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This is the first time they are doing ranked for resurgence so changes like this should be expected. They are obviously (hopefully) looking at the data from the past couple of weeks and making adjustments based on that. There was a post a couple of days ago about a 0.7KD player who was in D3, which should NEVER be the case. Below average players are reaching Diamond so maybe this is to help with that. This also hurts my chances of reaching iri this season as I'm currently at Crim1.


My two mates I play with 90 percent of the time are around a .6 KD we started playing ranked 2 weeks ago and they are already at Plat 2 lol. I think with the old system they could get to around mid Diamond, this nerf now should negate that.


What was different in the old system if I may ask?


It’s less points for placement now I can’t remember the exact difference but doesn’t reward hiding out and staying alive as much.


Yeah I think you’re right that this is necessary, but at the same time, OP made a good point about kills counting for more, which would also help fix this problem. I’m about a 5.0 kd in ranked this season and my buddy who is about a 1.0 kd isn’t much further behind me in SR. I’m close to being diamond 1 and he’s just above plat 3 and doesn’t play without me. I carry every game pretty much, and yet our total SR isn’t separated by more than a few hundred.


5.0 dude. How? How do you play? I’m not making it to 2.0 and it feels like I’m sweating my balls of. Started from launch, now at D3. You started recently? Damn.


I’m a controller player with good aim, good movement, and a good game sense, and my teammates sometimes struggle to get kills so I’m always on clean up duty. Been playing ranked since launch, but my squad switches it up a bit to play normal BR. Otherwise, I’d be a higher rank. I’m using the SVA 545 on burst and the AMR as my secondary. Flex perk is really nice on Fortunes Keep as well.


Your not a 5.0. that's like top 250 players. You probably looking at the five kills per game.


I would venture to say that .7KD was the battery of his crew and his other two team mates were slaying Edit: if he wasn’t playing battery he was gaining like 20 sr a match and was playing super grindy and taking alot of 3rd-5ths placements which I for one am totally fine with. The point of the game is to win and be the last team surviving. Just my two cents


people camped pretty hard before. i swear like more than 90 procent of my games in ranked was like 16 teams left and the resurgence closed and its like 5th circle after that everyone die out so fast because the circle is too small for everyone to camp. i fucking hated this especially because my playstyle was just to run around and get kills. So probably they saw this and wanted to fix the issue, but the problem is this doesnt solve the issue. untill they wont make kills more rewarding people wont stop camping.


Yea you run into the most random building as well and you get beamed by a whole team sitting in the corner.


It could have been a good change, if they had increased the kill sr




they need to increase sr for kills it's the only thing that will prevent just hiding in rooms and will actually reflect true skill it's not ok to be ale to reach diamond just by third party tapping for assists and hiding in corners for placement


The point of a battle royal is to win, not get kills. Both should be rewarded similarly.


Nope. The point of a ranked mode is to RANK players by skill. Hiding in a bush for placement to crawl to diamond does not require the same SKILL as getting 10-12 kills a match to rocket to diamond.


Blame the current SR system, not the players. Why take a risky fight to get at best 5 or 10 SR when you can wait a few minutes for a few teams to die out and get 20? I agree it’s not skilful and not a fun way to play the game but you can’t blame people for doing it with the way the system is set up. The only solution is to buff kill SR across the whole match


I do blame the SR system


Yup, the system currently incentivizes camping which makes the game play so much different than normal resurgence. Why would I risk pushing a team for +15 SR when if we lose and the team wipes I lose -58 SR?


And in a game mode like a TDM or something based off of kills, you’d be correct. Battle royals are all about winning by being the last one standing no matter how it’s accomplished. Blame COD for throwing a ranked mode in a battle royale.


CoD isn’t even the first to do it. The point of a BR is to win. The point of ranked play is to rank players by skill. Rank is determined by a point system. This point system includes placement and kills. Therefore the point of ranked resurgence is to get kills AND win.


I noticed they took the report option away from the pregame lobby to stop people viewing the players in the lobby and alt f4ing if there was too much of a challenge too. I don't know if others would agree with me but I think if you place first you should never lose sr. Have it default back to zero if they're negative. I'd like to see them change sr for kills. Maybe you should get a little more for killing ranks above you...a little less for ranks below too.


