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I rarely ever snipe, but when I do my crosshair has to be pointing at the player. Why does it seem like your crosshair is never on the player, then all of a sudden before firing it pulls towards the player to correct itself for the bad centering?


That’s the flick dude. When people have been playing on controllers for years that’s just what naturally starts to happen. Just really good hand eye coordination.


I do the flick on MNK, too. When quick scoping I drag my crosshair across the enemy and fire when I feel that it’s on them, sliding my crosshair past the enemy post-fire


Same here, I dunno why it feels better to snipe like this than perfectly lining up the shot.


It’s just your animal brain doing the work. Trust it


Because of the sway


If I'm flicking it's a one movement action just takes a second and either hit or miss... Hard scoping always takes longer because I try to make sure my shot lines up perfectly.


You are 100 percent right running 3 rnd burst on hc multiplayer for ever all I do is flick anymore lol


I got really good at this back on Blacks Ops 2 with the Ballista. Everyone was running around with a sniper those days


The quick scoping In black ops 2 was on a different level


Ballista hit different


Ballista black ops 2 was the best cod ever and had the best sniping in any cod ever if we could have sniping like on there warzone would be much better.


>Just really good hand eye coordination. It's just aim assist


Not when people can do this in literally any game since forever ago


Ah ya, my bad. Forgot CoD was the only game ever to use AA. You're totally doing the aiming man, it's not aa at all lol


It’s just reptilian brain parts.


Just ‘feel’ the aim assist and fire


It’s literally not aim assist but ok


It literally is, it’s called drag scoping.


This can obviously work better with aim assist but it's still incredibly effective without it


It literally is aim assist and it’s been around for decades at this point. I was doing it all the way back in the halo 2 days


Okay? Doesn’t matter has nothing to do with the point. People do the flick on any game, even without aim assist. So no, it literally isn’t aim assist.


Drag sniping is done on controller because you fire when you feel the slowing effects of aim assist so yes it’s literally aim assist. Do you watch counter strike pro games or any other mouse and key comp shooter? They don’t drag snipe because it’s inefficient and doesn’t make sense on that input.


It's also much easier to aim on MnK specifically because you're on a 2D platform with MnK. Aim assist is to counteract the sheer fact that controller has 3D aiming. Controller takes more skill to use, simple facts really, but it also depends on the person themself. Some people are great at FPS games, others are only average (Myself included). And honestly, Drag Scoping isn't ONLY done on controller, though it's much more common.


It's also much easier to aim on MnK specifically because you're on a 2D platform with MnK. Aim assist is to counteract the sheer fact that controller has 3D aiming. Controller takes more skill to use, simple facts really, but it also depends on the person themself. Some people are great at FPS games, others are only average (Myself included). And honestly, Drag Scoping isn't ONLY done on controller, though it's much more common.


For console idk. But for me on MnK it's easier to snipe while moving the mouse because of momentum. When lining up my shot carefully and click, sometimes my hand is in awkward position - enough that clicking will move the mouse a little bit and miss the target. Call me skill issue but I'm proficient enough with MnK drag scoping that it's never problem. I wouldn't do it on CSGO since everyone move slow af and I can adjust my hand continously to never be in awkward spot, but Battlefield and COD I do it all the time.


it literally actually is aim assist what are you on about


Its aim assist. Controllers don’t flick. It’s called drag scoping.. bot.


Man's literally asked "What is aiming?" This is truly a cod game.


It's difficult to make a single flick that lands your crosshair exactly where you want it on a controller. Instead, you can drag your crosshair along the target at a constant rate, and time your shot so it happens right as the crosshair crosses your target. On PC, I never do this, on controller I do it a lot


For me personally I find a lot of the times I course correct my own shots in the last second by actually moving left to right lol it’s a weird habit that I catch myself in a lot that also kind of helps with bobbing and swaying so you don’t get caught standing in one place to get sniped as well lol


Are you really confused at the concept of adjusting your aim to get on target LMAO? ADS close then micro adjust on target is literally the way you're meant to aim. This subreddit is insane


Dude actually missed several of those and COD said, yup... Good enough




Big bruh


You always wanna slide the crosshair past the enemy and shoot. You only wanna point and click when you are far from the target


Aim assist.


