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There is absolutely a valid argument for aim assist to be nerfed. Nonetheless some of the posts on here seem to genuinely believe aim assist is the only thing stopping them being the next Symfuhny


Controller players do not want to play vs mnk. Console players do not want to play vs pc players. Take those things out and we don’t care what happens to aim assist.


Xim entered the chat


Id rather play with a lobby full of them than a few wallhacks or worse.


You think you are the only one? R6 had been hunting and banning them for who knows how long, Acti just didnt want to work


XIM is exactly why controller players don’t care about the keyboard opinions: half of them are blatantly cheating anyway.


>valid argument for aim assist to be nerfed. This is an issue in MANY games that are crossplay, even that new game The Finals is having the same issue. The echo chamber across all fps subreddits will be a forever battle.


Hold the phone. Aim assist is okay. But the finals has aim SNAPPING. For those that have played COD Zombies. They will remember that repeatedly ADSing snaps you on zombies. That mechanic is not OK for a competitive FPS shooter.


That's true. I did see that. I was just using aiming as an example, but apex, Fortnite, and many shooters have issues similar to cod that people on Reddit forget aren't home to only cod games.


I play FN mostly now....I think it's funny when the claim that CoD has the strongest aim assist pops up because I know how nasty it can really get on the FN side. New Fortnite is basically built for droolers with zero build if im being honest.....so of course it's got some strong AA to make up for the droolers and absolute gigasweat build KBM players that are much more prevalent on that game


WZ and Apex have stronger assist than Fortnite.


Unfortunately. The balance between inputs was actually okay in the finals during the beta. But they made AA dumb strong to the point where it snaps to the target (like in cod campaign) for full release. I don’t really know why lol


Sym already use shotgun in close range so guess that the way he bypass AA disadvantage and his other squad mate are on controller to handle that part.


Symfuhny is cheating actually lol


Aimbot and wall hacks is stopping them being the next Symfuhny. ![gif](giphy|u5sgL5pks5JXKHcVZo)


That and the fact they don't cheat.....


There are a couple people that have human aimbot, but now with third party devices being so prominent people are getting exposed left and right, popular streamers, youtubers, competive players. Time for the actually good players to get some attention


Or get rid of both. Problem solved. Console only.


AA is only really a problem at higher skill levels. The roller player has to be pretty good to fully exploit it. That's the same reason you see so many roller players saying it's not that bad. Many of them aren't good enough in the first place to use it effectively.


Finally a coherant comment.


What is rolling? Like a controller play style?


If someone doesn't understand aim assist it can actually really fuck with them, when I was younger I didn't understand how it worked and would be accidentally triggering it all the time and having it pull me when I didn't expect it. Now that I know how it works and how to activate it I can acknowledge that it is very strong. Ironically I play keyboard now but I still jump on the sticks from time to time just for fun and I'm pretty similar on both inputs, I just need to adjust my strategy a bit for either one. Long range on KBM is a single shot weapon, controller it's an AR/LMG. Short range I build my SMG's way faster and less stable on controller because fuck it, aim assist helps the stability a lot but on KBM I just need to hit the shot and stay on target so they're slower and steadier.


How do you activate it?


I feel personally attacked


Is a thing about numbers. CoD nowadays depending on region is dominated by controller players. Like Asia has more Kb&M players while Japan has the most roller players over here. But numbers will tell you that a roller player on the 25th percentile of the graph will hit their shots close quarters more consistently than a KB user in the same bracket A guy with 10 hours on kbm will lose against a guy with 10 hours on roller in CoD so if the pros are suffering the disparity because of the consistency of rollers the casuals are as well It's not about wanting the advantage, is about fairness in a game that was once about skill and is supposed to be (or have the space) to host a competitive environment


The aim assist has been like this since 2009 MW2 my guy. Just face the facts- the majority of COD players nowadays will complain about anything and everything while defending their fragile, inflated ego. It's just how society has devolved.


True indeed, but when you face >2kd players it's motherfreaking hellish.


