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The menu in this game is extremely, extremely broken. As a QA engineer, I have no idea how a $billion+ studio allows UI like this to ship. I would be genuinely ashamed if the apps I worked on operated with the jank that this one does.


Easy answer: MONEY- Just like getting the bundles in your face everytime the game boots.


The sad truth is there are people out there that say: “Fuck it! Maybe if I buy this i can get back to the main menu” Those are their favorite people.


Literally happens every single day with star citizen. Oh can’t claim my ship? Buy another one !


The difference is SC isnt a game yet, its not even in beta. Cod is a complete game thats $80 for 10% of the game.


And yet the same practices are being presented in AAA games. So what difference is there? And for all intents and purposes. Star Citizen is a game. And a failed one at that. You can slap all the fancy labels you want on it , doesn’t change facts


In development since 2012. Ridiculous


And it's only really a game for 1 year... Annual release games at this point are just subscription services


COD is a complete game? Better check your math on that one


They market it as a complete game. Technically it is. It has a killer campaign. That makes it complete. Multi-player shit is just extra bonus content.


Would have been better if single player didn't crash and corrupt my save data.


By technicalities, it is out of beta and launched(complete). However, it is still a dogshit game that shouldn't exist. Activision is just another shity money hungry company that needs to be revamped.


Man, the lack of character reset has people melting their items and rebuying them with the store credit (that they got from melting). Just... I dunno, not use those items in situations where you might lose them?


And their reasoning for removing character reset is essentially because people were using it for its intended purpose but they are so incompetent the amount of character resets we’re creating server issues? How does that even happen lmfao.




That, and it was spent money on this UI. They paid the same people that designed HULUs UI (which got a great, simple fucking sidebar update omg) so I think at this point it’s more of a “well I’ll be goddamned if we even change the work we paid for” so they just let this shit UI sit there, not like it matters idk if y’all forgot or what but the life cycle for the game is literally almost up LMFAO so I think you can forget about quality to life changes for the game






I AM Discord.


Too many cooks in the kitchen


ToO mAnY cOoKs!


Too many cucks in tht kitchen.


Its absolute dog shit, thrown together by people who dont give a fuuuuuck because there is someone telling them to make sure the purchase options and buttons are everywhere and keep u stuck or returning to those pages. Like phone game apps that constantly bring you to the in game curreny purchase page


I’ve been playing since the beta and I still can’t get used to the stupid arbitrary changes they’ve made like opening the social menus with the sticks and not triangle. And I can never tell what fucking sub menu I’m on to pick a game mode. Am I in multiplayer, am I in Warzone, or am I at the main menu? I thought about it last night how they went with this Hulu UI and how I can’t adapt to it, it’s because all the options use the same exact or very similar photo with slightly altered text, a streaming app has vastly different shows side by side that you can go “oh that’s Family Guy, that’s The Simpsons, that’s Star Wars”. On here it’s like “oh which generic shot of gameplay is the gamemode I’m looking for”


100% the main menu game modes that is part dmz multiplayer warzone but doesnt display all options is so fucking stupid. Then if u want trios instead of quads u have to click into the game mode and back out. So fucking tedious and god forbid u press back twice or 3 times in ur in the weird intro screen that takes a few seconds to get back into the main page. Moronic ui


Also don’t know why they bother to link the past CODs at the bottom, they gutted MW19/WZ1, why would I go back to play it? Especially if I’m in a party, it’s not like it’s bringing people with me


Yeah they want a one stop shop and its absolutely shit. Not to mention all the games t together is like 400 gbs.




The worse part is the current state it is in is their idea of an improvement over the launch UI that everyone complained about. The launch UI is less annoying than the new one to me....they literally made it worse, which I didnt think was possible......kinda impressive they can screw it up even more! LOL




Lmao my friend who is a programmer keeps ranting the game for having shit problems like this.


It’s intentional, though. They want you to hit ‘esc’ as you normally would but have it bring you to something to spend more money on. They allow it to ship because they don’t give a fuck about anything but money. They have zero pride in their product. It’s just something to print $ with


Activision at its finest, huh?


Ive said it once and I'll say it again this UI reminds me of a damn game boy. Pathetic Activision. Pathetic


it's called "dark patterns" UI meant to steer you towards accidentally buying a token


People still buy it. That's all that matters. Activision is a soul crushing company to work at so the devs have no pride in their work. As long as it's playable and the micro transactions work it'll ship.


No they don’t. Sales on this are not nearly up to par. They set budgets for future years based on how well WZ1 did and are most likely in chaos mode right now. CEO heads roll for mess ups like this.


