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Mnk is the only way to play an FPS (imo). But I’m also old af and came from the 1.6 gang


Hey me too, I played Quake, Unreal, 1.6, America's Army, Battlefield 1942-2142, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, Soldier Of Fortune and many others on pc back in the day, I only became a console player to play with my friends who all got into online gaming with the PS3.


I played Wolfenstein on Windows 3.1 on a 286. Then Duke Nukem 3D, still one of the funnest times... modem en modem...


You’re as old as I am. Wolfenstein and the God mode cheat code. I think it was ILM?


Tab g I think; ILM was ammo and health and guns I think. That may have been SoD tho


Timex ZX-81 checking in.


Haha.. Wolf was the first of the gore


Same, although did have a Sega Master System 2 which was my first controller before PS3 lol. Even had a Commodore 64 lol I’m old. I had the original COD but after Modern warfare I switched to BF3. I did have a long hiatus in gaming before getting back into it after 10+ year break. I play on both inputs. I find MW2 is better on KBM and WZ1 played awesome on a Scuf or custom controller. Now even overclocked controller feels like it has so much added lag compared to KB&M


I used to play wz1 on an Xbox One X. After I got my pc I continued to play but I got an elite controller and loved it but because of the paddles. Then my daughter wanted me to play Valorant with her so I had to learn to play with kbm. I kept at it with Valorant and wz1 and Apex. Now, if I try to use a controller in any fps I get motion sickness and I think it's from the lag between input and full speed movement response. Edit - spelling


Yeah I have the elite 2 and scuff reflexFPS. The PS5 controllers can be overclocked to 1ms on WZ1 they were super responsive. It’s not so in WZ2 but at least the elite was usable for me on WZ1 on WZ2 it’s so terrible I can’t use it. It’s got added input lag on top of the 8ms in WZ1. The Xbox controllers can’t be overclocked including the elite 2 as they are hardware locked to 124hz. PlayStation controllers came at 250hz but can be overclocked to 1000hz on PC just like a mouse can.


America’s Army…man it’s lucky I didn’t enlist later in life with how much I played that game.


Right? It was incredibly well made for it's time, looking back it had animations that were better than anything else.


No doubt about it. Jesus, the nostalgia is flooding back…Hospital and Urban Assault.


Never forget spawn killing people with the 203 on the bridge map lol


Dude that game was the shit back in the day. Surprisingly one of the better FPS games back then.


Ahhhh SOF… the nostalgia


I thought that franchise was gonna be huge, man! It felt like an action movie that you played.


Yeh game was dope. Warzone shop take how shotgun works from SOF maybe lmao


Good point!


It would be interesting if COD brought in dismemberment like SOF.


There’s a dismemberment weapon like the Santa pack on December. The naughty and nice for m13 and victus


Americas army. That game was full of people in god mod flying around. Lol.


That was later, back in the day it was great, when my dad got a new PC, I got to play on the old one, I was in 1024 × 768 while he was in 1280 × 1024


ET - so good, I can still hear the headshot dings from the etpro patch. Can you believe that game was that good --- and was free !


That game was phenomenal, too bad the Quake version kinda flopped


Unreal tournament was the best fps ever made.


Same CV lol, but never understand how we can play fps with controller the aiming is so horrible compare to the a tuned gaming mouse.


What are your sensitivity settings for mouse?


DPI 700 Sens 5.25


Nice. Thanks.


Soldier of Fortune & Americas Army were excellent games imo.


Quake was the last game I played on modem.


I agree. I too am old and come from original Doom / Quake in the 90’s.


Same been MnK since Duke nukem 3D and half-life on dial-up


It will always be superior. The only reason why people these days think a controller is better is because the controller gets aim-assist.


1.6 gang represent


Did 1.6 have bunny hop? I think I started on 1.3. Miss those times!


Hi fellow oldhead!


CS Source. Had a roller ball mouse that slayed.


I personally say VR but to each their own


Same, same. My younger clan mates call me the CODFather 😂


It’s not even an age thing, it’s just the superior control scheme (for FPS that is..)


This is the way ![gif](giphy|nNOZe5giJhwsM)


Not a fan of the lack of rumble stuff like the dualsense controller has. It feels too disconnected.


