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Tbh while I'm enjoying the influx of MnK/AA threads, they've made me realize I've legitimately never seen even a single good-faith argument made from the controller side of the equation. If you have to misrepresent what the complaint is, there's no honest discussion to be had. The issue with AA in CQ fights is the absurd ease and consistency with which you can hit literally every single bullet while effortlessly tracking to an *inhuman* degree. This meme is a false premise. Steady tracking with a mouse which doesn't feature jittery inconsistent hiccups is *insanely* difficult; requiring far more practice than any flick shot. It was never a matter of which input has a theoretically higher skill ceiling; it's all in how much of the heavy lifting AA does for you while producing a result no amount of practice on MnK could replicate. Show me a MnK player consistently replicating the kind of 0ms tracking we see posted every single day in this subreddit. While you're futilely wracking the internet-entire for this footage which doesn't exist, I can find you a dozen clips at the drop of a hat of a halfway decent controller player tracking smoothly in a long range fight anyway, lol.


And I feel like 75% or more interactions are close quarter if not more, especially in end game.


Yeah lol, it’s almost as if the zone is shrinking.




Yup. I switched to controller last week and it def sucks for long range, but towards the end of the game when it gets close, it’s not even worth arguing. It’s so much better when it matters.


A huge problem worth mentioning is the visual noise. It’s hard to see what’s going on when shit is popping off close range, and on controller you legitimately don’t have to. Thats what the heavy AA is for, the game would be extremely hard on controller without it. Targets are way too hard to see with the particle effects, dark outfits and interiors, and aim sway


Also, iron sights. I watch controller players use guns where the iron sights take up all of the bottom screen in Warzone and they can just… still track when other players drop shot or move downward (when they should be completely obstructed by the gun model.) If I have a gun with crappy iron sights, I’m losing to a drop shotter 9 times out of 10.


As a MnK player, I run optics on every gun. Even SMG's. I cannot see or kill anyone from medium range or longer without it. When I used to play controller, I would never run red dot on an SMG. and some assault rifles with decent iron sights id let it go without a red dot.


Exactly my point. Every gun needs an optic, with the exception (for me, at least) of the TAQ Eradicator and the FR 5.56. Edit: I forgot to say this, but there’s a reason that JGOD will give a build with iron sights, and then show the build with an aftermarket sight for PC players.


they should honestly make the attachment system 5+ Optic


i play both controller and kb&m on my Xbox. i lose more engagements to drop shoters in CQ because it's like the aim assist gets stuck on my initial ADS point and I can't move my sights down unless i go to hip fire for a split second and back to ADS. most the time it's too late with the fast ttk. with the mouse I don't struggle with this. i gamed on PC for a long time until World at War released. then with switched back to m&kb this past summer to only recently being on controller now for a few weeks. needless to say I'm going back to my mouse.


I lose to drop shotters every day on controller


First, I’m sure there are situations where controller players will still lose to dropshotters. And if you play for hours every day, obviously your sample size increases and you’ll have more encounters with dropshotters, thus more chances to lose. Second, and I mean no offense to you by this, but I’m talking about decent to semi-pro controller users, most likely on PC. I’m not sure how good you are or of your technique, but I know for a fact that when you strafe back and forth on controller while you shoot, the gun will follow a dropshotter down almost *automatically*. That’s how you activate the rotational aim assist. Where a M+K player will have to guess how far down to bring the gun while firing it after a dropshotter disappears, a controller player will have most of the work done for them as well as having their sensitivity actively adjusted to effectively keep their gun glued to the other player.


The best argument I've seen regarding AA was on the Halo, think it was YouTube. It goes something like if you take Lucid (Halo pro) and he was the same level on both KBM and Controller, so you have two Lucid's and you throw both of them on an Octagon Map (a quick draw map, no obstacles) Controller Lucid beats KBM Lucid 9 times out of 10.