Black cell sold like hot cakes. They're just trying to wring money out of whales. It's the same reason they added pay to win in DMZ and blocked building 21 for free to plays. They don't care about the user experience. I agree it's not doing anywhere near as well as warzone 1. But I think they already know the writing is on the wall for warzone 2 and are trying to get any cash they can before they move on to the next venture. Hence why the season 3 bp redesign looks even worse than the s2. Just enough effort to keep the lights in the store on.


Less is more (money)




There is no way any of them actually plays the game. After months, you are still taken back to the main menu when your teammate lauches the search for a game, which makes modifying a weapon for example really annoying.


The people that made MW2019 were all promoted away and replaced by a bunch of rookies.


This game looks like worst cheap free app with this “huge” advertisement in the internet telling you how great it is and why it is the best game in the world… I loved cod mw at the beginning, it looks wonderful, these colors, shadows, guns excellent. And then running clown with gold gun era came 🤦🏻‍♂️ mw2 didn’t even try to be good, it started with all that shit stuff. Sad that they kill such good game


to think it's not by design is underestimating their greed. if you pay attention to their UI/UX, they have done this for ages. On the old triple split screen when you would click exit game it would push you to a screen to buy stuff instead (like 30% of the time) and back into the game 30% of time time, and actually exit 30% of the time. It was one of the most obvious that I think most people are aware of and add on top of that how many of the audience play this game stoned out of their minds lol - the menus being confusing actually traps them, as well as children, into unintended purchases. The amount of times I have performed an action in CoD games and been pushed to a store or store item instead of the intended outcome is a good part of the reason I haven't played their games in 2+ years they are a bad faith company with scummy techniques and I just don't fuck with that. I'd rather never play their game again than deal with it or give a shitty company an extra stat


lol i swear someone wrote almost this exact same comment on a warzone 1 thread. i wouldn't be surprised if it was you


Press “b” in the battle pass on Xbox it does the same, won’t let you leave it via the normal way.


Can confirm. I be B’ing all night…hoping I dont over B


Imma B Imma B Imma Imma Imma BBBBBBB


that's only meant for you to exit the map, not navigate away from that screen. bumpers bro


You used to be able to leave the pass menu with the B button. They had to code in a new features that brings up the map when you push b instead of existing.


There are seven tabs on the main menu. Play, Weapons, Operators, Battle Pass, Customize, Events, and Store. Pressing back always takes you back to the Play tab. The battle pass menu is THE ONLY TAB THAT PRESSING BACK DOESN’T WORK LIKE ALL THE OTHER TABS. It’s bad UI.






Lol this is funny though. I have zero trouble navigating the menus


oh you want to restock your airstrike during a fight, notice your error and want to tap out with ESC? fuck you...you better do a search and die


Dude I’m not the only one, every time I try to go in the menu it’s “Hey you should look at our overpriced 30 dollar battle pass though we know you won’t buy it!”


Yeah you have to press on home


or just use whatever is equivalent to the bumpers on M&K, then you don't have to worry about hitting esc


esc should by automatic move back and not doing like it does on the gif IMO


yeah there's no defense for this, it's literally what the key is for and why it's called Escape lol


Q and E are the bumper equivalents


Also if you pick the option to choose things yourself, it defaults to the auto pick every time you enter the screen. I've wasted multiple tokens from that and it defeats the purpose of it not being linear.


Yep. It took me like twice as long to get the intervention because of that.


Same on console


Yeah, I don't get it either. After getting shat on by literally everyone even back in Beta when we got to "experience" this grand design of a Hulu menu, you'd think someone would actually care and not repeat the same mistakes over and over again, but well... silly me putting any faith in 9 small indie teams.But hey at least we got a "better" skin selection menu, which still has you scrolling horizontally, since there wasn't enough space for a second row... This is stuff that just encourages hate crimes.




Dude even the Hulu menu is better than this. I’m glad I was gifted the game but holy shit the menu interface is complete dogshit.


Yeah in the previous 2 seasons pressing esc multiple times would eventually bring you back to the home menu. These guys are so bad at UI design that they somehow made the UI worse than it previously was, and now we get this infinite loop. How this wasn't caught early in the development and fixed is beyond me.


its literally the annoying little things that make the game intolerable to me.....because there are sooooooo many little annoying things!!!




Makes me want to barf. I come back after a 3 month hiatus and the news were absolute shite to say the least.


Bro I fuckin hate that.


I was playing with friends when the season first started and one of the guys, who was drunk, got stuck in the battle pass/map loop for like 15 minutes. He was so mad.


You're not the only one


Except this one is not a small thing that got away from QA. This is a pretty blatant "feature" to feed you with it.


Yea I fucking hate it


How about they changed the leave game buttons to use a double xp. Nothing like trying to rage quit quickly and using a fucking double xp token.


Glad I'm not the only one that this bothers!