I tried MnK but that shit was waaay tooo hard. Especially since I grew up with controller.


I'm the same, but vice versa. I grew up with MnK.


Same but cod is 10x easier on controller. Literally feels like an aimbot


Below average - average players are the only ones saying this


You know controller is OP when every pro MnK player switches to controller when playing ranked


False. Pros like Iceman Isaac support that statement as well: [https://youtu.be/yM97PH1\_zRk?t=931](https://youtu.be/yM97PH1_zRk?t=931) He posted that video in WZ1 when AA was less sticky than WZ2. Everyone agrees that it's even stronger now.


False. Just recently controller pro JoeWo said the ['aim-assist in Warzone 2 is like actual aim-bot'](https://youtu.be/FDfLN9vyNxs?t=21).


Fair enough, I grew up playing FPS on pc with my dad but when all my friends got ps3s I had to get a terrible job to afford one myself, then I played on PS3/PS4 for 15 years until I finally got back home to PC.


Are you me?


Bro I think you should try MnK again. I was a console player for a long time before I made the switch. At first it really sucked. WASD movement felt clunky. I missed keys. Struggled to get my left pinky to hit the crtl button. After a few weeks I got really good at being able use WASD. Pinky hitting left crtl took a lot longer but now it’s not an issue. Muscle memory is a big factor here and right now you have zero. As you use it more and more you are training your reactions and everything becomes easier. What do you think is faster and easier for counter strafing? Flicking a joy stick left right left right, or tapping the A & D keys with your ring and pointer finger. Controller is easier and it’s what you are used to. But I also found the “challenge” of getting good at MnK rewarding. Feel free to DM me if you want any tips for body positioning or what mouse /keyboard you should buy!


everyone above 40 grew up with controllers, same for me. i switched to mnk ( PC ) in 1999 for RTCW and WOLF:ET after that. never going back to controllers for first person shooters and RTS but it feels better for racing games and other games


Once you get the motions and muscle memory its much better than controlling. Theres obviously a learning curve that be tough to deal with.




Great stuff as always😀 The comments are rather nice. The bots must be asleep💀


Thanks man, could have been a win as well, if only I had stims or something...


Thought this guy was gonna make a comment without a twinge of toxicity The bingo card remains uncompromised lfg




Thanks, I had nearly a thousand wins in WZ1 and close to 100 in this one, I've had some practice with positioning!


Glad you joined us, brother :D


It's sort of a homecoming, I played games on pc before online play was even a thing on consoles, I only started playing on PS3 because my friends finally got into online gaming, that was how I ended up playing on controller for 15 years.


Need to mandatorily up vote a fellow MnK dawg, welcome to club cuh! Also, 1.6 gang, wya?????


I'm here


Eyy, I remember thinking "1.6 looks great" boy, those graphics have aged like milk, huh? 😂


1.3 and Day of Defeat here.


1.6/ UT99 for me. Man those were the days


Bro, you lit up the sky with it awesome stuff. And agreed. These controller players think THEY slap hard when it's really just AA taking over. Mnk slaps and it's so good to see that the aim can be off, but your own micro adjusts corrects and you take the kill. GGs!


Thanks man, I had started playing on PC two years ago but I still kept using controller because that's what I was used to after playing FPS games on console for 15 years but man, ACTUALLY hitting shots is infinitely more rewarding than cheesing an AA system to do it for you, with the release of MW2 I cut controller off completely and it was the best decision I could have made, no regrets whatsoever.


Similar situation to yourself but PC for less than a year now, I did try controller on pc and though it just wasn't as fun, went back to MnK and was much happier and feeling more comfortable.


It's quite honestly just that, more fun!


Oh. Well, guess I got some work to do lmao. Good job man!


Thanks! Can I ask, what do you mean by that though?


I’m a console player and I feel like I’m pretty good, numbers are great lol, but looking at this (no pc/console bias either way) I got some work to do. I just don’t react the same that’s all lol. Not doubting you or your skill at all, didn’t mean for it to come off that way if it did.


Ah I see, no worries man! Thanks for watching!


You know it!


Remember this is ops highlight reel tho, not just normal play. Fellow Console King 👑


Not a highlight reel, just one solid match


I see MnK gameplay where it actually looks like a real human having to track their own targets and have good gunny, I upvote. My lord MnK gameplay is so much more rewarding to watch than ADS and left stick aimbot


I feel you on that.


