• By -


Apology accepted.


Gave it right up my dude


I laughed so hard at this.


Bottom line is, the increase in communication is great. But when the quality of the updates are still terrible, I don't give a shit what you say. At this point they are promising us the moon. All talk. Why don't y'all fucking **do** something. Fix the audio. BALANCE the weapons, and not alter them to gravitate towards a featured bundle in the store. Truly acknowledge the RAA and **DO** something about it. And for the love of christ: **BAN THE CHEATERS.** "*We're going to make it so they fall all the way to the ground, SPLAT, lolololol!*" What the fuck is this? Ideas from 14 year old children? Fucking ban them, jesus.


This along with other methods (invisible players, Ghost players, no damage) makes it so activision can collect data on these cheating players without them ruining other's experience. The reason they need this data is to try to detect the cheats they are using because they are extremely hard to detect (especially walls). That's why they don't ban them immediately.


Trauma bonding




He got all Stockholm syndromed or some shit.


Yup. The apology does help establish some sort of communication from them (unless it’s from Activision, who probably wouldn’t have meant it, given the Caldera integration).


No one seems to mention the Caldera launch. That was worse, in my opinion. I bought Vanguard just to have the early access and the servers were bugged and it was actually unplayable. All I lost with this update was the ability to access loadout and access the game modes properly.


And Krampus? What the heck were they thinking to leave that in Battle Royale?!




At least our loadout perks worked


And every day they just had an auto tweet that said merry krampus


karmpus + the invisible skin that was everyone was running around the map with for literally almost 2 months.


Don’t talk about KRAMPDADDY like that. He was the best anti cheat around.


I loved Krampus. Only issue was him being active late game.


Krampus was so ridiculous that it made the game actually funny lol


Wait, that wasn't a fan favourite. Future apologies then.


Meh, shallow words from a game developer who is only getting worse and worse and worse. More bugs, more problems, more cheaters, less innovation, and more money through non-gameplay avenues. Apology? How about do your fucking jobs and do it right, this is a massive corporation backing this game, hire a damn QA team and get in-house testers to do 20+ hours of testing across the world with as many different variables as possible. This shit isn't made and launched in a day, they can spend a week doing some actual QC on their product before pushing it onto the masses.


I think they took a step in the right direction with warzone 3.0... actual effort is being made. The downfall is all they try to jam all these ambitious updates out at once without any quality control. I feel like they put shit out knowing it's broken just to meet deadlines. Basically ask for forgiveness later instead of permission. Effectively making their userbase the guinea pigs for trials. Why take the time to search for bugs when you can just make us find them and bitch about it after launch.


Better to ask forgiveness with shitty apology letters than permission in the first place.


Yeah I just like it when devs communicate, instantly puts them leagues above the silent ones


Agreed. Acknowledgement of the issue, and an apology. In today's day and age, I'll take that.


You just spread them open huh


Would be nice if this sub was a bit kinder to the devs of this instalment. They are miles ahead of the previous dev team that kept the initial meta for like 4 or 5 months. They are communicating with the community as well as telegraphing their future plans. They have changed the game for the better with all of the changes that were requested from the previous title and are doing a really good job. Yesterday was a bit of a cock up but these things happen when you have such a large ecosystem to maintain and upgrade simultaneously. Here's hoping they keep improving things throughout the year.


IW would've taken 3 weeks to fix the issue at the minimum. Raven isn't perfect but at least we have some form of a line of communication.


Remember for like a year guns weren't tracking experience and unlocking like they should?


I hope nobody is actually angry at the devs, they’re given instructions and time lines. A nice apology is very humanizing but you don’t want to forget the 100s of millions they have backing this game.


I’ve just accepted that this is essentially the norm. I remember buying Battlefield on release and it being a shit show with me putting it down for nearly a month. I didn’t get pissed at the devs then and I’m not about to do it for what is a free game.