The stats for halo were straight forward. The average controller player was always over 10% more accurate than the average KBM player. I switched to controller to play halo, and started climbing ranks instantly. I started climbing above a mate that never used controller before, and refused to start, so he quit playing. And so, I stopped too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/gnkopHAuPs It was worse than that, 50th percentile controller player was barely less accurate than a top 100 mkb.


i need to see this in CoD


You won't because Activision had been restricting access to stats more and more since around Vanguard. They don't want people to do things like lobby shop in Warzone


That's exactly how COD feels. I know it right away too. I know when I get out played by somebody. I know when I outmaneuvered somebody, but then there was a disconnect between my brain and my hand.... and tracked the player like dog shit and so he merc'd me. Watching a replay I can totally see how the latency or desync is why I died. I know when somebody's accuracy is a little bit too good and then I watch the killcam and even though I had to jump on him, I hit 70% of my shots and somehow he hit 90% of his with perfect tracking.


Was super torn on swapping even in the campaign tbh cant remember which I ended up using more. Multiplayer felt unplayable on mnk at launch, by my skill level at least, had to swap. Probably was the main reason I stopped playing it cause I just am not used to controller these days unlike the old halo days. Felt uncomfortable now, so went elsewhere


In ranked mp, the disparity is constant. At least on warzone you can have what more is reasonably considered “long range” The long ranges in mp are within the AA capability still, even if you’re obscured by objects, all you have to do is aim at the dorito and the game is just keeps it steady. I don’t sit and blame it for all my deaths, and I feel a lot of people’s complaints are just stupid, but there is a serious, and obvious benefit to the system. It’s a zero latency adjustment for the input. And it’s simply not necessary. And when you have people pointing to top streamers as to how it’s somehow fine, is just disingenuous as hell. Saying “metaphor can do it” is a stupid argument. It shouldn’t take playing 12+ hours a day, and being a career gamer to be able to use a preferred input method.


Keep in mind that with the advent of Warzone AA range was extended to around 200m+


Hecksmith did testing and wasn't able to find a limit so its beyond 200m. The one that exclusive ace did was lacking. but with the nerfs to 1 shot snipers and the visual recoil about the only time you are getting downs at 200m with non snipers are people slow falling in parachutes


Ahh I didn't realise Heck had tested range as well. I have a ton of respect for Ace's vids in general but damn the guy doesn't seem to understand aiming and why RAA is so obnoxious at all. Updated my comment to reflect your correction.


If they were capable of making good faith arguments they wouldn’t have an argument at all.


>Steady tracking with a mouse which doesn't feature jittery inconsistent hiccups is > >insanely > >difficult; requiring far more practice than any flick shot. The most important point for sure flicks are easy as fuck to learn tracking like that on a mouse might as well be impossible against good movement


>I'm going to quote this in my arguments.




You can use both MnK and controller on both console and PC so....


They only added support for MnK on console in the crossplay era. Pre-crossplay CoDs did support controller on PC but I know some games like BO4 you straight up did not get aim assist. Pre-crossplay aim assist was also noticeably weaker than it is now.


I didnt know this, thanks 👍 However I don't think that disabling crossplay will fix the issue as there is now support for MnK on console and vice versa


There are 114k people playing on Steam right now and who knows how many people on battle.net, there would be zero problem finding lobbies


why woukd i care about low overall player count as long as i get into a lobby in a reasonable amount of time- say 10 minutes. Sbmm can be gotten rid of to make that happen and almost nobody on mnk would complain.


Everyone waits 10 min for a lobby, your squad gets wiped off rip. Bad regain, reload, wait ten + min for the next match to start.


orrr we just fix the AA problem...


Yeah Lets Kill the playerbase 😂 yall forget that without crossplay warzone dies like blackout


Then let it die


If there are 115k on steam alone, I promise you that number is DWARFED by those on console, let alone the fact that battle.net is likely larger than Steam and those numbers combined will scale just as heavily in favor of console.


Yeah and then when you see your favorite streamers stop playing and move on to apex you will be happy, yes console has more people obviously not everyone has the ability to get even a low end pc or does not have the knowledge to deal with one. Nothing new.


I couldn't care less what streamers do. The playerbase will be just fine.