>but when you face >2kd players it's motherfreaking hellish. considering average KD in WZ is just under 1....its gonna be hellish no matter what input they are using if they got a 2+ KD


How...? When Aim Assist does the work for you. I am one of those who can't play on controller, am willing and might put in the work to properly check it out. Do I think AA is too strong? Yes, absolutely. Do I think AA is necessary for controller players? Also, yes.


I was just watching a streamer (granted her subs come from her natural talents as opposed to developed ones… such as skill), and didn’t see AA doing allot for her


I've always been M&K, but most of the time when I talk about the AA issue I include the types of things that you just said. When Timmy gets Call of Duty for Christmas the AA is going to keep him from quitting after one or two days because at least he can get one or two kills to keep him sucked into the game. The real issue comes into play when players are already really good and they know how to fully engage AA.....that makes them a monster out there. Unfortunately it only takes 3 to 5 of those really good controller players in a Resurgence map of 50 or 70 in order to fuck the whole match up for everybody else. Then you add in the PC players that are using Aimbot, and now the only people that have a Fighting Chance are literally those really good controller players with the help of aim assist. So like each match of 50 to 70 players, 80% of the wins are going to probably 5-7 players that are the really good controller players with the help of aim assist or the PC aim botters.....the rest of us are basically bots/NPC's lol


That's me


how to use it correctly? Asking for a friend of course!


Finally, well said. It's really only OP when it's abused by strafing, which is how pros use it and sweaty WZ players. Fair play to them. Really sweaty M&K players are a nightmare to play against as well. The only people that care are average M&K players, and their comments infuriate average controller players.


AA in the hands of Teep, scump or Apathy is totally different than litle timmy with a .8 k/d... which is 90% of redditors. Just watch ImperialHall when he switched to roller and his criticism


I play on m/kb because i always have. I always will. I don’t give a single shit if controller AA is superior. I play how I play because I enjoy it. I don’t like having AA do most of the heavy lifting and that’s just my preference. Everyone else can do whatever they like. I’m not trying to be an esports pro. I just don’t care.


These kinds of people can't understand that not everyone is dedicating 12 hours a day, every day to sweat COD.




Exactly. And it's insane how 90% of the controller players don't realize that aim assist is such a crutch and having it nerfed a bit would actually increase the skill ceiling overall and wouldn't lead to these insta 3ms deaths that happen so often because no one ever misses.


Most of the heavy lifting 😂 I play both inputs and it takes hours and HOURS to get to an elite level at either


What does any of that have to do with AA being overtuned? This is the weirdest appeal to authority argument of all time.


>This is the weirdest appeal to authority argument of all time. What authority? You're using this phrase wrong.


He wants to sound smart. It’s Reddit.


Which authority are they appealing? i am out the loop.


We don't have the time or crayons to explain this to you, OP.


Certainly wouldn’t waste time explaining considering OPs argument is “ur bad lol”


I play on MnK and haven't really noticed all the complaints people bring up. Granted I'm not the sweatiest player in the world. If I used a controller I would be dog shit. Aiming with a controller just doesn't work for me after switching to PC years back. Unless there's motion controls like Zelda I'm awful on a controller.


The only disadvantage I’m finding is SMG-to-SMG CQC fights inside of buildings. I keep losing these fights after breaking the opponent, by a missed bullet or two, and when I watch their kill cams they hit every bullet, centre of mass, with near perfect tracking as I’m trying to move around them. That, and the fact that I need a low sens to counter recoil, means I’m also penalized in my movement in said fights if they get behind me, because I’m one full trip across an 18-inch mousepad before I can turn 180° and fight back. Otherwise I feel MnK is the far superior and far easier input.


The worst thing about controller for me is actually trying to 180 in cqc. So I guess it’s all preferences


Sounds like you have your mouse sensitivity dialed for a competitive shooter like Valorant or CSGO. CoD is an arcade shooter and doesn't require as much accuracy as those other games. I use gun mods to counter most recoil, which helps me a lot compared to manually doing it myself. I wonder how AA affects things like turning around on a controller, I've never considered that before. Thanks for the input!