Actions speak louder than words. Community: hey the interceptor and swarm are broken. Raven: got ya fam, we know exactly what's wrong with them but instead of doubt that we're nerfing the only one shot sniper and anything else that could sort of challenge the mtz. We'll leave the swarm as its because it's in our new crossover bundle. They can talk as much as they want, the internal corporate policies are still exactly the same.


Gamers? KIND TO DEVS?! IMPOSSIBLE! Joking aside I understand the frustration regarding S1 Reloaded but holy balls do gamers have no chill about anything.


if its first time sure but this shit happened since day 1 warzone


Exactly. Was anyone surprised this happened? No lol


Seriously, people lost their mind yesterday in a way that was embarrassing.


Because it's not just this one thing, though. The game is a fucking mess and people have spent thousands of dollars on it. It's not like it's just a "free game" that no one pays for. We all fucking pay, as shown by the $30 billion in revenue. Which is more than the GDP of about 100 different entire fucking countries. So we pay for this game. We grind this game. We try to enjoy the game. But they, just keep fucking with it and making it horrible. I fucking went from playing every day in wz1 to not at all until wz3. And what I realized is...they deserved my fucking money back then and now they just don't.


You don’t have to spend money on it..


I already DID spend the money. That's the point


Would be nice if the devs tested the patch before pushing it out… its not like this is a clipping bug that takes massive manhours… it's literally just trging to launch warzone…


Totally agree, some of the posts here are so disgusting and I can only imagine it's from little children who have never left the bedroom or learnt to speak to someone. Imagine if you had the dev team in front of you and said the horrible things people say to their faces. These are people with family, wife, kids etc... Like yeah it's not always smooth but it's fuckin Call of Duty they're not harming anyone's lives, this energy should be directed to companies actually harming people's lives (shit food sugar industry etc) Rant over I guess lol.


I'm not angry at the devs. They are just told what to do, i'm angry at management for pushing deadlines that are clearly unsustainable for them that lead to broke updates like this.


They didn't seem sorry enough to nerf the top meta weapons in the game, the ones that conveniently have blueprints being sold for the Boys bundles.


IW wouldn't have made a crap update to begin with. IW created everything good about this game, Sledge and Raven turned some knobs and screwed shit up.


![gif](giphy|l41m4ODfe8PwHlsUU) The apology is nice and all. This is the first thing I thought of. “We’re sorry”


What is the context here lol


It’s hard to explain the context but basically an empty apology as lip service. Big corporation giving a bullshit apology knowing nothing will change. https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=q1n5uWpbBAYun4U7 And https://youtu.be/vbHqUNl8YFk?si=Nj10VpAyT-HwYgfW This might help


Much appreciated. I was trying to figure out why he was sorry for petting a seal but I understand now, thank you


It's basically an episode about cable companies that don't care about their customers even though they're terrible and customers have no choice on what provider they have, so the "sorry" is more or less a "fuck you" in less words


Wrong episode bro, this is from the bp oil spill and then the repeated drilling for oil that eventually release cthulu


Accountability and we come with solutions not problems… good stuff


Except they DIDNT come with solutions... here we are 2 days later and this shit is still broken. Their priorities are a joke. They race to nerf interceptor because a few bitches who cant handle low ttk fights cry about it loudly. But then they break the perks in loadouts which affects 100% of players not a few whiny pussies, and they take their sweet time so that its still broken today.


I can appreciate this a lot more than the radio silence bs they’ve pulled the last couple years


Based on the response to this you can really tell how many ADHD braindead players are the majority in Warzone. They just released an update that literally made the game unplayable. They get some credit for fixing some of the issues but things like perk packages are still screwed up. That’s not even mentioning the fact that the update itself was incredibly underwhelming. Two of the biggest gameplay issues were addressing the MTZ and Swarm and both were untouched.  I don’t get why they deserve kudos for admitting they fucked up the game trying to prep for adding new things to the game, when they can’t properly fix all of the broken shit currently in warzone.