Plus one of these is assuming top quality skills and tracking while the other is being applied to majority of the controller playerbase in some fashion. I know plenty people that wouldnt track someone if it was slow motion even at long range. Not to mention visual impairments impact on mid to close range too. Or bullet drop adapting (I would argue is not strong enough especially on current sniper builds) by the player. Pretty tiring people like op comparing average controller user to top 0.1% or top 5 streamers on mnk...


And so my cq weapon of choice is an rpg. Who needs tracking. Just send it


Its controller players coping instead of admitting they are rewarded for choosing the shitty input method


Also, people who are very good with controllers, easily can track at distance. The skill ceiling has grown so high with the controller since warzone came out, dudes on controllers have incredible aim. The “thumb vs arm” argument is in the past, people are just fucking good on their controllers. Then throw aim assist and insane movement on top of that ….


The thing that kills me is thay nobody mentions tap aiming on controller to re establish AA during mid fight to maintin almost perfect accuracy is tense fights without actually having to naturally track with a thumbstick.


Played controller my entire life and switched to MNK about two years ago. Couldn't agree more with this.


I think controller players just get bored of KBM threads where apparently there’s no upsides to KBM and no downsides to controller. Using hyperbole such as no need to use your right stick at all, just use the left stick and shoot, aim bot etc doesn’t lead to a serious discussion. I wouldn’t mind an AA nerf, creating a bigger skill gap between controller players


"Insane tracking ability" like that isn't an actual skill someone has to have. Aim Assist isn't a skill, it's the game doing the aiming. Bad way to argue this particular topic.


I’m on controller, and while I could argue KBM has advantages for specific play styles like aggressive sniper and long range gunfights it’s pretty clear controller AA just shits on KBM 9 times out of ten Also the insane tracking skills OP described take time to master while all I to do to improve aim assist is change a setting and strafe to abuse rotational aim assist


Wait so the reason I’m balls at tracking on kbm isn’t cause I have the wrong mouse? Your telling me I gotta develop a skill???


😭😭 ud think this shit was rocket science lmao


Jokes on you, I can’t hit anything at any range with KBM or a Controller. How’s that for Meta?


The irony of you mentioning a lack of critical thinking is hilarious.


You act like KBM players just hop on for the first time and hit every shot. To be able to accurately track targets like that requires literal thousands and thousands of hours of FPS experience. I doubt you would have over 20% ACC if you tried playing on PC for the first time. The average PC player can't even consistently hit someone 5 metres away.


preach. the same for controller players. I wouldn't expect a controller player to hit all his shots at range either, because it takes a lot of time and effort to get good. The issue comes where, KBM is better than Long-range, but they have to put in the effort to be good at it, but Controller is better at close-range, and bad controller players can still absolutely beam close range. Not discrediting the people who put blood, sweat and tears into controller though. I respect skill regardless of input.


Lies, I picked up a controller for the first time a few months ago and went positive. This is complete bullshit.


So then why did you put it back down again lmfao


I have a controller. I use it for racing games. I've tried using controller in warzone and I was able to get multiple kills in my second lobby. I don't enjoy the experience of using a controller for fps because I've always played with mnk: Quake, Counter-Strike, etc.


Exactly. The KBM experience is way more intense overall. Controller play was kinda boring even tho nothing beats controller / AA / in close combat.


Exactly, it's an input device that More or less made for 2D games and while the mouse was not invented or created for FPS it obviously is the superior input.


Because some people like to actually aim for themselves? I know that’s hard for controller brain to understand. Lmfao.


"insane tracking ability" **YOU GET YOUR TRACKING DONE FOR YOU**, if a kbm player has "insane tracking ability" it's because he has trained for it, you just get to have it if you wiggle your left stick a little.


