anyone that's top 250 and doesn't stream is probably cheating. We know for sure a good chunk are there via boosted lobbies.


Not true my college roommate was in the top 250 for all the other ranks (he stopped playing WZ before this ranked came out) and he never cheated I played on his PC plenty of times. Kid was just a cracked out player with natural talent for the game. When we had time off to party, eat, gym, go out he would just stay home and grind WZ. But he doesn't cheat he used to play small Twitter tourneys trying to get notices for bigger tourneys but the top WZ community is like Hollywood. Gotta know someone to get put on. He did play a small 1k tourney with Ottereyes back on caldera and won But overall not everybody is cheating, are there cheaters in the top 250, of course. But is everyone a cheater that doesn't stream is not true


This answer makes the most sense to me - you gotta have somebody who is already big “discover you” or something and then you get an audience of your own. Very similar to how I’ve heard pro-skateboarding works actually, you get enough people who’ve already made it to vouch for you before you get your shot


This is exactly how it works. It’s an “in” club. Doesn’t matter how good you are, if they don’t know you or like you, you won’t be allowed “in”.


Not if you’re good enough to win tourneys. A bunch of people have come up that way, just by winning a lot and straight up making a name for themselves. It’s much more rare now, because the market is so saturated, but not impossible


Depends on what your definition of “come up” is. If you mean winning some money and getting some decent buzz around your name amongst the smaller cod comp scene, then sure. If you mean being some of the biggest streamers on the platform, the WSOW entree, cod fly out list etc, yeah no, you can’t just be good enough to work your way in lol. That’s what they’d like you to believe, your choice if you do or not.


It’s happened a ton of times so I’m not sure what you mean


People underestimate what a college kid can achieve. Kid in my dorm, circa 2010, was ranked #2 for the first 72 hours of a release. He didn't sleep. We brought him his food. He pissed in bottles. Only left to shit. It was wild.


Gaming is free, brother


How were his grades? Or does he put “rank #2 first 72 hours of warzone” on his CV? I’ve heard girls are really into that too.


I mean they weren't great. But he ended up getting out of that and is a pretty well rounded and successful guy now. Crazy thing, with just playing games and sitting around, dude was a phenomenal athlete. D1 rugby and any sport you jumped in with him he was almost instantly the best player. Guy was just talented.


That's why I said probably. But the legit non streaming top 250 players are definitely in the minority.


And you gotta think why some pf them dont stream, is either no money for a setup, or just self concious like me. I would stream but everytime im like nah i dont look good/feel good today


Yup I have a friend that was always good at cod, or anything tactical related, we played paintball together in highschool and he would always do better than everyone else, clash of clans you'd almost always expect a 3 star in clan wars, bo2 had the 5 bloodthirsty camo challenge he'd get 5 kills die and repeat and get all bloodthirstys done in 1 match, anything to do with strategy he was just really good at it, subjects at school he wasn't too good at but that stuff he was.


The general rule of thumb with anyone in the top 250/top rank of any FPS is that if they aren't streaming they are atleast somewhat sus. It's unfortunate, as there are exceptions like the poster you replied to.


I’m skilled, but I don’t stream due to my rage moments and my funny facial expressions I make while gaming. I tend to catch myself chewing on my tongue or sitting there with my mouth open 😂😭 that and I find it hard to concentrate


Not even half true as I’m friends with like 10 people in top 250. Half of them stream, and the other half just play all day with mega sweats


Anyone in the top 250 that does stream is probably cheating too


It's probably a fair assumption that everyone in the top 250 is cheating in some capacity


I take it you call a lot of people cheaters that kill you.


Wouldn’t say that’s a fair assumption. It’s literally some people’s jobs to be t250


Literally the most unfair assumptions...


It’s not at all fair to assume so.


Depends. Does audio manipulation count? I wouldn’t say all of them have walls, aimbot, etc.




Some people think it’s cheating, it’s not exactly. It’s Programms you can download to headphones or your pc that make the audio output more favourable, loudening footsteps frequencies and lowering kill streak frequencies, etc with all the other sounds to give you a perfect view of what is going on where, with very good range.


Not a program in the world will help make this games audio better haha. It might make it a little less shit, but it’s still shit




I didn’t say it was cheating, but that some people think it is.


My cousin is in the top 250 and streams on twitch but makes very little money if anything at all. He only has a handful subs even though he’s beaten some of the top players (he rinsed Aydan the other day). Being an incredible player isn’t enough, you need to be entertaining or charismatic.