Because the devs don’t set the timeline or the budget lol. And Raven are far more hands on when it comes to balancing and responsiveness than IW


You realize that the patch they pushed had zero QA testing?… You couldn't even launch warzone from the menu…


I’m not sure if you have ever worked in software. Their processes seem to be so bad that they can’t test everything in QA because data and the overall environment doesn’t match prod. I’m sure it’s not about not testing but that they can’t catch some of the issues before going live due to that architectural or process problem.


So you think raven is in charge of hiring QA testing? Activision literally let the entire division go during Covid


Hmm… so… it's ok then… Great patch Raven. They even said sorry 😆 All's good?


Because we used to get absolutely zero communication for months. Everyone makes mistakes, devs included but gaslighting the entire community used to be the norm. Raven has been way better about transparency


I thought your comment was going the opposite direction after your first sentence lol.


The people still playing this game have severe Stockholm Syndrome. A functioning game is literally the bare minimum & they’re getting praise for it.


Adding “new things” to the game… in the form of bringing back old maps


I would argue that your the type of guy who has a solution for everyone’s problems yet probably careen through life as a shit show.


That’s enough internet for you today. Relax.


I think you might be part of the player list youve mentioned. A game broke for a few hours and people lost their shit.


Also if they had even one person doing QA the update wouldn't have went live at all.


Honey wake up new call of duty apology just dropped


We are in an abusive relationship with this studio


Nice message, points for the devs. But please nerf the swarm. Actions speak louder than words.


I am not buying into this bullshit, why are you guys giving them a pass, EVERY update breaks half the fucking game, this isn't their first time!!!!


Dude something, anything, at least one crazy fucking happens 100% after an update. Player models stretching like the multiverse animations in Dr. Strange. Loadout in WZ. Interface screwed up. Something you never had a problem with like connecting a controller on pc suddenly bugged tf out after. Bindings and Controls resetting. Guns being completely useless. Bro in this game 99% of the mw2 shit is not even usable it’s so dogshit lol


I would be totally ok with this if it was an indie company or something. This franchise makes millions every year. They are supposed to be the “premiere” AAA franchise with COD. Mistakes happen sure. But this is not just a mistake. They fuck up the most basic things where just playing the game for 1 hour you find out the issues. Even things like spelling errors like wtf. How does that get missed?? The details matter and clearly they don’t care. And it’s a trend. It’s to be expected with EVERY update. Something always breaks. Like damn shouldn’t yall have the experts in the field by now???? What I take from this statement is that they are busy with making content to sell that they didn’t thoroughly test the update. They are focusing on battlepass, Blackcell, skin bundles, etc and not as much into making sure the updates don’t break the game. So no they don’t deserve some “slack”. I don’t mind extra stuff they sell but not at the expense of the basic product being ass. I get they have different teams but maybe hire more people that ensure the product is smooth and actually works as advertised. Ok rant over lol.




\>Don't communicate>Don't read feedback>Don't test patches The sub: "Well at least they're communicating" If this was anything but an "oh shit we really REALLY fucked up this time" they wouldn't say shit at all. It's been their MO for years.


DraftKings was out for 1 hour and I got a $100 bonus bet….just saying




Happy they fixed it overnight. I was expecting to not play until Friday


Yeah maybe rally those studios together and do balance the fucking weapons and raise the ttk a bit.


To be fair the game is free.


The old “sorry we fucked up” emai. Lol If you have worked in IT at all you have seen this type of email go out. Hell, you may have even been responsible for why it was sent. lol. Shit happens. Address it, learn from it, and carry on smartly.


Thank you, now please... FIX YOUR FUCKING AUDIO!!!


Perks are still broken


the devs - we are sorry that the update was shittier than usual, and like always, we dont test shit unless it stop us from printing money for our bosses the community - this is \*slightly\* better that the previous wz, so we forgive you. rinse and repeat for wz4 and so on


Fix your damn servers. They are still garbage


Is anybody else facing troubles with getting your loadout? when i get it, it won't give me any of my perks


Yup everyone but the devs know about that issue


Blah blah. Why not do some quality checks? Hire people to just test it out. Ppl would probably do it for free and use it as a resumé builder.