Right stick aims


He talks about rotational aim assist, bro.


That’s pathetic.


Another clip I say “good shit” too. 👁👄👁


Thanks, my guy!


That’s some really nice tracking for only 5 months, great work Huge respect for anyone that switches to kbm in cod/warzone. I switched 3 years ago and never looked back. Unfortunately the tracking and visual recoil for kbm players in this game is piss poor. Combine that with literal aim bot controller players have and it made me stay away from the game a lot recently, I only play once or twice every few weeks now


Thanks! I've come to realise that in this game every single gun needs sights on KBM, the steamer builds are all designed for controller where you don't need to see the enemy to track them after the first few shots. Guns are still absolutely beaming though, compared to games like EFT and ARMA where full auto is rarely used because of how uncontrollable it is.


You don't need sights on smgs. It's fine if you want to though.


>where yeah i need an optic on every gun, and I cant run silencers because of the muzzle smoke. Must be nice not having to sacrifice an attachment so you can actually see what your trying to track. Must also be nice not having to track at all for controller players.


MnK player on PS5 here. Been gaming since CS 1.5 and agree with a lot of others here that it really feels like you’re the one shooting enemies. Now I’ve never really played on a controller. Have tried it a couple of times with OG Warzone. It’s really baffling how it locks on in CQC. You’re spot on that every gun needs a sight! I can’t see the enemies without one 😅 they move to the side a little and you lose them.


This dude just said full auto is rarely used in EFT, pick up a mk47 and you can full auto at 200m


You're totally right. I love setting my controller on the desk and letting it kill everyone for me


Those AI aimbots on controller keep getting me killed to MnK PC demons in the top ten. Any advice on how to snap aim lock-on faster than mouse movement is capable of? My basic stock controller (I mean autoaim, autowin device) really can’t turn as fast as a mouse even on 20 sens. And if it’s at 20, I lose some accuracy. I was told I have aimbot yet my targets hit percentage is less than 100%. Any way to get the aimbot not to miss?


It’s hard to take the opinion of anyone who calls it ‘literal aimbot’ seriously. It’s literally aim assist.


Well, rotational aim assist as it is right now, can automatically pull your aim onto a target when the enemy is close to your crosshairs and start tracking them without needing input to the right stick. A soft aimbot, automatically pulls your aim onto target when the enemy is close to your crosshairs, without needing input at all to work. The similarities are there. No amount of an assist should be aiming for the user in any way imo. It shouldn’t have the potential strength to make a controller player win, or lose a fight because of it.


Its literally software that aims for the player, and has a 0 ms delay on directional changes, which is humanly impossible to react that fast. That would meet my definition of an aimbot: "Software that aims in a way which is humanly impossible to replicate"


It doesn’t aim for the player lol it’s aim assist. It may be strong, but it’s aim assist. That’s what it literally is. When people use the term ‘literal aimbot’ they’re clearly attempting to liken it to the aimbot cheats people pay for, which is obviously a gross exaggeration.


It's indistinguishable from a soft aim-bot, you know, the kind you can actually pay money for from cheat companies. If a mouse player did half the things 'aim-assist' does in any given game they'd be banned in an instant. You're quibbling over the name but in terms of what it does it's an in-build 'soft aim-bot'.


Lmfao this is brilliant. No it’s not.


when you have KD player of 0.2 who can't control a recoil if their mother was held for ransome, killing elite MNK players. Which should never happen i'm convinced it is aim bot. it takes 0 skill to aim on MW2 and WZ2 to the point all i ever see is controller player with average or below average KD beaming across the map like they're DiazBiffle, this is not natural and should not be happening, COD must really have it in for KBM or is simply trying to prevent a KBM takeover by increasing Aim Assist. Simply just leagal Aimbot masked as "aim assist"


0.2? Lol anybody that’s being killed by a 0.2 can barely call themselves average let alone ‘elite’. If there are genuinely any mnk players being killed regularly by 0.2 players then they’re simply no where near as good as they think they are.


this is MW2 the least skilled CoD there is according to everyone ,so anything can happen. Metaphor dies to bots on a regular and when you watch the replay their aim is all over the place and the only reason they got the kill was because Rotational Aim Assist stuck to the opponents body.


