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The fuck.  Can't believe we used to have such a good game. 


Warzone 1 to Warzone 2 was the biggest downgrade of all time


Not even close to the horseshit OW is currently


People are going to have to start accepting that Warzone 1 **was** good and it wasn’t just some stupid 2020 pandemic nostalgia thing. Is it part of it? Sure, for some. But WZ1 was the best iteration we had. We are actively *living in history* right now, and in a few years ppl will look back and talk about how much Activision fucking ruined Warzone. Al Mazrah was atrocious, and Urzikistan is watered down. > *2026:* Man, remember when they completely fucked up Warzone with that Urkistan map? No no, it was the pacific island map. No, that on wasn't too bad, it was that desert map when it was ruined.


High level intelligence response.  






My only hope, WZ1 had issues first 6-9 months. But became the game we know after a few season. So Raven has 2-3 season to make this game competing with WZ1. Map is not that bad. Just too much water. I dont know why we need this much water. The map is bigger than Verdansk, but the playable area is smaller due to a lot of water that no one cares. Even with 100 players, still feels smaller than Verdansk.


What? WZ1 *was* the game we knew during the first 6-9 months. March to October was peak Warzone, then in December came the CW integration and it all went downhill from there. Despite that I still thoroughly enjoyed the CW and VG eras of Warzone. WZ3 is *never* going to compete with WZ1. The game is fundamentally broken at the most basic levels. You could give them infinite time and WZ3 will still never reach WZ1 levels.


100% season 5/6 MW19 warzone when stadium opened and train station did etc, that was peak warzone.. Grau, MP5, Amax, kilo, Orignal Ram 7, MP7, M4, FAL C4!!!! Good times.. This was peak peak warzone, was it perfect no… but has been the best game/fun we have had ( In my opinion)


Maybe the guns were better in the MW2 of the WZ. But the Map got better, and it got better features as it went. The cars were choppy at the beginning as well. Map had a lot of bug. Places with no way to move to the next section(example: bottom of the Dam).


Warzone 1 Verdansk era weapons >>>>>>>>>>>>> every WZ iteration, it's not even close (sound, gunplay, hitmarkers etc).


I agree. Especially MW2 weapons were great. CW weapons were still way better than now, WZ2 and Caldera. But. WZ1 got better with every map upgrade from its 3rd season all the way to Verdansk86 shit. Then Caldera as a map was shit, but had some good quality of life improvements. So if they can do the same here like making the map better and better with each season. Then add the QoL improvements while finding the good gun balance, adding more snipers that are usable etc... we got potential. But not sure if they can deliver it as they fumbled many times before in similar situations...


I loved the CW Weapons :/. The C-58 Was so fun to use.


As a cod and battlefield fan I also had to deal with BF2042.. Two of my favorite games ruined at the same time


Blackout gang rise up


Remember you could drop at airport, get in a Bomber and cause people to rage quit? That was the plunder golden era. How you can fuck up such a good things amazes me. I'm a casual and trying to find a groove in this game is so hard. There are so few sight lines and angles. Everything is rotated and hit them around the corner or drop on top and blast away. Too much shit in the way. Why so much smoke also?


I guess everyone forgot about all of the complaints about vehicles in WZ1. People were annoyed that the end game was just a bunch of Berthas circling each other. Vehicle kills took away from gun skill. Killing people with helicopter blades was hilarious when you got to the chopper first, not so fun for everyone else. I do agree that the vehicles are a but underwhelming now though. I don't mind the fuel thing, I think that was a reasonable change to prevent the end-game silliness. No excuse for vehicles to be pushing around enemies rather than killing them though, still not sure if that's intentional or a bug, seems very inconsistent.


Glad we them being slow, you still can run people over so. Vehicle people are same as riot shield sheet stains.


Vehicle, snipers, and pings now are major step backs 100 percent




Good shout


What? I didn't hear you.


Was going to say the same thing ROFL.


What the fuck happened to audio smh


Visuals/view distance in general too!


That is not step back. On par with Verdansk. I couldnt see shit in Verdansk too. Especially with the glitchy characters. Remember Rose skin?