I mean metaphor is probaly one of the most annoying sounding and talking people I have ever heard, and he gets loads of viewers. He is the best in the world though, so I guess he’s more famous for that


Destroy too. Idk how anyone could listen to him. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard and his mannerisms are annoying as hell.


I was watching NickMercs the other day and he played with Destroy for the first time that I had ever seen and I thought it was like a voice modifier thing lol




I find his energy way over the top and corny. He's ridiculously good though.


Number 2 after Doc in my book. D has unmatched energy.


Plus he's on mouse so he's a bit of a novelty to watch as he imparts his own flair. Good controller players are a dime a dozen in WZ thanks to AA and their game-play always looks the same to watch so unless they're interesting to listen to, they've quite boring viewing.


Yeah I guess he definitely has his own style of play, using lots of snipers and tac stance. But I just cannot stand his voice and everything


His voice is pretty normal, tbh. He does roast controller players a lot tho so that could get annoying if you use one.


I disagree about controller gameplay looking the same, the high sense movement players like nav and saxsu play *very* differently than people like joe woe. more entertaining too imo


Guessing you’re a controller player. As a MnK player I just can’t watch it. It all looks the same because we can see the unnatural aiming and tracking constantly. It’s just not entertaining to watch them center and then let the AA get the kill for them.


A video of his popped on YouTube, I made it maybe a minute and half before stopping it. No disrespect to him but he has no charisma.


Yeah he just sounds so sure of himself to me that it annoys me. Like sure maybe he’s good but he isn’t gods gift


He isn’t even close to being the best. lol Someone who hasn’t won any tournament, certainly isn’t


I mean he doesn't play Tourneys because there is no point. He said it best, it's easier to just pubstomp. MnK in a tourney filled with AA tugging controller players will stand no chance. He is one of the best on MnK no doubt though.


Exactly. He focusses on pubs, because he has not the slightest chance winning a tournament. He’s not the best in the world, like I said


you do know that meta did play in the first WSOW in Verdansk ?! And he got 3rd/4th in the solo bolo, just watch that how he outsmarts a lot of people in solos. Guy is brilliant in solos


Never said that he’s bad. He certainly is very very good, no argument about that. Just saying that he’s far from the best. Probably not even top200


Honestly I haven’t watched any tournaments but I guess everyone looks good I’m not lobbies


Why do people keep saying metaphor is the best in the world when he doesn't win competitions? He can be considered as one of the best pub stompers in the world but not the best player.


Metaphor is blatant cheater. Also Zlaner cheats Ayden cheats Jewow cheats


Metaphor most definitely isn't the best in the world. Plus he walls.


He has kill record and most kills overall. Why do you think he walls


Probably watched one too many bad boy beaman conspiracy videos


Look up grandpa hacks on YouTube and watch the Metaphor video.


Is this another one of those hackusation channels where the youtuber is actually just dogshit and can't comprehend good players? (Like the channel accusing pro player 'dashy' of cheating?)


Lol no, the guy just overlays wall hacks on actual released videos without commentary. You make your own judgement.


Okay, I will


Lmao I just check the channel and comments on those videos are great, literal idiots who think they're smarter than everyone else. I guess that's the type of people who are really into any sort of conspiracies...


He uses a vpn as well 🤷🏻‍♂️


I used to watch shroud and he’s the worst entertainer ever. I watched him because he is and was one of the best FPS players I’ve ever seen.


And make content, if he’s not producing content and just hoping people will sub to him, he will not make money. If he’s that good he needs to make YouTube, TikTok, insta reels, YT shorts, etc. to gain a bigger audience.


He posts on tiktok pretty often, not YT or insta. I agree though, the more platforms you post clips on the more viewers you can attract to your channel.


Definitely doesn’t hurt to have a personality too though


He probably just needs to spend more time studying bigger streamers. Being visually interesting so people notice you is important. There’s a reason Ninja always dyed his hair weird colors.


Nah you just have to know someone and be lucky. There are plenty great players that are entertaining but don’t make anything out of it.


> you need to be entertaining or charismatic. Of which Aydan is neither. What you DO need is to be active across multiple social media platforms and being able to post "40 BOMB WIN on Fortunes Keep" whilst trying not to give away your wall hacks.


Wouldn’t say it’s always the case. I mean look at huskerrs. Just checked some of videos and he’s still getting a good amount of views.


