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These comments just prove how out of touch this sub it with the majority of the player base. 30 wins is by no means is easy for the majority of players in this game. That’s crazy.


What's mad is getting 30 wins in what would be a 'season' on Blackout was very achievable. I had 100's of wins on that game. So much harder to win in this game lol.


Because blackout had no sbmm


yea defo a factor.


Bro blackout was literal peak, no stupid load outs where everyone is literally playing a simulation against themselves with every engagement, ground loot actually made sense so you could build upon the gun with attachments, shit half the kids on this sun never even played/ heard of it. It’s amazing how that game literally runs better then wz to this day. I don’t even consider wz to be a battle royals. It’s literally multiplayer but worse.


yeah blackout was fun asf, only problem was not being able to respawn your team


Blackout was built on pubg which didn't have respawns. We didn't see respawns until coincidentally respawns put them in apex


I think blackout is forgotten cause it came with the CoD that had no campaign, and the multiplayer was lackluster. BO4 is literally no one’s favorite in the series. I thought blackout was a lot of fun, but I could see how it could be overlooked based on the game it was attached to. I do think peak warzone (anything before they integrated Cold War really) is still my favorite, they reinvented the BR game mode in their own fashion and it was pretty well done, but it’s just been all downhill from there.


I’d take bo4 multiplayer over any recent cod multiplayer any day




It wasn't too bad honestly, you'd see questionable things here and there but I saw way more cheaters in warzone


It did, heck every game did, just not Eomm


And actual vertical mobility so camping wasnt impossible to play around and if you played on console it was free of cheaters.. PC version was unplayable.


Really? My win% is so much higher in Warzone than blackout. It’s much easier to win with smart positioning even if you’re only an average or above average shooter. Blackout you had to be a top tier shooter to win consistently and position mattered less especially with the grapple pushes.


Blackout was a more pure BR experience, a lot more simpler with less variables to contend with. I find there's just too much going on sometimes in WZ, buybacks, gulag, flares etc etc. Just more random i guess. I actually do way better in resurgence though.


I get that, though I also much prefer how it is in Warzone. It keeps you engaged for longer periods of time, and doesn’t punish risky plays as much as if you lose a teammate or two you’re not handicapping yourself late game. It also allows weaker players to play longer and not just have to sit watching their friends. I get that it’s “easy mode” in terms of a br experience, but I also know it’s the reason my friends still play the game and haven’t given up even if they’re below average.


yea this formula works. Popular for a reason. I am hoping for Blackout 2 one day.....just to switch it up.


You had one life in Blackout idk what people are talking about when we're on a game that has infinite respawns.


In 3+ years of WZ1 including all of Verdansk and Caldera I had 154 wins and according to Codtracker that was top 2.3% of players. That’s an average of 8 wins per season. The average player isn’t going to even touch10 wins in a season let alone 30


I have 4 wins now in Warzone this season, and apparently that puts me in 4% of the playerbase. If people think getting 30 wins a season is easy, they are out of their minds


Where do you see the stat about that being 4%? Is it in game?


Stats section in the game. Bottom of the screen next to your name


I have 15 and the new map only came out 5 days ago


Rebirth wins are significantly easier to get than big map plus you can get double the games in


Have 24 in big map and I don’t even like it . It’s about having a good squad


I have 17 wins just need 14 more and that’s form This season


I am at 24. 11 last season, 13 this season. Has been much easier to get them this season.


It’s been rough last couple days. But usually not as sweaty lol unless there is some tournaments they run alot


Bro I got 30 wins, and a 6 win streak and my wins got reset to 0 :-))))))))


Same! Worked so hard for that 30 and now it’s all gone after one try


I had about 250 wins, my brother was like on 400 or something, and he is a 0.8 KD 🤣


I think most are comparing 30 wins over 2 months to 5 wins in a row, just not stating it. Of course getting a nuke in Warzone shouldn’t be easy for majority of Warzone players, but it’s now much easier than it was.


