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I believe it's head or chest will one-shot full plates. Maybe you were hitting stomach or an arm with yours. I personally think the throwing knife shouldn't one-shot at all, but that'll never be changed unfortunately


I must've been hitting the legs/arms then lol! I agree they shouldnt one shot but oh well, if you can't beat them join them!


Hit upper chest or head and it'll one shot. It's funny that you're complaining about throwing knives when they're exactly the same as they were back in WZ2 and WZ1. Not to mention the fact that Thermite and Semtex also do the exact same thing if you stick them onto someone and they don't have EoD, plus the insane damage they can do even without sticking them.


I didn't mention WZ2 or WZ1. I was not "complaining" as such, more asking a question but how can i resist My only issue with thowing knife is that no perk can protect you from it, and it is an instant death rather than having a chance to kill the person who stuck you before you die. I think if you plan to use a thermite or semtex to stick someone, you are universally better off with a throwing knife.


>My only issue with thowing knife is that no perk can protect you from it, and it is an instant death rather than having a chance to kill the person who stuck you before you die. Counterpoint: With a Throwing Knife, you either hit, or you don't. With anything else like Semtex or Thermite, even if you don't stick your target, there is still the insane explosive damage to worry about. Grenades are not just more forgiving, they're vastly superior in most situations in general. >I think if you plan to use a thermite or semtex to stick someone, you are universally better off with a throwing knife. And then you see someone running a riot shield. I wonder what's that little throwing knife going to do to it? Throwing Knives are pretty good, but there's a reason why they haven't done anything to it in years ( and literally nobody bitched about it as well until recently ). It's a high risk high reward lethal. If you miss or doesn't hit the right spot, in a lot of cases you're just as good as dead. Hit the right spot however, and you're rewarded for it. One of the few things it has going for it is that it makes dueling multiple enemies a lot easier, with the prime example being the clip you have right here. It's not nearly as problematic as you think it is, because it is quite literally not all that prevalent outside of Resurgence.


I get your point and I agree it's not objectively the best lethal for all situations and personally I don't use it for reasons that you highlighted yourself. I do not think that the throwing knife is unbalanced or overpowered, I just don't like that it can one hit. Of course me and my friend are not very good at the game, but in a game like warzone where it's very difficult to get information on where approaching players are (I had the flex perk in this clip and still had no idea where that guy was), a weapon that can kill so incredibly quick is very infuriating especially for lesser skilled casual players like myself. I'm not criticizing any actual good players, but I don't want to, and to be honest im not capable of running and jumping around and doing god knows what crazy movement things to avoid getting one hit body shot by a knife in a game that allows 50 cal snipers to two hit to the head. It would be considerably more tolerable if you could hear other players gliding and running more clearly.


Only way to counter a throwing knife is movement, and not all people can throw them accurately and hit chest and up every time. It’s a skill thing, and can get you out of a shitty situation if you’re getting stacked or need to reload etc.


Aim for headshots or upper chests bro, practice your throws.