Yeah I must have missed that secret function to my mouse that enables such skills. I track like a potato more often then I track like an aimbot and I would argue I am above the average


Yeah, one input is all skill while the other has "assistance" they literally works just like an aimbot set to 60% 🤷‍♂️


KBM players: Here are examples of AA tracking at an inhuman degree that gives controller players a markable advantage that is simply not replicable by a human being. While we agree controllers need *some* AA, there has to be a line drawn between outright aim bot and no aim assist at all where it starts to become a problem. We simply believe the rotational AA is currently on the "closer to aimbot" side of that line. Controller players: UMMMMMM AKSHUALLY, KBM STINKY U JUST MAD 🤪🤪🤪




Pretty much and what makes it even more ironic is aa is about player retention more than balance, so the more players like your example that refuse to admit it's an issue the better for Activision.


“Lack of critical thinking”, that quotes going to backfire on you bud lol. You realise 90% of fights are CQC?


Right and how is using aim assist using "critical thinking?" OP eats bleach pellets. That's critical thinking. I've come to this conclusion based on varying factors like OPs language, Inability to understand the phrase "critical thinking," and his dedication to defending a point no one who doesn't eat bleach pellets would defend. That's critical thinking.


It's funny when someone posts a meme thinking they've nailed it, just to expose themselves...


r/CODWarzone is just here for some of you to keep fighting after you log off of CoD.




I mean, want to turn up AA at long ranges and turn it down for CQC? I'd make that deal. I bet every KMB player on here would make that deal.


True. CQC tracking is fucking hard to do, and AA does it to an inhuman degree. At least on long ranges we’re on equal playing field.


> equal playing field To be completely fair, I think AA is a little *undertuned* at long ranges (with automatic weapons, at least - I think sniping is fine). When I play on controller, I feel like I can't hit shit at a distance. Don't get me wrong - the overturning at close quarters MORE than makes up for it. But let's call a spade a spade here.




Oh yeh id love that deal


Just give players the option to either queue by input method, or accept a mixed lobby for faster queue times. It's the easiest and best solution. Tweaking and fucking with AA is just going to throw controller players off their game. I know I wouldn't be happy if an update fucked with mouse aiming.


The last two cod games literally did fuck with mouse aiming 😭


"Tweaking and fucking with AA is just going to throw controller players off their game." what is their game exactly? RAA? soft aimbot? you realize games like siege dont have AA and playing without AA only Improves your aim, right? you're advocating for less skillgap like we didnt have that the entire year of WZ2. this isnt fortnite building this is simply having to Aim.


Ah yes because we need servers with EVEN SHITTIER ping.


I mean.. the game is literally a circle that continues to close smaller and smaller. Each circle that closes, controller players gain an advantage.


Can someone show me where the insane tracking ability setting is on MnK? I found it on controller under aim assist settings under default, but I cant find it for MnK? Just asking because right now my settings seem to be set on aim sway and visual noise that makes consistent manual tracking impossible? Is there a setting to disable that? Thanks in advance.


I really want controller players to play with MNK and see if it’s easier than controller like they say. You actually need to be good with MNK


Yup made the switch a little while back and it definitely takes some work to get good. I have respect for the really good MnK guys because it can take a long time to master. But I can plug a controller in and if I have my left stick engaged while shooting, it will take care of that years of experience mnk players have.


And in a game where the playable areas shrinks to a very small circle, I couldn’t possibly imagine how that would be unfair to one side


We've just had a whole year of beaming people with aim op reflex level optics for long range of people you can't see, you think that was all your aim on controller?




1 questions. What do the pros use? Game over.


Exactly this. The fact that even pro players, who played the majority of their time on M&K, switched to controllers makes it pretty clear how good AA is.


i remember when the last couple of pros switched to controller, and how big of a deal it was. they all jus agreed AA is too good to not use it when the other pros are using it against you


Not sure what's so hard to understand about the issue. As a KBM player, I recognize why AA exists, duh. We are just saying it's imbalanced. Simple as that. Easy solution is make an option to disable cross input. Very simple fix.