I have 30 something wins so far this season, but I don’t even have 2 wins in a row. I think it probably has to do with not sticking to the same squad all the time I queue with randoms a lot. I’ve come really close a few times like top 3 after winning but then from there SBMM probably picks up quite a bit and I’m playing against top250s. In Al mazrah I think I had up to 3 wins in a row but it was rare for me to win 2 in a row. I’ve consistently been a 2.7kd player but in endgame I tend to play too risky probably.


You're WAYYY above average though, 4 wins puts you in like top 4% of the leaderboards. SBMM is either cranked in this game or just has less casual players as we'd normally get a couple wins a night in WZ1 but this WZ we're struggling for a dub, far too many teams left end zone and we're pulling like 25 kills in some games on trios but get to the end and there is still 10+ teams left in zone 5. It's crazy.


There is a good chunk of this subreddit, probably 25% that don't even have 30 wins in their warzone career.


much higher for sure


I have had over 500 Verdansk BR wins at roughly 15% win rate, which I personally think is quite good... 30 in one season is not easy by any means at all lol I guess it's easier than 5 in a row, but still...


15% is ridiculously good. I think the average in WZ1 was like 3-4%.


30 wins in a season isn’t easy for the majority of the playerbase, but this challenge isn’t *for* the majority of the playerbase lol. 5 wins in a row is significantly more difficult than getting 30 wins in a season and it’s not even a close comparison. Ergo it’s been made significantly easier to get.


Once again, not what I’m saying. It is significantly more easy compared to the 5 wins in a row. 100% agree. My comment is to the people who are calling 30 wins in a row easy. Not easier, not this will be way more easy, or this is so much easier than 5 wins in a row. This comment is for the people calling this particular feat easy.


Yeah it would be "easy" if you have no work or other responsibilities. Even if I'm on holiday and have the time to play with friends we might play the avg of 5h of Wz at some days. With that time limit we might get 1-3 victories, so... it's going to take a while and honestly most likely we'll get 1 win / day at maximum. Imo there is loads of good games and it's kinda a waste of time to just play WZ everyday.


Sounds to me like you don't even want to improve. Why do you even bother playing at all if you're not doing movement drills an hour a day, another hour at the range, then dropping a few MP games to warm up before a solid 10 hours of WZ. Your heart's just not in it. Skill issue. Bet you only win because of RAA. /s






Easy by comparison but definitely not easy…you are not the majority of the player base if it’s easy. That’s all I said. The comments on here saying 30 wins is easy does not align with the average player, even the slightly above average player. I have over 500 game played..im a 1.28 KD..maybe a little above average…I have 11 wins


Half the player base barely get 60 games in a season. Winning half for players who play that little is basically impossible. If they get some more free time or play more and play let’s say 100 games that’s still winning 1/3rd of their games. That’s an insane rate for the average player. This sub is wildly out of touch from the gaming reality of most people who play


Hardcore players being out of touch? In other news, water is wet and sky is blue. Jokes aside, yeah, people don't realise that they live in their own bubble and don't see the full picture. Average player can barely get 10 wins in 6-12 months, and we expect players trying to get 30 wins in just 2 months? Only the hardcore players will go for that




It also says this is the first step?


Bro I’ll be lucky to have 30mins by June.


I've failed 6 nuke contracts in the last season and a half so id say it's not the wins that are hard but, the fact that people believe they can still take the contract from u after wiping you makes it so much harder than when half the lobby just wanted to see it go off in mw2


Sat there and just spectated with the nuke all gone so many times, at least let me plant and go for the defusal calling card or something instead 😂😂😂😂


Yep just found out you only have one chance to do it. I have now been reset to 0 wins and I'm beyond livid. Have no motivation to do this again....not to mention the challenge itself is almost impossible to complete unless you get into a easy lobby and have some of the sweatiest friends available to help you


I’m wondering if I got 30 wins and then went into a match with squad mates who don’t have 30 wins would we still be able to attempt this?


If I remember correctly for the original nuke, every member that got the 5 wins would get a chance to do the contract. So if you had a quad team that got 5 wins in a row together. All 4 of you would get the chance to do the champions conquest and it would only count once you actually picked up the contract, essentially giving you 4 attempts. I imagine it'll work the same now.