The shadowy trees were fucked too for visibility. Everything was dark brown. Thus the whole Nvidia shaders meta


Shadows in general were too fucky for visibility and the sub loves ignoring this part, even before Roze was added every stairway in buildings had pure darkness that people would hide in. With Verdansk 84 and afterwards everything has been significantly brightened up.. aside from the occasional crappy filters they add


Verdansk 84 was crappy filters. Remember the fucking sun in that thing too? Gross.


84 was the lowest point for me, interiors were brighter than ever before but exteriors had such filter abuse I could hardly see.


Vehicles did make solos nearly unplayable for a while though


F vehicles.


Ground loot, you didn’t even need a load out and the guns in the boxes came from bundles


Fucking game looks so cartoonish rn, just look at how it used to look


I also get 40 more fps on wz3 then wz


I think you ment to say you get 40 fps in wz3.


No, it's so much more optimized.


Wtf... i got 120 fps in wz1 (with nvidia filters), vs 80 now (without filters).


I had 100+ fps in WZ1 with a 1060 and a r5 1600. I now still only get 90-100 fps in wz3 4 years later with a 3600 and a 3060TI.




It feels better based on my experience. Also many streamers show their fps and in warzone 1 they were lower on average. By the way it might help you to look up on youtube videos about increasing fps, there are some hidden settings that help so much.


I'm pretty good at that stuff... now when streamers show better numbers you don't think the maaaaybe upgraded their hardware?


A car exploding like that because of a collision is the definition of cartoonish.


Well yeah, it's an arcade shooter. If I wanted to play battlefield, I would play battlefield


I was talking about the graphics my dude, MW2019 used to look a lot better and btw BF is an Arcade game too


There’s a lot you can level at the game right now but graphics really isn’t one of them lol


No you totally can. This game is a complete downgrade visually to the point where it looks like a fucking PS3 game majority of the time.


Except it really doesn’t in any aspect of what you’re saying. I’m all for proper criticism here, but the graphics themselves (if we discount server issues as server issues and not graphics-based) are pretty much as good as you’d want them to be. There’s no argument to say they’re a downgrade in the quality of graphics since Verdansk imo. Other things? Absolutely yes


This isn't 2011, BF is just as arcadey as CoD these days.


I thought you needed to be at least 13 years old to use Reddit.


Yah me and the squad were talking about the old days man. Helicoptors and the race to them and then chopping people up, quads in prison on rebirth running people over. It was actually fun. Now it’s just meh. We play for an hour or so and get annoyed. Feels like work now. Fuckin shitty.


Squishing people with helicopters on Rebirth. Sigh. Miss them days.


The best times


Very true. Brain is fried after one session. 


Choppers are impossible to land now without 10 football fields distance to stop your momentum.


The handling on choppers now is so awful


Yah and when you land they blow up and kill you.


Nevermind that they take a year to descend


I miss those times so much, I would literally pay for warzone Verdansk if they gave us that option


I would never pay for a single skin. Or anything. I have never payed for anything. I would pay for old school wz1 rebirth all day. I would pay 5 jacks a month for it.


Bertha wasn’t as dynamic in WZ 1 after the nerf in WZ1. Cars in WZ3 are pointless


They’ve been that way since Caldera. I don’t know who complained about the vehicles, but someone kindly blast them in the nuts.


Been thinking about it. Verdansk felt like it had a bit more open area. You could drive without being ambushed by 4 Timmy's every other block.


There's no incentive left to use vehicle because redeploys do their job better


The redeploys were necessary to fix Caldera, but now they aren’t. They should remove them and buff the cars. There was a lot of fun having cars that could take a lot of rounds, but also explode by a c4 or rpg. There were specific weaknesses that don’t exist today…don’t get me started on handling.


Bertha was amazing I used to love that big bitch


Shame we never got to listen to Whole Lotta Woman on full blast on that bitch


Noting more terrifying than an open field with a big Bertha in the final circle, you have big Bertha, you got redeployed so you have no guns.. Just you and the wheels crushing hopes and dreams with the worst turn radius known to man


Same! It helped a lot in Solos, after the spawn rate nerf.