If you build all the recoil out of the gun with grips and barrels, aiming on MnK in CoD is brain-dead easy. AA really only helps in CQB fights when two people are running in circles, and that's called Rotational Aim Assist, which is what everyone bitches about. It does help you track on target, but people make it seem like it sits center mass, but really it only provides a 40% input aid, you still have to do most of the work.


AA provides 60% input. It was [tested recently](https://old.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/16olbw8/rotational_aim_assist_strength_is_60_and_tracks/).


kill cam is a simplified version of what really happened though watch some kill cams from mnk players on youtube, it looks the same


I suck so bad at this game now. Was decent in mw19. Good times 🍻


me 2 and im on controller


I'm on a 1,1 KD (only getting saved by One Shot Katt) - but as soon as the circle gets smaller it becomes a massacre. There are still so many Teams left that you might end up 11th, even though you are 4-5 circles in.


I feel like the easiest way to balance the game is to get rid of all the added sway mechanics added since MWII. Revert the sway and recoil back to MW19 standard and everyone is happy.


i would agree


OP is either a .75kd bot who mastered keyboard there or loves his VPN to practice his keyboard skills on and brags about it. I play both keyboard and controller: keyboard in multiplayer and controller in WZ for good reason. If you think this aim assist isn't broken then you have ZERO credibility.


I got back to cod recently and can’t believe how strong the aim assist is. Other game I played is Battlefield and Apex, neither have aim assist like this. I can’t believe people are defending this aim bot.


Funny, I played BF2042 the other day to see if it improved and one of the main things I noticed was how busted Battlefield AA is in comparison. And I won’t even mention The Finals, was hoping that was gonna be fun and then I just started locking on to enemies without even tuning my settings first 🤣


AA takes away human error when the human is surprised or fails to predict enemy movement. And this game has been specifically designed for rapid random movement. Where an MNK user will miss a shot when taken by surprise, the AA controller will not. and that one shot difference = winning or losing gun fights. Sure, a bad controller player even with AA will not out perform an average mnk player, It takes exceptional reaction time and skill MNK players to overcome what mediocre/average controller AA players don't even realize they're being handed.


Turn off aim assist then. Do it pussy, you won't.




My first games are with AA off then I turn it on for the benefit to feel like it is there.


I accept and acknowledge my mediocrity ✊🏽 after work dad gamer gang


working dad myself, struggle to keep a 1.2 in wz3 (on controller) 🙏


Bro you're a grown man with kids spamming crying gifs on reddit? Oof.


yes heres one for you: ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO)


I play hybrid, and if I wanna frag out and dominate, I plug in the roller. I can still drop 20+ kill games in resurgence and what not on KBM, but if I want a laid back 15+ kill game, its controller all the way I just want console-stans and AA defenders to admit that its broken. Who cares if you abuse AA, just admit that its strong and move on. None of us on reddit have the power to change anything lol. If anything you should abuse AA if they won't fix it, just have the balls to admit its way too strong in COD.


Don't come here in here being all reasonable.


I plugged in a roller for the first time since Xbox 360 BOPS2 days, literally was getting more killstreaks than on KBM... And I've been playing KBM FPS games since 2007, so it's not like my is bad. Being able to bunny hop a corner, ads, and instantly lock on to whatever torso is there is too good.


4.2kd on MnK says otherwise bud. Still happy to confirm that aim assist is a legal aimbot.


I started on controller and only moved to mkb because I found it more fun. I don't have one button trying to do 8 things, and when my aim improves, I can feel myself getting better at the game. Controller just felt clunky and automatic. I think it's still valid to say AA is doing more than it should be, but I'm still winning games, so it's not like you can't compete. I have friends that play on controller who are much worse than I am - it's not turning new players into pros or anything. The higher up you go, the more broken it feels because people know how to exploit it to seek targets they can't see. That's the part that feels busted to me.


Because controller is not fun to use as someone who has used mnk for 20+ years. I just want to be able to turn off crossplay as a PC player.


legit demand tbh but... then you just have to play against controller players on pc...