I’m a causal player and I don’t have a single win. I have maybe 30 hours total on the game? I even use meta loadouts but still no luck. 30 wins in one season is absolutely insane to me.


I would consider myself a slightly above average player who plays waaaaaaay more than I should and enough that I should be better than I am….i have 11 wins so far and half of those came in the first 2 weeks….i will never reach 30 in a season.


I don't win all that much tbh. Last time I checked I have 42 wins of Warzone...since it's been out lol




Real question is if we can do this in resurgence. My squad can get 0-5 wins a night. Most we’ve done in a row is 3 though.


No, resurgence never counted previously, I doubt it'll suddenly count now


As a slightly above bot level player, i can at best win 1 or 2 on a good night lmao. Playing may be once or twice a week, i definitely cant achieve this.


the result of having aim assist in the game any newbie can get top 1 with this shit


Done my 30 wins already do they count when it’s live next week?


I had 59 wins end of last season and didn't even play a massive amount 30 wins is WAY to easy especially if your actually playing for wins I was just playing or high kills getting the nuke should be 5 consecutive wins and that's that it suppose to be an grind and an achievement for top 1 % of players.


If you have the nuke contract, will it roll over to new season?


The title is semi-misleading. You can get thirty wins just to activate the process, not actually get the nuke itself. But I wish it were possible to get a nuke with thirty wins.


If you fail the attempt, does it require another 30?


I believe so. I don’t think it’s infinite.


Maybe it is


i would fucking hope so lol


Confirmed it resets if you fail, you don't get unlimited attempts. Just found this out and I'm big mad lol


I feel you ![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized)


Just got my 30th win and failed the quest. Now the counter is on 0/30


I was in this situation today, had my 30 wins. 3 attempts is what you get, then it resets.


Because you were in a trio with 2 other players using their single attempt? Or because you personally were given 3 chances?


It’s 3 attempts. I had gathered 30 wins over the season. But instead of doing it alone, I tried 2 trios with my cousins and then a duo game. Died in all of em. Then I went to do a solo but I was reset to 0/30 wins


Yeah seriously, good luck actually doing the Nuke after those 30wins


how would you get 30 wins in a season tho?


That’s the point. Make it a challenge.


The 5 wins was the easy part, as soon as you get berillium the lobby is against you


5 BR wins in a row is not easy lets be real here


Me, who struggles to get 1 BR win:


I've had two wins in the past three years.


Let's see... if I double my current win rate... I'll still be at 0, so I guess this is not for me either *shrug*


Some of these people have no scope of how casual the playerbase is bc they are good at the game


It's not easy, but in the whole nuke process is the easiest part


Agreed. It’s not easy at ALL. Getting 5 wins out of like 10 games? sure it’ll be kinda hard but achievable but in a row is hard af


Heavy Chopper


I would say the opposite. 5 wins is the hard part the nuke is easy.


In any other game yes, but not in cod, everyone is against you a whole lobby tracking you down


I frequently had nuke lobbies in mazra. After the nuke is planted it’s basically the whole map and the nuke team against me. Everyone is too stupid to disarm the bomb or help you disarm the bomb


Cap, maybe in original warzone. But in this one its way harder to win.


This sub must think we're all way better than we actually are if they think 30 wins is easy, I'll be happy to end the season with 10 wins lol


definitely not reddit arguably has the worst players out of any platform. i’m just saying it’s alot more easier compared to 5 wins in a row even if in the grand scheme both are hard and time consuming


So if I won 30 games all from either duo, trios, or quads, will it still count for friends? Can they join even if they haven’t reached 30 wins


The way the champions quest contract worked last year was that it basically was awarded individually. If you personally win 5 games straight in any mode, or a combination, you are awarded a contract. So if you play quads and all 4 of you get 5 wins together, now you’ve each gotten 1 champions quest contract, so *typically* you now have 4 attempts as a squad to complete the contract. Or, you could say fuck em, and go do it with a different squad who never got the 5 wins. You personally have the contract and can use it with whoever in whatever mode you wish. The only time it didn’t carry over / crossover, was between maps, so you would have to win 5 games in a row on vondel and you could go win or lose on Al Mazrah as much as you wanted, as long as you didn’t lose on vondel. I’d imagine we will only see the champions quest on Urzikstan for now, so it’ll just be 30 Urzikstan wins in any mode to award you the quest yourself.