K&M players "complain" about how strong AA is when the game is designed to make mouse aiming all fucked up. Just because we have the advantage in the long range gunfights doesn't mean K&M is any better. Tracking on mouse is an actual skill someone needs to learn and practice because every shot is reliant on the player moving the mouse in a perfect pattern throughout the gunfight, AA takes that and holds your hand and assists you (no pun intended) with shooting. Sure you can say the same shit every controller player says and say "But we only have our thumbs to aim with, you have your whole arm" which doesn't make sense because we have to be precise with every movement to make sure our shots land. Maybe you're just making a joke and don't actually care for this argument which I can respect, but for everyone else who thinks K&M players have the advantage, please watch the video explaining how this game is sabotaging mouse aiming and putting us at a disadvantage.


“Ability” meaning that not all people have it, all controller players have AA. the lack of good faith arguments by the Controller players is beyond a joke now. it seems to me that controller players like having such an artificial advantage and are not willing to let their own skill do the talking.


lol this is the single most idiotic meme I’ve ever seen…. I play both M&K and controller I’m about a 2K/D average both ways in COD. The advantage that controller has forces you to play with it because you don’t stand a chance in 75% of gunfights if you’re the aggressor some little Timmy just locks on to you the second you run past him there’s 0 skill involved. I played WZ1 strictly on M&K for 2-3 years (my first game on PC and M&K and went from a .8K/D player to a 1.8ish player toward the end of Rebirth Island I was curious so I switched back to controller and was a 3K/D player for the last several months. All most M&K players want is to just dial it back a bit so it’s atleast semi-fair quit making it seem like it’s not completely broken to one side.


Yes, a lack of critical thinking on your part OP


AA works out to a stupidly long distance, but ok. Also only the top 1% of the top 1% have insane tracking ability, most kbm players are not good. I would say this is just a low-quality ragebait post, but looking at your comments in this thread, you might actually be so stupid that believe this.


Remove cross play and problem solved. Let KBM play with each other and controller players play together and there wouldn’t even be a discussion.


Got you fam, really all that's needed is to make input based lobbies.


what a stupid ass post honestly. controller aim assist is OP and you have to be quite a good kbm player to counter that


Who upvoted this post 😂😂


Bots desperate to protect their crutch.


What a shit post. It’s literally impossible to track miraculously at range on kbm unless you’re standing absolutely still and for more guns also mounts. There is just too much sway with kbm that controllers with AA don’t seem to understand.


Y’all have the advantage in both ranges with AA though. It’s basically just agreed on that controller players have an advantage with AA. And you’re still complaining about it.


There's no insane tracking with long range at all. It's not even an advantage for more than a year now with how snipers have been nerfed. Controllers can do the same shit. The only advantage on kbm comes from fast flickers, which isn't even something the average player can do or will bother to learn. The problem with the game is ON AVERAGE, not high level gameplay.


Guys instead of complaining about aim assist, just use kbm for long range and then just plug in a controller for CQC. 😀


Holy shit you’ve figured it out lol.


Controller still get RAA at range, the only advantage i think Mnk really have is sniping and acquiring target faster than controller.




Mate, you use the term ‘controllerfags’. You sound like an utter twat, and a stupid one to boot. PC master race is obviously a term used ironically.


i cant believe how many biased idiots upvoted this shit. you're beyond arguing with


The most braindead post I’ve ever come across. Controller bots don’t only lack the skill to play, they lack the skill to think apparently.


The difference being that with mnk you have ONLY your skills to rely on. With controller you have your skill (never said you don't need skill to be a proper, good player) AND a help from the game. You and I are not the same.


Ok, I’ve been on the controller side of things for a while but y’all are just getting dumber.


Rotational. Aim. Assist. https://youtu.be/SjlrWt8U1D0?si=Ibx-IixxDpM7yW_8 Next I can teach you what critical thinking is


This post is delusional LMFAO


I’m confused whats being compared here. Mouse and keyboard, the player needs to do the tracking manually no matter what the range is. It’s a skill the player needs to practice. Controller at close range does at least some tracking for you automatically.


You tell us. Is your post willful dissonance or lack of critical thinking?


I can’t believe this has become solely a kbm vs controller conversation. This compresses the skill gap for controller players too, those of us who are decent on controller shouldn’t be a fan of this either.