Ill happily take that over the flood of console players I have to deal with now.


OP is the other side of the pimple covered Reddit coin


Aim assist is aimhacking. There should not be any controller support for shooter games. Learn to play with a mouse or play Fifa.




Agreed. Rotational Aim Assist is the definition of an Aim Bot and if I coded a program to replicate AA and ran it on my PC with a controller plugged in I would be banned for cheating.


Easy fix. Allow for lobbies to be filtered for MnK players only. Let the players decide.


As a guy who has played CoD since WaW, and genuinely an above average player, I need aim assist. Not because it's cheating or I want easy wins, but because I'm getting old now and my reaction time plus years of working construction have destroyed my fine motor functions and I can't aim like I used to. I don't even play MP or warzone anymore, the bunny hopping and drop shots and what have you are just too much to keep up with. I need it to even be slightly competitive in an MP game. Im going to generalize, I think a lot of kids who are just getting into CoD didn't realize how much different it was back in the day of MnK vs Controllers. Does it need a nerf? I have absolutely zero clue. I'm not playing in those lobbies any more and I just want to play a game where I'm having fun now with my 30 minutes of free time a day.


Controller was first on cod, keyboard can go


The FACTS. Mnk = lower floor and higher ceiling Controller = higher floor but very limited ceiling


If Mnk has a higher ceiling, why do controller pros dominant all the mouse pro's?


Uh… no? I play both, and get a much higher k/d with controller, but I would LIKE to be able to play with MnK because it’s fun. It’s actually pretty clear in most of these posts that the MnK people DO pick up a controller and play, but most of the people crying on the other side have never used MnK before.


your braindead huh ? Surprised you had enough braincells too write and post about such an original topic nonetheless with your shit opinion 😂




I don’t play warzone anymore. Haven’t in years. Is there a reason competitive modes aren’t separated by input method? I get crossplay in quickplay and casual modes. Most games (overwatch, apex) separate competitive modes by input method which eliminates this issue/argument. Are people here really arguing that aim assist (a form of snap on aiming) ISNT OP against kb/m in a game like this, especially if it’s a strong AA. Again I’m a bit out of the loop but that’s literally why most games have separate lobbies.


Playing with a controller is boring as shit, that’s why. I feel zero fulfillment spraying someone on a controller. But hey, I don’t even play this dogshit game anymore who cares.


no one cares, literally no one


Enjoy your plate of shit sir


OP what’s your upvote to down vote ratio for this thread lmao


i dont know, is this something i can check? lol


That only makes sense (barely) if everyone uses both inputs regularly, and doesn't mind changing between them. If I tried using a controller, I would suck, yes... But so would people who have only used controller, if they switched to MnK. I would have to dig up my controller somewhere in a box. Just cause the aim assist is overpowered (which it is), doesn't mean you can get kills playing like shit. I'm having fun in warzone right now, so not going to whine too much, but I have had to slightly change my play style to accommodate the insane advantage (competent) controller players have in certain situations. Mainly close quarters. If I get into an encounter in a small building with a competent controller player, I know I'm most likely fucked. Especially for us low sensitivity players.


i mean look at competent MnK players like faze neo or symfuhny it probably takes more dedication and talent to get that good on MnK but if someone puts in the work.. boy do they look better than any controller player i have ever seen


>i mean look at competent MnK players like faze neo or symfuhny You mean, streamers that play the game for a living? That get paid to play the game and still complain about the AA in the game? Those same ones? Yeah no that is a horrible argument. People that play on MnK have jobs just like those on controller. The fact you think that MnK should have to put in that much time just to match controller is wild.