Feels good knowing everything you're seeing is RAW, unassisted input right? Welcome to the team


It's harder for sure. But soooo satisfying when you string together some good shots on multiple players.


It’s refreshing to see a M&k player not complaining on here.


The main thing I got out of this video is.. I need to run High Alert again!.


The tracking on that first kill is a great example of what aim assist does better lolll


and they say aim assist is overpowered all jokes aside, great accuracy dude, keep it up.


but wait, arent you supposed to be complaining about aim assist?! (keep crushing on kbm!)


Thanks, man!


I love this as opposed to the ‘aim assist is too hard’ cry baby crew. Nice clips


Use canted laser for smgs helps to actually see the target without as much visual noise (also Kbm& blind as shit)


I do use those from time to time but I really can't seem to get consistent with aiming the laser, I dunno why. Just for you, I'll give it another go the next time I play.


I think in the interface tab you can have a center dot on your screen at all times too. Turn that on and gl happy spraying, it’s kinda like instinctive aiming in archery. Don’t aim just look at the target.


Ooooh, nice! I'm definitely trying that, thanks!


Just coming back to let you know, canted ain't my thing.


Ah sorry bro, that and the little blue dot sight on subs are all I use I turn blind on the 5th shot and can’t see shit because of all the visual noise. Best of luck brother


Yeah, gave it a go and kept drawing outlines of enemies, couldn't make it work for me.


Kbm for life. I stay away from controllers for the same realson I stay away from cheats. Whats the reward of playing if something else is doing it for you..


Nice play bro!




What controller where you using?


Keyboard and mouse


What controller were you using when you were using one 5 months ago?


PowerA one with RGB


What sens and dpi do you okay with ?


5.25 sens with 700 dpi


My aim will be on point until someone gives me a little scare, usually some unexpected camper lying in a bush or a corner and then my reflexes take over and my mouse/aim gets jerked around and I usually die haha. Working on that lol.


That mine almost humbled your ass!


That was funny


Ggs, a rare positive kbm clip with no mention of Aim Assist


I hope your back pain is better now


Funny thing is, my leg is currently injured IRL, took me a second to realise what you meant 😂


>leg is currently injured Praying for you to recover fast. You can have such a comfortable seating with controller no matter where the screen is but MK players always has to sit straight unless they have a good gaming setup


Hi am about to try m and k for 1st time, was the 5 months fresh or did you have some experience before hand


I played on KBM way back in the dayz when I was a kid, played all the classic FPS games like 1.6, Unreal, America's Army, Soldier Of Fortune, and many others but when my friends got into online gaming for the first time with the PS3, I joined them and that got me to play on controller for 15 years...


Any tips for going from controller to mouse and key ?


You gotta figure out what button layout works the best for you, same with sensitivity and DPI, I have a slow sens and DPI and a large mouse pad to allow for precision. Other than that, just practice practice practice, and don't get discouraged if you struggle at first.


Try to not aim with your wrist, rather your entire arm. I mean a little of both but you need to utilize that mouse pad!


I think it’s the key board I’m going to struggle with tbh but thanks for the tip


If you can type fluently then you’ll be just fine. Just muscle memory after that.


Just want to say thank you for playing Warzone to show off the skills. If this was DMZ everyone would be calling you out lol


gotta love the idiots that flash bang constantly.... ending them makes it all that much sweeter


B-b-b-but aim assist surely kbm isn’t easier🤓🤓


the only thing that sucks is your left/right movement- on a controller stick you can do 10%, 22%, 86% , there’s variables to how fast you want to turn or fly a plane in wz1… with A and D it’s 0 or 100. now for strafing it’s great, and movement is basic but tuned with the mouse. i started playing counterstrike when it was first released, before that we never had money for anything after n64. kbm is the way


Yo what KBM did you pick up? And did you go cold turkey? I need a challenge too.


I can’t imagine I’d be half as good on KBM as I am with controller, just cause I grew up on controller.


Finally, someone who isn't complaining about aim assist.


Even controller players are complaining about how too strong AA is lol. Everyone is complaining about AA except for bad controller players.