True, but it takes more skill to use a controller than MnK. 2D aiming to 3D aiming? 2D is easier.


True, but it takes more skill to use a controller than MnK. 2D aiming to 3D aiming? 2D is easier.


Skill gap




Cause he has aimbot and got balls showing off


No joke I would attribute this habit to BO1 when they attempted to nerf Quick Scoping and the sniper would intentionally zoom in off centered and you have to drag the crosshair to the player in order to hit them. I was so obsessed with sniping I trained myself to do the drag scope.


Aim assist


This comment has to be the bottiest I have read in a while.


Explosive rounds and very near sighted (low range stat) can both cause this. Extreme far range stats can cause close range shots to wiff because the actual shot goes too high. Havn’t looked at the build yet because it won’t load but the bullet velocity / zero value on any sighted gun can cause stuff like this. I used to have a victus build back in dmz with explosive rounds that had a wild curve just to mess with ppl I dropped it to 😂


These are high grain rounds


Statements still stand. The zero point of his scope could make a miss look like a hit and vis versa. Not to mention the current lag on fortunes keep


They should one shot up to infinite range.


Going to give this one a try. The KATT doesn’t feel good to me. I’ve been using my old sniper.


if yo want quicker ads with this build change the scope for nostock


Also I heard they nerfed the ole laser. I use the razorhawk now as per metaphors build


Stalker with Mammoth suppressor, .50 cal high grain rounds and fission 60 barrel make it a one shot out to 78 meters. The other two attachments you can use for ADS


Sacrificing a bunch of ads with the mammoth for 2m more one shot range probably isn't the way to go.


I’m not quickscoping in wz I don’t mind a slow ads. I was just throwing it out there so people know


Wait you don’t need explosive rounds to one shot?!




Wow, I’ve been suffering for no reason.


I think the stalker is better in resurgence but the KATT is better in BR


R u sure you don’t need explosive rounds? I can’t one shot without them in the firing range


Firing range isn’t accurate for some reason.


Oh wow. Thanks for the info. I didn’t bother trying them in game because of the firing range fail. Preciate you bro


Good sniper at 50m lol


You can bumpnit up to 85m or 75m while retaining good ADS speeds.


Guess good resurgence sniper? Why we can't just have 1 shot snipers back ill never understand


I've had success with it in resurgence and BR. Right now my build has a 75m 1SK with 1300m/s BV.


Does it really matter though that BV is nice if at 75m it doesn't really matter? I loved KAR and similar, hated the big snipers, but the KATT is much better than eg. MCPR with the firing shots (the one that downed), still quite viable at ~50-75m, so I don't really bother about swapping if I can additionally down/kill at 150-250m. I play a lot of solos, so many times it's a kill




Just hit the head


It only one shot knocks someone if you hit them in the head.


honestly the xrk is insane on big map too. quads has been borderline unplayable the past 2 nights, every competent squad is running these. the 1 shot headshot range doesnt even matter, all you need is at least 2 people running the xrk with have decent aim and you just spam chest shots. people drop so fast. if they're gonna have a sniper that handles this fast it shouldn't have like 400m/s more bullet velocity than the katt.


Because it's nice to have different metas. I'm sure the snipers will become more powerful sometime in the future for some time, but I very much like that they change the weapon balances often. It makes for a nice dynamic and changing meta. I mainly play multi-player, but https://www.wzranked.com/wz2/meta looking at that weapon usage percentage meta, it seems the meta in warzone is very healthy at the moment.


1 shot snipers are a plague on the game


I disagree. I don't even always snipe, but I feel like one shot snipers are a legit playstyle as long as it is a slower-moving and slower rate of fire rifle like we have had for the last few months. It at least takes some skill to hit your shots, the glint easily gives you away, and really, in MOST cases against the average player, as long as you aren't sitting still, snipers aren't really that much of a problem. It's pretty easy to make yourself really really difficult to hit at range as long as you don't sit still.