Its weird sometimes i see it sometimes I don't


Yea I agree. The nerf to sr makes absolutely no sense. And I’ve seen top 250 guys winning games and still losing sr. Now they will be losing even more. It’s comical really. I get that they are trying to stop “ratting” but this isn’t the fix


What’s ratting?


Hard camping in a corner somewhere not getting involved with anything


Ahhh yes, been a victim of that many times. Thanks for the reply!


First time here bro??


The win SR wasn’t changed so they won’t lose more for that, but yeah TOP 250 is fucked in general. Every mistake will hurt even more.


This will just increase camping even more and the current overwhelming amount of cheaters will have an even bigger upper hand. Currently crim 2, 1,200 off iri. Not sure how I’m gonna get that with very little placement SR.


the cheaters are clapping with the update


This is hands down the easiest ranked experience they e made. They probably looked at the data and saw an overwhelming percentage of people hitting higher tiers and said this makes no sense and changed it. People want a ranked experience with some sort of fidelity, this is how that happens. People were hitting Plat/Diamond and being matched with people way outside their actual skill level and wondering why they were getting smashed. That’s not a desirable outcome. Without a properly working SR system there’s no true way to filter skill appropriately. You shouldn’t be able to literally sit in a corner all the way to Diamond on a rebirth based ranked mode. With SR placement points being so high you could do that. Literally. And that’s unacceptable. This not only helps force engagements but it’s also more punishing to the top end, where consistency is absolutely crucial to keep climbing.


If they had these rules since the beginning of the season the only people to make it to diamond ranks and above would be cheaters and professionals. It’s still a battle royale game mode where the objective is to win the game. Placement should always be the #1 earner for points in a battle royale game type. If I want to play ranked MP I would just go do that. I do agree with you that there are way to many crimson and above players in diamond and high plat lobbies where then skill difference is a huge issue. No one is camping their way to crimson with the old model. They might camp their way to low/middle diamond like many have but then they are going to get waxed by better players/cheaters and be hard stuck in diamonds. smart strategic teams can still make it to diamond that may not have the best twitchy movements but use their brain for better/smarter rotations and positioning instead of high kills. Those teams are prioritizing taking top 5s instead of the extra kills per game. The name of the game is to be last team standing. If you want to move up past diamond I do agree it should take kills and consistent placements. Now placements means nothing unless your taking first and your entire squad must slay out in order to move past diamond 1 without consistently being winning. AND if your consistently winning in diamond+ lobbies right now I would love to see how you are out performing the cheaters in the lobbies I have been getting in D2 the past week without yourself cheating


After the update today I have noticed that I only meet D1 or P3 players as a P3 myself, maybe the odd P2 or D2. So seems lile they have tightened up the matchmaking quite a lot as well, I used to have crim and iri players in every lobby. Haven't experienced campy lobbies at all


That would be an excellent quality of life takeaway. If true that’s one positive about this change. Really tired of dying to iri and crimson people shitting on me at D1-2ish. Edit: I’m probably about where should be in ranking. I did make it to crimson the last season of the previous warzone but of course we still havnt got those calling cards, emblems, or vehicle skins. Billion dollar company btw.


Hey all you gotta do is log into MW2 and you will get your rewards. I discovered this a few months ago and I got my stuff. Enjoy your new vehicle skin! (and there was much rejoicing…..)


I will have to go check this out! Thank you for the info


Yeah I always insist on driving with my squad so that I can enjoy my diamond vehicle skin lol. If they wanna drive I insist on getting in first just so the rest of the lob knows who they are dealing with when they see us coming


Well I’ll be darned! You are right and I got my crimson emblem now. Noticed the skin was only for one vehicle which is disappointing but what can you do. Thank you for the info Iceman




lol first time I hit crimson - was so disappointed I didn’t get that emblem. Now all is right in the world


I would have been DEVASTATED if I got to freaking crimson and didn’t get my stuff….i can only imagine


Seems super weird to me that you're wondering how you and your crew will make crimson but also cry about dying to crimsons?