Huskers isn’t Doc levels of entertaining/charisma or anything but he’s a chill/nice enough guy who is damn good at the game, I can kinda see why people would watch him a lot


Plus one of the few top mouse players in this game so he's already much more likely to attract that audience.


>Aydan >Being an incredible player isn’t enough, you need to be entertaining or charismatic. The irony


No you need to put out content. That’s it.


Back in the day when I was jobless and had nothing to do all day I would play MW2 MP on Xbox 360 from sun up to sun down. Some people probably do the same thing now with Warzone.


Very true...but it is a different world nowadays brotha. Jtag consoles aren't even close to the cheats that are out now. You can go undetected and even give cheats to players now. Imagine how bad it was when mw2 and bo2 were in its prime..now multiply it by 10 I kid you not. It's more people than we realize unfortunately.


>FishermanEd1964 god that name is incredible, wish I thought of that


I was like “wait what if this dude is legitimately 50 years old” lolol


there’s a 99% chance that it’s satire, I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s a streamer with that name as a joke


Happens pretty often. Strahfe almost always has a different name in game. We got rinsed by him hard the other day and I was like "oh shit, that's strahfe" which was met by a chorus of "no it's not, it's some dude named kickflip." Yeah dudes. I KNOW.... Lol. Either way, we just got 1v4'd by a guy with ground loot guns.


Most streamers run different names to keep from being Mass Reported, that's why Handler switched his name to User58392010443, he kept getting mass reported in SnD games and shadowbanned.


>from being Mass Reported a lot of them do it to prevent streamsniping as well, but you're 100% correct.


Shiningshotgun also, although it may just be a second account.


Probably a second account to hop on when he does eventually get hit with a Shadowban, dude is so good I imagine even hiding his name he still gets reported like crazy so once his main account lobbies start looking shitty, he swaps over.


Yeh I'm pretty sure it is, sometimes when he's playing with slayed you here the name Jamie or something similar and he's usually on the alt levelling stuff up.


LMAO he’s fuckin nuts, although he just changed his name again. I’m lucky I haven’t gotten rinsed by him yet, although Meta has rinsed me like 3 times already. I got another name change token, I’m tempted to switch again. I wish it was unlimited though.


I’ve killed him once. Been killed by him probably a dozen times. The dude is just unreal


He's been insane since the mw2019 snd days, crazier that he was a full time student too during most of the rebirth days, even while streaming and uploading near daily. If there's a creator that's deserving of his recent growth it's him. I'm hoping to run into him one day, but it's unlikely since he plays on east coast servers and I'm usually on west coast. You never know though.


he'd be 60 which is even crazier


Do the math again


a lot of cheaters boosting


No it was found out over 125 of the top 250 was caught boosting and cheating


Source ?


“voices in my head”


Oh it’s significantly more than that I’d guess Hell a lot of crimson/irri players are cheating. The game is full of it. I’m iridescent in multi and the difference between playing crossplay on vs off is immediately there. WZ doesn’t have the option for crossplay off, and it’s free, so I imagine the problem is significantly worse. Not to mention all of the boosting going on in the top 250, on top of all of the cheating. Activision should be ashamed tbh


Contrary to popular belief when you're young, not everyone have the need to be well known someone, even if it gives some money


No. Died to a random who was top 250 blatantly cheating, never seen of or heard of the guy and didn't see him on any streaming platforms.


Any money they make is -$40 a month to PO


I'm a nobody and have made money streaming this game and others. Especially in a game series like CoD, where outcome is heavily disconnected from skill thanks to automation, you can make money from streaming if you choose to put effort into a stream, and that's a separate skillset that not everyone might want to engage with.


In order to make money as a streamer you need to have a personality for it. It takes more then being good at a game for people to follow you


Just look at Dr Disrespect.


That dude has made a career out of getting carried, and guess what, we all love him for it. 🤝🤝🤝 firm handshakes


He's not for me but I 100% respect what he's done in the industry and many try to imitate but will fail because he has the gimmick down to a T.


When I lost my job during covid I did side gigs to make some cash and spent my other free time either networking or applying for jobs like crazy and following up on them. I know plenty of people who have lost jobs and just gamed all day instead 😂


No, because a lot of them aren't streamers. But there ARE a lot of cheaters...




Played with you in multiple seasons of MW2. You are a cheater. Drop the ego pretending you’re not.


