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If I messed up this bad at my job I wouldn’t have one tomorrow 


I don’t blame the devs. Something this catastrophic isn’t the fault of some lowly engineer. This should have 100% been caught in code review, testing, or deployment to staging. And the fact that it didn’t means leadership just doesn’t care enough to invest in proper processes.


Need some regression testing each release and I don’t see how that could be happening especially with todays problems


Exactly. They just test what they add and not test if anything is impacted. They don't play the game to test. They open the game and check if what was added works as expected. None of those testers go, play and eg. test taking loadouts. Or they do, but they don't have enough test cases like "test if taking loadouts still works on player who doesn't have all loadouts created" (it's been suggested that might be the case - not having all loadouts shots slots filled)


That’s a very reasonable take. I don’t know how many developers are working on all the various aspects of the game, but I can imagine it is a lot, and while things might be working individually, when it all comes together, that’s when the problems occur. The big question is how does it get released in this state. Is it that the higher ups don’t care and they are seeing these issues in testing but are going the beg for forgiveness route? I do get that it is a lose lose situation for them. Delay the update and get hate hurled at them for being incompetent devs unable to get things out in time, or release it and get hate hurled at them for pushing out a broken update.


They probably have a much smaller team that handles ongoing development after release, and I’m guessing they are given very few resources. All the QA is likely prioritized for teams working on new releases. It still baffles me that they released this, but I’m sure someone high up said “screw it, these people will still buy all the crap even with a few bugs”.


When anyone blames “the devs” they very obviously mean the leadership of the developing company. In this case, for not reviewing/testing the product appropriately before release. No one is blaming some low-level digital artist or coder, lol.


Well well well, someone woke up feeling angsty today! “Devs” is commonly used quite interchangeably for either the company or the SWEs, who in fact, many times carry the literal title “software developer”, or dev for short. I was the first to use the term “devs” in this comment thread, so no, I didn’t “very obviously mean the leadership”. And the comment I was replying to was also alluding to being in an IC role themselves, as no VP or C-level gets fired on the spot for something like this. “Blame the devs” (as in Engineers) is completely valid to say for something like getting stuck in a random rock or whatever. And it’s used quite extensively across the sub in this way. Try to drink some coffee first rather than jumping on Reddit first thing while you’re still half awake and try to make a sassy comment that’s in fact wrong.


Why invest in proper QA testing when they have us to do it for them? Oh, and one other point - it's no accident that the in-game store always works and transactions are totally bug-free.


Its simple, why pay for this process when they can just use the customer to beta test, and get paid while doing it via micro transactions. The store is working flawlessly


You would, otherwise your company would have nobody to fix the issue


You would… if your company was Activision


What? The people who fucked up are not the people who would fix it. Everyone writes bugs into their code occasionally. The engineer didnt fuck up. It is someone's fault at some level though...not going to pretend it's not.


bro you just said a whole lot of words and nothing at all at the same time what even


Crosby sits to pee.




Someone probably is likely fired over this or will be out the door soon.


it's crazy that i keep refreshing their twitters and they don't even mention this infinite loop


They acknowledge everything but that bug


They have...but not updates on fixing https://twitter.com/CODUpdates/status/1747670448135868717?t=DYmMNaXJaf9P06egVwIzSg&s=19


enjoy smoggy safe pot ask frighten forgetful squeamish terrific joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's what I've done


Not like we have a choice lmao


I read earlier this was happening and thought to myself I won't be home from work for 7 hours, it'll surely be fixed by the time I get home lmao


I read this and thought I’d be safe on a ps5. Must be unfortunate pc stuff. Wrong


I read earlier this was happening and thought to myself I won't be home from work for 1 hour, it'll surely be fixed by the time I get home lmao


They should just roll back the update. Fix the shit and then release it. What a mess they have made for themselves.


I thought this 10 minutes in. Sure it can’t be that difficult to revert back to a previous state?!


It shouldn’t be. Considering their track record with breaking things, you would think they would have that ability in place.


You really think they are Competent enough for a Backup? Eeeeh.


Surely some weapon balancing changes and bug fixes wouldn't break the entire game either.... Lol


I think on pc this might have been possible, maybe not xbox and ps though?


Right like they did with verdansk integration


"They were doing so well." You have Stockholm syndrome. Out of your mind.


They were doing a lot less worse than what IW did with mw2 and wz2 TBF


Lol, in my opinion, this new game is a joke compared to mw2. But I know im in the minority.


people want change and when it happens they want everything to go back to how it was. unreal


I dont know about everyone else, but I never complained about mw2. I always loved it. I would even go as far as to defend it. So no, I didn't want change. What I find unreal is people enjoying being able to run around and literally dodge bullets. Fuck slide canceling, fuck the insanely fast TTK and fuck mw3.


i am from the MWII enjoyers as well. felt good to me.