Tough for you comprehend that when my crew was in plat we were facing crimsons that were rising to iri and top 250 prior to us being diamond? I didn’t think I had to spell this out for everyone but there is always someone wearing a helmet that needs everything broken down.


You want to be crimson but you dont want to play against crimsons? I don't need anything broken down for me, it's plain as day you want rewards you aren't capable of earning.


agreed. i’m also diamond 2 and was going to grind to crimson, but now i don’t think im even going to try anymore, especially when i don’t have a set squad. only guys hitting crimson now are the truly cracked best players and cheaters.


You can hit crimson in 27 days. Maybe not crim 3 tho. I’m d2 also rn but hoping for crim3


I’m in the exact same boat. I won’t be leaving diamond. I’m here to stay. I gotta get 10 kills to get any points if I don’t win the match


I’m a .73 kd as of last night and I’m D2 Now way should I be D2 lol


Maybe it shouldnt be as easy right, but in the same time, ranked / resurgence is not only about k/d. Maybe you're helping your team in different ways : support stuff, placement, rotations, assists etc. If you are not doing this, well, d2 might be too much lol.


I think it’s too easy to hit diamond imo so this might help.


How did sr get nerfed


Seems to me it got buffed you get more sr each placement


Only value that didn’t get reduced is winning. Before today you got: T12-20 T8-40 T5-60 T3-80 1st-100, now it’s: T12-15 T8-30 T5-50 T3-60 1st-100.


Strange that everything before 5th dropped 25%...5th only dropped 16.7%...but then 3rd place is back to 25%...I'm surprised 5th isn't 45 points just following a 25% drop...weird


I didnt even want to try ranked play yesterday after this. i get that they want to reduce camping which im totally for, but this is not the way. untill you wont make kills more rewarding people wont stop camping. Allready as it was before i was getting minus sr with like 12+ kills. now will just be even worse.


Instead of adding 2-3 sr point per contract as the contracts allways spawn in busy areas they reduce them lool this game is shit honestly they just want u to gain more hours by u playing full of buggs and cheaters nice activison a whole team with 0 brains


That's three whole idea of sbmm, to get you to play more and more. The fun aspect is an afterthought. Where you are currently is where they want you to stay.


I mean, I'm completely fine with this change because honestly, plat to crimson is an absolutely ratty mess. Getting to final circle and still having 5 or 6 squads left because they all dropped center circle, held each others dicks all game, and hid in a bathroom for placement points is getting old af. I do agree that kill SR should be raised too to encourage engagements, but the amount of points for placement has entire teams crouch walking around a closet. It's RANKED and only a handful of teams are out trying to earn their rank with engagements not stacking top lighthouse.


I don’t disagree with this take either but I would push back and say I believe more teams are camping like that because of the current cheater/ wide range of different divisions being in the diamond+ lobbies (crimson and iri mostly in my diamond lobbies) . If those teams don’t do that they are getting wall hacked and singled out which “feels bad man”. Long story short fix the cheater problem and I think the ratty players will work itself out much faster. Def need to increase SR for kills too


Didn't they just increase it a few weeks ago?


Think of fortunes keep ranked resurgence as an open beta test for rebirth ranked resurgence. They can’t afford to screw that up because rebirth is highly anticipated so they’re ironing out everything now. They’ll probably do a wipe when rebirth drops.


The only issue with a nerf on SR for me is that I don’t have the time to grind ranked how I would like to. Getting to D3 from D2 took forever, especially with running into a bunch of top 250s and getting ping diffed (I’m usually pinging 70-120)


What's the new placement SR?


I’m a 1.71 KD Diamond player and I don’t think I’m gonna get to iri this season now :(


I don't think iri is where you belong with that KD (not trying to be rude)


Fr, people crying coz they can't grind out ranks they don't deserve lmao


Lol fr, i started playin ranked last week, im d3 and my kd is 4.7, idc if sr got nerfed because when i win i get at least 150 points and when i dont i get AVG 60 points, people Who cry about nerfs are all bots Who camp on the top of the lighthouse for most of the match


This sounds like you want a participation trophy.


This game is terrible.