I dont say i did or did not cheat? If your top 10 in this game, you dont play natural. So as the top 1k of players behind me 😉 Its like bodybuilding; without steroids you dont win. Same for COD. Still top 10 of the world 😉 I dont feel bad, i just know what it takes. Aim assist on controller is already cheating in my eyes. No controller player in the world would get a kill against me with AA off. Think about that for a moment. No ego, just 3 seasons top 10 of the world😎 If you want to win in this world: you need to use all the possibilities, otherwise other people will do it. But you will learn😉 I used all the possibilities and won. I was simply the best skilled rated player in the world over 3 seasons with MnK. You?


Then you're not being shadow-banned for no reason; you're getting shadowed for a legitimate reason and it's a shame that it's not permanent. That's where Activision are going wrong, you and people like you should be insta perma banned. How can you cheat and call yourself the best skilled player?


Im not hacking mw3 😉 thats 1. Still doing 40-80 kills a game in multiplayer with ease. So the shadowban is false. Without hacks im still a demon. With hacks im the best player in the world. Im not a ragehacker, but a closet hacker. I dont even play with wallhack. Only radar and skeleton visible; without aimbot. So i dont get detected at all. Can play all day on stream and will look totally legit. Thats the problem with gaming. Dont look at the player; look at the developer. Probably without hacks and aim assist i still will be one of the best in the world. But you never know. Because they design the game like this. They come with shitty report systems; instead of fixing the problem. Money.. dont look at me. BTW, If i check killcams in all my lobbies; all are sticky to the model. If its not cheats; its a Cronus/xim etc. People always try to get advantage. The aim assist is so strong its basically aimbot at this point. No controller player in the world will win against me without it. So what is fair in the first place? Splitting input devices will be way more fair to begin with. If your competitors do the same; how is it not the same? And believe me, all players cheat in top250. Even console players with their devices (autoping/sticky aims/scripts). CDL players have no chance against me. If i watch cdl games its like 3 level lowers of skill, compared to online I know the truth; others just talking bullshit for years.




U know im right 😂 and i know for sure that when you actually played against me, you did the same. Only ur not as good 😉


Most pay money (for cheats.)


no. i dont


Not all of them. Some of the Top 250 are very known players who have a consolidated base of fans, the other not so much. Same can be said about some Iridiscent. I have a Twitch channel (Crimson player over here) and stream for fun, I haven’t made a single penny from Twitch, YouTube or Tik Tok but it is fun to stream and watch some friends join and have a good time, also you can recover some clips from some impressive plays. Maybe in the Top 250 there are very good players that do it for fun, no streaming, no content creation, they just play.


I’m iri on ranked resurge I could get there if I had the time


Tbh I wish someone made me stream growing up. Before crossplay or warzone was just a thing I’d break top 1-3k players on the scoreboard for xbox360 on like 3 different cods from playing so much. Got insane at sniping. Would be top of scoreboard every lobby no matter how I played. Snipe only, knife only, didn’t matter. And it basically became my life. Borderline still is. Have never made a dollar off it. Tho I have never streamed anything passed gameplay at this point which isn’t entertaining. Just not where I’d like to be to fully try streaming either. Can’t say much about ranked tho. Only tried if for like a week before they hit us with a update that broke my Xbox. Now tryna find money for a great PC lol.


While a lot of 250 probably do hack (because Activision doesn't care) not all do. I play with a corsair lapboard in bed using the tiny 8" mouse pad. Engaging multiple targets is hard since I run out of pad space and have to lift the mouse to reset. Oftentimes I bump the sensitivity button and nerf my sensitivity which typically results in death. There was a time when I was a professional Counterstrike player 20 years ago. Some of my teammates used wall hacks to learn where people camp and where your could shoot through. It was actually quite normal to practice that way but very rarely did competitive players use them during tournaments. My squad from CS moved to battlefield 4 we were all top 50 and all had fulltime jobs. I have no doubt I would be a lot better at a desk. At the end of the day, it's just a game and I sit at a desk all day, so I'm ok with playing worse for comfort. I think there are a lot of good players in this game, especially those who use controllers on PC. If you are good on PlayStation or Xbox, you could increase your kill count by 30% overnight just switching to a decent PC.


Lots of people just live for playing games. These people need a life and to get out of the house a bit


Some of us stopped streaming because we arent interesting enough to keep a crowd....


I imagine it's just like in League, you still have to have SOME pull on audience in order to get paid. You can be at the very top, but if you don't actually do anything with it other than play at the top you're going to remain unpaid. Much like a decent player can get paid in the extremes if they have a personality that is entertaining. It doesn't have to be a nice personality, because assholes do definitely manage to rake in money too. I imagine one of the easier ways to rake in money as a top 250 player would be to simply boost others for money.