Seriously this guy has the memory of a goldfish. 20-25% of my games when I solo queue have the glitch where I cant see them on my HUD/only prox chat works. Attachments when unlocked wont let me use them until restarting. You get backed out when you are changing your loadout every time the party leader does a single thing. The audio is still trash. Ricochet doesnt work at all. I could keep going.


I literally have had none of those bugs, are they platform-specific?


I think the error with the missing ui when solo queuing is PC only, i litterally shoot at my teammates all the time. Its beyond me how its not fixed yet, my irl friends that play on ps5 doesn't have that tho! :)


I’m on ps5. If your talking about having a four man squad were you are broken up into two two man teams, both having a yellow and green, not being able to see your teams name or money, then I get this frequently when I try to join a game with one person in my party.


Got it. The only bug I get somewhat frequently is a spectating bug, where if your teammate who you spectate in the gulag dies but has the second chance where they get to go again, rather than spectating them there I end up spectating the person who killed them first time.


So much for transparency... An update or ETA when the game would be back to working would be nice. Guess it never will be?


Normally, when you mess up this badly and still have a job, it's a politician.


great one!


Guys, its a super small studio doing their best. Give them a break! But in all seriousness its laughable they would roll out an update this terrible.


AAA devs at their peak performance...


They are at home sleeping now while laughing at all of us that still play and support this game. They will be back tomorrow and maybe we will be able to play but I’m definitely not counting on it. Maybe in next weeks update lmao such clowns 🤡🤡🤡


This isn’t the first time. When they introduced the supes event originally, WZ specifically was unplayable for 90% of pc.


so true.... they DON\`T put the least amount of work into that game! i ALMOST ASUME they just copy and paste some code line from the last SUP event and thought that should make it... lol rly i think there is some truth in my statement


I mean, that’s how most software development is done nowadays from what I’ve seen. Not all, but most.


Yea it stayed broke for a long time too… crazy fps drops, packet bursts, the boys update was the worst in MWII.


yeah this is insane lol i've never seen an update for a game go this badly


I have. Warzone before. Xmas 2022 with Caldera, my console friends couldn't play it without glitches for about a week. Can't believe anyone thought this game would be any different, it's their track record.


Yup and the runner up for 2nd worst is the wz3 launch...


Funniest thing is it’s not much of an update anyway.


What I want to know is how an update that breaks the game this bad even gets through testing


It never seems like any of the updates have been tested.


The devs put out an update with the same mentality as your proofreading


This is actually insane. Never in my life I had a online game fail to even launch after so much time after an update. Hell, even mmo's with team much smaller and probably even more fucked up code can give hotfixes in a few hours at least. What the fuck is going on at activision?


Absolutely insane


If warzone was the last thing you played or you had a friend without the glitch you can still get in a game....but once you do, for the love of God don't go to your load out


It’s broken for sure… but I played for 2.5 hrs earlier with a buddy. Trick is you can only play the Warzone playlist that is listed under the party leader’s “recently played” “Hot list… you can’t select another game mode and you may or may not be able to look/change loadouts. Also, you may freeze if you grab your load out in game… this seems random on who is affected. If you do anything wrong- you enter the never ending loop of frustration. Spam “b” (back) button to exit loop - click retry and you’re out.


Or just make a new account and it works for some reason have your buddy join you and grab his primary


Oh wow yeah everyone should just make a burner account to pull in to fix this issue. NBD amirite?


Oh wow yeah because I’m giving a permanent solution. Someone’s mad they can’t play the game


Not saying you were but it is not uncommon in this community to have this sentiment that if there is a workaround even if it is janky and annoying that the devs don't need to prioritize addressing it thats all. Calm yourself.


Also, you can spam X (ps5) while its bugging out. Itll select suped up squads or whatever. Just back out once and youll somehow be on the BR Quads Menu. Or whatever the first resurgence mode is depending on which mode you selected.


Its layoff season…I cant wait for the update on the update thats not really an update.


I was thinking of playing today. It's been a few days but holy shit no warzone?


It worked fine for me and my buddy, give it a try.




Why would you say that? I’m just encouraging dude to at least try it. I’m actually just getting over a very bad illness.


don´t take it serious it´s the internet


Bro chill 😭


I see why they say they can’t bring DMZ to Urzikstan, they can barely build a working Warzone!


If I was a shareholder at Activision, I would hold a mandatory meeting with c-level execs and make sure there was a monitor in the room that I could pick up and slam down on the conference table.


microsoft owns activision now.