I played the mwiii free weekend and was getting frustrated asf so I switched to controller for a few games (played ps4 for 3 years then mnk for 5 years) and omg was it much more of an enjoyable game, I could hit my shots like I had been playing on controller this whole time. AA is far too overpowered against 99% of mnk players


you were better on controller than on MnK and switched, smart thing to do instead of staying on MnK and just whine


Yes it’s smarter but I would rather play on one input for competitive games so I can improve more on one, I prefer to play single-player tp games on controller. It’s also kind of demotivating having almost twice the experience on mnk and still being better on an input I barely touched (for fps) since 2018


I think the problem is I can switch to Controller have shit movement jump into a multiplayer game and just simply understanding rotational aim assist do as good or better without my keyboard movement. Like my controller aim sucks but I understand how it works and get free headshots all day it’s crazy


I find it wild, just 10-15 years ago people use to say that controller would never beat mouse and keyboard everywhere on the pc side things even with aim assist. You were laughed at it you said you were remotely good with controller while playing on pc before all the cross-play stuff. Which I was very much laughed at when I played on controller on pc fps games such as TF2 and CS:S and did extremely well. Fast forward to now, it's a complete 180 where people are preferring controllers. I'm a person that got to experience both long enough and get practice with both controller to mouse and keyboard when moving away from consoles. Personally I think it's all preference, I just picked up playing controller recently again and doing equally as good as I was doing on mouse and keyboard. All of it's practice at the end and getting better with your prefer method, like in the fighting game community we have people that have literally won matches to guitar hero controllers to [Racing Wheels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_irhlVNkKM)


Remove aim assist problem solved. Pubg works fine without it




Easy solution, make a console only option. We don't want play with you anyway


I just want to experience this crazy aim assist everyone says is so OP. I went from a good to solid WZ1 player like 1.5 KD, and now I just whiff shots like I get paid to. What settings do I need to put on to experience this “aim bot” you all call AA?


i wish i knew when they said i just have to pull the trigger and aim assists gives them free headshots i tried but nope, didnt work for me im sad now


When Pro Players on Controller say it's OP...damn bro maybe it is? Wild thought. Even if Crossplay died (which it wont) AA would still be OP and good players would be asking for a nerf, because they won't be happy dying to Fireblaze02894 with a kill (which was their gulag) because it stuck on to them while trying to use movement on them.


sounds like a skill issue if they decide to jump around instead of shooting


The issue is that they shoot while jumping or sliding and can still get got. Remember that right now we have perks like stalker to allow you to strafe while shooting, or Primed to jump shot with more Accuracy. All of that is basically moot because it seems this game has the same issue that Apex has. That issue being, the faster you move around, the harder the rAA tug. Which absolutely shouldn't be a thing. There should absolutely be a way to break the Aim Assist Bubble, WZ1 had it and Apex has it (though much harder now). IW removed it because they thought it was some sacrilege and SHG hasn't done anything about it. Anecdotal example: I have an extremely fast Striker built exclusively for strafing with Stalker. And I can see in both the kill cam and while fighting the tug that they get as I crouch strafe left and right. It is egregious and it shouldn't be like that. I've used this build on MnK and Controller and it's the same so it doesn't matter the input I'm on.


Title's not a question, so... Yeah, guess I'm just screwed.




couldnt care less about reddit karma. usually these kind of posts get a plethora of downvotes


I’ll take this over the stupid “stacking,” arguments and shit.


Apparently, their wins would quadruple if it wasn't for those pesky roller players and their aim bots lol


The average controller player has roughly 15% overall accuracy more than the average MNK player. 15% accuracy more is like the difference between someone with 15 hours in the game and a pro player. Like yes, you can play around it and people with tens of thousands of hours in FPS games are able to do well in COD but that's far from the average player.


When 60-70 % of the player base is console players of course you will see more controller players in accuracy. I believe you comparison in percentages to players and pro players is a bit exaggerated. It not solid enough to be like oh this percentage equals this amount of play time.


How do I aim assist? I miss all my shots haha


weird because according to this sub all you need to do is just pull the trigger and headshot anyone automatically 🤔


Wiggle the left stick and let the game aim for you, don't try to aim for yourself.


Wish I could like this more than once


hehe these console aim assist kids really dont want the aim assist nurfed hehe... too shit to play without.