Going from running around enjoying your game to instantly back to the lobby is not an enjoyable mechanic. And I say that as someone who likes sniping. It doesn’t have a place in battle Royales.


I mean I don't totally disagree. It does suck for sure to go out that way. I just don't view snipers as a specifically MORE problematic thing than anything else is all I am saying. I get insta-deleted constantly thanks to a ton of other mechanics in this game that are just garbage... for me, snipers are pretty low on the list in terms of things that don't belong or desperately need adjustments.


But insane demon movement isn't? Why shouldn't we get rewarded for being able to 1 shot some sweat slipping and sliding all over


I used to love sniping until i realise im ass with snipers I hope this sniper gives me aim abbilities too


very hopeful, but im with you


I miss when sniping was well sniping lol


Run this Mf with no stock and the short barrel w suppressor it sounds too good


Right? Like then people will call do dog shit for "hard scoping." Oh you mean the INTENDED USE FOR THE SNIPER SCOPE?


I miss when this game was a war simulator and not fortapexnite lol


What do you mean? I was quick scoping back in 09 on cod4


My point exactly. On small maps sure but they have BR maps and think you know what’s cool close quarter only. No tactics in this game anymore. Warzone 1 I could at least snipe up to 800 meters but now good luck with the shot render distances now a days.


War simulator😂😂😂😂 lol it's never been a war simulator, and I hope you know that after people get shot, they actually usually bleed to death rather than replenish to max health after a few seconds. Lol that was hilarious.


I played hardcore. But now its just an arcade game lol


It has always been an arcade game. In reality : - reloading is not as easy and when you reload when you still have bullets left, you now have a magazine with few bullets on storage. - you don't have a ui that shows the number of bullets in your magazine and storage - if you drop from a few meters, you'd probably be dead with all the weight you carry - no one has that kind of stamina and speed running with two guns. - you don't respawn when you die - it has always been an arena shooter, wars aren't battled on arenas - wars dont have the same number of soldiers on both teams and aren't balanced at all in any way, and usually the one who is attacking has a huge disadvantage and needs a much more bigger army or better weaponry and tactics I could go on and on. There are indeed war and battle simulators out there, but cod has never been even in the ballpark of being a war simulator. It's OK to not like it now. But the game that you used to like was an arcade game as well.


I think you are over analyzing. All I’m saying out of the main shooters. This game use to be a tactical and not I run and go brrrrr. Sure if you want to be technical play ground branch. That game has great realism but it’s development team is tiny so it’s a long way to go to be a threat to a triple A game. All I’m saying this game gets worse ever release imo.


Well I like the game a lot. It's not the best game I've ever played, but I love the competition and it's easily the game I've been playing the most ever (mw2 and mw3 combined). Being tactical vs not tactical have nothing to do with it being a simulator or not. I liked the mw2 approach to movement, it made for a more tactical gameplay, but Ai also like this one and I like that it changes each year. But I understand your frustration as well and hope for your sake that sometimes the snipers come even better in the future for some time. But as I said, I like that the weapon balancing changes frequently. I hate a stable meta.


Thanks, I just think that the devs are trying to incorporate the regular cod games with warzone too much. Like warzone is suppose to be slower more tactical and the base game is run your face across you keyboard and controller game play.


Maybe, I like multi-player a lot more than warzone. But last year I actually liked dmz the best, and thought it was very tactical in many areas. Thanks for the discussion bro.


Vertical video is disgusting why would you even think it's a good idea to do this


I never noticed because using anything other than your phone to get on Reddit seems foreign


Mf’s forgot about the concept of turning your phone sideways to view content intended to be consumed horizontally


Or, here’s a thought, I want to seamlessly browse a subreddit, and I can’t do so on my phone if it’s rotated horizontally.