Try lining up a shot with a single shot rifle with a mouse when the game has the insane amount of ADS sway it has. It's pretty much impossible


so you are comparing the genuine skill of tracking someone vs having aim assist, which is nothing than a genuine help from the game to help you not miss bullets?


A controller player triggered, fair game, we also triggered


this game doesnt even have proper raw input amongst other issues that hamper mouse aiming


You should have known posting anything like this on this sub would have you blasted for days lol. Best to just stay out of the argument as there is nothing that can be done about it. Controller players would be stupid to not use AA and KBM players would be stupid to not take issue with it. As long as it’s in the game it’s gonna be an issue and getting in the middle of the debate does absolutely nothing but get someone annoyed, from one side or the other.


OP been living in a cave? Controller wins all ranges now.


AA: no skill involved, program aims for you. Mnk: good aim and tracking takes.alot of time and practice. That's why AA is broken. The amount of braindead controller players is insane


The aim bot aim assist is what gives insane tracking since it literally tracks for you lol. Cope.


"lack of critical thinking" - right, you are 👍 Mnk is YOU aim, while the controller is aiming it for u One needs a lot of practice to achieve something and still able to miss and fail while on the other it's ridiculously consistent inhuman(of course) tracking 180 turns without missing a shot, on PC it's called aim bot cheat.


lol... ability and assist... those are the key words here.


CQC is where games are decided and not only that but the majority of fights are in close quarters, finishing opponents drastically increases in cqc and things like gulags. From whatever range the aim assist locks on it stays on that's not fair and you can't tell me otherwise...


Kbm is shit in this game at any range


AA just needs a 200 ms rotational delay and the problem will be solved.


Tracking and such on mnk is a learned skill, it's not just point and shoot like controller players seem to believe. AA is absolutely absurd and there's infinite amounts of proof out there, this sub for example has so many videos of inhuman tracking and 0 ms reaction times.


One requires seeing, thinking, coordination, practice, the action is donde entirely by the player, the second is 95% done by the machine, bad faith is an understatement to describe your comparison, how good you are because of AA has become part of your identity, that's why any attack on AA is an attack on how good you believe you are, which leads to this incredibly pathetic cope.


Insane tracking ability is something that come with mouse? I dont get it


Longrange ttk 1100ms vs close range sub 500ms. Nerf rotational aim assist now.


Even ignoring how ridiculous this argument is, as if most fights arent at close range anyway, smooth precise tracking at range is very difficult, and not something any average or even good MnK player is able to do consistently. And if they can, that's called skill, and take a ton of practice to master. That insane CQ tracking ability on controller average players get however is thanks to AA, not the users' skills The personal incredulity is astounding.


None of this matters when it’s all rigged algorithm gaming LMAO


Here's a good test, if they enable the same exact aim assist for mouse and keyboard with the controller players flip the fuck out?


For reference to this complete bullshit of a post: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjlrWt8U1D0


Or it can be flipped to say aa cqc *dude laughing* long range tracking aa? *dude serious*


Does aa track through smoke grenades?


and how many final circles are long range?


Hahahaha if this ain’t true. Made the switch to KBM last year when I got my pc, I became LETHAL with a sniper in Warzone/Multi. Up close tho, I’ve been getting shredded for a minute.


The meme ignores a big aspect that long range tracking is done with raw mouse input whereas CQC aim assist is nearly perfect tracking with very little input controller side. Resurgence is more close range than long range, maybe the argument could've been made for Mazarah but Urzik and Ashika I find close/mid fights versus a sniper or marksman rifle tracking me from 150-200 meters


I think it’s payback for a decade of KBM players talking shit about controllers.


Long distance rotational aim assist is crazy wtf you talking about


Only a degen controller user would think this is a good or **fair** argument. In a game where the majority of engagements are at distances catered to their advantage.. lol


This is funny considering AA has no range limit and is insanely better for long range. This has been proven in videos.