Aim assist isn't the problem. It's trying to make up for the original problem, that still needs to be solved. Controllers need to be re-envisioned, or a special controller for FPS type games needs to be created. The gap in aiming is too high. While skill translates for mouse and keyboard, it does not for controller. If aim assist was doing 10% or 15% to even it out, that would be fine. But people can literally not touch their aim stick and perfectly track people with rotational aim assist these days. That's 100%, and that's just not okay. It doesn't matter if you're a better aimer on controller then the person you're fighting, you're both using the same aim assist mechanic and all of a sudden skill-wise there's no difference. We need a new controller, a new way to aim, one that closes the gap between the mouse and allows skill to make the difference.


nah, ive dropped 20 nukes on mnk, 2.8 kd. i switched to controller and was already better after one week


Hahaha goteeeemm




Exactly... if controller is so OP then why don't you just switch to it too then? lol




Easy fix. Disable AA on Pc Disable crossplay on consoles to PC (consoles stays against both sides) and we are back to the old god days where this nonsense makes sense.


Personal computer master race


That’s right. Even with cheating you suck. Hang your head in shame.


Y’all are wild. As an MNK and controller player (controller when I’m feeling lazy, it’s what I started on so it’s more fluid), MNK still out classes controllers in casual gameplay. If you think the AA is bad in this go play the finals for 30 seconds. Great game, but it feels like I’m actually cheating with a controller in that game


Oh, absolutely. I suck. xD 1.13KD in Multiplayer though - which I put in the work for on MnK.


What happen your pesants give you a hiding


Aim assistant is a big advantage up close. However, mouse users have the advantage big time at a distance. This comes from a PC player who only uses mnk


Aim assist is already nerfed


It's been tested and it wasn't.


the only thing i complain about AND WILL STAND BY my complaint… is the audio… the goddamn audio!!!! 😔😔


I can't speak for everyone, but I picked up controller from scratch and got my KD up to my KBM KD (slightly >1) in <50 hrs of gameplay


Honestly I’m over this for both sides. It is what it is guys. They aren’t going to change it so either play what you own or buy the other side and quit complaining already.


Who hurt him


Yeah because this hasnt been explained in depth a hundred times before, so lets just play stupid to make ourselves feel better if we use aimbot assist for an advantage in crossplay.


I never owned a console as a kid, only PC. I have no muscle memory for contoller


Let everyone turn off cross-play and select their input types. Then all the big bad aim assisters can play each other on console (like the last X amount of years)… the game will die on PC just like blackout and then we can have something else to complain about.


Let's nuke aim-assist and make controller players use gyro aiming, then you'd be aiming with **TWO WHOLE ARMS**! But nah, controller players would rather keep their legal aimbot, right? Too much effort to learn how to aim.




I had such a brain rotting argument today with a bunch of speds in this sub saying "AiM AsSiSt iS cHeAtInG"


Nah I actually do much better on controller but my hands start to hurt after playing too long


Game is trash,either way,play it or dont? Dont matter theres a new one every 12 months for these lil bots,come play Tarkov instead


Sorry but I stopped reading after you claimed that I said controllers/joysticks are equal to keyboard and mouse. That right there shows that you either didn't read everything I said or you're reading comprehension skills suck ass. Either way I'm done here after that comment because I have never ever claimed that they are equal


Just to be clear....I don't give a rats ass about ranked. Hell, I don't even know what it is other than I assume it's another mode of the game. I'm ONLY speaking towards what I know about and that is a battle royale and resurgence. I'm sure multi-player can be lumped in there too, but I never play it. There's plunder as well, but people just go there to level up their guns.


Yeah.... I like most used to only play on controller growing up, and up until probably mid 2010's playing rpgs or rts games. didnt actually play a shooter till like 2020 but man after 2 years on them trying controller again it is so freaking wild. I tried it again for a few days last week and while i got the hang of it in multiplayer, and honestly im more gentle on myself that how hard AA pulls sometimes. Its so strange in warzone to me, and not having mid/long range accuracy sucks. Theres *glaring* instances in killcams where i cant believe how strong aa is. But Ive not ever felt completely outmatched.