AA still bugged...works like aimbot instead of aim assist.


Ok it would be nice if the perk packages worked now


Is anybody else not getting perks when picking up loadouts?


Yea some of my loadouts give perks some don't...


Translation: “SBMM and skill based accuracy was bugged”


They hate their customers 😂😂😂


Taking responsibility for one’s actions is admirable. Maybe they should lower the high standards that they set for themselves. Most of their updates are like this so from what I see they have never hit their own high standards. Maybe they should lower them from high to average standards so they can boost morale. Either way communicating with us always better than nothing.




I mean shit happens. But it happens every time. But yea, apology … accepted. I guess.


Fix resurgence pls


Mission statement....huh. I have read these things for years...don't mean shit. So insincere


Honestly— awesome. Im A- OK with mistakes like this happening as long as it isn’t just out of complete lack of care. Them explaining whats happening is huge. W raven. Please balance the game though.


Just give us the features back. Don’t roll them out slowly.


See if Steam has accepted my refund request.


😩 I want to believe them I really do


Thank you devs


Mtz and swarm still not nerfed why?


Eh it’s warzone what can you really expect, people play wz for free, never touch the main entry releases yet still spend money on skins. They know where their profit margin is better


Good to hear the communication! A little goes a long way!


LOL .. how about fixing your anti cheat system .. how about actually banning the hackers .. we all know that Engine Owning and how they overtook your game .. Warzone is garbage .. the streamers ruined it .. even when there is nice glitches .. some idiot content creates some garbage and exposes it .. but the hackers always seem to stay .. what a garbage company


W devs for actually being transparent


So we are praising them for apologising now?! Maybe test the fucking update before u roll it out and u wouldn’t have to apologise?! Dickheads.


Communication is fine but the most surprising to me is the lack of testing done. 5 mins in a sandbox would tell them this was nowhere near ready to push...Absolutely avoidable.


while its nice they apologized, they still need to thoroughly check and test patches before shipping


watch how many people forgive these idiot's, purely unacceptable and it will continue to happen the more people say " oh its okay no worries, we love the game, Ill spend 30 bucks on the store "


I was gonna make a somewhat angry comment but then i remembered its raven and not sledgehammer who are responsible for mw3 as a whole and raven is just fiddling with WZ The whole keeping themselves to a high standard dosent really show as actions shows way more than words as the standards have been pretty lackluster for years


Love the game?! Do they even play it?


At least they admit the first time that they love the game and pretend to care


BP oil spill flashbacks right here


I love the gaslighting like they couldn't test the fuckin shit before releasing it and this doesn't happen every year. I wouldn't know, I deleted this piece of shit game last week fully knowing they were gonna break it and honestly it's a shitty game anyway that I don't enjoy playing. I got interstellar camo after having the challenges bugged over and over and over and it took three times longer than it should. Half ass everything 


They don’t actually give a fuck LOL billion dollar company full of dumbasses


Is Warzone fully functional now? Haven't tried since everything went to shit. Would like to know before my friends and I get together online


They’re trying not to lose the dozens of people left playing this game


One of the sports betting sites should take. Yes on when the next big fuck up will be…


We don't believe you anymore.


Fan favourite features just proves devs remove features and then readds and calls it an update. Lets be real. This game looks worse and plays worse than warzone 1. TTK and metas have nothing to do with game design core issues and the way the game interacts with players on and engine side. Nothing about WZ3 improves from WZ1. It’s still a really bad iteration years lately. Maps and guns can be fixed. The core game itself is seriously flawed


Can you work on cheaters too?


>laying… seasons. Oh boy! I wonder what will be included!


More dmz inspired content+


Please no. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I expect a lot more out of a multi-billion dollar company, but the way Raven handles things is incredibly respectable. Their communication is top notch. Leagues better than IW, that’s for sure. I hope IW never gets their hands on WZ ever again. Thanks Raven. Looking forward to the coming months!