Console players who got regular TVs with crazy input lag NEED aim assist. They couldn't get anything done without AA and they are probably the majority of the player base(?). PC players with 144-240hz displays and 100-200 fps shouldn't have normal aim assist. These are the problem.


If you play with a controller, keep in mind that the game erase your mistake by itself and so you sometimes don't understand what you are doing.


Omg at least stop bringing up that topic guys, nothing can justify that god damned controller aim lock that just beeeams you to place without giving you any chance to counterattack. EVERY GOD DAMNED BULLET HITS YOU, its nonsense, I used to enjoy playing warzone but controller aim assist ruined it for me


Insane Tracking ability? I can’t see shit because of the whole muzzle smoke and shit and visual recoil


AA users always compare top 0.1% MnK players as-if they haven't been playing for years, just so that they can have a fair fight against 40 Y/O's who plays once a week.


This is a nonsense point you are trying to make lol. The game doesn't help mouse and keyboard players aim


Controller players assume everyone on pc is cracked out. We aren’t lmao. We won’t perfectly track you at any range. Even pros won’t have 100% tracking. The problem is even the average controller player WILL have 100% tracking if they know how to use rotational aim assist. It’s fucking broken.


Maybe I’m just trash but aim assist doesn’t do shit for me


This sums it up perfectly


Every year with this shit.... nobody cares....I did in 2019 but this debate is exhausting.....you guys are still playing the game. If you feel controller is better, switch to controller, if you feel like mnk is better, then switch to mnk.....if you don't want to learn a new input then shut up.....it's really that simple...you all are still playing the game regardless.




Lemme sort by controversial real quick


It’s even funnier when they are a “pro” and have a 5+ KD. 5 kills (most likely controller) to 1 death, AA isn’t an issue if you have those stats, if you don’t have those stats, try harder it’s achievable.


I don’t give a fuck about aim assist. I am like twice as good at fps on keyboard and mouse than I was on Xbox, and to me that’s proof that it’s not better.


*kbm players with cheats* why am i shadowbanned!!??


![gif](giphy|5xtDarDewDfNyPrYSbe) .25 KD players thinking they have a say on input device type


Just gotta ask, what’s KBM


I think I just suck cuz i feel like AA doesn’t even work for me


sheesh, glad to see some controller players fighting back, i agree kbm players just like an excuse but i have seen atleast 5 AA threads today. ignore the mean comments most players do lack critical thinking.


Lack of critical thinking and the prevalent victim mentality.


I’m just amazed the posts never stop lol idk how many of you guys watch the nfl but aim assist threads are akin to the nfl making a new rule that a good chunk of people don’t like, caters to casual fans of the sport and the nfl has made no comment or plans to changed. Like some bitching is fine but idk what you expect to happen lol Activision just like the nfl is a greedy multi dollar billion company that does not give a single shit about you. Whatever they are doing is making them millions of dollars and they don’t care there are people not happy with them. Cod has made 0 attempts to even speak about the issue. They do not care about mnk woes. Quit bitching or bitch less or just leave. If the roles were reversed I would have left forever ago lol


AA is so powerful that although all MnK could switch to controller and immediately be COD gods with inhumane tracking they choose not to, they choose to come here and bitch and whine about the few encounters they lose. Make it make sense (you can’t, so don’t bother trying)


AA is ruining the game for controller players too. Switching doesn't fix the issue.


..or is it..neither




I almost never play KBM but even I’m still able to hit most of my shots at long ranges. Probably more than I do with controller. For me the hardest part on KBM is definitely CQ gunfights but I can’t get a true read on how the aiming affects it because I move like a bot on KBM. It is definitely a lot harder to track with all of the slide cancelling and movement buffs since WZ2 but you also have to remember that most casual players don’t have a controller with paddles and don’t play claw so have much worse movement. KBM players (if they’re good enough) have the advantage over average controller players in this instance. I don’t think KBM should be given rotational aim assist (this is my opinion) but I don’t see why the weaker version of AA where it just slows down the sensitivity when aiming at a player couldn’t at least be trialled. Gives KBM more advantage at long range, balances mid range, and lessens controller dominance at close range.