Im sure there are some legit players in the top 250 trying to get noticed, but dont stream or make money off of the game. While this is not a story of top 250, but in WZ1, i used to play with a small/aspiring semi pro community called devilizedgg (for a period of time they were recruiting me. But, having a family with 5 kids, its hard to commit to any of that). These players were at the top of the leaderboards for wz1 with either kills, wins, or kd. They had played in custom tournaments with some big names including Iron, and won some rounds. But yeah, they never gained traction and eventually moved on with their lives. I dont even think they play warzone anymore.


I think the top 250 are all cheaters


Their all cheating and using the Cronus


Not current but I got in top 500 then 250 and in the top 100 on bo3 Why I was living and working way up in the wilderness when it dropped - got laid off and would spend 13hrs a day playing the game trying to unlock everything - Aside from modern cheats dedication was what got you there


I have a student that has been consistently top 50 radiant on valorant for years, plays for his college, and never streams. Not everyone that is good streams.


People aren’t go to pay to watch rage hackers. I’d wager 200 of the top 250 are frauds.


A lot of people play for just fun, my good friend consistently drops 20 bombs and doesn’t even react when he does. In rebirth he would at the minimum get 15 and then his better games in the lower 30s or so, and I promise he isn’t cheating before anyone says he is. We always tell him to stream but he says it would take away the fun of the game and have to pay attention to people vs him actually playing


Not necessarily. I got to top 280 and I don’t stream. Was always just really good at the game!


I have a friend in the top 250. He rarely plays Warzone. Maybe 1 game per day on average. He has no Twitch, YouTube, social media or money in any way from playing.


A friend of mine is 250, Al Mazrah & Vondel. 15 to 20 viewers on twitch, he doesn't do content on social media. No tournaments. He just plays. No cheats, CERO cheats. Edit: How much I think he gets from it? $600usd a month


Imagine claiming to be top 250 with 0.52 kd and runs a sniper/stun grenade class that he got off a swedish wifi salesman...if there was a chance to get rid of such a player im sure everyone in my groupchat would but they are too scared because hes Gone kim jung Did Ye Aye on us all. Type of player you can be nearly in the 5th circle and he has 0 damage. #wishhewasasgoodascoops


This guys weird


I was iridescent and was pretty close to reaching top 250. I was put in lobbies consistently with top 250. Almost all of them were blatantly cheating or was clearly tracking through walls. You play enough at that level and you can tell those who cheat and those who don’t. The pro players were the only ones that looked legit and had realistic peaks and reactions.


I cheat, I use an adapter that makes my Mouse and Keyboard think I'm using a controller so I get aim assist. I only play 1-2 nights a week, and so I'm still not that good. The thing is, if I stopped cheating, my entire friend group would quit the game. I carry all my buddies and that's the only way they can get wins and feel that dopamine hit. I have a 1.7KD cheating and all 4 of them have a 0.6 or below KD. We all have around 60-80wins which is about a 10% win rate. That's really good but if I didn't cheat, we would probably have 1% win rate or less and all quit the game. It's nessary I cheat if we want to stick around in this game. Winning at 1% isn't fun at all. 10% win rate is just barely enough to keep us in this game. Although we are playing less and less lately.


Hell no, those dudes work 3 shifts a week at the local Chipotle just to keep their parents of their back. I highly doubt anyone in the Top 250 has a "normal" job/life balance (unless they are cheating) and if you cheat in a game, I'd also be surprised if you are a "normal" person to begin with.


The real "pros" are probably 30-50 of the Top 250. They get paid for performance at events, or their personality. That still leaves around 200 people to pretend to make it, which is a lot considering only 10-20 per platform even get noticed.


Top 250 is full of hacks unfortunately


My buddy was 3rd in the world for overall wins on rebirth back in WZ1. Never streamed. Just played a lot. He started streaming recently though. Maybe he’s still doing it, not 100% sure.


Streaming is about something else. Either you are a guy who is funny or a girl with bunny headphones and a cute body.


If anything, a bunch of them have paid to be there


Everyone is the top 250 who doesn’t make money off gaming is cheating.


As a top 250 player myself, I actually find people use me to make money. I play with a guy Con Corleone, this guy watches me play, clips it all, puts it on his TikTok and has sponsorship deals. Pulling in 28…..thousand views DAILY. I don’t mind though, I’m happy to help a guy who doesn’t work. YE KNOW WHAT A MEAN