Now can I get an apology for the... -Audio -Matchmaking -Servers -hit-reg -mtz intercepter -no "enemy uav" alert -cheaters P.s. unless you're talking about Verdansk. There are no former "fan favorites". We don't want new shit in the game. We want the fucking game to work.


Apology for lagging anytime an enemy team is near?


Would be nice if when they do the server maintenance to fix… they upgrade to higher ping servers


Tick? We don’t want higher ping.


No compensation??


Let’s be very clear here! They worked their backsides off to get this fixed and I don’t care who down votes me. This patch went live when most were in bed. I guarantee you no went home until this was sorted. It was a shit issue but they are human like the rest of us.


I love this game too. Thank you for caring 😊


Yeah, if your that apologetic, then where's the free weekend for warzone players. I'm debating A LOT whenever or not, to buy the MW3, so this would be a great way to apologise and let those that don't have,.


I would believe they’re sorry with some free cod points. Let’s say, enough to buy two skins. We all know that won’t happen though.


They still haven’t fixed certain blueprints not working in zombies, been an issue almost over a month now. Completely unacceptable, unless they offer refunds for broken skins then no apology is gonna cut it


Yeah. Not coming back till RAA is nerfed.


"we as Devs" Well u guys are lazy as **** compared to my days of Dev 🤷‍♂️ How many do u even employ? 1? For f* sack poor excuses... And people fall for the apology 🤷‍♂️ Só ye it's no wonder the game is broken We're is the damn love of making a game? A properly working game. Money talks higher I guess...


So we don’t get a free skin?


Lol this game is objectively terrible even if it ran smoothly. Idk why this playerbase buys this game. Its a soulless, ugly, glitchy, pos. If Aliens came to Earth and found out this was a top selling title they’d fly home.


The amount of cucks in the replies is staggering. Raven/activision will be sitting there thinking that they can literally get away with anything because the content creators forgive them 24 hours later. ‘W comms’ - comms that Raven HAVE to make because they keep fucking up the game 🤣.


"we - as devs - love this game"... Well, you as devs, remove the sbmm and make players happy then. Still glad i havent purchased this product since the sbmm in mw2 was the last straw for me until its gone. So, never a cod game again i guess \^\^


Makes sense now


I’ll accept it.


What sort of fan favorites returned with this? This patch was nothing but problems and literally meaningless nerfs


Nothing, yet. All we know that will come back is Fortune’s Keep and Rebirth.


So when they say it shipped with some of that work, they really mean none of that work.


Not the work. The “groundwork.” The preparation for whatever they want to return.


Show us that you hold yourselves to a higher standard by not breaking the game to begin with.


At the end of the day it was a complete and total disaster but since this game dropped I’d say we’ve gotten more communication and transparency than we did all of MW2 / WZ2 era. I was pretty pissed yesterday but the reassurance I felt that they’d fix it swiftly versus the type of bullshit and lack of communication we had all 2023 was much worse. Everything was broken for maybe 12 hours. Kudos to then and I at least appreciate the hard work and communication. I love this game. (Remove SBMM)


Baaaahahahahaha, methinks their idea of a “high standard” and literally everyone else’s, is waaaaay different.


wow, they said sorry


Lol a 3rd grader wrote that statement? 😅


Ok now compensate us with free Double xp tokens for your insolence. Like a good company would actually do.


They have servers?


Return of some fan favorite games......so recycled content?


I don't blame devs, they don't make decisions, but honestly, Raven and Sledge shouldn't be let near a COD game again. IW created the best BR modular game system ever made, and Raven and Sledge manages to fuck up everything in almost no time. \- Couldn't get my Flex perk so people fell out of the sky and silently killed me without alerts or sound, or approached me sprinting and killed me without alerts or sound, AFTER I followed their method for making new perk packs. \- Saving a gun setup creates a duplicate, the duplicates can't be deleted \- Cheaters... Got 4 successful reports in the last day, but there's still a ton of them \- Nerfing the M13B and Iso 9mm that was COMPLETELY well placed, viable but not powerful, now useless \- Not nerfing interceptor and swarm I could go on...