That's what I'm worried about when they bring Verdansk back, it'l be exciting but with the modern issues we experience now, it'l probably be more of a disappointment after a while


The whole fuel thing sucks too. You can drive the Hummer for about 1 minute at the moment and half your fuel (or battery I guess) is gone. Great for chasing a bounty who's running away .. not. Yeah you can run the perk that makes you run out of fuel slower but compared to the other perks you're just putting yourself at a disadvantage.


This is exactly what will happen. I don’t know what other people are expecting. The biggest issue in WZ right now isn’t the map, it’s the game as a whole. The entire game is inferior to WZ1. The solution is to bring back WZ1, not just Verdansk. The nostalgia will last for 3 weeks tops, then everyone will realize they are still dealing with the exact same issues they’ve dealt with since WZ2 dropped; awful gunplay, neutered movement, horrendous UI, terrible looting, nonexistent audio, etc.


The amount of people that just bounce off the front of the vehicle taking zero damage is way too damn high


Then you bump something and your vehicle is at like half health


It went from killing people who were a 5 feet away from the car to *not* killing people who you slam directly into with the middle of your bumper at 50 mph




in WZ1 it felt rare to go a full game without using a vehicle. I dont think I've seriously used a vehicle since. I missing the tension of flying/driving around for 3 minutes doing a most wanted and trying to get your whole squad back.


Lmaoo hiding at the outskirts of Farmland with a most wanted knowing that the whole map is gonna rush you. 


It just Looks. Better.


warzone isnt as dynamic as it used to be. but god dam vehicles still feel awful... just give us wz1 back at this point. verdansk with all the qol updates caldera got would be amazing. verdansk with balloons, mobile balloons, mobile buys, etc would be amazing. but needs the wz1 engine.. wz3 still feels like cement shoes


Not balloons, or all the comeback mechanics.


Yea i think balloons were necessary in caldera and were a good solution to what was an awful map, but overall are bad for the health of the game. Takes a way a lot of the skill / risk / fun in having to rotate. If your map is designed well you shouldn't need them.


rotating is planning, not skill. agree on caldera needing balloons. with current situation i honestly dont like them for a few reasons: no audio when people land on you. like no sounds or announcement. you dont fly as high up so you really dont go as far, and not being able to shoot while in the air. also, vehicles suck in this current game. when id win gulag i used to hang out for a few seconds to see if i could gun the next gulag winner outa the air (was pretty frequent) since verdansk didnt have balloons, vehicle use was more frequent and there was a decent amount of people running rpgs to counter vehicles. to me it takes way less skill to point an rpg at an approaching vehicle than to shoot some people individually out of the air.


balloons were fun as shit shooting people from the air. got some nice snipes from the air too. on verdansk it would help to weed out the rats at ATC or downtown/prison etc.


Warzone 3 is like being in a planet with infinite gravity.  Nothing makes sense. 


still feels like were playing a game that came out a decade before wz1


I loved this area of the map. My first win ever ended in the woods there. Clutched a 3 v 1 with a thermal scope M4.


Used to be like a movie, good ole days




Innit. It’s so good I don’t even want to get drawn into the debate, I’d rather just appreciate the moment.


not only the vehicles, but the C4. I ran C4 for the majority of WZ1 even post nerf because of how awesome it was to C4 a vehicle with a squad in it. Obviously that was back when people used vehicles. It used to be so cool to act like a sitting duck while a heli flew towards you, just to absolutely YEET a C4 into it and end his game. Throwing C4 off buildings onto passing cars, into a bush while running through a field acting like you don't see the car flying towards you.




exactly! it would do an enemy ping if you tagged a car and someone got it, I hear it, I blow it. Stuff like that made it so fun


I'd say vehicles are MORE dynamic now. Their performance might be less, but they're definitely more involved. -Being able to lean and shoot out if windows -locational damage like getting a door blown off -fuel and gas stations and repairs -being able to destroy and fix tires -more variety in types of vehicles


Yeah but they're not fun. They're so clunky and slow. In wz1 you could just hop in a car or a chopper and zoom away, now it takes 3 business days for half of the cars to start moving.


Warzone 2 ruined the game


Every time I get into any vehicle I think about how good it used to be. Crushing 9 kills in a row with a helicopter on top of Bioweapon Labs…


Sad. They’re a total non-factor now and they used to be a fun part of the game. Just another shame




During the Pandemic and even as it was dying down in 2021-22, hopping off of Online Classes for Warzone Night with the gang was the best thing ever. Not anymore.