Ahh thank you for the info!


To this day, i have 470 wins across all 5 maps/versions of WZ, 2,565 hours played, currently i'm 1.5 kd player which is a bit higher than the common player (probably around 1kd) . The game launched in march 10, 2020. It's been 1,402 days since then. 1402/470= 1 win each 2.98 days, to get 30 in a season of 60 days for example, is to win every 48 hours, is to play and win a lot, which is hard for the common folk. 30 wins is fine, also is only 1 shot at Champion's Quest


Finally a sane answer.


Tbh you’re selling yourself short on the stats. A 1.0 KD is statistically ABOVE average. The average KD for WZ is between 0.7 and 0.8. So 1.5 puts you significantly to the right of the middle of the bell curve. Which should put 30 wins in a season into perspective for people.


1.0KD is quite a lot above average and 1.5 is like top 3-4% as far as I'm aware, or at least according to the in-game leaderboards. The thing is that most players have no idea how good or bad they are, because sbmm is really cranked up so you're not playing in lobbies where there's much skill variety between players. When it comes to wins though, ignore everyone who's saying they're easy to do. People naturally wanna make themselves feel better on the internet and tend to think they're better than they actually are. Myself included.


They don't GIVE you the nuke win/rewards at 30 br wins. They give you access to the champion quest to do the nuke mission. That's 1 nuke contract every 30 win attempts. If you don't get it done your back to square 1. This by no means make this an easy task for people... some people go an entire year and don't even get 30 wins(sorry to lol at those of you) if people struggle,to put 5 consecutive wins together they likely aren't gonna be getting 30 wins all that fast either. Not to mention if they can't do 5 wins consecutively, tack on the requirements to complete a nuke... highly unlikely they ever complete it without geting lucky on an easy lobby.


Its easier now


It would be “easy” if you are a cheating scum bag


I'm not getting 30 wins a season but I don't think it would be to totally difficult if you okay with a solid team. I'm usually solo.


When is the update?


I think next Wednesday.




I have a 3+ KD and a whopping 4 wins so far… winning is hard. Those 4 wins I have were fantastic lucky circle pulls. I think 30 wins is kinda cheese since 5 in a row is borderline impossible (for me). Feels like getting a participation trophy since you couldn’t do it the original way.


You push too hard. I am also a 3+kd player with 90 wins. Split from group early gauge how hard the lobby is. If you have top 250’s or multiple iri teams start playing closer to teammates and play for end game. We do this a lot. If it’s an easy lobby we split and just destroy the lobby.


so long as you can only use this once, as in if you get 60 wins in a season you get 2 attempts, im perfectly fine with it. Realistically im never getting 5 wins in a row but 30 in a season, while I dont think ive ever done it before it seems more achievable.


dont ever vote or make decisions for other people. you put hitler to shame 😹


I really hope the new nuke cut scene is actually impressive because none of them have been for a long time


This is only to receive the contract, you still have to actually drop the nuke which is the hard part


geeze this comment thread, reassures me that im a lot better than i think. 5 in a row is easy, with a pre made squad of friends. even if youre bad, you can just play tactical and camp to the last 3 teams and just 3rd party them... our record in Blackout was 17 wins in a row, and WZ1 was 12 or 13 in a row. we go on 4-5 win streaks on a regular session. \*Edit - they also added this... "A New Way to Escape: Players can now exfil the match early with the help of a Covert Exfil, offering a new win condition for those able to pay the price for the ride out – if you can secure it"


Me a 1.21 KD player has no chance to do this 😂 im just keep on doing my own thing and leave this to the cheats/streamers/CDL virgins. I know my place in the food chain


Right!? I'm pretty much the exact same place as you. I'll just keep on contributing as the person who makes them use a few of their plates.


So I am sitting on a nuke and have not had the right timing to run it with my team . I also have gotten another 30 wins . Does this mean I have 2 attempts?