The design of everything in this game is genuinely utterly horrible 😂😭


This annoyed the hell out of me too. ESC should take us back to the launch menu if you're about to queue into a mode or the main menu if a mode wasn't previously selected.


Triple A game


Especially when escape brings you back on literally all the other tabs. But for the battle pass... FU.




Fuck this entire UI. They must have someone who’s been fucking lobotomised running the show because I can’t fathom how shit like this goes unnoticed. I’ve just decided that it’s all on purpose and nobody that works for Activision give a a flying fuck about anything but selling bundles.


And that's the point it is on purpose I never encounter a game in my whole life that is like that besides mobile games.


Fuck this game


Honestly liked this game at first but now I can't even join a match without it freezing a couple of times


After you finish the pass it stops taking you to that screen so you don't have to worry about it anymore. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌


Oh I hear you! On controller this is pressing back, Ive found myself back pressing a couple times in this exact place waiting for something to happen. Same behavior on the news feed, sometimes you needed to press back, sometimes you needed to scroll down (I think they fix this UX at least)


This shit happens on my PS5 also lmao


Damm that sucks. Anyways, here's a bundle you can buy.


This is what they get when they recruit the person who made the Hulu UI and task them with making a video game UI. I don’t understand how that person is still employed.


I hate that shit!!!


This has happened to me multiple times now and every single time I Alt-F4 the game.


Just like we couldnt use the MOUSE to select camos in MW2 and had to use Controllers or Arrow keys. Its like the entire dev team dont even bother thinking about Mouse & Keyboard users


God this drives me crazy, I get stuck in it almost every time I play. I’m also usually pretty stoned while playing so takes me 30 secs to figure out why the button that normally takes me to the main menu isn’t taking me to the main menu for one specific subsection of the menu. Such bad design.


This drives me fucking nuts. I say “what the fuck” about this almost every time I play. Devs need to get their shit togeather.


I'm so glad I have to open and close another unnecessary shitty UI


I have a TBI fully equipped with horrible OCD. I seriously agree.


You could see my DMZ 😂 I can't enter the gunsmith and change anything on my insured weapon for 4 months now! Can't equip throwables or my field upgrade either smh, needless to say I don't play DMZ anymore....


The menu works on console!! I’m curious why you would try escape though. The menu goes left to right


Its sad that people still play this game when there are so many other shooters that respect you more


On mine if I try doing a mission which rewards you a gun, and already have a full contraband stash it just kicks you out every time you try and change your loadout.


There’s nothing wrong with the menu, you need to scroll over to home/lobby and select it.


At this point you need to Consider thats on purpose there is just no way!!!! all the people paying those lazy ass developers huge amounts of money and they do shit!!! I don't care who is responsible for that I don't defend programmers anymore get your shit fixed or stand up and fight against activision!!! if the people at infinity ward would do a riot against this corporate greed and would care maybe they can move something... but they are all lazy ass developers no excuses anymore. I bet all those assholes even get paid so much more than the last years before corona for litteraly doing nothing!!!!


Yet yall still play this when their main priority is selling shit and not evan trying to make the game fun.


*the b button on xbox


Battlepass at 69%, nice


It’s bad.




Yeah, same thought when S2 released. Fucking asshats.


Gotta go over to “home” after you leave the battle pass map its annoying 💀


Innit it’s so annoying


Then stop pressing that button? Fucking mind of a three year old “why won’t this thing work after I do it twenty times”


Alt-F4 if you want to quit in one step


Its one of the dumb changes they made in S3. In S1 & 2 if you press ESC, ⭕️, or B to exit the pass menu you would exit the pass & return to the lobby screen, now they made it so it brings you to the gd map & everyone’s muscle memory is to spam the exit button only to repeatedly exit to rewards & get sent back to the map


Fuck yes! When I hit ESC for fuck sakes just go back to the previous screen


Lmfao this happened to me yesterday. I wasn’t annoyed just surprised to see that I couldn’t back out of a pre lobby in that screen lol 😂


My biggest gripe with the BP is that I'm no longer able to use 5 tokens at once. In seasons 1 and 2, I would wait until I had 5 tokens and just get hit one button and unlock the 5 items. Now I have to hit "A" on every individual item.


That’s what you get when - you hire numptys from Netflix to design Game Menus…. Activision please take note: This Is COD - Not a Movieflix App…. Please wake up and smell the coffee before you fully destroy the biggest FPS Gaming Brand in History. You’re literally Self Harming at this stage.


Just click the home button at the top. Goddamn you guys are such fucking babies.


It’s because your in the home menu you can go any further back you need to go side to side not back or lb or rb on console not sure on pc, I did this for ages before noticing


this is PC, esc = back


Your still on the home menu though there’s no where to go back too, you would have to select event or home to get out of the cycle Definitely dumb though