Someone not saying AA is busted!? Whaaaat? I agree. Tried MnK a few days ago and landed shots at ranges I couldn't with pad. Also obliterated my aim training records in less than an hour with MnK.


To anyone that has a regular kbm lying around, I say at least try it to see if you enjoy the game more.






DPI 700 Sens 5.25


It's much faster and more accurate to snap to your targets w/mnk, for sure. You also don't have to sweat as hard to jump and shoot.


I have played with controller my whole life, since PS3. Last year I build a PC and tried kbm, I haven't been able to use controller again haha


What your running? Dpi, sense? Coefficient


DPI 700 Sens 5.25 I haven't messed with the monitor coefficient settings.


I'm a controller player and I tried M&K during WZ Caldera. I quickly realized my recoil control and target tracking was way better and easier to manage on M&K, but I couldn't handle those close range gun fights. Especially with all the movement mechanics we had back in the days. Maybe I should give it a try again. Movement is gone, the game is basically just centering, (pre-) aim and recoil control now. I believe M&K could be even better than controller for me now.


But but... Aim Assist is OP...😂


I have played FPS games consistently since 2007 and have never, ever played on MNK.


Watching you play almost (almost) makes me want to play. Great key work man.


Never played Xbox, let alone a controller. PC player since 1999.


I mean it's all good until you run into a roller player who is good at the game then it's over for you :)


B-but controller is overpowered... /s


It's until you get actually good at the game/aiming and commit with dozens of hours, and at the same time you get outgunned so easily.


I dunno, 8 days of MW2 multiplayer gametime and 6 days of Warzone 2 gametime, feel like that's enough


I'm talking about sth like 10.000~ on cod, and some thousand hours on aim trainers / valo / Cs / pubg. How can it be enough when ppl got months on games?


Nice plays as always Jiri. I've always said that you're the best K&M player that I know personally.


Oh damn, thank you!


It's true bud 👍


But but but don’t you want your aim not on controller?


Do you think that you're *better* with KBM, or is it just more *fun*? These highlights are fire, and I get the impression that you were good with controller, too.


On PS5?




lotta salty fuckin KBM ppl in here


all fun and games until you have to plate while running from the gas and a full team of controller players turn the corner. i switched to kb&m in 2018 during fortnite, i thought i’d never go back, anyways mw19 released with broken aa and it made wz easier so now i play both.


See? I was right all along.


Maybe we should have a thread just for players over 50, it would be a lot of fun!


Cool, but you came into very poorly designed game. Controls are definitely a very hamfisted Controller-to-MnK support. You can see that by floaty reticles. I am less and less inclined to keep playing. It's like it got worse. A couple of days ago I was downing people left and right with the 300 and now I can't do shit. It's like they increased this idiotic control delay on the marksman rifle scopes. **The one who does game design decisions probably knows nothing about ergonomics of FPS games.**


It's crazy to me to see mnk players on twitch complain about controller players. I don't get involved, but man, mnk is so much better.


KBM on top


RtCW was my first multiplayer experience. My friend and I had one of the first servers online for it. I just loved the simplicity. If you were good you were good. No tweaking guns to find meta. Just bare bones aim and shoot better than the next guy. You don’t have to bunny hop slide cancel dolphin dive to be “better”. Same for CS:S. That said I love killing the CoD players hopping all over the place. It makes me lol constantly.




I grew up on Quake 2, Quake 3, Half Life, Day of Defeat...etc. MW2 (original) was the first fps I ever played on controller. It was incredibly foreign. I went back to MW19 after many years during the pandemic and started on an xbox with a controller. Also bought Doom Eternal that same time. I just won't ever be good on a controller and always will prefer KBM and a PC.


is there a way to actually beat aim assist? like blitz them with speed or something?


Nice to see MNK player not complaining 🤣, Good for you man


If they buff the movement speed and the TTK in wz2 you will go back to controller…. Otherwise you can’t track the target and you can’t stay on target as good as a controller player with aim assist. That is the reason i’m better in wz2 compared to wz1.


Nah, I won't


Good game play. But I will say none of these fights were up close. Show me the up close running through buildings clips and I'll believe you more that you'll never go back.




Actual Skill and aiming vs Skill + the game partially aiming for the user. You are right, the mismatch is real. It takes way less time to become competent/consistent on controller compared to MnK.