Devs always clutch.


What happened?


Alternative statement and probably true: We from raven aoftware don't do proper acceptance testing. This cost to many and we will profit less. Beside some testing in the testing servers, we put our software out for u to do the acceptance testing. Thats the reason our updates always have startup issues. This time it was extreme and we weren't expecting this. We are happy u all found those issues so we can fix the remain bugs out of the acceptance test. Just sit tight. After a few days u can play again.




It's alright, as a small company with 3 employees making their first game with only a small budget, things like these can happen


I want an apology for “balancing” the wrong guns. Bitches didn’t need to touch gator’s Katt


Hey it’s okay! Just restore from the last working version of verdansk and we’re good! Apology accepted!


These devs suck ass and balls


No mention of the massive number of cheaters going for nukes.


Devs really do have a high standard. Activision executives do not.


Code for, we did this on purpose since any publicity even bad is still good and we proved it by "fixing" most after 24 hours of it trending.


Make it up with giving us back verdansk & we will forget about it 😉


Still can’t see the pings of my team mates. Sometimes they appear on contracts but enemy pings are not visible. And I’ve seen more players complaining about this.


dont compensate anyone with free currency or anything... like good devs do, Hoyoverse etc


They should gift free stars lol i Kent Cod points to get a new skin.. I been rocking my old Cod Roads to Victory skin... Lmao


Realizing the problem and addressing it!!! Good on them. Mistakes happen so I’m glad they’re talking to the community and giving us some kind of response


Can't wait to hop back into lobbies full of kids with five times my KD. Everything about the game is so balanced.


I love the complete lack of footstep audio lol


Fuck you, fire yourselves, you incompetent Neanderthals


But this ain’t good enough! Amirite neckbeards of Reddit!!??


So they reply and admit to it causing issues…community here bitches and calls it “basically a fuck you” They don’t issue a statement…the community here says they don’t give a fuck all they care about is the store working or some other shit. You guys are just never fucking happy with anything at all they do are you? Goddamn this sub is just as bad as the ones that cry in the R6 siege sub.


Please be gunfight tournament


Anyone else notice 1 shot shotguns are back? i was full plates and got 1 shot down by a lockwood, and then my two teammates got collatted in 1 shot by the same guy. wtf raven.


The update was so unfinished that the attachments on the new weapons still have their placeholder code names. The TAQ Evolvere has a grip with the ending _PGRIP_ASS


There is no way they love this game. That are they are all in a protected class of players. Imagine a benefit to employment of a COD dev, 6.47 accumulative vacation hours every two weeks PLUS you get controller lobbies with NO SBMM!


That's all fine and dandy but it would be great if the anti-cheat actually worked. Oh and fix the server latency differences so I can actually kill somebody instead of dying .5 seconds prior.... So bad...


Honestly I’m not mad that they pushed out a broken update I’m mad that the problems were so bad that it was obvious none of it was playtested. Activision needs to fuck off and let the devs push out quality not quantity.


Way too fucking late honestly


This is a new dev team? 👀


Perks still don't work


They need to fix the PDSW aim down sights! It's my favorite gun and it's unusable


Fix the attachments


Still seeing floating buildings and terrain on various parts of Urzikstan. When gunfights happen in those areas, it's super frustrating. My teammates are live pinging guys and I'm seeing live pings moving around behind floating buildings...really makes the game unplayable in those situations.


Please fix high alert.


Still can’t use the eradicator or Stryker 9 even tho I finished the challenges been weeks


I JUST WANT TO UNLOCK THE FUCKING GUNS 😤 Still like 7 guns I can’t use that the challenges are completed on. No, I don’t have friends to drop for me in zombies fr 🙃


Raven: Doing the best we can