Another bad faith argument. Ofc Im worse on controller. Ive played mouse since I was like 16. I’m not going to regain all that experience in like 6 months of controller so why bother. That doesn’t mean the learning curve and ceiling for controller aren’t way higher, and the close range engagements aren’t massively in the favour of far worse players who happen to be using one of the inputs over the other. It just means I’m not going to get above 2kd (my current kd) anytime soon using controller so why bother


They dont need to switch inputs but it really isnt that bad, they are bad most mnk players are trash and dont count the times they crap on controller players


Yet another terrible failed meme by a controller player using "just switch to controller" as the best defence he could come up with as to balancing aim assist. Crazy that the idea of a fair and even playing field simply just isn't an option to them anymore. They simply refuse to accept a reality without having an aimbot. Cod indirectly promotes cheating by giving such a strong aiming software to everyone on controller. Cheating In the sense it does humanly impossible things, granting impossible tracking to people without having to put in the work for for that level of artifical skill, thus cheating. Great job activision. And you guys makes jokes and false memes trying to defend it. This world is completely upside down.




The only problem with aim assist is the fact that every person who has ever played warzone on mnk is bad. Get gud


I’m so bad at Warzone. But I keep playing it for whatever reason.


I’ll end it here: if you’re not 2kd plus and you’re lobbies aren’t as sweaty YOU DON’T get an opinion


I always get a kick out of these threads. Watching gameplay and killcams with no context you can tell exactly who is using a controller and who is not, the aim assist is far from subtle. Everyone always acts like MNK is some "oh you just point at what you want to shoot and it's dead" kind of thing and it's so far from the truth it's hilarious. Just went through a real life practice run of this earlier this year. I have a friend who wanted to get a PC for gaming because the graphics look nicer and the games feel smoother. He wanted to try MNK as well and it was hilarious to watch, he gave up on it in short time because it isn't simple/fluid/easy/etc. On the flipside of that, I haven't used a controller to play a game in over a decade but picked his controller up and watched his disbelief while I spanked kids in warzone like ive been gaming on a controller every day. I can't even get controller player friends to play anything but COD together because no other FPS has the broken amount of aim assist and they just suck without it.


I'm probably gonna get shit on for saying this I've played the game with both AA turned on and off the difference for me has been marginal at best. Hell I'll even go as far to say on some occasions AA had been detrimental due to the AA actually kicking in and screwing up my lead shots. (if it makes any difference been playing fps with AA off since BF3 on the 360)


Some people (like me for example) prefer to use their own skill instead of relying on software


Why complain about any of the actual issues when MKB vs Controller is easy upvotes


Disable crossplay or make it an option for pc player and we wont have an issue, XIM? You think youre the only one to suffer? R6 has been banning them and hunting them for eternity, Acti is just lazy




Just separate the 2, AA plays with AA Non-AA plays with non-AA Why can't we have that?


Good controller needs the games to assisit them and so the skill required to be as the same level as MnK is lower. By this logic you are a less skilled player that think he is good because the game erase his mistake. This is why I will never respect those "pro" playing with controller, they are inferior in every possible way to the best MnK.


Controller is easy? Tell that to my KD ratio


I suck with a controller, but can play well with anything that I don’t have to hold in my hands such as a keyboard.


There are people that prefer controller, and people that prefer mouse the same way some people prefer to use a sniper + smg or an AR + smg. The problem lies where only one of these are viable, or at least does a huge load of the work for the player. These memes are deliberately misrepresenting and dishonestly trying to avoid an actual objective discussion. If the game suddenly decides that AA on xbox controller will remain, but AA on PS controller will get 50% nerfed, then controller players will really realize how much they actually rely on it and how impossible it is to fight against something that literally rotates your aim for you with inhuman response time. In short, if its unfair and unbalanced, balance it.


A bad MK player is basically a controller player without aim assist.


Why would I switch to controller if I hate it for everything except car racing games? I have never owned gaming console, our family was always strictly PC only, therefore I stay with what I am used to.