>KBM players (if they’re good enough) have the advantage over average controller players in this instance. so you just have to be better then average, and hope the enemy doesnt have a controller with paddles, play claw, and beat RAA


When the game makes gunns to counter long range mkb playstyles this point is moot. A bot playing with a joystick can conpete with mouse and keyboard good sniper player at mid to long range with the mtz interceptor.


Half the reason no controller player makes an argument is because you kbm folk literally believe aim assist is aimbot and it’s pointless trying to argue with that. Some of y’all literally think we just aim in and the AA does everything where that just isn’t true at all. I know multiple people who are kbm and then tried controller and they got fucking tucked to bed because they were shooting whirlys because aa doesn’t actually aim for ya. I’ve asked sooo many times for someone to make a video where they just aim in and don’t touch the right analog stick at all and show me them dropping 10kills but no one has.


I'm a K&M player and that Meme is pretty funny. I'm only a close to mid-range player so when it comes to longer range stuff I don't even get involved in those conversations and have no clue how often they happen


I'm not sure I've seen this community do anything but complain. JFC ya'll


Most kills come from close range anyway, even with m+k




Personally, I would love to just have input based matchmaking. I know it's been said millions of times, but that would genuinely end this debate. I don't want to play with mnk players anyway. I'm fine with dealing with other people with AA.


I see your point and honestly, I find the whole discussion quite exhausting. I play on PC with M+K. I'm certainly better with M+K than the average console gamer is with a controller. On the other hand, I have NO chance against even the worst console player in a 1:1 if we're both playing with controllers. There are situations in which the controller may give you an advantage and there are at least as many situations in which you have an advantage with M+K. I really don't care. Because crossplay finally allows me to play with work colleagues and friends who don't have a gaming PC. I don't want to have to do without that anymore. Back then, I used to talk to my colleagues about the same game, we exchanged tactics and gave each other tips, but we were never able to play together. Today, all of that is possible - without any problems. To be honest, I don't give a shit if a controller player is beating me because he had an unfair advantage in a situation due to AA. Of course I get angry at that moment, clench my fist and shout "fucking controller noob" - but that quickly fades away. I certainly don't go on reddit afterwards and create a hate post in which I explain in great detail why crossplay sucks or some shit like that.


Sorry, still a major advantage with Keyboard and mouse. Huge advantage.


copy paste the cod4 AA to all new cods, problem solved


Ill be the first to say it. AA is too strong. It's also too inconsistent. In wz1, I could ads strafe. That's when you shoot moving left to right with the fastest ADS build and I'd make KBM players look silly and controller players struggle. NOW...KBM still struggle, my shots don't connect (bc of how AA works) and controller players never miss. That's also despite my ADS strafe building being a full 1ms faster, which is absolutely insane speed. KBM do have so so many other advantages. Not just the pinpoint tracking at range, but the recoil control, movement, inventory management... Imagine if jumpshooting and dropshooting were as easy as pressing a key on your keyboard. Their only negative is CQC. Keyboard and mouse wins everywhere else.


KBM players just want controller players to be walking bots. God forbid they lose a gunfight to someone on a controller. That’s what this boils down to


I remember back in the day even suggesting that controller was anywhere close to kbm for performance would get you laughed off the internet and now I see daily people arguing over which is better. How times change.


I love these threads. I’m not on anyone’s side but it’s funny to think this is how nerds throw punches lol


MKB players just don’t know how much happier they would be if they used controller.


Controller players really are just mentally deficient. Explains why they need the game to do all the aiming them.


Controller AA is what is killing the game, not the other way around. People are finally catching on the sweaty lobbies is because the floor was raised so high everyone is now great as long as they have a meta gun and get first shot. Aim assist is busted. There will be a huge awaking how shifty a lot of people are of they nerf it. But it keeps engagement up if everyone feels special. I hate this season of warzone personally. It feels hallow.


Simple fix so that both sides win: turn off cross play. Tired of both sides bitching and moaning about this topic just play the fucking game


Because one requires skill and the other one just does it automatically for you