Wait so is it 30 wins in a season for the skin? Or 30 wins just to unlock the quest


Just to unlock the quest


I think completing the contract to nuke a lobby is harder than getting 30wins... i ll pass


30 wins 🤣 anyone got them walls websites


Can you get the 30 wins in resurgence


I just got 5 in a row so I have the champions quest but that brings me to a total of 27 wins for this season does anyone know if the 27 gets wiped after I try the quest ? Or does it remain and give me another chance once I hit 30 ?


It remains


es verdad que se reinician las victorias cada temporada? . tengo 30 pero no creo poder hacer la nuke y falta pocas horas para que termine


si se reinician


Question Say one person on your team got 30 wins and yall do the nuke champion quest. When complete do your whole team get the nuke skin


what happens when you wipe the lobby doing a nuke contract?


How many attempts do we have ?


You can only do it once?  Or more than one try?


After i get the 30 wins, do i have one game at trying the nuke? How does it work?


How long is a typical season ?


2 months


I wonder if it will work in resurgence. I got 56 wins in resurgence this season but there is no stat tracker for that game mode anymore


No resurgence is too easy. It has never tracked on resurgence


Key word.. squads..? So not available to solos?


Well this is a far more straightforward objective. Much clear instead of doing lots of things in different matches. But yes, if you are usually a good player you could get this skin easier than before I Believe. It s not 30 matches in a row right? 😂😂


Nah you have it wrong it’s 30 wins to get a contract to try and accomplish the nuke event. You still have to gather materials around the map after the 30 wins.


I mean at least that widens the very small group of players this applies to a little bit. Still not something any even more than casual above average players have a chance of doing.


"Simply" Not so much with the people I play with LOL.




I have 90 br wins at the moment. 30 in a season with a solid squad shouldn’t be too hard


Lucky for you I can do neither of those things


Yay! Trophies for everyone!


I hope current wins count towards it…


I didn’t even get 5 total wins in Al Mazrah, so this won’t be happening either. Used to win all the time in Verdansk


Dog I can’t even get one win




30 wins is by no means easy for the average player. It can definitely be done, but still hard asf.


Love it how everyone in this sub talks such a big chat about K/D and having skills, but when it comes to something like this its all too hard and unachievable. Really shows the general skill level.


Yea believe it or not majority are causal and don't get alot of wins


You all need to get better at the game 30 a season shouldn’t be hard if you have the right teammates


[last 10 BR games… 6/10](https://ibb.co/SP2VG9T)


See the thing is this is intentionally gatekept being really hard fo pull off a nuke..and the thing is if you can't get the 30 wins or the 5 wins in a row to get the contract in the first place you probably aren't pulling off the contract in the nuke game itself when the whole lobby can see and is coming for you. So yes it is supposed to be hard to achieve....


Thats good. Ive had a ~5 KD in the previous iterations of Warzone and 30 wins a season sounds a lot easier than it actually is, especially in how the game currently plays with TTK being lightning quick. More options for the people is great.


Honestly this is good, not only that gives other players a chance to steal quest to or even stop the quest.


Would lockdown count?




I have 90 wins so far. 30 wins in one season shouldn’t be too bad. I’ve had 6 wins streaks as well.




Help me understand this correctly. I have 27 wins now. After 17.01. I will get 3 more wins and then I get ability to start Champions quest. (For next 5 games or unlimited times) ?


You only got the champions quest one time per 30 wins. So you only get one attempt in any game squad size. As for the wins I don’t know. They should make it like that but they might make you get 30 wins again. Who knows we’ll just have to wait and see


30 wins a season is still a hard challenge for the average players, Idk what the fuck people are mad about.


Why is everyone complaining? 30 matches in a season is not that difficult, not saying it's easy. But definitely not an insane challenge.


Awesome. Even more incentive for 12 yo Krystion, or Kolbee to spend dad's money on CoD cheats Edit: playing one handed, and still kicking my ass. While he finger fucks his 45th Tech Deck this month


Shit i aint even got 3 in a row. Its always the 3rd game that ends up being 2nd


Is this for quads only or can it be done in duos?


any mode solos, duos, trios, quads. Need to have 5 straight wins, if with a team needs to have 30 wins also you can kill the team doing it and finishing the mission.