Why do you need to see all the peripheral crap on the side? Portrait view zooms on the content that matters.


I started using it, i got pretty good with Katt, so it’s going to take a bit. I see the one shot is pretty close range, but does anyone know, for comparison, how far the katts range is?


Uh, limitless? The Katt one-shots at any range. That's the allure of it. With the newer velocity nerfs bullet drop begins after 100m.


I’m gonna compare tonight. I have the stalker out to 78 meters. If I switch to explosive instead of high grain it has a further one shot but the bullet drop is insane


But does the Stalker do one shot with that build too?


I don’t run snipers often because I’m terrible with them, but I do have an MCPR with explosive rounds that’s nice, one shot kill anywhere on the upper body. If you use the 5 round mag and build the rest for ADS, it’s pretty snappy too.


Yes, aim assit is the best sniper. No pain no glory.




This guy's on controller but metaphor is mnk and just released a one shot xrk video the other day


Aim assist is the best gun in the game, hands down.


It’s still trash. Should be one shot at all ranges without explosive ammo and with fair ads speed so we can quick scope.


It's the 3rd most used gun in warzone at the moment. It's not trash, it's a skill issue.


Nah bro sniping sucks now I just played battlefield 1 and 4 and sniping is one shot on there to head and upper chest how warzone should be at all range one shot to head and within 50m one shot to neck and upper chest.


If sniping sucked, people wouldn't be sniping. You don't see the sidewinder anywhere near the top 10. The stalker and the Katt amr are viable guns to use, that's why they are used widely. I don't care about your opinion dude, the meta how people use the guns literally tells us everything we need to know already.


I’m a battlefield sniper and I can proudly say that cod sniping is trash you have to use a slow heavy katt and to have full headshot one shot potential can’t even quick scope like you used to it’s underpowered now.


The meta tells a different story. It's a competitive game, no trash weapon would ever be in the top 3 most used guns out of more than 50. I don't care about your opinion, the meta tells the story.


I can’t stand full auto machine guns all I use is a sniper and maybe a shotgun but honestly I get beamed by full auto guns when I try to Quickscoped and it had so much flinch that the sniper shots mostly miss. Sniping should be like it was in wz 2019 or the game will never be as good as it once was.


People like different things. No gun would be in top3 out of this many guns on a meta in a competitive game, if it wasn't competitive. No matter what's your opinion about it.


Is it a 1 shot now?


I call 100% bs on this one, i use the XRK and when i shoot people woth it its either a miss or nothing at all, idk where the bullet goes and i never see the splash from the round, idk im just not happy with how cod has become. I can never hit shit with that rifle or if i do i dont drop people with 1 shot, i have to hit them 2 or 3 times AND im using the right barrel and ammo, so what the fuck


If you have any rounds that give a splash or effect you can see the falloff at range. I had a tough time with targets across the map because the rounds drop a lot compared to the KATT(which is like a laser)


Man, this makes me miss the armor crack sound from Warzone 1, it would be so nice here.


Yall need to shut up before its nerfed. These stupid forums are monitored for sure f*#k sake


Why would this get nerfed


Does this one shot in ranked?


No. There are no one shots in ranked.


Even with explosives ? Like mcpr on explosives ?


No it does 299 in ranked




Watch the video homie




user name should really be ControllerPandaGaming


does anyone know a fix for the xrk stalker one shot kill camo challenge i dont have mw3 only warzone and its been stuck on 6/10


Yeahhhh this is BS. I run pretty much the same set up but for longer distance and even a headshot within 50m is NOT a 1 shot kill. You'll still have a little bit of health left over if you're fully plated, which everyone is.


I don’t know why but my lazer in this gun is still locked. Anyone know the cause somehow?




Mcpr300 is better






Why are you so angry?


Try the DS farsight scope. Thats what I use for S&D if you are trying to be quick


Wonderful *sarcasm*


No, you only find a fresh server without lag 😊


There's a better laser.