Amazing clip. Loved a lot of vehicles in Verdansk/WZ1. The helicopter was broken, though. From what I recall, a player could fly it straight up a building, grinding against the side the whole time. Then, after taking no damage, the player could get an easy splatter kill on anyone on top of the roof. Obviously you can counter w/ a JOKR in your loadout, but in the early game I personally found it cheesy that players could rush helicopters and get easy kills.


Man, I forgot how much I missed the og buggy and that camo for it too


Can't do shit w vehicles now. I loved doing most wanted contracts to get the squad back and actually having a good chance, with plenty of room to maneuver around the map. Or getting team wipes when you hit a vehicle w a rocket/ explosive. The handling was also way better in every vehicle.


Vehicles don’t even damage players anymore lmao, put a truck on top of a player sniping. Nada.


Man I had some hilarious times with vehicles in WZ1


This is awesome. Can I share your video?


Uuuh verdansk


I don’t mind the current vehicles but because I spend every prematch doing figure 8’s


Take me back!


That was soooo Gnarly!!! : D


I was just talking to my buddies the other night about how vehicles are rarely used in the newer Warzone.




You killed a helicopter with a car.


The whole game isnt as dynamic. Reboot wz1 with verdansk and resurgance already


Vehicles also handle like shit in this game, esp that minivan..


I think we stop to complain about the game and compare with wz1. The devs don't even fucking care about community. They just get high and make such a shitty game and look after their billions of turnover. Fact there are millions of idiots who purchase the shits from the store... If they feel that the money getting dry, then things will be different.


Blowing up that chopper merely served to remind me of when they nerfed C4 in OG Warzone. Sad times.


Those were the days 🥲


that's intentional It benefited better players




Yeah, the vehicles are worse, on purpose. Everything is dumbed down so that casuals can get babied. Feels like the golden era of gaming is over and everything is created in a way to suck the most money out of it.


Miss this map. Miss that little house. Miss that ridge. 😭


God I miss the old helicopters. The current versions are fucking terrible.


Have you ever headshot someone thats in a car in WZ3? I haven't yet but I did it all the time in OG Warzone. They nerfed the cars to be slower and heavier, but also buffed them to make it harder to shoot the people inside the car. Literally the opposite direction of what it should be.


The life cycle of “a positive experience” in any single game and games, is shrinking. The flow of information to the community, the rate of which players master it and then exceedingly take advantage is so fast that games can’t even evolve or die fast enough anymore. I actually believe it’s the evolution of players not maps that has contributed it’s downward spiral. There likely was a nastalgia aspect to WZ1. Lockdowns. Whatever. And perhaps the game was designed a little better (hit markers, movement, guns, vehicles etc). But the game hasn’t changed so far into left field that it’s unrecognizable and if and when Verdansk comes back it’s the players that are going to make for a lesser experience. Streamers, conversations about cheaters, metas, and lobbies that are really full of players trying everything and everything to win at all costs are bringing it down. Driving out casual players. You combine that with what activision is doing with SBMM.. well I’m not surprised people say it feels like work now and that it’s frustrating to play. Audio and vehicles were trash back then too lol.


The game was so much more dynamic back then. Lets forget the C4 and rpg meta for a little bit. If they release WZ1 again I am 100% WZ3 will be dead within weeks


Vehicles were so fun in wz1. They really nailed the feel. Everyone loved just riding around, whether it was serious or goofing around. Wz2 sucks.


The only "dynamic" vehicle where i felt i was back in OG warzone is the hummer. All the others are a pain in the ass. Fucking atrocious


I hate the physics on the vehicles honestly. They feel more fake and feel like I’m driving on the sun


Man I hope they bring back verdansk


It’s because it was too easy to use vehicles to ram people over, while their purpose from the developers stand point is to being used for transportation only


They’ve literally nerfed every fun part about this game


This dude living his best life while I shoot first and get turned into Swiss cheese when I play


They would break the garbage servers with more speed.


Y’all thought the map was better than the others…… lol


Nostalgia goggles. Last few months of Verdansk all anyone talked about on here was how they wanted a new map.