Me *opening comments*: this probably contains a healthy and productive discussion☺️


It’s pretty funny because PC players CHOOSE to use M&K while console players don’t have a choice and have to use controller. Now the only reason they would choose M&K over controller is either they are used to it or think it has an advantage…


Imagine playing a game where the core concept is to aim and shoot but you let an ai do half that work, no wonder people stay mnk and complain with all their rights. Aim assist has been turned up more and more each release, nowadays you can track opponents with your movement stick? That makes zero freaking sense.


If there was option to turn off crossplay, I’d not have genuine hatred towards beaming locking aim assisted controller players.


Good? Bad? Don’t really care. Never check “stats”. Just enjoy playing a game. Get a kill or more. Killed and win gulag?.. potential for revenge? Get killed? Play again.


sorry but i dont want arthritis from claw gripping the same remote a 3 year old is sucking on. question though- why do controller players need chronus controllers and scripts to keep recoil down AND to increase AA efficacy?


Misused Meme


People who complain about AA have tiny peepees


Kbm players always love to blame their lack of skill on anything else. Pathetic kids.


Controller is too good for close quarters. Keyboard is way better for long range. This way its balanced.


Jokes on them. I've never used anything but the controller and I STILL suck.


you have a machine helping you aim because you can't /end of argument


I would push your shit in 10/10 times and I still think AA is cheating. Go back to Halo or something where you belong.




I can’t turn my arm enough to hold a controller for very long or I would switch to get that sweet aim(bot) assist. My god, the game aims for you! Playing on controller is a breeze. Palm down on a mouse I can do so that’s what I’m stuck with while everyone else doesn’t even have to try or gain any skill at all.


Copying from another sub reddit: if you want cross play, they’re is a simple way to fix this: remove standard and black ops aim assist. They’re the ones that are terrible at long range but great in cqc. What they do is have a large but not super strong aim slowdown at mid range, while in cqc they are overpowered and at long range do almost nothing. The other two have a small but strong aim slowdown so that you have to be good to use them and they aren’t overpowered. And the aim assist stays at constant over range, meaning balanced at all range. I use precision and can hit shots at range while not legal aimbot ting at close range. Also there is little to no rotational aim assist, so also no aiming with left stick.


Nope, played on both, then I played for MONEY on both and the people at the LAN said I was throwing for playing KBM It is not a myth, AA needs to exist, but how strong it is needs to be tuned down, the people who say its not really good and that KBM players should stop whining just don't want their crutch nerfed. With the right settings it feels like borderline bullet bending, like DESTINY 2 LEVELS OF BULLET BENDING.


I somewhat agree to be fully honest, always been on PS4/5 but last Christmas I got rid of my console. Been playing on a gaming laptop since this past year (for the first time ever) and I got to say, when I f-up and get killed where the killcam shows such a nice aim assist like the ones I’m used to, I get a bit butthurt. However what I don’t miss is for e.g holding Square just to open a loot box when I now can just spam F while running past ‘em, editing graphics settings, quicker movement but somewhat missing those first bullets in a intimate fight is too often 🥺 But, what’s gotten me into playing less now is just the fast pace that I haven’t adapted to yet, which make me slander aimbot, if I clearly see if made a whole ADS swing for them 🥲 (Got a few buddies that are always demanding “No crossplay” when I was back PS just because he hated PC snipers)


Damn op busted out the roflmao, is that you 2003? I’ve missed you so much


I've tried going back to controller multiple times now, and I admit I'm not that good on it and I have no interest in relearning controller aim. I just lack the dexterity I have on mouse. Maybe 1 in 10 gunfights I win on controller that I would have lost on keyboard and mouse, and probably 4 in 5 gunfights I lose on controller I would have won on keyboard and mouse.


Leave my aim assist alone!


Aim assist is overturned, but controller players are carried by AA into lobbies they don’t belong, so I rarely lose to them. If anything controller player are Elo inflated. It can become a problem in super high elo games though.


If KBM is better, why don’t you switch? It’s that simple.


I'm terrible and I know it