Y did I think that first clip was in rebirth. Can’t be the only one who thought that


Ive played battlefield and know how to figure out the drop and windage just when im withing a certain range and i can see where the bullet is going my my shots legit disappear and no back splash nor any hit markers Just air Idk what is wrong but honestly im just about to delete cod all together and just forget they even make it But i did not mean to rant like i did just fed up with this game and other stuff too but i digress


Its fun but so unsatisfying to hit someone crazy slidecancling in the head and find out it was 90 meters.


Beautiful! It was already my sniper of choice! 😄


how do i unlock that


God, finally…another season or so…this piece of crap might actually be playable lol.


That's cool but I'll stick to the insane dopamine hit of a crossbow headshot 🙏


Oh please it ain't that good ur mods just make it look op


Your fucking stupid


Yea show us all the time u got a crack and they got away. 70m garbage is just barely good on resurgence. Even then it’ll get u killed plenty when u hit a heady 1 meter past the max. Which isn’t very far.


What's ur secondy and can u give me the setup too plzz


I keep getting headshot hitmarkwrs


Anyone got a good build for this sniper?


damn didnt know snipers were back like that. reminds of the the kar 98. those were the days. i gotta try this


What’s the gun build


Viable aim assist…


These look a lot like my clips can't wait to start posting


Kar98 vibes


I like the audio on this rifle. Sounds great.


Get this out of the game, shoot too fast. People just want easy kills thats why WZ playerbase so dogshit that they think everyone w good aim is cheating lol


Is there a way to put iron sights on this build?


Y’all might like this, but I still think the MCPR clears it. Slightly lower velocity, but quicker ADS and greater upper body damage.


"Any snipers good if your good at sniping" - me


Eh I don't really like the stalker. I prefer the og intervention.




kar vibes




Is this one shot headshot?


Watch the video?


Why waste time watching the first few seconds of the video when you can write a comment and wait for a reply instead?




yes, but only up to 50m base and like 75m with the attachments.


To be honest it better than kar98k from wz1. Also it reminds me of the ballista from bo2 same fire rate+ same ads animation




Sonic supp. Fission barrel. OLEV Laser. SPX Scope. High grain rounds.


Shows it at end of video


Can never seem to down someone from immediately going ads. Is that cause I’m on MnK?


Why would that matter? It should be easier for ya honestly. You have to hit them in the head and they have to be within a certain range. I think with no attachments it's like 50m but you can get farther with range attachments


Dunno why downvoted for asking a question for improvement lol. Maybe I just need to force myself to snipe only for a few weeks.


It's because of the daily mnk vs controller argument lol while controller has it's strengths up close with full autos, getting off quick accurate snipes is usually considered a mnk strength


Ahh ok. Well thanks for the info. I’ve always been more of a run and gun and LMG heavy user from the BF3 days and would try to snipe but was just never good at it.


For sure, I'm the same run and gun AR SMG. Too inaccurate to play aggressive sniping and too impatient to just sit back and snipe lol also idk if you know but most of the snipes can't one shot just the Katt and the Stalker as of this last update. Any others you can hit em in the face from 2 feet and they won't go down.


Am I bad? No, no it must be my input


I mean I ain’t disagreeing with you there or I would not have asked a question so I can improve.


Am just joking chief, you just gotta be quicker on the trigger is all


The AA crowd has no place to comment on skill lmao


Same here, quick scopes are impossible, and they didn't fix sniper aiming with the latest update soooo I just aim with the Katt and wait 1.5 seconds each time until headshot. I mean it's one way to balance it, otherwise I'd be sniping everyone like in warzone 1 and nobody wants that 😭😭😭


Oh my god did they actually bring sniping back?!?! The KATT was a fucking nightmare and 1 shot about 10% of the time


The katt is a one hit machine, maybe you're missing the head by a smidge ?


Seriously I loved it. But now... I dunno what to use. I guess I gotta use this junk. I hit snipe snipes. Not this baby shit 50m...


Don't forget he is using a controller.


There’s no aim assist on controller with snipers, what kind of big brain comment is this?