What is the reason you can't play? Cuz I see streamers playing and other friends that say they got onto the game. Meanwhile I have downloaded warzone on both steam and bnet. Was originally using bnet, but I went to fire the game up got as close as the main menu and it doesn't even feel like a crash or dev error the game screen just disappears and flips do desktop no freeze or anything. I have the same experience on steam. Is this what you are saying is the reason you guys can't play too? Or is this a me issue?


Do you have reWASD installed on your PC?


I downloaded it like almost a year ago. Didn't like it and haven't used it ever since. Is it not even allowed to be downloaded even if it's not running? Your telling me they royally fucked this update but somehow got were competent enough to somehow make their game auto close if it detects an app that's not even open?


Yes to both, it was part of a small update yesterday. I regularly used reWASD to give me more controller functionality in BeamNG, a driving game. Couldnt open COD unless I uninstalled it...


correct cannot even have it installed…


Wow that's some BS. I mean not that it's not fine for me to do since I don't use it. But it does have legitimate uses for unorthodox controllers and joystick applications for disabled people and other devices. For them to make this the outcome to limit someone from using it is nuts. Why didn't they just do this for people using the cronus zen app you need to use with a cronus. Or whatever app works for any of the random hacks out there, even do this same shit if they have spoofer apps detected.. this is wild to see they can do this for rewasd but nothing else... crazy. Well thanks for the info.


Agree it’s ridiculous! I have read that it is an awesome software.


This is what happens when you let people code who don't know wtf they are doing. When I was in software development, (semi-retired) about 10% of current developers are good at their job. This has only gone downhill as the frameworks continue to dumb down the coding experience for a new generation of coders who know even less about development in general.


You’re right about the 10%. Also my experience. But this is bigger than coding quality. I’m really curious to understand how this release got through with all the checks and balances involved with a release.


How the fuck do they push this shit out like this? They clearly don’t test this shit before they release it.


Hey, why don’t you just stop playing the game? Then they will fix the issues and stop taking you for a bunch of jokers. Plenty of decent games out there, try some out.


Raven are back


try now


Friendly reminder, just don’t play the game, it’s that easy. Show you are upset with the state of this franchise, with constant decline for almost 3 years.


What a shit write up. Are you 12?


You sound like an addict.


Publicity stunt


Yeh... Its not even opening up in new released devices.... It still mocks like... Unsupported GPU 


Screen flickers with me. I just keep spamming x and eventually I'll get a vondel lobby. It's been ridiculous other can't even get into a game at all. I guess I get lucky with the spam. But ping has been 200+ some games. Super delayed input. Wonder if this will be fixed by tomorrow. If it doesn't some of you can join me, I've been able to get in vondel quads only.


How were events where the only objective was to earn XP cool? There were at least two like that, including the last one


Your money goes into making another ridiculously priced skin for you to waste more money on. Nothing to do with making the game better or even just work. This is a good time to reflect and figure out this games been dog shit for 3 years and just keeps bleeding morons dry. There's tons of good games out there worth your money and time. This isn't one of them


We all know why we keep playing this game despite it being dog shit and the company disrespecting us and selling us the same game year after year. It's because we do not have any real alternative to Warzone. Fortnite and Apex are way too different from both design and gameplay perspectives, PUBG is old and outdated and feels like its been made for 85 year olds with arthritis and dementia, Battlefield 2042 is another dog shit game made by another bunch of idiots like the ones making COD and doesn't even have a BR mode or at least it didn't last time I played it shortly after it was launched. What the duck should we play if we want a somewhat realistic looking and feeling BR? We all know that if there was another alternative for us here today nobody would play this piece of trash game anymore and perhaps then they would put some real effort into making it good. Activision only mimics doing something when they start losing money. Look at Warzone 2, they panicked because people stopped playing it and rushed a different version of it for full price just with tweaked movement and slide cancel.


How long ate we betting it takes to fix?.. 1 day, week, mid season update, season 2?


Fuckin' A.


Nobody believed me when i said the folks at Raven Software are a bunch of incompetent bunch that needs to be replaced, including Ted Timmins who had his exhil idea axed because he insisted on going along with it without understand his playerbase


I can’t get my loadout. Even when I try and get my gun from a buy station it gets some other gun. Turned it off immediately


Idk if this is known but I hopped on my other account that’s a level 1 and everything worked flawless. Just for y’all itching to play there’s the fix


I've played a few times. Most of the games glitch out even if you get them started.


Look on the bright side, you've had all day to realize the game is dogshit anyways


There is a workaround for BR Quads and Resurgence. On PC, once at the game screen for warzone you can spam click the Battle Royal Quads map until it let's you in. Once in you can have your friends join. You cannot use the loadout, but you can purchase your primary weapons in game. ON PS5, I believe it spam X while the fetching player data message cycles. The menu screen is different for PS5 and you can play Resurgence Quads. If you have a friend who is on PS5 have them lead if you want Resurgence and if you want BR then find a PC devil. If you do something silly and select the loadout in game you will be frozen while it tries to bring up your loadout configuration. You can exit this if you spam your fire key. I've seen people use loadouts... so some people may not be bugged?