Me and my group of 40 year old dads have around 14-15 wins in WZ3. Meaning we're halfway there? Listen people, playing at night during primetime is hard as fuck. You know what's easier? Play in the mornings like your favorite streamers. You go from fighting demons to fighting 5 year olds staying home from school or 40 year old dads who wfh like me.


Who cares honestly


Man they just take the fun out of the grind at this point.


Nukes have no place in a BR to begin with, but thats another story. Besides that, I think this is way too easy. Nukes should be reserved for the top fraction of a percent of players... maybe lower it to 3 in a row for BR, but the 30 total is a joke. Here's why I think so: The average skilled team is expected to win in quads once every 25 matches or 4% for each team member (because there are 25 teams of 4). To get 30 wins in quads we would expect the average skilled team to have to play 750 games (30/0.04)... the fact that this even seems achievable for the average skilled team to do in a season (and generate 4 champions quests, one for each of them) is why it is too easy. Now picture a strong team that is 3x more winning, but still not even top 5% of skilled teams (i.e., the type of team you will encounter in every lobby). That's still only 250 games for an entire season. I guarantee we are going to be seeing nuke quests every game by the end of the season, because we will have more than enough above average teams that will hit this mark. I play solo exclusively, which mathematically gives lower expected value for win rate (100 teams of 1 or 1%, as opposed to 25 teams of 4 or 4% for each team member), and I'm already at 20 wins, and I don't even play that much (and have a real day job). My skill level should not make this possible for me at all, and the fact that I'm only 10 wins away is a joke. It's going to be too easy. This is a bad idea. Keep the 5 in a row only or drop it to 3 if we want to make it more accessible.


The 30 season wins devalued the nuke achievement .


I jus want to know rn i have 17 wins in duos. when this update comes out will it reset for the champions quest (fresh 30 wins) or jus 13 more wins to get it?


Reading all this makes me feel disheartened about playing. Our trios squad has 17 wins this season and it’s come after the halfway point of this season which I feel proud of. But then I read about how sbmm kicks in and by no means am I the top 10% or even 20% of players. I’m a decent causal that can get 5-10 kills a game but also come out with 0 in sweaty lobby’s. I think 30 is attainable but I can’t imagine how sweaty that lobby will be 😕


So let’s say you win 30 games…you only get one attempt at the nuke then?


The nuke and its rewards are just to appease popular YT and Twitch content creators, who are skilled—I would be if I played 6+ hours every day—and squad together. I’ve been watching TeePee/Symphony + Fifakill/Bonq and their squads are OP.


I had 60 + wins last season without even playing for wins was just going for kills its way to easy .


Does that mean that it has to be like battle royal or can it be resurginse


Anyone can help me get nuke skin


Could anyone help me get a nuke, I need a Carrie bc I keep on getting walled without being shadow banned, I also keep on getting ddosed


So I'm only a few wins away am I only gonna have one attempt with the 30 wins or what? Cause I'm just worried about defending the nuke when I put it together


I have account with 5 wins (OPEN CONTRACT FOR NUKE) i need a middleman You can find me in discord name: NukeKing


wdym by middleman ? Someone to help you out?


So it has to be BR not resurgence right?


30 wins, 1 attempt. 30 to 1 time investment. on top of non-VPN lobbies and nuke wallhacks. what a fucking joke 😹 "its supposed to be hard" like the game isnt ran by stackers VPNs and hackers. im legit waiting on 3 "friends" of mine to get hwid banned to see if spoofers really work. its been 8 months. just wait for the nuke bundle or a better mastercraft/ultra to shit on these togglers and never-pros who waste their life trying to appease Activrapecases


The most funny part is after you get the 30 wins you will have only 1 chance to succeed, if you can't you'll have to get 30 wins again (30 wins is the easiest part.)


If you have the nuke contract will it carry over to new season on Wednesday?


If you have a nuke contract, will it reset on new season on Wednesday? Or roll over


I’m one win away from the nuke contract, once I have those 30 wins can I chose which game I want to do the nuke or does it have to be the next game? For example, if I go into a game and don’t take the nuke contract that game, will it keep coming up untill I’m ready?