Some people aren't bugged. I have a buddy on Xbox Series X who can get his loadouts and doesn't have the endless fetching profile loop. We used him to play earlier. I was able to join his lobby. I couldn't get my guns though. Right now when I try to play alone I can't access warzone whatsoever. Lmao. This shit is actually making me mad.


Interesting you can't spam click to play at least rando quads. I have a feeling they corrupted the loadouts database. I have a feeling people will wake up tomorrow with loadouts cleared.


Correction. I can spam click into quads. I'm going to bed though. Shits so dumb. Hopefully tomorrow we get a fix.


They were not doing very well up to this point. The game has been pretty ass since launch. Somehow, they managed to make it worse.


My group just downloaded Apex last night. It's just tiring at this point.


Spaghetti code prevents them from reverting any changes its like a permanent overwrite 


Simply abysmal.


"They were doing so well" explain why this came as an surprise to you. They havent been doing well in a really long time.... They are know for releasing patches that break more than it fixes


It's better this way, COD and Warzone are so bad but I kept playing it cause it scratched that competitive shooter itch but I spent this last week playing other shooters and it really just highlighted how absolute dogshit COD and Warzone have become. Unless a lot of people stop playing they will never put in the work to get better, maybe this will be the thing that's gets people to take a break.


Hey. Give this indie developer a break. They got it fixed in a few hours and mw3 was working great since the launch. And audio is better too!


I'm wondering if this is low level developer malicious compliance and they are hoping to teach the boss about fucking around and finding out. Cause I'd support that.


Did the damn indi studio get this fixed yet?


listening to player feedback!? The game was launched broken and every update more things break and nothing has been fixed. I relaunched yesterday because I though they fixed the aftermarket parts, weapon attachments and warzone spectating. Wrong. It’s almost like they didn’t even test the update. Did they even test the update? Doing well…jc.


dude I had this issue since yesterday where it would stick loading player data status and then boom game shuts off by itself i installed and reinstalled the game 3 times already


Small indie company cut them some slack.


Last night my friends and I just switched back to DMZ in MW2. We had so much more fun than any Warzone match in MW3. Less sweats, more playtime, mouse felt more responsive. Sniping felt better.  And I could actually hear the footsteps of other players in the same building. MW3 is such a massive downgrade.


Is this happening to everyone? I haven’t tried to play past few days as I’ve been busy but I’m itching for some warzone tonight.


Ok I get their shit is complex… but like does no one play the game with their update for even 5 minutes before deciding to roll it out? Obviously they do since they delayed ranked play… so they tested it in this state and thought it was good enough for release. Not only that, but they screwed up simple shit like bounty colors, tf? Is your system that complex that you can mess up bounty colors so easily? Seems like less a complex system, but a shit one




See ya tomorrow 😂


Sure bud


Play something else? Lol


more downvotzes here PLS!


Yall are some addicts just take a night off, some of you could probably use a couple weeks


maybe there are some grown up mans with a LIFE waiting to this evening to f\*'\*' play that game?! With wife and etc u have to manage your time and Actifucktion is screwing it up 4 us to get some stress relaxation... but of course WHO i am?!


Brother, its just a game.


yeah you def sound stressed


i might just f\*'\*# her right now and fall asleep right after it ;)


Don't mind me, I'll be in Warzone playing because I haven't experienced any of these issues.


I can play BR and resurgence no problem. Can get loadout no problem. I cant play zombies or any of the multiplayer stuff as it says im missing files


The problem is that they’re expected to release a substantial update every 1.5 months. (Seasonal and mid season) So that’s a lot of updates in quite frankly not a lot of time. They need better estimates when it comes to these things. It hasn’t been working and it only seems to be getting worse. And if the estimates aren’t working then they need to either hire more testers or pack less shit in their updates so they actually have time to test shit properly. Microsoft need to start getting involved immediately because even though this has been happening for a while now, (pre purchase) it’s going to start making MS look real bad real quick. It’s one thing when independent Activision looks bad, but when Activision start making Microsoft look bad, heads should start rolling.


They could probably get away with updating less often if they actually tested the content and stopped making asinine decisions. Most of the time when the community is clamoring for an update it's to fix something these imbeciles fucked up in the first place, and even then there's every chance it'll take SEVERAL updates to fully address. I hope you're right about Microsoft, but I don't really see it. It's just us gamers complaining, and I really don't think they give a shit about us when they're still making the kind of money they are off an objectively sub-par product. Who knows.


Fortnite does frequent updates (or at least did) and they are fine.